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一、用am, is, are 填空

1. I _____ a boy. ______ you a boy? No, I _____ not.

2. The girl ____ Jack's sister.

3. The dog ______ tall and fat.

4. The man with big eyes _____ a teacher.

5. ___ your brother in the classroom?

6. Where ___ your mother? She ________ at home.

7. How ______ your father?

8. Mike and Liu Tao ____ at school.

9. Whose dress _____ this?

10. Whose socks _____ they?

11. That ____ my red skirt.

12. Who ____ I?

13. _____________ The jeans on the desk.

14. _________ Here a scarf for you.

15. Here ____ some sweaters for you.

16. The black gloves _____ for Su Yang.

17. This pair of gloves ____ for Yang Ling.

18. The two cups of milk ____ for me.

19. Some tea ____ in the glass.

20. Gao shan's shirt _____ over there.

21. My sister's name ____ Nancy.

22. This ____ not Wang Fang's pencil.

23. ____ David and Helen from England?

24. There ____ a girl in the room.

25. There ____ some apples on the tree.

26. ____ there any kites in the classroom?

27. ____ there any apple juice in the bottle?

28. There ______ some bread on the plate.

29. There ______ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park.

30. You, he and I _____ from China.


I _______ him ________ this ___________ her ______

watch ______ child ______ photo _______ diary _____

day _______ foot _______ book _______ dress _______

tooth ______ sheep ____ box _______ strawberry ____

thief ______ y o-yo _____ peach _____ sandwich _____

man _____ woman _____ paper _______ juice ________________ water _______ milk ______ rice _________ tea _________

三、Fill in the blank with “have,has”or “there is , there are

1. I _______ a good father and a good mother.

2. __________ a telescope on the desk.

3. He _______ a tape-recorder.

4. ___________ a basketball in the playground.

5. She ________ some dresses.

6. They _______ a nice garden.

7. What do you __________ ?

8. ___________ a reading-room in the building?

9. What does Mike _________ ?

10. ___________ any books in the bookcase?

11. My father ________ a story-book.

12. ____________ a story-book on the table.

13. _____________ any flowers in the vase?

14. How many students ___________ in the classroom?

15. My parents _________ some nice pictures.

16. __________ some maps on the wall.

17. ___________ a map of the world on the wall.

18. David _________ a telescope.

19. David ' s friends ___________ some tents.

20. ___________ many children on the hill.


1. ____ (He/I) is my father.

2. ____ (She/They) are Tom ' s grandparents.

3. ____ (We/I) am Jim ' s new friend.

4. _______________________ Look at that white dog. (They/It) is my brother ' s.

5. _____________ Where are (you/he from?

6. _________________________________ Do you like collecting stamps? Yes, (you/we) do.

7. ____ (He/I) am a student at Heyang Primary School.

8. ___ (You/They) are my brother ' s English teacher.


1. _____________________ D on ' t pass it to (他).

2. ____ (她) is watching a running race.

3. ________________________ Would you like to go with (我们).

4. ____________________ Do you want to join (我).
