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12._____ ____ sister’s__________, he had Under his _____ pressure to give up looking into the matter.(在他姐 在他姐 姐的压力下) 姐的压力下 13. Chinese acupuncture is becoming more _____ _____ _____(越来越被接 _____ and more accepted 越来越被接 受)by the westerners. try out 14. Many people decide to _____ ____the on drug ____the rare animal.(在…上试验 上试验) 在 上试验 put up with 15. I can’t _____ ____ ______(忍受 忍受)their 忍受 looking down up us.
35.you’re going to be late whether go by ____ _____.(乘渡船还是坐车 you ___ ___ferry or bus 乘渡船还是坐车 乘渡船还是坐车) 36.When students are in need of help, their first teachers are often the ____people that they ____ ____ turn to ____ _____.(首先求助于 首先求助于) 首先求助于 37.Those girls worked out every morning, aimed at losing weight (为了减肥 ___ ____ _____ ______ 为了减肥 为了减肥).
8. All mobile phone companies claim that prove to be safe their products ______ ____ _____ ___ (证明是安全的 证明是安全的) 证明是安全的 have ______ 9. The findings of research _____ been carried out 已经实施 _____ _____(已经实施 in the field. 已经实施) 10.His dream of building a Hope Project school _____ ______(实现 last. 实现)at come true 实现 11. ___ ____medicine that It’s the ______ ______has had such an amazing influence on people’s lives.(就 就 是这个药) 是这个药
have sprung up 5. Several towns _____ _______ ________ (拔地而起 拔地而起)since 2005 in the dry desert areas. 拔地而起 based on ______(建立在事实 6. Theories _____ _____ facts 建立在事实 基础上的) 基础上的 are relatively reasonable and practical. 7. The student decided to concentrate on ________ _____ improving English ______(把精力集中在英 ________ ________ study 把精力集中在英 语学习上). 语学习上
It was found 16.____ ___ ______(人们发现 人们发现)that the biggest 人们发现 weighed 20 tons 重 吨 stones _____ ____ _____(重20吨) and came from a place not very far. 17.The advertisements often use words that _____ are associated with 与…有关 _____ ______ _______(与 有关 有关)happiness. is 18.The money you earned last month ____ equal to ______(与…相同 ____ ____ that 相同)spent on the 与 相同 trip.
Keep these points in _______(牢记这 25._____ ____ _____ _____mind 牢记这 几点)when you write a dialogue. 几点 As a general rule 26._____ ___ ____ ____(一般情况下) ,the are ___ ____ ____( students ___ not allowed to 不允许)chat on the Internet. 27.He was _____ ______the school hours in ___ happy with Britain because school starts around 9:30a.m.(对…满意 满意) 对 满意 took in all sorts of ___the 28.his lecture ____ ___ ___ ____ recent development of the Internet. (吸收 各类)
has pointed out 正 22. As ____one scientist____ ____ _____(正 所指出), 如…所指出 it is hard for human beings 所指出 to bring some nature disasters under control. 23. The drug is likely to have been tried ___ ___ ____ ___ _____ ____ out on ______ _____(有可能在 上试验 有可能在…上试验 有可能在 上试验)dogs. is superior 24. This brand of computer____ ____ in quality____(在质量上比 优越 any ___ ____ to 在质量上比 优越) 在质量上比…优越 others, so it is well received.
38. Be careful when driving. Keep it in ___ ____ ____ mind 记住 _____(记住 记住)that every small careless mistake could lead to a traffic accident. at half price 39. He sold the vegetables _____ ____ ____ (以半价 ____ _____ _____(也不愿意 以半价), 也不愿意)them 以半价 rather than allow 也不愿意 to go bad. 40.You say the teacher might object. ____that case 如果那样的话)we’ll put 如果那样的话 In ____ _____, (如果那样的话 off the party.
29.I want to write something about people who are addicted to _____ ____ _____ ____ _____drugs(吸 吸 毒上瘾的人). 毒上瘾的人 30.We have to come up with ways of _____ _____ the construction of (加快 speeding up _____ _______ _____ 加快 高速路的建设速度)the highway. 高速路的建设速度 31.The books stored in the book shop be sold ____ ____ ____ _____ ___(按六 will ___ at a discount of 按六 五折出售)35 per cent. 五折出售
41.The head teacher demanded that 要 ______ _______(要 求)we should clean the blackboard before every class. 42.I have helped you as much___I___ ___ ___ ___ as can (尽我所能 Now it’s____ ____ ____(现在 尽我所能).___ ____ up to you 尽我所能 现在 就靠你了). 就靠你了 little probability of your 你 43.There is____ ______ _____ ______ (你 不大可能)going to you, if you application is 不大可能 turned down 拒绝). _____ ________(拒绝 拒绝
19. It was not___ ____nearly a month ____ ____ until that later _____he received the manager’s reply.(直到 才) 直到…才 直到 20. Hundreds of different types of came onto the market 上市 cars____ ____ _____ ______(上市 上市). 21. It will____ ____ ____ _____he is quite ____ be months before fit for the work.(要过几个月才 要过几个月才) 要过几个月才
模块7完成句子 模块 完成句子
1.The scientist _____ ________ _______ made an important __________ _____(作出了重要贡献 applied 作出了重要贡献) contribution to 作出了重要贡献 physics. nearly _____ _____ ______(将 近 2. It took _______ ten years before 将 10年才 he became successful. 年才) 年才 3.In our school, students _____ ___ ____ ____ have an access to (很方便借到 books. 很方便借到) 很方便借到 It’s up to you 4. ____ ____ ____ ______ (由你来决 由你来决 定)whether we will attend the lecture or not.
It is ____ ____ ____(很明显) 32.____obvious that (很明显) arise from carelessness traffic accidents_____ ______ ________(由粗心产生 由粗心产生). 由粗心产生 33.The discussion went on fபைடு நூலகம்r a long time before the dinner bell___ ____ it off choked _____(铃响了才结束 铃响了才结束). 铃响了才结束 In a sense 34. ____ ____ ____(从某种意义上讲 从某种意义上讲), 从某种意义上讲 has ____ up 连接 the Internet ____linked_____(连接 连接)all parts of the world with each other.