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13. When does the conversation take place? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon . C. In the evening.
14. How much sleep did the man get last night? A. An hour . B . Two hours. C. Three hours.
11. What does the man want to do ? A. Have a picnic. B. Stay home. C. Walk by the lake. W: I think the lake is a wonderful place for a picnic. M: But it's too far away. I'd rather stay home than go that far.
10. Where will the speakers go? A. To a birthday party. B. To a family get-together. C. To a graduation ceremony.
W: Are you ready to go? We'll be late for graduation. M: I'm waiting for my family. They should've been here half an hour ago. Is your family coming? W: No, they can't make it.
die young 夭折,早死
Task2:Warming-up (听句子填空 )
1.He is waiting for the__b_u_s___. He is waiting for the _b_o_s_s_. 2.How beautiful the _s_u_n__ is! How beautiful the _s_o_n_g__ is! 3.My __a_u_n_t___asks when the car is coming up. 4.A heart disease has been __u_p_se_t_ti_n_g___ Mark. 5.Susie’s mother put a bunch of banana in the_b_a_s_k_et. 6.Tom__b_o_u_gh_t_ a pair of shorts in the __s_h_o_p__. 7. __B_re_a_k_fa_s_t_is served until 9:00a.m.
Task 3:Let’s see who does them well,say them wonderfully.比一比,看谁做得好,说得漂亮!
8. W hen will the speaks meet? A. After the test. B. Today after school. C. On Friday after class. M: Do you want to get together and study for the test? W: Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Let's meet on Friday
after class. 9. Who will have a party this weekend? A. The woman’s roommate. B. The man’s friend. C. The woman. W: Have you got any plans this weekend? M: I've been invited over to a friends house for dinner . What about you? W: My roommate's having a party.
15. What does the woman advise the man to do? A Keep working hard. B Quit his job. C. Look after himself.
16. How does the woman feel about the man?
A. Bored. B. Worried.
Task1 Brainstorm(比一比,谁的词汇多)
heart disease 心脏病
barbecues 烧烤
probably 很可能,大概
Байду номын сангаас
extremely 非常,极端
temperatures 气温
graduation ceremony 毕业典礼 uncomfortable 不舒服的
12. What does the woman mean? A. The man should quit his job. B. It's unfair to the man. C The man is telling a joke.
W: Wow! What happened to you? You look sad. M: I just lost my job. My boss just told me. W: You must be joking. You've worked there for years!
would rather…than… 宁愿…不愿… avoid 避免
clear up 放晴,清理
unfair 不公平的
air conditioners 空调
help out with 帮助解决难题 sun cream 防晒霜
expected 预期的
awful 可怕的,极坏的,糟糕的
C. Curious.
W: Hey, what happened to you? You look awful! M: Well. I’ve had a lot of work to do recently. I only got two hours of sleep last night, and none at all the night before that. I don't feel too good right now. W: That sounds terrible. You need to think about your health a bit more. Why don't you have some breakfast and then sleep for a while? M: Well, now that the sun is up, I feel more awake. I'm afraid if I sleep now, I won't wake up. W: But if you don't feel well, you won't be able to do your work. You should at least get an hour or two of sleep. I can call you to wake you up, if you want. M: OK, maybe that's a good idea. Actually, I fell asleep while working last night. W: I can't believe what you're doing to yourself. You're going to die young if you keep this up for much longer…