

Hello everybody ,People always say that if you love a girl,take her toTibet.

Tibet is in the southwest of china。Its capital ['k?p?tl] city ['s?ti] is Lhasa.

Tibet is to the south of Xin Jiang and Qing Hai Province['prɑ?v?ns] , to the west of Sichuan and to the northwest of Yunnan

The average height of the whole region['rid??n] is more than 4,000 meters above[?'b?v] sea level, for which Tibet is known as "Roof of the World".

Northwest Tibet, mainly Qing Hai plateau, is home to a variety of unusual and unique animals. Across the northern expanse of Tibet, you can see vast grasslands where horses, yak and sheep roam freely.

the first stop on our trip is Yalu zangbu Grand Canyon,it is one of the deepest and longest canyons in the world.

Because there are so many areas people never set foot in . it be called the last secret world .

The second stop on our trip is potala palace,which is built by the king of Tibet .he built this place to marry princess Wencheng from tang dynasty.and let his descendants [d?'s?nd?nt] remember the event.

Nowadays,potala palace regarded as the symble of Tibet by the people all over the world .

The third stop on our trip is Lhasa .the capital city of

Tibet .lhasa is rightly one of the most featured and dreamt-about cities in the world.

Differing from the inland cities and other places in Tibet, Lhasa is unique with an allure all of its own. In the Tibetan language, Lhasa means the Holy Land or the Buddha Land. It is the center of Tibet's politics, economy and culture. The city has also been appointed as one of the 24 historical and cultural cities of China.

Jokhang temple is the sacred temple in Tibet

it is alsothe spiritual center of Tibet. Everyday pilgrims from e very corner of Tibet trek a long distance to the temple. Some of them even progress prostrate by body length to the thresho ld of the temple.

Lalu wetland is Regarded as the lungs of lhasa city ,and this is jiama ditch .they are breath-taking places,aren,t they?

The forth top of our trip is Everest peak。Everest is the highest mountain on Earth . Snow-capped mountains,azure sky,golden rays of sunshine,the pure and mysterious aura of Tibet has excited the imagination of so many people of the world.

Our last top is Lake Manasarovar .It is one of the largest freshwater lake in China ,The visibility [,vizi'bil?ti]of the water can reach 18 meters .look,you can see the stone in the water clearly . it is also the birthplace of the four great rivers in Asia.

Tibeten medicine ,carpet tangka scroll painting of Religious,in the warmest seasons, June, July, August and early

September.The scenery is more butiful than other seasons By train or by air ,but we need to change at somewhere

Did you fall in love with Tibet? I think you did .


Hello everybody ,People always say that if you love a girl,take her toTibet. Tibet is in the southwest of china。Its capital ['k?p?tl] city ['s?ti] is Lhasa. Tibet is to the south of Xin Jiang and Qing Hai Province['prɑ?v?ns] , to the west of Sichuan and to the northwest of Yunnan The average height of the whole region['rid??n] is more than 4,000 meters above[?'b?v] sea level, for which Tibet is known as "Roof of the World". Northwest Tibet, mainly Qing Hai plateau, is home to a variety of unusual and unique animals. Across the northern expanse of Tibet, you can see vast grasslands where horses, yak and sheep roam freely. the first stop on our trip is Yalu zangbu Grand Canyon,it is one of the deepest and longest canyons in the world. Because there are so many areas people never set foot in . it be called the last secret world . The second stop on our trip is potala palace,which is built by the king of Tibet .he built this place to marry princess Wencheng from tang dynasty.and let his descendants [d?'s?nd?nt] remember the event. Nowadays,potala palace regarded as the symble of Tibet by the people all over the world . The third stop on our trip is Lhasa .the capital city of


西藏英文导游词 TibetOverviewTibetliesontheQinghai-TibetPlateauofthesouthwestborderofChina.Theaverageheightofthewholere gionismorethan4,000metersabovesealevel,forwhichTibetisknownas"Roofo ftheWorld".ThehighestpeakofTibet,alsothehighestinHimalayasandinthewh oleworld,isEverestPeak,whichisashighas8,846.27metersabovesealevel.Alth oughapartofChina,Tibethasauniquecultureofallthereown.Itismainlyinhabit edbyTibetans,aminoritynationalityofoldandmysteriouspeople.Touristattrac tionsincludethePotalaPalaceinLhasa,JokhangTemple,andanumberofBuddhi stsacredplaces.Tibet(XiZanginChinese)istothesouthofXinJiangUygurAutono mousRegionandQingHaiProvince,tothewestofSichuan,tothenorthwestofYu nnanandtothenorthofIndiaandNepal.Itspopulationof2.3millionpeoplecome fromavarietyofethnicgroupsincludingTibetan,Han,MonbaandLhota.Itscapit alcityisLhasa.NorthwestTibet,mainlyQingHaiplateau,ishometoavarietyofun usualanduniqueanimals.AcrossthenorthernexpanseofTibet,youcanseevast grasslandswherehorses,yakandsheeproamfreely.Theworld’slowestvalley,th eGrandYarlun- tzanpoRiverValleyliesineastTibet.NearlyallTibetansfollowTibetanBuddhism ,knownasLamaism,withtheexceptionofapproximately2,000followersofIsla mand600ofCatholicism.TibetanBuddhismwasgreatlyinfluencedbyIndianBu ddhisminitsearlytime,butafteryearsofevolution,TibetanBuddhismhasdevel


介绍西藏的导游词5篇大全 西藏地广人稀,空气清新,非常适宜和几个好友一起去游玩。下面是小编整理的介绍西藏的导游词,欢迎阅读。 介绍西藏的导游词1 拉萨是中国西藏自治区的首府,已有1300多年的历史,也是全区政治、经济、文化和交通中心。拉萨市、郊面积近3万平方公里,40万人口。其中市区面积51平方公里,城市人口14 万多,有藏、汉、回等民族,藏族人口占87%。 公元7世纪中叶,吐蕃部族首领松赞干布在此创基立业。公元641年,松赞干布完成统一大业后,迎娶唐朝文成公主,公主进藏后建议用白山羊背土填湖建庙。于是,人们把最初的寺庙,即现在的大昭寺,命名为“惹萨”,藏语的意思是“山羊背上”。最后,“惹萨”被译成了“逻些”,逐步又变成为“拉萨”了。而上千年来,这里曾几度成为西藏政教活动中心,于是,拉萨成为名副其实的“神圣之地”。 拉萨城风景优美,被称为“蓝色欢乐之波”的吉曲河(拉萨河),从白雪皑皑的念青唐古拉山的冰峰雪谷中奔涌而下,喷珠吐玉,雪浪飞翻,穿过无数森林峡谷,田园牧野,全长315公里,在曲水地方象鼻湾汇入雅鲁藏布江,形成了蓝白二水相互交融的雪

域奇观。拉萨古城就伫立在这条蔚蓝色的吉祥河畔。城中布达拉宫高耸云天,街道纵横,高楼群集,车水马龙,色彩缤纷。古老与现代,传统与创新,宗教与世俗,转经筒与电脑,昨天、今天和明天,都在这里碰撞、凝聚和交融。 拉萨位于西藏高原的中部,海拔3650米,座标东经91°06,北纬29°36。在群山环绕的小盆地的盆底,地势平坦,气候温和,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,平均气温摄氏8度(华氏43°)左右。全年日照时间约3000小时,比邻省四川省省会成都市多1800小时,比中国最大的东部城市上海市多1100小时,在全国各城市中名列前茅,故有"日光城"的美誉。 其他景点西藏萨迦寺导游词·西藏纳木错导游词·西藏拉萨导游词 拉萨年降雨量约500毫升,集中在7、8、9三个月,夏秋雨季是拉萨最美好舒适的季节,雨水多在夜间降落,形成了"拉萨夜雨"的独特气象。往往白天烈日高照,晴光炫目,夜幕降临,好雨淅淅沥沥从天而降,一洗白日的暑热尘埃,使林园街市一片光洁。 介绍西藏的导游词2 尊敬的游客朋友们: 你们好。今天的行程由我陪伴大家一起度过。

西藏英文导游词 西藏艺术

In Tantric Buddhist iconography, the battle axe is held by ferocious deilies to symbolize severance of this worldly attachment.在佛教金铸文法本图解中,战斗斧是由凶残的神灵拿来象征阻隔世俗的依恋的。 Lesson Sixteen Tibetan Art第十六课西藏艺术 The land of snow is known as the“Ocean of Songs and Dances”and indeed singing and dancing are greatly enjoyed by Tibetans.这块被雪覆盖的土地作为歌舞的海洋被人们所知晓。却是这样,唱歌和跳舞是西藏人民非常喜欢的。During holidays and festivals,everyone joins in dancing,gaily singing hand in hand.在节假日里,每个人都参加到舞蹈中,手牵着手愉快的唱着歌。 Tibetan opera is known as Lhamo in Tibetan and is universally popular in Tibet.藏戏被人们了解是由西藏的拉姆仙女的故事和其在西藏地区的普遍流行。Tibetan opera is a composite performance art in which a story is presented through the medium of song and dance.藏戏是一种情景通过唱歌跳舞的方法呈现出来的复合的表演艺术。Tibetan opera is generally performed in the open while stage performances are rare.藏戏通常是在户外表演的,舞台表演很稀少。Unlike Chinese opera,only simple stage makeup is worn ,but masks are a feature of the Tibetan operatic style.不同于中国戏曲,藏戏只有简单的舞台化妆架,但带着面具是西藏歌剧的一个风格特征。The orchestral accompaniment is simple as only two percussion insturments are needed:a drum and a cymbal.简单的管弦乐伴奏,只需要两种打击乐器:鼓和铙钹。 Religious dance is called Cham in Tibetan.宗教舞蹈在西藏被叫做羌姆(跳神)。It was initiated by Padmasambhave in the Samye Monastery in the eighth century.它是在公元八世纪由Padmasambhave 在Samye 修道院发起的。According to an account in the chapter


英文介绍旅游景点 Tibet 西藏 Tibet, a rich and beautiful land, is located at the main part of Qinghai-Tibet plateau, south-West frontier of China. The total area of the Tibet Autonomous Region is 1,200,000 square kilometers and its population is 2320,000.The average altitude of Tibet is above 4000 meters.Tibet is the most large and highest plateau in the world.The unique geographical conditions bring its special snow scenery into being.Tibet history,culture,and religion are just as enchanting and colorful.And it may be this combination of the ingenuity of nature,the art of man,and the vicissitudes of history that has endowed the Tibetan people with the strength and fortitude to pursue life and happiness so zealously,fanatically,and unremittingly along a path fraught with difficulties but full of hope.Its antiquated traditional culture and Buddhism of Tibet have formed its unique. Three gorges of Yangtse river 长江三峡 Three gorges of yangtse river is a shortened form of Qutang gorge、Wu gorge and west-ling gorge.These three gorges located on middle reaches of Yangtse river,through Chongqing and Hubei province.Three gorges are very grand、beautiful and extremely dangerous.Three gorges scenery spots preserve a lot of places of historic interest and key point of interest such as:Baidi city,old plank road built along a cliff,Huangling temple ,xiao Three gorges,shibao stockeded village,zhangfei temple ,etc.Tourists can be organized together to tour Three gorges though Chengdu from many places.Several kinds of luxury ship and luxury suites are available.The ship for tour will send out every day. Yunnan Tour 云南 It’s a place with full of tempt,fantasy and dreams .The place is Sun-valley,and where it is? In a world of fairy tales or in realities? Lijiang old city,with little bridges,flowing water,friendly peoples ,is a little town in a region of rivers and lakes in area south of yangtse river.It’s typical styles are flowing water and weeping willow in every families…… Without destroyed by modern industrial culture,it’s a natural beautiful place.It’s a paradise,virgin land for tourists.It is “Red Land” Emei mountain 娥眉山 Emei mountain is situated in Sichuan province in southwestern China,156 kilometers from Chengdu,spending 1.5 hours through thruway.Since Jin dynasty,it is puxian place where Buddhism rites are performed,and it’s one of four most famous Buddhism mountains,with more than one thousand years of culture.With many mountains in rapid sequence ,age-old trees,natural falls and spring,Emei mountain have wonderful and amusing scenery.Emei mountain is famous tour key point of interest,and has been embodied as World Heritage of nature and culture by UNESCO in 1996. Black Bamboo valley 黑竹沟 The scenic spot of Black bamboo valley located in Yi race Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan,its area is 180 square kilometers.With original nature sights,fairy entironment,rare species,attractive sights,Black bamboo valley is sported by many domestic and oversea media,and attracts attentions all over the world.The scenic spot has been accepted as key point of interest of Sichuan province and as natural reserve preserve of Sichuan,and now is applying for national key point of interest and national reserve preserve.


英语作文——西藏 Tibet belongs to China, known as the roof of the world, is located in the southwest of China. It has a population of about 2800000 and has an area of about 1200000 square kilometers with a long history of over 700 years. Lhasa, known as the highest city in the world, is a provincial capital city of Tibet. Tibet has a lot of beautiful scenery. There are lots of world-famous places of historic interest and scenic beauty, such as the Potala Palace. Since the release in May 23, 1951, Tibet in the politics, economy, cultural and so on the aspect achieved great progress. 西藏归属于中国,被誉为世界屋脊,位于中国西南部。 西藏人口约280万。 西藏面积有120多万平方公里,有700多年的悠久历史。 拉萨,被誉为世界上最高的城市,是属于西藏的一个省会城市。 西藏风景秀丽,有很多享誉海内外的名胜古迹,例如布达拉宫。 1951年5月23日解放以来,西藏在政治、经济、文化等方面都取得了很大的进步。


in tantric buddhist iconography, the battle axe is held by ferocious deilies to symbolize severance of this worldly attachment.在佛教金铸文法本图解中,战斗斧是由凶残的神灵拿来象征阻隔世俗的依恋的。 lesson sixteen tibetan art 第十六课西藏艺术 the land of snow is known as the“ocean of songs and dances”and indeed singing and dancing are greatly enjoyed by tibetans.这块被雪覆盖的土地作为歌舞的海洋被人们所知晓。却是这样,唱歌和跳舞是西藏人民非常喜欢的。during holidays and festivals,everyone joins in dancing,gaily singing hand in hand.在节假日里,每个人都参加到舞蹈中,手牵着手愉快的唱着歌。 religious dance is called cham in tibetan.宗教舞蹈在西藏被叫做羌姆(跳神)。it was initiated by padmasambhave in the samye monastery in the eighth century.它是在公元八世纪由padmasambhave 在samye 修道院发起的。according to an account in the chapter women drum.这是一个充满活力的舞蹈,表演者围成一个圈步伐灵动,男人敲锣,女人打鼓。at the height of the performance,the men perform pirouettes on one leg while the women beat their drums high above their heads as they twirl.在表演的高潮,男人单脚站立旋转,女人在旋转的同时把鼓举在头顶击打。 the gor-shae is a round dance popular in the three major regions and the tibet:lhasa,lhoka and shigatse. gor-shae是圆舞的一种在三个的三个主要地区流行:拉萨,山南,日喀则。 this kind of round dance is performed by both men and women who form two concentric circles around a bonfire,and holding hands,shoulders touching,sing in alternate choruses of men and women.这种圆舞有男的女的围绕着一炉篝火形成两个同心圆,手牵着手,肩并着肩交替合唱。the dance may continue throughout the night until daybreak.舞蹈可能贯穿整个晚上直到黎明。 ballad is popular in tibet to transmit the history of nation,myths of buddhism and folk tales down the generations by describing them with simple and short songs or poems.民谣用于传达西藏民族历史很是流行,佛教传说和民间故事通过描写他们的简短歌曲和诗传递给下一代。 art and literature are deeply rooted in the history of tibet,and in the splendid isolation of the tibetan plateau folk tales,songs,and dances and opera have developed their own unique form and local flavour.艺术和文化深深地根植于西藏的历史,孤立的青藏高原的民间故事,歌曲,舞蹈和戏曲通过他们自己独特的方式和风格发展的非常辉煌。篇二:14、嘉雍群培——西藏死亡艺术 西藏死亡藝術 嘉雍群培 中央民族大學音樂學院教授 內容摘要:佛教從7世紀傳入西藏以來,與本土文化相結合,形成了獨具特色的藏傳佛教。它影響著藏族人生活的方方面面,成為藏族文化的重要組成部分和藏族人的重要信仰。這可以從藏族人的死亡儀式中看出,同時,藏傳佛教通過各種藝術形式反映其信條。在死亡儀式中運用的音樂及其深奧,展示出它與佛教教義的和諧與完美一致。 關鍵詞:藏傳佛教生死輪回因果報應中陰救度現實 人類的恐懼莫過於死亡,而藏族人對死亡的認識與眾不同,他們所舉行的死亡儀式,仿佛是在舉行一種特殊的藝術休習,並認為死亡不是生命的終點,要進入中陰1,是新生的開始,是生命中最尊貴和最光榮的時刻。人們從小就開始接受死亡的教育和修行,在死亡儀式

香格里拉 英文介绍

香格里拉英文介绍 Shangri-La means "ideal heaven" in Tibetan. Tibetan language documents had recorded this word more than a thousand years ago. Shangri-La became famous after the novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton(1900–1954)published in 1933. In May 1931,during the British Raj in India, owing to a revolution, the 90 white residents of Baskul were being evacuated to Peshawar, Pakistan,by air. However, the plane was flown instead over the mountains toTibetin China. 香格里拉在藏语中的意思是理想的天堂。一千多年以前的藏文书籍中就记载了这个词汇。香格里拉因为1933年詹姆斯希尔顿(JamesHilton 1900-1954)的小说《消失的地平线(Lost Horizon)》而开始闻名于世。1931年5月,英国统治印度期间,由于一场革命,巴斯库尔(Baskul)的90 名白人通过飞机被疏散到巴基斯坦的白沙瓦(Peshawar)。但是,这架飞机却飞跃了山脉到达了中国的西藏。

The novel described in great detail the stunning scenery in the area: the azure sky, the breathtaking beauty and the hospitality of unsophisticated people who welcome weary travelers to their homeland. In Tibetan, Shangri- La means a place of good fortune and luck. Located in the midst of three rivers; the torrential Jinsha, Langcang and Nujiang, Shangri-La is a sacred scenic region with distinguishing features. 小说详细的描述了香格里拉的美景,湛蓝如洗的天空、令人窒息的美丽、和那里总是张开臂膀迎接客人的好客的人们。藏语中,香格里拉意味着财富和幸运。香格里拉被金沙江、浪沧江和怒江包围着。雪山环绕之间,分布有许多大大小小的草甸和坝子,它们是迪庆各族人民生息繁衍的地方,土地肥沃,牛马成群。在这片宁静的土地上,有静谧的湖水、神圣的寺院、淳朴的康巴人,一切都如人们梦想中的伊甸园——香格里拉。


Qinghai Province is a sparking jewel set on the northwest plateau of China, wherein the Yangtze River, the Yellow River as well as the Mekong River take their source. The scenic quality of Qinghai's widely varying landscape is superb and enticing, offering from the ranges of gleaming mountains with glacier-capped peaks over 6000 meters high to the gobi desert dunes of Qaidam, from lush ranchland to the sapphire-like lakes of vast area, all this has created a land of marvel, mystery and diversity. Qinghai Lake is a photographer and artist's paradise of mirrored pastel sunrises, azure beauty in midday and the indigo blues of sunset. The Bird Island on the western tip hosts hundreds of thousand migrate birds, hovering over the sky or diving into the water. Great Lamasery of Kumbum (Taer Lamasery), still one of the living and the most important for believers, was built in 1560. With Tsongkhapa, who found the Yellow sect of lamas and was born in here, all solemn religious celebrations observed here to his honor. The excellent collection in Kumbum are an eyeful of classic Chinese-Tibetan architecture which has been preserved in best condition for centuries and its three typical Tibetan Supreme Arts developed by Kumbum's lama artists, that is evident in Yak Butter Sculpture, Frescoes and Embossed Embroidery. The Qaidam, once been prosperous as the ancient Silk Road stretching across much of its length, is an idea place for expedition. You can explore the 'end of the World', mystic 'Lost City' of which had been described by Peter Fleming in his news from Tartary and discover the beauty of dazzling salt lakes. The Mengda Botanical Reserve in Qinghai present a unique combination of plants and natural stone sculpture. A wide variety of trees, shrubs and flowers from native to sub-tropical blazes a rich exuberance of color. With its famed pond-Heavenly Lake, waterfalls and visible wildlife, it is an idea for rambling and camping. Along the Yellow River down to the southeast of Qinghai, Tongren has been familiarized as the Home of Tibetan Culture and Art. "Regong Art", originated in this place, mainly reflect Tibetan Buddhist culture. This unique Tibetan culture legacy include painting, frescoes, thangkas, sculpture and architecture. Handing down from generation to generation, almost every man here inherits the occupation as an artisan. These are just a few of the diamond attractions of Qinghai Province, the Qutan monastery, Bichan Daoist Temple, Great Donguan Mosque, and other scenic spots and historical sites still await you to explore. 青海省是一个宝石引发对中国西北高原集,其中,长江,黄河以及湄公河采取的来源。对青海的广泛不同景观景区质量是一流的,诱人的,从闪闪发光的冰川覆盖的山峰超过6000米的柴达木戈壁沙漠的沙丘,从郁郁葱葱的朗奇兰到广大地区的蓝宝石般的湖泊山脉的范围产品,所有这一切创造了奇迹,神秘和多样性的土地。 青海湖是一个摄影师,艺术家的镜像粉彩日出,中午在蔚蓝的美丽和日落的靛蓝蓝色的天堂。对西端鸟岛鸟类迁移的主机几千几百,在天空或放入水中潜水徘徊。伟大的塔尔寺(塔尔寺雍和宫),仍是生活,最重要的信徒,当召始建于1560年。随着宗喀巴,谁发现了喇嘛黄教,并在这里出生的,所有严肃的宗教庆祝活动在这里观察到他的荣誉。在塔尔寺是一个出色的集合经典中藏架构,一直保存在最佳状态,几个世纪,它的三个典型的藏族艺术的最高塔尔寺的喇嘛艺术家开发,即在酥油雕塑,壁画和浮雕刺绣明显满眼。 柴达木,曾经是古丝绸之路的繁荣在其拉伸长度多少,是一个探险的理想场所。你可以探索的'世界末日','神秘'失落的城市',其中已被彼得弗莱明在他的描述,从鞑靼新闻和发现了令人眼花缭乱的盐湖之美。
