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This is a picture. There are many things on it. This is a … He is a student. He wears a coat and a pair of trousers. His coat is … His shoes are small His trousers are … His shoes are … His hair is … His eyes are…
9.职业: teacher, student, doctor, lawyer(律师), nurse(护士), driver(司机),firefighter(消防员), engineer(工程师), worker, farmer, astronaut(宇航员), salesman(男销售员 saleswoman(女销售员), judge(法官), referee(裁判员), vet(兽医), dentist(牙医),cleaner(清洁工)
Fra Baidu bibliotek
3.物体形状:The book is thin… big/ small/ long/ short/ round(圆)/ square(正方形的),oblong(椭圆的) flat(扁的), thin(薄的),thick(厚的) 4.天气:It’s rainy(雨天)/ sunny(晴天)/ cloudy( 阴 天)/ windy(大风)/ snowy(下雪)/hot(天 热)/warm(天暖)/ cold(天冷) 5.季节:It’s spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter
二 .形容物 1.颜色:It is (They are)red, white, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, purple, light-blue, light-green, brown, black, grey.
2.有什么物体:There is a book… There are many books… This is a book… These are books… 水果:apple(s), pear(s), banana(s), orange(s), pineapple(s)(菠萝、凤梨), watermelon(s)(西 瓜), lemon(s)(柠檬), strawberry(ies)(草莓), tomato(es)(蕃茄)
He is very… He is very … His hair is …
There are many … Their leaves are… Their boughs are… There are many… The birds are… There is the sun. It …
How to introduce a picture?
Who is she?
一.形容人: 1.性别:This is a boy/ girl/ man/ woman. They are boys/ girls… 2.高矮:He/ She is tall/ short; They are tall/ short. 3.胖瘦:He/ She is fat/ thin. 4.长相:He is handsome. She is beautiful. He/ She is lovely/cute. She/He has two big/small eyes and a big/ small nose. She/ He has long/ short brown/ yellow/ black/ white hair. His/Her hair is curly(卷曲的)/ straight(直发的)/ very curly/ little curly
6.穿着:He wears a pair of trousers/ a pair of shoes / a pair of pants(短裤) /a coat/ a pair of glasses/ a watch/ a dress(裙子)/ a pair of socks(袜子)/T-shirt/
7.心情:He/ She is happy/ sad/ angry(生气 的)/ disappointed(失望的)/ excited(兴奋的)
8. 动 作 : He/ She is (They are )walking/ swimming/running, jumping( 跳 远 )/ riding a bike( 骑 车 )/ watching TV/ playing computer games/ reading a book/ visiting Uncle Booky/ going to the library/ eating breakfast, lunch, dinner/ playing football, basketball( 篮 球 ), volleyball(排球), badminton(羽毛球)/ talking to his friends( 和朋友谈话 )/ having class/drinking water, juice, milk.