商务英语—Bussiness Report

商务英语—Bussiness Report
商务英语—Bussiness Report

The investment project on Valentino Chocolates

Date of Submission: May 16,2014

Contents Introduction (2)

Discussion& Findings (2)

Conclusio n (3)

Recommendations (4)

Summary (5)



V alentino chocolates are made in T urin, Italy. The V alentino Company’s products won a delicious and unique taste .V alentino has won many international awards. The company expanded fast. It has large-scale coproduction and sales.

Why profits falling:

However, in the last two years, the company has emerged some problems.

Firstly, there is a widespread price cutting in the industry;

Secondly, factory machines often break down;

Thirdly, demand for its Classic Bar is falling;

Fourthly, V alentino's new products, biscuits and cakes, are not selling well;

Finally, the staff’s morale is low.

Discussion& Findings

Before our discussion, we have 10 choices about the investment, but we have only€1.5 million. So we have to choice some more necessary items from them. Follows are what we have thought about these 10 items.

1. Extend the factory. €500,000

Increase the factory’s capacity by 30%

But it is not the most important, it cost too much.

2. Buy new machinery. €200,000

End the delays caused by the old machines breaking down

Most of the machine is need to repair.

3. Invest in more research and development. €200,000

Develop new products such as a low-fat chocolate drink, new biscuits/cakes.

Many girls like these things.

It isn’t the company most need to do.

4. Buy out a local competitor. €1.5 million

Reduce local competition.

But i t cost to much money, we can’t do anything else.

5. Establish a factory in the US. €1.3 million

Manufacture chocolates in a major new market

But it cost too much money, we can’t do anything else.

6. Launch a marketing campaign. €500,000

Increase sales of all products.

We can know what we need to do first.

7. Finance a market survey and research trips to the US. €100,000

Assess the marker potential for V alentino products.

We can know what people like, then we can do in the true way.

8. Invest in an existing group of cafes. €500,000

Become a partner in cafes which sell and promote V alentino chocolates.

9. Set up online sales. €150,000

Increase sales and profits.

Online sales are the new way to sell things, there are more and more people like shopping online.

10. Buy a new fleet of cars. €500,000

Increase motivation of the sales staff.

I t isn’t the most use ful way to inspire the sales staff, and it also cost to much.


After our discussion, we have made our final choices:

1.Buy new machinery;

https://www.360docs.net/doc/c413170851.html,unching a marketing campaign;

3.Finance a market survey and research trip to the US;

4.Invest in an existing group of cafes;

5.Set up online sales.

We believe that in order to improve company sales levels, to buy new machinery and launch a marketing campaign is the most necessary. Firstly, we all know that our factory machine is always break down, not only slows down the production speed, and this poses a threat to the health of employees. Secondly, launching a marketing campaign can increase our competitiveness and strength the innovation ability. However , all of them can help our company sell more products. Recommendation

We are going to make them in 2 stage: The preparing stage and the implementation stage, both of them are important and absolutely necessary.

In the preparing, we will focus on the physical facilities and our market. Details are as follows:

First of all, we should buy new machinery, especially the core machines, for the making procedure is the most important. We must have the advanced facilities. And the assembly lines’ machinery should be purchased as soon as possible to improve the staff’s working efficiency.

Then, about the market, we will finance a market survey and research trips to the US. This is very important for us to know what our customers are favor in. We will finish this part though different ways such as questionnaire survey, interview etc. and the survey items will be widen and targeted. As the United States is a big market for us, we will send groups of career men to the US to make the local survey, and our requirement is that they can deep-going to the public and get some data from the trips and analysis the data to get some information which we need. No matter the market survey or the research trips, they need to give us the survey reports, which reflect what information they get though the survey. We will produce our products according to the current situation, which they written in the survey report.

After the preparation above, we will turn into the implementation stage. In this part we will divide into three producers. Details are as follows:

Step 1: We will launch a marketing campaign.

This step is the most important in our investment, for it can rebuild the reputation and own more customers on our strong brand. But on the opposite, if we fail on the campaign, not only it will reduce our confidence, but people will keep on ignoring our products.

So we should make the full preparation for it. We will make the market campaign project first, the adverting plan, price plan, target customers plan, after service plan, on sales plan and the later plan will be included in the project. Of course the project should be made on the base of the survey reports which we got in the preparation stage. And then, we will put the project into practice. For some sales promotion, we will establish a special work group to be responsible for it to e nsure it’s gonging with a swing. And for other plans, we will also invite some professionals to make and carry them out, or do some guidance.

Step 2: Invest in an existing group of cafes.

It’s a good choice for more people to know it and needn’t cost muc h relatively. But

we must define the right position for it. We need choose the cafes before, for some top ones can improve our grade. And the places are also important, good sales will be in the busy streets, but the expenses will be high, so we have to balance the two key elements. In addition, we can design some new styles or tastes of the chocolates according to the different cafes to hold different people.

Step 3: Set up online sales.

This movement can be in progress at the same time of the step 2, for they are different areas for the sales. Online sale is a new and a strange manner for us. But it’s one of the main sales ways in current, we cannot neglect it. This may spend us a long time to be ripe for it. We should employ some technological people to make the web pages. And we have to arrange the delivery and transportation. Also we have to adapt to the on-line payment.


This recommendation is a general plan now and will be changed whenever the investment project is carried out.

For every item’s more details, please look at the subproject of the business report.


After a series of discussion from the Board of Directors, we agreed the following investment plan:

1. Buy new machinery, it will cost 500,000 Euros. Because our factory machine is always break down, not only slows down the production speed, and this poses a threat to the health of employees.

2. Launching a marketing campaign, we need cost 500,000 Euros, we can increase our competitiveness and strength the innovation ability .What’s more, it can help our company sell more products.

3. Finance a market survey and research trip to the US, it will cost 100,000 Euros. In this way, we can assess the market potential for chocolates products and make more people know our products.

4. Invest in an existing group of cafes, we need cost 500,000 Euros. we become a partner in cafes which sell and promote chocolates, it can strength our sales ability.

5. Set up online sales, it will cost 150,000 Euros. Online sales could increase our chocolate sales and profits.

All above will cost 1.45million Euros. We will set side 50 thousand Euros to be our circulating fund for a rainy day.


In this part each candidate’s task is to choose one topic from a set of three, and to talk about it for one minute. Candidates have one minute in which to prepare and should use this time to make brief notes. The other candidate listens to the talk and is invited to ask one or two questions at the end. Candidates may make notes while listening to their partner. Each candidate is given a different set of three tasks from which to choose. General procedure A choice of three different topics One minute preparation while making notes A/B starts with the other listening---one minute Question asked 1. Customer relation: the importance of offering incentives to customers Offering incentives to customers can help you to strengthen your customer base and enhance customer loyalty. If you offer incentives such as vouchers, complementary tickets, miles, gifts in the promotion or sales, you will attractive more customers and get them buy your products or services. At the same time the image of your company will be improved and your brands are more likely to be known by customers. 2. Product promotion: how to ensure that products are promoted effectively at international trade fairs You should send a professional team of experts to arrange the promotion at the trade fair. They must be familiar with the products you want to promote at the fair. Meanwhile they must be good at dealing with clients especially foreign clients. You should use advanced technology to display your products at the fair. Necessary equipments such as DVD, overhead projector, high-definition screen can help you demonstrate the quality, function and specification of your products. You should design your show room and stand carefully to attract more customers. Your stand should be put up at an obvious place so that every customer can get an easy access to your products. 3. How to reduce labor turnover rates In order to reduce labor turnover rates we must take the following effective measures: Set up a clear staff appraisal process to make sure that the performance of every staff can be evaluated openly and honestly and their promotion is based on their contribution to the company. Thus no one will complaint about unfair promotion which once forced some of your staff to leave their jobs.


商务英语专业职业规划书 商务英语专业职业规划书 古人云:预则立,不预则废。这句话不无道理。做事不能盲目行事,而是要有计划。有目标的做事。目标就像航海时的指南针。它指引着你朝着正确的方向前行。而我们在学校学习专业知识时,就首先要清楚我们自己今后工作的发展方向,让我们在今后的工作中更加得心应手。因此我们要制定好自己的就业方向。现在已经是大二的我要做出一个适合自己的就业方向规划,确定目标,以便脚踏实地为自己的理想奋斗前进!英语专业毕业生能在国家机关外事外贸、外企各类涉及外金融机构商务管理公司、专业翻译机构、出版、新闻、旅游、高级宾馆、酒店等部门,承担商务管理、商务翻译、外贸洽谈、经贸文秘、英语编辑、英语记者、驻外商务代理、涉外公关、涉外导游等工作。也可在培训中心、中学、职高等从事教学工作。除了就业,英语专业的学生出国的机会也相对较高。 我学的是商务英语,以后从事的工作必是和商务、英语分不开的。我希望我将来能够在商务这一领域能有所发展,但是我知道,因为学历的原因,我要是想在商务方面有个很好的发展,我必须得付出很大的努力,我必须的有信心去面对好一却所要遇到的挫折,所以,从现在起我必须的努力,我要增加我的专业知识,多看一些有关外贸的书籍,以及进行一些课外实践。或者进行一些专门的商务实践活动。所以我想在我的规划中我希望能成为一位外贸公司的员工,做跟单或总经理助理,在开始的三年中,然后再后二年中我希望自己能成为外贸公司的经理,然后在一步一步的向上升,最后如果有机会的话在自己去开一家公司。 自我分析 在这样一点上,我觉得自己是一个相对来讲比较文静的那种女孩子,待人很真诚的那种,做事很诚恳,踏踏实实,一点也不马虎。虽然我不是很擅长交朋友,但是我交的朋友都是质量相当好的。而且,我觉得我这人虽然一般场合是那种默默无闻的,但是如果真的是和外国商人谈判的时候,我还是会拿出自己所


商务英语求职信范文汇总6篇 尊敬的领导: 您好! 首先感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的自荐材料,为一位满腔热情的大学生开启一扇希望大门,我叫王翔,是一名常州轻工职业技术学院商务英语专业的学生。而现在我正面临。 我出生于一个充满温馨的家庭,父母让我从小养成刻苦耐劳、谦虚谨慎、热情待人、朴实诚恳的生活态度,在两年的大学生涯中,我刻苦学习,并掌握一些商务英语方面的知识,能熟练地进行听、说、读、写,熟练运用网络查阅相关英语资料,并能及时予以翻译。 我是一个吃苦耐劳的人。而且我知道该怎样去用心学习,因为我懂得付出才会有回报。可能十分的努力换回来一分的回报,但我坚信只要有百分之一的希望就要去拼一把,苦点累点不算什么,我还很年轻,用信念去奋斗没有什么不可以。 我是一个善于思考的人。做每一件事之前都会考虑清楚如何来做才能在现有的条件下达到一个更好的效果。上有政策,下有对策有

时也不一定是贬义的。当领导做出一定的要求和指示,应该是在保质量的完成任务的同时,还会思考如何做才能更完善。如有偏差的地方,我会主动和领导沟通,说明我的看法并作出修改方案,把事情做好事我努力的方向。 我很喜欢从事与英语相关的工作,我深深知道这类工作对英语的要求很高,我非常喜欢英语,并且在每天都在不断地提高自己的水平。并且我深知工作的时候应具备认真的态度和耐心,还要肯学肯干,责任心很进取心是必须的,先前的经历教会了我这些,是我一生的财富。 自荐书不是广告词,不是通行证,但我知道一个青年可以通过不断的学习完善自己,可以在中证明自己。 尊敬的领导,我是一个做任何事都充满激情的人,如果我能喜获您的赏识,我一定会尽职尽责地用实际行动向您证明.我一定会不负所望的做好每一件事的.公司的未来,我愿奉献我毕生的心血和汗水。 再次致以我最诚挚的谢意! 此致


商务英语专业“十二五”建设发展规划 一、指导思想 以《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》和《吉林省中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》为指导,以《华桥外国语学院“十二五”教育改革和发展规划》为依据。结合评估整改工作,坚持为地方经济和社会发展服务,加强内涵建设,加强精细化和规范化管理。以市场经济为导向,创新应用型人才培养模式,全面提高教育教学整体水平。 二、专业发展现状 1.自然情况 (1)本专业现有教师32人,其中,专职教师21人,专任教师8人,外籍教师3人。具有高级职称教师15人,占教师总数的46%,具有博士学位教师4人,硕士学位教师19人,共占教师总数的79%,主讲教师31人,占教师总数的97%,“双师双能”型教师5人(其中包括3名专职教师、1名外教、1名专任教师),35岁以下教师15人,36至50岁教师9人,51岁以上教师8人。专业带头人2人。师资队伍结构基本合理,能够满足教学的需求。 (2)目前有12个专用多媒体教室,保证了现代化教学的需要。部分课程的教学已经采用了多媒体教学;与国际经济与贸易学院共用2个模拟实验室(国际贸易模拟实验室、国际金融模拟实验室)。还建立了18个校外实践教学基地。 (3)承担省级教学研究课题7项,校内课题14项,学生科研课题6项。教师发表教学研究论文30余篇。 (4)开展丰富多彩的第二课堂活动,现拥有社团18个,每周由外教举办3次英语口语角活动,积极开展各类竞赛活动。不定期举行学术讲座。学生利用节假日进行社会实践活动,组织学生参加汽博会、东北亚贸易博览会、瓦萨国际滑雪节及其它在长春举办的大型展会,以培养学生的实践能力。 2.存在的主要问题 (1)师资队伍:年轻教师懂专业,但缺乏教学经验;转型教师有教学经验但缺少专业知识;青年教师缺少商务实践和教学经验;急需引进既精通英语,又在经济学、管理学有较深造诣的中年骨干教师。 (2)因商务英语专业的大部分教材均为首轮使用,对教材的难易程度、教学内容的删减、教学方法等需进一步加强研究。 (3)教师的学术能力和科研能力有待提高,需进一步提高教师参加课程建设的积极性。 (4)校企合作需进一步加强。


商务英语report格式 1. TITLE PAGE Report title Your name Submission date 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Overview of subject matter Methods of analysis Findings Recommendations 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of numbered sections in report and their page numbers 4. INTRODUCTION Terms of reference Outline of report’s structure 5. BODY Headings and sub-headings which reflect the contents of each section. Includes information on method of data collection (if applicable), the findings of the report and discussion of findings in light of theory 6. CONCLUSION States the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion Makes recommendations 7. REFERENCE LIST List of reference material consulted during research for report 8. APPENDIX Information that supports your analysis but is not essential to its explanation


书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟 商务英语写作经典范文 Gentlemen: Due to the fact that we have not received your payment for the goods we have delivered to you in accordance with our contract entered into on [date] ,and that in failing to pay for these goods you are in breach of said contract,as you were noticed on [date] ,it is our intention to make a private sale of the goods which we have manufactured for the balance of goods to be delivered under that certain contract,but which are undeliverable due to said breach,for a purchase price of $ . This sale is to be consummated on [date] ,and will go forward if your default is not cured by [date] . It is our desire to inform you of the foregoing and afford you the opportunity to decide on a course of action,in view of the fact that you will be held liable for the loss sustained by us on said resale to the extent authorized by [cite section and code]. [商务英语写作经典范文]相关文章: tips:感谢大家的阅读,本文由我司收集整编。仅供参阅!


一、贸易准备及策略Trade preparing and Method Unit 1 约会安排Appointment 焦点句型 希望见面时 ◆I’d like to make an appointment to see you . 我想约个时间见您。 ◆I’d like to come and see you. 我想去见您。 ◆Would it be possible for me to talk to you in person about that? 我能不能和你本人谈 谈那件事? ◆I’d like to see you at your earliest possible convenience. 如果方便的话,我想尽早去见 您。 ◆Could we get together and discuss it a little more? 我们能不能聚在一起,再讨论一下 这件事。 ◆Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail? 我们能不能碰个面,再讨 论一下这件事的细节。 ◆I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet at your earliest convenience and discuss the matter in a little more detail. 如果方便的话,我们能否尽早和您见面,再讨论一 下这件事的细节。 ◆Could I see Mr. Green sometime this week?我能不能在这个礼拜的某个时候见见格 林先生? ◆Should I visit you, or would you like to come over here and see our setup? 是我去拜访 您,还是您到这里来看看我们的机械装置? ◆Would you like to come to my office? 您要不要来我的办公室? 询问对方方便的时间 ◆What time would be convenient for you ? 什么时候您方便呢? ◆When is it convenient for you?什么时候您方便呢? ◆When would it be most convenient for you? 什么时候您方便呢? ◆When can we meet to talk? 我们什么时候见面谈一谈? 陈述方便与不方便的时候 ◆Please call on me when it is convenient for you. 请在您方便的时候来找我。 ◆Please call on me anytime suits you. 请在任何您方便的时候来找我。 ◆Any time you say. 您说什么时候都方便。 ◆Any time between three and five. 3点到5点之间的任何时间都可以。 ◆I’m free after three o’clock. 3点以后,我就有空了。 ◆I’ll be out of town tomorrow, but almost anytime after that would be fine time with me. 明天我将出城到外地去,不过之后的任何时间,我几乎都方便。 ◆I’m afraid I’m busy all day tomorrow. 恐怕明天一天我都很忙。 ◆I’m excepting some visitors tomorrow morning. 明天早上我要等几个访客来。 ◆I’m sorry, I have an appointment. 抱歉,我有个约会。 约定拜访时间 ◆I’d like to meet you at three o’clock in the afternoon. 我想下午3点的时候跟您见面。 ◆I’d like to see you tomorrow if you have time. 如果您有时间,我想明天去见您。 ◆How about tomorrow at ten? 明天十点怎么样? ◆How about the day after tomorrow? 后天怎么样?

商务英语专业 职业规划书

姓名:性别:出生: 学校: 院系: 联系电话: E-mail:

前言 在今天这个人才竞争的时代,职业生涯规划在大学生的人生规划中显得尤为重要。 对于每一个人而言,职业生命都是有限的。我们如果不能做好我们人生的职业规划,势必会浪费很多的时间以及会有一些坎坷的经历。作为大学生的我们,必须彻底摒弃从前的天之骄子们“皇帝女儿不愁嫁”的消极心态,更不能等到临近毕业才开始对未来进行规划和思考,而应尽早地考虑和规划未来的职业。尤其,当今社会,人才辈出,竞争极为残酷激烈,每个人都想成为浴火的凤凰,能实现自己的理想创出一片天地。但理想的实现,事业的成功,都是在严谨的规划下,一步步认真履行而得到的。 因此,我要给我自己的人生写一份职业生涯规划书,规划我的人生,也让自己更好的适应社会。 同时我自己会有更大的动力去实现我的职业目标!我一个是学习商务英语专业的学生,要想找一份理想的好工作不是那么容易的。 所以我现在就应该给自己规划自己的职业生涯,好好朝自己的目标努力!

目录 第一章自我认知 (2) 第一节360度评估 (2) 第二节网上测评分析 (2) 1 MBTI人格测试 (2) 2 职业兴趣测评分析 (3) 第三节自我认知小结 (4) 第二章职业认知 (5) 第一节家庭环境分析 (5) 第二节学校环境分析 (5) 1 学校概况: (5) 2 专业概况: (5) 3 专业课程: (5) 4 学校环境分析小结: (6) 第三节社会环境分析 (6) 第四节行业环境分析 (6) 第三章目标确立 (7) 第一节SWOT分析 (7) 第二节确立目标: (7) 1 在校期间(2010---2013) (7) 2 毕业以后:(2011.7---FUTURE) (8) 第四章备选方案 (9) 第五章结束语 (10)

商务英语报告 report

Report on maximizing profits Introduction The CEO has requested this report on adjusting sales. The report was written to report suggestions of maximizing profits at a recent meeting for the CEO. Clothing factor, the report was to be submitted to her by 3rd November. Findings 1. Reducing the amount of pay for each employee who is not in a management position. 2. Discarding the expensive packaging now used. Packaging now used cost lots of money; use cheaper ones can save a large mount of money. 3. Using inexpensive material to produce the jackets. Expensive material now used was the major part of cost in production. It will make more profit that change this kind of material to inexpensive ones than before. 4. Raise the price immediately and cover the loss of sales by firing 100 low level employees. Research has shown that any price increase will cause an immediate loss of sales (although sales would recover in about 6 months). In case it happens we could cut down


Begin at the same level~~~~ 下降到最低点: 波折变化: fluctuate around fluctuation of 幅度:slightly sharply significantly dramatically a is in direct proportion to b merely roughly 一、BEC高级(Higher)Part Ⅰ——图表作文 图表作文的文章结构 1)引言部分 2)主体段落 3)结论部分 4)例文分析: The bar chart below shows the number of complaints made by consumers about different products and services in the years 1994 and 1997.

Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph. You should write at least 140 words. The bar chart displays the changes in the number of complaints made by consumers about five kinds of products and services between 1994 and 1997. According to the diagram, there was an increase in the complaints about most of the products and services. The number of complaints about package holidays abroad and financial services increased over the period. The complaints made about the package holidays abroad rose by 12.7% from 15,000 in 1994 to about 18,000 in 1997. And there were about 52,000 complaints about the financial services in 1997, 5.2% up on 1994. There were also more complaints about electric goods and second-hand cars in 1997 than in 1994. The complaints about the two products rose by 9.2% and 6.7% respectively. The former increased from 66,000 in 1994 to about 70,000 in 1997 and the latter went up from 80,000 to 86,000. And clothing is the only sector where the number of complaints dropped over the period. In 1994, there were around 45,000 complaints while the figure decreased by 4% to around 43,000 in 1997. In conclusion we can see there were more complaints about the products and services in 1997 than in 1994 with the only exception of clothing. ●图表作文常用的语言手段 1)作文的开头——表示“出处”的句子结构。 2)描述“数据变化”的常用表达方式 3)表示变化的副词和形容词 4)描述“数据”的表达方式 5)“大约”的表达方式 ●真题写作范例: 例一(课堂15分钟快速练习): The graph below shows development in the ownership of mobile telephones as a percentage of telephones owned. Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the changes in telephone ownership. You should write at least 150 words.



Day today Office日常事务 1 Faxes传真 2 Telephone Calls电话 3 Making Telephone Appointments电话预约 4 Memos备忘录 5 Business Correspondence商业信函 6 Placing an Order下订单 Office Talk办公室谈话 7 Coworkers同事 8 Bosses老板 9 Brainstorming集体讨论 10 Commuting乘公交车上下班 11 The Working Lunch工作午餐 Business Trip商务旅行 12 International Business Travel国际商务旅行 13 Dressing for Business商务着装 14 Hotel Situations旅馆情景 15 Negotiating the Subway乘地铁 Client Reception接待客户 16 Receiving Clients接待客户 17 Entertaining Clients招待客户

18 Accommodating Foreign Clients接待国外客户 19 Factory Tours参观工厂 Business Communization商务交流 20 Personal Introductions个人介绍 21 Small Talks聊天 22 Delivering Bad News传达坏消息 23 Polite Questions礼貌提问 24 Farewells道别 Negotiation谈判 25 Clarifying the Stakes说明利害关系 26 Making Concessions做出让步 27 Discussing the Bottom Line讨论底线 28 Accepting and Confirming接受和确认 29 Hard Bargainers VS Soft Bargainers强硬的对手和温和的对手 Company Organization公司结构 30 CEO执行总裁 31 Stockholders股东 32 Board of Directors董事会 33 Managerial Staff管理人员 34 Labor Staff普通员工 Meetings and Interviews会议和面谈


商务英语职业生涯规划书范文 前言 人生本没有意义,每个人都要给自己规定一个人生的意义,我要思考的结果是:我用我的生命去做我热爱的事情,它不仅让我快乐,而且对人类有所帮助。在今天这个人才竞争的时代,职业生涯规划 开始成为在人争夺战中的另一重要利器。对企业而言,如何体现公 司“以人为本”的人才理念,关注员工的人才理念,关注员工的持 续成长,职业生涯规划是一种有效的手段;而对每个人而言,职业生 命是有限的,如果不进行有效的规划,势必会造成生命和时间的浪费。作为当代学生,若是带着一脸茫然,踏入这个拥挤的社会怎能 满足社会的需要,使自己占有一席之地?因此,我试着为自己拟定一 份职业生涯规划,将自己的未来好好的设计一下。有了目标,才会 有动力 一、自我评定 (一)性格特征 我是一名乐观开朗、性格温和、心思细腻、待人真诚、善于与人交流的女孩,对于学习和工作有认真的态度和负责的心态,但是我 做事往往容易马虎、松散、有始无终、容易急躁。 (二)胜任能力 个人认为自己最大的优势是自己的性格特点,亲和与真诚能够让我更好的与人交流,再加上自己对商务英语专业的兴趣,相信我一 定能够在商务英语这片领域创造出自己的天空。不过自己对于英语 教师也有着特别的情节,因为我认为能够传授学生知识,服务学生,教育学生做人,回馈社会是一件特别伟大的事情,所以如果有机会,我也期待着将来的我往这方面发展。 (三)个人成长

从小到大,我都在不断的学习与思考中提升着自己,我渐渐开始明白长辈们苦口婆心对我说的各种大道理。这几年,让我明白最深 刻的一个道理或者说一个准则就是:人生下来就是为某一个目的而 活着。而我的目的就是要创造出我自己的一片天空。 (四)自我评定小结 根据以上的分析总结,可以说对自己有一个全面客观的分析,自己有优点,但同时也有很多的点。不过我相信,好的开始是成功的 一半,对自己有一个正确合理的规划,可以让自己更加快速的走在 目标的道路上。 二、职业分析 (一)专业分析 商务英语专业的设置迎合了社会的人才需要,具有很强的适应性和针对性。所开设的课程有:商务英语精读(1、2、3、4)、商务英语 泛读(1、2、3、4)、商务英语口语(1、2、3、4)、商务英语听力(1、2、3、4)、英语语法、语音语调、计算机文化基础、ACCESS基础、 马克思主义哲学、思想道德修养、军事理论、大学体育(1、2、3、4)、商务英语写作(1、2)、对外贸易概论、国际贸易、毛邓三、商 务函电、国际金融、国际贸易实务、中国近现代史、国际经济法、 国际市场营销、国际贸易案例分析、第二外语(1、2)、管理学、高 级英语(1、2)、英美报刊选读、口译、文体翻译、西方经济学、跨 文化交际学,语言学、英美国家概况、商务谈判、组织行为学、人 力资源管理、电子商务基础、毕业实习、毕业论文。所以商务英语 专业的目标就是瞄准区域经济和产业结构变化的特点,为区域经济 和社会发展培养出具有良好素质的商务英语的人才。 (二)培养要求 掌握商务英语专业的基础理论、基本知识和基本技能,获得高等学校计算机考试一级证书,熟练操作计算机常用软件,掌握与商务 活动有关的网络知识。具有处理公文的能力。具有较强的英语听说 能力,英语阅读能力,中英文书面翻译能力,熟练运用英语处理商 务英语业务的能力,与国际贸易相关的报关等能力,在外事、商务、

商务英语写作,BEC Report writing

You work for PJT Ltd, a manufacturing company. You need more staff in your department and your line manager has asked you to write a report e x p l a i n i n g w h y. ?Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes. ?Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your report. ?Write 120-140 words. 范文: To: From: Date: March 20th, 2015 ?Subject: More staff in our department Introduction This report aims to explain why our department needs more staff. Findings/Reasons Statistics show that there exists a big gap between the number of staff in our department and staff workload. While the number of ordered units grew up from only 200000 to 400000 in 2 years, the number of staff grew only by 5 people. According to the Staff Newsletter dated February 2013, we have won a big new order from an international company. That will bring us more work. At the same time, annual holiday has been increased to 5 weeks per year, meaning there won’t be enough staff for all the work. Our customer service department recently received a complaint from one of our clients about a tremendous delay in our delivery.? Conclusion There are many reasons which explain the need of more staff. It is especially important for reducing the number of delays in delivery and to optimize the workflow. Recommendations More staff does not only mean more costs, it also means improved customer satisfaction.


第一种、介绍信 Letters of Introduction 实例之一: Dear Mr. / Ms., This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London fro m April 5 to mid April on business. We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones an d will always be happy to reciprocate. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克·琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月15日到四月中旬期间停留伦敦。我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。 您诚挚的 实例之二: Dear Mr. / Ms, We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures a nd to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season. We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 我们非常高兴向您介绍我们纺织部的进口经理王有先生。王先生将在你市度过三周,他要与主要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品。如能介绍他给可靠的生产厂家,向他提供所需的任何帮助或建议,我们将不胜感谢。


Day today Office日常事务 1 Faxes传真 2 Telephone Calls电话 3 Making Telephone Appointments电话预约 4 Memos备忘录 5 Business Correspondence商业信函 6 Placing an Order下订单 Office Talk办公室谈话 7 Coworkers同事 8 Bosses老板 9 Brainstorming集体讨论 10 Commuting乘公交车上下班 11 The Working Lunch工作午餐 Business Trip商务旅行 12 International Business Travel国际商务旅行 13 Dressing for Business商务着装 14 Hotel Situations旅馆情景 15 Negotiating the Subway乘地铁 Client Reception接待客户 16 Receiving Clients接待客户 17 Entertaining Clients招待客户 18 Accommodating Foreign Clients接待国外客户 19 Factory Tours参观工厂 Business Communization商务交流 20 Personal Introductions个人介绍 21 Small Talks聊天 22 Delivering Bad News传达坏消息 23 Polite Questions礼貌提问 24 Farewells道别 Negotiation谈判 25 Clarifying the Stakes说明利害关系 26 Making Concessions做出让步 27 Discussing the Bottom Line讨论底线 28 Accepting and Confirming接受和确认 29 Hard Bargainers VS Soft Bargainers强硬的对手和温和的对手Company Organization公司结构


商务英语专业大学生职业生涯规划书 卷首语: 对于上大学的我来说,面对这样宽松制的生活,显得有些轻松,也有些迷茫。这样的生活让我对自己的未来,对自己将来也许会走的路充满了无奈与彷徨。 职业规划不仅是对职业的规划,更是对人生的规划、对自我的规划,这更有利于自身的发展和创造。在自我职业规划之前,也许你只是一个默默无闻,也许兢兢业业、脚踏实地的工作者,但在认真规划之后,你是个主宰者,至少是自己的主宰。人生的进步少不了动力和目标,而这个目标就从规划开始。 规划职业,掌握人生!

第一部分自我认知分析 1.1 职业兴趣 我是一个相对活泼比较外向的女孩,擅长与人交流。我觉得与各种各样的人交流,并得到他们的信任和认可是一件非常有成就感的事情。所以我觉得我适合贸易经商类型的工作。作为一个商务英语专业的学生,毕业之初我想从事国际贸易业务员。 1.2 职业价值观 工作伊始,我希望自己从事的是一份适合自己的工作,然后我会不断在其中学习、进步并掌握一定能力,尽自己最大努力为公司创造出最大的价值。我觉得付出肯定有所回报并相信多劳多得。 1.3 职业能力 个人认为自己的能力相对来说还行,对自身的专业也就很是喜欢。我觉得我能胜任国际贸易业务员这个职业,虽然会有很多东西需要我去提高,而且我的学习能力并不差。因而,我想,不管自己在哪里从事什么样的职业,我都能不停的提高自己。除了国际贸易业务员这个工作,我想我还可以从事商务助理、外企高级文员之类的工作。我擅长与人打交道,因此我的人脉广人缘也好,我觉得这会对我即将从事的工作产生很好的帮助。

1.4 性格与能力 如前面所说,我是一个相对外向的女孩,我擅长与人交流并能较快的得到他人的信任和认可,我觉得这是一个从事贸易相关业务人员必不可少的素质。同时,我为人细心耐心,不会为贸易事务奔波繁琐等特点所羁绊。我积极乐观,进取向上,我觉得这些都是作为一个贸易业务员不可多得的良好品质。 拜性格所赐,我建立了良好的人际关系氛围,我觉得这能为我以后的工作奠定良好的人脉基础。同时在校学习期间我已考取英语专业国家级别证书,我想这从一定方面来讲是对我能力的肯定。此外,寒暑假期间我去过外贸公司等做零工,我想这也是为我以后的工作积累到了宝贵的经验。鉴于此,我觉得自己的能力还是不错的。 1.5 自我分析小结 根据上面的分析总结,我很大程度上重新认识了自己,自己又很多优点同时也有不少的不足。鲁迅说过,好的开头等于成功的一半。因而正确认识自己,明确自己适合什么样的职业,对自己的职业生涯做出合理、正确的规划,可以让自己更快速的走向成功。职业是一生的事情,因此首选必须选好适合自己的职业,之后在以后的工作生活中不断地学习不断地进步不断地完善自己,具体而言,就是走好国际贸易业务员这条路,在提高自己英语水平的基础上不断积累国际贸易事务方面的经验,以期望自己在未来有更大的发展。总而言之,认知自我,正确选择,兢兢业业,综合协调,和谐发展。
