




*fracture n.骨折

pathological fracture 病理骨折

fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折

*open fracture 开放骨折

close fracture 闭合骨折

*comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折

compressed fracture 压缩骨折

shock n.休克

*deformity n.畸形

tenderness n.压痛

swelling n.肿胀

ecchymosis n.瘀斑

obstacle n.功能障碍

*bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection n.感染

spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤

surrounding nerve 周围神经

*fat embolism 脂肪栓塞

bedsore n.褥疮

arthroclisis n.关节僵硬

ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死

ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩

*traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎

hematoma n.血肿

*callus n.骨痂

heal n.愈合

*synovitis n.滑膜炎

*ligament n.韧带

*tendon n.肌腱

* pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎

*reduction n.复位

*bone traction 骨牵引

*osteoporosis n.骨质疏松


*humerus n.肱骨

*rotation n.旋转

supracondyle n.髁上

blister n.水疱

pulsate n.搏动

thrombus n.血栓

*cancellous n.松质骨

*epiphysis n.骨骺

*injury n.损伤

*joint n.关节stability n.稳定

ulna n.尺骨

radius n.桡骨

metacarpal bone 掌骨

bone graft 植骨

hemostasis 止血

*periosteum n.骨膜

tension n.张力

adhesion n.粘连

*skin grafting 植皮

*arthrodesis n.关节融合

extrusion n.挤压

gangrene n.坏疽

pallor n.苍白、灰白

*amputation n.截肢

plaster n.石膏

paralysis n.瘫痪

bandage n.绷带


avulsion n.撕脱

*dislocation n.脱位

stiff adj.僵硬


femur n.股骨

adduction n.内收

separate v.分离

cartilage n.软骨

*synovialis n.滑膜

*spinal column 脊柱


column n.椎体

cervical column 颈椎

*lumber vertebra 腰椎

sacrum n.骶椎

sense n.感觉

movement n.运动

reflect v.反射

*pelvis n.骨盆

6、关节脱位ARTICULAR DISLOCATION congenital dislocation 先天性脱位

pathological dislocation 病理性脱位

*osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎

*total hip replacement 全髋置换术


strain n.劳损

*cystis n.滑囊

*stenosed tenosynovitis 狭窄性腱鞘炎

*ganglion n.腱鞘囊肿

degenerative adj.退行性变

multiply v.增生

abnormal sense 感觉异常


stenosed column 椎管狭窄


channel n.窦道

drill hole 钻孔

*drainage n.引流


bone tuberculosis 骨结核

spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫


bone tumor 骨肿瘤

*osteochondroma n.骨软骨瘤

*osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤

chemotherapy n.化疗

*synoviosarcoma n.滑膜肉瘤





*bone n.骨

*vertebrae n.椎骨

*cervical vertebrae 颈椎

*thoracic vertebrae 胸椎

lumbar vertebrae 腰椎

*sacrum n.骶骨

coccyx 尾骨

atlas n.寰椎

axis n.枢椎

*sternum n.胸骨

sternal angle 胸骨角

sternal manubrium 胸骨柄

xiphoid process 剑突

*rib n.肋

*thoracic cage 胸廓


*skull n.颅

*frontal bone 额骨*parietal bone 顶骨

*occipital bone 枕骨

*temporal bone 颞骨

*sphenoid bone 蝶骨

*ethmoid bone 筛骨

*mandible n.下颌骨

hyoid bone 舌骨

vomer n.犁骨

*maxilla n.上颌骨

palatine bone 腭骨

nasal bone 鼻骨

lacrimal bone 泪骨

inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲

zygomatic bone 颧骨

*coronal suture冠状缝

*sagital suture 矢状缝

*lambdoid suture 人字缝

orbit n.眶

cranial fontanelle 颅囟


*clavicle n.锁骨

*scapula n.肩胛骨

*humerus n.肱骨

*radius n.桡骨

*ulna n.尺骨

carpal bone 腕骨

metacarpal bone 掌骨

phalanges n.指骨,趾骨

*hip bone 髋骨

*ilium n.髂骨

*ischium n.坐骨

*pubis n.耻骨

*femur n.股骨

patella n.髌骨

*tibia n.胫骨

*fibula n.腓骨

tarsal bone 跗骨

metatarsal bone 跖骨


*articulation n.关节

*ligament n.韧带

*flexion n.屈

*extension n.伸

*adduction n.收

*medial rotation 旋内

*lateral rotation 旋外

pronation n旋前.

supination n.旋后

circumduction n.环转

*vertebral column脊柱

*thoracic cage 胸廓

*intervertebral disc 椎间盘

*temporal-mandibular joint 颞下颌关节

*shoulder joint 肩关节

*elbow joint 肘关节

*radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节

*pelvis n.骨盆

*hip joint 髋关节

*knee joint 膝关节

*ankle joint 踝关节



muscle belly 肌腹

tendon n.肌腱

aponeurosis n.腱膜

*fascia n.筋膜

*tendinous sheath 腱鞘


trapezius n.斜方肌

latissimus dorsi 背阔肌

erector spinae 竖脊肌

*sternocleidomastoid adj.胸锁乳突的

*scalenus n.斜角肌

pectoralis major 胸大肌

intercostales n.肋间肌

*diaphragm n.膈(肌)

*inguinal canal 腹股沟管

*sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘


orbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌

masseter n.咬肌

*temporalis n.颞肌

*deltoid n.三角肌

*biceps brachii 肱二头肌

*triceps brachii 肱三头肌

*axillary fossa 腋窝


*gluteus maximus 臀大肌

piriformis n.梨状肌

*sartorius n.缝匠肌

*quadriceps femoris 股四头肌

triceps surae 小腿三头肌

*femoral triangle 股三角popliteal fossa 腘窝



*Codman’striangle 骨膜三角,科德曼三角

H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra 蝴蝶椎Rugger-Jersay vertebra 夹心椎体Scheuermann’s disease 绍尔曼病

Schmorl’s nodu le 施莫尔结节

Shenton’s line 沈通氏线

apophysis n. 骺状突

*arthrography n.关节造影

basilar impression,basilarinvagination 颅底凹陷block vertebra 融合椎

bone island 骨岛

bursography n.泪囊造影

compacta n.骨密度

cortical porosity 皮质骨疏松症craniolacunia,luckenschadel n.颅骨陷窝

*empty sella 空蝶鞍

endosteal proliferation 骨内膜增生

*epiphysis n.骨骺

Intratrabecular resorption 骨小梁内吸收

ivory vertebra 象牙椎

marrow-packing disease 骨髓充填疾病massive osteolysis 大片骨溶解melopheostosis n.蜡油骨症

ossification n.骨化

osteopathia striata 纹骨症

*osteopenia n.骨质减少

osteopetrosis n.石骨症

osteopoikilosis n.斑骨症

pars interarticularis 椎弓峡部

periosteal reaction 骨膜反应

physis n.骨生长端

*pseudofracture, Looser zone n.假骨折

spina ventosa 骨气鼓

spongiosa 骨疏松

woven bone 编织骨

*zone of provisional calcification 临时钙化带Carpal tunnel syntrome腕管综合征Osteoperia:骨质疏松

Hallus vaglus:拇外翻

常用解剖术语[anatomic terms] ?n??t?mik


?superior[上] [sju?pi?ri?]

?inferior[下] in?fi?ri?


?Caudal[尾侧] ?k?:dl

?anterior[前] ?n?t??ri:?

?posterior[后] p??st??ri:?

?ventral[腹侧] ventr?l

?dorsal[背侧] ?d?:s?l

?medial[内侧] ?mi:dj?l

?lateral[外侧] l?t?r?l

?internal[内] in?t?:n?l

?external[外] eks?t?:nl

?superficial[浅] ?sju:p??fi??l

?profundal[深] pr??f?nd?l

?proximal[近侧] pr?ksim?l

?distal[远侧] dist?l


?radial[桡侧] ?re?di:?l



运动系统[locomotor (kinetic) system]

?vertebrae[椎骨] cervical vertebrae颈椎

?cervical vevtebrae[颈椎]

?thoracic vertebrae[胸椎] θ?(:)?r?sik

?lumbar vertebrae[腰椎] l?mb?

?sacrum[骶骨] seikr?m

?sternum[胸骨] ?st?:n?m

?clavicle[锁骨] kl?vikl

?scapula (shoulder blade)[肩胛骨] sk?pjul?

?humerus[肱骨] ?hju:m?r?s

?radius[桡骨] reidj?s

?ulna[尺骨] ?ln?

?carpal bone[腕骨] ?kɑ:p?l

?metacarpal bone [掌骨] ?met??kɑ:pl

?phalanges[指(趾)骨] f??l?nd?i:z] Sequestrectomy ?si:kwes?trekt?mi死骨切除(术)Sequestrectomy of humeral head to surgical neck肱骨头至外科颈死骨切除术

Sequestrectomy of phalanges of foot


?hip bone[髋骨]

?ilium[髂骨] ili?m

?ischium [坐骨] iski?m


?femur [股骨] ?fi:m?

?patella[髌骨] p??tel?

?tibia[胫骨] ?t?bi:??fibula [腓骨] fibjul?

?articulation[关节] ɑ:?tikju?lei??n

?ligament[韧带] l?g?m?nt

?flexion[屈] Full extension and full flexion should be assessed actively, along with pronation and supination.


?extension[伸] iks?ten??n

?adduction[收] ??d?k??n

?abduction[展] ?b?d?k??n

?medial rotation[旋内] r???te???n The seasons follow each other in rotation.


?lateral rotation[旋外]

?pronation[旋前] pr?u?nei??n

?supination[旋后] sju:pi?nei??n


?vertebral column[脊柱]

?intervertebral disc[椎间盘]

?shoulder joint[肩关节]

?elbow joint[肘关节]

?radiocarpal joint[肩关节]

?radiocarpal joint[桡腕关节]

?pelvis[骨盆] pelv?s

?hip joint[髋关节]

?knee joint[膝关节]

?ankle joint[踝关节] ??kl

?muscle [肌肉]

?tendon[肌腱] tend?n


?tendinous sheath[腱鞘]


?biceps brachii[肱二头肌]

?triceps brachii[肱三头肌]

?gluteus maximus[臀大肌]

?quadriceps femoris[股四头肌]

?triceps surae[小腿三头肌]



▲abduct [外展]








▲hypoalgesia[痛觉减退] ?haip?u?l?d?i:si?


▲arthralgia[关节痛] ɑ:?θr?ld?i?


▲neuralgia[神经痛] nju??r?ld??






















▲arthritis[关节炎] ɑ:?θra?t?s








?bio-[生命] ▲biology[生物学]





















?chondro-[软骨] ▲chondrosarcoma[软骨肉瘤]






▲acrodynia[肢体痛] ?kr??dinj?

?dys-[异常] ▲dysfunction[功能不良]



































▲paraplegia[截瘫] ?p?r??pli:d?i?








rrhagia[出血] ▲hemorrhage[出血]








anatomy 解剖学

bone 骨

bone marrow 骨髓brachial a. 肱动脉

brachial plexus 臂丛breiki?l pleks?s capillary

carpal bones 腕骨



cartilage 软骨

cervical plexus 颈丛

cervical vertebrae 颈椎

clavicle 锁骨

coccyx 尾骨

common carotid a.颈总动脉common iliac a. 髂总动脉

common peroneal n. 腓总神经

costal bone 肋骨

deltoid m. 三角肌

dorsal artery of foot 足背动脉

dura mater 硬膜

elbow joint 肘关节

external ear

external iliac a. 髂外动脉

facial n.

fascia 筋膜

fasciculus 纤维束

femur 股骨

femoral a. 股动脉

fibula 腓骨

gluteus maximus m. 臀大肌

gray matter灰质

great saphenous v. 大隐静脉greater sciatic foramen坐骨大孔

hip bone

hip joint 髋关节

humerus 肱骨

ilium 髂骨

internal carotid a. 颈内动脉internal jugular v. 颈内静脉intervertebral disc 椎间盘ischium 坐骨

joint, articulation 关节

knee joint 膝关节

lumbar vertebra

lumbar vertebrae腰椎

lung 肺

metacarpal bones掌骨metatarsal bones 跖骨

osteology 骨学

patella 髌骨

pelvis 骨盆

peroneal a. 腓动脉

phalanges 指骨/趾骨

popliteal a. 腘动脉

pubic symphysis 耻骨联合

pubis 耻骨

radial a. 桡动脉

radiocarpal joint/wrist joint桡腕关节radius 桡骨

rib 肋

sacral plexus 骶丛

sacrum 骶骨

scapula 肩胛骨

sciatic n. 坐骨神经

synosteosis 骨性结合

tarsal bones 跗骨

tendon 肌腱

thoracic vertebra 胸椎thoracic vertebrae 胸椎

tibia 胫骨

tibial n. 胫神经

ulna 尺骨

ulnar a. 尺动脉

vertebra 椎骨

vertebral column 脊柱

Colles Fracture 桡骨下端骨折

Dislocation 脱臼

Infectious Arthritis 感染性关节炎

Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症

Asteofascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合症Abduction splint 外展石膏

Acetabulum 髋臼

Amputation 截肢

Capitula fibula 腓骨小头

Clavicle fracture 锁骨骨折

Closed suction drains 闭式引流

Comminuted fracture of left** 左***粉碎性骨折Comminuted open fracture of talus 距骨的开放粉碎骨折

Common peroneal nerve 腓总神经

Conscious mind 神志清楚

Debridement 清创

Deformity 畸形

Decompression 减压

Decompression of spinal canal 椎管减压Dislocation 脱位

Dorsal artery of foot 足背动脉

External fixture 外固定

Emergency case 急诊病例

Femoral neck 股骨颈

Figure of 8 bandage 8字绷带

Flexion 屈曲

Forklike deformity 餐叉样畸形

Fracture of alner bone 尺骨骨折

Fracture of calcaneus 跟骨骨折

Fracture of distal phalange 远端趾骨骨折Fracture of distal radius 桡骨远端骨折

Fracture of femoral neck 股骨颈骨折

Fracture of great tubercle 肱骨大结节骨折

of humurus

Fracture of proximal femor 股骨近端骨折

Fracture of phalange 指骨骨折

Fracture of radius 桡骨骨折

Fracture of the scaphoid 舟状骨骨折Fracture of the ulna 尺骨骨折

Fracture of ulna ocleranon 尺骨鹰嘴骨折General anesthesia 全麻

Hallux valgus 拇外翻

Hallux varus 拇内翻

High fever 高热

Hemopneumothorax 血气胸

Humeral head 肱骨头

Humeral shaft fracture 肱骨干骨折Hypoesthesia 感觉减退

Ice bag 冰袋

Injection 肌肉注射

lipoma 脂肪瘤

Local anesthesia ??n?s?θi:??局麻

Lower limb (extremuty) 下肢Metacarpophalangeal joint 掌指关节Metatarsal fracture 跟骨骨折

Nifedipine 心痛定

Nitroglyccerin 硝酸甘油

Old fract 陈旧性骨折

Osteoarthritis 骨关节炎

Osteochondrdoma 软骨瘤

Osteomyelitis 骨髓炎

Paraplegia 截瘫

Patellar fracture 髌骨骨折

Pathologie diagnosis 病理诊断Phlebothrombosis fleb?uθ r?m?b?usis下肢静脉血栓Pilon fracture 胫腓骨下端骨折

Plaster slab 石膏托

Pubic symphysis 耻骨支

Pulmanary function 肺功能

Radial head fracture 桡骨头骨折

Radius and ulna 尺、桡骨

Regular operation 常规手术

Sacroiliac 骶髂关节

Skin traction 皮牵引

Spondylolisthesis 脊柱滑脱

Spondylolisthesis of lumber L4-5 L4-5脊柱滑脱Subluxation of ankle joint 踝关节半脱位suture stitch ?su:t??stit?缝针

synovial membrance 滑膜

Taction 触觉

The fifth metacarple bone 第五掌骨基底骨折Tibial fracture 胫骨骨折

Tibial plateau fracture 胫骨平台骨折

Total knee arthroplasty 全膝置换Total hip arthroplasty 全髋置换

Trimalleolar fracture 三踝骨折

Urinary incontinence 尿失禁

Veterbera fracture 椎体骨折

Hip Fracture 髋部骨折

Infectious Arthritis 感染性关节炎

Joints 关节

Knee: Arthritis 膝关节炎

Knee: Joint Pain 膝关节痛

Osteomyelitis 骨髓炎

Foot: Ulcers 脚溃疡

Ankle: Sprain 踝部扭伤

Ankle Fracture 踝部骨折

Sciatica 坐骨神经sai??tik?

. A month or so in plaster and then a little massage and therapy, and we'll have your ankle and you as right as a trivet. θer?pi trivit


Her ankle swelled up after the fall.


As if scalding her arm wasn't enough, she went and broke her ankle the next day.


Can we slow down and walk for a bit? I'm getting a stitch.

咱们放慢速度步行一会儿好吗? 我觉得腰部突然一阵剧痛。

Will you stitch a button on this shirt?


The prevention and the alleviation sheds the phlebothrombosis.



Chaper 1 psychoanalysis n. 精神分析brain n. 脑 intestine n.肠inflammation n.炎症endoscope n.内镜pancreas n.胰腺psychology n.心理学electrocardiogram n.心电图enteritis n.肠炎tumor n.肿瘤 muscle n.肌肉organ n.器官 abdomen n.腹(部)organism n.有机体,生物体surgeon n.外科医生surgery n.外科(学)malignant a.恶性的immune n.免疫 tissue n.组织molecule n.分子,微小颗粒urine n.尿液stool n.大便,粪便vertebra n.椎骨formula n.处方 cortex n.皮质,皮层appendix n.阑尾 thorax n.胸larynx n. 喉 pharynx n.咽 Chapter 2 kidney n.肾脏receptor n.感受器,受体chromosome n.染色体embryo n.胚胎 gene n.基因catabolism n.分解代谢

anabolism n.合成代谢infection n.感染puncture n.穿刺fat n.脂肪 spine n.脊柱exocrine a.外分泌的cartilage n.软骨spleen n.脾脏gallbladder n.胆囊digestive system 消化系统urinary a.泌尿的respiratory a.呼吸的uterus n.子宫skull n.头颅,头骨pelvic cavity 盆腔trachea n.气管esophagus n.食管bronchial tube 支气管aorta n.主动脉diaphragm n.横膈膜pleura(复,pleurae)n.胸膜urinary bladder 膀胱rectum n.直肠cartilage n.软骨umbilicus n.脐ovary n.卵巢 inferior a.下面的superior a.上面的skeletal muscle 骨骼肌striated muscle 横纹肌 Chapter 3 capillary n.毛细血管artery n.动脉chamber n.腔,小室atrium n.心房ventricle n.室,脑室,心室valve n.瓣膜 mitral a.僧帽状的,二尖瓣的breastbone n.胸骨


第一章医学英语词汇 医学领域涉及的科学和专业广泛,不仅包括基础医学和临床医学的诸多学科,还涉及化学和物理两大基础学科领域,甚至社会科学领域中的诸多学科和专业。因此,医学英语词汇数量庞大,其词汇量高达数十万。同时,由于医学专业的历史渊源,医学英语词汇大多含有希腊语和拉丁语成分,一些医学英语单词显得古怪而陌生,单词结构长而复杂。但就其构词法上基本遵循普通英语单词的构词规律,也往往由前缀、词根、后缀组成,虽然具有其自身的特点,也是可以找到规律的。因此,医学英语词汇构词法,理解与掌握单词尤其是组合词构成的基本知识,牢记必要的基本词素,就能找到掌握医学英语词汇的捷径。 第一节医学英语词汇的结构 一、医学词素 一般认为,词是语言中可独立使用表达意思的最小单位。但是,从结构方面来看时,词并不是最小的语言单位,许多单词可以细分为更小的,同时也是具有意义的单位.这些最小的有意义的单位就是词素。 医学词素(morpheme)是医学语词的组成部分,是医学英语中语音和语义的最小结合体。一个医学语词可以由一个词素构成,也可以由两个或两个以上的词素构成。从语义方面来看,医学词素有两种类型。一种医学词素含有明确的词汇意义,表达单词的主要意义,这类词素称为词根。例如,orth(o)-(正常的)、plasma(血浆)、reticul(o)-(网状)等。其中,plasma可以单独使用,这类词根称为自由词根。另外两个不能单独使用,是黏着词根,这类词根必须与其他词素结合使用。还有一类医学词素是词缀。词缀也有两种,一种屈折词缀只有语法意义而没有词汇的意义(如表示名词复数-s);另一咱派生词缀有一定的词汇意义,但只表达单词的次要意义。 二、医学词根 医学词根(root)是医学语词的基本形式,承载着医学语词的核心意义。一般认为,词根是同根词共有的、可以辨认的部分,也就是说,词根可以在不同的单词里出现,但它的基本形式和含义相同。例如,erythroblast(成红细胞)、erythrocatalysis(红细胞溶解)、erythroclasis(红细胞破碎)和erythrocytopenia(红细胞减少)都有一个共同的词根“erythr(o)-”(红的)。这一词根在不同的语词里出现,但形式没有什么变化,含义也相同。


常用骨科医学专业英语词汇 骨科ORTHOPEDICS 1、概论INTRODUCTION *fracture n.骨折 pathological fracture 病理骨折 fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折 *open fracture 开放骨折 close fracture 闭合骨折 *comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折 compressed fracture 压缩骨折 shock n.休克 *deformity n.畸形 tenderness n.压痛 swelling n.肿胀 ecchymosis n.瘀斑 obstacle n.功能障碍 *bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection n.感染 spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤 surrounding nerve 周围神经 *fat embolism 脂肪栓塞 bedsore n.褥疮 arthroclisis n.关节僵硬 ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死 ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩 *traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎 hematoma n.血肿 *callus n.骨痂 heal n.愈合 *synovitis n.滑膜炎 *ligament n.韧带 *tendon n.肌腱 * pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎 *reduction n.复位 *bone traction 骨牵引 *osteoporosis n.骨质疏松 2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨 *humerus n.肱骨 *rotation n.旋转 supracondyle n.髁上 blister n.水疱 pulsate n.搏动 thrombus n.血栓 *cancellous n.松质骨 *epiphysis n.骨骺 *injury n.损伤 *joint n.关节stability n.稳定 ulna n.尺骨 radius n.桡骨 metacarpal bone 掌骨 bone graft 植骨 hemostasis 止血 *periosteum n.骨膜 tension n.张力 adhesion n.粘连 *skin grafting 植皮 *arthrodesis n.关节融合 extrusion n.挤压 gangrene n.坏疽 pallor n.苍白、灰白 *amputation n.截肢 plaster n.石膏 paralysis n.瘫痪 bandage n.绷带 2、手外伤HAND TRAUMA avulsion n.撕脱 *dislocation n.脱位 stiff adj.僵硬 3、下肢骨折与关节损伤FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURY femur n.股骨 adduction n.内收 separate v.分离 cartilage n.软骨 *synovialis n.滑膜 *spinal column 脊柱 5、脊柱及骨盆骨折FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIS column n.椎体 cervical column 颈椎 *lumber vertebra 腰椎 sacrum n.骶椎 sense n.感觉 movement n.运动 reflect v.反射 *pelvis n.骨盆 6、关节脱位ARTICULAR DISLOCATION congenital dislocation 先天性脱位 pathological dislocation 病理性脱位 *osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎 *total hip replacement 全髋置换术 7、运动系统慢性损伤CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEM strain n.劳损


Carpal tunnel syntrome腕管综合征 Osteoperia:骨质疏松 Hallus vaglus:拇外翻 常用解剖术语[anatomic terms] ?n??t?mik 1、总论 [Introduction] ?superior[上] [sju?pi?ri?] ?inferior[下] in?fi?ri? ?Cranial[头侧] ?Caudal[尾侧] ?k?:dl ?anterior[前] ?n?t??ri:??posterior[后] p??st??ri:??ventral[腹侧] ventr?l ?dorsal[背侧] ?d?:s?l ?medial[内侧] ?mi:dj?l ?lateral[外侧] l?t?r?l ?internal[内] in?t?:n?l ?external[外] eks?t?:nl ?superficial[浅] ?sju:p??fi??l ?profundal[深] GAGGAGAGGAFFFFAFAF

pr??f?nd?l ?proximal[近侧] pr?ksim?l ?distal[远侧] dist?l ?ulnar[尺侧] ?radial[桡侧] ?re?di:?l ?tibial[胫侧] ?fibular[腓侧] 运动系统[locomotor (kinetic) system] ?vertebrae[椎骨] cervical vertebrae颈椎?cervical vevtebrae[颈 椎] ?thoracic vertebrae[胸椎] θ?(:)?r?sik ?lumbar vertebrae[腰椎] l?mb? ?sacrum[骶骨]seikr?m ?sternum[胸骨] ?st?:n?m ?clavicle[锁骨]kl?vikl ?scapula (shoulder blade)[肩胛骨] sk?pjul???humerus[肱骨] ?hju:m?r?s ?radius[桡骨]reidj?s ?ulna[尺骨]?ln??carpal bone[腕骨] ?kɑ:p?l ?metacarpal bone [掌骨] GAGGAGAGGAFFFFAFAF


这里汇聚了中西医学行业的大部分英语词汇和详细解说,如果要查询相关词汇,你可以点此word 文档工具栏的“编辑”,找到“查找”,然后点开输入你要查询的词汇就可以查询了。 西医篇: 1、医院部门及科室名称 2、医务人员名称 3、诊断和治疗常用词汇 4、常见疾病名称 5、常见手术名称 6、常用药物名称 7、常用护理术语 8、常用临床医学术语 9、医疗器材 10、医学英语快速记忆-后缀 11、主要人体系统名称 12、医院类型名称 13、医学词汇 14、医学常用字首与字根 1.医院部门及科室名称 out-patient department 门诊部 In-patient department 住院部 Nursing department 护理部 Admission office 住院处 Discharge office 出院处 Registration office 挂号处 Reception room, waiting room 侯诊室 Consultation room 诊察室 Isolation room 隔离室 Delivery room 分娩室 Emergency room 急诊室 Ward 病房室 Department of internal medicine 内科 Department of surgery 外科 Department of pediatrics 儿科 Department of obstetrics and gynecology 妇科 Department of neurology 神经科 Department of ophtalmology 眼科 E.N.T.department 耳鼻喉科 Department of stomatology 口腔科 Department of urology 泌尿科 Department of orthopedic 骨科 Department of traumatology 创伤科 Department of endocrinology 内分泌科


《职业卫生与职业医学》常用英语词汇 occupational health 职业卫生学 industrial hygiene 工业卫生工程学 Occupational hazard 职业性危害 Occupational adverse effect/damage 职业性损害/损伤 Occupational tolerance 职业耐受性 Occupational injury/work injury 工伤 Occupational disorders 职业性疾患 Occupational diseases 职业病 Diagnosis of occupational disease 职业病的诊断 Emergency rescue center 应急救援中心 health promotion 健康促进 compensable disease 需赔偿的疾病 work—related disease 工作有关疾病 occupational stigma 职业特征 host risk factor 个体危险因素 high risk group 高危人群 occupational health service 职业卫生服务 three levels of prevention 三级预防 primary prevention 第一级预防 secondary prevention 第二级预防 tertiary prevention 第三级预防 primary health care 初级卫生保健 work physio1ogy 工作(职业)生理学 occupational psychology 职业心理学 ergonomics 人类工效学 human factors engineering 人机因素工程学 mental work 脑力劳动 physical work 体力劳动 oxygen demand 氧需 maximum oxygen uptake 氧上限 oxygen debt 氧债 steady state 稳定状态 intensity of work 工作强度 shift work 轮班制 dual classification of work intensity 工作强度双重分级法 static work/effort 静力作业 isometric contraction 等长性收缩 dynamic work 动态作业 isotonic contraction 等张性收缩 dynamic stereotype 动力定型 occupational stress 职业性紧张 stressor 紧张因素


文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 医学专业英语的重点单词终结版 Human Body 1.anatomy(解剖学) 2.embryology(胚胎学) 3.histology(组织学) 4.hematology(血液学) 5.immunology(免疫学) 6.biology(生物学) 7.cytology(细胞学) 8.physiology(生理学) 9.endocrinology(内分泌学) 10.psychology(心理学) 11.skeletal system(骨骼系统) 12.muscular system (肌肉系统) 13.circulatory system (循环系统) 14.respiratory system(呼吸系统) 15.urinary system (泌尿系统) 16. endocrine system(内分泌系统) 17.reproductive system(生殖系统) 18.principal (重要的) 19.joint(关节) 20.cartilage(软骨) 21.bone marrow(骨髓) 22.cube-shaped(立方的) 23.interior(内部的) 24.external (外部的) 25.hinge joint(结合点) 26.pivot joint (区轴点) 27.socket (臼槽) 28.skull (颅骨) 29.elbow (肘部) 30.breast(胸部)31.hip joints (髂关节) 32.cushioning(缓冲) 33.striated muscles(条纹肌) 34.smooth muscles(平滑肌) 35.voluntary muscles(随意肌) 36.function (功能) 37.nourishment(营养) 38.nutrient(营养素) 39.blood vessel(血管) 40.cardiovascular system (心血管系统) 41.artery(动脉) 42.capillary(毛细血管) 43.vein (静脉) 44.lymphatic system(淋巴系统) 45.lymph vessel (淋巴管) 46.lymph nodes(淋巴结) 47.spleen(脾) 48.expel(排除) 49.carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) 50.oxygen (氧气) https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a473272.html,rynx,throat(喉管) 52.windpipe、trachea(气管) 53.esophagus(食管) 54.exhale(呼出) 55.molecule(分子) 56.saliva(唾液) 57.enzyme(酶) 58.kidney(肾) 59.urine(尿液) 60.ureter(输尿管) 61.urethra(尿道) 62.bile(胆汁) 63.gallbladder (胆囊) 64.sodium(钠) 65.potassium(钾) 66.bladder(膀胱) 67.pancreas(胰腺) 68.hormone(激素) 69.pituitary(脑垂体) 70.thyroid(甲状腺) 71.adrenal gland (肾上腺) 72.cortisone(可的松) 73.adrenaline(肾上腺素) 74.insulin(胰岛素) 75.glucagon(胰高血糖素) 76.collar bone(锁骨) 77.spinal column(脊柱) 78.spinal cord (脊髓) 79.sperm(精子) 80.ovum (卵子) 81.testis,testes(睾丸) 82.ovary(卵巢) 83.testosterone (睾酮) 84.progesterone(孕酮) 85.estrogen(雌激素) 86.tactile(触觉的) 87.accessory (附属的) 88.pharynx(咽) Human disease 1.pathology (病理学) 2.pathogen(病原体) 3.fungi(真菌) fungus(s.) 4.bacteria(细菌) bacterium(s.) 5.virus(病毒) viruses(pl.) 6.diagnose(诊断) 7.paralysis(瘫痪, 麻痹) 8.symptom(症状) 9.sign(体征) 10.symptomatic(有症状的) 11.asymptomatic(无症状的) 12.acute disease(急性病) 13.chronic disease(慢性病) 14.subacute disease(亚急性病) 15.fatal(致命的) 16.rheumatic fever(风湿热) 17.subarachnoid(蛛网膜下的)18.epidemic disease(传染病) 19.endemic disease(地方病) 20.airborne droplets(空气传播的) 21.apnea(呼吸暂停) 22.atonia(张力缺乏) 23.degeneration(退化) 24.Stomatitis(口腔炎) 25.prolapse(直肠、子宫等脱垂脱出) 26.malfunction(功能失调) 27.obesity(肥胖) 28.malnutrition(营养不良的) 29.hereditary(遗传) 30.mental retardation(智力发育迟缓的) 31.venereal disease(花柳病) 32.hepatitis(肝炎) 33.colitis(结肠炎) 34.cholera(霍乱) 35.typhoid fever(伤寒) 36.boils(疥) 37.pimples(小脓包) 38.pus(脓) 39.abscess(脓肿) 40.armpit(腋窝) 41.blood poisoning/sepsis(败血症) 42.phagocyte(吞噬细胞) 43.antigen(抗原) 44.antibody(抗体) 45.immunoglobulin(免疫球蛋白) 46.opsonization(调理作用) https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a473272.html,plement(补体) 48.negative feedback control(负反 馈调节) The Digestive System 1.gastrointestinal tract (胃肠道) 2.ingestion(摄入) 3.absorption(吸收) 4.digestive(消化) 5.elimination(排泄) 6.oral cavity/buccal cavity(口腔)


一、绪论 中医学TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine), 中医学理论体系的形成Origination of TCM, 形成formation, 发展development 中医学理论体系的基本特点 The basic characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory 整体观the whole concept, 辨证论治syndrome differentiation and treatment 第一章阴阳五行学说 阴阳Yin-yang , 阴阳的特性the property of yin-yang 阴阳之间的相互关系Interaction between yin and yang 阴阳对立制约Opposition of yin and yang 阴阳互根互用Interdependence between yin and yang 阴阳消长平衡Wane and Wax between yin and yang 阴阳相互转化Mutual transformation between yin and yang 阴阳学说在中医学中的应用 The applications of the theory of yin-yang in TCM 说明人体的组织结构Explanation of the histological structure of the human body 解释人体的生理功能Explanation of the physiology function activity of the human body 阐释病理变化Explanation of pathogenesis 阴阳偏盛Relative predominance of yin or yang 阳偏盛Relative predominance of yang 阴偏盛Relative predominance of yin 阴阳偏衰Relative decline of yin or yang 阳偏衰Relative decline of yang 阴偏衰Relative decline of yin 五行the five elements,


C o m m o n S y m p t o m s W o r d s u s e d i n C l i n i c s 1.h e a d a c h e头痛 2.v e r t i g o/d i z z i n e s s头昏/眩晕 3.a p o p s y c h i a晕厥 4.c o n v u l s i o n抽搐 5.c y a n o s i s发绀/紫绀 6.d y s p n e a呼吸困难 7.c o u g h咳嗽 8.h e m o p t y s i s咯血 9.c h e s t p a i n胸痛 10.p a l p i t a t i o n心悸 11.o l i g u r i a少尿 12.e d e m a水肿 13.e p i g a s t r a l g i a/u p p e r a b d o m i n a l p a i n上腹部痛 14.h o a r s e v o i c e声音嘶哑 15.i n s o m n i a/t r o u b l e w i t h s l e e p失眠 1.d y s p h a g i a吞咽困难 2.n a u s e a恶心 3.v o m i t i n g呕吐

4.b e l c h i n g/e r u c t a t i o n嗳气 5.s o u r r e g u r g i t a t i o n反酸 6.h e a r t b u r n烧心感 7.a n o r e x i a食欲不振 8.a b d o m i n a l d i s t e n s i o n腹胀 9.a b d o m i n a l p a i n腹痛 10.d i a r r h e a腹泻 11.c o n s t i p a t i o n便秘 12.t e n e s m u s里急后重 13.j a u n d i c e黄疸 14.h e m a t e m e s i s呕血 15.m e l e n a黑粪 16.h e m o t o c h e z i a便血 17.e a r l y f u l l n e s s早饱 18.A b d o m i n a l m a s s腹块 19.a s c i t e s腹水 20.f l a t u s放屁/打屁 1.c h e s t p a i n胸痛 2.c o u g h咳嗽 3.f e v e r发热 4.s o r e t h r o a t咽痛


in-patient department 住院部 admitting office 住院处 observation ward 观察室 physician in charge主治医生 dentist 牙科医生 laboratory technician化验员 emergency case 急诊病人 Physician 医师内科医生 practice medicine 行医 Malpractice 治疗不当 Intern 实习生实习医师 Resident 住院医生 medical department医务科 Anesthesia 麻醉 Sterilization 杀菌消毒 Obstetrics 产科助产术 Gynecology 妇科学 Maternity 妇产科医院 Pediatrics 小儿科 Outpatient门诊病人 Inpatient 住院病人 nose, throat, larynx喉, trachea气管, bronchi, and lungs. Otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻喉科cervical 颈部的thoracic胸廓的sacral骶骨的coccygeal尾骨的 noradrenaline 去甲肾上腺素vagus 迷走神经sciatic nerve 坐骨神经 Peripheral nervous systerm 外周神经系efferent 传出的afferent传入的Skeletal muscle 骨骼肌Postjunctional 接头后的Neuromuscular junction 神经肌肉接头eserine 毒扁豆碱hydrolyse 水解Neuromuscular junction神经肌接头cholinesterase 胆碱酯酶 perfusate 灌注液,灌流液microelectrode 微电极 micropipette 微量吸液管preganglionic 神经节前的postganglionic 神经节后的Sympathetical ganglia 交感神经节iontophoretically 通过离子透入法 acetylcholine乙酰胆碱 acetyl 乙酰基ester 酯acetic acid 乙酸cholinesterase 胆碱酯酶acetyltransferase 乙酰转移酶aminotransferase 转氨酶neuron神经细胞, 神经元Spinal cord 脊髓 gliacyte 胶质细胞monocyte 单核细胞erythrocyte 红细胞transmitter 递质 Reflex arc 反射弧 process突起dendrite树突axon 轴突synapse 突触Radiology 放射学Ultrasound 超声 Nuclear medicine 核医学Pathology病理学Anesthesia麻醉Clinical laboratory 检验科Pharmacy 药剂学药房药学dopamine 多巴胺histamine 组胺noradrenaline 去甲肾上腺素vesicle囊泡prostaglandin 前列腺素extracellular 细胞外的intracellular细胞内的Intercellular细胞间的electron microscope 电镜light microscope 光镜permeability 渗透性sartorius muscle 缝匠肌Diarrhea腹泻痢疾Constipation 便秘cerebrum 大脑半球diencephalon 间脑brain stem 脑干midbrain 中脑, pons 桥脑 medulla 延髓cerebellum 小脑 tricuspid incompetence三尖瓣关闭不全Angina pectoris心绞痛 Myocardial infarction(MI) 心肌梗死Atrium心房V entricle 心室Capillary毛细血管V alve瓣膜 Aorta 主动脉Artery:动脉Arteriosclerosis/ Atherosclerosis:动脉粥样硬化 Coronary artery冠状动脉: Pulmonary artery: 肺动脉 Conduction bundle 传导束stethoscope 听诊器electrocardiogram 心电图 Atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损 V entricular septal defect 室间隔缺损mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄


医学生专业英语必备词汇选(1) 医学生物学Medical Biology 医学遗传学Medical Genetics 系统解剖学Systematic Anatomy 组织学与胚胎学Histology and Embryology 人体生理学Human Physiology 生物化学Biochemistry 药理学Pharmacology 病理生理学Pathophysiology 病理学Pathology 医学免疫学Medical Immunology 医学微生物学Microbiology 人体寄生虫学Human Parasitology 流行病学Epidemiology 卫生学Hygiene 局部解剖学Regional Anatomy 法医学Forensic Medicine 实验诊断学Laboratory Diagnosis 诊断学Diagnostics 内科学Internal Medicine 外科学Surgery 妇产科学Obstetrics and Gynecology 儿科学Pediatrics 神经病学Neurology 精神病学Psychiatry 康复医学Rehabilitation Medicine 中医学Chinese Traditional Medicine 皮肤与性病学Dermatology and Venerology 传染病学Infectious Diseases 核医学Atomic Medicine 医学生专业英语必备词汇选(2) 口腔解剖生理学Oral Anatomy and Physiology 口腔组织病理学Oral Histology and Pathology 口腔粘膜病学Diseases of the Oral Mucosa 牙体牙髓病学Cariology And Endodontics 牙周病学Periodontics 口腔正畸学Orthodontics 口腔修复学Prosthodontics 口腔颌面外科学Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery 口腔预防医学及儿童口腔医学PDPD 麻醉解剖学Anesthesia Anatomy 麻醉物理学Anaesthetic Physics 临床麻醉学Clinical Anaesthesiology 重症监护Intensive Care Therapy


医学英语专业词汇大全单词带翻译 医学专业的很多英语的专业术语都需要清楚了解,今天学习啦小编在这里为大家分享医学英语专业词汇大全,希望这些医学专业词汇能帮到大家! 医学英语专业词汇阅读A p n e a呼吸暂停 A p l a s t i c A n e m i a再生不良性贫血 A r t e r i o V e n o u s M a l f o r m a t i o n动静脉畸形 B r o n c h i a l A s t h m a支气管性气喘 B r o n c h i t i s支气管炎 C e p h a l o p e m a t o m a头血肿 E r y t h e m a红斑 H y p o s p a d i a尿道下裂 D e h y d r a t i o n脱水 H y d r o c e p h a l u s水脑 H y d r o c e l e阴囊积水 P o l y d a c t y l i a多指畸形 P y o d e r m a脓皮症 S e p s i s败血症 T o n s i l l i t i s扁桃腺炎

E n c e p h a l i t i s脑炎 G a s t r o e n t e r i t i s肠胃炎 N e c r o t i z i n g E n t e r o c o l i t i s坏死性小肠结肠炎 M a l i g n a n t恶性的 C o n g e n i t a l M a l f o r m a t i o n先天性畸形 N e o n a t a l A s p h y x i a新生儿窒息 C l e f t P a l a t e颚裂 D i a r r h e a腹泻 D e n t a l C a r i e s龋齿 c a t e l e p s y僵直 i l l o g i c a l t h i n k i n g不合逻辑思考 p r e s s u r e s p e e c h言语急迫 t h o u g h t b l o c k i n g思考中断 i n c o h e r e n t语无伦次 t h o u g h t W i t h d r a w a l思想退缩 i r r e l e v a n t答非所问 d e l u s i o n妄想 d e l u s i o n o f p e r s e c u t i o n被害妄想 医学类英语简单词汇F a c i a l N e r v e P a r a l y s i s颜面神经麻痹

医学专业英语词汇——Combining Form词根词缀

Common Prefixes

Number Prefixes Common Suffixes

Surgical Suffixes

Procedural Suffixes Combining Forms Commonly Used in Integumentary System Combining form Meaning Example adip/o fat adipose albin/o white albinism caus/o burn, burning causalgia cutane/o skin subcutaneous derm/o skin epidermis dermat/o skin dermatitis disphor/o profuse sweating diaphoresis hidr/o sweat anhidrosis ichthy/o scaly, dry ichthyosis kerat/o hard, horny tissue keratosis leuk/o white leukoplakia lip/o fat lipoma melan/o black melanocyte myc/o fungus dermatomycosis onych/o nail onycholysis pil/o hair pilosebaceous rhytid/o wrinkle rhytidoplasty seb/o oil seborrhea trich/o hair trichomycosis xanth/o yellow xanthoma Suffixes Commonly Used in This System Suffix Meaning Example


最新考研政治英语西医综合课程加研途研路QQ787437698,2016考研同学请推荐此QQ给学弟学妹,祝大家复试顺利,金榜题名。 常用骨科医学专业英语词汇 骨科ORTHOPEDICS 1、概论INTRODUCTION* open fracture开放骨折 *fracture n.骨折 pathological fracture病理骨折 fatigue fracture疲劳骨折 *open fracture开放骨折 close fracture闭合骨折 *comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折 compressed fracture压缩骨折 shock n.休克 *deformity n.畸形 tenderness n.压痛 swelling n.肿胀 ecchymosis n.瘀斑 obstacle n.功能障碍 *bonefascial compartment syndrome骨筋膜室综合征 infection n.感染 spinal cord injury脊髓损伤 surrounding nerve周围神经 *fat embolism脂肪栓塞 bedsore n.褥疮 arthroclisis n.关节僵硬 ischemic necrosis缺血性坏死 ischemic contraction缺血性挛缩 *traumatic arthritis创伤性关节炎 hematoma n.血肿 *callus n.骨痂 heal n.愈合 *synovitis n.滑膜炎 *ligament n.韧带 *tendon n.肌腱 *pyogenic osteomyelitis化脓性骨髓炎 *reduction n.复位 *bone traction骨牵引 *osteoporosis n.骨质疏松 2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨


医学护理专业英语词汇大全 根据医院日常应用以及接待外宾时常用短语、句型,总结出最实用,最经典的词汇、短语、句型。使大家可以在不管是备战雅思、医学英语等级考试还是医院用语都能有帮助。 门诊部 Topic 1、挂号咨询 Topic 2、病历 Topic 3、医生问诊 Topic 4、候诊 Topic 1 单词: 挂号take a registration 挂号处registration office 专家号expert number 普通号average number 挂号费registration fee 大厅main floor 内科medical department 医务部medical administration division 院办hospital administration office 护理部nursing department 值班室duty room 医护办公室staff office 填表内容: name 、age、gender、address 、work place、post code、ID number、telephone number 句型: where don’t you feel well? which department do you want to register with? you have to fill in this registration card. The registration card contains ( ). Topic 2 单词: 办理病历buy a case history 史past medical history


Chapter 1 Human Body as a Whole Medical Terminology Learn the following combining forms, prefixes and suffixes and write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided. 1. a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland 2. inflammation of the adrenal gland 3. pertaining to medicine 4. pertaining to biology 5. pertaining to chemistry 6. pertaining to the blood vessel 7. pertaining to cells 8. pertaining to molecules 9. pertaining to the medicine of the living thing 10. the study of the living thing 11. pertaining to the physics of the living thing 12. the study of the heart 13. the disease of the heart 14. the record of the heart waves 15. the study of the human inner secretion from glands 16. pertaining to the production of hormone 17. the study of inner gland secretion 18. the red blood cell 19. the white blood cell 20. the lymph cell 21. the study of cell 22. the study of chemistry of cell 23. the study of biology of cell
