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She's writing a letter.



Hello. This is my new camera. Ilike taking pictures.

This is my mother. She's watch TV.

This is my father. He's reading a book.

This is my grandma.She's writing a letter.

This is my grandpa..He's taking a picture.

生词:camera, read, write, letter,take pictures

句型:He/She is doing sth.


1. 能听、读、说camera, read, write,letter,take pictures,并了解其含义;


He/She is doing sth.





He/She is doing sth.

2.掌握以下单词:new, camera, read, write,letter,take pictures,




Step 1.Warm-up activities (5')

(1)Let ss say some English.

T: I know all of you are good English speakers, who wants to come to the front and say some English?(2)Do it! (学生按教师的指令做动作/学生按学生指令做动作)

T/S:Stand up!/Sit down!/watch TV/talk to a friend / play football / play basketball / cycling / swimming (教师和学生一起做)

(3)复习第一人称现在进行时态I'm doing ...

T: I'm swimming.(教师做动作并说句子同时问学生)What are you doing?

S:I'm .... (学生做动作并说句子)

Sing the song "I'm listening to music"

Step 2.presentation(10')


T: What can you do?

Ss: I can read. I can write. I can draw. I can sing a little song.

(2)出示单词卡read. Read, read,read a book.(利用升降调读,分排读,单个读,齐读)

I'm reading a book.(教师引导学生做读书动作并说句子)

一生做读书动作,师问指着该生问其他学生What is she doing ?(指板书教学)

引导学生回答She's reading a book.(出示句子卡片单个读,齐读)

(3) 同样教学单词write, 信letter. Write, write,write a letter.

Letter,letter,write a letter.

He's writing a letter.

(4)出示照相机教学camera, take pictures

T: What's this ?(出示照相机,引导学生回答It's a camera)

chant: Camera,camera, my new caera.(利用升降调读,分排读,单个读,齐读)

T: This is my new camera. It can take pictures.(按动相机快门,让学生理解take pictures.的意思) chant: Take, take, take pictures.(利用升降调读,分排读,单个读,齐读)

T: I like swimming. I like cycling. I like playing football. And I like taking pictures.(举例让学生理解I like taking pictures. 的意思并跟读)

T:I like taking pictures. Who likes taking pictures?

Ss: I like taking pictures.(做动作)

老师指正在做照相动作的学生问其他同学What is he doing ?并引导回答He's taking pictures. Step 3.Practice(10')

(1) 藏卡片游戏.(教师把一张卡片藏起来,找一个学生到前面找,其他学生拍手说该句子,如果找卡片的学生离卡片近,就大声读该句子,反之就小声读。)

(2) 猜谜游戏(找两个学生到前面,一个学生在小黑板后作动作,一个学生问What is she/he doing?其他学生用He/She 's doing sth.来猜)

Step 4.Learn the text (

(1) 听音,并考虑以下问题 1. Who are they?

2.What are they doing?



Step 5.Practice and consolidation

(1)教师拿一些家庭照片介绍:I like taking pictures.

Look! This is my mother. She's cycling.

This is my brother. He's having a party.

This is my son. He's playing with the toy panda.



Step 6. Summary


What is she doing? What is she doing?

She's reading a book. She's reading a book.

What is he doing? What is he doing?

He's writing a letter. He's writing a letter.

What is she doing? What is she doing?

She's watching TV. She's watching TV.
