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2017-12-31 1 / 4

you will have a great time. you will be late.

If they have it today, half the class won 'come

If we ask people to bring food, they will just bring potato chips and chocolate. 以上几个句子中“ if ”有相同的含义“如果”,引导条件状语从句逗号后面的 句子是主句。整个连起来的大句子叫主从复合句。


总结:If 引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。


练习:(1) If you _______ (come)here, you ____________ (be) happy.

(2) If it _______ (ra in) tomorrow, we ____________ (not, go) to the park.

(3) If he ________ (come) here, I ___________ (call) you.

(4) If it _________ (n ot rai n), we _________ (have) a pic nic 野餐).

(5) If we do that, more people ________ (want) to play the games.

(6) If they ______ that , the games _________ (be) more excit ing, too.

(7) What _____ happe n if they ______ (have) the party today?

(8) What ______ happe n if they ______ a video at the party?

(9) If he _____ (take) a taxi, it ________ (be) too expensive.

(10) If I _______ (go) to the movies, I ____________ (fini sh) my homework.

条件状语从句的引导词还有“ unless 除非(否则),如果不”

You won't pass the exam uni ess you study hard.

、观察下面的句子 you do,

you will be sorry. you go to the party,

you do ,

Un less you deal with(处理)your problems, you will be un happy.




What are you going to be whe n you grow up?

What is he going to be whe n he grows up?




Y ( 2)主句是祈使句

<-(3) 主句含有情态动词can、may、must/have to




(1) D on't go and play football if your homework ____________ (not fini sh).

(2) lf it __________ (not rai n) tomorrow, we _____________ (go)to climb the hill.

(3) He wo n't leave until you _______________ (agree)with him.

(4) You can cross the road whe n the lights _______ (tur n) gree n.

(5) I ____________ (call)you as soon as he _____________ (tell) me about the good n ews.

(6) The stude nts will go to Summer Palace if it ________ tomorrow.

2 / 4

A. don't rain

B.w on't rain

C. does n't rain

D. is n't rain 3 / 4

四、if 翻译成“是否”,引导宾语从句, 时态是:一般将来时。 例如: I don 'know if he will come tomorrow.

, , ■ _ _ J - I - 4-1 _ ■ -I".™ * - "I" -I".- ■- ■ .1 "1 ■ "J" ■.


He asks me if I will be free .


They want to know if they will have a party next week.


注意把if 的两个意思放在一道题中考试。 (主将从现宾将)

Mary wants to know if Tom will come If he comes I will call Mary. 练习:

1」don't know if it ____ t omorrow. If it ____ , we'll go out for a pic nic.

A. will rain; does n't rai n

B. will rain; rai ns

C. rai ns ; will rai n

2. ---Does Ted tell you if he ___ next Sun day?

---No, he does n't. But if he __ . I 'll give you a ring.

A. will come; will come

B. comes; will come

C. comes ; comes

D. will come; comes

3. ---1 won der if it __ tomorrow.

---Don't worry.

If it ____ , we'll stay at home.

A. rains; rains

B. will rai n; rains

C. rains; will rain 五、含有时间状语从句的主从复合句,常考时态有两种可能:

常考的引导词 when 、 as soon as 一 )、

not ——

until--(直至U --- 才---) 主句 从句
