


Fork Shaft Lugs fixture design

Shell group processing according to the results of the machine and the group chosen type design group clamps, group clamps Realize that the group process, favorable to reasonable design, if no group clamps or design group clamps, convenient adjustment group processing can realize smoothly.

The machine tool's fixture priority is to ensure machining accuracy, especially that of the machining process and positioning surface and processed surface between the position precision. After using this fixture mainly rely on precision tools and fixtures to ensure no longer rely on workers, the technical level. Second is to improve labor productivity, reduce cost, use fixture after is crossed, can reduce the auxiliary time, and easy to implement and multistage process. In modern times, is widely used in the machine tool's fixture etc mobile pneumatic, hydraulic clamping device, can make the assistant time do step.

In the group technology group clamps are under the guidance of the principle, process and design for the implementation of the group, and special fixture Compared with the design group clamps, not for a certain parts of a process, but a group of some parts, Which group clamps to adapt to all parts of the group parts in a process of processing.

Design of the key and difficult.

When the workpiece in machine processing, the first to make workpiece in machine or a fixture in the correct position, it is the location, to prevent the process of cutting force or other forces destroyed the correct position, still must be fastened clamping workpiece, this is the clamping workpiece position and clamping workpiece installation process is called. Due to the workpiece position and orientation error, error called for clamping deformation and the error is called clamping error. Positioning error and clamping workpiece installation error named error.

Because of this all parts for 21 kinds of workpieces, so the scheme is key to determine the fixture clamping deformation control at will The smallest. While clamping deformation control cannot rely on operators to realize in the past shell parts and machining by small and reliable clamping force to reduce clamping deformation, this will inevitably produce adverse product. In the introduction of domestic product technology at the same time, don't

notice the processing technology, especially the shell parts, production batch processing, different, use equipment that needs are different, clamping orientated in the introduction, digestion and absorption and must therefore in the design process, according to the actual needs of clamping positioning in blank, add uniform positioning and clamping point.

The selection principle of orientated may not deviate from the principle of localization, but at the time must note in the selection, I truly, Planar 3 point must form a stable support, namely the gravity of the triangle, near the workpiece center turn against restrictions freedom 2 some farther, the more accurate positioning.

In parts of the shell, the key process is first step - graphic processing. According to the production batch and parts The structure and the precision, some parts processing, some parts of planar alone on a plane and hole machining process. Graphic processing quality directly cause the whole process, the success or failure. Surface processing, mainly is bad, the flatness of the flatness of the next procedure of processing produce larger clamping deformation, clamping, precision parts in tolerance, loosen, clamping displacementrestoring, precision parts will change, and with regularity. Surface processing by fixture causes adverse has two main: 1, the location selection is not reasonable, 2, clamping point is not reasonable. Therefore, the shell parts processing, surface of fixture design becomes important.

In the traditional processing, for milling machining processes, plane commonly, add a few auxiliary support to prevent due to the distortion caused by cutting force influence, because high-speed cutting machining precision cutting force, so, no need additional support commonly.

In the face of processing, must consider the process of flexibility, can use the car is not to milling machining. In clamping point, on the choice of pay attention to the following problems:

1. By 3 strong point to form a support to support workpiece surface, can avoid blank piece of planar degree due to the deviation caused the machined surface flatness, and supporting and clamping point should avoid a moment, and led up distortion. Because of clamping workpiece elastic deformation, loosen the clamping after springback, can cause planar degree, it is super flatness of the main reason.

2. The best point and clamping point is the sphere, ensure all, otherwise, it will point is because the plane deformation caused by torsion blank clamping deformation. The

deformation will also cause planar degree.

3. When the workpiece surface cannot clamping, can use flank clamping, if clamping parts is deduced.and, must increase in the block, to avoid clamping deformation. The clamping way, had better not use or using other techniques, or request processing plane designers in clamping point increase in design.

4. Because of the high-speed machining cutting force and deformation of more than 30% reduction processing, generally recommend that don't add additional support can guarantee machining accuracy.

5. 2 limit rotational degree of freedom, the distance as far as possible, orientated if blank has note hole, 2 (note hole taper pin location using elastic is the most simple positioning scheme.

In the design of the group clamps, considering the problems at the same time, we also need to consider many parts adopt a fixture, and replacing time processing varieties in a short time to finish. So the fixture design must consider quick change. This fixture is typical of six principles of fixture, positioning clamping adopt pneumatic clamping screw. This fixture locating adopts point positioning forms, interface, nearly may also used clamping point, ensure orientated and clamping point in the same line, this fixture milling face results in the plane degrees below, the precision of 0.02 from the Angle of subsequent processing position from the Angle of use or can be very well meet the requirements.

In addition, in parts processing process, for a process, whether to use fixture, use what type of clip What class, and the use of fixture in jig design must be carefully considered before. Besides the machining quality assurance from view, should also do economic analysis to ensure that the design of fixture in the economy.






















商用汽车万向传动轴设计 摘要 万向传动轴在汽车上应用比较广泛。发动机前置后轮或全轮驱动汽车行驶时,由于悬架不断变形,变速器或分动器的输出轴与驱动桥输入轴轴线之间的相对位置经常变化,因而普遍采用可伸缩的十字轴万向传动轴。本设计注重实际应用,考虑整车的总体布置,改进了设计方法,力求整车结构及性能更为合理。传动轴是由轴管、万向节、伸缩花键等组成。伸缩套能自动调节变速器与驱动桥之间距离的变化;万向节是保证变速器输出轴与驱动桥输入轴两轴线夹角发生变化时实现两轴的动力传输;万向节由十字轴、十字轴承和凸缘叉等组成。传动轴的布置直接影响十字轴万向节、主减速器的使用寿命,对汽车的振动噪声也有很大影响。在传动轴的设计中,主要考虑传动轴的临界转速,计算传动轴的花键轴和轴管的尺寸,并校核其扭转强度和临界转速,确定出合适的安全系数,合理优化轴与轴之间的角度。 关键字:万向传动轴、伸缩花键、十字轴万向节、临界转速、扭转强度

概述 汽车上的万向传动轴一般是由万向节、轴管及其伸缩花键等组成。主要是用于在工作过程中相对位置不断变化的两根轴间传递转矩和旋转运动。 在动机前置后轮驱动的汽车上,由于工作时悬架变形,驱动桥主减速器输入轴与变速器输出轴间经常有相对运动,普遍采用万向节传动(图1—1a、b)。当驱动桥与变速器之间相距较远,使得传动轴的长度超过1.5m时,为提高传动轴的临界速度以及总布置上的考虑,常将传动轴断开成两段,万向节用三个。此时,必须在中间传动轴上加设中间支承。 在转向驱动桥中,由于驱动桥又是转向轮,左右半轴间的夹角随行驶需要而变,这是多采用球叉式和球笼式等速万向节传动(图1—1c)。当后驱动桥为独立悬架结构时也必须采用万向节传动(图1—1d)。 万向节按扭转方向是否有明星的弹性,可分为刚性万向节和挠性万向节两类。刚性万向节又可分为不等速万向节(常用的为普通十字轴式),等速万向节(球叉式、球笼式等),准等速万向节(双联式、凸块式、三肖轴式等)。 万向节传动应保证所连接两轴的相对位置在预计范围内变动时,能可靠地传递动力,保证所连接两轴尽可能同步运转,由于万向节夹角而产生的附加载荷、振动和噪声应在允许范围内。


课程设计名称:传动轴(批量为200件)机械加工工艺规程设计 学生姓名:许三湘 学院:机电工程学院 专业及班级:08级材料成型及控制工程1班 学号:0803040109 指导教师:胡忠举 2010年12月16日

目录 一.机械制造课程设计的目的…………………………………………………二.生产纲领的计算与生产类型的确定……………………………………… 1.生产类型的确定…………………………………………………………… 2.生产纲领的计算……………………………………………………………三.传动轴的工艺性分析………………………………………………………… 1.零件的结构特点及应用……………………………………………………………… 2.零件的工艺分析…………………………………………………………… 四. 选择毛坯、确定毛坯尺寸、设计毛坯图…………………………………… 1.毛坯的选择……………………………………………………………… 2.确定毛坯的尺寸公差及机械加工余量…………………………………… 3.设计毛坯图…………………………………………………………… 五. 选择传动轴的加工方法,制定工艺路线…………………………………… 1.定为基准的选择………………………………………………………… 2.零件表面加工方法的确定……………………………………………… 3.制定工艺路线…………………………………………………………… 4.热处理工序的安排………………………………………………………… 六. 机床设备的选用……………………………………………………………… 1.机床设备的选用………………………………………………………… 2.工艺装备的选用………………………………………………………… 七. 工序加工余量的确定,工序尺寸及公差的计算…………………………… 八. 确定工序的切削用量………………………………………………………… 九. 时间定额的计算……………………………………………………………… 十. 提高劳动生产率的方法……………………………………………………… 十一. 课程设计体会…………………………………………………………………十二. 参考文献……………………………………………………………………十三. 附录…………………………………………………………………………


汽车设计课程设计说明书 设计题目:上海大众-桑塔纳志俊万向传动 轴设计 2014年11月28日

目录 1前言 2设计说明书 2.1原始数据 2.2设计要求 3万向传动轴设计 3.1万向节结构方案的分析与选择3.1.1十字轴式万向节 3.1.2准等速万向节 3.2万向节传动的运动和受力分析3.2.1单十字轴万向节传动 3.2.2双十字轴万向节传动 3.2.3多十字轴万向节传动 4 万向节的设计与计算 4.1 万向传动轴的计算载荷 4.2传动轴载荷计算

4.3计算过程 5 万向传动轴的结构分析与设计计算 5.1 传动轴设计 6 法兰盘设计

前言 万向传动轴在汽车上应用比较广泛。发动机前置后轮或全轮驱动汽车行驶时,由于悬架不断变形,变速器或分动器的输出轴与驱动桥输入轴轴线之间的相对位置经常变化,因而普遍采用可伸缩的十字轴万向传动轴。本设计注重实际应用,考虑整车的总体布置,改进了设计方法,力求整车结构及性能更为合理。传动轴是由轴管、万向节、伸缩花键等组成。伸缩套能自动调节变速器与驱动桥之间距离的变化;万向节是保证变速器输出轴与驱动桥输入轴两轴线夹角发生变化时实现两轴的动力传输;万向节由十字轴、十字轴承和凸缘叉等组成。传动轴的布置直接影响十字轴万向节、主减速器的使用寿命,对汽车的振动噪声也有很大影响。在传动轴的设计中,主要考虑传动轴的临界转速,计算传动轴的花键轴和轴管的尺寸,并校核其扭转强度和临界转速,确定出合适的安全系数,合理优化轴与轴之间的角度。

2 设计说明书 2.1 原始数据 最大总质量:1210kg 发动机的最大输出扭矩:Tmax=140N·m(n=3800r/min); 轴距:2656mm; 前轮胎选取:195/60 R14 、后轮胎规格:195/60 R14 长*宽*高(mm):4687*1700*1450 前轮距(mm);1414 后轮距(mm):1422 最大马力(pa):95 2.2 设计要求 1.查阅资料、调查研究、制定设计原则 2.根据给定的设计参数(发动机最大力矩和使用工况)及总布置图,选择万向传动轴的结构型式及主要特性参数,设计出一套完整的万向传动轴,设计过程中要进行必要的计算与校核。 3.万向传动轴设计和主要技术参数的确定 (1)万向节设计计算 (2)传动轴设计计算 (3)完成空载和满载情况下,传动轴长度与传动夹角变化的校核 4.绘制万向传动轴装配图及主要零部件的零件图 3 万向传动轴设计 3.1 万向节结构方案的分析与选择 3.1.1 十字轴式万向节 普通的十字轴式万向节主要由主动叉、从动叉、十字轴、滚针轴承及其轴向定位件和橡胶密封件等组成。


传动轴的检修 教学目的: 1.认识万向传动装置各种零件名称 2.了解传动轴万向节检修方法 3.掌握万向节的分解装配技术 教学方法:老师讲解、演示、实习巡回指导。 教学重点:万向节检修与分解 教学难点:万向节装配技术 复习提问:万向节的功用是什么? 导入教课: 一.传动轴总成的分解 1.分解总成前,应该查总成上装配标记是否完好、清晰,如不齐全,应在拆卸前作上清晰的记号。 2.滑动花键副的分解 拧开套筒叉油封盖,就可将花键轴从套筒叉里拔出来,取下油封、油封垫片和油封盖。 二.万向节分解 (1).用卡簧钳将每个耳孔内的弹簧挡圈取出。 (2).注意把十字轴转到油嘴在开档大的地方,以防碰坏。 三.传动轴总成的检修 (1).万向节的检修 1.十字轴不得有裂纹,轴颈表面若有金属剥落、磨损并有明显凹陷应更换,轴颈有轻微剥落时应用油石打光剥落表面后继续使用。十字轴与轴承配合应符合要求,其间隙为0.02~0.14mm,不得超过0.25mm。 2.万向节十字轴轴承壳如有磨损或破损应更换。 3.十字轴轴承滚针不得有严重烧蚀和疲劳剥落,否则应更换。 4.滚针轴承油封不能失效。 (2).传动轴花键套与花键的检修 1.传动轴轴筒表面不得有明显的凹陷和任何性质的裂痕,轴管全长上的径向圆跳动误差超过标准时(全长小于1m的传动轴径向圆跳动误差不超过0.8mm;全长大于1m的传动轴不大于1.0m),可采用冷压法校正。

(2).传动轴花键轴、花键套的花键齿磨损不能过多,若二者配合间隙(0.025~0.030mm)超过规定,可根据实际情况更换新件或采用局部更换法、压力加工收缩法、堆焊修复法等,修复后继续使用。 (3).检查传动轴万向节、凸缘叉平面的磨损情况,以及螺纹孔有无磨损。检查轴承壳承孔德磨损情况,轴承壳与万向节叉轴承孔德间隙为-0.035~+0.050mm。 (4).检查传动轴中间支撑,检查油封和橡胶衬垫是否损伤;支撑轴承转动是否灵活;若不符合要求应更换。中间支承的轴向间隙应不大于0.5mm,径向间隙应不大于0.05mm。 四.装复和润滑 1.装复 基本上按与分解相反的步骤,先把传动轴装合回总成,然后再将它装到整车上,安装时应从前端开始,逐步往后装。 装复时要注意 (1).传动轴总装配时应使两端的万向节叉位于同一平面内,同时应保证与传动轴两端通过万向节相连的两轴与传动轴的夹角应相等。 (2).传动轴装配时必须对正装配标记,以免动平衡改变。 (3).为便于润滑,十字轴不可装反,油嘴必须朝向传动轴一边,十字轴,花键套上的油嘴应在同一直线上,中间支承轴承油封盖上有油嘴的应装在支架的后面,油嘴朝下。 (4).传动轴的防尘罩必须完整,并用卡子的锁扣应装在传动轴的径向相对位置上,以防失去平衡。 2.万向节、滑动花键副和中间支承,通过油嘴注入相应的润滑油。 小结:本节讲解了传动轴的检修,对学生的实习情况进行讲评。 作业:实习报告


附录A Lathe fixture design and analysis Ma Feiyue (School of Mechanical Engineering, Hefei, Anhui Hefei 230022, China) Abstract: From the start the main types of lathe fixture, fixture on the flower disc and angle iron clamp lathe was introduced, and on the basis of analysis of a lathe fixture design points. Keywords: lathe fixture; design; points Lathe for machining parts on the rotating surface, such as the outer cylinder, inner cylinder and so on. Parts in the processing, the fixture can be installed in the lathe with rotary machine with main primary uranium movement. However, in order to expand the use of lathe, the work piece can also be installed in the lathe of the pallet, tool mounted on the spindle. THE MAIN TYPES OF LATHE FIXTURE Installed on the lathe spindle on the lathe fixture


毕业设计 外文翻译 题目曲轴的加工工艺及夹具设计学院航海学院 专业轮机工程 学生佟宝诚 学号 10960123 指导教师彭中波 重庆交通大学 2014年

Proceedings of IMECE2008 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition October 31-November 6, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA IMECE2008-67447 MULTI-OBJECTIVE SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION OF ENGINE CRANKSHAFTS USING AN INTEGRATION APPROACH Albert Albers/IPEK Institute of Product Development University of Karlsruhe Germany Noel Leon/CIDyT Center for Innovation andDesign Monterrey Institute of Technology,Mexico Humberto Aguayo/CIDyT Center forInnovation and Design, Monterrey Institute ofTechnology, Mexico Thomas Maier/IPEK Institute of Product Development University of Karlsruhe Germany ABSTRACT The ever increasing computer capabilities allow faster analysis in the field of Computer Aided Design and Engineering (CAD & CAE). CAD and CAE systems are currently used in Parametric and Structural Optimization to find optimal topologies and shapes of given parts under certain conditions. This paper describes a general strategy to optimize the balance of a crankshaft, using CAD and CAE software integrated with Genetic Algorithms (GAs) via programming in Java. An introduction to the groundings of this strategy is made among different tools used for its implementation. The analyzed crankshaft is modeled in commercial parametric 3D CAD software. CAD is used for evaluating the fitness function (the balance) and to make geometric modifications. CAE is used for evaluating dynamic restrictions (the eigenfrequencies). A Java interface is programmed to link the CAD model to the CAE software and to the genetic algorithms. In order to make geometry modifications to


机械制造工艺学课程设计 --传动轴加工工艺设计 班级: 指导老师: 组员:

传动轴机械加工工艺 轴类零件是常见的典型零件之一。按轴类零件结构形式不同,一般可分为光轴、阶梯轴和异形轴三类;或分为实心轴、空心轴等。它们在机器中用来支承齿轮、带轮等传动零件,以传递转矩或运动。 台阶轴的加工工艺较为典型,反映了轴类零件加工的大部分内容与基本规律。下面就以减速箱中的传动轴为例,介绍一般台阶轴的加工工艺。 1.零件图样分析

图A-1 图A-1所示零件是减速器中的传动轴。它属于台阶轴类零件,由圆柱面、轴肩、螺纹、螺尾退刀槽、砂轮越程槽和键槽等组成。轴肩一般用来确定安装在轴上零件的轴向位置,各环槽的作用是使零件装配时有

一个正确的位置,并使加工中磨削外圆或车螺纹时退刀方便;键槽用于安装键,以传递转矩;螺纹用于安装各种锁紧螺母和调整螺母。 根据工作性能与条件,该传动轴图样(图A-1)规定了主要轴颈M,N,外圆P、Q以及轴肩G、H、I有较高的尺寸、位置精度和较小的表面粗糙度值,并有热处理要求。这些技术要求必须在加工中给予保证。因此,该传动轴的关键工序是轴颈M、N和外圆P、Q的加工。 毛坯图 2.确定毛坯 该传动轴材料为45钢,因其属于一般传动轴,故选45钢可满足其要求。

本例传动轴属于中、小传动轴,并且各外圆直径尺寸相差不大,故选择¢60mm的热轧圆钢作毛坯。 3.确定主要表面的加工方法 传动轴大都是回转表面,主要采用车削与外圆磨削成形。由于该传动轴的主要表面M、N、P、Q的公差等级(IT6)较高,表面粗糙度Ra值(Ra=0.8 um)较小,故车削后还需磨削。外圆表面的加工方案(参考表A-3)可为: 粗车→半精车→磨削。


优秀设计 传动轴的加工工艺规程设计

设计任务书 课程设计题目:传动轴的加工工艺规程设计 完成期限:从年月日起到年月日 课程设计的意义:课程设计作为学生专业课程学习的重要组成部分,是对课程理论学习的综合运用,通过课程设计可以使学生系统的将所学的专业知识进行回顾和总结,并在此基础上针对设计题目进行具体分析和应用。达到理论学习与教学实践相结合,更好的保证学生的学习效果。 设计的主要任务: 1、完成课程设计说明书一份(6000字左右)。 2、完成零件毛坯图一张(A2或A3)。 3、完成零件图一张(A3)。 4、完成零件加工工序图(包括所有机加工序)。 5、完成典型工序工序卡的填写(2张)。 设计要求:

目录 第1章………………………………………设计说明 第2章………………………………………零件分析 第3章………………………………………工艺分析 第4章………………………………………制定工艺路线 第5章………………………………………机械加工余量的确定第6章………………………………………确定切削用量 第7章………………………………………加工的几点说明 第8章………………………………………总结 第9章………………………………………参考文献

设计说明 本次课程设计是在我们学完了大学的全部基础课、技术基础课之后进行的。这是我们在进行毕业设计之前所学各课程的一次深入的综合性的总复习,也是一次理论联系实际的训练。因此,它在我们四年的大学生活中占有重要的地位。 就我个人而言,我希望能通过这次课程设计对自己未来将从事的工作进行一次适应性训练,从中锻炼自己分析问题、解决问题的能力,为今后参加祖国的现代化建设打下一个良好的基础。 由于能力所限设计尚有许多不足之处,恳请各位老师给予指教。 1 .2.1 零件的分析 生产类型 本题目所要加工的为一阶梯轴,要求批,量为10000件,可确定其生产类型为大批量生产。 零件分析 题目所给定的零件是一主要支撑传动件和传递扭矩的阶梯轴,轴类零件是旋转体零件,其长度大于直径,一般由圆柱面、圆锥面、螺纹、花键、沟槽等。考虑到加工工艺,在车外圆时在两端车刀无法顺利退出所以零件在两端应加退刀槽,详见零件图。 零件的工艺分析 阶梯轴零件图样的视图正确、完整、尺寸、公差及技术要求齐全。本零件各表面的加工并不困难,但零件左边的键槽与其左端面距离只有3mm,有点小加工时估要精确的保证上述要求则比较困难。分析该零件是作传动齿轮转矩所用,故可以将其键槽长度做的稍微小一点,也保证了阶梯轴的强度。又零件图中的直线度精度要求较高,加工时比较困难,即定位基准要保证。 1.2.2 工艺规程的设计 确定毛坯的制造形式


课程设计 传动轴凸缘叉零件的加工工艺规程以及一 些工序的专用夹具设计 摘要 本次设计是对传动轴凸缘叉零件的加工工艺规程以及一些工序的专用夹具设计。传动轴的凸缘叉零件的加工表面是平面和孔。由加工工艺原则可知,保证平面的加工精度要比保证孔的加工精度容易。所以本设计遵循先面后孔的原则。并将孔与平面的加工明确划分分成粗加工和半精加工阶段以保证加工的精度。基准选择以传动轴凸缘叉底圆平面作为粗基准,以传动轴凸缘叉外侧孔作为加工基准加工出侧端面。在后续工序中除个别工序外用端面和工艺孔定位加工其他孔与平面。整个加工过程选用组合机床。

目录: 摘要..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。第1章绪论 (2) 第2章后钢板弹簧吊耳加工工艺规程设计.............................................................. 2.1零件的分析......................................................................................................... 2.1.1零件的作用.................................................................................................. 1.1.2零件的工艺分析.......................................................................................... 2.2工艺过程设计所应采取的相应措施................................................................. 2.3传动轴凸缘叉加工定位基准的选择................................................................. 2.3.1 确定毛坯的制造形式................................................................................. 2.3.2粗基准的选择.............................................................................................. 2.3.3精基准的选择.............................................................................................. 2.4 工艺路线的制定................................................................................................ 2.4 .1方案............................................................................................................ 2.5机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定................................................. 2.6确定切削用量及基本工时(机动时间)......................................................... 2.7本章小结............................................................................................................. 结论............................................................参考文献........................................................ 1.绪论 机械的加工工艺及夹具设计是进行的一次理论联系实际的综合运用,使我对专业知识、技能有了进一步的提高,为以后从事专业技术的工作打下基础。机械加工工艺是实现产品设计,保证产品质量、节约能源、降低成本的重要手段,是企业进行生产准备,计划调度、加工操作、生产安全、技术检测和健全劳动组织的重要依据,也是企业上品种、上质量、上水平,加速产品更新,提高经济效益的技术保证。然而夹具又是制造系统的重要组成部分,不论是传统制造,还是现代制造系统,夹具都是十分重要的。因此,好的夹具设计可以提高产品劳动生产


2604130359 CNC Cutting Technology Review Numerical control high speed cutting technology (High Speed Machining, HSM, or High Speed Cutting, HSC), is one of the advanced manufacturing technology to improve the machining efficiency and quality, the study of related technology has become an important research direction of advanced manufacturing technology at home and abroad. China is a big manufacturing country, in the world of industry transfer to accept the front instead of back-end of the transfer, to master the core technology of advanced manufacturing, or in a new round of international industrial structure adjustment, our country manufacturing industry will further behind. Imminent research on the theory and application of advanced technology. 1, high-speed CNC machining meaning High speed cutting theory put forward by the German physicist Carl.J.Salomon in the last century and early thirty's. He concluded by a lot of experiments: in the normal range of cutting speed, cutting speed if the increase, will cause the cutting temperature rise, exacerbating the wear of cutting tool; however, when the cutting speed is increased to a certain value, as long as more than the inflection point, with the increase of the cutting speed, cutting temperature can not rise, but will decline, so as long as the cutting speed is high enough, it can be solved very well in high cutting temperature caused by tool wear is not conducive to the cutting problem, obtained good processing efficiency. With the development of manufacturing industry, this theory is gradually paid more attention to, and attracted a lot of attention, on the basis of this theory has gradually formed the field of high-speed cutting technology of NC, relatively early research on NC High-speed Machining Technology in developed countries, through the theoretical basis of the research, basic research and applied research and development application, at present applications have entered the substantive stage in some areas. The high-speed cutting processing category, generally have the following several kinds of classification methods, one is to see that cutting speed, cutting speed over conventional cutting speed is 5-10 times of high speed cutting. Also has the scholar to spindle speed as the definition of high-speed processing standards, that the spindle speed is higher than that of 8000r\/min for high speed machining. And from the machine tool spindle design point of view, with the product of DN diameter of spindle and spindle speed, if the value of DN to (5~2000) * 105mm.r\/min, is considered to be of high speed machining. In practice, different processing methods, different materials, high speed cutting speed corresponding to different. Is generally believed that the turning speed of (700~7000) m\/min, milling speed reaches m\/min (300~6000), that is in the high-speed cutting. In addition, from the practical considerations, high-speed machining concept not only contains the high speed cutting process, integration and optimization also contains the process of cutting, is a


湖南科技大学 课程设计名称: 传动轴(批量为200件)机械加工工艺规程设计 学生姓名: 学院: 机电工程学院 专业及班级: 08级材料成型及控制工程1班 学号: 指导教师: 胡忠举 12月15日 至诚致志、唯实惟新 目录 一.机械制造课程设计的目

的………………………………………………… 二.生产纲领的计算与生产类型的确定……………………………………… 1.生产类型的确定…………………………………………………………… 2.生产纲领的计算…………………………………………………………… 三.传动轴的工艺性分析………………………………………………………… 1.零件的结构特点及应用……………………………………………………………… 2.零件的工艺分析…………………………………………………………… 四. 选择毛坯、确定毛坯尺寸、设计毛坯图…………………………………… 1.毛坯的选择……………………………………………………………… 2.确定毛坯的尺寸公差及机械加工余量…………………………………… 3.设计毛坯图…………………………………………………………… 五. 选择传动轴的加工方法, 制定工艺路

线…………………………………… 1.定为基准的选择………………………………………………………… 2.零件表面加工方法的确定……………………………………………… 3.制定工艺路线…………………………………………………………… 4.热处理工序的安排………………………………………………………… 六. 机床设备的选用……………………………………………………………… 1.机床设备的选用………………………………………………………… 2.工艺装备的选用………………………………………………………… 七. 工序加工余量的确定, 工序尺寸及公差的计算…………………………… 八. 确定工序的切削用量………………………………………………………… 九. 时间定额的计算……………………………………………………………… 十. 提高劳动生产率的方


A review and analysis of current computer-aided fixture design approaches Iain Boyle, Yiming Rong, David C. Brown Keywords: Computer-aided fixture design Fixture design Fixture planning Fixture verification Setup planning Unit design ABSTRACT A key characteristic of the modern market place is the consumer demand for variety. To respond effectively to this demand, manufacturers need to ensure that their manufacturing practices are sufficiently flexible to allow them to achieve rapid product development. Fixturing, which involves using fixtures to secure work pieces during machining so that they can be transformed into parts that meet required design specifications, is a significant contributing factor towards achieving manufacturing flexibility. To enable flexible fixturing, considerable levels of research effort have been devoted to supporting the process of fixture design through the development of computer-aided fixture design (CAFD) tools and approaches. This paper contains a review of these research efforts. Over seventy-five CAFD tools and approaches are reviewed in terms of the fixture design phases they support and the underlying technology upon which they are based. The primary conclusion of the review is that while significant advances have been made in supporting fixture design, there are primarily two research issues that require further effort. The first of these is that current CAFD research is segmented in nature and there remains a need to provide more cohesive fixture design support. Secondly, a greater focus is required on supporting the detailed design of a fixture’s physical structure. 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Contents 1. Introduction (2) 2. Fixture design (2) 3. Current CAFD approaches (4) 3.1 Setup planning (4) 3.1.1 Approaches to setup planning (4) 3.2 Fixture planning (4) 3.2.1 Approaches to defining the fixturing requirement (6) 3.2.2 Approaches to non-optimized layout planning (6) 3.2.3 Approaches to layout planning optimization (6) 3.3 Unit design (7) 3.3.1 Approaches to conceptual unit design (7)

设计“ 传动轴突缘叉 ”零件的机械加工工艺规程及机床夹具

摘要 通过在校期间对传动轴的学习和认识对传动轴进行一下系统的分析和设计,支承、传动件的零件称为轴。轴类零件及其相关零件的课程设计是汽车类专业学生 完成本专业教学计划的一个极为重要的实践性教学环节,是使学生综合运用所学过的基本理论、基本知识与基本技能去解决专业范围内的工程技术问题而进行的一次基本训练。这对学生即将从事的相关技术工作和未来事业的开拓都具有一定意义。 希望通过这次课程设计对学生未来将从事的工作进行一次适应性训练,从中锻炼分析问题、解决问题的能力,为今后参加工作打下一个良好的基础。 关键词:传动轴凸缘叉,零件,刚度,强度 问题的提出 问题:传动轴主要用于汽车行业,就目前来看传动轴存在的问题还是很多的,尤其是汽车方面。很多汽车生产商不得不把自己所产汽车召回,浪费了大量的人力物力,也给消费者带来了诸多麻烦,给自己企业造成了负面影响。对于传动轴凸缘叉而言其作用也不可忽视!



目录 一、序言……………………………………………………………… 1. 设计目的 2. 设计的要求 3. 设计的内容及步骤 二、零件的分析……………………………………………………… 1.零件的主要技术要求 2.零件的工艺分析 三、工艺规程设计…………………………………………………… 1.确定毛坯的制造形式 2.基面的选择 3.制定工艺路线 4.机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 5.确定切削用量及基本工时 四、心得体会……………………………………………………… 五、参考文献………………………………………………………


湖南科技大学 课程设计名称:传动轴(批量为200件)机械加工工艺规程设计 学生姓名: 学院:机电工程学院 专业及班级: 08级材料成型及控制工程1班 学号: 指导教师:胡忠举 2010年12月15日 至诚致志、唯实惟新

目录 一.机械制造课程设计的目的…………………………………………………二.生产纲领的计算与生产类型的确定……………………………………… 1.生产类型的确定…………………………………………………………… 2.生产纲领的计算……………………………………………………………三.传动轴的工艺性分析………………………………………………………… 1.零件的结构特点及应用……………………………………………………………… 2.零件的工艺分析…………………………………………………………… 四. 选择毛坯、确定毛坯尺寸、设计毛坯图…………………………………… 1.毛坯的选择……………………………………………………………… 2.确定毛坯的尺寸公差及机械加工余量…………………………………… 3.设计毛坯图…………………………………………………………… 五. 选择传动轴的加工方法,制定工艺路线…………………………………… 1.定为基准的选择………………………………………………………… 2.零件表面加工方法的确定……………………………………………… 3.制定工艺路线…………………………………………………………… 4.热处理工序的安排………………………………………………………… 六. 机床设备的选用……………………………………………………………… 1.机床设备的选用………………………………………………………… 2.工艺装备的选用………………………………………………………… 七. 工序加工余量的确定,工序尺寸及公差的计算…………………………… 八. 确定工序的切削用量………………………………………………………… 九. 时间定额的计算……………………………………………………………… 十. 提高劳动生产率的方法……………………………………………………… 十一. 课程设计体会…………………………………………………………………十二. 参考文献……………………………………………………………………十三. 附录…………………………………………………………………………
