






学号 10960123 指导教师彭中波



Proceedings of IMECE2008

2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

October 31-November 6, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA




Albert Albers/IPEK Institute of Product Development

University of Karlsruhe Germany

Noel Leon/CIDyT Center for Innovation andDesign

Monterrey Institute of Technology,Mexico

Humberto Aguayo/CIDyT Center forInnovation and Design,

Monterrey Institute ofTechnology, Mexico

Thomas Maier/IPEK Institute of Product Development

University of Karlsruhe Germany


The ever increasing computer capabilities allow faster analysis in the field of Computer Aided Design and Engineering (CAD & CAE). CAD and CAE systems are currently used in Parametric and Structural Optimization to find optimal topologies and shapes of given parts under certain conditions. This paper describes a general strategy to optimize the balance of a crankshaft, using CAD and CAE software integrated with Genetic Algorithms (GAs) via programming in Java. An introduction to the groundings of this strategy is made among different tools used for its implementation. The analyzed crankshaft is modeled in commercial parametric 3D CAD software. CAD is used for evaluating the fitness function (the balance) and to make geometric modifications. CAE is used for evaluating dynamic restrictions (the eigenfrequencies). A Java interface is programmed to link the CAD model to the CAE software and to the genetic algorithms. In order to make geometry modifications to

our case study, it was decided to substitute the profile of the counterweights with splines from its original “arc-shaped” design. The variation of the splined profile via control points results in an imbalance

response. The imbalance of the crankshaft was defined as an independent objective function during a first approach, followed by a Pareto optimization of the imbalance from both correction planes, plus the curvature of the profile of the counterweights as restrictions for material flow during forging. The natural frequency was considered as an additional objective function during a second approach. The optimization process runs fully automated and the CAD program is on hold waiting for new set of parameters to receive and process, saving computing time, which is otherwise lost during the repeated startup of the cad application.

The development of engine crankshafts is subject to a continuous evolution due to market pressures. Fast market developments push the increase of power, fuel economy, durability and reliability of combustion engines, and calls for reduction of size, weight, vibration and noise, cost, etc. Optimized engine components are therefore required if competitive designs must be attained. Due to this conditions, crankshafts, which are one of the most analyzed engine components, are required to be improved [1]. One of these improvements relies on material composition, as companies that develop combustion engines have expressed their intentions to change actual nodular steel crankshafts from their engines, to forged steel crankshafts. Another important direction of improvement is the optimization of its geometrical characteristics. In particular for this paper is the imbalance, first Eigen-frequency and the forge-ability. Analytical tools can greatly enhance the understanding of the physical phenomena associated with the mentioned characteristics and can be automated to do programmed tasks that an engineer requires for optimizing a design [2].The goals of the present research are: to construct a strategy for the development of engine crankshafts based on the integration of: CAD and CAE (Computer Aided Design &Engineering) software to model and evaluate functional

parameters, Genetic Algorithms as the optimization method, the use of splines for shape construction and Java language programming for integration of the systems. Structural optimization under these conditions allows computers to work in an

automated environment and the designer to speed up and improve the traditional design process. The specific requirements to be satisfied by the strategies are: Approach the target of imbalance of a V6 engine crankshaft, without affecting either its weight or its


Develop interface programming that allows integration of the different software: CAD for modeling and geometric evaluations, CAE for simulation analysis and evaluation ,Genetic Algorithms for optimization and search for alternatives .

Obtain new design concepts for the shape of the counterweights that help the designer to develop a better crankshaft in terms of functionality more rapidly than with the use of a “manual” approach

Shape optimization with genetic algorithms

Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are adaptive heuristic search algorithms (stochastic search techniques) based on the ideas of evolutionary natural selection and genetics [3]. Shape optimization based on genetic algorithm (GA), or based on evolutionary algorithms (EA) in general, is a relatively new area of research. The foundations of GAs can be found in a few articles published before 1990 [4]. After 1995 a large number of articles about investigation and applications have been published, including a great amount of GA-based geometrical boundary shape optimization cases. The interest towards research in evolutionary shape optimization techniques has just started to grow, including one of the most promising areas for EA-based shape optimization applications: mechanical engineering. There are applications for shape determination during design of machine components and for optimization of functional performance of these the components, e.g. antennas [5], turbine blades [6], etc. In the ield of mechanical engineering, methods for structural and topological optimization based on evolutionary algorithms are used to obtain optimal geometric solutions that were commonly approached only by costly and time consuming iterative process. Some examples are the computer design and optimization of cam shapes for diesel engines [7]. In this case the objective of the cam design was to minimize the vibrations of the system and to make smooth changes to a splined profile.

In this article the shape optimization of a crankshaft is discussed, with focus on the geometrical development of the counterweights. The GAs are integrated with CAD and CAE systems that are currently used in Parametric and Structural Optimization to find optimal topologies and shapes of given

parts under certain conditions. Advanced CAD and CAE software have their own optimization capabilities, but are often limited to some local search algorithms, so it is decided to use genetic algorithms, such as those integrated in DAKOTA (Design Analysis Kit for Optimization Applications) [8] developed at Sandia Laboratories. DAKOTA is an optimization framework with the original goal of

providing a common set of optimization algorithms for engineers who need to solve structural and design problems, including Genetic Algorithms. In order to make such integration, it is necessary to develop an interface to link the GAs to the CAD models and to the CAE analysis. This paper presents an approach to this task an also some approaches that can be used to build up a strategy on crankshaft design anddevelopment.

Multi-objective considerations of crankshaft performance

The crankshaft can be considered an element from where different objective functions can be derived to form an optimization problem. They represent functionalities and restrictions that are analyzed with software tools during the design process. These objective function are to be optimized (minimized or maximized) by variation of the geometry. The selected goal of the crankshaft design is to reach the imbalance target and reducing its weight and/or increasing its first eigenfrequency. The design of the crankshaft is inherently a multiobjective optimization (MO) problem. The imbalance is measured in both sides of the crankshaft so the problem is to optimize the components of a vector-valued objective function consisting of both imbalances [9]. Unlike the single-objective optimization, the solution to this problem is not a single point, but a family of points known as the Pareto-optimal set. Each point in this set is optimal in the sense that no improvement can be achieved in one objective component that does not lead to degradation in at least one of the remaining components [10].

The objective functions of imbalance are also highly nonlinear. Auxiliary

information, like the derivatives of the objective function, is not available. The fitness-function is available only in the form of a computer model of the crankshaft, not in analytical form. Since in general our approach requires taking the objective function as a black box, and only the availability of the objective function value can be guaranteed, no further assumptions were considered. The Pareto-based optimization method, known as the Multiple Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) [11], is used in the present MO problem, to finding the Pareto front among these two fitness functions.

In GA’s, the natural parameter se t of the optimization problem is coded as a

finite-length string. Traditionally, GA’s use binary numbers to represent such strings: a string has a finite length and each bit of a string can be either 0 or 1. By maintaining a population of solutions, GA’s c an search for many Pareto-optimal solutions in parallel. This characteristic makes GA’s very attractive for solving MO problems. The following two features are desired to solve MO problems successfully:

1) the solutions obtained are Pareto-optimal and

2) they are uniformly sampled from the Pareto-optimal set.


CAD: Computer Aided Design; GAs: Genetic Algorithms; EA: Evolutionary Algorithms; MO: Multi-objective; MOGA: Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm; CW: Counterweight; FEM: Finite Element Method.


Fig. 1: Imbalance graph from the original crankshaft Design

Crankshaft shape parameterization

In order to make geometry modifications it is decided to substitute the current shape design of the crankshaft under analysis, from the original “arc-shaped” design representation of the counterweight’s profile, to a profile using spline curves

The figure 2 shows a counterweight profile of the crankshaft.


曲轴的加工工艺、设计步骤、流程 曲轴是引擎的主要旋转机件,装上连杆后,可承接连杆的上下(往复)运动变成循环(旋转)运动。曲轴是发动机上的一个重要的机件,其材料是由碳素结构钢或球墨铸铁制成的,有两个重要部位:主轴颈,连杆颈,(还有其他)。主轴颈被安装在缸体上,连杆颈与连杆大头孔连接,连杆小头孔与汽缸活塞连接,是一个典型的曲柄滑块机构。曲轴的润滑主要是指与摇臂间轴瓦的润滑和两头固定点的润滑.这个一般都是压力润滑的,曲轴中间会有油道和各个轴瓦相通,发动机运转以后靠机油泵提供压力供油进行润滑、降温。发动机工作过程就是,活塞经过混合压缩气的燃爆,推动活塞做直线运动,并通过连杆将力传给曲轴,由曲轴将直线运动转变为旋转运动。曲轴的旋转是发动机的动力源。也是整个船的源动力。 曲轴制造技术/工艺的进展 1、球墨铸铁曲轴毛坯铸造技术 (1)熔炼 高温低硫纯净铁水的获得是生产高质量球墨铸铁的关键。国内主要是以冲天炉为主的生产设备,铁水未进行预脱硫处理;其次是高纯生铁少、焦炭质量差。目前已采用双联外加预脱硫的熔炼方法,采用冲天炉熔化铁水,经炉外脱硫,然后在感应电炉中升温并调整成分。目前,在国内铁水成分的检测已普遍采用真空直读光谱仪来进行。 (2)造型 气流冲击造型工艺明显优于粘土砂型工艺,可获得高精度的曲轴铸件,该工艺制作的砂型具有无反弹变形量等特点,这对于多拐曲轴尤为重要。目前,国内已有一些曲轴生产厂家从德国、意大利、西班牙等国引进气流冲击造型工艺,不过,

引进整条生产线的只有极少数厂家,如文登天润曲轴有限公司引进了德国KW铸造生产线。 2、钢曲轴毛坯的锻造技术 近几年来,国内已引进了一批先进的锻造设备,但由于数量少,加之模具制造技术和其他一些设施跟不上,使一部分先进设备未发挥应有的作用。从总体上来讲,需改造和更新的陈旧的普通锻造设备多,同时,落后的工艺和设备仍占据主导地位,先进技术有所应用但还不普遍。 3、机械加工技术 目前国内曲轴生产线多数由普通机床和专用机床组成,生产效率和自动化程度相对较低。粗加工设备多采用多刀车床车削曲轴主轴颈及拐颈,工序的质量稳定性差,容易产生较大的内应力,难以达到合理的加工余量。一般精加工采用MQ8260等曲轴磨床粗磨-半精磨-精磨-抛光,通常靠手工操作,加工质量不稳定。 随着贸易全球化的到来,各厂家已意识到了形势的严峻性,纷纷进行技术改造,全力提升企业的竞争力,近年来引进了许多先进设备和技术,进展速度很快。就目前状况来讲,这些设备和技术基本依赖进口。下面就哈尔滨东安动力、一汽大柴、文登天润曲轴、滨州海得曲轴等公司的情况作以介绍。 哈尔滨东安集团曲轴生产线为全自动柔性流水生产线,粗加工生产线由德国的专机自动线(LINDENMAIER)、数控车-车拉、数控高速随动外铣(BOEHRINGER)、圆角滚压机(HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD)和止推面车滚专机、淬火机(EMA)等组成;精加工生产线由日本的数控高速CBN磨床(TOYODA)、动平衡机、抛光机(IMPCO-NACHI)、检测机、清洗机等组成。连杆轴颈加工则采用了数控高速随动加工技术,全线采用高速CBN砂轮磨削技术,磨削线速度达到120m/s。 文登天润曲轴通过引进德、美、意等发达国家的先进设备,组建了具有当今国


优秀论文审核通过 未经允许切勿外传 毕业论文(设计)任务书 题目:曲轴的数控工艺分析与设计 成绩__________ 姓名陆国豪 班级10261 学号

设计日期:2012年5月 毕业论文(设计)任务书 题目:曲轴的数控工艺分析与设计 成绩__________ 姓名王磊 班级10261 学号

设计日期:2012年5月 摘要 曲轴是汽车发动机的关键零件之一,其性能好坏直接影响到汽 车发 动机的质量和寿命.曲轴在发动机中承担最大负荷和全部功率, 承受 着强大的方向不断变化的弯矩及扭矩,同时经受着长时间高速 运转 的磨损,因此要求曲轴材质具有较高的刚性、疲劳强度和良好 的耐 磨性能。发动机曲轴的作用是将活塞的往复直线运动通过连杆 转化 为旋转运动,从而实现发动机由化学能转变为机械能的输出。 abstract

The crankshaft is one of the key parts of the car engine, the performance of a direct influence on the automobile engine quality and life. The crankshaft engine for maximum load and all of the power, under the direction of the powerful changing bending moment and torque, and suffering from long time reciprocating linear motion through the connecting rod into the rotary motion, thus realize engine by chemical energy into mechanical energy output. 绪论 对轴类零件及夹具结构设前言计,不仅在加深我们对课程基本理论的理而且在加强对解决加工实际问题能力的方面有着很好的促进作用。可以让我们可以够将在湖北职业技术学院机电工程系两年所学知识融会贯通,也使我们在设计过程中不断学习一些新知识。通过毕业设计这个意义重大的课程,可以培养我们广泛查找资料、分析解决问题的能力,使我们养成严


1、曲轴零件及其工艺特点 曲轴是将直线运动转变为旋转运动,或将旋转运动转变成直线运动的零件。曲轴工作时的受力情况非常复杂。它不但受到很大的扭转应力和大小、方向都在周期性变化的弯曲应力的作用,而且还受到振动所产生的附加应力的作用。因此曲轴应具有足够的强度、刚度、抗疲劳强度及抗冲击韧性。同时,由于曲轴工作时的旋转速度高,所以在设计曲轴时,应使曲轴的主轴颈和连杆轴颈有足够的耐磨性,且曲轴的质量应当平衡分布,以减少不平衡带给曲轴的附加载荷。 曲轴的工艺特点主要取决于结构特点和技术要求。作为曲轴加工,其主要问题就是工件本身刚性差、零件技术要求高。这就需要在加工过程中采用一系列相应的措施,以使加工后的零件符合图纸的设计要求。应采用的措施大致有:1)尽量减小或抵消切削力; 2)提高曲轴的支承刚性,以减小受力变形; 3)加工工艺要分阶段,以减小粗加工对精加工的影响。 2、曲轴的材料和毛坯 曲轴的材料一般采用45钢、45Mn2、50Mn、40Cr、35CrMo、QT60-2球墨铸铁等。 根据不同的生产类型和工厂的具体条件,该曲轴为球墨铸铁QT60-2材料所以采用铸造毛坯。 3、曲轴加工的工艺特点分析 1)该零件的生产批量不大,因此选用中心孔定位,它是辅助基准,装夹方便,节省找正时间,又能保证位置精度。 2)该零件刚度较差,故粗车、精车和磨均以工序分开。 4、尺寸公差等级

5、技术要求 6、工艺路线

7、确定切削用量及基本工时 工序01:铸造,清理 工序02:正火 工序03:粗刨两侧面、上下面和斜角。 工件材料:QT60-2,190—270HB ,铸造 加工要求:粗刨+0.022 0.008140mm +左右侧面和27mm 上下面和斜角,留加工余 量5mm 机 床:B6050牛头刨 刀 具:W18Cr4V 1)切削深度:2mm 2)进 给 量:f=1.0mm/双行程 3)切削速度:v=20m/min


发动机曲轴加工工艺分析与设计 摘要 曲轴是汽车发动机的关键零件之一,其性能好坏直接影响到汽车发动机的质量和寿命.曲轴在发动机中承担最大负荷和全部功率,承受着强大的方向不断变化的弯矩及扭矩,同时经受着长时间高速运转的磨损,因此要求曲轴材质具有较高的刚性、疲劳强度和良好的耐磨性能。发动机曲轴的作用是将活塞的往复直线运动通过连杆转化为旋转运动,从而实现发动机由化学能转变为机械能的输出。 本课题仅175Ⅱ型柴油机曲轴的加工工艺的分析与设计进行探讨。工艺路线的拟定是工艺规程制订中的关键阶段,是工艺规程制订的总体设计。所撰写的工艺路线合理与否,不但影响加工质量和生产率,而且影响到工人、设备、工艺装备及生产场地等的合理利用,从而影响生产成本。 所以,本次设计是在仔细分析曲轴零件加工技术要求及加工精度后,合理确定毛坯类型,经过查阅相关参考书、手册、图表、标准等技术资料,确定各工序的定位基准、机械加工余量、工序尺寸及公差,最终制定出曲轴零件的加工工序卡片。 关键词:发动机,曲轴,工艺分析,工艺设计

目录 第一章概述 (1) 第二章确定曲轴的加工工艺过程 (3) 2.1曲轴的作用 (3) 2.2曲轴的结构及其特点 (3) 2.3曲轴的主要技术要求分析 (4) 2.4曲轴的材料和毛坯的确定 (4) 2.5曲轴的机械加工工艺过程 (4) 2.6曲轴的机械加工工艺路线 (5) 第三章曲轴的机械加工工艺过程分析 (6) 3. 1曲轴的机械加工工艺特点 (6) 3. 2曲轴的机械加工工艺特点分析 (7) 3. 3曲轴主要加工工序分析 (8) 3.3.1铣曲轴两端面,钻中心孔 (8) 3.3.2曲轴主轴颈的车削 (8) 3.3.3曲轴连杆轴颈的车削 (8) 3.3.4键槽加工 (9) 3.3.5轴颈的磨削 (9) 第四章机械加工余量、工序尺寸及公差的确定 (9) 4.1曲轴主要加工表面的工序安排 (9) 4.2机械加工余量、工序尺寸及公差的确定 (10) 4.2.1主轴颈工序尺寸及公差的确定 (10) 4.2.2连杆轴颈工序尺寸及公差的确定 (10) 4.2.3φ22 -00.12外圆工序尺寸及公差的确定 (10) 4.2.4φ20 0-0.021外圆工序尺寸及公差的确定 (11) 4.3 确定工时定额 (11) 4.4 曲轴机械加工工艺过程卡片的制订 (11) 谢辞 (13) 参考文献 (14) 附录 (15)


附录A Lathe fixture design and analysis Ma Feiyue (School of Mechanical Engineering, Hefei, Anhui Hefei 230022, China) Abstract: From the start the main types of lathe fixture, fixture on the flower disc and angle iron clamp lathe was introduced, and on the basis of analysis of a lathe fixture design points. Keywords: lathe fixture; design; points Lathe for machining parts on the rotating surface, such as the outer cylinder, inner cylinder and so on. Parts in the processing, the fixture can be installed in the lathe with rotary machine with main primary uranium movement. However, in order to expand the use of lathe, the work piece can also be installed in the lathe of the pallet, tool mounted on the spindle. THE MAIN TYPES OF LATHE FIXTURE Installed on the lathe spindle on the lathe fixture


论曲轴的加工工艺 曲轴是发动机及气缸式压缩机上的一个重 要的旋转机件,装上连杆后,可承接活寒的上下(往复)运动变成循环运动。曲 轴的材料是由碳素结构钢或球墨铸铁制成的,有几个重要部位:主轴颈、 连杆颈、曲柄等。主轴颈被安装在缸体上,连杆颈与连杆大头孔连接,连杆小头孔与汽缸活塞连接,是一个典型的曲柄滑块机构。 1确定曲轴的加工工艺法方案 1.1曲轴作为一个重要的旋转机件,其加工方法仍冇一般轴的加工 规律,如铣两端面,钻中心孔,车、磨及抛光,但是曲轴也是有它的特点,它由主轴颈,连杆轴颈与连杆轴颈之间的连接板组成,其结构细长、曲拐多、刚性差,因而安排曲轴加工工艺应采取相应的工艺措施。 1.2在曲轴的机械加工中,采用新技术和提高自动化程度都不 断取得进展。国内以往的曲轴生产线多数由普通机床和专用机床组成,生产效率和自动化程度相对较低。粗加工 设备一般采用多刀车床车削曲轴主轴颈及连杆轴颈,工质质量 稳定性差,容易产生较大的加工应力,难以达到合理的加工余量。精加工 普遍采用 MQ8260等普通曲轴磨床进行粗磨、半精磨、精磨、抛光,通常靠人 工操作,加工质量不稳,尺寸一致性差。现在加工曲轴粗加工 比较流行的工艺是:主轴颈采用车拉工艺和高速外铣,连杆颈采用高速外铣,而且倾向于高速随动外铣,全部采用干式切削。在对连杆颈进行随动磨削时, 曲轴以主轴颈为轴线进行旋转,并在一次装夹下磨削所有连杆颈。 在磨削过程中,磨头实现往复摆动进给,跟踪着偏心回转的连杆颈进行磨削加工。 2 确定曲轴的加工工艺过程 2.1 曲轴的结构及其特点。 曲轴一般由主轴颈,连杆轴颈、曲柄、平衡块、前端和后端等组成。一个 主轴颈、一个连杆轴颈和一个曲柄组成了一个曲拐,曲轴的曲拐数目等于气缸数(直列式)。 主轴颈是曲轴的支承部分,通过主轴承支承在曲轴箱的主轴承座中。主轴 承的数目不仅与气缸数目有关,还取决于曲轴的支承方式。 连杆轴颈是曲轴与连杆的连接部分,在连接处用圆 弧过渡,以减少应力集中。 曲柄是主轴颈和连杆轴颈的连接部分,断面为椭圆形,为了平衡惯性力, 曲柄处铸有(或紧固有)平衡重块。平衡里块用来平衡发动机不平衡的离心力矩,有时还用来平衡一部分往复惯性力,从而使曲轴旋转平稳。 2.2曲轴的主要技术要求分析。1)主轴颈、连杆轴颈本身的精度,即尺寸公关等级IT6,表面粗糙度Ra值为1.25~0.63μ m。轴颈长度公差等级为IT9~IT10。轴颈的形状公差,如圆度、圆


毕业设计 外文翻译 题目曲轴的加工工艺及夹具设计学院航海学院 专业轮机工程 学生佟宝诚 学号 10960123 指导教师彭中波 重庆交通大学 2014年

Proceedings of IMECE2008 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition October 31-November 6, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA IMECE2008-67447 MULTI-OBJECTIVE SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION OF ENGINE CRANKSHAFTS USING AN INTEGRATION APPROACH Albert Albers/IPEK Institute of Product Development University of Karlsruhe Germany Noel Leon/CIDyT Center for Innovation andDesign Monterrey Institute of Technology,Mexico Humberto Aguayo/CIDyT Center forInnovation and Design, Monterrey Institute ofTechnology, Mexico Thomas Maier/IPEK Institute of Product Development University of Karlsruhe Germany ABSTRACT The ever increasing computer capabilities allow faster analysis in the field of Computer Aided Design and Engineering (CAD & CAE). CAD and CAE systems are currently used in Parametric and Structural Optimization to find optimal topologies and shapes of given parts under certain conditions. This paper describes a general strategy to optimize the balance of a crankshaft, using CAD and CAE software integrated with Genetic Algorithms (GAs) via programming in Java. An introduction to the groundings of this strategy is made among different tools used for its implementation. The analyzed crankshaft is modeled in commercial parametric 3D CAD software. CAD is used for evaluating the fitness function (the balance) and to make geometric modifications. CAE is used for evaluating dynamic restrictions (the eigenfrequencies). A Java interface is programmed to link the CAD model to the CAE software and to the genetic algorithms. In order to make geometry modifications to


引擎的主要旋转机件,装上连杆后,可承接连杆的上下(往复)运动变成循环(旋转)运动。 是发动机上的一个重要的机件,其材料是由碳素结构钢或球墨铸铁制成的,有两个重要部位:主轴颈,连杆颈,(还有其他)。主轴颈被安装在缸体上,连杆颈与连杆大头孔连接,连杆小头孔与汽缸活塞连接,是一个典型的曲柄滑块机构。曲轴的润滑主要是指与摇臂间轴瓦的润滑和两头固定点的润滑.这个一般都是压力润滑的,曲轴中间会有油道和各个轴瓦相通,发动机运转以后靠机油泵提供压力供油进行润滑、降温。发动机工作过程就是,活塞经过混合压缩气的燃爆,推动活塞做直线运动,并通过连杆将力传给曲轴,由曲轴将直线运动转变为旋转运动。曲轴的旋转是发动机的动力源。也是整个船的源动力。 曲轴制造技术/工艺的进展 1、球墨铸铁曲轴毛坯铸造技术 (1)熔炼 高温低硫纯净铁水的获得是生产高质量球墨铸铁的关键。国内主要是以冲天炉为主的生产设备,铁水未进行预脱硫处理;其次是高纯生铁少、焦炭质量差。目前已采用双联外加预脱硫的熔炼方法,采用冲天炉熔化铁水,经炉外脱硫,然后在感应电炉中升温并调整成分。目前,在国内铁水成分的检测已普遍采用真空直读光谱仪来进行。 (2)造型 气流冲击造型工艺明显优于粘土砂型工艺,可获得高精度的曲轴铸件,该工艺制作的砂型具有无反弹变形量等特点,这对于多拐曲轴尤为重要。目前,国内已有一些曲轴生产厂家从德国、意大利、西班牙等国引进气流冲击造型工艺,不过,引进整条生产线的只有极少数厂家,如文登天润曲轴有限公司引进了德国KW铸造生产线。 2、钢曲轴毛坯的锻造技术 近几年来,国内已引进了一批先进的锻造设备,但由于数量少,加之模具制造技术和其他一些设施跟不上,使一部分先进设备未发挥应有的作用。从总体上来讲,需改造和更新的陈旧的普通锻造设备多,同时,落后的工艺和设备仍占据主导地位,先进技术有所应用但还不普遍。 3、机械加工技术 目前国内曲轴生产线多数由普通机床和专用机床组成,生产效率和自动化程度相对较低。粗加工设备多采用多刀车床车削曲轴主轴颈及拐颈,工序的质量稳定性差,容易产生较大的内应力,难以达到合理的加工余量。一般精加工采用 MQ8260等曲轴磨床粗磨-半精磨-精磨-抛光,通常靠手工操作,加工质量不稳定。随着贸易全球化的到来,各厂家已意识到了形势的严峻性,纷纷进行技术改造,全力提升企业的竞争力,近年来引进了许多先进设备和技术,进展速度很快。就目前状况来讲,这些设备和技术基本依赖进口。下面就哈尔滨东安动力、一汽大柴、文登天润曲轴、滨州海得曲轴等公司的情况作以介绍。 哈尔滨东安集团曲轴生产线为全自动柔性流水生产线,粗加工生产线由德国的专机自动线(LINDENMAIER)、数控车-车拉、数控高速随动外铣(BOEHRINGER)、圆角滚压机(HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD)和止推面车滚专机、淬火机(EMA)等组成;精加工生产线由日本的数控高速CBN磨床


长江大学 YANGTZE UEIVERSITY 专科生毕业设计(论文) 题目 专业数控技术 学生姓名严鑫 指导教师管志强(数控指导老师) 院校站点 长江大学继续教育学院

毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明 本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 作者签名:日期: 指导教师签名:日期: 使用授权说明 本人完全了解大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;在不以赢利为目的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部内容。


摘要 随着计算机技术的发展,数字控制技术已经广泛的应用于工业控制的各个领域,尤其在机械制造业中应用十分的广泛。而中国作为一个制造业的大国,掌握先进的数控加工工艺和好的编程技术也是相当重要的。 本文开篇主要介绍了数控技术的现状及其发展的趋势,紧接着对数控铣削加工工艺做了简要的介绍,使对数控铣削加工工艺有了一个总体的了解。接下来主要是对具体零件的加工工艺的分析,然后用西门子840D仿真软件指令进行数控编程和仿真加工,最终根据所编写的程序在数控机床上加工出对应的产品。 关键词数控铣床数控工艺编程


优秀论文审核通过未经允许切勿外传 曲轴加工工艺设计 摘要 曲轴是发动机中承受冲击载荷、传递动力的重要零件,由于曲轴服役条件恶劣,因此对曲轴材质的选择,毛坯的加工技术、精度、表面粗糙度、热处理和表面强化、动平衡等要求都十分严格,因此要制定合理的加工工艺。首先要根据要求选择合适的毛坯,在加工过程中要选择合理的加工设备及刀具、通用夹具、量具及测量方法,在加工工艺中要进行加工工序设计,加工尺寸计算,零件加工要设计合理的专用夹具。伴随着曲轴加工工艺的发展,加工方法不断改进,加工方法越来越先进,所以设计合理的曲轴加工工艺和装夹的夹具,不但可以提高加工精度,还可以提高生产效率,从而降低生产的成本,以期

提高产品的竞争力。 关键词:曲轴,工艺,夹具

CRANK SHAFT PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACT The crank shaft is to launch to bear pound at to carry a lotus and deliver in the machine motive of importance spare parts, because of the crank shaft undergo military service a condition bad, so to crank shaft material, semi-finished product processing technology, accuracy, surface rough degree, the process of process in want to choose reasonable of process equipments and knife, tongs, quantity and measure method, want to carry on to process a work preface design in process the craft, process size, time settle sum of calculation, the spare parts process to want design reasonable of appropriation tongs. Accompany with crank shaft to process a develop of craft, process a method to not only improve, process a method more and more advanced, so the crank shaft of design reasonable process a craft and pack to clip of tongs, not only can raise to process accuracy,


------------------------------------------精品文档------------------------------------- 无锡商业职业技术学院 毕业设计说明书 发动机连杆工艺设计及结构造型 学号12874105 王松姓名 机电124级班 专业机电一体化技术 机电技术学院部系 指导老师张帆

完成时间2014 年9 月8 日至2015 年4月10 日 无锡商业职业技术学院 目录 引 言 (1) 第1章发动机连杆的分 析 (2) 1.1 发动机连杆的介绍 ...................................... 2 第2章发动机连杆的加工工 艺 (4) 2.1发动机连杆加工工艺规程 ................................ 4 2.2发动机连杆的技术要求 .................................. 4 2.3发动机连杆零件图分析 .................................. 5 2.4连杆的材料和毛坯 ......................................

2.5确定加工方法 ......................................... 10 2.6制定工艺路线 ......................................... 11 2.7确定加工余量 ......................................... 11 2.8切削用量的选择 ....................................... 13 2.9切削深度的选择 ....................................... 13 2.10进给量的选择 ........................................ 13 2.11切削速度的选择 ...................................... 13 2.12加工工序表见下表 .................................... 14 第3章发动机连杆的三维造 型 (15) 3.1发动机连杆的造型 ..................................... 15 3.2发动机连杆造型的步骤 .................................


日照职业技术学院毕业设计(论文) 数控加工工艺 姓名 : 付卫超 院部:机电工程学院 专业:数控设备应用与维护 指导教师:张华忠 班级: 11级数控设备应用与维护二班 2014年05月

随着数控技术的不断发展和应用领域的扩大,数控加工技术对国计民生的一些重要行业(IT、汽车、轻工、医疗等)的发展起着越来越重要的作用,因为效率和质量是先进制造技术的主体。高速、高精加工技术可极大提高效率,提高产品的质量和档次,缩短生产周期和提高市场竞争能力。而对于数控加工,无论是手工编程还是自动编程,在编程前都要对所加工的零件进行工艺分析,拟定加工方案,选择合适的刀具,确定切屑用量,对一些工艺问题(如对刀点、加工路线等)也需要做一些处理,并在加工过程掌握控制精度的方法,才能加工出合格的产品。 本文根据数控机床的特点。针对具体的零件,进行了工艺方案的分析,工装方案的确定,刀具和切屑用量的选择,确定加工顺序和加工路线,数控加工程序编制。通过整个工艺的过程的制定,充分体现了数控设备在保证加工精度、加工效率、简化工序等方面的优势。 关键词工艺分析加工方案进给路线控制尺寸

第1章前言-----------------------------------第2页第2章工艺方案的分析-------------------------第3页 2.1 零件图-------------------------------第3页 2.2 零件图分析---------------------------第3页 2.3 零件技术要求分析---------------------第3页 2.4 确定加工方法-------------------------第3页 2.5 确定加工方案-------------------------第4页第3章工件的装夹-----------------------------第5页 3.1 定位基准的选择-----------------------第5页 3.2 定位基准选择的原则-------------------第5页 3.3 确定零件的定位基准-------------------第5页 3.4 装夹方式的选择-----------------------第5页 3.5 数控车床常用的装夹方式---------------第5页 3.6 确定合理装夹方式---------------------第5页第4章刀具及切削用量-------------------------第6页 4.1 选择数控刀具的原则-------------------第6页 4.2 选择数控车削刀具---------------------第6页 4.3 设置刀点和换刀点---------------------第6页 4.4 确定切削用量-------------------------第7页第5章轴类零件的加工-------------------------第8页 5.1 轴类零件加工工艺分析-----------------第8页 5.2 轴类零件加工工艺---------------------第11页 5.3 加工坐标系设置-----------------------第13页 5.4 保证加工精度方法---------------------第14页 参考文献 ---------------------------------第15页


2604130359 CNC Cutting Technology Review Numerical control high speed cutting technology (High Speed Machining, HSM, or High Speed Cutting, HSC), is one of the advanced manufacturing technology to improve the machining efficiency and quality, the study of related technology has become an important research direction of advanced manufacturing technology at home and abroad. China is a big manufacturing country, in the world of industry transfer to accept the front instead of back-end of the transfer, to master the core technology of advanced manufacturing, or in a new round of international industrial structure adjustment, our country manufacturing industry will further behind. Imminent research on the theory and application of advanced technology. 1, high-speed CNC machining meaning High speed cutting theory put forward by the German physicist Carl.J.Salomon in the last century and early thirty's. He concluded by a lot of experiments: in the normal range of cutting speed, cutting speed if the increase, will cause the cutting temperature rise, exacerbating the wear of cutting tool; however, when the cutting speed is increased to a certain value, as long as more than the inflection point, with the increase of the cutting speed, cutting temperature can not rise, but will decline, so as long as the cutting speed is high enough, it can be solved very well in high cutting temperature caused by tool wear is not conducive to the cutting problem, obtained good processing efficiency. With the development of manufacturing industry, this theory is gradually paid more attention to, and attracted a lot of attention, on the basis of this theory has gradually formed the field of high-speed cutting technology of NC, relatively early research on NC High-speed Machining Technology in developed countries, through the theoretical basis of the research, basic research and applied research and development application, at present applications have entered the substantive stage in some areas. The high-speed cutting processing category, generally have the following several kinds of classification methods, one is to see that cutting speed, cutting speed over conventional cutting speed is 5-10 times of high speed cutting. Also has the scholar to spindle speed as the definition of high-speed processing standards, that the spindle speed is higher than that of 8000r\/min for high speed machining. And from the machine tool spindle design point of view, with the product of DN diameter of spindle and spindle speed, if the value of DN to (5~2000) * 105mm.r\/min, is considered to be of high speed machining. In practice, different processing methods, different materials, high speed cutting speed corresponding to different. Is generally believed that the turning speed of (700~7000) m\/min, milling speed reaches m\/min (300~6000), that is in the high-speed cutting. In addition, from the practical considerations, high-speed machining concept not only contains the high speed cutting process, integration and optimization also contains the process of cutting, is a


专业课程设计任务书 学生姓名:班级: 设计题目:汽车发动机曲轴材料的选择及工艺设计 设计内容: 1、根据零件工作原理,服役条件,提出机械性能要求和技术要求。 2、选材,并分析选材依据。 3、制订零件加工工艺路线,分析各热加工工序的作用。 4、制订热处理工艺卡,画出热处理工艺曲线,对各种热处理工艺进行分 析,并分析所得到的组织,说明组织及性能的检测方法与使用的仪器设备。 5、分析热处理过程中可能产生的缺陷及补救措施。 6、分析零件在使用过程中可能出现的失效方式及修复措施。

目录 0 前言 (1) 1 汽车发动机曲轴的工作条件及性能要求 (2) 1.1 汽车发动机曲轴的工作条件 (3) 1.2 汽车发动机曲轴的性能要求及技术要求 (3) 2 汽车发动机曲轴的材料选择及分析 (4) 2.1 零件材料选择的基本原则 (4) 2.2 曲轴常用材料简介 (5) 2.3 汽车发动机曲轴材料的确定 (5) 3 曲轴的加工工艺路线及热处理工艺的制定 (6) 3.1 35CrMo曲轴热处理要求 (6) 3.2 汽车曲轴的热处理工艺的制定 (6) 3.2.1 调质处理 (7) 3.2.2 去应力退火 (8) 3.2.3 圆角高频淬火和低温回火 (9) 4 曲轴热处理过程中可能产生的缺陷及预防措施 (11) 4.1 校直过程引起材料原始裂纹 (11) 4.2 曲轴圆角淬火不当引起裂纹源 (12) 4.3 淬火畸变与淬火裂纹 (12) 4.4 淬火导致氧化、脱碳、过热、过烧 (13) 4.5 淬火硬度不足 (13) 5 曲轴在使用过程中可能产生的失效形式及分析 (13) 6 课程设计的收获与体会 (14) 7 参考文献 (15) 8 工艺卡 (16)


A review and analysis of current computer-aided fixture design approaches Iain Boyle, Yiming Rong, David C. Brown Keywords: Computer-aided fixture design Fixture design Fixture planning Fixture verification Setup planning Unit design ABSTRACT A key characteristic of the modern market place is the consumer demand for variety. To respond effectively to this demand, manufacturers need to ensure that their manufacturing practices are sufficiently flexible to allow them to achieve rapid product development. Fixturing, which involves using fixtures to secure work pieces during machining so that they can be transformed into parts that meet required design specifications, is a significant contributing factor towards achieving manufacturing flexibility. To enable flexible fixturing, considerable levels of research effort have been devoted to supporting the process of fixture design through the development of computer-aided fixture design (CAFD) tools and approaches. This paper contains a review of these research efforts. Over seventy-five CAFD tools and approaches are reviewed in terms of the fixture design phases they support and the underlying technology upon which they are based. The primary conclusion of the review is that while significant advances have been made in supporting fixture design, there are primarily two research issues that require further effort. The first of these is that current CAFD research is segmented in nature and there remains a need to provide more cohesive fixture design support. Secondly, a greater focus is required on supporting the detailed design of a fixture’s physical structure. 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Contents 1. Introduction (2) 2. Fixture design (2) 3. Current CAFD approaches (4) 3.1 Setup planning (4) 3.1.1 Approaches to setup planning (4) 3.2 Fixture planning (4) 3.2.1 Approaches to defining the fixturing requirement (6) 3.2.2 Approaches to non-optimized layout planning (6) 3.2.3 Approaches to layout planning optimization (6) 3.3 Unit design (7) 3.3.1 Approaches to conceptual unit design (7)
