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Stuart didn't get good grades,but he was a good student. He was curious about many things. And his 1 subject was science. He often talked to his science teacher, Mr. Anderson 2 class.Stuart often played with his 3 too.Sometimes he played games and other times he chatted with his friends. But he usually used his phone to learn.He liked to 4 things on his phone.

Teachers didn't allow students to take phones in class. Everyone knew that 5 . And students usually followed it. But sometimes teachers could catch students told chatting or 6 games. Mr. Anderson usually told those students to put their phones 7 .

But then the school 8 a new rule. It said,If a student uses a phone, the teacher will take it away.

One day, Stuart was in 9 class. The day's class.was about the planets. Stuart , wanted to check a fact Stuart knew he shouldn't use his phone. But he 10 wanted to find an answer to his question. He took out his phone. Then Mr. Anderson turned around.

He saw Stuart use his phone so he took Stuart's phone away.

1.A.favorite B.special C.successful D.fantastic

2.A.in B.about C.after D.with

puter B.phone C.desk D.dictionary

4.A.look for B.look at C.look like D.look up

5.A rule B.way C.meal D.diary

6.A.having B.drawing C.playing D.joining

7.A.away B.out C.off D.up

8.A.decided B.grew C.made D.held

9.A.history B.geography C.science D.English

10.A.really B.nearly C.always D.maybe


Three kids are being praised for doing the right thing after they found a wallet filled with money and returned it to the owner.Jamie Carlto's son had 1 his wallet outside of his car in the driveway of their home earlier this month.At the time, the wallet had $700 in it.

Hayie Wenke. her broter Reagan, and their friend Ashley were 2 bikes to a Water park whenthey saw the small walle on the ground. Wanting to 3 the wlle they walked up to Carlton's house and rang the doorbell. The 4 told them about the wallet.

"We found your wallel outside of your car and we 5 thought we would give it back to you, Haylie said.“T'm going to put it over here, so 6 else willtake your money .

Haylie and her friends didn't think very much of their 7 act,telling reporters: “We just thought it would be a good thing to do. We really didn't want the 8 because it wasn't ours.So we just decided to give it back.

Carlton,however, was so touched by the kids'act; he wrote the 9 and sent it online and praised them for their honesty.

“If this doesn't renew 10 at least refresh your trust in humans, you need help,”wrote Carlton.“These kids are amazing... Their parents should be so proud of them.

1.A.put B.dropped C.threw D.brought

2.A.riding B.driving C.buying D.making

3.A.open B.turn C.return D.offer

4.A.adults B.children C.men D.women

5.A.already B.even C.still D.just

6.A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody

7.A.small B.big C.good D.bad

8.A.paper B.money C.food D.gold

9.A.story B.matter C.accident D.picture

10.A.and B.but C.so D.or



Louis became a hero police dog after he saved a woman's life. Unluckily, he died in his owner's arms after that.

PC Steve Henry is a police officer at Northumbria Police. He has worked there for 20 years. And he looked after Louis for over ten years. Louis was taken for a final walk before he died in the arms of his best friend and owner PC Steve Henry. The13-year-old dog served for Northumbria Police for over 10years before he retired three years ago and went to live with Henry. During his career, Louis caught hundreds of thieves, and saved nearly forty missing people.

Steve said Louis had saved his life several times.Louis was one of Steve's family members. Steve has young children and Louis was happy to play with these children. Steve got the dog when he was just eight weeks old and spent much time with him. He would spend all day with him and then when he was at home,or on his rest days, he would be taking him out for walks and Louis would be part of the family .

"It is really sad that he won't be with us anymore but it was his time. He had a great life and I am proud of him," said Steve.

1.Louis had lived with PC Steve Henry for over ten years.

2.Louis caught nearly forty thieves when he was alive.

3.Steve had saved Louis' life several times.

4.Steve's children got on well with Louis.

5.Steven kept Louis when the do gwas only eight weeks old.


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