商务英语报告 report

商务英语报告 report
商务英语报告 report

Report on maximizing profits Introduction

The CEO has requested this report on adjusting sales.

The report was written to report suggestions of maximizing profits at a recent meeting for the CEO.

Clothing factor, the report was to be submitted to her by 3rd November.


1. Reducing the amount of pay for each employee who is not in

a management position.

2. Discarding the expensive packaging now used.

Packaging now used cost lots of money; use cheaper ones can save a large mount of money.

3. Using inexpensive material to produce the jackets. Expensive material now used was the major part of cost in production. It will make more profit that change this kind of material to inexpensive ones than before.

4. Raise the price immediately and cover the loss of sales by firing 100 low level employees.

Research has shown that any price increase will cause an immediate loss of sales (although sales would recover in about 6 months). In case it happens we could cut down

expenses by firing some staffs to offset the loss of sales. Conclusions

1.Reducing cost of goods sold like using inexpensive material

and packaging can make profit.

2.Raise price and cover loss by reducing expenses like staffs’

salaries and fire some employees can also increase profit. Recommendations

1.It is recommended that our company should work out

amount of saving from reduction of salary . List a total amount and a name list that staffs will be fire.

2.It is recommended that our company should make certain

the inexpensive material and packaging that we would use in the future.

Bonnie Qiu

Clothing Factory

29 October


商务英语实践报告范文2篇Business English practice report 编订:JinTai College

商务英语实践报告范文2篇 小泰温馨提示:社会实践报告是进行社会实践后需要完成的报告,是 指有目的、有组织、有计划的深入实际、深入社会,对完成的社会实 践活动的一个总结报告。本文档根据社会实践报告内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调 整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:商务英语实践报告范文 2、篇章2:商务英语系学生社会实践报告文档 篇章1:商务英语实践报告范文 我是一名商务英语专业的学生。在即将毕业的这几个月里,我主要负责的工作内容是办公室文秘。在这一过程中,我采用了看、问、学等方式,初步了解了公司文秘工作中的具体业务知识,拓展了所学的专业知识。为以后正常工作的展开奠定了坚实的基础,从个人发展方面说,对我影响最大的应该是作为一个社会人工作作风以及在工作过程中专业知识对工作的重要作用,因为这些都是我在校学习中不曾接触过的方面,所

以我将在报告中首先讲述我在实践期间积累的这方面的认识和经验。 毕业实践是每个大学生必须拥有的一段经历,它使我们 在实践中了解社会,让我们学到了很多在课堂上根本就学不到的知识,受益匪浅,也打开了视野,增长了见识,为我们以后进一步走向社会打下坚实的基础。由于我所在的公司是北京驻乌的一个办事处,是一家私企,所以我刚开始的工作并不忙,没有感觉到很累。只是每天都要守在电话和传真机旁。很耗时间,第一天就因为坐了一天腰酸背痛的。但是过了几天就稍有点习惯了,每天向我同一个办公室的女孩学习一些办公知识。刚步入工作岗位,才发现自己有很多都不懂的。现在在办公室,有闲的时候就会看一些会计方面的书,虽然自己所学的专业在此时没有派上什么用场,但我觉得应该多学点,有几个技能在以后找工作也可以给自己我几个选择。我现在上班近两个月了,在这短短一个多朋中,曾有几次想过干完一个月不干了。也许我是刚开始工作,有时受不了经理给的“气”,自己心里很不舒服,就想辞职再重新换个工作得了。但静下心来仔细想想,再换个工作也是的,在别人手底下工作不都是这样么?刚开始。就应该踏踏实实的干好自己的工作,毕竟又没有工作经验,现在有机会了就要从各方面锻炼自己。不然,想念以后干什么都


商务英语求职信范文汇总6篇 尊敬的领导: 您好! 首先感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的自荐材料,为一位满腔热情的大学生开启一扇希望大门,我叫王翔,是一名常州轻工职业技术学院商务英语专业的学生。而现在我正面临。 我出生于一个充满温馨的家庭,父母让我从小养成刻苦耐劳、谦虚谨慎、热情待人、朴实诚恳的生活态度,在两年的大学生涯中,我刻苦学习,并掌握一些商务英语方面的知识,能熟练地进行听、说、读、写,熟练运用网络查阅相关英语资料,并能及时予以翻译。 我是一个吃苦耐劳的人。而且我知道该怎样去用心学习,因为我懂得付出才会有回报。可能十分的努力换回来一分的回报,但我坚信只要有百分之一的希望就要去拼一把,苦点累点不算什么,我还很年轻,用信念去奋斗没有什么不可以。 我是一个善于思考的人。做每一件事之前都会考虑清楚如何来做才能在现有的条件下达到一个更好的效果。上有政策,下有对策有

时也不一定是贬义的。当领导做出一定的要求和指示,应该是在保质量的完成任务的同时,还会思考如何做才能更完善。如有偏差的地方,我会主动和领导沟通,说明我的看法并作出修改方案,把事情做好事我努力的方向。 我很喜欢从事与英语相关的工作,我深深知道这类工作对英语的要求很高,我非常喜欢英语,并且在每天都在不断地提高自己的水平。并且我深知工作的时候应具备认真的态度和耐心,还要肯学肯干,责任心很进取心是必须的,先前的经历教会了我这些,是我一生的财富。 自荐书不是广告词,不是通行证,但我知道一个青年可以通过不断的学习完善自己,可以在中证明自己。 尊敬的领导,我是一个做任何事都充满激情的人,如果我能喜获您的赏识,我一定会尽职尽责地用实际行动向您证明.我一定会不负所望的做好每一件事的.公司的未来,我愿奉献我毕生的心血和汗水。 再次致以我最诚挚的谢意! 此致


商务英语report格式 1. TITLE PAGE Report title Your name Submission date 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Overview of subject matter Methods of analysis Findings Recommendations 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of numbered sections in report and their page numbers 4. INTRODUCTION Terms of reference Outline of report’s structure 5. BODY Headings and sub-headings which reflect the contents of each section. Includes information on method of data collection (if applicable), the findings of the report and discussion of findings in light of theory 6. CONCLUSION States the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion Makes recommendations 7. REFERENCE LIST List of reference material consulted during research for report 8. APPENDIX Information that supports your analysis but is not essential to its explanation


新编国际商务英语阅读教程译文 第一单元国际贸易理论 重商主义 世界上第一个国际贸易理论——重商主义,产生于16世纪中期。重商主义宣 称金银是一国财富的支柱,是繁荣商业所不可或缺的。当时,金银是国家间的贸易 货币,出口国赚取金银,同样从他国进口货物,导致金银的外流。重商主义认为出 口大于进口从而保持贸易顺差是一国的根本利益。这样,一国积累金银,最终使国 家财富增加,国家地位得以提升。正如1930年,英国重商主义学者托马斯?孟所说: 增加一国财富的最普遍的做法是对外贸易,而且我们必须遵守这样的规则:每 年出口产品的价值要大于进口产品的价值。 遵循这一说法,重商主义提倡政府干涉,以确保贸易顺差。重商主义认为大量 的贸易额并没有什么益处。他们建议颁布政策以扩大出口,限制进口。具体做法可 以是对进口施加关税和对配额进行限制,对出口则给予补贴。 1752年古典经济学 家大卫?休谟指出了重商主义学说的缺陷。据休谟所说,如果英国对法国贸易顺差(即出口大于进口),相应的金银的流入会导致英国国内货币供应充足,从而产生通 货膨胀。而法国会因为金银的外流产生相反的效应——通货紧缩,价格降低。英法 之间相对价格的变化将促使法国的进口商购买的英国货物数量减少(因为英国货物 变得昂贵),英国的进口商将购买更多法国的货物(因为法国货物价格降低)。结 果,英国贸易收支状况不断恶化,法国贸易收支逐步得到改善,这种情况一直持续 到英国的顺差被抵消。因此,休谟认为,长期来看,没有国家能够如重商主义者所 想象的那样保持贸易顺差。 除了休谟指出的缺陷之外,重商主义的另一缺限在于其视国际贸易为零和博弈(零和博弈是指一国得益必导致另一国受损)。亚当?斯密和大卫?李嘉图指出了重商


书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟 商务英语写作经典范文 Gentlemen: Due to the fact that we have not received your payment for the goods we have delivered to you in accordance with our contract entered into on [date] ,and that in failing to pay for these goods you are in breach of said contract,as you were noticed on [date] ,it is our intention to make a private sale of the goods which we have manufactured for the balance of goods to be delivered under that certain contract,but which are undeliverable due to said breach,for a purchase price of $ . This sale is to be consummated on [date] ,and will go forward if your default is not cured by [date] . It is our desire to inform you of the foregoing and afford you the opportunity to decide on a course of action,in view of the fact that you will be held liable for the loss sustained by us on said resale to the extent authorized by [cite section and code]. [商务英语写作经典范文]相关文章: tips:感谢大家的阅读,本文由我司收集整编。仅供参阅!

商务英语报告 report

Report on maximizing profits Introduction The CEO has requested this report on adjusting sales. The report was written to report suggestions of maximizing profits at a recent meeting for the CEO. Clothing factor, the report was to be submitted to her by 3rd November. Findings 1. Reducing the amount of pay for each employee who is not in a management position. 2. Discarding the expensive packaging now used. Packaging now used cost lots of money; use cheaper ones can save a large mount of money. 3. Using inexpensive material to produce the jackets. Expensive material now used was the major part of cost in production. It will make more profit that change this kind of material to inexpensive ones than before. 4. Raise the price immediately and cover the loss of sales by firing 100 low level employees. Research has shown that any price increase will cause an immediate loss of sales (although sales would recover in about 6 months). In case it happens we could cut down


Unit 1~2 Mercantilism 重商主义 Neomeicantilist 新重商主义者 Trade surplus 贸易顺差 Quota and tariff 配额和关税 Government intervention 政府干预 Zero-sum game 零和博弈 Positive-sum game 常和博弈 The theory of absolute advantage 绝对优势理论 The theory of comparative advantage 比较优势理论 Factor endowments 要素禀赋理论 Product life cycle 产品生命周期(+theory ……理论) Economies of scale 规模经济 Diminishing returns 收益递减规律 Green revolution 绿色革命 Voluntary restriction 自动出口限制 Deposit 佣金 First mover advantage 先占优势 Barrier to entry 进入(市场)壁垒 Porter’s diamond theory 波特的钻石理论 National competitive advantage 国家竞争优势 The department of commerce 商务部 Letter of credit 信用证 Draft /bill of exchange 汇票 bill of lading B/L 提单 Sight draft 即期汇票 Time draft 远期汇票 Banker ‘s acceptance 银行承兑(+bill …汇票) Trade acceptance 商业承兑汇票 Countertrade 对等贸易 Barter 易货贸易 Switch trading 转手贸易 Offset 抵消 Counter purchase 互购贸易 Compensation trade 补偿贸易 Mercantilism suggests that it is in a country’s best interest to maintain a trade surplus -- to export more than it imports(重商主义就是保持贸易顺差以实现一国的最大利益---出口超过进口) Mercantilism advocates government intervention(介入) to achieve a surplus in the balance of trade (重商主义主张政府介入以便实现对外贸易顺差) It views trade as a zero-sum game - one in which a gain by one country results in a loss by another (将贸易看成零和博弈,一个国家收益一个国家受损) Absolute Advantage 绝对优势 Adam Smith argued that a country has an absolute advantage in the production of a product when it is more efficient than any other country in producing it 亚当斯密认为一个国家生产一种商品比其他任何国家效率都高时存在绝对优势 According to Smith, countries should specialize in the production of goods for which they have an absolute advantage and then trade these goods for the goods produced by other countries 按照亚当斯密的说法,各国应该专门生产具有绝对优势的商品,然后用他们交换其他国家生产的商品 The Benefit(好处) of Absolute Advantage and Free Trade The Principle for International Division of Labor–Absolute Advantage 国际分工的原则---绝对优势 The Consequence(结果) of Division of Labor and Free Trade 分工的结果和自由贸易 1. To Production: the Flow of the Factor of Production 生产要素的流动; the Efficiency of Factor Distribution 要素分配效率;the Quantity of Production 产品质量。 2. To Consumer: Welfare from Free Trade自由贸易福利: low price of imports and more consumption 低价格的进口更多的消费 Comparative Advantage比较优势 Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage suggests that countries should specialize in the production of those goods they produce most efficiently and buy goods that they produce less efficiently from other countries, even if this means buying goods from other countries that they could produce more efficiently at home李嘉图的比较优势理论认为一个国家分工生产最有效率的产品,而从别国购买自己生产效率相对较低的产品,


国际商务英语函电答案【篇一:世纪商务英语外贸函电(第二版)课后习题答案】 letter 1.at, of, with, in, for letter 2.from, into, with, of, to p40 https://www.360docs.net/doc/213601544.html,rming, interesting, dealing, sample, details, quality, prices, applied, items, inquiry unit 3 p55 letter 1.from, for, by, with, on letter 2.with, in, of, in, from p56 2.referring, established, cost, quality, opinion, responsibility, part, satisfied, information, decision unit 4 p71 letter 1. to, of, at, in, by letter 2.with, in, with, for, with p73 2.advertisement, leading, interested, details, dealers, line, market, replying, over, item unit 5 p88 letter 1.for, with, at, by, to letter 2.for, for, by, at, by/under p89 2.inquiring, quotation, receipt, subject, confirmation, discount, catalogue, brochure, separate, appreciate unit 6 p105 letter 1.of, on, in, with, to letter 2.of, in, by, for, at p106 2.offer, regret, price, sold, level, difference, transaction, counter-offer, samples, acceptance unit 7 p122 letter 1.to, of, of, in, for,


Begin at the same level~~~~ 下降到最低点: 波折变化: fluctuate around fluctuation of 幅度:slightly sharply significantly dramatically a is in direct proportion to b merely roughly 一、BEC高级(Higher)Part Ⅰ——图表作文 图表作文的文章结构 1)引言部分 2)主体段落 3)结论部分 4)例文分析: The bar chart below shows the number of complaints made by consumers about different products and services in the years 1994 and 1997.

Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph. You should write at least 140 words. The bar chart displays the changes in the number of complaints made by consumers about five kinds of products and services between 1994 and 1997. According to the diagram, there was an increase in the complaints about most of the products and services. The number of complaints about package holidays abroad and financial services increased over the period. The complaints made about the package holidays abroad rose by 12.7% from 15,000 in 1994 to about 18,000 in 1997. And there were about 52,000 complaints about the financial services in 1997, 5.2% up on 1994. There were also more complaints about electric goods and second-hand cars in 1997 than in 1994. The complaints about the two products rose by 9.2% and 6.7% respectively. The former increased from 66,000 in 1994 to about 70,000 in 1997 and the latter went up from 80,000 to 86,000. And clothing is the only sector where the number of complaints dropped over the period. In 1994, there were around 45,000 complaints while the figure decreased by 4% to around 43,000 in 1997. In conclusion we can see there were more complaints about the products and services in 1997 than in 1994 with the only exception of clothing. ●图表作文常用的语言手段 1)作文的开头——表示“出处”的句子结构。 2)描述“数据变化”的常用表达方式 3)表示变化的副词和形容词 4)描述“数据”的表达方式 5)“大约”的表达方式 ●真题写作范例: 例一(课堂15分钟快速练习): The graph below shows development in the ownership of mobile telephones as a percentage of telephones owned. Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the changes in telephone ownership. You should write at least 150 words.

商务英语写作,BEC Report writing

You work for PJT Ltd, a manufacturing company. You need more staff in your department and your line manager has asked you to write a report e x p l a i n i n g w h y. ?Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes. ?Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your report. ?Write 120-140 words. 范文: To: From: Date: March 20th, 2015 ?Subject: More staff in our department Introduction This report aims to explain why our department needs more staff. Findings/Reasons Statistics show that there exists a big gap between the number of staff in our department and staff workload. While the number of ordered units grew up from only 200000 to 400000 in 2 years, the number of staff grew only by 5 people. According to the Staff Newsletter dated February 2013, we have won a big new order from an international company. That will bring us more work. At the same time, annual holiday has been increased to 5 weeks per year, meaning there won’t be enough staff for all the work. Our customer service department recently received a complaint from one of our clients about a tremendous delay in our delivery.? Conclusion There are many reasons which explain the need of more staff. It is especially important for reducing the number of delays in delivery and to optimize the workflow. Recommendations More staff does not only mean more costs, it also means improved customer satisfaction.


第一种、介绍信 Letters of Introduction 实例之一: Dear Mr. / Ms., This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London fro m April 5 to mid April on business. We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones an d will always be happy to reciprocate. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克·琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月15日到四月中旬期间停留伦敦。我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。 您诚挚的 实例之二: Dear Mr. / Ms, We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures a nd to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season. We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 我们非常高兴向您介绍我们纺织部的进口经理王有先生。王先生将在你市度过三周,他要与主要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品。如能介绍他给可靠的生产厂家,向他提供所需的任何帮助或建议,我们将不胜感谢。


Introduction The purpose of this report is to prepare a presentation strategy for the band how to remain successful. The music group Soundblaster who successful in Hear to Believe but after three years they have no changes so many fans left .Should give the Soundblaster band a new direction, changing the band sank the same style. Let more people know about them and like their music. The report is give to the band’s manager on December 26. Proceedings In the collection of band information or data in the methods and procedures. We used the following methods. First of all, we are from the band’s company to obtain relevant date. Secondly a questionnaire was completed by those who were surveyed. The third is through interviews with fans. Findings From the band’s company the findings of the investigation indicate that the band’s most prosperous period in 2003 year. From 2001 to 2003, the band career on the rise. But after 2003 year, it began to decline. As it can be seen from the chart the sales of merchandise on last three tours is decreasing. From 2001 to 2003, the number of CD sales increased from million copies to million copies. But after 2003 years until 2007, there was a drop in the number of CD sales from million copies to million copies. In the questionnaire survey, we mainly investigate what type of music is people like and what are the reasons. We found that everyone favorite type of music is different. However, whether you like the kind of music for reasons including the following that the story described in music, rhythm, stylistically different and artist own charisma. According to statistics, the way forks know the music is television and other media, friends and magazines. In interview with all fans of the Soundblaster band, we mainly ask fans to like band’s the reason. And why some of them do


Caferoma Business English Report 2012.5.8

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Discussion 2 3. Recommendations 3 4. Conclusion 5

Introduction Caferoma, a well known brand of coffee, is owned by the Pan European Food and Drink Company (PEFD), based in Turin, Italy. It is promoted as an exclusive ground coffee for gourmets. Its image is that of an Italian-style coffee. It has a strong full-bodied-style coffee. It has a strong full-bodied flavor and a slightly bitter taste. It costs more per 100 grams than almost every other ground coffee product on the supermarket shelves. In the last two years, Caferoma’s share of the European quality ground coffee market has declined by almost 25%.By the pie chart we can that Top five European coffee brands’ market share has increased by almost 25%. There are several reasons for this: Consumers has become less loyal to brands and are more willing to trade down to lower-priced coffee products. Competing brands of Italian-style ground coffee at much lower price have cut into Caferoma’s market share. And it does not give the impression of being up-to-date and contemporary. Possible solutions: Change Caferoma’s image to appeal to a different market segment. Reduce the price to make it more competitive. Devise a new advertising campaign. Sell Caferoma’s under different brand names at lower prices. Sell Caferoma coffee for supermarkets to package and


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