




M={0,3,5},N={1,4,5},则集合M∪(?U N)等于( )

(A){5} (B){0,3} (C){0,2,3,5} (D){0,1,3,4,5}


f:A→B是映射的是( )

(A)f:x→y=3x (B)f:x→y=x (C)f:x→y=x (D)f:x→y=x

3.(2016安徽怀远高一测试)下列各组函数中,表示相等函数的是( )

(A)y=x+1和y= (B)y=x0和y=1

(C)f(x)=x2和g(x)=(x+1)2 (D)f(x)=和g(x)=

4.(2016安徽池州高一测试)f(x)=+的定义域是( )

(A)[-1,+∞) (B)(-∞,-1]

(C)R (D)[-1,1)∪(1,+∞)

5.已知f(2x-1)=x+,则f(1)等于( )

(A)-2 (B) (C)-(D)2

6.(2016山东临沂实验高中高一上期中) 已知f(x)=则f(f(5))等于( )

(A)-3 (B)1 (C)-1 (D)4

7.若函数y=的定义域是(-∞,1)∪[2,5),则其值域是( )

(A)(-∞,0)∪(,2] (B)(-∞,2] (C)(-∞,)∪[2,+∞) (D)(0,+∞)

8.若一系列函数的关系式相同、值域相同,但定义域不同,则称这些函数为“孪生函数”,那么函数关系式为y=3x2+4,值域为{7,16}的“孪生函数”共有( )


9.如果函数y=x2+(1-a)x+2在区间(-∞,4]上是减函数,那么实数a的取值范围是( )

(A)[5,+∞) (B)(-∞,-3] (C)[9,+∞) (D)(-∞,-7]

10.已知x≠0时,函数f(x)满足f(x-)=x2+,则f(x)的表达式为( )

(A)f(x)=x+(x≠0) (B)f(x)=x2+2

(C)f(x)=x2(x≠0) (D)f(x)=(x-)2(x≠0)



12.已知f(x)是一次函数,且2f(1)+3f(2)=3,2f(-1)-f(0)=-1,则f(x)= .





(1)f(x)=+; (2)f(x)=+x0.








2019-2020年高一下学期数学周练卷(15) 一`、选择题: (每小题5分,共60分) 1. 算法的三种基本结构是 ( ) A. 顺序结构、模块结构、条件结构 B. 顺序结构、循环结构、模块结构 C. 顺序结构、条件结构、循环结构 D. 模块结构、条件结构、循环结构 2. 将两个数a=8,b=17交换,使a=17,b=8,下面语句正确一组是 ( ) A. B. C. D. 3. 下面为一个求20个数的平均数的程序,在横线上应填充的语句为 ( ) A. i>20 B. i<20 C. i>=20 D. i<=20 4. 下列各数中最小的数是 ( ) A.)9(85 B.)6(210 C.)4(1000 D. )2(111111 5. 用秦九韶算法计算多项式6 54323567983512)(x x x x x x x f ++++-+=在4 -=x 时的值时,3V 的值为 ( ) A. -845 B. 220 C. -57 D. 34 6、1337与382的最大公约数是 ( ) A.3 B.382 C.191 D.201 7、计算机中常用16进制,采用数字0~9和字母A ~F 共16个 计数符号与10进制得对应关系如下表: 16进制 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10进制 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 那么,16进制中的16C 化为十进制数应为 ( ) A 1612 B 364 C 5660 D 360 8.有20位同学,编号从1至20,现在从中抽取4人作问卷调查,用系统抽样方法确定所抽的编号为( ) A.5,10,15,20 B.2,6,10,14 C.2,4,6,8 D.5,8,11,14 9.某公司在甲、乙、丙、丁四个地区分别有150个、120个、180个、150个销售点,公司 a=b b=a c=b b=a a=c b=a a=b a=c c=b b=a S=0 i=1 DO INPUT x S=S+x i=i+1 LOOP UNTIL _____ a=S/20 PRINT a END


高一数学周练 姓名:___________班级:___________ 一、单选题 1.在△ABC 中,已知A =30°,B =45°,a =1,则b =( ) A .2 B .3 C . 2 D . 3 2.在ABC ?中,若cos sin c A a C =,则角A 的值为( ) A . 6 π B . 4 π C . 3 π D . 2 π 3.ABC ?的内角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c ,若2B A =,1a =,3b =, 则c =( ) A .1或2 B .2 C .2 D .1 4.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和122n n S +=-,则222 12n a a a +++=L ( ) A .2 4(21)n - B .1 2 4(2 1)n -+ C .4(41)3n - D .14(42)3 n -+ 5.如图,边长为2的正方形ABCD 中,P ,Q 分别是边BC ,CD 的中点,若AC u u u r =x AP u u u r +y BQ uuu r , 则x =( ) A .2 B . 83 C . 65 D . 1225 二、填空题 6.设α为锐角,若4cos()6 5π α+ = ,则sin(2)12 π α+的值为______. 7.已知0πx <<,且7sin 225x =-,则sin 4x π?? - ??? 的值为__________.

三、解答题 8.已知函数。 (1)求函数的最小正周期与对称轴; (2)当 时,求函数的最值及单增区间. 9.在ABC ?中,角A B C ,,的对边分别为a b c ,,,已知cosB 2cosA 2cos a b C c --=. (1)若2b =,求a 的值; (2)若角A 是钝角,且4sin 5A =,求sin 23B π? ?+ ?? ?的值. 10.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且2,n a ,n S 成等差数列. (1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (2)若· n n b n a =,求数列{}n b 的前n 项和n T ; (3)对于(2)中的n T ,设21 2 n n n T C a +-=,求数列{}n c 中的最大项.

江苏省扬中二中2020-2021学年高一上学期数学周练2 Word版含答案

江苏省扬中二中2020-2021第一学期高一数学周练2 姓名 一、选择题.请把答案直接填涂在答题卡相应位置上........ . 1.函数)(x f 的定义域为),1(+∞,则)12(+x f 的定义域是 ( ) A .),3[+∞ B .),3(+∞ C .),0(+∞ D .),1(+∞ 2.设函数 ()23f x x =+,(2)()g x f x +=,则()g x 的表达式是 ( ) A .21x + B .21x - C .23x - D .27x + 3.()f x 与()g x 表示同一函数的是 ( ) A .2(),()f x x g x x == B .0()1,()(1)f x g x x ==- C .29(),()33x f x g x x x -==-+ D .22 ()(),()() x f x g x x x == 4.已知{1,,}A x y =,{ } 2 1,,2B x y =,若A B =,则x y -= ( ) A . 12 B .1 C .14 D .32 5.设集合{}2 A x x a =>,{}32 B x x a =<-,若A B =?,则a 的取值范围为 ( ) A. ()1,2 B. ()(),12,-∞?+∞ C. []1,2 D. (] [),12,-∞+∞ 6.函数()y f x =的图象与y 轴的交点个数为 ( ) A .至少一个 B .至多一个 C .必有一个 D .一个或无穷多个 7.设221()21,(())(0)x g x x f g x x x -=-=≠,则1 ()2 f = ( ) A . 14 B .3 C .15 D .7 9 8.函数25 52 x y x -=-的值域为 ( ) A.2,5x x x R ??≠-∈???? B. 5,2x x x R ??≠-∈???? C. 5,y 2y y R ??≠∈???? D. 2 ,y 5y y R ??≠∈?? ?? 二、多选题:(每小题给出的四个选项中,不止一项是符合题目要求的,请把正确的所有选项填涂在答题卡相应的位置上) 9.全集?==S S U u C {1,2,3,4}},5,4,3,2,1{,则集合 ( ) A. }5{ B.}5,2,1{ C.}4,3,2{ D.? 10.下列图象中,可表示函数图象的是 ( ) A . B . C . D . 11.设函数()2 23,1 22,1 x x f x x x x -?=?--


江苏省新海高级中学高一数学周练试卷(教师版姓名 20151218 一填空题(每题5分,满分70分 1已知x x x f 21(2-=-,则(2f = 3 . 2给出下列命题: (1若两个平面平行,那么其中一个平面内的直线一定平行于另一个平面; (2若两个平面平行,那么垂直于其中一个平面的直线一定垂直于另一个平面; (3若两个平面垂直,那么垂直于其中一个平面的直线一定平行于另一个平面; (4若两个平面垂直,那么其中一个平面内的直线一定垂直于另一个平面. 则其中所有真命题的序号是 .①② 3若一圆锥的底面半径为3,体积是12π,则该圆锥的侧面积等于.15π 4. 设点P ,A ,B ,C 是球O 表面上的四个点,PA ,PB ,PC 两两互相垂直,且 1PA PB PC cm ===,则球的表面积为3π 2cm . 5 考察下列三个命题,在“________”处都缺少同一个条件,补上这个条件使其构成真命 题(其中l ,m 为不同直线,α,β为不重合平面,则此条件为________.l ?α ①?????m ?α l ∥m l ⊥β?l ∥α;②?????l ∥m m ∥α ?l ∥α;③? ????l ⊥β α⊥β ?l ∥α. 6设m ,n 是两条不同的直线,α,β,γ是三个不同的平面,给出下列命题: ①若m β?,αβ⊥,则m α⊥;②若m//α,m β⊥,则αβ⊥;

③若αβ⊥,αγ⊥,则βγ⊥;④若m αγ= ,n βγ= ,m//n ,则//αβ. 上面命题中,真命题... 的序号是__② _____(写出所有真命题的序号. 7函数x x x f 4(2+-=的单调增区间为__________________.]2,0[ 8已知一个空间几何体的所有棱长均为1 cm ,其表面展开图如图所示,则该空间几何体的体 积V = cm 3 .1+ 9.如图,正方体ABCD -A 1B 1C 1D 1的棱长为1,E ,F 分别为线段AA 1,B 1C 上的点,则三 M N 棱锥D 1-EDF 的体积为 .16 102, 2(3 ,2 x a x f x x a x ?+>=?+≤?,值域为R ,则a 的取值范围是1a ≥ 11已知三棱锥A -BCD 中,AB =CD ,且直线AB 与CD 所成的角为60°,点M ,N 分 别是BC ,AD 的中点,则直线AB 和MN 所成的角为________. 60°或30°


高一数学周练三2011.10.15 高一( )班座号 姓名 ( )1.若,则 A . B . C . D . ( )2、设 1.5 0.9 0.48 12314,8 ,2y y y -??=== ? ?? ,则 A 、312y y y >> B 、213y y y >> C 、132y y y >> D 、123y y y >> ( )3、由于电子技术的飞速发展,计算机的成本不断降低,若每隔5年计算机的价格降低3 1 ,则现在价格为8100元的计算机经 年后降为2400元. A .14 B .15 C .16 D .17 ( )4、函数11-=+x a y 的图象恒过定点为 A 、(-1,1) B 、(-1,0) C 、(0,-1) D 、(1,-1) ( )5.已知2 )(x x e e x f --=,则下列正确的是 A .奇函数,在R 上为增函数 B .偶函数,在R 上为增函数 C .奇函数,在R 上为减函数 D .偶函数,在R 上为减函数 ( )6.函数||2)(x x f -=的值域是 A .]1,0( B .)1,0( C .),0(+∞ D .R 7.不等式x x 28 3312---,则=n ___________. 9.不等式2 221212-++?? ? ??

10.定义运算:???>≤=?) () (b a b b a a b a ,则函数()x x x f -?=22的值域为 _________________ 11、已知17a a -+=,求下列各式的值: (1) 332 2 112 2 a a a a - ---; (2)112 2 a a - +; (3)22(1)a a a -->. 12、计算 log 24+lg 100 3 +ln e +43lg 4-3lg 2 +


兴国三中2017-2018学年高一年级数学周周练(一) 一.选择题(每小题5分,共50分) 1.关于集合,下列关系式正确的是 A .0?N B .∈φR C .0?N + D .∈2 1Z 2.下列叙述正确的是 A .方程x 2+2x +1=0的根构成的集合为{-1,-1} B .{x ∈R | x 2+2=0}=? ????????<+>+∈03,012|x x R x C .集合M={(x ,y ) | x +y =5,xy =6}表示的集合是{2,3} D .集合{1,3,5}与集合{3,5,1}是不同的集合 3.已知集合A={1,2,3},则B={x -y | x ∈A ,y ∈A }中的元素个数为 A .9 B .5 C .3 D .1 4.集合A={x | x =2k ,k ∈Z },B={x | x =2k +1,k ∈Z },C={x | x =4k +1,k ∈Z },又a ∈A ,b ∈B ,则有 A .a +b ∈A B .a +b ∈B C .a +b ∈C D .a +b ?A ,B ,C 中的任何一个 5.设集合A={-2,0,1,3},集合B={x | - x ∈A ,1-x ?A },则集合B 中元素的个数为 A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 6.下列两集合是相等集合的是 A .M={(3,2)},N={(2,3)} B .M={3,2},N={2,3} C .M={(x ,y ) | x +y =1},N={y | x +y =1} D .M={1,2},N={(1,2)} 7.已知集合A={x | x 2 -1=0},则下列式子表示正确的有 ①1∈A ,②{1}∈A ,③?φA ,④{1,-1}?A 。 A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 8.已知集合A={0,2,3},B={x | x =ab ,a ,b ∈A ,且a ≠b },则集合B 的子集的个数是 A .4 B .8 C .6 D .15 9.已知A ?B ,A ?C ,B={1,2,3,5},C={0,2,4,8},则A 可能是 A .{1,2} B .{2,4} C .{2} D .{4} 10.设A={x | 23 B .m <3 C .m ≥3 D .m ≤3 班级 姓名 座号 得分


高一数学周练试题(三) 班级 姓名 座号 (时间:2011.12.9) 一、选择题: 1.已知sin(4π+α)=2 3,则sin(43π-α)值为( ) A. 21 B. —21 C. 23 D. —2 3 2.cos(π+α)= — 21,23π<α<π2,sin(π2-α) 值为( ) A. 23 B. 21 C. 23± D. —2 3 3.化简:)2cos()2sin(21-?-+ππ得( ) A.sin2+cos2 B.cos2-sin2 C.sin2-cos2 D.± (cos2-sin2) 4.y=sin(x-π3 )的单调增区间是( ) A. [kπ-π6 ,kπ+5π6 ] (k ∈Z) B. [2kπ-π6 ,2kπ+5π6 ](k ∈Z) C. [kπ-7π6 , kπ-π6 ] (k ∈Z) D. [2kπ-7π6 ,2kπ-π6 ] (k ∈Z) 5.下列函数中是奇函数的是( ) A. y=-|sinx| B. y=sin(-|x|) C. y=sin|x| D. y=xsin|x| 6.函数 y=sinx (π6 ≤x ≤2π3 ) 的值域是( ) A. [-1,1] B. [ 12 ,1] C. [12 , 3 2 ] D. [ 32 ,1] 7.在 (0,2π) 内,使 sinx>cosx 成立的x 取值范围是( ) A .(π4 ,π2 )∪( π, 5π4 ) B. ( π4 ,π) C. ( π4 ,5π4 ) D.( π4 ,π)∪( 5π4 ,3π2 ) 二、填空题: 9.cos(π-x )= 23,x ∈(-π,π),则x 的值为 . 10.函数y=1sinx 的定义域____________. 11.函数y=cos(2x+π3 ),当x=______时, y min =_______;当x=_____ 时,y max =_____________.


高一数学三角函数周练试题(2012.12.10) 班级_____________ 姓名____________ 座号_________ 一、选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分) 1、下列各式不正确的是 ( ) A .sin (α+180°)=-sin α B .cos (-α+β)=-cos (α-β) C .sin (-α-360°)=-sin α D .cos (-α-β)=cos (α+β) 2、o 600cos 的值为( ) A .2 1 B .21 - C .2 3 D .2 3 - 3、?? ? ??- π619sin 的值等于( ) A .21 B .2 1 - C .2 3 D .2 3 - 4、一钟表的分针长10 cm ,经过15分钟,分针的端点所转过的长为( ) A .30 cm B .5cm C .5πcm D .25π 3 cm 5、已知α是第二象限角,那么 2 α 是( ) A .第一象限角 B. 第二象限角 C. 第二或第四象限角 D .第一或第三象限角 6、已知sin(4π+α)=2 3 ,则sin(43π-α)值为( ) A. 21 B. —21 C. 23 D. —2 3 7、若,3cos )(cos x x f =那么)30(sin ?f 的值为 ( ) A .0 B .1 C .-1 D . 2 3 8、在△ABC 中,若)sin()sin(C B A C B A +-=-+,则△ABC 必是( ) A .等腰三角形 B .直角三角形 C .等腰或直角三角形 D .等腰直角三角形 二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分) 9、已知角α的终边经过点P(-5,12),则sin α+2cos α的值为___________. 10、已知角α的终边经过点P (-x,-6),且cos α=13 5 - ,则x= _______ . 11、函数f (x )=x sinx 是______ _函数(填奇或偶). 12、一个扇形的周长是6厘米,该扇形的中心角是1弧度,该扇形的面积是_________. 13 、若3sin( )(,)22 x x πππ-=∈-,则x = 。 14、已知2 3 2cos ≤ x ,则x 的取值范围是 . 15、cos π7 +cos 2π7 +cos 3π7 +cos 4π7 +cos 5π7 +cos 6π 7 = ___ . 16、化简:23 tan()sin ()cos(2) 2cos ()tan(2) π πααπααπαπ-?+?---?-=______ _________ _. 三、解答题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分) 17、求值22sin 120cos180tan 45cos (330)sin(210)?+?+?--?+-?. 18、当Z k ∈时,求] )1cos[(])1sin[() cos()sin(απαπαπαπ+++++?-k k k k 的值


高一下学期数学第八次周练试题 一选择题(共10题;共50分) 1.不等式 3 01 x x -≥-的解集是 A. {}|13x x x ≤≥或 B. {} |13x x x <≥或 C. {}|13x x <≤ D. {}|13x x ≤≤ 2.平行直线03125=++y x 与052410=++y x 的距离是( ) A. 132 B.131 C. 261 D.26 5 3.在ABC ?中,若2a =, 60B ∠=, 7b = ,则BC 边上的高为( ) A. 33 2 B. 3 C. 3 D. 5 4.已知直线1:sin 10l x y α?+-=,直线2:3cos 10l x y α-?+=,若12l l ⊥,则sin2α= A. 23 B. 35± C. 35- D. 35 5.已知直线l 的方程为33y x =+,则点()4,5P 关于l 的对称点的坐标为 ( ) A. ()4,1- B. ()2,7- C. ()1,7- D. ()3,1- 6.设点A(-2,3),B(3,2),若直线ax +y +2=0与线段AB 没有交点,则直线的斜率k 取值范围是( ) A. 5 4(,][,)23-∞-?+∞ B. 54(,)23 - C. 45[,]32- D. 45 (,][,)32 -∞-?+∞ 7.在等比数列{}n a 中,已知前n 项和1 5n n S a +=+,则a 的值为( ) A. -1 B. 1 C. -5 D. 5 8.数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若1 (1) n a n n = +,则6S 等于 A . 142 B .45 C .56 D .67 9.已知A 船在灯塔C 北偏东 且A 到C 的距离为2km ,B 船在灯塔C 西偏北 且B 到C 的距离 3km ,则A 、B 两船的距离为( ) 13km 15km C.3km D. 32km 10.若关于,x y 的不等式组()020,0 20x x y k kx y ≤+≥>-+?? ??? ≥表示的平面区域是直角三角形区域,则k 的值 A. 2 B. 12 C. 1 2 - D. 2- 二、填空题(共4题;共20分) 11.已知实数,x y 满足2360 204x y x y x +-≥?? -+≤??≤? ,则32x y -+的最大值为_______. 12.直线l 过点(-1,2)且在两坐标上的截距相等,则l 的方程是________. 13.已知直线l :tan 3tan 0x y αβ--=的斜率为2,在y 轴上的截距为1,则tan()αβ+=________. 14.已知直线()20x ky k +-+=恒过定点A ,若点A 在直线0mx y n -+=上,则42m n + 的最小 值为________________. 高一下学期数学第五次周练答题卡 班级 ________ 姓名 ________ 学号 ________ 得分________


江西省上饶县中学2020学年高一数学下学期第六周周练试题(理奥, 无答案) 一、选择题 1.若 6,则的终边在第 A. 一 B. 二 2. Sin( 19200)的值为 1 1 A. B. 2 2 象限。 C.三 D.四 C. D.辽 2 2 5.将函数y sin2x 的图像向左平移 一个单位长度,再向上平移 1个单位长度,所得到的图 4 像对应的函数是 A. y cos2x B . y 1 cos2x C. y 1 sin(2x ) D . y cos2x 1 4 6.为了得到函数y sin(2x —)的图像,可将函数y cos2x 的图像 A. 向右平移 个单位长度 B.向右平移 个单位长度 6 3 C. 向左平移 -个单位长度 D.向左平移 -个单位长度 6 3 7.函数 y 2sin( -2x)(X 6 7 6 ' 6 )的增区间是 0,- 7 5 5 A. B. 12' 12 C. , D. 3 3 6 6 3. 已知 的终边在直线y 2x 上,则 f( A. B. 0 4. 函数 y tan(x 5)的单调递增区间是 A . (— k k ). k Z 2 2 3 7 C. ( k , k ). k Z 10 10 sin( cos C. B. D. 7 10 cos( ) 2 sin 3 10 D. k ). ).k

8. w 0 , f(x) cos(wx -)在(一,)上单调递减,则 w 的取值范围是 能的是 面积相同的材料做成的体积相同的几何体,最节省材料的是 APO BPO CPO 300,则球O 的表面积为 A.旦 B. 8 C.楚 D. 16 A. C. 0,3 D. 0, 2 9. y tan(2x -)的图像向右平移a 个单位后所得的图像关于点 ,0) 对称,则a 不可 12 A. 12 B.— 3 10. 已知是三角形的一个内角,且 sin A.锐角三角形 B.钝角三角形 C. 1— 12 2 cos ,则这个三角形是 3 C.直角三角形 D. D. 11 12 等腰三角形 11. 12. A.正方体 B.圆锥 C.圆柱 D. 已知P, A, B,C 是球O 球面上的四点, ABC 是正三角形, V p ABC 13.角的终边过点P( 5,12),则 tan( ) 2cos() 14. 函数y - 25 x 2 log sinx (2s in x 1)的定义域为 15. 2 f(x) x sinx x 2 1 的最大值为 1 M ,最小值为m ,则M m 16. 在三棱锥 ABC 中,APC 450, BPC 600, PA AC, PB BC 且面 PAC 面 PBC ,V P ABC 口,则三棱锥 3 P ABC 外接球半径为


揭阳第三中学第一学期高一数学周练(12) 一.选择题 1.集合A ={—,}, B ={0,1}, C ={1,2},则(Ap]B)UC = ( )? A. 平行于同一平面的两条直线平行; C.垂直于同一平面的两条直线平行; (D){-1,0,1,2} B. 与某一平面成等角的两条直线平行; D.垂直于同一直线的两条直线平行。 3. F列命题中错误的是:() A. 如果a丄 3 ,那么a内一定存在直线平行于平面 3 ; B. 如果a丄3,那么a内所有直线都垂直于平面 3 ; C. 如果平面a不垂直平面 3 ,那么a内一定不存在直线垂直于平面 D. 如果a丄 a n 3 = I,那么l丄丫. 1 -x2. 4.设函数f(x) 2 [x2+x-2,x 1,f⑵丿 的值为() 16 16 D. 18 5.已知f (x) = 2x2 -2x,则在下列区间中, f(x) =0有实数解的是( (A) (—3,(B) (—1, 0) 6.如右图为一个几何体的三视图,其中俯视图为正三角 形,AB1=2, AA=4,则该几何体的表面积为( B. 24+ , 3 C. 24+2 , 3 D. 32 (C) B B 3) ). 7.如果函数f (x) ■ 2(a -1)x ? 2在区间-::,4 1上单调递减,那么实数a的取值范围是 A、a w _3 、a A -3 C 、a w 5 D 8.三个数70。3, 0。37, , In 0.3,的大小顺序是( (A) (B){1} 2下列命题为真命题的是( (C){0,1,2} )

A .7°。3, 0.37,,ln 0.3 B.70。3,ln 0.3, 0.37 C. 0.37,, 70。3, , In 0.3 . D. In 0.3, 73, 0.37, 1 9. 函数f(x) x的图像关于( ) x A. y轴对称 B. 直线y - -x对称 C.坐标原点对称 D. 直线y = x对称 2 10. 已知一个铜质的五棱柱的底面积为16cm,高为4cm,现将它熔化后铸成一个正方体的铜块(不计 损耗),那么铸成的铜块的棱长是( ) 4 A. 2cm; B. cm; C.4cm; D.8cm 。 3 二.填空题(本大题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分). 11.若f (x)是一次函数,f[f(x)]=4x—1 且,则f (x) = ___________________ 12. 长方体的共顶点的三个侧面面积分别■为3,5,15,则它的体积为________________ . 13. 已知函数f (x)是定义在(-::,?::)上的偶函数.当x (-::,0)时,f(x)=x-x4,贝U 当x ? (0, 二)时,f (x)二 _______________________ . [来源学科网] 14. 一个水平放置的平面图的斜二测直观图是一个底角为45°,腰和上底长为1的等腰梯形,则这个 平面图形的面积是________________ . 三.解答题. 15. 不用计算器求下列各式的值 〈活-24--- ⑴| —(―9.60-J +(1.5「⑵log s罟+Ig25+lg4+7log72


河北定州中学2016-2017学年第一学期高一数学周练试题(二) 一、选择题 1. 函数()1y x x x =-+的定义域为( ) A.{}|0x x ≥ B. {}|1x x ≥ C. {}{}|10x x ≥? D. {}|01x x ≤≤ 2.函数24log x y =-的定义域是( ) A. (]0,2 B. (]0,16 C. (],2-∞ D . (],16-∞ 3.函数()sin f x x x =-()x ∈R 的部分图像可能是( ) A . B . C . D . 4.函数2sin ()1x f x x = +的图象大致为( ) 5.如图,不规则四边形ABCD 中,AB 和CD 是线段,AD 和BC 是圆弧,直线l AB ⊥于E ,当l 从左至右移动(与线段AB 有公共点)时,把四边形ABCD 分成两部分,设AE x =,左侧部分面积为y ,则y 关于x 的图像大致为( ) l C D E A B

6.设函数 11(0)2()1(0)x x f x x x ?-≥??=??


2019-2020学年高一数学下学期周练试题(2)(1、11、12班使用) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1、过点),(a a A 可作圆0322222=-++-+a a ax y x 的两条切线,则实数a 的取值范围为A.3-a 2、已知点(2,3)(32)A B ---、,,直线l 过点(1,1)P ,且与线段AB 相交,则直线l 的斜率k 取值范围是 A .34k ≥ 或4k ≤- B .34k ≥或14k ≤- C .344k -≤≤ D .3 44 k ≤≤ 3、“牟合方盖”是我国古代数学家刘徽在研究球的体积的过程中构造的一个和谐优美的几何体.它 由完全相同的四个曲面构成,相对的两个曲面在同一个圆柱的侧面上,好似两个扣合(牟合)在一起的方形伞(方盖).其直观图如左图,图中四边形是为体现其直观性所作的辅助线.当其主视图和侧视图完全相同时,它的俯视图可能是 4、动点P 与定点()()1010A B -, ,,的连线的斜率之积为1-,则点P 的轨迹方程是 A .221x y += B .()2210x y x +=≠ C .()2211x y x +=≠± D .y 5、圆2 2 2430x y x y +++-=上到直线10x y ++= A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 6、直线()2140x m y +++=与直线320mx y +-=平行, 则m = A.2- B.3- C.2或3- D.2-或3- 8、过点引直线l 与曲线y =A,B 两点, O 为坐标原点,当△AOB 的面积取最大 值时,直线l 的斜率等于 A B ..D . 7、已知正三棱柱111ABC A B C -的底面边长为4cm ,高为10cm ,则一


二中周练三 二.单选(15×1) ( ) 26. Do you know ____ woman in the picture? Yes. She is Liu Yang, _____ first Chinese woman astronaut. A. a a B. the, an C. an, the D. the, the ( ) 27.I don’t ____ what you said because I don’t ____ y ou. But I have changed a lot. A. believe, believe in B. believe in, believe C. believe, believe D. believe in, believe in ( ) 28. When did the old couple _____ married? They have _____ married for thirty years. A.get;got B.get,been C.get;\ D.be;been ( ) 29.How much is the ticket to Central Park? A one-way ticket ____ $50, and you can ____ another $10 for a round-trip. A. costs, pay B. pays, spend C. Costs, spend D. spends, pay ( ) 30. Not only _____ polluted but _____ crowed. Oh. How terrible! A. was the city were the streets B. the city was were the streets C. was the city the streets were D. the city was the streets were ( ) 31.Books are made ___ paper, and paper is made ___ wood. A. from in B. in from C. of from D. from of ( ) 32. ____ the end of the war, the people hated each other. A. In B. By C. At D. From ( ) 33.Do you feel like ____ or shall we go by bus? I prefer to walk, but we have ____ a taxi, for time is short. A. walking,to take B. to walk,take C. walking,taken D. to walk,took ( ) 34. Did Carl go to Jack’s birthday party with you? No, he ____. A. haven’t invited B. didn’t invite C. isn’t invited D. wasn’t invited ( ) 35.What do you think of this red shirt? I like ___, but I prefer a yellow _____. A. It, it B. It, one C. one, one D. one, it ( ) 36. What are you looking for, Rose? I am looking for the MP5 ____ my sister sent me last night. A. that B. who C. whom D. what ( ) 37.I visited a poor mountain village last year and I couldn’t believe ___ I saw. Yes, something ___ we saw really seems to be unbelievable. A. that, what B. that, that C. what, that D. what, what ( ) 38. Seeing the national flag of China ____ me feel ___. I agree with you. A. Lets, exciting B. Makes proud C. Keeps, confidence D. Gets, excited ( ) 39.How many students in your class didn’t pass PE exam? _____. We are all lucky A. Neither B. No one C. None D. All ( ) 40. We seldom see the blue sky. Could you tell me ____? There are many reasons, and the government has made a lot of laws to solve it. A.How did it came so many smoggy days B. What smoggy days are C. Whether are there smoggy days D. Why there are so many smoggy days 三.完型填空。(15×1) One Saturday afternoon, Kate went to buy something for her sister and herself. As Kate was coming out of a _41__, a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green---a good friend of Kate’s sister. Kate __42___ her. Then she called a taxi to send Kate home. She __43_ the driver where he should go. Kate was _44___ that it was not in the direction of her home. “_45__?”Kate asked. The lady smiled. When they come to a quiet road, a big rough man __46__ on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down, and threw him out of the __47__. At the same time, Miss Green take out of a knife and __48_ it at Kate. She asked Kate to keep _49___. The man then stared the taxi. “Oh, my God! I’m being kidnapped, ”Kate said to herself. She tried to escape, but not _50__. Suddenly an _51__ came to her. She took out a lipstick(口红)from her pocket, wrote “SOS” on the window, and covered the word with her __52_. A few minutes later, a police car __53__ and the policeman saw the sign. When the kidnappers saw the policeman they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away. The policeman then _54__ Kate up and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also __55__ because their daughter had finally came back hone safely. ( ) 41. A. school B. taxi C. shop D. friend’s ( ) 42. A. knew B. believed C. thanked D .remembered ( ) 43. A. told B .asked C. wondered D. checked ( ) 44. A. sure B. excited C. surprised D. pleased ( ) 45. A .How B .Where C .When D.Why ( ) 46. A. drove B.climbed C.fell D.appeared ( ) 47. A .road B.sight C.taxi D .home ( ) 48. A. shouted B . played C . hurt D. pointed ( ) 49. A .healthy B. alive C .relaxed D .quiet ( ) 50. A. happened B .failed C. succeeded D. hurried ( ) 51. A .idea B .answer C. interest D .order ( ) 52. A. feet B .back C. dress D .lipstick ( ) 53. A .stopped B .left C .passed D. turned ( ) 54. A .lifted B. cleaned C .put D .picked ( ) 55. A .worried B .happy C. proud D. successful 四.阅读理解。(15×2) A Three Things to Do Before You Are 18 Are you bored with your daily life? Here are some things you should try before you are 18, because after that it’s too late. Learn to swim Seriously, this is so important that it can save your life. If you can’t swim well, you won’t be able to do water sports like waterskiing, surf ing and diving. Even taking a boat trip will be dangerous for you. Make sure you do it. Try at least one kind of team sports Being a good team player is an important skill in life. You can’t just think of yourself, but have to work well with other people. Other advantages of team sports like basketball, football and baseball are that they keep you fit and healthy, and they are so great fun. Teams usually have a good social life too---you will go to lots of parties and make many friends. Collect something One of the best hobbies for under ---18s is collecting things. You can collect some kinds of stamps, or you can collect things that make you remember what you have done, like cinema tickets for films you have seen or e-mails from friends. The best way to collect is to have a special album(集物簿册)to put your collection in and to write what each thing means to you. That way you won’t forget. ( ) 56. The writer advises us to try the things before ____ years old. A. 16 B. 17 C.18 D. 19 ( ) 57. How many kinds of water sports are mentioned in the passage except swimming? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five ( ) 58. Which is NOT the advantage of team sports? A. To save your life B. To keep fit C. To make you happy D. To think of others ( ) 59. Which of the skills is the most important according to the writer in the first paragraph? A. swimming B. Team sports C. Collecting D. Running ( ) 60. Who is this passage written to? A. The old B. Woman C. Adults D. The teenagers B Living healthily isn’t just about a strong and healthy body. It’s also about feeling good every day. It’s not hard to have a healthy lifestyle. Having a good diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you have vegetables and fruit every day. Avoid junk food. They have trans fats(反式脂肪)that can also be found in biscuits and cakes. Eating too much can lead to heart diseases. Getting outdoors and being close to nature is also key. You can go for a walk, a hike or a bike ride. It is not only a great way to enjoy the beauty of the wild, but it also helps you get ride of stress and anxiety. Don’t spend much time chatting on line or playing video games. You may thi nk it is a way to relax. But researchers at the University Of Gothenburg in Sweden point can develop stress and sleeping disorders. Children should limit their time in front of a screen to one or two hours per day, according to Reuters. Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean quick changes. Making small changes in how you live each day can lead to big rewards. So find out how to be healthy today. ( ) 61. Having a healthy diet includes the following EXCEPT ____ A. eating less trans fats B. avoiding eating too much C. having vegetables every day D. eating more biscuits and cakes ( ) 62. Being close to nature can _____ A. stop you from getting ill B. help you reduce pressure C. help you study better D. make you interested in animals ( ) 63. From paragraph 4, we can learn that____ A.limiting online time is the best way to keep healthy
