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各种应用文出现在三级考试中的频率: 投诉信2,询问信1,商务信函2,邀请信1,申请信和回复2,共8次;海报启事(征稿启事)3次;备忘录3次;通知1次;广告1次;电子邮件1次。其中信函出现频率最高,海报启事和备忘录次之。


一.求职信(Letter of Application)



1. 说明写信目的和缘由:I learned from….that…. (我从…得知…);I am writing to inquire opportunities for… (我写此信想要申请…这一工作); The position that your company advertised aroused my interest a great deal. (你公司在广告中所招聘职位让我很感兴趣。) I would like to apply for the position of …in your company. (我想申请你公司的…一职。) I am now interested in moving to another more demanding position.(我现在想从事一个更有挑战性的工作。)

2. 强调与求职岗位相关的教育背景、工作经历与资历:I graduated from …with degree in…/with … as my major (我毕业于…获得…学位/专业是…。) After graduation, I was involved in… (毕业后,我从事…。)I have been working as …for …years.(我从事…工作已…年。)I am skilled in/ good at…(我擅长…) I had good performance in every course, especially in…(我每门课成绩都很好,特别是…。)

3. 阐述职业目标:I trust that I am capable of doing the work well. (我相信我能干好这个工作。)

I believe that I am well qualified for the position as…(我相信我定能胜任作为…的工作。)

4. 请求面试机会:I enclose my resume which shows details of my qualification, experience and present salaries. (我随信附上我的个人简历,其中详细说明了我的个人能力、工作经验和现在的薪酬。) I expect an interview at your convenience. (我期待着您方便时给我面试机会。) I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. (我希望不久后收到您的回复。)



May 2nd, 2009 The Human Resources Department of ABC Company

Dear Sir or Madam,

The position that your company advertised aroused my interest a great deal. I believe that I am well qualified for the position as the secretary of the general manager.

I graduated from Beijing Union University two years ago with Business Administration as my major. I had good performance in every course, especially in shorthand and typing with 90 wpm and 70 wpm respectively.

As a 24-year-old young girl, I am now interested in working in a reputable company such as ABC. I enclosed with my resume for your review and appreciate an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your attention.

Yours Respectfully

Wang Manli

2.要求:请给西姆森公司人事部主任(Personnel Director of Simson Company)(上海玲珑路120号,邮编:200040)写一封求职信。写信日期为2009年六月二十日。内容:要应聘贵单位刊登在昨天的中国日报上的招聘职位。我生于1987年,在北京联合大学获得理学学士学位(diploma of science),从事电力工程(electrical engineering)工作三年,我相信我能够胜任贵单位的工作。随信寄上个人简历,如满意,请寄来申请表,如需要面试,请通知我。期待着能够受到您的答复,感谢您考虑我的申请。

Personnel Director of Simson Company

120 LingLong Road

Shanghai 200040

Dear Sir or madam,

I would like to apply for the position advertised in yesterday’s China Daily.

I was born in 1987 and graduated from Beijing Union University with diploma of science in electrical engineering. I have been working as an electrical engineer for 3 years and I trust I am qualified to fill your position.

I am enclosed a resume of my life history. Please send an application forms that you want me to fill out and let me know if you want an interview.

I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration of my application.

Yours faithfully

Zhang Ming (三) 作业:请按要求写一封求职信。你是刘明,毕业于北京联合大学,获得理学学士学位。看到昨天《人才市场报》的招聘市场销售部经理助理的广告,你想申请这份工作。你有两年
