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Ⅰ. 单项填空(共35小题,计分35分)

A )观察所给单词的读音,从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。


A. gave

B. save

C. hat



( ) 1. question A.attention B. expression C. suggestion D.dictation ( ) 2. honest A. homeland B. happy C. husband D.honor

( ) 3. research A. tear B. early C. near D.disappear ( ) 4. excited A. allowed B.worried C. worked D.ashamed ( ) 5. worry A.operate B.worth C. brother D. thought

B )从A、B、C、D中找出句中划线单词或词组的意义。

例:We had enough time to do the work.

A. 很短的

B. 一半的

C. 很长的

D. 足够的


( ) 6. The company made an attempt to cut its costs.

A. 攻击

B. 尝试

C. 关注

D. 措施

( ) 7. The bank has many branches in this district.

A. 分支机构

B. 支流

C. 派系

D. 树枝

( ) 8. You will have to get used to his direct manner.

A. 不弯曲的

B. 笨拙的

C. 漫不经心的


( ) 9. What brought about the change in his attitude?

A. 引起

B. 发生

C. 影响

D. 形成

( ) 10. Lei feng never thought about himself and servec heart and soul all through his life.

A. 身心


C. 全力以赴


( ) 11. The students were all in high spirit at the party the whole night.

A. 心情激动

B. 精神奕奕

C. 兴高彩烈

D. 气氛浓厚

( ) 12. As the saying goes, we should do as the Romans do when in Rome.

A. 变成

B. 离去

C. 流传

D. 经历

( ) 13. The flood carried away everything and they became homeless children.

A. 小家子气的

B. 家庭的

C. 无家可归的

D. 出家的

( ) 14. They often kill time by playing cards and chess on Sundays.

A. 玩卡片

B. 捉迷藏

C. 荡秋千

D. 打扑克

( ) 15. The lecture given by a professor from Wuhan University drew a huge audience.

A. 画画

B. 抽出

C. 牵动

D. 吸引

C )从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白的正确答案。

例:It ________ me a long time to finish my homework last week.

A. take

B. took

C. has taken

D. had taken


( ) 16. -Judging from _________ number of bikes, there are not many people in the party.

- I think so. People would rather stay at home in such ________ weather.

A. the, a

B. a, \

C. the, \

D. a, a

( ) 17. Of the three foreign guests, one is from sydney and _________ two are from London.

A. other

B. the other

C. some

D. any

( ) 18. Neither _________ nor _________ liked the idea of going to Africa in summer.

A. she, I

B. him, me

C. I , him

D.she, me

( ) 19. China has more people than _________ country in the world.

A. other

B. any others

C. another

D. any other ( ) 20. This postcard is sent by _________ .

A. a friend of my brother

B. a friend of my brother’s

C. my brother friend

D. my brother friend’s

( ) 21. After hiking for two hours, we were glad to take ________ rest.

A. a few minute’s

B. a few minutes’

C. few minutes’s

D. few minutes’

( ) 22. My sister’s coming back on the deep night of a rainy day gave us _________ .

A. great surprise

B. a great surprise

C. great surprises

D. the great surprise

( ) 23. There are some monkeys_________an apple tree_________which there are many apples.

A. on, on

B. in, on

C. at, on

D. on, in

( ) 24. They stayed at home _________ the heavy rain during the holiday.

A. because

B. since

C. because of

D. as

( ) 25. It was ________ that we all moved to tears.

A. such a touching film

B. so touching film

C. such touching film

D. so a touching film

( ) 26. The key ________ the classromm is ________ the teacher’s desk.

A. to, of

B. of, in

C. to, on

D. of, on

( ) 27. If had to choose between the two, I would say Sally was _________ choice.

A. good

B. better

C. the better

D. the best ( ) 28. She works ________, but he ________works.

A. hard, hard

B. hardly, hardly

C. hard, hardly

D. hardly, hard ( ) 29. There won’t be any concert this Satur day afternoon, _________ ?

A. will there not

B. is there

C. will there

D. will it ( ) 30. - Did Mary come here and visit ?

- She ________ twice since March 2006.

A. visited here

B. was visitind here

C. has visited

D. visits

( ) 31. You won’t succeed _________ harder.

A. if you won’t work

B. unless you don’t work
