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n.名词 v.动词 vt.及物动词 vi.不及物动词 adj.形容词

adv.副词 prep.介词 pron.代词 conj.连词


like / love / enjoy / be interested in / be crazy about (痴迷于)/ have fun / have a good time +doing sth.

动词+doing 的还有

Go doing sth. / finish doing sth./Be good at doing sth./ do well in doing sth.

How/what about doing sth./practise doing sth.


read vt.看读物(read books/newspaper/magazines/a map等)

look vi. 瞧常用短语look at/ for/around/after/out/over/up

see vt.看见,强调结果 I can see you.

watch vt.带有欣赏性的观看watch TV/ a film / a football game


Put on 强调“穿上”的动作eg. He ____a coat and goes for a walk.

Wear 强调“穿着”的状态;进行时态表示暂时的情况eg. She is wearing a new skirt now. / wear glasses Dress (1) dress sb. (2) dress oneself (3) dress up as (4) get dressed

In (穿戴)后接颜色(或衣服),表示状态 look!Lucy is_____a red skirt and a pair of pink shoes. On 后接人指衣服穿在某人身上看出区别来。The red coat looks nice on you.


Spend:sb.(人) + spend + 时间/金钱 + on sth.

sb.(人) + spend + 时间/金钱+(in) doing sth.

pay:sb.(人) +pay + 金钱+for sth.

cost:sth.(物) + cost + sb.+金钱

Doing sth.costs + sb.+时间

take:it takes sb. +时间+ to do sth.


Home / there /here 前不加任何的介词 welcome home / come here / go there


Make sb. do sth./ have sb. do sth. / let sb.do sth.


(1)Nice to meet you . (2) Glad to meet you . (3) How are you ? (4) How are you doing ?

(5)How is it going ? (6)How is everything going? (7) What’s up?

8、基数词+year(s)+old 表示“…岁”提问用“how old”名词性短语

数词-year-old 也表示年龄,但其为形容词性短语“前有冠词后有名(词)”

Eg. Helen is 11 years old = Helen is an 11-year-old girl.

9、Let’s 与let us 的区别

Let’s do sth. 指包括听者(对方)和说者(我们)都在内,表示建议

Let us do sth.指“让(允许)我们做某事”而听者(对方)不做,只有“我们”做

10、play+the+乐器类名词e.g. Play the piano

Play + 球类运动 play+ football / play cards / play chess

11、She comes from Shanghai= She is from Shanghai . 注:如何提问Shanghai 及如何改一般疑问句

12、be good at =do well in = be clever at = study sth. well

Be good at (反) be bad at do well in (反) be poor in


(1)”在…正上方” There is a bridge over the river.

(2)”越过” A plane fl ies over the house

(3)”超过” There are over 20 boys in this class.

(4)”结束” Class is over! / Game is over.

14、every one 与everyone 辨析

区别(1)Every one 可以与of 连用,而everyone 却不能与of连用

Eg.every one of the children likes playing the computer games.

(2) everyone 只指人=everybody而every one 既指人又可指物


15、family 的用法:“家庭”作为整体谓语动词用“单数”He has a big family.

“家人”强调成员,是复数含义,谓语动词用“原形” My family are at home.


16、all/ both/ each/every/neither/ either 的用法

all (1)三者或三者以上“全部、都”(2)all + the + 名词(all the afternoon = the whole afternoon)(3)all 放在行为动词前,名词前;be 动词后 (4) all of +宾格/名词复数

Both(1)两者都(2)后可跟of +宾格/名词复数Both sides of the street are grown trees.

Each 指两个或两个以上“每一个”个体Each side of the street is grown trees.

Every 指许多人或事物的“全体”后接名词单数 Every student is here . 所有人都在。

Neither指两者都不 neither of you will go to the party.

Either 指两者中任意一人意为“要么.要么” Either you or your brother will go to the party.

17、Walk 的用法

(1)作为及物动词;意为“遛(动物);陪着某人走”walk the dog = take the dog for a walk

(2)作为不及物动词;意为“走、步行”walk to school =go to school on foot

(3)作为名词;意为“步行、走”take a walk after supper =go walking after supper

(4)walking作为动名词常做主语 Walking is good for you.

18、含有o 结尾的名词变成复数加es的有:



look(看起来) sound(听起来)smell(闻起来)taste(尝起来)feel(摸起来)后加形容词

20、make的两种用法:(1) make + sb. + adj. eg. Make me happy (2) make sb.+do sth.

21、hope 的用法

(1)不及物动词 hope to do sth. I hope to hear from you soon.

(2) 后加that从句 I hope you can finish your work soon.

注意:无hope sb.to do sth. 用法;只有wish sb. to do sth.


Week 周;指from Monday to Sunday weekday 工作日;指from Monday to Friday

Weekend 周末;指 Saturday and Sunday (at /on weekends)

23、else 与 enough 的用法

else 放在不定代词、疑问代词后面如:what else / anyone else

enough形容词放在enough 前面;名词放在enough后面,简称“形前名后” lucky enough ;enough time


One“同类不同一”只可代指可数名词单数I don’t like the yellow bike , show me a red one.

Ones 是one 的复数;Would you like a toy? Yes, I’d like new ones = I’d like new toys.

It 代指“同一物品”I have a car. It is red.

25、What’s the date today ? what day is it today? What’s the time ?=what time is it?

26、in front of 与in the front of 区别

In front of 在个体外部的前面(反)behind in the front of 在物体内部的前面(反) at the back of

27、help 的用法(1) help sb. (to) do sth. (2)help sb. with sth.

28、say hello to sb. / say sorry to sb./ say goodbye to sb./ say thanks to sb.

29、open 的用法
