
Speed Clean Your Home in 30 Minutes
发布时间:2012-09-06 文章出自:https://www.360docs.net/doc/1e8015800.html, 原文链接:点击查看30分钟快速整理房间的妙招
发布时间:2012-09-06 文章出自:译言 原文链接:点击查看


厨房 -将厨房的台面上所有票据、杂志、垃圾邮件和其他杂物收集整理,把他们分门别类放进抽屉或柜子里面。把脏碗碟放入洗碗机清洗和冲洗水槽。快速喷洒和擦拭,同时清除所有食物残渣。然后,喷洒和擦拭橱柜台面、炉灶和厨房设备上飞溅的一切油脂和食物痕迹。清扫厨房的地板。

客厅/家庭房 -找几个空篮收集在地上散放的所有儿童玩具和所有散落在地板其他物品。将储藏篮按照清理顺序隐藏在衣柜里。绒毛枕头和折叠毛毯。

浴室 -当你的客人要求使用你的卫生间时,将他们引导至家中的浴室。清洁浴室。快速喷洒和擦拭镜子,浴室台面和毛巾和地毯。

收尾 -在最后两分钟,喷一些空气中清新剂,点燃几支蜡烛,制作一壶新鲜的咖啡,让家的味道溺漫在整个房间。你的客人将对你的家喜爱至极,你的房子外观,温馨的家庭氛围和一尘不染的居室空间。

You’ve just gotten off the phone with an old friend who happens to be in the area who has asked to drop by. It’s been several years since you’ve seen them, and you’d like to make a good impression. However, you’re currently standing on a living room floor full of children’s toys, cast off pillows, discarded backpacks and school books – and the rest of your home looks quite similar. Somehow you need to transform your home in half an hour or less – but how? Luckily, we’ve compiled a handy guide to speed cleaning.

First, gather all of the primary cleaning materials so you don’t have to spend time running back and forth to the cupboard. A couple of clean rags, rubber gloves, toilet cleaner, a broom and all-purpose spray ought to be everything you’ll need. Then begin

tackling each area.

Kitchen – Stack up all of the bills, magazines, junk mail and other clutter littering your kitchen counter and stick them in a drawer or cabinet for later sorting. Put your dirty dishes in the dish washer and rinse out your sink. Give it a quick spray and wipe to clean out any food debris. Then, spray and wipe down your counters, stove top and the fronts of your appliances to cut any grease and food splatter marks. Sweep as much of your kitchen floor as possible.

Living Room/ Family Room – Grab a couple of empty baskets and toss all children’s toys into one and all other items strewn across the floor into another. Hide them in the closet to sort through and clean up later. Fluff the pillows and fold the throw blankets.

Bathroom – Choose the bathroom or powder room in your home where you’ll be directing your guest when they ask to use your restroom. Clean the toilet. Quickly spray and wipe down the mirror, countertops and fluff the hand towels and rugs.

Finishing Touches – In the last couple of minutes, quickly spray some air neutralizer, light a few candles and brew a fresh pot of coffee to cover the cleaning chemical smell. Your guest will be none the wiser and your house will look, feel (and smell) spotless.
