Walmart Stores

Walmart Stores
Walmart Stores

Walmart Stores, Inc. was founded by American retail legend Mr. Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962.? Over forty years later, it has become the world’s largest private employer and retailer, on the top of the Fortune 500 list and has been among the most valuable brands for many years.

Today, with over 2.1 million associates worldwide, Walmart operates more than 8,400 units in 15 countries under 55 different banners, and serves more than 200 million customers per week. Walmart had $405 billion in annual sales in fiscal year 2010 (FYE10, Feb. 1, 2009 to Jan. 31, 2010). The charitable giving numbers including cash and in-kind gifts was more than $512 million in FYE10, a 20% increase over the previous year’s giving. In 2010, Walmart regained the seat at the top of the Fortune 500, and ranked first among retailers in Fortune Magazine’s 2010 Most Admired Companies survey.

In China, as elsewhere, we follow the three core values of respect for the individual, service to the customer, and striving for excellence, and stick to the Walmart tradition of building our business one store and one customer at a time, so as to fulfill our core mission — save people money, so they can live better, and continue to make a difference in the lives of our customers, members and associates.

About Walmart China

Walmart entered the Chinese market and opened its first Supercenter and Sam’s Club in Shenzhen in 1996. Currently, Walmart operates a number of store formats in China including Supercenters, Sam’s Clubs, and Neighborhood Markets. As of August 5, 2010, Walmart had 189 units in 101 cities, and created over 50,000 job opportunities across China.

Walmart China firmly believes in local sourcing. We have established partnerships with nearly 20,000 suppliers in China. Over 95% of the merchandise in our stores in China is sourced locally. Meanwhile, Walmart is committed to local talent development and diversity, especially the cultivation and full utilization of female staff and executives. 99.9% of Walmart China associates are Chinese nationals. All our stores in China are managed by Chinese local talent. 43% of leaders at senior manager level and above are female. In 2009, the company established the “Walmart China Women’s Leadership Development Commission” for driving women’s career development.

About Walmart China’s Corporate Social Responsibility Program

Walmart China is committed to being a good corporate citizen and has organized CSR efforts in five categories: environmental protection, community

involvement, child welfare, educational support, and disaster relief. We have donated funds and in-kind support worth more than RMB60 million to local charities and welfare organizations since entering the China market. Moreover, Walmart China associates have dedicated over 180, 000 hours to these activities. Some of our recent CSR events are as below:

1.Walmart donated over RMB 370,000 to the flooded area since June. Over 600 Walmart China associates have dedicated to these relief activities.

2.In May 2008, Walmart pledged to donate over RMB 20 million to the Sichuan earthquake-stricken areas for buying items in short supply and community reconstruction. The projects included:

1.Buying and delivering badly needed supplies to the earthquake-stricken areas immediately after the earthquake, by coordinating efforts with the Red Cross, the local government, relief organizations and civil affairs authorities.

2.Donating RMB 5 million to the Sichuan Foundation for Poverty Alleviation for supporting programs to build countryside clinics in the earthquake-stricken area, and donating 20 ambulances worth more than RMB 2.5 million to the Health Department of Sichuan Province,mitting RMB 6 million for the rebuilding of schools damaged in the earthquake through the “Sichuan Sustainable Schools project”. The project is managed by the China-US Center for Sustainable Development.

4.Donating RMB 1.07 million to the international NGO Right to Play for the pilot program in Hanzhong and Ankang districts of Shaanxi Province to help orphaned and handicapped children

5.Donating RMB 700,000 to support the Big Top project through partnership with Half the Sky Foundation, creating a warm and positive environment for children in the earthquake-stricken area

6.Providing assistance to Beijing Normal University’s vo lunteer teaching trips in the quake area, establishing a recovery training room for teenagers by cooperating with the China Children and Teenagers’ Foundation, and “Youth Leadership Program among China University Students” developed by the Committee of 100.

3.In November, 2009, Walmart China provided financial support to “The Program for Leadership Training and Cooperation for Sustainable Community Development in China” jointly launched by the Harmony Foundation of Canada and the National Training Center for Mayors of China

4.In January, 2010, in response to the tragic earthquake in Haiti, Walmart operations around the world and the Walmart Foundation announced a $500,000 monetary donation to the Red Cross emergency relief efforts in Haiti. The company also sent pre-packaged food kits valued at $100,000 to Haiti. Walmart China also donated RMB 200,000 for disaster relief.

5.In March 2010, Walmart in the U.S. announced an initial donation of

$ 1million to the tragic earthquake in Chile. ?Walmart China and its union, and

Walmart’s Global Sourcing team in China donated an additional RMB 400,000 in cash and in-kind support to Chile.

6.In April, 2010, Walmart Foundation donated $150,000 to the international NGO, World Vision for Public Welfare Project for earthquake relief in Qinghai. ?Walmart China and its union, and the Walmart Global Sourcing team in China donated an additional RMB 525,000 in cash and in-kind support to Qinghai Yushu, which was devastated by a massive earthquake. In addition, Walmart China associates made an additional donation of RMB 401, 500. In this way, Walmart China and Walmart's global foundation are joining efforts to support Qinghai relief with a total donation worth RMB 1.95 million.

7.For the whole year of 2009, Walmart held nearly 400 community activities at 150 stores in over 80 cities across China, including its traditional events like “anniversary celebration” and “community service week”. Over 50,000 customers from 150 communities participated in these activities.

8.In January, 2010, Walmart China held a nationwide community campaign with the theme of “Caring about Climate Change, Making our Planet Healthier”, attracting more than 60,000 customers from 100 communities to participate.

9.Through March to April, 2010, Walmart China launc hed its “Earth Month” green campaign across China, and turned off one third of the lighting in the stores during off-peak hours in response to WWF’s Earth Hour program. The campaign helps our stores and neighboring communities save 1 million kilowatt-hours of electricity and cut 860 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Around 180 communities in over 90 cities, 38 million customers, 100 thousand Walmart associates and their families were actively involved in this campaign.

Wal-mart Stores沃尔玛 SWOT 2010

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Company Profile Publication Date: 18 Jun 2010, Americas Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific 245 5th Avenue 119 Farringdon Road Level 46 London 4th Floor 2 Park Street EC1R 3DA Sydney, NSW 2000 New Y ork, NY 10016 United Kingdom USA Australia t: +1 212 686 7400 t: +44 20 7551 9000 t: +61 2 8705 6900 f: +1 212 686 2626 f: +44 20 7551 9090 f: +61 2 8088 7405 e: euroinfo@, e: apinfo@, e: usinfo@,

TABLE OF CONTENTS Company Overview (4) Key Facts (4) SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................5Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Page 3 T ABLE OF CONTENTS

Walmart Stores

Walmart Stores, Inc. was founded by American retail legend Mr. Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962.? Over forty years later, it has become the world’s largest private employer and retailer, on the top of the Fortune 500 list and has been among the most valuable brands for many years. Today, with over 2.1 million associates worldwide, Walmart operates more than 8,400 units in 15 countries under 55 different banners, and serves more than 200 million customers per week. Walmart had $405 billion in annual sales in fiscal year 2010 (FYE10, Feb. 1, 2009 to Jan. 31, 2010). The charitable giving numbers including cash and in-kind gifts was more than $512 million in FYE10, a 20% increase over the previous year’s giving. In 2010, Walmart regained the seat at the top of the Fortune 500, and ranked first among retailers in Fortune Magazine’s 2010 Most Admired Companies survey. In China, as elsewhere, we follow the three core values of respect for the individual, service to the customer, and striving for excellence, and stick to the Walmart tradition of building our business one store and one customer at a time, so as to fulfill our core mission — save people money, so they can live better, and continue to make a difference in the lives of our customers, members and associates. About Walmart China Walmart entered the Chinese market and opened its first Supercenter and Sam’s Club in Shenzhen in 1996. Currently, Walmart operates a number of store formats in China including Supercenters, Sam’s Clubs, and Neighborhood Markets. As of August 5, 2010, Walmart had 189 units in 101 cities, and created over 50,000 job opportunities across China. Walmart China firmly believes in local sourcing. We have established partnerships with nearly 20,000 suppliers in China. Over 95% of the merchandise in our stores in China is sourced locally. Meanwhile, Walmart is committed to local talent development and diversity, especially the cultivation and full utilization of female staff and executives. 99.9% of Walmart China associates are Chinese nationals. All our stores in China are managed by Chinese local talent. 43% of leaders at senior manager level and above are female. In 2009, the company established the “Walmart China Women’s Leadership Development Commission” for driving women’s career development. About Walmart China’s Corporate Social Responsibility Program Walmart China is committed to being a good corporate citizen and has organized CSR efforts in five categories: environmental protection, community


第一章通风空调工程概述 送排风、除尘、气力输送以及人防、排烟系统的统称。通风空调就是利用制冷设备,然后通过风管或者水管把冷量或热量送到很多的房间或者需要进行空气调节的地方。整个空调系统里主要组成部分包括:风管、水管、风管件、水管件、风机、空调设备、冷却塔、水处理设备、主机等。各类设备及管件的用途及性能、分类等详见公司样本。 第二章通风空调工程施工图识读 1.图纸的常用尺寸及常用比例 常用比例:1:50 、1:100 、1:150 、1:200 2.图纸的测量 有比例可测量:平面图、大样图、剖面图;无比例不可测量:系统轴侧图、原理图,测量工具有比例尺、CAD标注工具,算量软件等。 3.风管面积计算规则 风管制作安装以施工图示风管规格按展开面积计算,不扣除检查孔、测定孔、送、排风口等所占面积,以M2为计算单位。 圆形风管F=πDL 矩形风管F=2(A+B)*L 风管计量规范:风管长度一律以施工图示中心线长度为准(主管

与支管以其中心线交点划分),包括弯头、三通、变径管、天圆地方等管件的长度,但不得包括部件(阀门、消声器、静压箱等)所占长度。直径和周长以图示尺寸为准(变径管、天圆地方按大头口径尺寸计算),制作咬口重叠部分及法兰,不得另行增加。 水管计量规则:各种管道均以施工图示中心长度,以m为计量单位,不扣除阀门、管件、伸缩器等所占长度。 4.施工图纸 通风空调安装工程施工图是编制预算的重要依据,在做预算之前一定要仔细阅读设计说明,大体了解设计思路。图纸主要包括:目录、设计说明、平面图、立面图、大样图、流程图等,每个图纸都是有效的工程预算的重要依据,一定要统观全图。 第三章管道 1.通风管道的分类 镀锌钢板风管、无机玻璃钢风管、玻纤铝箔复合风管、玻镁复合风管、酚醛复合风管、聚氨脂复合风管、挤塑复合风管、彩钢板复合风管、索斯风管、铝箔复合软管等。 2.水管材质分类 普通焊接钢管、无缝钢管、镀锌钢管、PP-R管、铝塑管、衬塑复合钢管、紫铜管、PE管、PVC管等。 3.管道的保温 复合风管及玻璃钢风管不需另作保温,金属风管作为空调风管使

沃尔玛walmart 电子商务(EC)报告英文版

Contents 1.Overview of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. background (3) 2.Four global business categories of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc (3) 3.The current main competitors to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc (4) 4.The e-commerce related advantages of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc........... . (6) 5.The diagram of logistics and supply chain system of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc................................................................................ . (7) 6.The e-commerce related disadvantages of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc......... .. (7) 7.In order to maintain or grow the leadership, what improvements should be taken by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc (8) 8.The possible difficulties that Wal-Malt stores may face during the process of improvement................................................................ . (9) 9.Alternative actions (if any) if you were the CEO of one of Wal-Mart’s competitors (9) 10.References (10)


沃尔玛供应链管理的成功之道 经过四十余年的发展,沃尔玛已成为世界知名的连锁零售商。沃尔玛取得成功的原因 之一在于他们努力践行着那句口号“天天平价,始终如一”。为实现这一口号,沃尔玛严格 控制供应链每一环节,从而可以低价格出售商品,争取到尽可能多的消费者。 在供应链的管理过程中,沃尔玛的战略恰恰应了中国的一句老话“磨刀不误砍柴工”。 它不是将物流环节视为企业的成本中心尽力缩减投入,而是将其视为利润中心,采用全方 位的电子系统控制、最先进的技术以及对供应商的高标准要求,从而实现供应链高效运转。 早在上世纪80年代初,沃尔玛便采用电子化的快速供应这一现代化供应链管理模式,并且不断将更新的技术融入其中。这一模式使沃尔玛将销售信息、库存信息、成本信息等 与合作伙伴交流分享。可以说,这是供应链管理由企业内部向企业间合作的一个飞跃。 沃尔玛具体做法是:通过EDI(电子数据交换)系统把POS(销售时点信息管理)数 据传给供应方,供应方可以及时了解沃尔玛的销售状况,把握商品需求动向,及时调整生 产计划和材料采购计划。供应方利用EDI系统在发货前向沃尔玛传送ASN(预先发货清单),这样沃尔玛可以做好进货准备,同时省去货物数据的输入作业,使商品检验作业更 有效率。 沃尔玛在接收货物时,用扫描仪读取货物的条码信息,与进货清单核对,判断到货和 发货清单是否一致,利用电子支付系统向供应方支付货款,并把ASN和POS数据比较, 迅速知道商品库存的信息。沃尔玛把商品进货和库存管理职能移交给供应方,供应方对POS信息和ASN信息进行分析,把握商品销售和沃尔玛的库存动向。在此基础上,供应 方决定什么时间、把什么商品、以什么方式发送,发货信息预先以ASN形式传送给沃尔玛,以多频度小数量进行CRP(连续库存补充)。 如此运作,供应方不仅能减少本企业的库存,还能减少沃尔玛的库存,实现整个供应 链的库存水平最小化。对于沃尔玛来说,省去了商品进货业务,节约了成本,能够集中精 力于销售活动,并且能够事先得知供应方的商品促销计划和商品生产计划,能够以较低价 格进货。 目前沃尔玛对其供应链管理系统还融入了无线射频识别技术RFID。采用这一技术旨 在监督和跟踪控制每一个产品,控制物流环节中的产品缺失与质量监督。这一技术的应用 最初在供应商那里反响并不好,大部分供应商反对采用这一技术。因为这不是一次简单地 在商品包装上贴标签的措施,而是对于整个供应链上游的技术性整合,这方面的成本投入 与工作方式的转变都是巨大的。但由于沃尔玛的坚持,随着时间的推移,越来越多的供应 商采用了这一技术。 从强制性采用RFID这一技术可以看出,沃尔玛对于供应商要求之严格,并且其对供 应商严格要求的标准也被多家企业借鉴。我们从沃尔玛官方网站就可以看出其对于供应商 的要求严格之程度:供应商对当地法律的遵守情况;供应商对其雇工制定的劳动时间、是 否存在种族歧视;供应商的工作环境尤其是环保要求;与沃尔玛合作的商业机密保密情况 等均做了明确严格的要求。不仅如此,沃尔玛每年还为其供应商进行相应的培训,并且将 培训的结果公之于众。 从上世纪80年代物流管理理念的创新,到当今作为RFID的主力倡导者,可以说,沃 尔玛不是将物流管理一味地作为成本中心加以缩减,而是将其不断改造更新成为企业的核 心竞争力,最终成为企业的重要利润来源。


Competition In North America, wal-mart stores the main competition including as Target, ShopKo and Meijer, Canada's Zellers, the Real Canadian Superstore and Giant Tiger, and Mexico's Comercial Mexicana and Soriana. Wal-mart's move to the grocer in the late 1990s, also make it against the big supermarket chains in the U.S. and Canada. Several smaller retailers, primarily dollar stores, such as Family Dollar and Dollar General, have been able to find a small niche market and compete successfully against Wal-Mart for home consumer sales.[1] In 2004, Wal-Mart responded by testing its own dollar store concept, a subsection of some stores called "Pennies-n-Cents."[2] Wal-Mart also had to face fierce competition in some foreign markets. For example, in Germany it had captured just 2% of German food market following its entry into the market in 1997 and remained "a secondary player" behind Aldi with a 19% share.[3] In July 2006, Wal-Mart announced its withdrawal from Germany. Its stores were sold to German company Metro.[4] Wal-Mart continues to do well in the UK, and its Asda subsidiary is the second largest chain after Tesco.[5] In May 2006, after entering the South Korean market in 1998, Wal-Mart withdrew and sold all 16 of its South Korean outlets to Shinsegae, a local retailer, for $882 million. Shinsegae re-branded the Wal-Marts as E-mart stores.[6] Wal-Mart struggled to export its brand elsewhere as it rigidly tried to reproduce its model overseas. In China, Wal-Mart hopes to succeed by adapting and doing things preferable to Chinese citizens. For example, it found that Chinese consumers preferred to select their own live fish and seafood; stores began displaying the meat uncovered and installed fish tanks, leading to higher sales.[7] Key Success Factors 1. Low Cost Low cost brings low price. Price will always be one of key success factors in determining who gets the business, and retains it. In comparision, The advantage of Walmart is its low price. And the mark-up on goods in Walmart is low. To guarantee the implementation of the strategy of low-cost competition, The premise is to reduce cost from each link. The logistics cost control is the measure of retail enterprise management level. It is also an important symbol of retail enterprises’ operating results.Wal-mart established strong distribution center system, which has the largest satellite communication system and the company's transportation team, all the company branch of computer department headquarters, realize full-automatic operation distribution center. By the integration of logistics, capital, optimization, Walmart owned a timely and efficient logistics cost control. 2. Expansion


Walmart验厂部分要求 消防安全强化要求培训手册 一、法律要求出示消防文件时,文件是否: A、真实存在 B、已经过期 当消防文件不是法定要求时,工厂至少应该具备以下文件: A、当地政府发放的建筑许可文件,该文件不应该过期与建筑布局相符。 B、Walmart授权的土木或结构工程师的证明书并与建筑布局相匹配。 C、未过期规划许可且与工厂计划活动相匹配。 如果没有消防安全文件,请准备一下文件: 1当地政府部门发放的建筑许可文件 2Walmart授权的土木或结构工程师的证明书 3当地政府部门发放的规划许可文件 以上文件必须在有效期内。 二、按照walmart消防安全标准进行工厂检查: 1 每月进行 2 有文件记录 工厂遵守walmart消防标准: 1 必须每天检查违规行为,保证工厂达到walmart消防标准 2 为审核准备好检查记录。检查表必须符合walmart消防标准。 三、工厂疏散计划: 1 实际存在 2 须有“您在此处的标志” 3 与建筑布局相符 4 使用大多数员工熟悉的语言 5 能迅速切断电源 工厂执行事项: 1 建筑平面布局图 2 工厂员工使用语言列表及每种语言使用的百分比。 工厂疏散图: 1 张贴于法定区域 2 张贴于每个生产车间 3 张贴于高度密集区域 4张贴于楼梯并附近 四、紧急逃生路线: 1 有指示标记(空中标识要有蓄电池通电) 2 有良好的光线 员工必须能及时确认相距当前位置最近的紧急出口及逃生路线。 紧急逃生路线上不能有任何障碍物。

五、工厂灭火器: 1 每层均需配备 2 每个车间均需配备 3 存放易燃物的区域必须配备 工厂内任何地点到最近灭火器的距离不得超过28米,如果当地法律规定了最低的距离,应按当地法律规定执行。 保证灭火器随时可用,且储蓄充足;保证灭火器指示针停留在绿色区域,或显示为充满状态。灭火器检查内容: 1 每月由工厂员工检查一次 2 每年由第三方检查一次 3 保留书面记录 第三方可能是来自当地政府、市或省消防部门的代表,或是有walmart认可的独立消防公司。 六、备用紧急出口: 1、工厂所有楼层均已配备 2、满足最低数量要求 必须确保您的工厂配备至少2个紧急出口,只有下列2个条件同时成立时,工厂才可以有一个紧急出口: 1、建筑面积小于70平方米 2、人数少于10人。 容纳人数符合下列标准的建筑物需要设置额外紧急出口,无论用途如何: 1、10-499人:2个或以上的紧急出口 2、500-1000人:3个或以上的紧急出口 3、多余1000人:4个或4个以上的紧急出口 需要准确记录工厂建筑物内的可容纳人数。制作工厂的平面布局图,要求说明楼层面积或尺寸。 工厂备用紧急出口: 1、位于其他紧急出口对面 2、可穿过独立窗口独立到达 需要准确记录工厂建筑内紧急出口的所在位置。 七、为将发生火灾时受伤风险降低到最低,全体员工必须能够在合理的时间内到达紧急出口。 以下工厂必须安装自动喷水系统: 1 部分或整栋建筑用于处理或存放标为危险、可燃或易燃物品。 2 工厂拥有高度密集区域,满足下列条件之一为高度密集区域: A 楼层面积超过1115平方米 B 员工多于300人 C 高出地面 工厂要有充足的水源,有水箱,水池,进行月检,每年进行有资质的第三方检测。 配备自动喷水系统的建筑,到达应急出口距离要求如下: 1、工厂:76米 2、办公室:91米 3、配送中心:122米 未配备自动喷水系统的建筑,到达应急出口距离要求如下:


BRIEF INTRODUCTION Wal-Mart is a company based in North America but has become the largest retailer and is larger than any other retail chain in the world. It is clear that Wal-Mart is growing and gaining international power at an alarming rate. Wal-Mart journey from humble beginnings in the 1960s as a folksy discount retailer in the boondocks of Arkansas to a global retailing juggernaut in 2008 was unprecedented among the company of the world: Sales were expected to exceed $400 billion in fiscal 2009. Wal-Mart provides general merchandise: family apparel, health & beauty aids, household needs, electronics, toys, fabrics, crafts, lawn & garden, jewelry and shoes. Also, the company runs a pharmacy department, Tire & Lube Express, and Photo processing center as well. There are also many secondary issues surrounding the Wal-Mart Corporation and its large growth. It is the largest retail company in the United States and has been ranked number one on the Fortune 500 Index by Fortune Magazine. Wal-Mart has four parts to their corporate strategy. 1. Dominance in the Retail Market 2. Expansion in the U.S. and International Markets 3. Creation of Positive Brand and Company Recognition 4. Branch Out into New Sectors of Retail In recent years, Wal-Mart is very active in the market, as the world's largest multinational retailer?s enterprises. There are more and more stores all over the world, more and more competitors at the same time, if the company wants to maintain their position in the international market, they need to make appropriate strategic transformation to adapt to the development of the international market, this way is useful for the enterprise to survive for a long time. In June 2008, Wal-Mart?s CEO, H. Lee Scott, presented a glowing report to the est imated 16000 shareholders attending the company?s annual shareholder meeting held at the 19,000-seat Bud Walton Arena on the University of Arkansas campus, located a few miles from Wal-Mart?s headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas.


NO. 5 WAL-MART USA Potential Supplier Guide 沃尔玛(美国)潜在供应商指引 TO: NEW DI (DIRECT IMPORT) SUPPLIERS 给新的供应商(直接进口类) In addition to what has been mentioned in the PSG, I would like to give you a brief idea for the whole procedure of doing business with Wal-Mart. 除了在潜在供应商指引中提到的内容,我很乐意让你简要了解和沃尔玛商务合作的整个 流程。 1. Sign Supplier Agreement (SA) and set up supplier ID in WM system 1.签供应商协议并在沃尔玛系统中建立供应商代码。 2. ETHICS STANDARD (ES) 道德标准 Suppliers need to ensure the compliance of your factory to the Wal-Mart ES standard. 供应商需要确保自己的工厂遵循沃尔玛道德标准。 3. CTL TESTING Samples should be sent to CTL HongKong or USA for testing before sample approval. We need the passed CTL reports for both Pre-production and Production test during QA inspection. Production sample should be picked up by GP QA in during inspection. Please contact CTL office to get more details. 确认样品前,必须将样品寄到香港或美国的CTL实验室测试。我们需要2份CTL实验 室认证通过的产品报告,包括批产前样品和采购部质检员在生产检查中抽取的样品。生 产样品必须是质检员在检查过程中随机抽取的。要获得更多信息,请通过以下方式联系CTL办公室。 CTL Hong Kong office CTL香港办公室 E-Mail Tel: 852-2423-7161 Fax: 852-2480-4758 4. PACKAGING & SAMPLE APPROVAL BEFORE PRODUCTION 包装和样品的批产前确认。 1.You are required to contact Wal-Mart assigned design house to get the packaging artwork for Wal-Mart private label. The artwork layout should be sent to GP merchandiser for approval before making print proof. 你需要与沃尔玛指定的部门联系以获得沃尔玛专有标签的包装设计图。包装设计 图需要在打样前发给采购部采购员确认。 2.Please contact GP PD team for packaging color approval before merchandiser’s approval (required for WM private label only). No mass printing should be started before this process. 请在采购员确认之前,联系采购部的产品开发部门确认包装颜色(只要求是沃尔

Walmart 商业计划书 英文

Wal-Mart Business Planning Team member:

Contents,pany profile 2.Analysis of strategic environment Exterior circumstance analysis Internal circumstance analysis a) Resource b) Capacity c) Core competitiveness d) SWOT analysis 3. Strategy plan a) The business layer strategy b) Differentiation strategy 4. Developments in China a) Difficult to reduce cost of logistics system b) No obviously advantages on Information system c) Ignore localization more times 5. Suggestions on improvement a) Know more about Chinese market and do some changes b) Clamp down on the logistics distribution center

1. Company Profile Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer. In 1962, Sam Walton and his brother opened the first Wal-Mart in Arkansas Rogers. Wal-Mart made a very unique business idea that using low prices, friendly service to win the favor of customers. With Wal-Mart expanding, Wal-Mart's business philosophy and marketing strategy has been further improved. We can say that Wal-Mart can achieve such great success with their supply chain environmental science procurement management. 2. Analysis of Company Strategic Environment External environment 1.General environments a)Population environment It seems that on the macroeconomic environment, the global population is still rising, especially for developing countries such as China. In Nanjing, rapid population growth and the increasing number of population, at the same time as the improving process of urbanization; the urban resident population was concentrated trend. Growing population and the centralization of the population living environment provide huge opportunities for the retail industry. b)Economic environment Chinese government provides peaceful developing environment and a proactive fiscal policy, making the Chinese economy was steady and fast development. Meanwhile, the per capita purchasing power has increased and people's living standards have become increasingly demanding which makes people have increasingly high levels of consumption. So, going shopping in Wal-Mart has become a usual appearance. c)Social and cultural environment Wal-Mart emphasize the concept and value that All for One and One for All.


我也来谈谈Wal-Mart Wal-Mart通常采购每年有两次,一次在春季,一次在秋季。Wal-Mart对于产品有很详细的分类,每类产品都有不同的Dept负责。在每一季采购前,Wal-Mart的Buyer(在美国的)会根据上一季的市场销售情况以及未来趋势作一个采购计划,比如未来准备销售什么产品,大致数量等等。然后这份采购计划回提前给每一个相关的供应商,以家具为例,大约在Buyer来采购的前一个月,每一个供应商基本上都会收到这份计划。然后是供应商们根据自己的情况准备样品。 这样一个月后,Wal-Mart会指定一个地点,华南一般是深圳高交馆、香格里拉等等,给每一家供应商指定一个时间段,比如甲9:00-9:30,乙9:30-10:00等等,供应商会提前和上述地方预定场地,比如香格里拉的某个会议室,提前把样品摆出来,有点像交易会的样子。这时通常时间都很紧,要知道,Buyer一家一家轮着看,转一圈回来原来的地方可能有换了一家。这个过程通常是初选,供应商的每个产品上都有一份Wal-Mart格式的报价单,如果初选通过,带Buyer的采办会把选中的报价单带走。初选完后通常要过两三天才是复选,那时基本上是需要供应商和Buyer或者采办面谈,敲定数量、价格、出货方式、交期等等。这样基本上一次搞定半年的订单。 Wal-Mart是个很讲究integrity的公司,通常面谈时都会有一个所谓“防损部”的人员陪同,以防Under Table的交易。 一般情况下,Wal-Mart是一次把半年的单子敲定,所以如果春季没有收获的供应商,基本上也就只能指望秋季了。 Wal-Mart的中标率是很低的,很多时候准备数百件样品,中标也只有个位数。 Wal-Mart除了这两季采购之外,中间也会有一些采购动作,但相比Wal-Mart每季的采购量而言,也只能算是下一点毛毛雨了。例如,可能Byer通过市场调查,发现某种产品在市场很热销,也会临时针对某种产品采购,这时通常都是采办负责寻找供应商,这种单子通常很急。 Wal-Mart的每一个供应商都有一个V endor ID,通常只有这样的供应商才有资格和Wal-Mart做生意,而获得Vendor ID是很难的。 Vendor ID很有用,Wal-Mart有一个私有的卫星使得Wal-Mart在全美的超市都是联网的(不知道现在有没有全球联网),Wal-Mart有一个专门对供应商开放的网站,上面有美中产品的销售情况,得益于那颗私有的卫星,网站的数据基本上每天都会更新。而凭借着Vendor ID,供应商可以看到自己的产品的销售情况,比如每周的销量、已经销了多少,还剩多少,退货率等等。 先说这些,有空再续 下面我来接着说。 我很佩服Wal-Mart的报价系统,Wal-Mart的报价单是我所看到最复杂的也是最先进的。可惜我这里没有样本了,不然我可以贴出来给大家看看。这里我只给大家大概谈谈。 供应商填写Wal-Mart的报价不是简单的报一个价格了事,Wal-Mart的报价单有统一的格式,叫做quote sheet。上面包含很多项内容,比如FOB价、包装方式、FOB PORT,包装尺寸、产品规格和特性等等是常见的,但它最绝的是其中的价格计算方式。Wal-Mart的quote sheet填写完成以后,经过一系列公式的计算会自动产生它的商场零售价,比如你先填上你的价格,首先公式自动上浮3%,这是所谓防损费,也就是说Wal-Mart假定产品会有3%的损坏、投诉、缺失等情况发生,如果未来你的产品销售率在97%以上且没有任何complain发生,那 Wal-Mart是不会来找你麻烦的,但如果超过97%,3%也不会退还,呵呵,也就是说比如你的产品报价是¥1.0,Wal-Mart的系统认为你的报价是¥1.03,但还是只支付¥1.0;接着再上浮3%,Wal-Mart 在大陆设立了一家公司叫全球采办,在深圳和上海,这3%是给他们的费用;接着是根据你的包装方式算出来的运费,Wal-Mart的货基本上都是通过马斯基出的,据说马斯基是Wal-Mart控股的,肥水不流外人田,所以很容易就能大概估算出运费,有些新近和Wal-Mart合作的供应商报价时常常不注


1.Introduction 2. History 3. Incorporation and growth 4. Recent initiatives 4.1. Healthy foods initiative 5. Operating divisions 5.1. Walmart Stores U.S. 5.1.1. Walmart Discount Stores 5.1.2. Walmart Supercenter 5.1.3. Neighborhood Market by Walmart 5.1.4. Supermercado de Walmart 5.1.5. Marketside 5.2. Sam's Club 5.3. Walmart International 5.3.1. North America Canada Mexico 5.3.2. Central and South America Brazil Chile 5.3.3. Europe Norway Russia United Kingdom 5.3.4. Asia .India 5.3.5. Africa Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., branded as Walmart since 2008 and Wal-Mart before then, is an American public multinational corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores. The company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962, incorporated on October 31, 1969, and publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. Wal-Mart,
