


TibetOverviewTibetliesontheQinghai-TibetPlateauofthesouthwestborderofChina.Theaverageheightofthewholere gionismorethan4,000metersabovesealevel,forwhichTibetisknownas"Roofo ftheWorld".ThehighestpeakofTibet,alsothehighestinHimalayasandinthewh oleworld,isEverestPeak,whichisashighas8,846.27metersabovesealevel.Alth oughapartofChina,Tibethasauniquecultureofallthereown.Itismainlyinhabit edbyTibetans,aminoritynationalityofoldandmysteriouspeople.Touristattrac tionsincludethePotalaPalaceinLhasa,JokhangTemple,andanumberofBuddhi stsacredplaces.Tibet(XiZanginChinese)istothesouthofXinJiangUygurAutono mousRegionandQingHaiProvince,tothewestofSichuan,tothenorthwestofYu nnanandtothenorthofIndiaandNepal.Itspopulationof2.3millionpeoplecome fromavarietyofethnicgroupsincludingTibetan,Han,MonbaandLhota.Itscapit alcityisLhasa.NorthwestTibet,mainlyQingHaiplateau,ishometoavarietyofun usualanduniqueanimals.AcrossthenorthernexpanseofTibet,youcanseevast grasslandswherehorses,yakandsheeproamfreely.Theworld’slowestvalley,th eGrandYarlun-

tzanpoRiverValleyliesineastTibet.NearlyallTibetansfollowTibetanBuddhism ,knownasLamaism,withtheexceptionofapproximately2,000followersofIsla mand600ofCatholicism.TibetanBuddhismwasgreatlyinfluencedbyIndianBu ddhisminitsearlytime,butafteryearsofevolution,TibetanBuddhismhasdevel

opeditsowndistinctivequalitiesandpractices.Awell-knownexampleisthebeliefthatthereisaLivingBuddha,whoisthereincarnation ofthefirst,abeliefalientoChineseBuddhism.Itisfreezingcoldinmosttimeofthe year.MosttouristscometovisitTibetonlyinthewarmestseasons,June,July,Aug ustandearlySeptember.文章


Hello everybody ,People always say that if you love a girl,take her toTibet. Tibet is in the southwest of china。Its capital ['k?p?tl] city ['s?ti] is Lhasa. Tibet is to the south of Xin Jiang and Qing Hai Province['prɑ?v?ns] , to the west of Sichuan and to the northwest of Yunnan The average height of the whole region['rid??n] is more than 4,000 meters above[?'b?v] sea level, for which Tibet is known as "Roof of the World". Northwest Tibet, mainly Qing Hai plateau, is home to a variety of unusual and unique animals. Across the northern expanse of Tibet, you can see vast grasslands where horses, yak and sheep roam freely. the first stop on our trip is Yalu zangbu Grand Canyon,it is one of the deepest and longest canyons in the world. Because there are so many areas people never set foot in . it be called the last secret world . The second stop on our trip is potala palace,which is built by the king of Tibet .he built this place to marry princess Wencheng from tang dynasty.and let his descendants [d?'s?nd?nt] remember the event. Nowadays,potala palace regarded as the symble of Tibet by the people all over the world . The third stop on our trip is Lhasa .the capital city of


华山中英语导游词 篇一:8华山英文导游词 关于华山的中文解说词各位团友: 今天我们将游览被誉为“石作莲花云作台”的华山。华山又称太华山,位于西安城东120公里的华阴市以南。 华山古称西岳,是我国五岳之一,因山峰自然排列若花状,故得名华山。1992年12月会山被评为全国风景名胜40佳之一。即使没来有来过华山的朋友也会从一些有趣的神话和掌故了解到一些华山的情况,如“自古华山一条路”、“华岳仙掌”、“沉香劈山救母”、“华山论剑”,以及近代的智取华山等,这些美丽的神话传说和故事体现了自古以来人们对华山的向往和崇拜。 华南山北瞰黄河,南依秦岭,被称为“华山如立”,整个山体线条简洁,形如刀削、斧劈,奇峰突兀,巍峨壮丽。被誉为“天下奇险第一山”。说到奇,它是由一块巨的完整的花岗岩构成。古人云,“山无石不奇,无纯石不奇”,“华山削成而四方,其广十里,高五千仞,一石也”是谓之“奇”。华山共有五座主峰,其东、西、南三峰最高,三峰鼎峙耸立,“势飞向云外,影倒黄河里”,影天外三峰”之称。提到险,其凌空架设的“长空栈道”,悬岩镌刻的“全真岩”,三面临空,上凸下凹的“鹞子翻身”以及在峭壁悬岩上开凿的千尺童、百尺峡、老君犁沟、擦耳崖、苍龙岭等处都奇险异常。“自古华山一条路”。山道路仅有南北

一线,约10公里,逶迤曲折,艰险崎岖,不少地方真可谓是“一夫当关,万夫莫开”。 华山除了有壮丽的自然景观之外,同时又有丰富的历史文化积淀,人文景观比比皆是。仅山上山下及峪道沿途,题字、诗文、石刻就会使人流连忘返。 朋友们,我们现在来到的就是玉泉院,据说 因这里的泉水与山顶的玉井相通,水质清洌甘美,故名“玉泉院”。它是攀登华山的必经之地。相传为隐士陈抟所建。院内殿宇亭台、回廊曲折,泉水淙淙,是游赏胜地。玉泉院与我们一会将会见到的东道院、镇岳宫都是道教的活动场所,现共有殿宇53间。院建筑多是清代乾隆年间重新修建的。 各位朋友,我们现在位于五峰之一北峰脚下,距华山谷口约10公里,这里是华山山峪水流的源头。请家顺着我手指的方向看那些树,也许是许多人都会认识它,对,就是青柯树。这里青柯树在此浮苍点黛,故名“青柯坪”。 过青柯坪至回心石。登山的道路由此交从平坦的石板路变为在峭壁上开凿的狭窄的石梯,眼看山路盘旋而上,许多意志薄弱的游客来到这里都会回心转意望山兴叹无功而返。 朋友们,现在我们已到达了北峰。经过前面三关,我想家已经对华山的险有了一定的认识了吧。北峰双名云台峰,海拔1550米,这里山势峥嵘,三面悬绝,巍然独秀,有若云状,因恰似一座云台而得名。它的高度是最低的,却有着非常重要的地理位置,它扼守的四峰的要


沂蒙山英文导游词3篇 沂蒙山英文导游词3篇 1: 沂蒙山英文导游词 Yimeng is to branh of the Thai interpretation of mountains, refers to is the interpretation of the mountain, mengshan geographial area for geologial oordinates, not onl just old revolutionar base areas here is so simple, it is a relativel independent ulture at the same time, belong to here in the histor of ivilization, is an important part of the qingzhou haidai ulture. Yimeng is not onl a ultural onept, is also a tourism onept, imeng tourist area loated in the entral and southern shandong provine, ontains the interpretation of mountain seni area, ShanGui seni area, mengshan loud overed three seni area, the ore seni area of 148 square kilometers, is the orld s ultural heritage, orld famous Great Wall of qi seat longevit and health the hol land, no the national 5 a-lass tourist seni spot, national forest park, national geologial park, national ater onservan seni spot. Yimeng here is radle of ulture, the ton of mountain ulture, historial and ultural bakground, daenkou ulture, longshan ulture, YueShi ruins ulture and so on several dozens.


编号:上海的英文导游词 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 X X公司

导游词的宗旨是通过对旅游景观绘声绘色地讲解、指点、评说,帮助旅游者欣赏景观,以达到游览的最佳效果。下面是关于上海的英文导游词,分享给你们。谢谢支持。 上海玉佛寺英文导游词 Ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to visit a famous Buddhist temple---the Jade Buddha Temple. Before visiting the temple, I’d like to say a few words about the religious situation in Shanghai. Our constitution stipulates that every Chinese citizen is ensured the freedom of religious belief. There are four major religions in practice in Shanghai, namely, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity, which is sub-divided into the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church. When it comes to Buddhist temples in China, they are usually classified into three sects, i.e. temples for meditation, for preaching and for practicing Buddhist disciplines. The Jade Buddha Temple is a temple for meditation, and is well-known


西藏英文导游词 TibetOverviewTibetliesontheQinghai-TibetPlateauofthesouthwestborderofChina.Theaverageheightofthewholere gionismorethan4,000metersabovesealevel,forwhichTibetisknownas"Roofo ftheWorld".ThehighestpeakofTibet,alsothehighestinHimalayasandinthewh oleworld,isEverestPeak,whichisashighas8,846.27metersabovesealevel.Alth oughapartofChina,Tibethasauniquecultureofallthereown.Itismainlyinhabit edbyTibetans,aminoritynationalityofoldandmysteriouspeople.Touristattrac tionsincludethePotalaPalaceinLhasa,JokhangTemple,andanumberofBuddhi stsacredplaces.Tibet(XiZanginChinese)istothesouthofXinJiangUygurAutono mousRegionandQingHaiProvince,tothewestofSichuan,tothenorthwestofYu nnanandtothenorthofIndiaandNepal.Itspopulationof2.3millionpeoplecome fromavarietyofethnicgroupsincludingTibetan,Han,MonbaandLhota.Itscapit alcityisLhasa.NorthwestTibet,mainlyQingHaiplateau,ishometoavarietyofun usualanduniqueanimals.AcrossthenorthernexpanseofTibet,youcanseevast grasslandswherehorses,yakandsheeproamfreely.Theworld’slowestvalley,th eGrandYarlun- tzanpoRiverValleyliesineastTibet.NearlyallTibetansfollowTibetanBuddhism ,knownasLamaism,withtheexceptionofapproximately2,000followersofIsla mand600ofCatholicism.TibetanBuddhismwasgreatlyinfluencedbyIndianBu ddhisminitsearlytime,butafteryearsofevolution,TibetanBuddhismhasdevel


介绍华山的导游词1 各位游客,你们好!我是你们这次华山之旅的导游,顾诗吟。我将带你们一起去游览这美丽的华山风光。 我先给大家介绍一下华山吧。华山,是《自然文化遗产名录》里的一处胜景,还是国家AAAAA级景区哦! 我们现在到的地方是玉泉院,关于这里有一个故事。唐朝的金仙公主在山上镇岳宫玉井中洗头时,一不小心将玉簪子掉进了水中。回到玉泉院后,用泉水洗手时,发现了玉簪子,就知道这个玉泉眼与玉井相通。于是给这个泉取名为玉泉,玉泉院也因此得名。 这里就是华山最为有名的地方-长空栈道。你们脚踩的地方仅仅能容下一个脚掌。腰上的铁链可以保护你们,所以不要怕。各位上去吧。 走完长空栈道,就来到了沉香劈山处。这里也有一个传说。三圣母和一个凡间男子相爱并结了婚。由于犯了天条,她哥哥二郞神将三圣母压在了华山下。生了个孩子叫沉香。十年后沉香知道真相与二郞神大战,在众神的帮助下打败了二郞神,救出了母亲。 这儿,就是鹞子翻身,各位游客注意安全,在这儿休息一下吧! 华山的美丽风景太多了,今天看不完。明天再接着游览

吧。 介绍华山的导游词2 朋友们,大家好!欢迎大家来华山观光旅游!今天由我给大家做导游服务,我叫XXX,是XXX 旅行社的导游,大家叫我XX就可以了,希望我的导游和服务能让您满意,对您的积极配合我将不胜感谢,让我们一同愉快的度过华山之旅。 我们都是年轻人,在登山途中难免会因为照相、看景或者在道路的选择上有自己独特的想法,所以呢,在上山之前,有几个需要了解和注意的问题先给大家交待一下。第一,就是安全。华山以险闻名,但华山上的安全措施是非常有保障的,大家记住这么一句话:“走路不的看景,看景不走路”,不要脱离登山道,翻越护栏,不要到悬崖边等危险的地方去照像。这样安全是绝对没有问题的。第二,就是要遵守景区的管理规定,服从工作人员的劝导。进入景区不要吸烟、点火,不要乱刻乱画、随意攀折花木,要注意保护环境,不要随地抛扔垃圾;第三,就是要注意时间,按时到预定地点集合,以免误了您的行程。好了,请大家记住我的电话号码是XXX。接下来我给大家介绍一下华山的基本情况。 华山地处陕西省华阴市境内,北临渭水、黄河、东出潼关就是河南盛山西盛是一个鸡鸣三省之地,西有古都西安、东有古都洛阳,物华天宝。自古以来就是出帝王,出文人的“人杰地灵”之都。华山是秦岭山脉东部的一个支脉,早在


https://www.360docs.net/doc/004149904.html, 专业的公文写作平台 英文导游词开场白三篇 英文导游词开场白(一) Good morning everyone: It's so nice to meet you here ! Fisrt of all , please allow me to introduce my team to you .my name is jim carrey ,your local guide from china international travel service henan.while our driver is mr.wang. on behalf of the travel service ,welcome to Zhengzhou,welcome to henan!During your stay in Henan,we would do our best to make your trip pleasant ! And your cooperation would be appreciated ! If you have anything we can do for you ,please tell us,we would be very happy to help you .At last ,wish you a wonderful stay in Henan .thank you ! 英文导游词开场白(二) Hubei province is situated in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and to the north of Dongting Lake. It is surrounded by Henan Province to the north, Jiangxi and Hunan to the south, Anhui to the east, Sichuan to the west and Shaanxi to the northwest. Hubei covers an area of 180,000 square kilometers (about 69,500 square miles) with a large population of 60,280,000. Its capital, Wuhan, is located in the southeastern part of the province.


上海英文版导游词 上海英文版导游词 发布时间:2020-03-15 上海,简称“沪”或“申”,是中华人民共和国直辖市,国家中心城市,超大城市,中国的经济、交通、科技、工业、金融、贸易、会展和航运中心,首批沿海开放城市。接下来是小编为您整理的上海英文版导游词,希望对您有所帮助。 上海英文版导游词1Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Did you sleep last night? Great. Im sorry, the baggage was delayed last night. As the baggage car broke down, we had to ask for another one. By the way, have you opened your luggage? No wonder its sunny outside. Our tour guide often said, /the guests brought the suhine in the bag./. I thank you for that. Good well. I have announced the schedule for breakfast. Today we will go to the old city of the sea, that is, the location of the Yu Garden and the Yu Garden mall. Our car is driving in the Bund. Your left is the famous Huangpu river. Well be here later. In order to save time, I would like to talk about Chinese garde and Yu Garden before I get to Yu Garden. In China, garde are divided into three major categories: Royal Garde, private garde and temple garde. Yu Garden belongs to private garde. Chinese garde have many skills, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on. But they are all made up of four basic facto. These four facto are water, plants, buildings and rockery. Most of the private garde are in the south of the Yangtze River, just because there are many water sources and stones suitable for making rockery. Yu Garden is the Ming dynasty built more than 400 yea ago. The owner surnamed pan, is a senior official. He built this garden to please his parents and make them enjoy their old age. Therefore, the word /Yu/ of Yu Garden takes its meaning of /Yue Yue/. Its a pity that his parents could see Yu Garden fall and die. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the pan family was weak and its descendants sold the garden to the local guild. There is another reason why Yu Garden is famous. In 1853, a sword Club uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall was used as the headquarte. Today, Yu Garden is a must go place. So I suggest that there we must not become separated, the best you closely, okay? Here is the parking lot. If someone here, please remember the bus number three last number is 121. I think its best not to happen. I will be holding a small red flag, all of you will accompany Mr. Zhang dianhou. Are

西藏英文导游词 西藏艺术

In Tantric Buddhist iconography, the battle axe is held by ferocious deilies to symbolize severance of this worldly attachment.在佛教金铸文法本图解中,战斗斧是由凶残的神灵拿来象征阻隔世俗的依恋的。 Lesson Sixteen Tibetan Art第十六课西藏艺术 The land of snow is known as the“Ocean of Songs and Dances”and indeed singing and dancing are greatly enjoyed by Tibetans.这块被雪覆盖的土地作为歌舞的海洋被人们所知晓。却是这样,唱歌和跳舞是西藏人民非常喜欢的。During holidays and festivals,everyone joins in dancing,gaily singing hand in hand.在节假日里,每个人都参加到舞蹈中,手牵着手愉快的唱着歌。 Tibetan opera is known as Lhamo in Tibetan and is universally popular in Tibet.藏戏被人们了解是由西藏的拉姆仙女的故事和其在西藏地区的普遍流行。Tibetan opera is a composite performance art in which a story is presented through the medium of song and dance.藏戏是一种情景通过唱歌跳舞的方法呈现出来的复合的表演艺术。Tibetan opera is generally performed in the open while stage performances are rare.藏戏通常是在户外表演的,舞台表演很稀少。Unlike Chinese opera,only simple stage makeup is worn ,but masks are a feature of the Tibetan operatic style.不同于中国戏曲,藏戏只有简单的舞台化妆架,但带着面具是西藏歌剧的一个风格特征。The orchestral accompaniment is simple as only two percussion insturments are needed:a drum and a cymbal.简单的管弦乐伴奏,只需要两种打击乐器:鼓和铙钹。 Religious dance is called Cham in Tibetan.宗教舞蹈在西藏被叫做羌姆(跳神)。It was initiated by Padmasambhave in the Samye Monastery in the eighth century.它是在公元八世纪由Padmasambhave 在Samye 修道院发起的。According to an account in the chapter


介绍西藏的导游词5篇大全 西藏地广人稀,空气清新,非常适宜和几个好友一起去游玩。下面是小编整理的介绍西藏的导游词,欢迎阅读。 介绍西藏的导游词1 拉萨是中国西藏自治区的首府,已有1300多年的历史,也是全区政治、经济、文化和交通中心。拉萨市、郊面积近3万平方公里,40万人口。其中市区面积51平方公里,城市人口14 万多,有藏、汉、回等民族,藏族人口占87%。 公元7世纪中叶,吐蕃部族首领松赞干布在此创基立业。公元641年,松赞干布完成统一大业后,迎娶唐朝文成公主,公主进藏后建议用白山羊背土填湖建庙。于是,人们把最初的寺庙,即现在的大昭寺,命名为“惹萨”,藏语的意思是“山羊背上”。最后,“惹萨”被译成了“逻些”,逐步又变成为“拉萨”了。而上千年来,这里曾几度成为西藏政教活动中心,于是,拉萨成为名副其实的“神圣之地”。 拉萨城风景优美,被称为“蓝色欢乐之波”的吉曲河(拉萨河),从白雪皑皑的念青唐古拉山的冰峰雪谷中奔涌而下,喷珠吐玉,雪浪飞翻,穿过无数森林峡谷,田园牧野,全长315公里,在曲水地方象鼻湾汇入雅鲁藏布江,形成了蓝白二水相互交融的雪

域奇观。拉萨古城就伫立在这条蔚蓝色的吉祥河畔。城中布达拉宫高耸云天,街道纵横,高楼群集,车水马龙,色彩缤纷。古老与现代,传统与创新,宗教与世俗,转经筒与电脑,昨天、今天和明天,都在这里碰撞、凝聚和交融。 拉萨位于西藏高原的中部,海拔3650米,座标东经91°06,北纬29°36。在群山环绕的小盆地的盆底,地势平坦,气候温和,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,平均气温摄氏8度(华氏43°)左右。全年日照时间约3000小时,比邻省四川省省会成都市多1800小时,比中国最大的东部城市上海市多1100小时,在全国各城市中名列前茅,故有"日光城"的美誉。 其他景点西藏萨迦寺导游词·西藏纳木错导游词·西藏拉萨导游词 拉萨年降雨量约500毫升,集中在7、8、9三个月,夏秋雨季是拉萨最美好舒适的季节,雨水多在夜间降落,形成了"拉萨夜雨"的独特气象。往往白天烈日高照,晴光炫目,夜幕降临,好雨淅淅沥沥从天而降,一洗白日的暑热尘埃,使林园街市一片光洁。 介绍西藏的导游词2 尊敬的游客朋友们: 你们好。今天的行程由我陪伴大家一起度过。


华山导游词范文 华山地处陕西省华阴市境内,北临渭水、黄河、东出潼关就是河南盛山西盛是一个鸡鸣三省之地,西有古都西安、东有古都洛阳,物华天宝。自古以来就是出帝王,出文人的“人杰地灵”之都。华山是秦岭山脉东部的一个支脉,早在七亿年前就已经形成,自古称“西岳”,它横空出世,挺拔峻峭,雄伟壮观。五座主峰高耸云表,好象一朵盛开的莲花,神采飞扬,灿烂奇目。五座主峰分别称为东峰(朝阳峰)、西峰(莲花峰)、南峰(落雁峰)、北峰(云台峰)、中峰(玉女峰)其中,南峰最高,海拔2160.5米,北峰最低,海拔1614.7米。北魏地理学家郦道元在《水经注》中说华山“远而望之,又若花状”。在古汉语中,“花”“华”通用,故而称作华山。据清代学者顾炎武先生考证,我们的祖先轩辕黄帝曾活动在华山和山西夏县一带黄河流域,所以中华民族以称华夏子孙。固而“中华”之“华”是因华山而得名,华山成为中华民族的精神写照。可以这么说,黄河是母亲河,华山是父亲山。 华山是如何形成的?先来一段神话传说:相传大禹治水时,处处有人神相助,当黄河之水引出龙门,来到潼关时,又被两座高山挡住去路,大禹不禁叹息起来,巨灵大神在天庭听到大禹的叹气,立即腾云驾雾来到大禹身边,表示愿助他一臂之力。只见巨灵大神紧抓住南面一座山的山顶,山瞬间被掰裂成两半,然后顺势用脚又蹬开了北面那座山,黄河水趁势从这裂口中流了过去。这南面分成两半的山,高的一半就是华山,低的一半就是太华山。李白有诗云“巨灵咆哮掰两山,洪波奔流射东海”。现代科学家这样认为:华山是由于几千万年前秦岭和渭河平原交界地带断裂,引起南北两侧层带的错动,内部岩层受到巨大的横压力而形成的陡峭的山势。


最新导游词欢迎词三篇 在我身边这一位呢是我们这次旅途中最为劳苦功高的一位,我们的**陈师傅,开足两天车的时间,非常幸苦。 在此,我们于以热烈的掌声多谢我们的陈师傅。 谢谢大家! 那么,在这两天里面呢,就将由我和陈师傅以及一会我们的地陪这三位工作人员为大家服务,务求使到大家在我们旅途中的:食住行游购娱“都能够得到满意的服务。 大家有什么需要帮忙的地方尽不妨尽管说,我们尽所可能地去满足大家的要求。 所以,我们也希望在座的每一位团友都能够配合我们导游司机的工作,爱护车厢里的清洁卫生。 最后,请大家再次以热烈的掌声来预祝我们将会度过一个轻松愉快的旅程! 导游词欢迎词 大家早上好!大家早上好!,很好,大家都睡醒了,现在请大家抬起高贵的头看看车的正前方,看到什么了?导游?对!我就是你们今天的导游,那么请大家务必记住我这张长得不算美,但总算对得起观众的脸,把我留在脑海中,旅途快乐又轻松。 下面呢,我就给大家正式介绍一下自己,哎呀,激动的心,颤抖的手,拿起话筒我要献丑,谁要不鼓掌谁就说我丑,哎!很

好,谢谢大家的掌声,后面还有一句呢,谁要说我丑我下车就走,从大家的掌声中可以看出大家的审美眼光还是相当不错的嘛! 我呢,是XX旅行社的一名专职导游员,我……。哇!大家有缘坐在一辆车里就是一家人了,古语有云:百年修得同船渡,千年修得共枕眠,今天我们同吃、同游、同乐还同”居“,哎,怎么就同居了,有些游客问,古时候不就把车叫驹吗?难道我们还不是同居吗?只要你需要我,我会第一时间出现在你面前。 那么罗嗦完自己之后呢,隆重给大家介绍一位重要人物,一般呀重要人物出场都会有一种声音……,好,谢谢大家的掌声,他就是我们风流倜傥、英俊潇洒、人见人爱、车见车载、男人见了喝醋、女人见了喝蜜的^师傅,从后脑勺看就很像梁朝伟嘛,大家想不想看看^师傅正面呀?想呀?那让^师傅站起来跟大家打声招呼好不好呀?好呀,那可不行,他站起来谁给我们开车呀?好了,我替张师傅谢谢大家的掌声。大家呀别看这张师傅长得^,他开起车来呀那可是相当的有技巧,用东北话说那是:”冈冈的“,大家呀别看^师傅一本正经,他呀可有两个老婆,大老婆在家给他洗衣服做饭,小老婆呀陪他走南闯北,今天他这位小老婆就在我们身边,大家找找看,找不到呀?其实呀他这位小老婆就是我们这辆车,大家说张师傅小老婆漂不漂亮呢?漂亮呀?那大家就要好好爱护他,保持车内的清洁,爱护她,就像你们爱自己的小老婆小老公一样。


上海外滩英文导游词_外滩英语导游词 外滩是上海的标志,许多游客去上海游玩都会去那里参观,导游带领各国各地的游客时,要用中英文做好解说。下面是带来的上海外滩英文导游词,仅供大家参考。 上海外滩英文导游词篇一游客朋友你们好! Tourists friend you are good! 现在我们来到上海黄浦江畔的外滩,首先,我对各位的参观游览外滩表示欢迎,并预祝各位旅游愉快。 Now we came to Shanghai bund across the huangpu river, first of all, I to your visit welcomed the bund, and wish every travel time. 新外滩共有五条旅游路线,在您的左手边是被誉为“万国建筑博览”的壮观建筑群和宽敞的中山路,您的右手边是波光粼粼的黄浦江以及前程似锦的浦东陆家点缀金融贸易区,眼前为新颖独特的观光游览区。这建筑群、中山路、观光区、黄浦江、陆家嘴仿佛乐谱中的五线谱,勤劳上海人民则好似串串间符,正组成最新最华美的乐章,欢迎着各位来宾的光临。 New bund article were five travel route, on your left is known as the "all nations building expo" grand buildings and spacious zhongshan road, your right hand side is the shimmering 1 / 23

huangpu river and the beautiful pudong lujia ornament financial and trade zone, the eyes for novel and unique tourism recreational area. This complex, zhongshan road, sightseeing area, the huangpu river, as if the music lujiazui, Shanghai people are industrious staff like clusters of operators, is between the latest and most colorful movement, welcome to the guests. 外滩它过去曾是上海老城厢外的一块芦苇丛生的荒滩地。 The bund it used to be Shanghai residences of the a ruined reed land. 1840年第一次鸦片战争以后,紧锁的国门被殖民者洋炮轰开了,上海也被迫辟为商埠。从那时起,各式各样的西洋式建筑随着殖民者的“抢滩”而纷纷耸立,至本世纪30年代初,上海已从海滨小邑一跃成为远东最大的都市。 1840 years after the first opium war, keep the doors were opened, the colonists shelling Shanghai also forced to bi commercial port. From then on, all kinds of western architecture with the colonists were "" subordinate to the stands, 30 s, from Shanghai has little beach towns have had become the far east. The largest cities 眼前这些具有欧洲文艺复兴时期风格的建筑,虽然不是出自同一2 / 23


英文介绍旅游景点 Tibet 西藏 Tibet, a rich and beautiful land, is located at the main part of Qinghai-Tibet plateau, south-West frontier of China. The total area of the Tibet Autonomous Region is 1,200,000 square kilometers and its population is 2320,000.The average altitude of Tibet is above 4000 meters.Tibet is the most large and highest plateau in the world.The unique geographical conditions bring its special snow scenery into being.Tibet history,culture,and religion are just as enchanting and colorful.And it may be this combination of the ingenuity of nature,the art of man,and the vicissitudes of history that has endowed the Tibetan people with the strength and fortitude to pursue life and happiness so zealously,fanatically,and unremittingly along a path fraught with difficulties but full of hope.Its antiquated traditional culture and Buddhism of Tibet have formed its unique. Three gorges of Yangtse river 长江三峡 Three gorges of yangtse river is a shortened form of Qutang gorge、Wu gorge and west-ling gorge.These three gorges located on middle reaches of Yangtse river,through Chongqing and Hubei province.Three gorges are very grand、beautiful and extremely dangerous.Three gorges scenery spots preserve a lot of places of historic interest and key point of interest such as:Baidi city,old plank road built along a cliff,Huangling temple ,xiao Three gorges,shibao stockeded village,zhangfei temple ,etc.Tourists can be organized together to tour Three gorges though Chengdu from many places.Several kinds of luxury ship and luxury suites are available.The ship for tour will send out every day. Yunnan Tour 云南 It’s a place with full of tempt,fantasy and dreams .The place is Sun-valley,and where it is? In a world of fairy tales or in realities? Lijiang old city,with little bridges,flowing water,friendly peoples ,is a little town in a region of rivers and lakes in area south of yangtse river.It’s typical styles are flowing water and weeping willow in every families…… Without destroyed by modern industrial culture,it’s a natural beautiful place.It’s a paradise,virgin land for tourists.It is “Red Land” Emei mountain 娥眉山 Emei mountain is situated in Sichuan province in southwestern China,156 kilometers from Chengdu,spending 1.5 hours through thruway.Since Jin dynasty,it is puxian place where Buddhism rites are performed,and it’s one of four most famous Buddhism mountains,with more than one thousand years of culture.With many mountains in rapid sequence ,age-old trees,natural falls and spring,Emei mountain have wonderful and amusing scenery.Emei mountain is famous tour key point of interest,and has been embodied as World Heritage of nature and culture by UNESCO in 1996. Black Bamboo valley 黑竹沟 The scenic spot of Black bamboo valley located in Yi race Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan,its area is 180 square kilometers.With original nature sights,fairy entironment,rare species,attractive sights,Black bamboo valley is sported by many domestic and oversea media,and attracts attentions all over the world.The scenic spot has been accepted as key point of interest of Sichuan province and as natural reserve preserve of Sichuan,and now is applying for national key point of interest and national reserve preserve.
