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I.Only whe n you have obta in ned sufficie nt data ____ come to a sound

con clusi on. A. can you B. you can C. would you D. you would

2. _____ that this regi on was so rich in n atural resources.

A. Little he knew

B. Little did he know

C. Little he did know

D. Little he had known

3.Never aga in ___________ political office after his 1928 defeat for the preside ncy.

A. Alfred E.Smith seriously sought

B. seriously Alfred E.Smith sought

C. when did Alfred E.Smith seriously seek

D. did Alfred

E.Smith seriously seek 4.Only in rece nt years __________ beg un to realize that wild dogs, kept with in boun ds, ofte n do more good tha n harm.

A. people have

B. since people have

C. have people

D. people who have 5.Not un til I shouted at the top of my voice _______ his head.

A. that he tur ned

B. did he tur n

C. he did n't tur n

D. he had tur ned

6. ____ received law degrees as today.

A. Never so wome n have

B. The wome n aren't ever

C. Wome n who have n ever

D. Never have so many wome n

7. Not only ______ about the food, he also refused to pay for it.

A. the customer compla ined

B. whe n the customer compla ined

C. did the customer complain

D. the customer did complain

8. ____ that they may eve ntually reduce the amount of labor n eeded on

con struct ion sites by 90 perce nt.

A. Such con structi on robots are clever

B. So clever the con structi on robots are

C. So

clever are the con structi on robots D. Such clever con structi on robots are

9. ____ do we go for pic nics.

A. Certai nly

B. Sometimes

C. Seldom

D. Once

10. Her an swer is not acceptable, and ____ .

A. neither am I

B. either is mine

C. neither is mine

D. mine is neither 11.So fast

_____ that it is difficult for us to imag ine its speed.

A. light travel

B. travels the light

C. do light travel

D. does light travel 12.Smith is a good stude nt and studies very hard, ________ .

A. so it is with Mary

B. so does Mary

C. so is Mary

D. n either does Mary

13. ____ a little more time to think, he might have acted more sensibly.

A. If he took

B. If he has taken

C. Had he taken

D. Should he take 14.Be neath our feet ______ that our life depe nds on for food and cloth ing.

A. the earth lay

B. the earth lies

C. lie the earth

D. lies the earth 15.Our eating habits have cha nged, _________ our way of life, and the fuel we n eed for our bodies is also differe nt.
