

Guidelines for Data Processing and Analysis of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)

– Short and Long Forms

November 2005


1. Introduction

2. Uses of IPAQ Instruments

3. Summary Characteristics of Short and Long Forms

4. Overview of Continuous and Categorical Analyses of IPAQ

5. Protocol for Short Form

6. Protocol for Long Form

7. Data Processing Rules

8. Summary


Appendix 1. At A Glance IPAQ Scoring Protocol – Short Forms Appendix 2. At A Glance IPAQ Scoring Protocol – Long Forms

1. Introduction

This document describes recommended methods of scoring the data derived from the telephone / interview administered and self-administered IPAQ short and long form instruments. The methods outlined provide a revision to earlier scoring protocols for the IPAQ short form and provide for the first time a comparable scoring method for IPAQ long form. Latest versions of IPAQ instruments are available from


Although there are many different ways to analyse physical activity data, to date there is no formal consensus on a ‘correct’ method for defining or describing levels of physical activity based on self–report population surveys. The use of different scoring protocols makes it very difficult to compare within and between countries, even when the same instrument has been used. Use of these scoring methods will enhance the comparability between surveys, provided identical sampling and survey methods have been used.

2. Uses of IPAQ Instruments

IPAQ short form is an instrument designed primarily for population surveillance of physical activity among adults. It has been developed and tested for use in adults (age range of 15-69 years) and until further development and testing is undertaken the use of IPAQ with older and younger age groups is not recommended.

IPAQ short and long forms are sometimes being used as an evaluation tool in intervention studies, but this was not the intended purpose of IPAQ. Users should carefully note the range of domains and types of activities included in IPAQ before using it in this context. Use as an outcome measure in small scale intervention studies is not recommended.


of IPAQ Short and Long Forms

3. Summary

1. IPAQ assesses physical activity undertaken across a comprehensive set of

domains including:

a. leisure time physical activity

b. domestic and gardening (yard) activities

c. work-related physical activity

d. transport-related physical activity;

2. The

short form asks about three specific types of activity undertaken in IPAQ

the four domains introduced above. The specific types of activity that are

assessed are walking, moderate-intensity activities and vigorous-intensity


3. The items in the short IPAQ form were structured to provide separate scores on

walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity activity. Computation of the total score for the short form requires summation of the duration (in minutes)

and frequency (days) of walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity

activities. Domain specific estimates cannot be estimated.

long form asks details about the specific types of activities IPAQ

4. The

undertaken within each of the four domains. Examples include walking for

transportation and moderate-intensity leisure-time activity.

5. The items in the long IPAQ form were structured to provide separate domain

specific scores for walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity activity

within each of the work, transportation, domestic chores and gardening (yard) and leisure-time domains. Computation of the total scores for the long form

requires summation of the duration (in minutes) and frequency (days) for all the types of activities in all domains. Domain specific scores or activity specific sub-scores may be calculated. Domain specific scores require summation of the

scores for walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity activities within the specific domain, whereas activity-specific scores require summation of the

scores for the specific type of activity across domains.

4. Overview of Continuous and Categorical Analyses of IPAQ

Both categorical and continuous indicators of physical activity are possible from both IPAQ forms. However, given the non-normal distribution of energy expenditure in many populations, it is suggested that the continuous indicator be presented as median minutes/week or median MET–minutes/week rather than means (such as mean minutes/week or mean MET-minutes/week).

4.1 Continuous


Data collected with IPAQ can be reported as a continuous measure. One measure of the volume of activity can be computed by weighting each type of activity by its energy requirements defined in METs to yield a score in MET–minutes. METs are multiples of the resting metabolic rate and a MET-minute is computed by multiplying the MET score of an activity by the minutes performed. MET-minute scores are equivalent to kilocalories for a 60 kilogram person. Kilocalories may be computed from MET-minutes using the following equation: MET-min x (weight in kilograms/60 kilograms). MET-minutes/day or MET-minutes/week can be presented although the latter is more frequently used and is thus suggested.

Details for the computation for summary variables from IPAQ short and long forms are detailed below. As there are no established thresholds for presenting MET-minutes, the IPAQ Research Committee propose that these data are reported as comparisons of median values and interquartile ranges for different populations.

4.2 Categorical Variable: Rationale for Cut Point Values

There are three levels of physical activity proposed to classify populations:

1. Low

2. Moderate

3. High

The algorithms for the short and long forms are defined in more detail in Sections 5.3 and 6.3, respectively. Rules for data cleaning and processing prior to computing the algorithms appear in Section 7.

Regular participation is a key concept included in current public health guidelines for physical activity.1 Therefore, both the total volume and the number of days/sessions are included in the IPAQ analysis algorithms.

The criteria for these levels have been set taking into account that IPAQ asks questions in all domains of daily life, resulting in higher median MET-minutes estimates than would have been estimated from leisure-time participation alone. The criteria for these three levels are shown below.

Given that measures such as IPAQ assess total physical activity in all domains, the “leisure time physical activity” based public health recommendation of 30 minutes on most days will be achieved by most adults in a population. Although widely accepted as a goal, in absolute terms 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity is low and broadly equivalent to the background or basal levels of activity adult individuals would accumulate in a day. Therefore a new, higher cutpoint is needed to describe the levels of physical activity associated with health benefits for measures such as IPAQ, which report on a broad range of domains of physical activity.


This category was developed to describe higher levels of participation. Although it is known that greater health benefits are associated with increased levels of activity there is no consensus on the exact amount of activity for maximal benefit. In the absence of any established criteria, the IPAQ Research Committee proposes a measure which equates to approximately at least one hour per day or more, of at least moderate-intensity activity above the basal level of physical activity Considering that basal activity may be considered to be equivalent to approximately 5000 steps per day, it is proposed that “high active” category be considered as those who move at least 12,500 steps per day, or the equivalent in moderate and vigorous activities. This represents at least an hour more moderate-intensity activity over and above the basal level of activity, or half an hour of vigorous-intensity activity over and above basal levels daily. These calculations were based on emerging results of pedometers studies.2

This category provides a higher threshold of measures of total physical activity and is a useful mechanism to distinguish variation in population groups. Also it could be used to set population targets for health-enhancing physical activity when multi-domain instruments, such as IPAQ are used.


Pate RR, Pratt M, Blair SN, Haskell WL , Macera CA, Bouchard C et al. Physical activity and public health. A recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine. Journal of American Medical Association 1995; 273(5):402-7. and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, The Presidents' Council on Physical Fitness and Sports: Atlanta, GA:USA. 1996.

2 Tudor-Locke C, Bassett DR Jr. How many steps/day are enough? Preliminary pedometer indices for public health. Sports Med. 2004;34(1):1-8.


This category is defined as doing some activity, more than the low active category. It is proposed that it is a level of activity equivalent to “half an hour of at least moderate-intensity PA on most days”, the former leisure time-based physical activity population health recommendation.


This category is simply defined as not meeting any of the criteria for either of the previous categories.

5. Protocol for IPAQ Short Form

5.1 Continuous


Median values and interquartile ranges can be computed for walking (W), moderate-intensity activities (M), vigorous-intensity activities (V) and a combined total physical activity score. All continuous scores are expressed in MET-minutes/week as defined below.

5.2 MET Values and Formula for Computation of MET-minutes/week

The selected MET values were derived from work undertaken during the IPAQ Reliability Study undertaken in 2000-20013. Using the Ainsworth et al. Compendium (Med Sci Sports Med 2000) an average MET score was derived for each type of activity. For example; all types of walking were included and an average MET value for walking was created. The same procedure was undertaken for moderate-intensity activities and vigorous-intensity activities. The following values continue to be used for the analysis of IPAQ data: Walking = 3.3 METs, Moderate PA = 4.0 METs and Vigorous PA = 8.0 METs. Using these values, four continuous scores are defined: Walking MET-minutes/week = 3.3 * walking minutes * walking days

Moderate MET-minutes/week = 4.0 * moderate-intensity activity minutes * moderate days

Vigorous MET-minutes/week = 8.0 * vigorous-intensity activity minutes * vigorous-intensity days

Total physical activity MET-minutes/week = sum of Walking + Moderate + Vigorous MET-

minutes/week scores.

5.3 Categorical Score

Category 1 Low

This is the lowest level of physical activity. Those individuals who not meet criteria for Categories 2 or 3 are considered to have a ‘low’ physical activity level.

3 Craig CL,Marshall A , Sjostrom M et al. International Physical Activity Questionnaire: 12 country reliability and validity Med Sci Sports Exerc 2003;August

Category 2 Moderate

The pattern of activity to be classified as ‘moderate’ is either of the following criteria:

a) 3 or more days of vigorous-intensity activity of at least 20 minutes per day


b) 5 or more days of moderate-intensity activity and/or walking of at least 30

minutes per day


c) 5 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous

intensity activities achieving a minimum Total physical activity of at least 600


Individuals meeting at least one of the above criteria would be defined as accumulating a minimum level of activity and therefore be classified as ‘moderate’. See Section 7.5 for information about combining days across categories.

Category 3 High

A separate category labelled ‘high’can be computed to describe higher levels of participation.

The two criteria for classification as ‘high’ are:

a) vigorous-intensity activity on at least 3 days achieving a minimum Total

physical activity of at least 1500 MET-minutes/week


b) 7 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or

vigorous-intensity activities achieving a minimum Total physical activity

of at least 3000 MET-minutes/week.

See Section 7.5 for information about combining days across categories.

in IPAQ Short Form

5.4 Sitting


The IPAQ sitting question is an additional indicator variable of time spent in sedentary activity and is not included as part of any summary score of physical activity. Data on sitting should be reported as median values and interquartile ranges. To-date there are few data on sedentary (sitting) behaviours and no well-accepted thresholds for data presented as categorical levels.

6. Protocol for IPAQ Long Form

The long form of IPAQ asks in detail about walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity physical activity in each of the four domains. Note: asking more detailed questions regarding physical activity within domains is likely to produce higher prevalence estimates than the more generic IPAQ short form.

6.1 Continuous


Data collected with the IPAQ long form can be reported as a continuous measure and reported as median MET-minutes. Median values and interquartile ranges can be computed for walking (W), moderate-intensity activities (M), and vigorous-intensity activities (V) within each domain using the formulas below. Total scores may also be calculated for walking (W), moderate-intensity activities (M), and vigorous-intensity activities (V); for each domain (work, transport, domestic and garden, and leisure) and for an overall grand total.

6.2 MET Values and Formula for Computation of MET-minutes

Work Domain

Walking MET-minutes/week at work = 3.3 * walking minutes * walking days at work

Moderate MET-minutes/week at work= 4.0 * moderate-intensity activity minutes * moderate-intensity days at work

Vigorous MET-minutes/week at work= 8.0 * vigorous-intensity activity minutes * vigorous-intensity days at work

Total Work MET-minutes/week =sum of Walking + Moderate + Vigorous MET-minutes/week scores at work.

Active Transportation Domain

Walking MET-minutes/week for transport = 3.3 * walking minutes * walking days for transportation Cycle MET-minutes/week for transport= 6.0 * cycling minutes * cycle days for transportation

Total Transport MET-minutes/week = sum of Walking + Cycling MET-minutes/week scores for transportation.

Domestic and Garden [Yard Work] Domain

Vigorous MET-minutes/week yard chores= 5.5 * vigorous-intensity activity minutes * vigorous-intensity days doing yard work (Note: the MET value of 5.5 indicates that vigorous garden/yard work should be considered a moderate-intensity activity for scoring and computing total moderate intensity activities.)

Moderate MET-minutes/week yard chores= 4.0 * moderate-intensity activity minutes * moderate-intensity days doing yard work

Moderate MET-minutes/week inside chores= 3.0* moderate-intensity activity minutes * moderate-intensity days doing inside chores.

Total Domestic and Garden MET-minutes/week =sum of Vigorous yard + Moderate yard + Moderate inside chores MET-minutes/week scores.

Leisure-Time Domain

Walking MET-minutes/week leisure = 3.3 * walking minutes * walking days in leisure

Moderate MET-minutes/week leisure = 4.0 * moderate-intensity activity minutes * moderate-intensity days in leisure

Vigorous MET-minutes/week leisure = 8.0 * vigorous-intensity activity minutes * vigorous-intensity days in leisure

Total Leisure-Time MET-minutes/week = sum of Walking + Moderate + Vigorous MET-minutes/week scores in leisure.

Total Scores for all Walking, Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activities

Total Walking MET-minutes/week = Walking MET-minutes/week (at Work + for Transport + in Leisure) Total Moderate MET-minutes/week total = Moderate MET-minutes/week (at Work + Yard chores + inside chores + in Leisure time) + Cycling Met-minutes/week for Transport + Vigorous Yard chores MET-minutes/week

Total Vigorous MET-minutes/week = Vigorous MET-minutes/week (at Work + in Leisure)

Note: Cycling MET value and Vigorous garden/yard work MET value fall within the coding range of moderate-intensity activities.

Total Physical Activity Scores

An overall total physical activity MET-minutes/week score can be computed as:

Total physical activity MET-minutes/week = sum of Total (Walking + Moderate + Vigorous) MET-minutes/week scores.

This is equivalent to computing:

Total physical activity MET-minutes/week = sum of Total Work + Total Transport + Total Domestic and Garden + Total Leisure-Time MET-minutes/week scores.

As there are no established thresholds for presenting MET-minutes, the IPAQ Research Committee proposes that these data are reported as comparisons of median values and interquartile ranges for different populations.


6.3 Categorical

As noted earlier, regular participation is a key concept included in current public health guidelines for physical activity.4 Therefore, both the total volume and the number of day/sessions are included in the IPAQ analysis algorithms. There are three levels of physical activity proposed to classify populations – ‘low’, ’moderate’, and ‘high’. The criteria for these levels are the same as for the IPAQ short [described earlier in Section 4.2]

Category 1 Low

This is the lowest level of physical activity. Those individuals who not meet criteria for Categories 2 or 3 are considered ‘low’.

Category 2 Moderate

The pattern of activity to be classified as ‘moderate’ is either of the following criteria:

d) 3 or more days of vigorous-intensity activity of at least 20 minutes per day


e) 5 or more days of moderate-intensity activity and/or walking of at least 30

minutes per day



Pate RR, Pratt M, Blair SN, Haskell WL , Macera CA, Bouchard C et al. Physical activity and public health. A recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine. Journal of American Medical Association 1995; 273(5):402-7. and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, The Presidents' Council on Physical Fitness and Sports: Atlanta, GA:USA. 1996.

f) 5 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous-

intensity activities achieving a minimum Total physical activity of at least 600 MET-minutes/week.

Individuals meeting at least one of the above criteria would be defined as accumulating a moderate level of activity. See Section 7.5 for information about combining days across categories.

Category 3 High

A separate category labelled ‘high’can be computed to describe higher levels of participation.

The two criteria for classification as ‘high’ are:

a) vigorous-intensity activity on at least 3 days achieving a minimum Total

physical activity of at least 1500 MET-minutes/week


b) 7 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or

vigorous-intensity activities achieving a minimum Total physical activity

of at least 3000 MET-minutes/week.

See Section 7.5 for information about combining days across categories.

6.4 IPAQ Sitting Question IPAQ Long Form

The IPAQ sitting question is an additional indicator variable and is not included as part of any summary score of physical activity. To-date there are few data on sedentary (sitting) behaviours and no well-accepted thresholds for data presented as categorical levels. For the sitting question ‘Minutes’ is used as the indicator to reflect time spent in sitting rather than MET-minutes which would suggest an estimate of energy expenditure.

IPAQ long assesses an estimate of sitting on a typical weekday, weekend day and time spent sitting during travel (see transport domain questions).

Summary sitting variables include

Sitting Total Minutes/week = weekday sitting minutes* 5 weekdays + weekend day sitting minutes* 2 weekend days

Average Sitting Total Minutes/day = (weekday sitting minutes* 5 weekdays + weekend day sitting minutes* 2 weekend days) / 7

Note: The above calculation of ‘Sitting Total’ excludes time spent sitting during travel because the introduction in IPAQ long directs the responder to NOT include this component as it would have already been captured under the Transport section. If a summary sitting variable including time spent sitting for transport is required, it should be calculated by adding the time reported (travelling in a motor vehicle) under transport to the above formula. Care should be taken in reporting these alternate data to clearly distinguish the ‘total sitting’ variable from a ‘total sitting – including transport’ variable.

7. Data Processing Rules

In addition to a standardized approach to computing categorical and continuous measures of physical activity, it is necessary to undertake standard methods for the cleaning and treatment of IPAQ datasets. The use of different approaches and rules would introduce variability and reduce the comparability of data.

There are no established rules for data cleaning and processing on physical activity. Thus, to allow more accurate comparisons across studies IPAQ Research Committee has established and recommends the following guidelines:

7.1 Data Cleaning

I. Any responses to duration (time) provided in the hours and minutes response

option should be converted from hours and minutes into minutes.

II. To ensure that responses in ‘minutes’ were not entered in the ‘hours’ column by mistake during self-completion or during data entry process, values of ‘15’, ‘30’, ‘45’, ‘60’ and ‘90’ in the ‘hours’ column should be converted to ‘15’, ‘30’, ‘45’, ‘60’ and ‘90’ minutes, respectively, in the minutes column.

III. In some cases duration (time) will be reported as weekly (not daily) e.g., VWHRS, VWMINS. These data should be converted into an average daily time by dividing by 7.

IV. If ‘don’t know’ or ‘refused ‘ or data are missing for time or days then that case is removed from analysis.

Note: Both the number of days and daily time are required for the creation of categorical and

continuous summary variables

7.2 Maximum Values for Excluding Outliers

This rule is to exclude data which are unreasonably high; these data are to be considered outliers and thus are excluded from analysis. All cases in which the sum total of all Walking, Moderate and Vigorous time variables is greater than 960 minutes (16 hours) should be excluded from the analysis.This assumes that on average an individual of 8 hours per day is spent sleeping.

The ‘days’ variables can take the range 0-7 days, or 8, 9 (don’t know or refused); values greater than 9 should not be allowed and those cases excluded from analysis.

7.3 Minimum Values for Duration of Activity

Only values of 10 or more minutes of activity should be included in the calculation of summary scores. The rationale being that the scientific evidence indicates that episodes or bouts of at least 10 minutes are required to achieve health benefits. Responses of less than 10 minutes [and their associated days] should be re-coded to ‘zero’.

7.4 Truncation of Data Rules

This rule attempts to normalize the distribution of levels of activity which are usually skewed in national or large population data sets.

In IPAQ short - it is recommended that all Walking, Moderate and Vigorous time variables exceeding ‘ 3 hours’ or ‘180 minutes’ are truncated (that is re-coded) to be equal to ‘180 minutes’ in a new variable. This rule permits a maximum of 21 hours of activity in a week to be reported for each category (3 hours * 7 days).

In IPAQ long – the truncation process is more complicated, but to be consistent with the approach for IPAQ short requires that the variables total Walking, total Moderate-intensity and total Vigorous-intensity activity are calculated and then, for each of these summed behaviours, the total value should be truncated to 3 hours (180 minutes).

When analysing the data as categorical variable or presenting median and interquartile ranges of the MET-minute scores, the application of the truncation rule will not affect the results. This rule does have the important effect of preventing misclassification in the ‘high’ category. For example, an individual who reports walking for 10 minutes on 6 days and 12 hours of moderate activity on one day could be coded as ‘high’ because this pattern meets the ‘7 day” and “3000 MET-min” criteria for ‘high’. However, this uncommon pattern of activity is unlikely to yield the health benefits that the ‘high’ category is intended to represent.

Although using median is recommended due to the skewed distribution of scores, if IPAQ data are analysed and presented as a continuous variable using mean values, the application of the truncation rule will produce slightly lower mean values than would otherwise be obtained.

MET-minute/week Scores

7.5 Calculating

Data processing rules 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4 deals first with excluding outlier data, then secondly, with recoding minimum values and then finally dealing with high values. These rules will ensure that highly active people remain classified as ‘high’, while decreasing the chances that less active individuals are misclassified and coded as


Using the resulting variables, convert time and days to MET-minute/week scores [see above Sections 5.2 and 6.2; METS x days x daily time].

7.6 Calculating Total Days for Presenting Categorical Data on Moderate and

High Levels

Presenting IPAQ data using categorical variables requires the total number of ‘days’ on which all physical activity was undertaken to be assessed. This is difficult because frequency in ‘days’ is asked separately for walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity activities, thus allowing the total number of ‘days’ to range from a minimum

of 0 to a maximum of 21’days’ per week in IPAQ short and higher in IPAQ long. The IPAQ instrument does not record if different types of activity are undertaken on the same day.

In calculating ‘moderately active’, the primary requirement is to identify those individuals who undertake activity on at least ‘5 days’/week [see Sections 4.2 and

5.3]. Individuals who meet this criterion should be coded in a new variable called “at least five days” and this variable should be used to identify those meeting criterion b) at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity and/or walking; and those meeting criterion c) any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous-intensity activities achieving a minimum of 600 MET-minutes/week.

Below are two examples showing this coding in practice:

i) an individual who reports ‘2 days of moderate-intensity’ and ‘3 days of walking’

should be coded as a value indicating “at least five days”;

ii) an individual reporting ‘2 days of vigorous-intensity’, ‘2 days of moderate-intensity’ and ‘2 days of walking should be coded as a value to indicate “at

least five days” [even though the actual total is 6].

The original frequency of ‘days’ for each type of activity should remain in the data file for use in the other calculations.

The same approach as described above is used to calculate total days for computing the ‘high’category. The primary requirement according to the stated criteria is to identify those individuals who undertake a combination of walking, moderate-intensity and or vigorous-intensity activity on at least 7 days/week [See section 4.2]. Individuals who meet this criterion should be coded as a value in a new variable to reflect “at least 7 days”.

Below are two examples showing this coding in practice:

i) an individual who reports ‘4 days of moderate-intensity’ and ‘3 days of walking’

should be coded as the new variable “at least 7 days”.

ii) an individual reporting ‘3 days of vigorous-intensity’, ‘3 days moderate-intensity’ and ‘3 days walking’ should be coded as “at least 7 days” [even

though the total adds to 9] .


8. Summary

The algorithms in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to this document show how these rules work in an analysis plan, to develop the categories 1 [Low], 2 [Moderate], and 3 [High] levels of activity.

IPAQ Research Committee

November 2005

At A Glance

IPAQ Scoring Protocol (Short Forms)

Continuous Score

Expressed as MET-min per week: MET level x minutes of activity/day x days per week

Sample Calculation

MET-minutes/week for 30 min/day, 5 days MET


Walking = 3.3 METs 3.3*30*5 = 495 MET-minutes/week Moderate Intensity = 4.0 METs 4.0*30*5 = 600 MET-minutes/week

Vigorous Intensity = 8.0 METs 8.0*30*5 = 1,200 MET-minutes/week


TOTAL = 2,295 MET-minutes/week

Total MET-minutes/week = Walk (METs*min*days) + Mod (METs*min*days) + Vig


Categorical Score- three levels of physical activity are proposed

1. Low

?No activity is reported OR

?Some activity is reported but not enough to meet Categories 2 or 3.

2. Moderate

Either of the following 3 criteria

? 3 or more days of vigorous activity of at least 20 minutes per day OR

? 5 or more days of moderate-intensity activity and/or walking of at least 30 minutes per day OR

? 5 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous-intensity activities achieving a minimum of at least 600 MET-minutes/week.

3. High

Any one of the following 2 criteria

?Vigorous-intensity activity on at least 3 days and accumulating at least 1500 MET-minutes/week OR

?7 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate- or vigorous-intensity activities accumulating at least 3000 MET-minutes/week

Please review the full document “Guidelines for the data processing and analysis of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire” for more detailed description of IPAQ analysis and recommendations for data cleaning and processing [www.ipaq.ki.se].

At A Glance

IPAQ Scoring Protocol (Long Forms)

Continuous Score

Expressed as MET-minutes per week: MET level x minutes of activity/day x days per week

Sample Calculation

MET-minutes/week for 30 min/day, 5 days MET


Walking at work= 3.3 METs 3.3*30*5 = 495 MET-minutes/week

Cycling for transportation= 6.0 METs 6.0*30*5 = 900 MET-minutes/week Moderate yard work= 4.0 METs 4.0*30*5 = 600 MET-minutes/week

Vigorous intensity in leisure= 8.0 METs 8.0*30*5 = 1,200 MET-minutes/week


TOTAL = 3,195 MET-minutes/week

Domain Sub Scores

Total MET-minutes/week at work = Walk (METs*min*days) + Mod (METs*min*days) + Vig (METs*min*days) at work

Total MET-minutes/week for transportation = Walk (METs*min*days) + Cycle

(METs*min*days) for transportation

Total MET-minutes/week from domestic and garden = Vig (METs*min*days) yard work + Mod (METs*min*days) yard work + Mod (METs*min*days) inside chores

Total MET-minutes/week in leisure-time = Walk (METs*min*days) + Mod (METs*min*days) + Vig (METs*min*days) in leisure-time

Walking, Moderate-Intensity and Vigorous-Intensity Sub Scores

Total Walking MET-minutes/week = Walk MET-minutes/week (at Work + for Transport + in Leisure)

Total Moderate MET-minutes/week = Cycle MET-minutes/week for Transport + Mod MET-minutes/week (Work + Yard chores + Inside chores + Leisure) + Vigorous Yard chores MET-minutes

Note: The above is a total moderate activities only score. If you require a total of all moderate-intensity physical activities you would sum Total Walking and Total Moderate

Total Vigorous MET-minutes/week = Vig MET-minutes/week (at Work + in Leisure)

Total Physical Activity Score

Total Physical Activity MET-minutes/week = Walking MET-minutes/week + Moderate MET-minutes/week + Total Vigorous MET-minutes/week



Total Physical Activity MET-minutes/week = Total MET-minutes/week (at Work + for Transport + in Chores + in Leisure)

Categorical Score- three levels of physical activity are proposed

1. Low

No activity is reported OR

a. Some activity is reported but not enough to meet Categories 2 or 3.

2. Moderate

Either of the following 3 criteria

a. 3 or more days of vigorous-intensity activity of at least 20 minutes per day OR

b. 5 or more days of moderate-intensity activity and/or walking of at least 30

minutes per day OR

c. 5 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous-

intensity activities achieving a minimum of at least 600 MET-min/week.

3. High

Any one of the following 2 criteria

?Vigorous-intensity activity on at least 3 days and accumulating at least 1500 MET-minutes/week OR

?7 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate- or vigorous- intensity activities accumulating at least 3000 MET-minutes/week

Please review the full document “Guidelines for the data processing and analysis of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire” for more detailed description of IPAQ analysis and recommendations for data cleaning and processing [www.ipaq.ki.se].


IPAQ短问卷 1、最近7天内,您有几天做了剧烈的体育活动,像是提重物、挖掘、有氧运动或是快速骑 车? 每周天 □无相关体育活动→跳到问题3 2、在这其中一天您通常会花多少时间在剧烈的体育活动上? 每天小时分钟 □不知道或不确定 3、最近7天内,您有几天做了适度的体育活动,像是提轻的物品、以平常的速度骑车或打 双人网球?请不要包括走路。 每周天 □无适度体育活动→跳到问题5 4、在这其中一天您通常会花多少时间在适度的体育活动上? 每天小时分钟 □不知道或不确定 5、最近7天内,您有几天是步行,且一次步行至少10分钟? 每周天 □没有步行→跳到问题7 6、在这其中一天您通常花多少时间在步行上? 每天小时分钟 □不知道或不确定 7、最近七天内,工作日您有多久时间是坐着的? 每天小时分钟 □不知道或不确定 IPAQ短卷共7道问题,其中6道询问个体的体力活动情况。问题结构与长卷相同,仅保留活动强度的部分。短卷仅简单地分步行、中等强度和高强度询问不同强度活动的1周频率和每天累计时间 IPAQ短卷中步行的MET赋值为3.3,中等强度活动的赋值为4.0,高强度活动的赋值为8.0。 1.数据清理和异常值剔除原则:首先,各项活动的每天累计时间均需转化为分钟。任何活动频率或时间数据有缺失者不纳入分析。假定每人每天至少有8h睡眠时间,如果个体报告的全部11项体力活动(长卷)或3种强度的体力活动(短卷)的每天累计时间总和超过960min(16h),则此人不纳入分析。假定每次至少连续10min的体力活动才能获得健康收益,如果个体报告的某项(长卷)或某个强度(短卷)的体力活动每天累计时间不足10min,则将该时间和对应的每周频率重新编码为“0”。 2.数据截断原则:在短卷中,如果某种强度体力活动的每天时间超过3h,则重新编码为180min。该原则允许每种强度的体力活动每周最多报告21h(1260min)。这种处理可以有效地避免将部分个体错分到“高”组(表2)。例如,某人报告在过去的7d内,6d有步行活动,每天10min;另有1d参加了中等强度的体力活动,累计12h。如果不做任何截断处理,按照表2的分组标准,该个体会被划分为“高”体力活动水平。但是,与规律的高体力活动水平相比,这种偶尔的、单次较大剂量的活动不会产生相同的健康收益。 对于IPAQ长卷,IPAQ工作组建议遵从短卷的原则对异常高值进行截断处理。然而,长卷是按照体力活动项目询问频率和时间,且后续数据分析仍需按照体力活动项目进行;每种强度的体力活动按180min 截断,具体如何分配到每个活动项目上,IPAQ工作组并未给出明确说明,仅建议根据具体研究目的自行确定、在论文中报告处理办法即可。 以下处理办法可供参考选择。首先,如果个体报告的任何一项活动的每天时间超过180min,则按180min截断处理(第一次截断)。在此基础上,计算每项活动的每周累计时间(1周频率乘以每天时间);

肿瘤病人生存质量评分量表 最全整理

肿瘤病人生存质量评分表组合 (KPS、PS/ECOG、QOL评分量表组合) 一 KPS评分 KPS评分,是Karnofsky(卡氏,KPS,百分法)功能状态评分标准。得分越高,健康状况越好,越能忍受治疗给身体带来的副作用,因而也就有可能接受彻底的治疗。 一般认为Karnofsky 80分以上为非依赖级(independent),即生活自理级。50~70分为半依赖级(semi-independent),即生活半自理。50分以下为依赖级(dependent),即生活需要别人帮助。大于80分者术后状态较好,存活期较长。 得分越低,健康状况越差。若低于60分,许多有效的抗肿瘤治疗就无法实施。 二 PS或ECOG评分 PS或者ECOG评分标准,是从患者的体力来了解其一般健康状况和对治疗耐受能力的指标,属于对体力状况(Performance Status)的评分标准。国际常用的有上述Karnofsky 活动状态评分表,但该表较复杂。美国东部肿瘤协作组(Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group,ECOG)则制定了一个较简化的活动状态评分表。采用Zubrod-ECOG-WHO(ZPS,5分法)计分法。

行为能力评分,Karnofsky评分一般要求不小于70,ZPS评分一般要求不大于2,才考虑化疗等。 治疗前应该对患者一般健康状态作出评价,一般健康状态的一个重要指标是评价其活动状态(performance status,PS)。活动状态是从患者的体力来了解其一般健康状况和对治疗耐受能力的指标。如果Kamofsky氏活动状态评分在40%以下,治疗反应常不佳,且往往难以耐受化疗反应。而在PS或ECOG评分中,一般认为活动状况3、4级的病人不适宜进行化疗。 附:KPS评分与ZPS评分大概对应关系 三肿瘤病人的生活质量评分(QOL) 我国于1990年参考国外的指标制定了一个草案,其标准如下(括号内为得分): 1食欲:①几乎不能进食;②食量<正常1/2;③食量为正常的1/2;④食量略少;⑤食量正常。 2精神:①很差;②较差;③有影响,但时好时坏;④尚好;⑤正常,与病前相同。 3睡眠:①难入睡;②睡眠很差;③睡眠差;④睡眠略差;⑤大致正常。 4疲乏:①经常疲乏;②自觉无力;③有时常疲乏;④有时轻度疲乏;⑤无疲乏感。


一、计分标准 神经质:题项有:1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 其中:1 6 21 31题为反向记分 外倾性:题项有:2 7 12 18 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 其中:18 22 47题为反向记分 开放性:题项有:3 8 13 17 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 其中:3 13 28 43 53 58题为反向记分 宜人性:题项有:4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 其中:4 9 14 19 24 44 49 54题为反向记分 责任心:题项为:5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 其中: 20 30 60题为反向记分 二、解释及评判标准 神经质:指个休体验消极情绪的倾向。神经质维度得分高的人更容易体验到诸如愤怒、焦虑、抑郁等消极的情绪。他们对外界刺激反应比一般人强烈,对情绪的调节能力比较差,经常处于一种不良的情绪状态下。并且这些人思维、决策、以及有效应对外部压力的能力比较差。相反,神经质维度得分低的人较少烦恼,较少情绪化,比较平静,但这并不表明他们经常会有积极的情绪体验,积极情绪体验的频繁程度是外向性的主要内容。 得分越低,表示情绪越稳定;得分越高,表示情绪越不稳定。对283名大学生使用此量表的测试结果表明,20.4分以下为典型低分,38.8分以上为典型高分。 外倾性:指个体对外部世界的积极投入程度。外向者乐于和人相处,充满活力,常常怀有积极的情绪体验。内向者往往安静,抑制,谨慎,对外部世界不太感兴趣。内向者喜欢独处,内向者的独立和谨慎有时会被错认为不友好或傲慢。 得分越高,性格越外向。对283名大学生使用此量表的测试结果表明,26分以下为典型低分,42分以上为典型高分。 开放性:指个体想像力以及好奇心程度。开放性得分高的人富有想象力和创造力,好奇,欣赏艺术,对美的事物比较敏感。开放性的人偏爱抽象思维,兴趣


INTERNATIONAL PHYSICAL ACTIVITY QUESTIONNAIRE (October 2002) 國際身體活動問卷2002年10月 LONG LAST 7 DAYS SELF-ADMINISTERED FORMAT 最近7天身體活動自我填答長問卷版 FOR USE WITH YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED ADULTS (15-69 years) 年輕人與中年人適用(15-69歲) The International Physical Activity Questionnaires (IPAQ) comprises a set of 4 questionnaires. Long (5 activity domains asked independently) and short (4 generic items) versions for use by either telephone or self-administered methods are available. The purpose of the questionnaires is to provide common instruments that can be used to obtain internationally comparable data on health–related physical activity. 國際身體活動問卷包含4組問卷,透過電話或自我填答的長問卷(5種不同活動領域)與短問卷(4種構面)兩種版本。問卷的主要目的在提供一般性的工具,使得健康相關之身體活動資料可以進行國際間的比較。 Background on IPAQ The development of an international measure for physical activity commenced in Geneva in 1998 and was followed by extensive reliability and validity testing undertaken across 12 countries (14 sites) during 2000. The final results suggest that these measures have acceptable measurement properties for use in many settings and in different languages, and are suitable for national population-based prevalence studies of participation in physical activity. IPAQ的背景 國際身體活動的測量發展源於1998年在日內瓦,至2000年間經過12 個國家14個地方大量的信效度測試,最後結果建議這些評量在許多地方及國度的使用有令人滿意的特性,並且適合在全國性的母群體基礎下廣泛的針對參與身體活動實施研究。 Using IPAQ Use of the IPAQ instruments for monitoring and research purposes is encouraged. It is recommended that no changes be made to the order or wording of the questions as this will affect the psychometric properties of the instruments. IPAQ的使用 IPAQ工具的使用是以監控及研究為目的,建議不要改變其問卷的次序及字義,否則將影響工具的心理測量屬性。 Translation from English and Cultural Adaptation Translation from English is encouraged to facilitate worldwide use of IPAQ. Information on the availability of IPAQ in different languages can be obtained at . If a new translation is undertaken we highly recommend using the prescribed back translation methods available on the IPAQ website. If possible please consider making your translated version of IPAQ available to others by contributing it to the IPAQ website. Further details on translation and cultural adaptation can be downloaded from the website. 英文版翻譯成其他語言版與文化上的適和度 歡迎把英文版翻譯成其他語言版已促進全世界使用IPAQ,可用之不同語言版IPAQ資料可在獲得,如果從事新的翻譯,我們高度的建議使用制式的倒退翻譯法,如果可能的話請考慮將你的翻譯版本奉獻在IPAQ網站上,其更詳盡的翻譯與文化適應可以在網站上下載。


智力量表 韦氏儿童智力量表中国修订本WISC-RC 一、测验简介: 1.是国际公认通用的智力测验,许多国家都有修订本,在我国林传鼎和张厚粲于己于1986年作了修订,称为WISC-RC; 龚耀先和蔡太生于1993年作了修订,称为C-WISC. 2.由D.Wechsler所编 3.1949年出版,1947年重修,1991年第三版 4.适用于6-16岁儿童 5.用于一般智力的测量 6.分言语、操作二部分 7.采取分测验形式 二、WISC-RC的基本内容 以美国1974年的WISC-R为蓝本而修订,沿用WISC-R的基本测验构架,理论上仍遵循Wechsler的言语、操作智力两分法。采用分测验形式,只对分测验内容作了个别的修改。具体包括下面一些测验内容。 言语分量表操作分量表 1.常识30’ 7.填图26’ 2.类同34’8.排列 3.算术19’ 9.积木62’ 4.词汇64’ 10.拼图33’ 5.理解34’11.译码53’-93’ 6.背数16’-14’12.迷津 三、WISC-CR实施和记分原则 ?为保持儿童对测验的兴趣,避免疲劳和厌倦,言语分测验和操作分测验交替进行。 ?背数, (但非被选)和迷津(成人无)是被选分测验,一般情况下不做,只当同类测验中某项失效时才使用。 ?城市、农村儿童共用一个版本 四、常模形式及测验分数的转换 (一)分数转换 常模形式及测验分数的转换 粗分----量表分----智商 1 .量表分换算公式:量表分=10+(X-M)/SD×3 2. 智商换算公式:智商(IQ)=100+(X-M)/SD ×15 (二)常模形式 1.量表分 ①均数为10,标准差为3。 ②按年龄。 ③分数范围:0—19。 2. 智商 ①均数为100,标准差为15。 ②相对有效范围:55—145 超出此范围,存在高分低估,低分高估现象。


一般自我效能感量表 General Self-Efficacy Scale, GSES 王才康 华南师范大学心理系,广州,510631 自我效能感是Bandura社会认知理论中的核心概念[1,2]。自我效能感与结果期望不同,后者是指个体对自己行动后果的知觉,而自我效能感指的是人们对自己行动的控制或主导。一个相信自己能处理好各种事情的人,在生活中会更积极、更主动。这种“能做”的认知反映了一种对环境的控制感,因此自我效能感反映了一种个体能采取适当的行动面对环境挑战的信念。自我效能感以自信的观点看待个体处理生活中各种压力的能力。 按照Bandura的理论,不同自我效能感的人其感觉、思维和行动都不同。就感觉层面而言,自我效能感往往和抑郁、焦虑及无助相联系。在思维方面,自我效能感能在各种场合促进人们的认知过程和成绩,这包括决策质量和学业成就等。自我效能感能加强或削弱个体的动机水平。自我效能高的人会选择更有挑战性的任务,他们为自己确立的较高的目标并坚持到底。一旦开始行动,自我效能感高的人会付出较多的努力,坚持更长的时间,遇到挫折时他们又能很快恢复过来。自我效能感还被广泛用于学校环境、情绪障碍、心理和生理健康以及职业选择等领域。因此可以说自我效能感已成为临床心理学、人格心理学、教育心理学、社会心理学、和健康心理学的主要变量[3-4] 。 一般来说,自我效能感是一个领域特定(domain-specific)的概念,因为一个人在某一方面有较高的自我信念,在另一方面可能并不是这样。但研究者也发现有一种一般性的自我效能感存在,它指的是个体应付各种不同环境的挑战或面对新事物时的一种总体性的自信心。 一般自我效能感量表(General Self-Efficacy Scale, GSES),最早的德文版系由德国柏林自由大学的著名临床和健康心理学家Ralf Schwarzer教授和他的同事于1981年编制完成[3],开始时共有20个项目,后来改进为10个项目。目前该量表已被翻译成至少25种语言,在国际上广泛使用。中文版的GSES最早由张建新和Schwarzer于1995年在香港的一年级大学生中使用[5]。至今中文版GSES已被证明具有良好的信度和效度。 【项目及评定标准】 GSES共10个项目,涉及个体遇到挫折或困难时的自信心。比如“遇到困难时,我总是能找到解决问题的办法”。具体项目参表1。 GSES采用李克特4点量表形式,各项目均为1~4评分。对每个项目,被试根据自己的实际情况回答“完全不正确”、“有点正确”、“多数正确”或“完全正确”。评分时,“完全不正确”记1分,“有点正确”记2分,“多数正确”记3分,“完全正确”记4分。 【评定注意事项】 1.同其它自评量表一样,一定要让被试看明白指导语及有关问题。 2.量表由被试自行填写,可进行个别测试,也可用于团体测试。 3.一般来说,本量表适用于大、中学生群体。 4.必须答齐全部10题目,否则无效。 【统计指标及结果分析】 GSES为单维量量,没有分量表,因此只统计总量表分。把所有10个项目的得分加起来除以10即为总量表分。 【应用评价】 1.GSES题目少,操作简便,可广泛用于大中学生的心理测评和有关心理学研究。 2.根据Schwarzer报告,在不同文化(国家)的多次测定中,GSES的内部一致性系数在.75和.91之间,一直有有良好的信度和效度(汇聚效度和区分效度)。比如GSES和自尊、乐观主义有正相关关系,和焦虑、抑郁和胜利症状有负相关关系[3]。 3.根据Schwarzer对7767名成年人调查,在GSES上的平均得分为2.86。此外,男性在GSES上的得分高于女性,不同文化(国家)之间存在着显著差异[3]。 4.本文作者发现,中文版的GSES也有良好的信度和效度。内在一致性系数为.87,一星期间隔的重测信度为.83,。效度方面,GSES的10个项目和总量表分的相关在.60和.77之间。因素分析抽取一个因素,解释方差47.09%,表示GSES具有很好的结构效度。


创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX 创作者:别如克* MMSE简易智能精神状态检查量表 科室:_________ 床号:姓名:________性别:年龄: 住院号:文化程度:__________评定时间:__________ 总分:

医生签名: 操作说明 I.定向力(最高分:10分) 1.首先询问日期,之后再针对性的询问其他部分,如“您能告诉我现在是什么季节?”,每答对一题得一分。 2.请依次提问,“您能告诉我我们在什么省市吗?”(区县?街道?什么地方?第几层楼?)每答对一题得一分。 II.记忆力(最高分:3分) 告诉被测试者您将问几个问题来检查他/她的记忆力,然后清楚、缓慢地说出3个相互无关地东西的名称(如:皮球、国旗、树木、大约1秒钟说一个)。说完所有的3个名称之后,要求被测试者重复它们。被测试者的得分取决于他们首次重复的答案。(答对1个得1分,最多得3分)。如果他们没能完全记住,你可以重复,但重复的次数不能超过5次。如果5次后他们仍未记住所有的3个名称,那么对于回忆能力的检查就没有意义了。(请跳过IV部分“回忆能力”检查)。 III.注意力和计算力(最高分:5分) 要求病人从100开始减7,之后再减7,一直减5次(即93,86,79,72,65)。每答对1个得1分,如果前次错了,但下一个答案是对的,也得1分。 IV.回忆能力(最高分:3分) 如果前次被测试者完全记住了3个名称,现在就让他们再重复一遍。每正确重复1个得1分。最高3分。 V.语言能力(最高分:9分) 1. 命名能力(0-2分):拿出手表卡片给测试者看,要求他们说出这是什么?之后拿出铅笔问他们同样的问题。 2. 复述能力(0-1分):要求被测试者注意你说的话并重复一次,注意只允许重复一次。这句话话是“四十四只石狮子”,只有正确,咬字清楚的才记1分。 3. 三步命令(0-3分):给被测试者一张空白的平纸,要求对方按你的命令去做,注意不要重复或示范。只有他们按正确顺序做的动作才算正确,每个正确动作计1分。 4.阅读能力(0-1分):拿出一张“闭上您的眼睛”卡片给被测试者看,要求被测试者读它并按要求去做。只有他们确实闭上眼睛才能得分。 5. 书写能力(0-1分):给被测试者一张白纸,让他们自发的写出一句完整的句子。句子必须有主语、动词,并有意义。注意你不能给予任何提示。语法和标点的错误可以忽略。 6.结构能力(0-1分):在一张白纸上画有交叉的两个五边形,要求被测试者照样准确地画出来。评分标准:五边形需画出5个清楚地角和5个边。同时,两个五边形交叉处形成菱形。线条的抖动和图形的旋转可以忽略。


1:交替连线测验指导语:“我们有时会用‘123……’或者汉语的‘甲乙丙……’来表示顺序。请您按照从数字到汉字并逐渐升高的顺序画一条连线。从这里开始[指向数字(1)],从1连向甲,再连向2,并一直连下去,到这里结束[指向汉字(戊)]”。评分:当患者完全按照“1-甲-2-乙-3-丙-4-丁-5-戊”的顺序进行连线且没有任何交叉线时给1分。当患者出现任何错误而没有立刻自我纠正时,给0分。 2:视结构技能(立方体)指导语(检查者指着立方体):“请您照着这幅图在下面的空白处再画一遍,并尽可能精确”。评分:完全符合下列标准时,给1分:图形为三维结构所有的线都存在无多余的线相对的边基本平行,长度基本一致(长方体或棱柱体也算正确)上述标准中,只要违反其中任何一条,即为0分。 3:视结构技能(钟表)指导语:“请您在此处画一个钟表,填上所有的数字并指示出11点10分”。评分:符合下列三个标准时,分别给1分:轮廓(1分):表面必须是个圆,允许有轻微的缺陷(如,圆没有闭合)数字(1分):所有的数字必须完整且无多余的数字;数字顺序必须正确且在所属的象限内;可以是罗马数字;数字可以放在圆圈之外。指针(1分):必须有两个指针且一起指向正确的时间;时针必须明显短于分针;指针的中心交点必须在表内且接近于钟表的中心。上述各项目的标准中,如果违反其中任何一条,则该项目不给分。4:命名指导语:自左向右指着图片问患者:“请您告诉我这个动物的名字”。 评分:每答对一个给1分。正确回答是:(1)狮子;(2)犀牛;(3)骆驼或单峰骆驼。 5:记忆指导语:检查者以每秒钟1个词的速度读出5个词,并向患者说明:“这是一个记忆力测验。在下面的时间里我会给您读几个词,您要注意听,一定要记住。当我读完后,把您记住的词告诉我。回答时想到哪个就说哪个,不必按照我读的顺序”。把患者回答正确的词在第一试的空栏中标出。当患者回答出所有的词,或者再也回忆不起来时,把这5个词再读一遍,并向患者说明:“我把这些词再读一遍,努力去记并把您记住的词告诉我,包括您在第一次已经说过的词”。把患者回答正确的词在第二试的空栏中标出。 第二试结束后,告诉患者一会儿还要让他回忆这些词:“在检查结束后,我会让您把这些词再回忆一次”。 评分:这两次回忆不记分。 6:注意 数字顺背广度:指导语:“下面我说一些数字,您仔细听,当我说完时您就跟着照样背出来”。按照每秒钟1个数字的速度读出这5个数字。 数字倒背广度:指导语:“下面我再说一些数字,您仔细听,但是当我说完时您必须按照原数倒着背出来”。按照每秒钟1个数字的速度读出这5个数字。 评分:复述准确,每一个数列分别给1分(注:倒背的正确回答是2-4-7)。 警觉性:指导语:检查者以每秒钟1个的速度读出数字串,并向患者说明:“下面我要读出一系列数字,请注意听。每当我读到1的时候,您就拍一下手。当我读其他的数字时不要拍手”。 评分:如果完全正确或只有一次错误则给1分,否则不给分(错误时是指当读1的时候没有拍手,或读其他数字时拍手)。 连续减7:指导语:“现在请您做一道计算题,从100中减去一个7,而后从得数中再减去一个7,一直往下减,直到我让您停下为止”。如果需要,可以再向患者讲一遍。 评分:本条目总分3分。全部错误记0分,一个正确给1分,两到三个正确给2分,四到五个正确给3分。从100开始计算正确的减数,每一个减数都单独评定,也就是说,如果患者减错了一次,而从这一个减数开始后续的减7都正确,则后续的正确减数要给分。例如,如果患者的回答是93-85-78-71-64,85是错误的,而其他的结果都正确,因此给3分。 7:句子复述


Guidelines for Data Processing and Analysis of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) – Short and Long Forms November 2005 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Uses of IPAQ Instruments 3. Summary Characteristics of Short and Long Forms 4. Overview of Continuous and Categorical Analyses of IPAQ 5. Protocol for Short Form 6. Protocol for Long Form 7. Data Processing Rules 8. Summary Algorithms Appendix 1. At A Glance IPAQ Scoring Protocol – Short Forms Appendix 2. At A Glance IPAQ Scoring Protocol – Long Forms

1. Introduction This document describes recommended methods of scoring the data derived from the telephone / interview administered and self-administered IPAQ short and long form instruments. The methods outlined provide a revision to earlier scoring protocols for the IPAQ short form and provide for the first time a comparable scoring method for IPAQ long form. Latest versions of IPAQ instruments are available from www.ipaq.ki.se. Although there are many different ways to analyse physical activity data, to date there is no formal consensus on a ‘correct’ method for defining or describing levels of physical activity based on self–report population surveys. The use of different scoring protocols makes it very difficult to compare within and between countries, even when the same instrument has been used. Use of these scoring methods will enhance the comparability between surveys, provided identical sampling and survey methods have been used. 2. Uses of IPAQ Instruments IPAQ short form is an instrument designed primarily for population surveillance of physical activity among adults. It has been developed and tested for use in adults (age range of 15-69 years) and until further development and testing is undertaken the use of IPAQ with older and younger age groups is not recommended. IPAQ short and long forms are sometimes being used as an evaluation tool in intervention studies, but this was not the intended purpose of IPAQ. Users should carefully note the range of domains and types of activities included in IPAQ before using it in this context. Use as an outcome measure in small scale intervention studies is not recommended. Characteristics of IPAQ Short and Long Forms 3. Summary 1. IPAQ assesses physical activity undertaken across a comprehensive set of domains including: a. leisure time physical activity b. domestic and gardening (yard) activities c. work-related physical activity d. transport-related physical activity; 2. The short form asks about three specific types of activity undertaken in IPAQ the four domains introduced above. The specific types of activity that are assessed are walking, moderate-intensity activities and vigorous-intensity activities. 3. The items in the short IPAQ form were structured to provide separate scores on walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity activity. Computation of the total score for the short form requires summation of the duration (in minutes) and frequency (days) of walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity activities. Domain specific estimates cannot be estimated.



IPAQ短问卷 1、最近7天内,您有几天做了剧烈的体育活动,像是提重物、挖掘、有氧运动或是快速骑车? 每周天 □无相关体育活动→跳到问题3 2、在这其中一天您通常会花多少时间在剧烈的体育活动上? 每天小时分钟 □不知道或不确定 3、最近7天内,您有几天做了适度的体育活动,像是提轻的物品、以平常的速度骑车或打双人网球?请不要包括走路。 每周天 □无适度体育活动→跳到问题5 4、在这其中一天您通常会花多少时间在适度的体育活动上? 每天小时分钟 □不知道或不确定

析。假定每次至少连续10min的体力活动才能获得健康收益,如果个体报告的某项(长卷)或某个强度(短卷)的体力活动每天累计时间不足10min,则将该时间和对应的每周频率重新编码为“0”。 2. 数据截断原则:在短卷中,如果某种强度体力活动的每天时间超过3h,则重新编码为180min。该原则允许每种强度的体力活动每周最多报告21h (1260min)。这种处理可以有效地避免将部分个体错分到“高”组(表2)。例如,某人报告在过去的7d 内,6d有步行活动,每天10min;另有1d参加了中等强度的体力活动,累计12h。如果不做任何截断处理,按照表2的分组标准,该个体会被划分为“高” 体力活动水平。但是,与规律的高体力活动水平相比,这种偶尔的、单次较大剂量的活动不会产生相同的健康收益。 对于IPAQ长卷,IPAQ工作组建议遵从短卷的原则对异常高值进行截断处理。然而,长卷是按照体力活动项目询问频率和时间,且后续数据分析仍需按照体力活动项目进行;每种强度的体力活动按 180min截断,具体如何分配到每个活动项目上,IPAQ工作组并未给出明确说明,仅建议根据具体研究目的自行确定、在论文中报告处理办法即可。 以下处理办法可供参考选择。首先,如果个体报告的任何一项活动的每天时间超过180min,则按180min截断处理(第一次截断)。在此基础上,计算每项活动的每周累计时间(1周频率乘以每天时间);将相同强度的各项活动的每周累计时间相加,如果超过21h(1260min),则将该强度活动的每周累计时间重新编码为1260min(第二次截断)。 3. 计算体力活动水平:IPAQ工作组推荐计算个体每周体力活动水平 (MET-min/w),报告人群体力活动水平的M和四分位数。对于IPAQ短卷,个体每周从事某种强度体力活动水平为:该体力活动对应的MET赋值×每周频率(d/w)×每天时间(min/d)。3种强度体力活动水平相加即为总体力活动水平。对于IPAQ长卷,如果个体数据无需进行截断或仅进行了第一次截断处理,则个体每周从事某项体力活动水平为:该项体力活动对应的MET赋值(表1)×每周频率(d/w)×每天时间(min/d)。其中,对于进行了第一次截断处理的活动记录,每天时间是截断后的180min。在此基础上可参照表1中的分类计算每周4种不同类型的体力活动水平、3种不同强度的体力活动水平以及总体力活动水平。 如果个体报告的某强度活动的每周累计时间进行了第二次截断处理(重新编码为1260min),则体力活动水平计算方法参照短卷(对应强度活动的MET赋值×1260min/w)。该个体报告的其他强度活动数据,如果未进行第二次截断处理,则仍沿用长卷的分项目计算方法,先计算某项体力活动水平,再参照表1计算对应强度体力活动水平。有时,研究者需要分别计算4种不同类型体力活动的活动水平,对于上述经过第二次截断处理的个体数据,很难再把截断后的时间分配到每项体力活动上。这时建议直接用第一次截断处理后的数据分项目计算体力活动水平,再分类型加和即可。需要注意的是,以上述原则计算时各类型体力活动水平包含了异常高值的个体活动水平,故3种强度活动水平的加和<4种类型活动水平的加和。研究者在报告总体力活动水平时应以3种强度活动水平的加和为准。 4. 体力活动水平分组:IPAQ工作组推荐根据一定的标准将个体体力活动水平划分为低、中和高3组(表2)。由于个体的健康收益来自于规律的体力活动,因此,在分组标准中不仅要考虑总的体力活动水平,还要考虑1周频率和每天时间。IPAQ问卷涉及日常生活中各个领域的体力活动,所以估计的体力活动水平要比单纯询问休闲时间体育锻炼的调查高。如果仍然参照常见指南中“每周至少5d,每天


2017.0111,F2.0 四川省科技厅项目(课题编号:2016JQ0013) 基于“以痛为腧”研究疼痛记忆电针干预的 消退机制 临 床 研 究 方 案 课题承担单位: 成都中医药大学

目录 一、研究背景及目的 (1) 二、设计类型与原则 (2) 三、研究人群 (4) 四、治疗方案和对照措施 (5) 五、观察指标 (9) 六、不良事件观察与分析 (11) 七、疗效与安全性评价 (12) 八、量表评价相关说明 (12) 九、fMRI扫描及注意事项 (27) 十、质量控制与质量保证 (28) 十一、数据管理 (30) 十二、统计分析 (31) 十三、伦理学原则 (34) 十四、总结与资料保存 (36)

一、研究背景及目的 在WHO公布的《全球十大顽疾》中,颈椎病位居第二,是中老年人的一种常见病和多发病,以40~60岁为高发年龄,而70岁以后患病率则会达到90%。近年来,越来越多的研究表明,颈椎病的患病率逐渐呈年轻化趋势,预计即将成为本世纪发病率最高的疾病之一。这主要是由于近年来全球金融服务、大众传媒、电子资讯等行业的迅速发展,伏案工作人群比例大大增加,导致人们体育锻炼、户外活动时间锐减,从而造成颈椎病的高发病率。本病给患者及家属带来身体及精神上的痛苦,严重影响了人们的工作效率甚至生存质量,同时造成了社会医疗资源的极大浪费,已经成为极其严重的社会问题。流行病学资料显示,中国颈椎病的发病率约为3.8%-17.6%,且每年新增颈椎病患者约一百万人。神经根型颈椎病和颈型颈椎病是临床上发病率较高且最常见的类型,颈部的疼痛不适或僵硬感是其主要的临床表现。 近年研究发现,慢性疼痛患者在认知、情绪、人际交往、及躯体活动方面往往伴有不良体验,例如因慢性疼痛,患者普遍存在对记忆减退的抱怨,以及长时记忆功能损伤。尽管通过对慢性疼痛患者的自传体记忆研究(对于经历的事件通常受疼痛强度、负面情绪及注意偏向的影响)证明疼痛和记忆存在共同的中枢神经通路,却不足以揭示疼痛与工作记忆、长时记忆、自传体记忆相互作用的特异性神经心理机制。本研究以慢性颈痛患者为研究对象,观察电针干预状态对受试者疼痛记忆及疼痛症状缓解的影响,并研究电针对疼痛记忆影响的中枢机制。 目前颈椎病的治疗主要包括了现代医学疗法和替代医学疗法(如中医药、针灸、太极拳等)两大类别。现代医学治疗颈椎病以口服非甾体止痛药物(NSAIDS)、疼痛部位局部注射肌肉松弛药、镇痛药物,以及糖皮质激素药物等方法为主,在暂时缓解局部疼痛方面往往能够达到较好的效果,但仍缺乏高质量循证医学证据支持;且以非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS)为主的消炎镇痛药,常可导致胃肠道出血、胃溃疡、脑血管意外、皮损等不良反应。在替代医学疗法中,针灸疗法具有一定的优势,治疗上具有短期和中长期止痛效果好、操作安全、不良反应少、无毒副作用等优点,而且大量的RCT研究证明针灸治疗慢性颈痛有独特的疗效,是治疗颈椎病最常用也是相对安全的治疗方法。针灸治疗颈椎病颈痛的临床疗效已得到国内外的广泛认可。 本课题以颈椎病颈痛患者为研究对象,分别观察电针干预敏化穴位、常规穴位


完美主义量表含有详细评 分标准哦 The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020

本研究主要采用北京林业大学訾非(2006)修订的《中文版Frost多维完美主义量表》做为测量工具。訾非的完美主义量表以中国内地大学本科生为样本,在前人重复修订的基础上对该量表进行了修订。修订以后的中文版Frost多维完美主义量表共有五个维度:担心错误(6、9、10、15、16、18)、条理性(2、4、5、20、22、24)、父母期望(1、7、14、19、27)、个人标准(3、8、12、13、17、23)和行动的疑虑(11、21、25、26), 5个因子、27个项目组成,采用5点评分,把“不同意”至“同意”,记为1 一5分。本量表全部是正向计分题,总分及各维度分为条R分之和,得分越高,表明完美主义越高。前4个因子被归为积极完美主义的维度,最后一个因子被归为消极完美主义的维度。5个维度都有满意的内部一致性信,中文版Frost完美主义量表的结构模型是稳定和可靠的,具有令人满意的信效度,其中各维度之间的CronbaclTs a系数分别为担心错误、条理性(0. ;775)、父母期望、个人标准、行动的疑虑。本研究中总量表的Cronbach、S a系数为。 题目不 同 意有 点 不 同 意 不 能 确 定 有 点 同 意 同 意 1我的父母曾给我定下很高的标准 1 2 3 4 5 2做事有条理有系统对我是十分重要的 1 2 3 4 5 3如果我不给自己定下最高的标准,我很可能沦为次等的人 1 2 3 4 5 4 我是个整洁的人 1 2 3 4 5 5 我尽量做一个有条理的人 1 2 3 4 5

青少年体力活动现状及改善措施 综述

青少年体力活动现状及改善措施 XXX (XXXXXXXX大学,XX市XX大街1号,13xxxxxxxxx) [摘要]随着社会对青少年人群健康问题的关注度日益增加,对青少年的体力活动现状问题的研究层出不穷。体力活动对青少年的健康的影响的多方面的,包括生理与心理方面,因此研究人员的研究角度各有侧重,在这种情况下,需要对研究结果进行归纳与总结,以便未来进一步对青少年体力活动进行研究,并根据研究结果,对青少年的体力活动情况进行干预,以达到促进健康的目的。 [关键词]体力活动;青少年;现状;改善措施 The present situation and corrective measures of physical activity of children and adolescents [Abstract] As the increasing focus on youngers' health problems, there were a gigantic number of studies about this issue. As the influences of physical activities on youth has multiaspect, including both physical and psychological aspects, researchers has laid particular emphasis on all kinds of points of view. Under this circumstance, there is a great need of summary of these results, so as to facilitate more study about youth's physical activity problems and then measure this issue according to the results. [Key words] physical activity; children; adolescents; present situation; corrective measures 体力活动对于青少年的影响表现在生理的生长发育以及心理的发育与成熟,其中对生理的影响突出表现在骨骼与肌肉的发育,而骨骼的发育体现在骨量增长方面,肌肉的发育体现在体重与体能方面;对心理的影响则突出表现在心里应激水平上。 1体力活动的定义
