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Born of cold and winter air 生于寒冬

And mountain rain combining 山雨降临

This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融So out through the heart 剖开心房

Cold and clear 冰冷清澈

Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧See the beauty sharp and sheer 直至看到锋利的壮美Split the ice apart 切开冰块

And break the frozen heart Hup, ho 打破冰冻的心Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去

Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去

Beautiful Powerful 美丽而强大

Dangerous Cold 危险而冰冷

Ice has a magic Can't be controlled 冰之力,束不住Stronger than one 胜过一人

Stronger than ten 胜过十人

Stronger than a hundred men!胜过百人

Born of cold And winter air 生于寒冬

And mountain rain combining 山雨降临

This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融Cut through the heart 剖开心房

Cold and clear 冰冷清澈

Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧There's beauty and there's danger here 这里有花也有刺Split the ice apart 切开冰块

Beware the frozen heart 当心冰冷的心

Come on, Sven. 跟上,斯文

Elsa. Psst!爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎

Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!醒醒,醒醒!

Anna, go back to sleep. 安娜,睡觉去吧

I just can't. 睡不着

The sky is awake, so I'm awake. 天醒了,我也醒了

So, we have to play. 我们该去玩啦

Go play by yourself. 自己去玩吧

Do you want to build a snowman?想堆雪人吗?

Come on, come on 快点,快点!Come on!快点!

Do the magic!施魔法!Do the magic!施魔法!

- Ready?- Uh-huh. 准备好了?

This is amazing!太神奇了!

Watch this!看着!

Hi, I'm Olaf, 嗨,我是奥拉夫

and I like warm hugs. 我喜欢拥抱

I love you, Olaf!爱你,奥拉夫!

Olaf... 奥拉夫

好痒啊!Tickle bumps!

等着!Hang on!

接住我!Catch me!接住了!Gotcha!


慢点!- Whoo-hoo!- Slow down!


妈妈!爸爸!Mama!Papa!No, no... 别这样,别这样

You're okay, Anna. I got you. 你没事的,安娜,我在你身边

Elsa, what have you done?爱尔莎,你都做了什么?

This is getting out of hand. 事情闹大了

It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna!只是意外,对不起,安娜

Oh. She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go. - 她身上好冷- 我知道该上哪儿Ice?冰?

Faster, Sven. 快点,斯文!Sven!斯文

Please!Help!It's my daughter. 求您了,帮帮忙,是我女儿!

It's the king. 是国王

- Trolls?- Shush!石怪?

I'm trying to listen. 听不见啦

Cuties. I'm going to keep you. 小可爱,我要把你们留下

Your Majesty. 国王陛下

Born with the powers, or cursed?与生俱来的能力,还是受了诅咒?

Born. And they're getting stronger. 与生俱来的,魔力也在变强

Here, here. 过来,过来

You are lucky it wasn't her heart. 幸好不是击中心脏

The heart is not so easily changed. 心不太容易改变

But the head can be persuaded. 脑袋就容易多了

Do what you must. 该怎样做,您请便

I recommend we remove all magic. 我建议移除所有魔法

Even memories of magic, to be safe. 为安全起见,甚至关于魔法的记忆

But don't worry. I'll leave the fun. 别担心,我会把那些欢乐留下

She will be okay. 她会好起来的

But she won't remember I have powers?但她不记得我有魔力了?

It's for the best. 还是这样好

Listen to me, Elsa. Your power will only grow. 听着,爱尔莎,你的魔力只会增强There is beauty in it... 它很有魅力

But also great danger. 但也很危险

You must learn to control it. 你要学会控制它

Fear will be your enemy. 恐惧是你的敌人


We'll protect her. 我们会保护她

She can learn to control it. I'm sure. 她能学会控制,我确信

Until then... 从此往后

We'll look the gates. 我们会紧闭城门

We'll reduce the staff. 减少仆人

We will limit her contact with people, 限制她与别人来往

and keep her powers hidden from everyone. 把她的魔力隐藏起来
