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People once went hungry. A rich man who made bread and cakes sent for twenty of the __1__ children in the town, and told them to take a loaf(条)of bread from a __2__ every day till the hard days passed.

The hunger children came together __3__, and argued for the bread, because each wished to have the largest one. Finally they went away without even thanking the good gentleman.

But Gretchen, a poorly­dressed little girl, did not argue or __4__ with the rest, but remained standing quietly far away from them. __5__ the bad­mannered girls left, she took the smallest bread, which alone was left in the basket, kissed the gentleman's hand, and went home.

The next day the children were as bad­mannered as before, and poor, shy Gretchen __6__ a loaf hardly the size of the one she got the first day. When she came home, her mother cut the loaf open. Many new shining pieces of __7__ fell out of it.

Her mother was very surprised and worried, and said, “Take the money back to the good gentleman at once, for it must have got into the dough(生面团) __8__ mistake. Be quick, Gretchen! Be quick!”

But when the little girl gave the rich man her mother's __9__, he said, “No, no, my child, it was no mistake. I had the silver pieces put into the smallest loaf to give you. Always be as satisfied, quiet, and __10__ as you now are. Go home now, and tell your mother that the money is your own. ”

1. A. kindest B. smartest C. poorest D. thinnest

2. A. bowl B. basket C. kitchen D. fridge

3. A. luckily B. proudly C. silently D. excitedly

4. A. fight B. play C. talk D. jump

5. A. If B. When C. Because D. Unless

6. A. brought B. tasted C. received D. noticed

7. A. silver B. bread C. gold D. glass

8. A. in B. on C. with D. by

9. A. thanks B. message C. wallet D. praise

10. A. thankful B. friendly C. lively D. lovely




John is 14 years old. He is a student ___ Grade Eight. He was a very active and happy boy two years ago. But___ changed after he started to play computer games. He plays basketball or football with his friends any more. He stays up late at night. And when he sits in the classroom, he can’t listen to the teachers . He in class. And he

spends time in studying. So he gets bad marks in tests. But he

is after school is over. He stays in the net bar until it is closed. Ah, he loses himself in(沉迷于)computer games. His parents can do nothing to him. Every morning in the school, when we see that he is so tired after a “busy working”, we really feel_____ about him .

【小题1】A.with B.of C.at D.to

【小题2】A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing

【小题3】A.always B.often C.never D.usually

【小题4】A.enough careful B.careful enough C.enough carefully

D.carefully enough

【小题5】A.studies B.sleeps C.eats D.sings

【小题6】A.more and more B.fewer and fewer C.less and less D.much and much

【小题7】A.tired B.same C.different D.outgoing

【小题8】A.stop B.get C.beat D.win

【小题9】A.night B.day C.night’s D.day’s

【小题10】A.happy B.excited C.relaxed D.worried
