

Pros and cons of vegetarian

1) longevity(延年益寿). According to nutritionists study, vegetarians more longevity than non-vegetarians。Pakistan turns muddy northern Indians in central Mexico and are the original(原始的)vegetarian people, average life expectancy is extremely high。Enviable. Buddhist monks, Christian Seventh Day Adventist Church, but also eat and enjoy the longevity factor.

2) lighter weight. Vegetarian weight lighter than the meat eaters, because it is less unnecessary fat of the meat

3) lower cholesterol(胆固醇)content. Vegetarian cholesterol in the blood is always contained less than meat eaters, if too much cholesterol in the blood, it tends to cause blood vessel blockage(心血管堵塞), a blood pressure(高血压)and heart disease the major cause.

4) The opportunity to reduce the risk of cancer. Some research indicates that meat and colon cancer(结肠癌)are very closely related.

5) than those without parasites(寄生虫)and the like. A worm(条虫)and several other parasites are transmitted by infected meat was removed on the parasite to the human body.

6) reduction of kidney(肾脏)burden. A variety of higher animals and human body waste through the blood brought to the kidneys. Meat eaters are eating the meat, once with animal blood, the more heavy burden on the kidneys.

7) easy storage(储藏). Vegetable protein(蛋白质)than animal protein is often easier to store.

8) low price. Plant proteins cheaper than the meat

9) in line with ecological principles(生态原理). Land required for production of one pound of beef, produce ten pounds of vegetable protein. Many ecologists predicted population explosion will force the world had to vegetarian.

10) varied. Housewives often find vegetarian, use vegetable protein, burning more than the use of general good aroma and taste of meat dishes, and production methods are also varied, that arouse a good appetite.

Everything has two sides

Disadvantages of Vegetarianism

1)Low calorie vegetarian, a serious shortage of protein and fat, mainly vegetarian easily lead to long-term malnutrition.

2)Vegetarian also easily lead to trace element(微量元素)and vitamin deficiency(缺乏症). Essential(必需)trace elements such as zinc(锌), calcium(钙), iron(铁), mainly from the Luo and other food. Zinc comes mainly from animal food, 80% calcium diet from dairy and 80% iron from meats and eggs. Vegetarian zinc, calcium, low iron content, which

contains more phytic acid(植物酸)and oxalic acid(,草酸)it will hinder (阻碍)the zinc, calcium and iron and other trace elements to attract. For

example, spinach contains oxalic acid can be combined with tofu in the calcium oxalate is not absorbed by the body. Therefore, long-term

vegetarian due to lack of trace elements prone to some diseases caused by: lack of zinc can cause anorexia, pica, and decreased sexual function in adults, infertility; calcium deficiency causes rickets in children and older human bone hyperplasia(骨质增生), osteoporosis(骨质疏松); iron

deficiency can cause anemia(贫血) and affect the intellectual

development of children(一项小儿智力发育)

Question1:. As we all know, there are a number of essential amino acids needed from meat intake, how to solve this problem?

Answer:We can get them some health food products essential amino acids Question2:Body fat is also one of the three major nutrients, we know that plants contain less fat, as a vegetarian, where do we get fat

Answer:We can get fat in these foods, such as: peanuts, soybeans and other plant seeds

All in all, whether vegetarian or meat, and only on the growth of our help we can adopt

This is my understanding of the concept of vegetarianism。



素食主义素食有两种,一种是吃鸡蛋牛奶的蛋奶素食,也有人吃蛋不吃奶制品,或者吃奶制品不吃蛋;另一种完全不吃动物来源食物的纯素,奶、蛋都不能吃。还有人不吃肉但还吃鱼和其他水产,从营养学上来说,这已经不能叫做素食了。 国外研究发现,总体上看,素食者患高血压、心脏病的风险较低,肥胖的危险也比较小。和其他饮食习惯的人相比,甚至和蛋奶素的人相比,吃纯素的人平均血压和平均体重最低,糖尿病、心脏病等各种慢性病风险都是最小,肠癌、前列腺癌危险也最低。从血液流变学指标上来看,红细胞的变形性也比较好。不过,素食如果安排不好,也有营养素缺乏的危险。总体来说,蛋奶素的人还比较容易保持营养素平衡,只是铁吸收率偏低,只要注意不发生缺铁性贫血就好了。但吃纯素的人,不仅贫血、缺锌的危险较大,而且维生素B12完全缺乏供应,必须配合营养素增补剂和营养强化食品。 血色素略微低于正常水平,血压也略偏低一点,但还没什么大碍。看来,我要多吃些大枣桂圆山楂黑芝麻什么的补补铁了。 我说:没错。素食并不一定贫血,但素食铁吸收率低,需要更多的维生素C 供应,来帮助铁的吸收。鲜枣、大枣等水果和水果干里的铁吸收率比较高,是不错的选择。但还需要其他的水果蔬菜帮忙才好,必要时补充VC片。 国外研究发现,吃纯素者骨密度的确略低于蛋奶素食者和其他杂食者,原因是钙、维生素D、蛋白质的摄入量较低。所以吃纯素的人应当服用钙片、鱼肝油来作为弥补,并多做室外活动,接触阳光。但是,像你这样吃蛋奶素,对骨密度并没有不良影响,因为奶类、豆制品和绿叶蔬菜里面钙含量高,而且奶和蛋都含有少量VD。只要你把这些食品吃够,再多晒太阳,就无需担心啦。 素食也有健康不健康之分啊!很多营养差的食品,比如白糖、薯片、膨化食品、方便面、油条、甜饮料、果脯蜜饯、人造奶油,都可以称为“素食”。但它们不利健康。所以素食照样可能发胖,照样可能高血糖高胆固醇。只有远离高油高糖食品,吃大量蔬菜水果、坚果豆类的素食,才是有利于预防慢性病的素食。国外的很多纯素者都有营养专家的专业指导,而国内没有咨询营养师的风气,以为只要简单地不吃鱼肉蛋奶就可以,非常容易发生营养不良的现象。


一位女孩吃素五年的感受 (转)一位女孩吃素五年的感受 “生活水平提高”的结果是,动物性食物的被大量消费,带来了各种慢性病;现在,越来越多追求健康的人士开始研究素食健康,积极推崇素食健康饮食,选择食用植物性食物,如蔬菜、水果、谷类等。著名的《中国健康调查报告》分析了各种膳食结构与身体健康的关系,鼓励选择植物性食物。正确吃素有利于保持健康。 一个女孩吃素五年的素食经历和感受,或许能给大家有所启示。 一、很少感冒 几乎所有吃素的人都会提起的第一感受;先说以前:从初中开始我就经常感冒,大学时候最严重,差不多一年有两三个月一直好不了。我刚刚开始吃素的时候感冒过一次,但很快就好了(我现在把这次感冒看成身体变好的信号),接下来差不多一年多时间没有感冒,再后来一年感冒一~两次吧,但是很快就会好,我不怎么吃药,经常就是姜汤或者大葱煮萝卜就可以好;即使吃也是吃些滋阴润肺的中药。而且不会象以前一样感冒时候昏昏沉沉,现在即便感冒发烧,也是精神不减。

二、大便通畅 这很好理解,相应的就较少起痘痘,紧张或是心情不快时也会起,但决对不会象以前一样,起那种很恶心的,中间一个大白点的脓包;细说起来,人类的肠道(特别是东方人)和胃酸浓度都是应该吃素的,肉食滞留太久,干燥季节自然就容易便秘了,我以前春秋季节大餐之后便会,虽然和其他很多女生比并不严重,但是素食一段时间后,完全没有这个问题了。而且现在5年了,便便没有那种臭了,(味道很小,我也有做瑜伽洁肠法),以至于我要是在单位遇见有人在厕所便便,都无法忍受那味道。 三、月经规律 月经规律了,痛经好多了。加上如果认真练习瑜珈,就不会疼。 四、胃口好了,胃痛消失 暴饮暴食也没有了;大三大四的时候,这些问题越发严重,胃痛很折磨人,最厉害的一次也是唯一的一次,大四暑假,半夜起来熬稀饭吃,现在真庆幸我那时开始吃素,再也没有疼过;关于暴饮暴食,虽然我还是喜欢吃,但是再也没有控制不了自己的时候,和清晰的思

是否应该实行素食主义 英语辩论

背景 1)There are many types of vegetarians.Vegetarians, by today’s definition, are individuals who do not eat meat, and other animal products, such as cheese and yogurt and any part of the egg. 2)Reasons of being vegetarians for the present vegetarians: most vegetarians avoid animal products because of health issues(obesity,Diabetes), cultural or religious reasons. 3)The battle between vegetarians and non-vegetarians has a long history. And the number of the vegetarians is increasing in today’s society. A study shows shocking results: vegetarian men reduced their risk of early death by 50%! Women vegetarians benefit from a 30% reduction in death. 四辩稿 Let’s go straight to the point. What the other team has been emphasizing is they believe that vegetarianism is a healthier lifestyle than a normal diet. According to their view, meats have been condemned for the trend to heart disease and various cancers. But is it really that meat causes us to be unhealthy? Chicken and fish in itself have not been shown to cause chronic diseases, but when the chicken and fish are deep fried in partially hydrogenated oil, they become one of the most potent causes of heart disease as they then contain trans fatty acids.The truth of the matter is, food processing and various artificial ingredients, what’s more, the amount of salt, are much more likely to be contributing to health detriments than a healthful steak or lamb shank. While everyone believes meats and dairies have become unhealthy, the truth is quite the opposite. Meat consumption can actually lead to a decreased risk of various medical conditions and can help to maintain weight. So what really harms is the processing of meat, not the meat itself. Secondly, the other team has always mentioned that we can supplement the nutrients with other vegetarian foods. Well, it’s not impossible, but is it really easy to do that? For example, if we need protein, we can eat more beans to supplement the protein, but eating more beans will also bring side effects such as rickets and gall- stone. In fact, eating too much specific kind of food for a long time will bring certain health risks. What we really need is a balanced diet, especially for college students. Teenagers need more nutrition to keep normal development. And most of the nutrition come from some microelements, which are rich in meat but fewer in vegetables. When we can eat meat directly to get these nutrients, why do we have to waste time looking for other foods to replace the meat when we still don’t know its side effects. Thirdly, the other team also believe that vegetarianism is on behalf of kind of sympathy for animals. They believe that animals have lives ,then what about the plants? They can kill or eat plants casually, what about the lives of plants? Do they think animal life is nobler than plants? According to the natural selection, some of the creatures on the earth will inevitably become food for other creatures. Appealing in the name of sympathy for stopping eating meat is too hypocritical. If so, I believe that there is nothing in the world that we can eat because everything has lives just in different ways. The difference between our human beings and other animals lies in our feelings and wisdom. Human will begin to pursue spiritual progress after already meeting our basic survival needs. This is the development trend of human civilization. Therefore, it is our consistent opinion to treat animals in a humanitarian, gentle manner. We agree that animal feeding conditions and slaughter conditions should be improved to reduce animal suffering, but we don’t think we can give up eating meat just because of so-called sympathy for animals. What’s more, If everyone becomes a vegetarian, the fish-farmer and pig or cattle raisers will lose their jobs, because people no longer need fish, pork, beef and other kind of meat. No meat life will make many industries disappear, such as animal husbandry, breeding industry, food processing industry and even many catering services. All these industries will go bankrupt and it will bring massive loss to the economy of the country. Some people will say that we can use the production of vegetarian products to fill the gaps in these positions but they have overlooked how large the scale of the meat industry chain is. In summary, vegetarianism is not really worthy of our promotion. Everyone can choose the eating diet they like, but when we want to promote it as a healthy lifestyle, it needs more science evidence to support. It is


Pros and cons of vegetarian 1) longevity(延年益寿). According to nutritionists study, vegetarians more longevity than non-vegetarians。Pakistan turns muddy northern Indians in central Mexico and are the original(原始的)vegetarian people, average life expectancy is extremely high。Enviable. Buddhist monks, Christian Seventh Day Adventist Church, but also eat and enjoy the longevity factor. 2) lighter weight. Vegetarian weight lighter than the meat eaters, because it is less unnecessary fat of the meat 3) lower cholesterol(胆固醇)content. Vegetarian cholesterol in the blood is always contained less than meat eaters, if too much cholesterol in the blood, it tends to cause blood vessel blockage(心血管堵塞), a blood pressure(高血压)and heart disease the major cause. 4) The opportunity to reduce the risk of cancer. Some research indicates that meat and colon cancer(结肠癌)are very closely related. 5) than those without parasites(寄生虫)and the like. A worm(条虫)and several other parasites are transmitted by infected meat was removed on the parasite to the human body. 6) reduction of kidney(肾脏)burden. A variety of higher animals and human body waste through the blood brought to the kidneys. Meat eaters are eating the meat, once with animal blood, the more heavy burden on the kidneys. 7) easy storage(储藏). Vegetable protein(蛋白质)than animal protein is often easier to store. 8) low price. Plant proteins cheaper than the meat 9) in line with ecological principles(生态原理). Land required for production of one pound of beef, produce ten pounds of vegetable protein. Many ecologists predicted population explosion will force the world had to vegetarian. 10) varied. Housewives often find vegetarian, use vegetable protein, burning more than the use of general good aroma and taste of meat dishes, and production methods are also varied, that arouse a good appetite. Everything has two sides Disadvantages of Vegetarianism 1)Low calorie vegetarian, a serious shortage of protein and fat, mainly vegetarian easily lead to long-term malnutrition. 2)Vegetarian also easily lead to trace element(微量元素)and vitamin deficiency(缺乏症). Essential(必需)trace elements such as zinc(锌), calcium(钙), iron(铁), mainly from the Luo and other food. Zinc comes mainly from animal food, 80% calcium diet from dairy and 80% iron from meats and eggs. Vegetarian zinc, calcium, low iron content, which contains more phytic acid(植物酸)and oxalic acid(,草酸)it will hinder (阻碍)the zinc, calcium and iron and other trace elements to attract. For


全素主义的利与避!!! 专家说,随着现代社会逐渐增高的高血脂、高血压、高血糖、高尿酸等慢性富贵病,受其“威胁”、“恐吓”的人也越来越多。全素主义的利与避!在养生、减肥等思想的指导下,不少人灭掉“食肉欲”,转而选择他们认为更为健康的素食。 长期吃素身体“隐形受伤”全素主义者注意了!虽然很多研究支持“素食者可能比普通人更少患癌症、心脏疾病、糖尿病、胆结石等疾病”的论调,但与此同时,“太素”地一味吃青菜豆腐也可能导致营养不良、结石、缺钙贫血等一系列反应。在营养专家眼中,没有绝对的坏食物,只有坏搭配、坏比例的食物。专家表示,虽然社会应该尊重素食成为一种生活态度,但从健康角度出发,素食者有必要认真审视自己的食谱,巧妙通过各种方式补充缺失的营养,保证膳食平衡。 肉食者鄙?没有绝对“坏”的食物“早先的‘素食主义’者大多出于个人信仰或饮食习惯。随着科技的发展,环保主义者发现食肉增加地球负担,禽畜类养殖不但增加了温室气体的排放,也大大增加了谷类的消耗。因此,‘素食’渐渐成为一种时尚之举。”专家说,随着现代社会逐渐增高的高血脂、高血压、高血糖、高尿酸等慢性富贵病,受其“威胁”、“恐吓”的人也越来越多。在养生、减肥等思想的指导下,不少人灭掉“食肉欲”,转而选择他们认为更为健康的素食。其实,在我们营养工作者的眼中,并没有绝对的‘坏’食物,只有不科学的膳食搭配“,专家表示:”我们主张的是均衡而多样化的膳食,选择卫生安全的食物,养成有规律的生活习惯。 全素主义:优点VS风险就素食来看,这种相对有欠缺的饮食结构很可能会造成人体营养素供给的不均衡。专家说,素食又分为全素食(即完全以植物性食物及其制品为食)和乳蛋素食(除植物性食物及其制品外,还可选择蛋类、乳制品)。“比较起来,乳蛋素食的膳食营养更为全面,而全素食则更容易造成某些身体必需营养素的严重缺位。”在营养科专家看来,放弃肉类食物、以植物性食物为主的饮食究竟有何优点和风险? 素食优点:素食食材的脂肪含量普遍特别少,基本不含胆固醇,的确能有效减少心血管疾病发生的可能性;此外,素食的纤维素含量非常充足,可以带走身体内部分毒素;多吃青菜水果还能有助于防止肿瘤发生,有利养生。 素食风险:摄入更多的植物性食物意味着相对更为丰富的水溶性维生素和膳食纤维、更少的饱和脂肪酸和胆固醇,也会带来一些营养素缺乏的高危因素:优质蛋白的摄入减少、植物性食物中的钙的吸收率低,再加上膳食纤维及植酸对营养素吸收的干扰,很容易造成微量营养素如维生素、微量元素的缺乏,如钙、铁、锌、硒及维生素A、D、B12等。另外,患有肝、肾疾病的人也不适合食素,尤其是尿毒症患者,素食会导致钾的摄入过多,而优质蛋白质的摄入堪忧。 全素主义的利与避!--摘自百康营养师培训网


第21卷第6期南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)V ol. 21 No.6 彼得?辛格的素食主义思想述评 郭兆红1,王国聘2 (1. 南京林业大学 人文学院,江苏 南京 210037;2. 南京林业大学学校办公室,江苏南京 210037) 摘 要:著名哲学家彼得?辛格在《动物解放》一书中系统地阐述了自己的素食主义思想。他 认为素食可以减少给动物造成的痛苦,减少环境污染和消除世界饥饿,有益于人的生理健康和精神愉悦。做素食者绝非是一种象征性的姿态,素食的界限必须由每个人自己来定。辛格立论的哲学基础是“利益平等考虑”原则。辛格的素食主义观点也许有待商榷,但其积极意义不容忽视。 关键词:彼得?辛格;素食主义;动物解放;伦理学 中图分类号:B712.59 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-2646(2008)06-79-03 美国著名哲学家彼得?辛格(Peter Singer,1946-)是国际生命伦理学会的创始人和首任主席、当今世界上“最有影响的伦理学家”。“辛格是一位理想主义者,但也是一位现实关怀极强的哲学家。数十年来,他致力于消除世界贫困、保护环境、提高动物的生存条件、促成安乐死的合法化,他甚至曾以绿党成员身份竞选澳大利亚参议员。”[1]他的著作甚丰,1975年出版的《动物解放》一书,被誉为“动物保护运动的圣经”、“生命伦理学的经典之作”、“素食主义的宣言”。在这本书中,辛格把道德关怀的范围从人扩展到人之外的动物,站在关闭“现代动物工厂”、终止人类施加于动物身上的痛苦和压迫的立场上,系统地阐述了他的素食主义思想。 一、辛格关于素食的论证 素食主义的传统源远流长,古往今来许多人包括一些智者、圣者都是素食主义者。他们选择素食的动机、支持素食主义的论证是多种多样的,主要包括:健康;动物所受的折磨与死亡;公正或无私的道德关注;对环境的关注;对自然的操控;世界性的饥饿与社会不公;互相关联的压迫形式;物种间的亲属关系与慈悲心;全盘的非暴力;精神和宗教的论证。[2]彼得?辛格在《动物解放》一书为反对肉食、提倡素食所作的论证如下: 第一,素食可以减少我们给动物造成的痛苦。辛格把素食与人们对待动物利益的道德良知联系起来。他指出,为了满足人类的肉食需要,我们就得养殖食用动物。大规模养殖食用动物而不对其造成很大的痛苦,实际上是不可能的。大量的纪实材料表明,集约饲养不仅条件太差,而且违背了动物的本性,动物由此受到了极端的虐待。即使不用集约饲养法,传统的养殖也要使动物遭受阉割、母子分离、打乱社群关系、打烙印做记号、往屠宰厂运输和最终被屠宰等痛苦。可见,食用“被残杀的非人类动物”是明显不道德的。因此,为了减少动物的痛苦,作为个人我们有伦理义务成为素食主义者,拒绝买或吃工厂养殖条件下生产的肉类和其他产品。“素食是支撑我们为动物利益所做的全部活动的基础。”[3]144“只要人们还去购买集约饲养生产的肉、蛋产品,通常形式的抗议和政治行动就不会导致重大的变革。”[3]145因为,如果我们仍然没有打破吃肉的习惯,我们就会对现代化养殖场及其养殖食用动物所采取的残忍行径的持续存在、繁荣和发展起到支持和推动作用。“做素食者是一个十分切实有效的步骤,采取这个步骤是为了结束非人类动物遭受屠杀和痛苦而努力。”[3]145 第二,素食能够减少环境污染和消除世界饥饿。世界上许多地方有大量的人口在挨饿和营养不良。很收稿日期:2008-09-09 作者简介:郭兆红(1972-),男,辽宁盖县人,南京林业大学人文学院讲师、博士;研究方向:生态哲学、科学技术哲学。基金项目:本文为江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究项目(06SJB720013)和江苏省社科基金项目(08ZXB005)阶段性研究成果。


素食主义的六大危害 全球医院网2010-07-21我要评论(1)我要订阅 许多人对素食情有独钟,有的人甚至终年不吃肉。事实上,单纯摄入素食会导致食物成分比例失调,引起许多疾病。 注意!素食主义的六大危害 微量元素缺乏症 人体必需的微量元素如锌、钙、铁等主要来自肉食。锌主要来源于动物性食物,饮食中80%的钙来自奶类,80%的铁来自肉类和蛋类。素食中锌、钙、铁含量少,其中含有较多的草酸,会阻碍锌、钙和铁等微量元素的吸收。因此,长期食素者容易发生因缺乏微量元素而引起的一些疾病。 易患结石 素食中植物纤维的成分较多,可使胆酸的吸收率降低,胆盐浓度也降低。素食者往往维生素A、维生素E的摄入不足,这两种维生素缺乏,使胆囊上皮细胞容易脱落,从而导致胆固醇沉积形成结石。 维生素缺乏症

长期食素者容易发生因缺乏维生素而引起的一些疾病:缺乏维生素A易患夜盲症和呼吸道感染;缺乏维生素D易患小儿佝偻病和骨质疏松症;缺乏维生素E会引起溶血性贫血、脂溢性皮炎和氨基酸代谢障碍、免疫力下降;缺乏维生素K则易引起各种自发性出血。 蛋白质摄入不足 长期缺乏蛋白质对机体的抗病能力影响极大,会使人体碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪比例失衡,因而造成贫血、消瘦、消化不良、记忆力下降等。 增加心脑血管疾病的发病率 长期素食会导致低胆固醇血症。胆固醇是人体不可缺少的营养物质,也是人体细胞膜、性激素、皮质醇等的物质基础,对白细胞活动起着重要的作用。研究表明,老年妇女血液中胆固醇含量过低时,死亡率会增加4倍,低胆固醇易致脑出血性中风,这是因为缺乏胆固醇者血管的脆性明显增高,容易破裂出血,特别是在有高血压的情况下。 增加抑郁症的发病率 国外医学研究表明,长期素食或荤素搭配不合理的老人,由于血清胆固醇含量低下,出现抑郁症的相对危险性较大。低胆固醇可使脑内血清素再摄取速度加快,血清素有明显的抑制中枢神经系统功能的作用,因此低胆固醇血症直接导致或加速老年抑郁症的发生。(责任编辑:困困) (本文内容/图片转自网络,仅供参考,不代表本网站立场。)


浅谈素食主义 ——观《地球上的众生》有感“我们优雅的享用我们的正餐,血腥的屠宰场被精心的隐藏起来。”——爱默生。 一.引言 这部影片名为Earthling,意指地球上一切居民。它不只是针对人类而言,更包括生存在这个星球上的所有生命。然而愚蠢的人类自认为是最完全的生命体,这他们所处的世界拥有绝对的支配权。在这股极端的物种主义思想影响下,每天有成千上万的生命惨遭杀害。 该片系统全面地揭露了当今人类是如何大规模地屠杀和虐待动物,尤其是畜牧业(包括肉食、鱼、蛋类和奶制品等),让我们看到人类已经堕落到何等残忍和无知的境地而不自觉。当人们享受通过折磨、残害其他生命所带来的快乐之时,地球变成了令人不忍卒睹的屠宰场。 当看到食物这一部分时,我相信有不少人跟我一样不忍直视,我们每天餐桌上的肉竟是这样而来,为了满足肉食者的口腹之欲,动物们必须遭受以下的一切痛苦: 烙印,剁角,切喉,去喙,射钉枪,撞击筒,电击,沸水褪毛……一个只有着相当短暂生命的生物终其一生都不能享受一个像样的生活环境。 看完这部影片不禁让我有了尝试素食主义的冲动,正如那句广告所言,没有买卖,就没有杀害,想要制止这些残忍的行为,只有从源头抓起。 二.素食主义 素食主义简单的说就是不吃荤菜,只吃素菜。严格的素食主义者避免食用所有由动物制成的食品,例如蛋、奶类、奶酪和蜂蜜,除了食物之外,他们也不使用动物制成的商品,例如皮革、皮草和含动物性成份的化妆品。 素食,表现出回归自然、回归健康和保护地球生态环境的返朴归真的文化理念。在美国有人口、英国有人口已经或正在考虑成为素食者。悄然传播的素食文化,使得素食越来越成为一个全球时尚的标签。素食,已经成为一种全新


Why Become Vegetarian? 1、Cut the fat. While meat provides a lot of protein, it also provides a ton of fat — especially saturated fat.What’s more, Less food poisoning. Food poisoning gets millions of people each year — and many of them from meat, which is a good breeding ground for harmful bacteria, especially if not stored, prepared or cooked exactly right. Moreover,you can get more nutrition. In general, vegetarians replace meat with more nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and so on. If you do that, you will be getting more of the nutrients your body needs, giving you better health, less illness, and more energy. 2、Reduce the suffering. You probably don’t want to hear about the horrific treatment of animals that are raised for food, even before they are slaughtered for our benefit. But suffice it to say, there are great amounts of suffering involved, and by cutting out meat, you are reducing your involvement in that. Help the environment. There are actually numerous ways that the meat industry harms the environment, from a waste of our resources, to the pollution caused by their waste matter. How to become a Vegetarian? 1、Have good reasons. If you just want to become vegetarian for kicks, you probably won’t stick with it for long —not because it’s hard, but because any lifestyle change or habit change requires a little bit of motivation. You need to first think about why you want to become


A:Hey, dude! What are you looking at? B:Hey,nice to meet you!I am reading a magazine about vegetarians.Are you a vegetarian? A:Yes I am! C:Why? A:First,Health concerns: A vegetarian diet can be a balanced diet filled with nutritious vegetables which can be alkaline-forming and health-building. Harvard researched the eating habits of 110,000 adults for over 20 years found that a one 3-ounce serving of red meat daily was associated with a 13 percent greater chance of dying over the course of the study. A vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Second,Spiritual reasons: Commitment to non-violent food; not supporting the killing and suffering of animals. Hinduism and Buddhism hold vegetarianism as an ideal way to promote nonviolence and spiritual fulfillment. Seventh Day Adventists and Jains are vegetarians. Seventh Day Adventists are among the healthiest people in the world today. Third,Personal choice: Sometimes for no explainable reason, a person just finds that they simply do not want to eat meat. Whenever they see it they have no interest in eating it so they never include it in their meals. Finally,Food safety: Close to 5,000 Americans die of food-borne diseases every year. Food poisoning is mostly from animal products. Factory farms, slaughterhouses, and meat packing plants are extremely unsanitary places. B:I don't want to be a vegetarian. The main reason is because I like meat more than I like vegetable. There are some other reasons such as, I don't think vegetarian is health. It is hard to stay health as a vegetarian. You have to constantly reminding yourself to take the nutrition that is lacking from the vegetables. Another reason would be because I think it is not easy to be a vegetarian. Not every restaurants provide vegetarian meals. A lot of times, vegetarian end up stay home for most of their meals. Especially when you are traveling or out of the town, you don't always know where do they provide vegetarian meals. And are you a vegetarian? C:Yes,there are some reasons that support me as a vegetarian. First,Animal rights: Animals raised for meat in factory farms live in truly abysmal conditions and are treated badly prior to and during slaughter. Also, the animals are often given drugs to make them grow bigger, producing more meat. This is not healthy to animals or humans. Animals have feelings and a personality just like humans! Second,Environmental reasons: Meat production is the creating destruction of our natural resources and causing pollution, producing more greenhouse gases than all the cars in the world. Read The Food Revolution by John Robbins to become enlightened on this subject. Also check out our article “Nice Cow –Baaad Cow Effects.” Third,Political reasons:

Reasons to be a Vegetarian做素食主义者的原因

3.蒂姆拉夫说:“想象一下,一个餐厅满是劝人吃素的素食者。够了。我当然是在开玩笑。我最好的朋友有些就是素食者,连他们也有点儿自以为是的样子。如果我想吃肉,就让我心安地吃。没人强迫你们吃素,那你们为什么试图强迫我们吃素呢?” “至于素食者少管别人闲事,好啊,但大家吃什么是每个人的事。这是因为肉类生产是全球变暖最大的致因——甚至超过了运输。热带雨林被夷为平地创建牧场。动物排放的甲烷气体上升到大气中???不用信我的话,联合国做了长期研究,并发表了一份报告在网上,很容易查看。 “另外,工厂化养殖产生的污水,对,我说的是所有动物的粪便——形成径流污染危机正威胁着我们的河流和海洋。 “最后,还有世界饥饿问题:这个地球上最大的健康风险。这个世界上有近10亿饥饿的人民。七分之一的人没有足够的食物。 “一头产奶母牛每年会消费近六吨的干饲料,超过100 蒲式耳(谷物计量单位,约36升)的玉米,1400 磅的补充蛋白,和225 磅的矿物质和盐。算算看吧。 “如果不把那些食物浓缩成肉,而是直接给饥饿的人吃,我们就可以消除世界饥饿。” 4.蒂姆拉夫说:“吃素食看起来是更健康的选择(而且可能常常是这样),不过话又说回来,适度的肉可以为我们提供必需的蛋白质、铁和氨基酸。只要你不走极端,吃像电视上那样15 磅重的汉堡,就应该没有问题。” 简贝莱斯·米切尔说:“如果大量的蛋白质是身体健康的关键,美国将是世界上最健康的国家,因为我们比大多数其他国家的人吃肉都多得多。但是,我们不是最健康的。我们中三分之二的人超重或肥胖,这个危机还在加剧。 简贝莱斯·米切尔说:“其实所有那些觉得自己像是在同样的假日和周末的老习惯中梦游,转吃纯素就像按了刷新按钮。突然,所有那些乏味了的传统都注入了新鲜且慈悲的意义。感恩节(Thanksgiving)的时候,为什么不放弃杀火鸡而去农场动物庇护所喂火鸡呢?或者使用Tofurky(Tofu+Turkey)很快地做顿饭?这就是我所称的‘感谢生活(Thanksliving)’。没有必要在所有特殊场合用引人注目的动物尸体来庆祝。为什么不庆祝生活呢?相信我。发展是很有意思的。” (一)素食者更长寿 经常有人担心,素食营养不足。对于这个忧虑,素食者最常见的反应是笑而不答。他们可能乐于与肉食者比谁更健康。毫无疑问,从各个角度看起来素食者更健康:他们的身体更轻盈,他们的反应更敏捷,他们的脑力更充沛,他们更容易入睡,他们所需的睡眠时间更少,他们心情更开朗因而较少得抑郁症,他们更少得感冒一旦得了好得更快,他们不容易得癌症、高血压、糖尿病和老年痴呆症--老年痴呆症一个重要肇因就是肥肉导致的血管畸变。今年国家的一组数据显示,北方比南方比例高,而女性多于男性。最危险的人群是北方老年女性,她们正是肥肉馅的日常购买者。 理论上讲,素食能够获得比肉食更优质的营养。首先要打破人们的一个成见:肉类比素食蛋白质高。其实许多素食品的蛋白质比肉类含量高:比如,各种坚果、瓜籽中的蛋白质达30%,谷物约含10%,豆类中的蛋白质含量更高,近40%,是肉类的两倍,豆皮的蛋白质更高达50%,且大豆中的蛋白是完全蛋白,更易为人体所吸收。 人们开玩笑,广东人煲肉汤,还不如一个北方汉子吃馍(馒头)壮。人们常常用肉类进补,其实,肉类不仅蛋白质不如豆类多,而且也是各种食物中最缺乏维生素和矿物质的。
