


我们往往认为建筑是永恒的,是对纪念碑地位的渴求。那种建筑有它的地位, 不同种类的建筑也同样如此。

对于21世纪的头十年大部分时间来说, 建筑是关于大楼的声明。建筑无论是一个有争议的纪念,还是一个豪华得不可思议的公寓大楼,其存在的原因就是创造一个永久的印象。建筑一直是永恒的代名词,但事实上它应该是这样的吗?

在过去的几年里,相反的观点可能是真的。建筑正处于完全的至低点,主要依据稀少而遥不可及。能引起新闻的建筑是快速而飞逝的的: 弹出式商店,食品车,市场,表演空间。虽然许多风格的表现形式已经失去了吸引力(如,一个玩具反斗城弹出店),目前有一个不可否认的机会:这是对不断变迁文明的恰当反应。


在11月,我有幸和利物浦大学的一名研究便携式临时移动建筑的大师-----Robert Brandenburg 见面,他主持了Moonie . Moonie是南加利福尼亚建筑大学的一个专门小组. 作者的一个搁架上放满了关于建筑这个话题的书籍,包括“灵活:架构,响应变化”、“便携式架构:设计和技术”和“房屋的议案:“创世纪”Brandenburg痴迷于此。


在他的报告中,Brandenburg提供了便携式的临时建筑如何应用于人类活动的各个方面的例子,包括卫生保健(从弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔的重新设计的医院,到在甘乃迪政府期间,作为移动医疗诊所的气流拖车),住房(从蒙古包帐篷建筑师坂茂的震后纸屋),文化和商业(布景和伟大的展览建筑,塞纳河边古老的Burinists,移动食品,提供一切的从故事记录到美味的cryème brutes的艺术和音乐场馆。)









他们是。布鲁克迪卡尔布市场,例如,本来应该在的地方只有三岁,但成为一个社区中心,没有太多的人之前。“人们倾向于它,”莱登。“人们喜欢去那里。您运行的风险,人们哀悼失去的。开发人员会聪明将像花园社区- [给居民]的机会将越来越多的食物的网站。电台可以得到一个永久性的空间。啤酒花园可以保存。”


在更大的规模,对于检测的主要发展被测试来说,这些想法的试验和错误中, 虽然等待了很不景气,民间被测试住户和使用在其第五和使命的位置,这是(现在仍然是)在三藩纪事报,现在也有组织的办公空间,艺术馆艺术交叉点,高科技公司广场和一点点食品车喂那些饥饿的,勤劳的租户。几年前,更有可能抛出了一个办公楼与一些豪华公寓顶上叫它一天:根据一个公司的副总裁,在舞台上,经济衰退花费时间“重新想象地为我们的新兴经济和什么样的环境,有助于促进。”




Irritability is the tendency to get upset for reasons that seem – to other people – to be pretty minor. Your partner asks you how work went and the way they ask makes you feel intensely agitated. Your partner is putting knives and forks on the table before dinner and you mention (not for the first time) that the fork should go on the left hand side, not the right. They then immediately let out a huge sigh and sweep the cutlery onto the floor and tell you that you can xxxx-ing do it yourself if you know better. It was the most minor of criticisms and technically quite correct. And now they’ve exploded. There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: what is really going on for the irritable person? Why, really, are they getting so agitated? And instead of blaming them for getting het up about “little things”, we should do them the honour of working out why, in fact, these things may not be so minor after all.


01)The house cost him an arm and a leg. 这套房子花了他很多钱。 02)Tom was given the axe. 汤姆被解雇了 03)We live out of cans. 我们靠罐头食品过活。 04)He went to bed with the chickens. 他很早上床睡觉。 05)It’s time to put on the feedbag. 吃饭时间到啦. 06)Please give me a bottle of Adam’s ale.请给我一瓶水。 07)It’s your baby, not mine. 那是你的任务,不是我的。 08)Her re-election is in the bag. 她在改选中已稳操胜券。 09)He is a ball of fire. 他精力充沛。 10)The story happened before the Flood. 故事发生在远古时代。 11)I don’t know the ABC of computers.我对电脑一窍不通。

12)His parents are going bananas at him. 他爸妈快被他气疯了。 13)Don’t pass the baby to me. 不要把责任推卸给我。 14)She employed a tender foot to help her. 她请了一个新手帮她。 15)玛丽是个马屁精 Mary is an apple polisher. 16)Don’t make yourself in the shit. 不要自讨没趣。(原意:不要自找麻烦。) 17)Mike is a lady killer. 迈克是个师奶杀手。 18)Ok, let’s talk turkey. 好吧,让我们开诚布公地谈谈。 19)He led a dog’s life. 他过着穷困潦倒的生活。 20)This music in the film is easy on the ear. 电影里的音乐很动听。 21)We held a back-street meeting. 我们开了一个秘密会议。 22)That boy never says uncle. 那个孩子的嘴特硬。


参赛原文: 英译汉原文 Hidden Within Technology’s Empire, a Republic of Letters When I was a boy “discovering literature”, I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T. E. Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka. Later I learned how refractory to high culture the democratic masses were. Lincoln as a young frontiersman read Plutarch, Shakespeare and the Bible. But then he was Lincoln. Later when I was traveling in the Midwest by car, bus and train, I regularly visited small-town libraries and found that readers in Keokuk, Iowa, or Benton Harbor, Mich., were checking out Proust and Joyce and even Svevo and Andrei Biely. D. H. Lawrence was also a favorite. And sometimes I remembered that God was willing to spare Sodom for the sake of 10 of the righteous. Not that Keokuk was anything like wicked Sodom, or that Proust?s Charlus would have been tempted to settle in Benton Harbor, Mich. I seem to have had a persistent democratic desire to find evidences of high culture in the most unlikely places. For many decades now I have been a fiction writer, and from the first I was aware that mine was a questionable occupation. In the 1930?s an elderly neighbor in Chicago told me that he wrote fiction for the pulps. “The people on the block wonder why I don?t go to a job, and I?m seen puttering around, trimming the bushes or painting a fence instead of working in a factory. But I?m a writer. I sell to Argosy and Doc Savage,” he said with a certain gloom. “They wouldn?t call that a trade.” Probably he noticed that I was a bookish boy, likely to sympathize with him, and perhaps he was trying to warn me to avoid being unlike others. But it was too late for that. From the first, too, I had been warned that the novel was at the point of death, that like the walled city or the crossbow, it was a thing of the past. And no one likes to be at odds with history. Oswald Spengler, one of the most widely read authors of the early 30?s, taught that our tired old civilization was ve ry nearly finished. His advice to the young was to avoid literature and the arts and to embrace mechanization and become engineers.


老来乐 Delights in Growing Old 六十整岁望七十岁如攀高山。不料七十岁居然过了。又想八十岁是难于上青天,可望不可即了。岂知八十岁又过了。老汉今年八十二矣。这是照传统算法,务虚不务实。现在不是提倡尊重传统吗? At the age of sixty I longed for a life span of seventy, a goal as difficult as a summit to be reached. Who would expect that I had reached it? Then I dreamed of living to be eighty, a target in sight but as inaccessible as Heaven. Out of my anticipation, I had hit it. As a matter of fact, I am now an old man of eighty-two. Such longevity is a grant bestowed by Nature; though nominal and not real, yet it conforms to our tradition. Is it not advocated to pay respect to nowadays? 老年多半能悟道。孔子说“天下有道”。老子说“道可道”。《圣经》说“太初有道”。佛教说“邪魔外道”。我老了,不免胡思乱想,胡说八道,自觉悟出一条真理: 老年是广阔天地,是可以大有作为的。 An old man is said to understand the Way most probably: the Way of good administration as put forth by Confucius, the Way that can be explained as suggested by Laotzu, the Word (Way) in the very beginning as written in the Bible and the Way of pagans as denounced by the


The Posteverything Generation I never expected to gain any new insight into the nature of my generation, or the changing landscape of American colleges, in Lit Theory. Lit Theory is supposed to be the class where you sit at the back of the room with every other jaded sophomore wearing skinny jeans, thick-framed glasses, an ironic tee-shirt and over-sized retro headphones, just waiting for lecture to be over so you can light up a Turkish Gold and walk to lunch while listening to Wilco. That’s pretty much the way I spent the course, too: through structuralism, formalism, gender theory, and post-colonialism, I was far too busy shuffling through my Ipod to see what the patriarchal world order of capitalist oppression had to do with Ethan Frome. But when we began to study postmodernism, something struck a chord with me and made me sit up and look anew at the seemingly blasé college-aged literati of which I was so self-consciously one. According to my textbook, the problem with defining postmodernism is that it’s i mpossible. The difficulty is that it is so...post. It defines itself so negatively against what came before it –naturalism, romanticism and the wild revolution of modernism –that it’s sometimes hard to see what it actually is. It denies that anything can be explained neatly or even at all. It is parodic, detached, strange, and sometimes menacing to traditionalists who do not understand it. Although it arose in the post-war west (the term was coined in 1949), the generation that has witnessed its ascendance has yet to come up with an explanation of what postmodern attitudes mean for the future of culture or society. The subject intrigued me because, in a class otherwise consumed by dead-letter theories, postmodernism remained an open book, tempting to the young and curious. But it also intrigued me because the question of what postmodernism –what a movement so post-everything, so reticent to define itself – is spoke to a larger question about the political and


湖北省第十八届外语翻译大赛决赛名单 英语专业笔译组:(22人) 姜进行(武工外院)陶可可(武工外院)冯兵(武工外院)吴格格(武工外院)吴珊(武工外院) 瞿梦晗(武工外院)乔杰(武工外院)杨娟(武工外院)蒲舒巧(武工外院)刘永琴(武工外院) 毛玉瑶(武工外院)方晶(武工外院)冯梦明(武工外院)叶媛(武工外院)王梦妍(武工外院) 王丹(武工外院)刘慧(武工外院)黎洪江(武工外院)夏雪梅(武工外院)何川(武工外院) 许元君(武工外院)张欢(武工外院) 英语非专业笔译组:(374人) 苏志俊(武工动科)万成(武工化环)杨洁(武工食品)余小丹(武工经管)周乐(武工经管) 李乐(武工电气)夏梦娟(武工电气)李珮(武汉工院)王雅琴(武工经管)刘小芳(武工数院) 叶梦(武工经管)钟声(武工经管)胡俊(武工数院)曹巍(武工电气)瞿婧怡(武工经管) 李曲林(武工经管)余倩倩(武工经管)杜芳(武工经管)李迪(武工经管)段欣(武工电气) 林芮(武工经管)沈晓蕖(武工经管)王珍(武工数院)黄灿(武工艺传)董君彦(武工艺传) 於草草(武工旅管)许念情(武工艺传)陶向东(武工数院)杨曦(武工电气)成翠(武工经管) 王新(武工电气)毛敏(武工经管)杜砚兵(武工经管)罗玮燃(武工经管)吴雪君(武工经管) 郑冉冉(武工经管)秦明琴(武工艺传)陈婧琦(武工经管)朱小婷(武工经管)梁菊(武工经管) 陈悦(武工艺传)程亚静(武工艺传)欧阳泽宇(武工经管)艾隽如(武工经管)詹书宝(武工艺传)任昌燕(武工电气)郭文薇(武工经管)喻搏(武工电气)刘兴(武工电气)邓崇欣(武工经管) 邓曼昕(武工经管)牛彪(武工数院)何时(武工电气)张亭(武工经管)邱菊云(武工经管) 邓小琴(武工经管)武玉晓(武工经管)田国军(武工经管)向露(武工经管)钟清平(武工经管)


汉译英原文: 居在巷陌的寻常幸福 隐逸的生活似乎在传统意识中一直被认为是幸福的至高境界。但这种孤傲遁世同时也是孤独的,纯粹的隐者实属少数,而少数者的满足不能用来解读普世的幸福模样。 有道是小隐隐于野,大隐隐于市。真正的幸福并不隐逸,可以在街市而不是丛林中去寻找。 晨光,透过古色古香的雕花窗棂,给庭院里精致的盆景慢慢地化上一抹金黄的淡妆。那煎鸡蛋的“刺啦”声袅袅升起,空气中开始充斥着稚嫩的童音、汽车 启动的节奏、夫妻间甜蜜的道别,还有邻居们简单朴素的问好。巷陌中的这一切,忙碌却不混乱,活泼却不嘈杂,平淡却不厌烦。 巷尾的绿地虽然没有山野的苍翠欲滴,但是空气中弥漫着荒野中所没有的 生机。微黄的路灯下,每一张长椅都写着不同的心情,甜蜜与快乐、悲伤与喜悦,交织在一起,在静谧中缓缓发酵。谁也不会知道在下一个转角中会是怎样的惊喜,会是一家风格独特食客不断的小吃店?是一家放着爵士乐的酒吧?还是一家摆着高脚木凳、连空气都闲散的小小咖啡馆?坐在户外撑着遮阳伞的木椅上, 和新认识的朋友一边喝茶,一边谈着自己小小的生活,或许也是一种惬意。 一切,被时间打磨,被时间沉淀,终于形成了一种习惯,一种默契,一种文化。 和来家中做客的邻居朋友用同一种腔调巧妙地笑谑着身边的琐事,大家眯起的眼睛都默契地着同一种狡黠;和家人一起围在饭桌前,衔满食物的嘴还发着 含糊的声音,有些聒噪,但没人厌烦。 小巷虽然狭窄,却拉不住快乐蔓延的速度…… 随着城市里那些密集而冰冷的高楼大厦拔地而起,在拥堵的车流中,在污 浊的空气里,人们的幸福正在一点点地破碎,飘零。大家住得越来越宽敞,越来越私密。自我,也被划进一个单独的空间里,小心地不去触碰别人的心灵,也 不容许他人轻易介入。可是,一个人安静下来时会觉得,曾经厌烦的那些嘈杂回想起来很温情很怀念。 比起高楼耸立的曼哈顿,人们更加喜欢佛罗伦萨红色穹顶下被阳光淹没的古老巷道;比起在夜晚光辉璀璨的陆家嘴,人们会更喜欢充满孩子们打闹嬉笑的万航渡路。就算已苍然老去,支撑起梦境的应该是老房子暗灰的安详,吴侬软语的叫卖声,那一方氤氲过温馨和回忆的小弄堂。 如果用一双细腻的眼眸去观照,其实每一片青苔和爬山虎占据的墙角,是 墨绿色的诗篇,不会飘逸,不会豪放,只是那种平淡的幸福,简简单单。 幸福是什么模样,或许并不难回答。幸福就是一本摊开的诗篇,关于在城市的天空下,那些寻常巷陌的诗。 夜幕笼罩,那散落一地的万家灯火中,有多少寻常的幸福正蜗居在巷陌……


2016年湖北省翻译大赛非英语专业初赛试题【最新精选】湖北省第十四届外语翻译大赛英语非专业笔译组决赛试题 I(选词用字:(每小题2分,30分) A(英译汉:从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的词语或词组填空。 1(原文:I told my wife a white lie saying that she looked fabulous in her new clothes. 译文:我对太太撒了个______c________,称赞她穿上新衣好看极了。 A(白色的谎言 B(不会造成伤害的谎言 C(善意的小谎 2(原文:Dr. Lee is a very famous scientist but literature is all Greek to him. 译文:李博士是位著名的科学家,____b__________________。 A(但文学对他来说就像希腊语一样 B(但对文学却一窍不通 C(但对文学却没有一点兴趣 3(原文:Alex is the black sheep of the family. 译文:亚力克斯是________a______。 A(不肖之子 B(家里的黑羊 C(家里的害群之马 4(原文:Jack has had five jobs within three years! A rolling stone gathers no moss.

译文:杰克在三年内换了五份工作~_______a________________________。 A(这样浮游不定,难成大器 B(真是水往高处流啊 C(这样便不会对同一工作产生厌倦或惰性了 5(原文:English is going to the dogs. 译文:________________c________。 A(越来越多的英国人开始养狗 B(英语变得更加生机勃勃 C(英语开始衰败倒退了 B(汉译英:从下列词组中选择一个恰当的词组完成翻译句子填空(注意:选项多 于 句子;只需在答题卡上填写正确词组的编号)。 a. A Chinese puzzle; b. Achilles’s heel; c. add salt to the wound; d. bite off more than one can chew; e. born in the purple; f. build castles in Spain; g. catch somebody red-handed; h. cry wolf; i. face the music; j. go west; k. hot potato; l. make bricks without straw; m. milk the bull; n. take the bull by the horns; o. the apple of one’s eye 1(原文:他生于贵族之家,所以自幼所受的教育,有异于常人。 译文:He has not been raised like an ordinary child for he was _____________________. 2(原文:警察遇到突发事件时,必须当机立断。 译文:A policeman must ___________________ when he meets a crisis. 3(原文:彼得有很好的机会取胜,但他的致命弱点就是太粗心大意。


“CATTI杯”第二十七届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛 英译汉竞赛原文: The Posteverything Generation I never expected to gain any new insight into the nature of my generation, or the changing landscape of American colleges, in Lit Theory. Lit Theory is supposed to be the class where you sit at the back of the room with every other jaded sophomore wearing skinny jeans, thick-framed glasses, an ironic tee-shirt and over-sized retro headphones, just waiting for lecture to be over so you can light up a Turkish Gold and walk to lunch while listening to Wilco. That’s pretty much the way I spent the course, too: through structuralism, formalism, gender theory, and post-colonialism, I was far too busy shuffling through my Ipod to see what the patriarchal world order of capitalist oppression had to do with Ethan Frome. But when we began to study postmodernism, something struck a chord with me and made me sit up and look anew at the seemingly blasécollege-aged literati of which I was so self-consciously one. According to my textbook, the problem with defining postmodernism is that it’s impossible. The difficulty is that it is so...post. It defines itself so negatively against what came before it – naturalism, romanticism and the wild revolution of modernism – that it’s sometimes hard to see what it actually is. It denies that anything can be explained neatly or even at all. It is parodic, detached, strange, and sometimes menacing to traditionalists who do not understand it. Although it arose in the post-war west (the term was coined in 1949), the generation that has witnessed its ascendance has yet to come up with an explanation of what postmodern attitudes mean for the future of culture or society. The subject intrigued me because, in a class otherwise consumed by dead-letter theories, postmodernism remained an open book, tempting to the young and curious. But it also intrigued me because the question of what postmodernism – what a movement so post-everything, so reticent to define itself – is spoke to a larger question about the political and popular culture of today, of the other jaded sophomores sitting around me who had grown up in a postmodern world. In many ways, as a college-aged generation, we are also extremely post: post-Cold War, post-industrial, post-baby boom, post-9/11...at one point in his famous essay, “Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism,” literary critic Frederic Jameson even calls us “post-literate.” We are a generation that is riding on the tail-end of a century of war and revolution that toppled civilizations, overturned repressive social orders, and left us with more privilege and opportunity than any other society in history. Ours could be an era to accomplish anything. And yet do we take to the streets and the airwaves and say “here we are, and this is what we demand”? Do we plant our flag of youthful rebellion on the mall in Washington and say “we are not leaving until we see change! Our eyes have been opened by our education and our conception of what is possible has been expanded by our privilege and we demand a better world because it is our right”? It would seem we do the opposite. We go to war without so much as questioning the rationale, we sign away our civil liberties, we say nothing when the Supreme Court uses Brown v. Board of Education to outlaw desegregation, and we sit back to watch the carnage on the evening news. On campus, we sign petitions, join organizations, put our names on mailing lists, make small-money contributions, volunteer a spare hour to tutor, and sport an entire wardrobe’s worth of Live Strong bracelets advertising our moderately priced opposition to everything from breast cancer to global warming. But what do we really stand for? Like a true postmodern generation we refuse to weave together an overarching narrative to our own political consciousness, to present a cast of inspirational or revolutionary characters on our public stage, or to define a specific philosophy. We are a story seemingly without direction or theme, structure or meaning – a generation defined negatively against what came before us. When Al Gore once said “It’s the combination of narcissism and nihilism that really defines postmodernism,” he might as well have been echoing his entire generation’s critique of our own. We are a generation for whom even revolution seems trite, and therefore as fair a target for bland imitation as anything else. We are the generation of the Che Geuvera tee-shirt.


湖北省二十届英语翻译大赛决赛真题【非英语专业笔译组】 1.英译汉 While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past. Caught in the web of its own time and place, each generation of historians determines anew what is significant for it in the past. In this search the evidence found is always incomplete and scattered; it is also frequently partial or partisan. The irony of the historian’s craft is that its practitioners always know that their efforts are but contributions to an unending process. Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. While history once revered its affinity to literature and philosophy, the emerging social sciences seemed to afford greater opportunities for asking new questions and providing rewarding approaches to an understanding of the past. Social science methodologies had to be adapted to a discipline governed by the primacy of historical sources rather than the imperatives of the contemporary world. 73) During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study. Methodology is a term that remains inherently ambiguous in the historical profession. 74) There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry. Historians, especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of “tunnel method,” frequently fall victim to the “technicist fallacy.” Also common in the natural sciences, the technicist fallacy mistakenly identifies the discipline as a whole with certain parts of its technical implementation. It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques. 2.汉译英 第二天早上,天空阴暗多云,海面波涛起伏,但后来太阳出来了。风雨过后,更觉空气清新,大海在闪闪发光。早饭后我到外面走走,经过市场,我看见售货摊上有从海里打来的鲜鱼卖。我朝着海边走去,看见在阳光下发着亮光的渔船回来了。它们满载着刚打的鱼,一条接一条地市驶进岸边。我在那站了很久,看着渔夫们把鱼搬到岸上来。突然我听见有人在清冷的空气中说话。这是个老渔夫深沉有力的嗓音。原来刚才回来的第一条渔船是他的。我们攀谈起来。他对我说:“这是一条旧船了。原是我父亲的,我父亲是这个地方最好的渔夫。我呢?除了这条船外,一无所有。……哦!读了,还有这片土地,这片大海,也是我们的。”我永远忘不了他眼睛里的自豪感。 答案:The next morning, the sky was dark and cloudy, the sea waves rose and fell, but later the sun was coming out. After the storm, the air was fresher and cooler and the sea was shining. After breakfast I took a walk outside by way of the market, and I saw there was fresh fish caught from the sea and sold on the booth. I walked towards the seashore and saw that the shining fishing boats were coming back in the sunshine. They were fully loaded of the fish and driving closely to the shore.Suddenly, I heard someone speaking in the cold air. This was a deep and powerful voice of an old fisherman. It turned out that the first fishing boat coming back was his. We had a talk. He said," this is an old boat. It originally belonged to my father and he was the best fisherman in this place. But for me, I have nothing except this fishing boat...oh, well, this land and the sea are also
