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A . unless
B . since
C. although
D . when
39 ____has been announced,we shall have our final exams next month .
A . That B. As C. It
D. What
40 ___made the school proud was ___more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key
A . It B. As C.That D .What 23 I work in a business ____almost everyone is waiting for a great chance .
A . how
B .which
C. where
D. that
24 I think Father would like to know ___ I ’ ve been up to so f,arSO I decide to send him a quick note .
today. A . that
B. when
C. what
D. how
32 I can think of many cases ___students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but
couldn ’ t write a gdooessay. A . why B. which C. as D . where
A. whenever
B. until
C. while
D. wherever
10 The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80%____are sold abroad.
A. of which
B. which of
C. of them
A . why
B. where
C . what
D. how
17 There were dirty marks on her trousers ____she had wiped her hands .
A . where
B . which
C. when
D. that
18 A modem city has been set up in ____was a wasteland ten years ago.
D. of that
11 Anyway, that evening, ____I ’ll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel ’pslace.
A. when
B. where
C. what
D. which
12 ___ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.
01 There are altogether eleven books on the shelf , ___five are mine .
A . on which
B . in which
C. of which
D . from which
02 The road is covered with snow . I can ’ t understan_d___they insist on going by motorbike . A . why B. whether C. when D .how/a
03 You can eat food free in my restaurant ____you like .
A . whenever
B . wherever
C . Whatever
D. however
04 I have always been honest and straight forward, and it doesn ’ t m_a_tt_e_r I ’mtalking to .
A . which
B . that
C. what
28 York , _____last year, is a nice old city .
D. whether
A . that I visited B .which I visited C. where I visited D . in which I visited
15 Roses need special care ___they can live through winter .
A . because
B. so that
C. even if
D. as
16 You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ____I disagree.
A . when taking
B. when taken
C. when to take D. when to be taken
31 It is pretty well understood ____controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere
D. It is
20 George Orwell , ___was Eric Arthur , wrote many political novels and essays .
A . the real name B . what his real name C. his real name D. whose real name
D .that
26 A fast food restaurant is the place _____ ,just the name suggests,eating is performed quickly .
A . which
B . where
C. there
D .what
27 Along with the letter was his promise ____he would visit me this coming Christmas .
A . what
B . which
C. that
D . where
19 The Foreign Ministry said , “____our hope that the two sides will work towards peace. ”
A . This is
B. There is
C.That is
29 Come and see me whenever _____. A . you are convenient B. you will be convenient
C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you
30 Generally speaking , ______according to directions ,the drug has fie side-effect .
33 --Dad . I ’ ve finished my assignme.nt
--Good .and ____you play or watch TV ,you mustn ’ t disturb m.e
A . whenever
B .whether
C. whatever
D .no matter
34 There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars ___road conditions need ___ .
A. the way
B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which
09 We were told that we should follow the main road ____we reached the central railway station.
B. how
C. such
D .so
06 There are two buildings; ____stands nearly a hundred feet high .
A . the larger B. the larger of them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which
A . who is it
B. who it is
C. it is who
D . it is whom
05 Parents are taught to understand ____important education is to their children
. ’ s future
A . that
A . which
B . why
C . what
D .how
25 The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ____I thought was a dangerous speed .
A . as
B .which
C. what
21 We can ’ t figure ou_t__quite a number of insects, birds ,and animals are dying out .
A . that
B. as
C . why
D . when
22 ____is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.
A . which
B. that
C. whose
D. when
37 People have heard what the President has said; they are waiting to see ___he will do .
A . how
B .what
C. when
D .that
38 Mr. Hall understands that ____math has always been easy for him , it is not easy for the students .
C. from which
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
D. for which
14 The English play ___ my students acted at the New Year
’ s party was a gr.eat success
A . for which
B. at which
C. in which
D .on which
A . what makes me feel excited B . whatever I feel excited about
C. how I feel about it
D. when I feel excited
36 We are living in an age ____many things are done on computer.
A. Which
B. When
C. What
D. As
13 The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, ____the sailing time was 226 days.
A. of which
B. during which
A . that/ to be improved B. which/ to be improved C. where/ improving D. when/ improving
35 -- Are you still thinking about yesterday
’ s--Ogahm,e?that ’__s__.
07 You should try to get a good night s sleep ___’_much work you have to do .
A. however
B. no matter
C. although
D. whatever
08 What surprised me was not what he said but ___he said it.