




During my junior year of college, I signed up for a volunteer leaching program in Costa Rica. I lived within an inspiringly colorful living quarter which was ___1___ into a female and male section, along with a kitchen, eating room and conference room. I taught at a school. It was located(位于)within a ___2___ and every day birds and butterflies flew throughout our school. It was ___3___ . We were ___4___on Costa Rica’s school system, the country, the language and how to ___5___ a lesson. Additionally, we took part in ___6___ acclivities lo relax ourselves.

The experience was beneficial to my English writing ___7___ when I got back to college, I began writing. I wrote so much that a piece of my writing about that experience was ___8___in Folio’s Literary Magazine. Because of that, I was more ___9___ to continue working abroad.

After ___10___ , I moved to China for a year and worked in schools to teach reading and writing. It was a

life-changing ___11___ of my life. Not only did I ___12___ my experiences through a weekly blog, but I began a book. Culture differences ___13___ me and even consumed me in the beginning, but ___14___ I fell in love with the people, their schools and their history.

Upon ___15___ to my home, I became a teacher in Trenton, New Jersey. The moment I stepped into the classroom. I could empathize(感同身受)with my ___16___ . I truly feel volunteering in Costa Rica was where it all ___17___ and working in China enriched my leaching life. If I could do anything ___18___ , it might be volunteering or working abroad more before settling down.

The ___19___I’ve made through volunteering and working abroad are an English major’s dream and I hope that every English major ___20___ the chance to study or work abroad.

1. A. trained B. pulled C. absorbed D. divided

2. A. desert B. sea C. forest D. river

3. A. beautiful B. boring C. vivid D. shocking

4. A. praised B. educated C. interviewed D. commented

5. A. choose B. learn C. plan D. attend

6. A. legal B. fun C. brief D. safe

7. A. because B. unless C. although D. if

8. A. exchanged B. read C. rejected D. published

9. A. worried B. determined C. Frightened D. relaxed

10. A. graduation B. requirement C. operation D. ceremony

11. A. shelter B. topic C. move D. conflict

12. A. confirm B. gain C. compare D. share

13. A. confused B. amuse C. calmer D. excited

14. A. easily B. gradually C. strangely D. usually

15. A. belong B. pointing C. returning D. referring

16. A. volunteers B. classmates C. colleagues D. students

17. A. replied B. disappeared C. escaped D. started

18. A. correctly B. deliberately C. differently D. strictly

19. A. excuses B. discoveries C. preparations D. decisions

20. A. jumps at B. stands for C. turns down D. speaks our



Do you want a part-time job to earn some extra money? Check out the list and find one that suits your fancy. TECHNICAL SUPPORT

It seems almost everyone has a friend who is a technical genius. Such people earn money using their talent. If you are one of them, you could be responsible for technical support in your college or university and get your part-time job. You can enjoy the process of earning money while doing your favorite thing.


A lot of students hire a tutor to help them in high school or college. If you are good at some subjects, why not work as a peer tutor? You help your friends and earn money at the same time. If you know foreign languages, you can make more money. All you need to do is to make an appropriate advertisement of your services using college newspapers. One of the best things about being a tutor is that you can set your hours.


If your college or university has a fitness center and if you are a sporty person, go and sign up to get this job. You will have an absolute free opportunity to engage yourself in sports. You need to be a good psychologist, because you are going to work with people and it'll be your job to persuade and motivate them to become sporty, healthy and strong. Being a fitness instructor is a perfect position for those who love to help other people and want to make more friends. OFFICE


Nowadays many companies cooperate with college students giving them part-time jobs. Some of the major job duties of an office worker are answering calls and scheduling appointments. If you are interested in doing this job. contact the representatives of different companies to find out if they’re currently hiring anyone.

21. If you want to have a flexible schedule while earning some money, which of the following suits you most?

A. Technical support

B. Tutor

C. Fitness instructor

D. Office worker

22. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. As a part-time office worker. you are responsible for answering emails.

B. If you work as a fitness instructor, you should be sporty and sociable.

C. If you are good at foreign languages, you are able to earn more as a tutor.

D. The four kinds of part-time jobs are intended for college students.

23. How can one get a job as a part-time office worker?

A. By submitting the application

B. Through an online interview

C. By advertising on the newspaper

D. By contacting the representative of the company


People diet to look more attractive. Fish diet to avoid being beaten up, thrown out of their social group, and getting eaten as a result. That is the fascinating conclusion of the latest research into fish behavior by a team of Australian scientists.

The research team has discovered that subordinate (隶属的)fish voluntarily diet to avoid challenging their larger competitors. “In studying gobies we noticed that only the largest two individuals, a male and female, had breeding(繁殖) rights within the group, ”explains Marian Wong. “All other group members are non-breeding females, each being 5–10% smaller than its next largest competitor. We w anted to find out how they keep this size separation.”

The reason for the size difference was easy to see. Once a subordinate fish grows to within 5–10% of the size of its larger competitor, it causes a fight which usually ends in the smaller goby being driven away from the group. More often than not, the evicted fish is then eaten up.

It appeared that the smaller fish were keeping themselves small in order to avoid challenging the boss fish. Whether they did so voluntarily,by limiting how much they ate, was not clear. The research team decided to do an experiment. They tried to fatten up some of the subordinate gobies to see what happened. To their surprise,the gobies simply refused the extra food they were offered,clearly preferring to remain small and avoid fights, over having a feast. The discovery challenges the traditional scientific view of how boss individuals keep their position in a group. Previously it was thought that large individuals simply used their weight and size to threaten their subordinates and take more of the food for themselves, so keeping their competitors small.

While the habits of gobies may seem a little mysterious, Dr. Wong explains that understanding the relationships between boss and subordinate animals is important to understanding how hierarchical (等级的) societies remain stable.

The research has proved the fact that voluntary dieting is a habit far from exclusive(排他的) to humans. “As yet, we lack a complete understanding of how widespread the voluntary reduction of food intake is in nature,” the researchers comment. “Data on human dieting suggests that, while humans generally diet to improve health or increase attractiveness, rarely does it improve long term health and males regularly prefer females that are fatter than the females’ own ideal.”

24. When a goby grows to within 5–10% of the size of its larger competitor, it_______.

A. faces danger

B. has breeding rights

C. eats its competitor

D. leaves the group itself

25. The underlined words “the evicted fish” in Paragraph 3 refer t o _______.

A. the fish beaten up

B. the fish found out

C. the fish fattened up

D. the fish driven away

26. The experiment showed that the smaller fish_______.

A. fought over a feast

B. went on diet willingly

C. preferred some extra food

D. challenged the boss fish

27. What is the text mainly about?

A. Fish dieting and human dieting.

B. Dieting and health.

C. Human dieting.

D. Fish dieting.


Financial regulations in Britain have imposed a rather unusual rule on the bosses of big banks. Starting next year, any guaranteed bonus of top executives could be delayed 10 years if their banks are under investigation for wrongdoing. The main purpose of this “clawback” rule is to hold bankers responsible for harmful risk-taking and to restore public trust in financial institution. Yet officials also hope for a much larger benefit: more long-term decision-making not only by banks but also by all corporations, to build a stronger economy for future generations.

“Short-termism” or the desire for quick profits, has worsened in publicly traded companies, says the Bank of England’s top economist, Andrew Haldane. He quotes a giant of classical economies, Alfred Marshall, in describing this financial impatience as acting like “Children who pick the strawberries out of their pudding to eat them at once” rather than putting them aside to be eaten last.

The average time for holding a stock in both the United States and Britain, he notes, has dropped from seven years to seven months in recent decades. Transient(短期的) investors, who demand high quarterly profits from companies, can hold back a firm’s efforts to invest in long-term research or to build up customer loyalty. This has been called “quarterly capitalism”.

In addition, new digital technologies have allowed more rapid trading of equities( 股票), quicker use of information, and thus shortens attention spans in financial markets. “There seems to be an advantage of short-term thinking at the expense of long-term investing,” said Commissioner Daniel Gallagher of the US Securities an d Exchange Commission in speech this week.

In the US, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has pushed most public companies to delay performance bonuses for senior executives by about a year, slightly helping reduce “short-termism.” In its latest survey of CEO p ay, The Wall Street Journal finds that “a substantial part” of executive pay is now tied to performance.

Much more could be done to encourage “long-termism,” such as changes in the tax code and quicker disclosure(披露) of stock acquisitions. In France, shareholders who hold onto a company investment for at least two years can sometimes earn more voting rights in a company.

Within companies, the right compensation design can provide motivation for executives to think beyond their own time at the company and on behalf of all shareholders. Britain’s new rule is a reminder to bankers that society has an interest in their performance, not just for the short term but for the long term.

28. According to Paragraph 1, one reason for imposing the new rule is the _______.

A. enhance banker’s sense of responsibility

B.help corporations achieve larger profits

C. build a new system of financial regulation

D. guarantee the bonuses of top executives 29. It is argued that the influence of transient investment on public companies can be _______. A. indirect B. negative C.favorable D. temporary 30. The US and France examples in paragraphs 5 and 6 are used to illustrate_______. A. the obstacles to preventing “short-termism”.B. the significance of long-term thinking. C. the appro aches to promoting “long-termism”D. the popularity of short-term thinking. 31. Which of the following would be the best title for the text? A. Failure of Quarterly Capitalism B. Patience as a Corporate Virtue C. Decisiveness Required of Top Executives D. Frustration of Risk-taking Bankers D Making beers on the moon might seem like a pipe dream to many

,but for a group of students from the

University of California at San Diego, there is a chance to take their research beyond Earth’s surface.

The Lab2Moon competition, held by TeamIndus, is offering students the chance to secure a spot on the TeamIndus rocket this year.

Taking craft beer to the next level, the students want to test whether it’s possible for yeast(酵母) to work and create beer on the moon. Howeve r, they believe the experiment is not just a creative concept for astronauts, it’s also important for the development of drugs and yeast-containing food, like bread.

“The idea started out with a few laughs among a group of friends,” said Neeki Ashari, a fi fth-year bioengineering students at UC San Diego. “We all appreciate the craft beer. When we heard that there was an opportunity to design an experiment that would go up on India’s moonlander, w e thought we could combine our hobby with the competition by focusing on the practicality of yeast in outer space.”

The preparation work for the beer — up to the stage of adding yeast — will all be done on Earth, and rather than

separating the fermentation ( 发酵) and carbonation stage of making beer, the team plans to combine them.

This removes the need to release CO2 accumulated in the process, which may result in cleanliness and safety issues out in space.

If selected, Team Original Gravity will be the first to make beer in outer space, and the fermentation will take place in a container no bigger than a soda can.

All teams competing for the place will showcase their ideas in Bangalore, India, in March.

Sadly, you won’t be enjoying moon beer in your local craft beer bar anytime soon, as no samples will be brought back. However, this small experiment could provide important data on just how practical it is for us to make and create our own resources on other planets and moons by learning how consumables (消耗品) behave in different environments.

32. How did the students feel when they got the chance to design the experiment ?

A. Excited.

B. Nervous.

C. Confident.

D. Casual.

33. What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 6 refer to?

A. The mixing of two stages.

B. Adding yeast on Earth.

C. The preparation work on Earth.

D. Fermentation and carbonation.

34. What can we learn about the experiment from the passage?

A. It has been designed based on similar experiments.

B. It’s quite competitive compared with other designs.

C. It’s design has already been approved by TeamI ndus.

D. Its process was adapted to make it safer and greener.

35. What does the author think of the students ’ idea?

A. It seems like a pipe dream.

B. It’s extremely complicated.

C. It’s meaningful and hopeful.

D. It’s creative but impractical.




The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled,pain-free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness, then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact,the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.

As a result,many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain

inevitably brought by such things as marriage,raising children,professional achievement,religious commitment and self-improvement.

Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest,he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun,adventure and excitement. Marriage has such moments,but they are not its most distinguishing features.

Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night's sleep or a three-day vacation. I don't know any parent who would choose the word "fun" to describe raising children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.

Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.

36. According to the author,why does a bachelor resist marriage?(no more than 10 words)

37. What is the author's opinion on raising children?(no more than 10 words)

38. Please explain the underlined word “commitment” in English in Paragraph 3. (no more than 1 word)

39. What is the author trying to tell us?(no more than 10 words)

40. How do you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?(no more than 20 words)



Last week European Union leaders ___41___ (urge) to support re-wilding efforts by environmental activist groups, including the World Wildlife Fund.

“Re-wilding” is a conservation effort aimed at returning land ___42___ its more natural, undeveloped state. This movement is growing in ___43___ (popular) around the world, especially in cities and towns where lawns (草地) covers most areas. Replacing lawns with diverse native plants can help support wildlife like bees and other insects.

Native plants can grow in any conditions so there is no need to introduce foreign plants when there ___44___ (be) so many other options. Part of the process of re-wilding means ___45___ (change) the way most people attend to their green spaces. For example, it is not a good idea to clean up your garden ___46___ (immediate) at the end of the growing season. It is better to leave dead plants as they are. Birds ___47___ favorite food is seeds appreciate it when you don’t deadhead flowers. Less cutting of plants and grass lets pollinators (授粉者) get to flowers, and

___48___(fall) leaf collection should be limited, too. The remains of the garden and lawn provide food and shelter for important insect life.

No area is too small, and every space we can leave for nature to blossom (开花) is ___49___(value). So you’d better tell neighbors about your re-wilding project, _____50_____ they might misunderstand your effort as simple laziness.



1. 活动的时间、地点;

2. 活动内容。


1. 词数100词左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行为连贯。

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________



Holidays are not necessarily for fun or rest. Doing something meaningful can also gain special pleasure. When the final bell rang, the students were reminded that there was no school on Monday—the Labor Day. “Enjoy your extra day off,”said the teacher to her class.

An extra day of fun suited Kayla just fine. She loved breaks. She wanted to go out to play with her friends. When the school bus dropped Kayla off, she ran into the house happily.

“How was school, Kayla?” asked her mom.

“It was great, Mom. I am excited about no school on Monday. ”

“You just started back to school two weeks ago. Already in need of a break, huh?” asked Kayla’s mom with a laugh.

Kayla slept in the next morning. Saturday was her favorite day of the week. It rained most of the day so Kayla enjoyed playing video games inside. On Sunday, her friends came over and they played basketball for several hours.

Then it was Labor Day, you know, the extra day off that Kayla was so looking forward to. But Kayla was

awakened early that morning by her dad. He told Kayla that in honor of Labor Day, the family would be cleaning both inside and outside the house. Kayla couldn’t believe it. This was a holiday. A day when she was supposed to be enjoying freshly squeezed lemonade while playing in her tree house. As Kayla wiped her eyes, she began to wonder if this was just a bad dream.

“Kayla, your breakfast is ready. We have a lot of work to do today. Let’s get a move on, ”said Kayla’s mom. As she sat down at the kitchen table, Kayla asked her parents,

“Are you serious about working today? Isn’t Labor Day a holiday?”

“Yes, Kayla. It is, ”replied her dad. “But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you appreciate why Labor Day was observed in the first place. ”


At first, Kayla felt d isappointed at her parents’ plan for the holiday.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________

Paragraph 2:

But things began to change as she was doing the chores.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________



53. He got so seriously ill that he had no alternative but ________(follow) the doctors’ adv ice.

54. ________ has caused this severe accident is still a mystery.

55. ________(stick) in the traffic congestion for 2hours, Jack was late for work this morning.

56. We can’t enter the amusement park now as it is still under ________ (construct). It will be open in 2 days.

57. The price of diamond rings has risen sharply ________ the price of gold rings has gone down.

58. Don’t get ________ (frustrate) with your exam. Study harder, and you will make progress.

59. Take mobile phones ________ instance and you can see how our science and technology is advancing at an alarming speed.

60. Plants grow better ________ there is much sunshine and water.

61. Teenagers are not permitted ________ (smoke) as cigarettes will cause damage to their health.

62. I’m sorry that I can’t answer your phone call at 3:00 this afternoon because I ________ (teach) a class at that time.



63. Caring for the environment is becoming more and more important as earth’s natural resources ____________.

64. Many people ___________ mobile phones too much and when they forget to take the phone one day, they feel uneasy.

65. Sometimes you can download music online _____________ but sometimes you have to pay.

66.Don’t worry! You will recover _____________ as long as you take the medicines on time. 67. I suggested that you do physical exercise to _____________ your anger when you felt annoyed. 68. The Students’ Union suggested that we _____________ our used books to the students in the lower grades.

69. It is a good idea that we invite a student _____________ the Oxford University to give us a lecture on how to study well.

70. Our flight _____________ by the snow for a whole night before we could take off again.

71. We should show our respect for those who _____________ by doing some ordinary but great jobs.

72. The little girl, who _____________ in a small village, doesn’t like living in the city center where there is no fresh air.


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.

73. 这场经济危机将席卷整个欧洲似乎是在所难免的。(sweep)

74. 他父母所骄傲的是他用一种全新的方式演绎了整个角色。(pride)

75. 虽然政府已经对公共场合吸烟下了禁令,但一些吸烟者还是甘愿冒着被罚款的危险。(ban n. / risk n.)

76. 无论他跺脚,折断指挥棒,还是把乐谱撕得粉碎,指挥都无法从管弦乐队那得到要的效果。(tear)

77. 正是因为表演特技需要天赋和技巧,才使得一些特技不得不留给专业特技演员。(It 强调句, leave)


Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame on the alarm clock. In fact, the key to easy morning wake-up lies in resetting your body clock._____78_____Here’s how to make one.

● ____79____In order to make a change, you need to decide why it’s important. Do you want to get up in time to have breakfast with your family, get in some exercise, or just be better prepared for your day? Once you are clear about your reasons, tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make.

● Rethink mornings. Now that you know why you want to wake up, consider re-arranging your morning activities. If you want time to have breakfast with your family, save some time the night before by setting out clothes, shoes, and bags. ____80____ That’s a qu arter-hour more you could be sleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timer.

● Keep your sleep/ wake schedule on weekends. If you’re tired out by Friday night, sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful. But compensating (补偿) on the weekends actually feeds into your sleepiness the following week, a recent study found. ____81____

● Keep a record and evaluate it weekly. Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel. After you’ve tried a new method for a week, take a look at your record. ____82____ If not, take another look at other methods you could try.

A. Get a sleep specialist.

B. Find the night motivation.

C. A better plan for sleep can help.

D. And consider setting a second alarm.

E. If the steps you take are working, keep it up.

F. Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time, no matter the day.

G. Reconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the café to get coffee.


20XX年高中测试 高 中 试 题 试 卷 科目: 年级: 考点: 监考老师: 日期:

北大附中高一年级下学期数学期中考试 班级:______ 姓名:______ 成绩:_______ 一、选择题: 在下列各题的四个被选答案中,只有一个是正确的,请你将正确答案前的字母添在答题卡中。(每题3分,共36分) 1.求值=-?-+-?- )617()49sin()5sec()314(ππππctg tg ( ) (A) 66 332-- (B) 2632+- (C)26 32-- (D)66 332+- 2.把曲线y=sinx 向右平移4π个单位,再把各点横坐标缩短到原来的31,所得的图像的函数式是( ) (A ) )43sin(π-=x y (B ))433sin(π- =x y (C ) ) 43sin(π+ =x y (D ))433sin(π+ =x y

3.函数y=Asin (ωx+φ)在同一周期内, 当12π=x 时,有最大值23 , 当127π=x 时,有最小值-23 , 则函数的解析式为( )。 (A )) 32sin(32 π +=x y (B )) 3sin(32 π +=x y (C )) 32sin(23 π +=x y (D )) 3sin(23 π +=x y 4. 当ππ≤≤-x 时,使函数) 42cos(21 π -=x y 取得最大值的x 的集合是( ) (A )?? ????8π (B )?? ????-8,87ππ (C )?? ? ???-2,2ππ (D )以上答案都不正确 5. 已知3101 lg )180sin(=+?α,则)270(?-αtg 的值是( ) (A )22-和 22 (B ) 42- 和42 (C )22-


出题人:孔鑫辉 审核人:罗娟梅 曾巧志 满分:150分 2009-07-07 一、选择题(本题共10小题,每小题5分,共计50分) 1、经过圆:C 22(1)(2)4x y ++-=的圆心且斜率为1的直线方程为 ( ) A 、30x y -+= B 、30x y --= C 、10x y +-= D 、30x y ++= 2、半径为1cm ,中心角为150o 的弧长为( ) A 、cm 32 B 、cm 32π C 、cm 65 D 、cm 6 5π 3、已知△ABC 中,12tan 5A =- ,则cos A =( ) A 、1213 B 、 513 C 、513- D 、 1213 - 4、两个圆0222:221=-+++y x y x C 与0124:222=+--+y x y x C 的位置关系是( ) A 、外切 B 、内切 C 、相交 D 、外离 5、函数1)4(cos 22--=π x y 是 ( ) A 、最小正周期为π的奇函数 B 、最小正周期为π的偶函数 C 、最小正周期为2 π的奇函数 D 、最小正周期为2π的偶函数 6、已知向量()2,1a =,10a b ?=,||52a b +=,则||b =( ) A 、5 B 、10 C 、5 D 、 25 7、已知21tan = α,52)tan(=-αβ,那么)2tan(αβ-的值为( ) A 、43- B 、121- C 、 89- D 、 9 7 8、已知圆1C :2(1)x ++2(1)y -=1,圆2C 与圆1C 关于直线10x y --=对称,则圆2C 的方程为( ) A 、2(2)x ++2(2)y -=1 B 、2(2)x -+2 (2)y +=1 C 、2(2)x ++2(2)y +=1 D 、2(2)x -+2(2)y -=1 9、已知函数()3cos (0)f x x x ωωω=+>,()y f x =的图像与直线2y =的两个相邻交点的距离等于π,则()f x 的单调递增区 间是( )A 、5[,],1212 k k k Z ππππ-+∈ B 、511[,],1212k k k Z ππππ++∈C 、[,],36k k k Z ππππ-+∈ D 、2[,],63 k k k Z ππππ++∈10、设向量a ,b 满足:||3a =,||4b =,0a b ?=,以a ,b , a b -的模为边长构成三角形,则它的边与半径为1的圆的公共点个数最多为 ( )A 、3 B 、4 C 、5 D 、6 二、填空题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共计20分)


2020-2021学年北京市首师大附中高三(上)开学化学试卷 一、本部分共14题,每题3分,共42分。在每题列出的四个选项中,选出最符合题目要求的一项。 1. 下列物质的主要成分(括号中)不包括ⅣA 族元素的是( ) A .石英石[SiO ] B .猫眼石[Be Al Si O ] C .孔雀石[Cu (OH)CO ] D .红宝石[Al O ] 2. 下列化学用语不正确的是( ) A.苯的实验式:CH B.乙酸分子比例模型: C.氢氧化钠的电子式: D.乙炔的结构式:H ?C ≡C ?H 3. 化学与生活密切相关,下列说法不正确的是( ) A.灼烧的方法能区分蚕丝和棉纤维 B.酿酒过程中葡萄糖在酒化酶的作用下发生水解反应生成乙醇 C.CO 、甲醛、放射性元素氡(Rn)都是室内空气污染物 D.混凝法、中和法和沉淀法是常用的工业污水处理方法 4. 下列实验操作中,符合操作规范的是( ) A.向试管中滴加试剂时,将滴管下端紧靠试管内壁 B.用托盘天平称量药品时,右盘放药品,左盘放砝码 C.用pH 试纸检验溶液的酸碱性时,将试纸浸入溶液中 D.萃取操作中倒转分液漏斗用力振荡时,应关闭玻璃塞和活塞 5. 下列性质的比较,不能用元素周期律解释的是( ) A.热稳定性:Na 2CO 3>NaHCO 3 B.稳定性:HCl >HI C.碱性:KOH >NaOH D.酸性:HClO 4>H 2SO 4 6. 下列物质转化关系,在给定条件下都能实现的是( ) ①N 2→O 2 NO →H 2O O 2 HNO 3 ②Na →△ O 2Na 2O 2→CO 2 Na 2CO 3 ③Cu →CuCl 2(aq)→Cu ④Fe →Cl 2 FeCl 2→Fe(OH)2 A.①② B.①③ C.①②③ D.②③④ 7. 已知由一种阳离子与两种酸根阴离子组成的盐称为混盐。向混盐CaOCl 2中加入足量浓硫酸,发生反应:CaOCl 2+H 2SO 4(浓)=CaSO 4+Cl 2↑+H 2O .下列说法不正确的是( ) A.CaOCl 2中的两种酸根阴离子分别为Cl ?和ClO ? B.CaOCl 2和Cl 2中均含有非极性共价键 C.在上述反应中,浓硫酸不体现氧化性 D.每产生标准状况下2.24L?Cl 2,转移电子的数目约为6.02×1022 8. 完成下列实验,所用仪器或操作合理的是( ) 9. 下列解释实验事实的方程式书写不正确的是( )

最新-首师大附中2018学年高一期末物理试题 精品

首师大附中2002-2003学年高一上学期期末物理试题 一、选择题 1.下面各图中标出了磁场B的方向,所通电流I的方向和直导线所受磁场力F的方向,其中正确的是 2.照明电路使用正弦交流电,它的电压有效值是220 V,频率是50 Hz,则它的电压瞬时值表达式是 A.u=220 sin 50 πt(V) B. u=220 sin 100 πt(V) C. u=311sin 50 πt(V) D u=311 sin 100 πt(V). 3.真空中的电磁波传播速度是3×118 m/s,频率为6×118Hz的电磁波,在真空中的波长是 A.2 m B.5 m C.0.2 m D0.6 m 4.如图所示,MN为垂直于纸面向里的匀强磁场边界,有两个电量 相等速度相同的带电粒子从边界上的D点先后垂直于磁场方向射 入磁场中(重力不计),它们在磁场中的运动轨迹如图中实线所示, 根据粒子轨迹可知 A..轨迹a的粒子带负电,轨迹b粒子带正电 B.轨迹a的粒子带正电,轨迹b的粒子带负电 C.轨迹a的粒子质量较大 D..轨迹b的粒子质量较大 5.如图所示,是LC振荡电路在一个周期内的电流随时间变化的图象, 在0—T/4和T/2—3T/4这两段时间里 A.电路中电流逐渐减小 B.电容器的带电量逐渐减小 C.磁场能逐渐减小 D.电场能逐渐减小 6.矩形线圈abcd位于直线右侧,直导线内通有电流I,在下列几种情 中有感应电流产生的有 A.线圈沿纸面向左运动 B.线圈沿纸面向右运动 C.线圈沿纸面向下运动 D.以ab为轴向里转90° 7.关于磁通量下列说法正确的是 A.磁感应强度越大,穿过线圈的磁通量越大 B.线圈面积越大,穿过线圈的磁通量最大 C.穿过线圈磁通量为零,磁感应强度不一定为零 D.磁通量发生变化,一定是磁场变化引起的 8.如图所示,金属圆环固定不动,环中放一磁铁其中心与圆心重合,要使环 中产生如图所示的电流可采取的方法有 A.使磁铁绕O沿纸面顺时针转动


北大附中高一语文词语竞赛 班级姓名分数 一、字形 1 下列词语字形正确的一组是 (2分) ( ) A 不无俾益身居简出材疏学浅终南捷径 B 一鼓作气猥自枉屈负薪就火百废具兴 C 徇情妄法无耻谰言声名狼藉衣杉褴缕 D 浑然一体甘拜下风聚众而居必恭必敬 2 选字填空(3分) A 天从人愿,2001年金秋,我荣获了新华社《望》(了、嘹) “情系中华”国 际征文奖。 B 朱庆余《近试上张水部》诗“罢低声问夫婿,画眉深浅入时无?”与杜甫的诗句“千 金马鞍,百金刀头”风格是完全不同的。(装、妆) C 自崇宁蔡京执政,排元佑诸人,政和年间,黄山谷、秦少游、张文潜、晁补之、周邦彦诸 人相继下世,词坛荒芜,寥若星。(辰、晨) 3 词语填空(16分) A 下顾口残喘漓尽步星 B不可药作奸科大事染旗息鼓 C 毒生灵清腑肺丰功伟炙人口 D毋庸言油光可杀一百刚质朴 4下列词语中有的语素有其他的写法,请找出来并改写(24分) 按语班驳澹泊抹杀耿直辞藻 订婚跌宕飘渺纪念冷战蹒跚 必恭必敬勾心斗角疾恶如仇流言蜚语 分庭抗礼书声琅琅归根结底佶屈聱牙 水涨船高莫名其妙删繁就简前仆后继 5 下文是全国第一界校对比赛,上海选拔赛的试题节选,文中隐藏了15—20个错别字,请你 将之划出并一一改正(23分) 月光下,我常依偎在妈妈身边听故事,什么吕洞滨在螺丝壳里作道场啊,张天师用杆面杖吹 火啊,韦驮锻造银样蜡枪头啊……每当听到兴头上时,池塘那头会突然传来“吱——”的一 声,急促,凄厉,霎时间又变得暗哑,或者挣扎着延长。仅管我对此早有予感,心头还是按奈不 住一阵战粟。妈妈这时总是停下手中的蒲扇,嘴巴里咕哝一句:“青蛙又被蛇盘住了。”我的 情绪于是在也无法松驰下来,面对沧茫的夜空,涌起一阵莫名的委曲,真想嚎淘大哭。我想象 不出那温柔钝厚的小生物在蛇的盘绕下,该是怎样的残不忍睹. …… 毛泽东年轻的时候写过一首青蛙诗:“独坐池塘如虎居,绿杨树下养精神。春来我不先开口, 哪个虫儿敢做声。”托物抒怀,表达了一种远大的报复。这与那些拾人牙惠的诗比起来,真是 自出机纾,别开生面。 1 2 3 4 5 6


2014-2015学年高一第二学期期末数学试卷(二) 第Ⅰ卷(共40分) 一、 选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分,每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的,请将符合要求的答案填写在下面的表格内) 1.已知等差数列{a n }中,===n a a a 则,12,853 A .n 2 B . 12+n C .22-n D .22+n 2.空间不共面的4 个点最多可以确定的平面个数为 A . 0个 B .3个 C .4个 D .5个 3.一个口袋内装有大小相同的1 个白球和3个红球(已编有不同号码),从中摸出两个红球的概率是 A . 31 B .41 C .21 D .3 2 4.分别与两条异面直线同时相交的直线 A .一定是异面直线 B .不可能平行 C .不可能相交 D .相交、平行和异面都有可能 5.为了解某地区的职业中学学生身高情况,拟从该地区的职业中学学生中抽取部分学生进行调查,事先已了解到该地区职中一年级、职中二年级、职中三年级三个学段学生的身高情况差异比较大,在下面的抽样方法中,最合理的抽样方法为 A .简单随机抽样 B .分层抽样 C .系统抽样 D .无法确定 6. 两个事件互斥是这两个事件对立的 A .充分但不必要条件 B .必要但不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 7.如图,在正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,1O 为底面的中心,则1O A 与上底面1111D C B A 所成角的正切值是 A.1 B. 2 2 C.2 D.22 8. 有五位同学参加三项不同的比赛,每位同学只参加一项比赛,有 种不同的结果. A . 8 B . 15 C . 3 5 D . 5 3


首都师范大学附属中学2019-2020学年高一第一学期 期末考试数学试题 一、单选题 1.“6 π θ= ”是“1 sin 2 θ= ”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 【答案】A 【解析】根据6 π θ=和1 sin 2 θ= 之间能否推出的关系,得到答案. 【详解】 由6 π θ= 可得1sin 2 θ= , 由1 sin 2θ=,得到26k πθπ=+或526 k πθπ= +,k ∈Z ,不能得到6πθ=, 所以“6 π θ=”是“1 sin 2 θ= ”的充分不必要条件, 故选:A. 【点睛】 本题考查充分不必要条件的判断,属于简单题. 2.已知向量a v ,b v 在正方形网格中的位置如图所示,那么向量a v ,b v 的夹角为( ) A .45° B .60° C .90° D .135° 【答案】A 【解析】根据向量的坐标表示,求得,a b r r 的坐标,再利用向量的夹角公式,即可求解. 【详解】 由题意,可得()3,1a =r ,()1,2b =r ,

设向量a r ,b r 的夹角为θ ,则cos a b a b θ?===?r r r r 又因为0180θ?≤≤?,所以45θ=?. 故选:A . 【点睛】 本题主要考查了向量的坐标表示,以及向量夹角公式的应用,其中解答中熟记向量的坐标表示,利用向量的夹角公式,准确计算是解答的关键,着重考查了推理与运算能力,属于基础题. 3.设θ为第三象限角,3 sin 5 θ=-,则sin 2θ=( ) A .725 - B . 725 C .2425 - D . 2425 【答案】D 【解析】由同角关系求得cos θ,再由正弦的二倍角公式变形后求值. 【详解】 ∵设θ为第三象限角,3sin 5θ=-, ∴4cos 5 θ===-, ∴3424sin 22sin cos 2()()5525 θθθ==?-?-=. 故选:D . 【点睛】 本题考查同角间的三角函数关系,考查正弦的二倍角公式.在用同角间的三角函数关系求值时一定要确定角的范围,从而确定函数值的正负. 4.已知()f x 是定义在R 上的偶函数,且在(],0-∞上是增函数,设()4log 7a f =, 12log 3b f ?? = ??? ,()0.60.2c f -=,则,,a b c 的大小关系是 ( ) A .c a b << B .c b a << C .b c a << D .a b c << 【答案】B 【解析】因为()f x 是定义在R 上的偶函数,且在(] ,0-∞上是增函数,所以()f x 在[0,)+∞上 是减函数,又因为12log 3b f ??= ??? 0.60.6 24422=(log 3),log 7log 9log 3,0.252log 3f -==>, 所以c b a <<,选B.

2020届北京市首师大附中高三下学期高考模拟物理试题 (解析版)

2020 年首师大附中高考模拟试题(物理) 第一部分 本部分共14题,每题3分,共42分。在每题列出的四个选项中,选出最符合题目要求的一项。 1.下列说正确的是() A. 布朗运动的剧烈程度与温度无关 B. 布朗运动是液体分子的无规则运动 C. 分子间同时存在着引力和斥力 D. 分子间的引力总是随分子间距增大而增大 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】A.温度越高,分子热运动的平均动能越大,布朗运动越明显,故布朗运动的剧烈程度与温度有关,A错误; B.布朗运动是由液体分子的热运动引起的,但布朗运动不是液体分子的无规则运动,B错误; CD.分子间的引力和斥力总是同时存在,随着分子间间距增大而减小,随着分子间间距减小而增大,C正确,D错误。 故选C。 2.下列哪些现象或者效应能说明光具有粒子性() A. 偏振现象 B. 干涉现象 C. 康普顿效应 D. 衍射现象 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】A.光的偏振现象说明光是一种横波而不是纵波,A错误; B.光的干涉现象说明光具有波动性,B错误; C.康普顿效应证明了光不仅仅具有能量,光还具有动量,说明光具有粒子性,C正确; D.光的衍射现象说明光具有波动性,D错误。 故选C。 ,下列描述正确的是() 3.某单摆的简谐运动图像如图所示,取2πg

A. 摆长为1m B. 摆长为2m C. t =3s 时,小球的速度最大,加速度为零 D. t =4s 时,小球的速度最大,加速度为零 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】AB .由图像可知,单摆周期为4s ,由单摆周期公式2π l T g =得 22 4m 4π gT l == 故AB 错误; C .由图像可知,t =3s 时,位移最大,小球的速度为0,加速度最大,故C 错误; D .由图像可知,t =4s 时,小球处于平衡位置,则小球加速度为0,速度最大,故D 正确。 故选D 。 4.已知巴耳末系对应的光谱线是可见光,那么莱曼系对应的光谱线与前者相比有( ) A. 可能是紫外线 B. 可能是红外线 C. 光的波长会更长 D. 在真空中的传播速度会更大 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】AB .由图可知,莱曼系对应的光谱中光的频率比巴耳末系对应的光谱中光的频率大,则可能是紫外线,故A 正确,B 错误; C .由于莱曼系对应的光谱中光的频率比巴耳末系对应的光谱中光的频率大,根据c λν=可知对应的波长更小,故C 错误;

北京市首师大附中2019-2020学年高一上学期期末数学试卷 (有解析)

北京市首师大附中2019-2020学年高一上学期期末数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共50.0分) 1. “sin x =1 2”是“x =π 6”的( )条件 A. 充分不必要 B. 必要不充分 C. 充要 D. 既不充分也不必要 2. 已知√2|a ? |=|b ? |≠0,且a ? ⊥(a ? ?b ? ),则向量a ? 与b ? 的夹角大小为( ) A. π 2 B. π 3 C. π 4 D. π 6 3. 已知sinθ=4 5,sin θcos θ<0,则sin 2θ= ( ) A. ?24 25 B. ?12 25 C. ?4 5 D. 24 25 4. 下列既是偶函数,又在区间[?3,?1]上单调递增的是( ) A. f(x)={√ x,x ≥0, √?x,x <0 B. f(x)=ln |x| C. f(x)=?x 4 D. f(x)=?1 x 5. 已知偶函数f(x)在(?∞,0]上是增函数.若a =f(log 215),b =f(log 1 2 3),c =f(2?0.8),则a ,b ,c 的大小关系为( ) A. a 0,|?|<π 2)的最小正周期为π,且f(?x)=f(x),则( ) A. f(x)在(0,π 2)单调递减 B. f(x)在(π4,3π 4)单调递减 C. f(x)在(0,π 2)单调递增 D. f(x)在(π4,3π 4)单调递增 9. 函数y = sinx 1?x 的部分图像大致为( )


江苏高一数学下学期期末考试试题苏教版 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

高一下学期期末考试数学试题 一、填空题:(本题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分,请把答案填写在答卷相应位 置上) 1.某运动员在某赛季的得分如右边的茎叶图,该运动员得分的方差为 ▲ . 2.连续抛掷一颗骰子两次,则2次掷得的点数之和为6的概率是 ▲ . 3.两根相距6米的木杆上系一根绳子,并在绳子上挂一盏灯,则灯与两端距离都大于 2米的概率是 ▲ . 4.根据如图所示的伪代码,输出的结果S 为 ▲ . 5.若a>1则y=1 1-+a a 的最小值为 ▲ . 6.在△ABC 中,若a=2bcosC ,则△ABC 的形状为 ▲ . 7.我校高中生共有2700人,其中高一年级900人,高二年级1200人,高三年级600 人,现采取分层抽样法抽取容量为135的样本,那么高一、高二、高三各年级抽取的 人数分别为 ▲ . 8.不等式02<+-b ax x 的解集为{}32|<--ax bx 的解集为 ▲ . 9.设x>0,y>0,x+y=4,则y x u 11+=的最小值为 ▲ . 10.在△ABC 中,∠A=600,b=1,这个三角形的面积为3,则△ABC 外接圆的直径是 ▲ . 11.等差数列{}n b 中,53=b ,95=b ,数列{}n a 中,11=a ,n n n b a a =--1()2≥n ,则 数列{}n a 的通项公式为=n a ▲ . 1 8 9 2 0 1 2

D C B A 12.若实数a,b 满足()1014>=+--a b a ab ,则()()21++b a 的最小值为 ▲ . 13.在等差数列{}n a 中,若42≥S ,93≤S ,则4a 的最大值为 ▲ . 14.已知数列{}n a 满足n a a a a n n n n =+--+++1 111(n 为正整数),且62=a ,则数列{}n a 的通项公式为n a = ▲ . 二、解答题(本题共6个小题,每题15分,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 16. (1)从集合{0,1,2,3}中任取一个数x ,从集合{0,1,2}中任取一个数y ,求x>y 的概率。 (2)从区间[0,3]中任取一个数x,,从区间[0,2]中任取一个数y ,求x>y 的概率。 17.在△ABC 中,∠A, ∠B, ∠C 所对的边分别为a,b,c ,且222c b bc a +=+(1)求∠A 的大小;(2)若b=2,a=3,求边c 的大小;(3)若a=3,求△ABC 面积的最大值。 18.已知函数()()1 31--+=x x a x (1)当a=1时,解关于x 的不等式()1x 恒成立,求a 的取值范围 19.如图,要设计一张矩形广告,该广告含有大小相等的左右两个矩形栏目(即图中阴影部分),这两栏的面积之和为18000cm 2,四周空白的宽度为10cm ,两栏之间的中缝空白的宽度为5cm. (1)怎样确定广告的高与宽的尺寸


2020年北京市首师大附中2020级高一新生入学分班考试试题注意事项: 1.请在试卷和答题卡上写清学校、姓名、考号等个人信息 2.请将答案全部作答在答题卡上,考试结束后,将答题卡与试卷、草稿纸全部收回 3.在答题卡中选择题用2B铅笔作答,画图题用2B铅笔作答,其余非选择题全用 0.5mm黑色碳素笔作答,否则答题无效 一、阅读理解(共15小题,每题2分,共30分) A Here are some Chinatowns for those outside of China wishing to celebrate the Chinese New Year. London Although it may not be as large or as long-built as others,having only become a center for the Chinese community during the1950s,London’s Chinatown is perfectly formed little firework(烟花) that knows how to see in the year with a bang.Decorated(装饰)with red lanterns,previous years have seen shows with acrobatics,martial arts,dance and opera nearby. San Francisco San Francisco’s Chinatown is perhaps the most famous in the USA.The city was the main entry-point for Chinese who had crossed the Pacific to the USA during the early19th century. Between the Grant Avenue and the Stockton Street,this historic area is a local treasure,attracting more visitors per year than the Golden Gate Bridge. Bangkok With an about100-year-old history,the Thai capital’s Chinatown contains complex streets offering all kinds of tasty food,clothes,and toys.Sunday market days are such a good time to get the full atmosphere of the neighborhood.The area is also famous for its gold dealers,and there are lots of gold shops along the road. Mauritius Found in Port Louis,this Mauritian Chinatown shows the island nation’s rich multicultural diversity.Built in the early years of the20th century by settlers from China,its tiny shops and


高一数学下学期期末考试 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 参考公式: 三角函数积化和差公式 三角函数和差化积公式 sin αcos ρ=2 1 [sin(α+ρ)+sin(α﹣ρ)] sin α+sin ρ=2sin 2+ραcos 2ρα cos αsin ρ= 2 1 [sin(α+ρ)﹣sin(α﹣ρ)] sin α﹣sin ρ=2cos 2+ραsin 2ρα cos αcos ρ=2 1 [cos(α+ρ)+cos(α﹣ρ)] cos α﹣cos ρ=2cos 2+ραcos 2ρα sin αsin ρ=- 2 1 [cos(α+ρ)-sin(α﹣ρ)] cos α﹣cos ρ=--2sin 2+ραsin 2ρα y=Asin ωx+Bcos ωx=22+B A sin(ωx+θ),其中cos θ= 2 2 +B A A ,sin θ= 2 2 +B A B θ ∈[)π2,0 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每题5分,共60分) 1. 用sin 34π,cos 65π,tan 4π,cot 43π,2sin 3π·cos 3 π 作为集合A 中的元素,则集合A 中元素的个数为 A 、2个 B 、3个 C 、4个 D 、5个 2.已知点(3,4)在角α的终边上,则sin α+cos α+tan α的值为 A 、 37 B 、73 C 、2043 D 、15 41 3.已知|a|=8, |b|=6, 向量a 、b 所夹角为120°,则|a ﹣b|为 A 、237 B 、37 C 、213 D 、13 4.已知集合M={a|a=2k π k ∈z} P={a|a=(2k+1)π k ∈z)} Q={a|a=(4k+1)π k ∈z} a ∈M, b ∈P 则a+b ∈( ) A 、M B 、P C 、Q D 、不确定 5.若非零向量a 、b ,a 不平行b,且|a|=|b|,那么向量a+b 与a ﹣b 的关系是 A 、相等 B 、相交且不垂直 C 、垂直 D 、不确定 6.下列命题中正确的是 ①|a·b|=|a||b| ②(ab)2=a 2·b 2 ③a ⊥(b -c)则ab -ac=0 ④a·b=0,则|a+b|=|a -b| A 、①② B 、③④ C 、①③ D 、②④ 7.在△ABC 中,∠B 为一内角,sinB -cosB>0, cotB


2019-2020学年北京市首都师范大学附属中学高一第一学 期期末考试数学试题及答案 一、单选题 1.“6 π θ= ”是“1 sin 2 θ=”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 【答案】A 【解析】根据6 π θ=和1 sin 2 θ= 之间能否推出的关系,得到答案. 【详解】 由6 π θ= 可得1 sin 2 θ= , 由1 sin 2θ=,得到26k π θπ=+或526 k π θπ= +,k ∈Z ,不能得到6 π θ= , 所以“6 π θ= ”是“1 sin 2 θ= ”的充分不必要条件, 故选:A. 【点睛】 本题考查充分不必要条件的判断,属于简单题. 2.已知向量a ,b 在正方形网格中的位置如图所示,那么向量a ,b 的夹角为( )

A .45° B .60° C .90° D .135° 【答案】A 【解析】根据向量的坐标表示,求得,a b 的坐标,再利用向量的夹角公式,即可求解. 【详解】 由题意,可得()3,1a =,()1,2b =, 设向量a ,b 的夹角为θ,则2 cos 29114 a b a b θ?== =+?+?, 又因为0180θ?≤≤?,所以45θ=?. 故选:A . 【点睛】 本题主要考查了向量的坐标表示,以及向量夹角公式的应用,其中解答中熟记向量的坐标表示,利用向量的夹角公式,准确计算是解答的关键,着重考查了推理与运算能力,属于基础题. 3.设θ为第三象限角,3 sin 5 θ=-,则sin 2θ=( ) A .7 25 - B .7 25 C .24 25- D .2425 【答案】D 【解析】由同角关系求得cos θ,再由正弦的二倍角公式变形后求值. 【详解】


北京市海淀区北京大学附属中学2019-2020学年高一语文下学期期中 试题(含解析) 中国古代散文欣赏 注意事项 1.时间:2020年5月6日9:00—10:30 满分:50分; 2.将答案写在答题纸对应的题号内。 3.因是纯线上开卷考试,答案不得从网络上直接摘录或照搬,否则不得分。 一、课外文言文阅读 先生自少即勤问学,不事游乐,及成化戊子①谒疾②归家,益.潜心正学,杜门不出者十年。至戊戌③岁,始造.表弟马指挥文敬园中看花,有诗云:“斋居四十二年身,未见东风桃李春,今日名园一杯酒,不妨聊.作赏花人。”盖实事也。 先生教子孙严而有道,教门生亦然。子孙男女但.解言语,即教以揖拜、问安之礼;知出入,即教以出告反.面之礼。虽习举业,必教以得失有命,毋为夺志。读书暇日,则教以学算数,讲六书,习射法。郊行见枯骨,辄令子弟埋之。 乡闾育女多不举.,先生立法以戒家人曰:“吾家子妇敢有効尤者,必出之。盖忍于杀子,何所不至乎?” 门生侍侧先生问之曰孟子曰圣人与我同类者汝辈亦曾如此省察思虑否孟子此章吃力说许多话其意安在汝辈读之曾得其意否读书不切己诵说何益 ——节选自《医闾先生集》【注】①成化戊子:明宪宗成化四年,1468年。②谒疾:请病假,这里指因病辞官。 ③戊戌:明宪宗成化十四年,1478年。 1. 用“/”给上文最后一段断句。 门生侍侧先生问之曰孟子曰圣人与我同类者汝辈亦曾如此省察思虑否孟子此章吃力说许多话其意安在汝辈读之曾得其意否读书不切己诵说何益 2. 解释句中加点的词。 ①益:②造: ③聊:④但: ⑤反:⑥举: 3. 翻译划线句子。

读书暇日,则教以学算数,讲六书,习射法。郊行见枯骨,辄令子弟埋之。 4. 综合以上选段,概括这位先生的特点。 【答案】1. 门生侍侧/先生问之曰/孟子曰/圣人与我同类者/汝辈亦曾如此省察思虑否/孟子此章吃力说许多话/其意安在/汝辈读之/曾得其意否/读书不切己/诵说何益 2. ①益:更加②造:到,往③聊:姑且④但:只,只要⑤反:通“返”,返回⑥举:养育 3. 读书的 闲暇时日,就教导他们学习算数,讲解六书,学习射法。去郊外出行见到枯骨,就让子侄们掩埋。 4. 勤于学问,教育严而有道,有恻隐之心,治家严格,治学注重反省。 【解析】 【1题详解】 本题考查学生文言文断句能力。解答此类题,考生不仅需要具备一定的文言阅读的语感和断句技巧,而且还应具备一定的文化素养。文言断句有很多的标志,比如:四字短语、排偶句式、顶真修辞等等。还可以利用名词代词在句中担当的成分来断。 这段话的意思是:门生在旁边侍奉,先生问他们说:“孟子说:‘圣人与我是同类的。’你们这些人也曾经这样省察思虑过吗?《孟子》这一章里辛苦说了这么多话,他的用意在哪儿呢?你们读这些,曾经得到他的用意吗?读书不密切联系自身,传述解说有什么益处呢?” “先生”是名词,是“先生问之曰”中的主语,应置于开头,故其前应断开。两个“曰”后面都是引语,后面应该断开。“汝辈”是“汝辈亦曾如此省察思虑否”中的主语,其前应断开。“孟子”为后句的主语,其前应断开。“话”为宾语,“其意”为后句主语,二者中间应断开。“汝辈”为主语,其前应断开。“之”为宾语,其后应断开。“读书”为主语,其前应断开。“己”为宾语,其后应断开。 【2题详解】 本题考查理解常见文言实词、虚词在文中的含义和用法的能力。解答此类题目时,首先应审题,别出现因为审题不清导致正误错位,留下遗憾。最好的方法是凭借知识迁移能力来做。 本题,益潜心正学,句意为:更加专心于正学。益:更加。 始造表弟马指挥文敬园中看花,句意为:才到做指挥使的表弟马文敬的园中看花。造:到,往。 不妨聊作赏花人,句意为:不妨姑且做一个赏花人。聊:姑且。 子孙男女但解言语,句意为:子孙们无论男女只要听懂话语。但:只,只要。 即教以出告反面之礼,句意为:就教导他们出去时禀告回来时面见家中长者的礼节。反:通


【必考题】高一数学下期末试题附答案 一、选择题 1.在发生某公共卫生事件期间,有专业机构认为该事件在一段时间没有发生在规模群体感染的标志为“连续10天,每天新增疑似病例不超过7人”.根据过去10天甲、乙、丙、丁四地新增疑似病例数据,一定符合该标志的是 A .甲地:总体均值为3,中位数为4 B .乙地:总体均值为1,总体方差大于0 C .丙地:中位数为2,众数为3 D .丁地:总体均值为2,总体方差为3 2.已知ABC 为等边三角形,2AB =,设P ,Q 满足AP AB λ=, ()()1AQ AC λλ=-∈R ,若3 2 BQ CP ?=-,则λ=( ) A . 12 B . 12 ± C . 110 ± D . 322 ± 3.在ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边为a ,b ,c ,且B 为锐角,若 sin 5sin 2A c B b =,7sin B = ,57ABC S =△,则b =( ) A .23 B .27 C .15 D .14 4.如图,圆O 的半径为1,A 是圆上的定点,P 是圆上的动点,角x 的始边为射线OA ,终边为射线OP ,过点P 作直线OA 的垂线,垂足为M ,将点M 到直线OP 的距离表示成x 的函数()f x ,则()y f x =在[0,]π上的图象大致为( ) A .

B . C . D . 5.已知曲线C 1:y =cos x ,C 2:y =sin (2x + 2π 3 ),则下面结论正确的是( ) A .把C 1上各点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍,纵坐标不变,再把得到的曲线向右平移π6 个单位长度,得到曲线C 2 B .把 C 1上各点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍,纵坐标不变,再把得到的曲线向左平移π12 个单位长度,得到曲线C 2 C .把C 1上各点的横坐标缩短到原来的1 2倍,纵坐标不变,再把得到的曲线向右平移π6 个单位长度,得到曲线C 2 D .把C 1上各点的横坐标缩短到原来的1 2 倍,纵坐标不变,再把得到的曲线向左平移π12个 单位长度,得到曲线C 2 6.已知函数()y f x =为R 上的偶函数,当0x ≥时,函数()()2 10216()122x x x f x x ?≤≤?? =???? > ???? ?,若关于x 的方程[]()2 ()()0,f x af x b a b R ++=∈有且仅有6个不同的实数根,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A .51,24?? -- ?? ? B .11,24?? - - ?? ? C .1111,,2448?? ?? - --- ? ??? ?? D .11,28?? - - ???


七年级上册北京市首都师范大学附属中学数学期末试卷测试卷附答 案 一、初一数学上学期期末试卷解答题压轴题精选(难) 1.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,已知点A(0,4),B(3,0),线段AB平移后对应的线段为CD,点C在x轴的负半轴上,B、C两点之间的距离为8. (1)求点D的坐标; (2)如图(1),求△ACD的面积; (3)如图(2),∠OAB与∠OCD的角平分线相交于点M,探求∠AMC的度数并证明你的结论. 【答案】(1)解:∵B(3,0), ∴OB=3, ∵BC=8, ∴OC=5, ∴C(﹣5,0), ∵AB∥CD,AB=CD, ∴D(﹣2,﹣4) (2)解:如图(1),连接OD, ∴S△ACD=S△ACO+S△DCO﹣S△AOD=﹣=16

(3)解:∠M=45°,理由是: 如图(2),连接AC, ∵AB∥CD, ∴∠DCB=∠ABO, ∵∠AOB=90°, ∴∠OAB+∠ABO=90°, ∴∠OAB+∠DCB=90°, ∵∠OAB与∠OCD的角平分线相交于点M, ∴∠MCB=,∠OAM=, ∴∠MCB+∠OAM==45°, △ACO中,∠AOC=∠ACO+∠OAC=90°, △ACM中,∠M+∠ACM+∠CAM=180°, ∴∠M+∠MCB+∠ACO+∠OAC+∠OAM=180°, ∴∠M=180°﹣90°﹣45°=45°. 【解析】【分析】(1)利用B的坐标,可得OB=3,从而求出OC=5,利用平移的性质了求出点D的坐标. (2)如图(1),连接OD,由S△ACD=S△ACO+S△DCO+S△AOD,利用三角形的面积公式计算即得. (3)连接AC,利用平行线的性质及直角三角形两锐角互余可得∠OAB+∠DCB=90°, 利用角平分线的定义可得∠MCB+∠OAM==45°,根据三角形的内角和等于180°,即可求出∠M的度数. 2.如图,在数轴上有三个点A、B、C,完成下列问题: (1)将点B向右移动六个单位长度到点D,在数轴上表示出点D. (2)在数轴上找到点E,使点E为BA的中点(E到A、C两点的距离相等),井在数轴上


2020届高三第二学期生物大练习(二) 3月28日 1.下列组成细胞的化合物中,与酵母菌的遗传物质的元素组成相同的是: A.磷脂 B. 糖原 C. 胰蛋白酶 D.丙酮酸 2.用差速离心法分离出某动物细胞的三种细胞器,经测定其中三种有机物的含量, 如图所示。以下对细胞器的结构和功能,说法不正确的是 A.乳酸菌细胞也含有细胞器甲 B.附着在内质网上的细胞器甲属于生物膜系统 C.细胞器乙含有脂质,所以不是中心体 D.细胞器丙是线粒体,在其内膜上可生成H2O 3.为研究光合作用中ATP合成的动力,20世纪60年代,Andre Jagendorf等科学家设计了如下实验:首先人为创设 类囊体内外pH梯度,之后置于黑暗条件下,发现随着类囊 体内外pH梯度的消失有ATP形成。下列相关说法合理的是 A.离体类囊体取自绿色植物根尖分生区细胞 B.在绿色植物中该过程也是在黑暗中完成的 C.ATP的合成需要伴随H+运输进入类囊体腔 D.推测ATP合成的动力来自H+浓度梯度势能 4.下图是水稻花粉母细胞进行分裂不同时期的显微照片,据此判断下列说法错误的是: A.图A到D是减数分裂I,图E和F为减数分裂 II B.有丝分裂会发生图B和图D所示的基因重组 C.有丝分裂会发生图E到F过程中染色体数目的加倍D.水稻花粉母细胞通过如图分裂方式形成配子 5.为研究R型肺炎双球菌转化为S型肺炎双球菌的转化因子是DNA还是蛋白质,艾弗里研究小组进行了肺炎双球菌体外转化实验,其基本过程如图所示。下列叙述正确的是 A.甲组培养皿中只有S型菌落,推测加 热不会破坏转化因子的活性 B.乙组培养皿中有R型及S型菌落,推 测转化因子是蛋白质 C.丙组培养皿中只有R型菌落,推测转 化因子是DNA D.该实验能证明肺炎双球菌的主要遗传物质是DNA 6.右图所示DNA分子片段中一条链含15N,另一条链含14N。下列说法错误的是 A.DNA连接酶和DNA聚合酶都催化形成①处的化学键 B.解旋酶作用于③处,而②是胸腺嘧啶脱氧核糖核苷酸 C.若该DNA分子中一条链上G+C=56%,则无法确定整个DNA中T的含量 D.把此DNA放在含15N的培养液中复制两代,子代中含15N的DNA占100% 7若马的毛色受常染色体上一对等位基因控制,棕色马与白色马交配,F1均为淡棕色马,F1随机交配,F2中棕色马:淡棕色马:白色马=1:2:1。下列叙述正确的是 A.马的毛色性状中,棕色对白色为完全显性 B.F2中出现棕色、淡棕色和白色是基因重组的结果 C.F2中相同毛色的雌雄马交配,其子代中雌性棕色马所占的比例为3/8 D.F2中淡棕色马与棕色马交配,其子代基因型的比例与表现型的比例相同 8.某海岛上,因为经常有大风天气,昆虫中无翅的或翅特别发达的个体比翅普通(中间型)的更易生存,长此以往形成了现在的无翅或翅特别发达的昆虫类型。下列分析错误的是 A.昆虫翅的变异是多方向且可遗传的 B.昆虫翅的全部基因构成了该种群的基因库 C.大风在昆虫翅的进化过程中起选择作用 D.自然选择使有利变异得到保留并逐渐积累 9.下图是人体神经元细胞模式图,有关分析正确的是 A.④中的物质释放到⑤的方式是自由扩散 B.神经递质和其受体的化学本质都是蛋白质 C.若刺激A点,图B电表指针会发生两次反向的偏转 D.若抑制该细胞的呼吸作用,将不影响神经冲动的传导
