

要善于恭维他人,重要的一步就是要懂得为什么恭维会有助于你建立更好的人际关系。 An important step in becoming an effective flatterer is to understand why flattery helps you establish better relationships with others.


The root cause of the power of flattery gets at a basic principle of human behavior: People crave being appreciated.,


he vast majority of people are of the similar idea despite different cultures.


In Asian cultures the desire for group recognition is generally stronger than the desire for individual recognition.


Nevertheless, the need for recognition is present.


Many people hold that the joy of work itself is more important than external recognition, including flattery. The joy of work may be a powerful motivator, but even those who get the biggest joy from their work--- such as scientists, artists, and photographers --- crave flattery and recognition. Otherwise they wouldn’t compete for Nobel Prizes or enter their work in important exhibitions.


Another reason flattery is so effective relates to the normal need to be recognized. Although some articles and books have been written and preached zealously about flattery, most people receive less recognition than they deserve. Many people hardly ever receive compliments either on the job or at home, thus intensifying their demand for flattery.

鲜花是最常送的礼物之一,有一种传统的用鲜花表达的语言。精心挑选的一束花卉可以传达多种不同的情感与祝福。红玫瑰象征着爱情也象征着新事业充满希望的开端;紫罗兰是祈求受话人不要忘却送花人。兰花以及其他精美的花卉则表示受花人认为你情调高雅, 受人尊重、出类拔萃。

Flowers are among the most frequently given gifts. There’s a traditional floral language, and a carefully selected bouquet or plant can convey a wide range of emotions and sentiments. Red roses symbolize love as well as the hopeful beginning of a new enterprise; violets beseech the recipient not to forget the donor; orchids and other exquisite blooms indicate that the recipient regards you as exotic, precious and rare.

送一束鲜花能唤醒温馨的回忆,比那些仅仅显示炫耀和奢华的礼物更为珍贵。一位顾客请花商把一束特殊的黄中透红的玫瑰送到医院 --------她母亲患重病正躺在那里。这位顾客说, “它们一直是我母亲最喜欢的鲜花,许多年前她在自己的婚礼上捧过这种花。”花商寻找了一个星期才找到她想要的花。这位顾客的母亲看到鲜花后十分欣喜。

A floral gift that evokes warm recollections will be prized more than one that is simply showy and extravagant. A customer asked a florist to deliver a bouquet of a certain variety of rose — yellow tinged with red—to a hospital where her mother lay seriously ill. “They’ve been my mother’s favorite flowers since she carried them at her

wedding many years ago,” she said. The florist found the flowers she wanted after a week of searching. The customer’s mother was d elighted at the sight of the flowers.

此外,送鲜花还能增进夫妻间的情感。一位医生在他 57岁的生日那天,收到了一份更意味深长的鲜花礼物。当他下班回家时,惊喜的看到他们家门前的草坪被改变成了玫瑰园, 种有 57丛玫瑰。他说:“这是妻子送给我的一份令人惊喜的、是我焕然一新的礼物 ------它提醒我永远别忘了她。”

In addition, a floral gift can also strengthen the emotional ties between husband and wife. A doctor, on his 57th birthday, received an ambitious floral gift. When he returned home from work, much to his joyful surprise, he found his front lawn turned into a rose garden containing 57 bushes. “It was a wonde rful, self-renewing gift from my wife —a constant reminder of her.” he said.


Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undue absorption in the past. It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead. One’s thoughts mu st be directed to the future, and to things about which there is something to be done. This is not always easy; one’s own past is a gradually increasing weight. It is easy to think to oneself that one’s emotions used to be more vivid than they are, and one’s mind more keen. If this is true it should be forgotten, and if it is forgotten it will probably not be true.


年幼时那样, 你可能会成为他们的负担,除非他们对此无动于衷。这并不是说你不应该关心他们,但你对他们的关爱应该是思想上的,如果可能的话,给他们一点仁爱,但不要过分感情用事。动物在幼崽一有能力照料自己时就不再关心它们了,但是人类由于婴儿期较长的缘故,就很难做到这一点。

The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigor from its vitality. When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives, and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you are likely to become a burden to them, unless they are unusually callous. This does not mean that one should be without interest in them, but one’s interest sh ould be contemplative and, if possible, philanthropic, but not unduly emotional. Animals become indifferent to their young as soon as their young can look after themselves, but human beings, owing to the length of infancy, find this difficult.

在中国, 很多父母都会为孩子能够进入好学校而不遗余力地奔波, 甚至花上大笔“择校费” 为孩子进入重点学校铺路。英国虽然国立中小学没有重点与非重点之分,但各校教育质量差异很大,英国父母为了让子女进入教育质量好的学校,也在绞尽脑汁想办法,其操心劳力,焦虑的程度绝不亚于中国的父母。

In China, a large number of parents spare no efforts to work for selecting a better school for their children, and even spend a large sum of money as long as their children can go to the key schools. The same case also occurs in Britain. Although there is no distinction between key public schools and non-key public schools, yet the quality of education in each school is of great difference. Therefore, the parents also leave no stones unturned in order to find a better school for their children. The degree of their anxieties is no less than that of Chinese parents.

入校申请表是家长向学校提交的重要材料。在填写入校申请表时,某些家长为了让孩子能够在好学校就读,没有如实交代家庭住址。英国每年都有数百起、甚至数千起这样的入学申请舞弊事件,且家长的手段越来越“高明” 。一些人用亲戚的地


The first step to get in a school is to fill in the application forms. Since these application forms are considered as very important materials to get access to a better school, some parents cheat by writing down wrong home addresses. Hence, every year in Britain finds hundreds of or thousands of such cheating events and the ways of cheating are increasingly “ wiser ” . For example, some fill in the relatives’ address or the office’s address instead, others write down the correct home address but with a wrong post code, because they know the school will calculate the distance between the school and home according to the post code. Moreover, some parents even go to Tax Bureau to pay tax for a place where they don’t stay at all, so that they could get the tax payment receipt and present it to the school as a proof of valid home address.


合肥工业大学 ——英语语言文学

写经验贴——是对前赴后继的学弟学妹们的指引;也是对自己当初承诺和雄心的兑现。我以时间顺序写这个帖子,便于读者在某个阶段感到迷茫的话翻回来看更容易定位。当然了前提是,厚颜无耻的假设自己的帖子能帮到大家。 (一)确立目标 这部分先从自我介绍开始。我,普通一本,二战,本科英语专业。说自己二战有些惭愧,因为第一年根本没用功,后来找工作去了。本科英语的水平中规中矩,专八80,平时期末考试这些在学院排名是中游偏后的。我揭自己的短是为了帮助你鼓起勇气考你想考的学校,当初我就是看了一位学姐的帖子下定决心考研的,因为考研太需要毅力,所以"我要考研"这句话一定真心的从自己嘴里说出来,这也许是你征途中最坚定的动力。确定目标这个阶段是一次性的,决定了就是决定了,摇摇摆摆只会带来跌跌撞撞。 (二)初试四科(政治,二外法语,基英,综英) 政治: 政治幸运的考了77分。我觉得捷径没有,但是要领还真有点。政治是全国统一的必考科目,所以辅导书的数量最多、质量也最高。肖也好蒋也好,基础知识部分的讲解或者练习题,个人觉得买李凡政治新时器的就足够了;强化的部分、包括后来的形式政策还有押题卷,可以买全一点,尤其是最后的肖4蒋5。 这么说的理由有二:一,我高中学文,回忆当初的文综背下来就是王道,而考研政治理解透了才是王道。由于北外按专业总分排名的特殊方式,政治本身就是边缘科目,分配给政治的时间有限,就需要提高复习效率。通过把知识点理解到位去背政治是我的路子。可能有的朋友觉得很开心我说理解就行,可我没说不用背。背是逃不掉的,只不过光背对于考研政治不够用。二,基础知识部分是死的,强化部分和形策部分是活的,所以对基础知识的掌握过程可以“听信一家之言”,但是拔高的过程却是“博采众长”更好。 关于背什么?横向来说,有一部分知识点理解下来以后就不需要逐字逐句的记忆了,这会大大提高效率。而生涩难懂的知识点,就只有死背下来,这样从功利的角度讲效率也高。纵向来说,选择题是知识点再认,大题是知识点再现。所以大题的高频考点是必背的,不然达不到再现的要求,而且背下来的东西,哪怕不理解,也可以应付选择题的要求。综上,选择题爱考的部分,通过理解而记忆;


0501 戒严与其说是个人的选择, 不如说是对自己毅力的考验, 因为人们普遍认为吸烟是上瘾的. 尽管专家的建议和药物疗法确实能增加永久戒严的可能性, 但是避免这种困境的最好的方法就是不要涉猎吸烟. 吸烟的负面影响在各个程度上是不同的, 它与吸烟的数量以及烟龄的长短, 还有开始吸烟的年龄有关. 这份报告向以下观点提出了质疑, 这种观点认为吸烟几年不会产生永久的危害性的后果. 我们希望阻止这种普遍的但是却是生死攸关的习惯, 并且提醒大家戒烟的时间越长, 和吸烟有关的健康问题就会大幅度地减少. It is increasingly realized that ( There is a growing realization /awareness that ) developing environment-protecting products really count. To fulfill the long-term and substantial development, developed countries should at all costs decrease the emission of greenhouse gases. If the speed of global warming nowadays continues, the probability of disappearance from the earth to such big cities as Tokyo and London will be 10 times as fast as that of 20 years ago. 0506 本书是在全国不同学校讲课几十年的结晶.它基于以下观


1“弗兰肯食品”能养活世界吗? 1、如果你想在某次晚宴上挑起一场激烈的争论,那就提出转基因食品的话题吧。对许多人来说,高科技的转基因作物生产的概念会带来诸如环境、健康、安全和伦理等方面的各种问题。特别是在有悠久的农业生产传统和主张环保的游说集团的国家里,转基因食品的主意似乎有悖自然。 2、事实上,转基因食品已经成为我们生活重要的一部分。根据农业部的统计,美国去年所种植玉米的1/3,大豆和棉花的一半以上都是生物技术的产物。今年,美国将种植6500多万英亩的转基因作物。基因妖怪已经从瓶子里跑出来了。 3、但是,显然还有一些非常现实的问题需要解决。就像任何一种要进入食物链的新食品一样,转基因食品必须经过严格的检验。在富裕的国家里,由于有大量丰富的食品可供选择,而且供应远远超过需求,所以关于生物技术的争论相对缓和一些。在迫切想要养活其迅速增长而又吃不饱的人口的发展中国家,问题比较简单,也更加紧迫:生物技术的好处是否大于风险呢? 4、关于人口增长和饥饿的统计数字读来令人感到不安。去年,世界人口达到了60 亿。联合国预测,到2D0年,这个数字很可能将接近90亿,而增加的人口几乎都来自发展中国家。与此同时,世界人均耕地正在减少。国际农业生物工程应用技术采购管理局(ISAAA)称,自1960年以来,耕地面积一直持续下降,并将在今后50年减少一半。 5、联合国估计,世界上有近8 亿人口营养不良。它产生的效应是破坏性的。大约有4亿的育龄妇女体内缺铁,也就是说,她们的婴儿将可能有各种天生的缺陷。数量多达1亿的儿童缺乏维生素A,这是导致失明的主要原因。还有数千万的人患有因食物匮乏而导致的其他严重疾病和营养不良症。 6、生物技术对此能做些什么呢?生物技术专家已经培育出了含有β—胡萝卜素(身体可将之转化为维生素A)和更多铁元素的转基因水稻,目前正在研究培育其他一些增进营养成分的农作物。生物技术还可以帮助提高因虫害、干旱、土壤贫瘠和作物病毒、细菌或真菌导致作物减产而出现食物匮乏的地区的农业生产率。 7、虫害带来的损失令人难以置信。例如,欧洲玉米螟每年毁掉4000 万吨玉米,占世界玉米总产量的7%。把抗虫害的基因植入种子可以帮助避免这一损失。在非洲进行的抗虫害棉花试验中,棉花的产量已大幅度提高。有人担心,抗虫害的转基因作物不仅将害虫杀死,而且有可能连益虫也一起杀死,但到目前为止,这种担心似乎没有根据。 8、病毒常常在发展中国家造成主要粮食作物的大面积歉收。两年前,花叶病毒使非洲损失了超过一半的木薯,而这种作物是当地人的主要食物。转基因的抗病毒作物可以减少这种损失,就像抗干旱种子在可耕地面积因缺水而受到限制的地区起到的作用一样。含铝过高的土壤会损伤作物的根系并使许多主要作物歉收,对于这种问题生物技术也能帮助解决。目前,研究人员已经识别出一种有助于中和水稻里铝的毒性的基因。 9、许多科学家认为,生物技术能够把发展中国家的农业总产量提高25%,并且帮助防止作物收割后遭受损失。 10、尽管具有这么多潜力,生物技术还远远不能解决全部问题。在发展中国家,作物歉收只是造成饥饿的一个原因。贫穷才是罪魁祸首。今天,全世界有超过10 亿人口每天靠不到1美元维持生计。如果农民没钱种植转基因作物或当地人买不起农民种出的粮食,培育转基因作物就无法减少饥饿。 11、此外,生物技术也无法克服在发展中国家分配粮食的难题。从整体上看,世界生产的粮食足够养活所有人,但大部分粮食却不是在需要的地方。尤其在运输基础设施落后的国家,地理条件对食物供给的限制正如遗传学为食物供给带来的希望一样大。 12、生物技术也面临自身的“分配”问题。许多转基因作物方面的尖端研究都是富国的私


Unit 2 III Translation Practice Exercise 1 A. 1. 麦当劳有很多让农民恼怒的事:千篇-律,平淡无味,还有其所代表的烹饪霸权 2. 至少有40种植物已经通过了政府审核。 3. 到目前为止,还没有任何迹象表明基因重组作物会对任何人造成任何伤害。 4. 即使还没有法律措施,公众舆论正以更加怀疑的态度看待基因改良技术。 5. 这种优质作物受到农民的欢迎是情有可原的,因为对他们来说,产量即使有一丁点 的增长也就意味着利润上的极大提高。 B. 1. In recent years Europeans have become increasingly jumpy about bad food – and with good reason. 2. This year the E.U. banned the importation of non-approved GM corn. 3. It is crucially important that we take stock of this technology’s probable effects on our planet’s ecosystems. 4. We should also take a sober look at the effect of genetic engineering in the social and political realms. 5. Nature is never idle. Through random mutations, nature constantly tests new genetic models of organisms. Exercise 2. A. 1. 全世界的人们都在密切地注视他们食品中的基因构成——并地为他们所看到的一切 越发感到不安。在过去的十年里,随着科学家们将无数的水果和蔬菜的基因重组,使平常的农作物变成了能抵御霜冻、经得起除草剂,甚至产生消灭自身害虫作用的超级作物,基因改良食品已日益成为普遍现象。就总数而言,超过4,500的基因改良植物已经过测试,其中至少有40种——包括13种玉米,11种西红柿和4种大豆——已经通过了政府的审核。 2. 但是,一个国家的禁令对另一国家而言就是一种贸易保护主义,美国对欧洲的举动 持怀疑态度。自从欧洲决定继续禁止进口助长荷尔蒙的美国牛肉以来,美国通过对欧洲某些出口食品征收100%的关税作为反击,欧美之间的关系近来变得越发紧张。在这种激烈的争斗中,转基因食品禁令的审慎态度与报复差不多/ 看似是报复行为,其实是一种审慎。此外,假如欧洲如此担忧转基因食品的话,为什么还要生产它们呢?法国生产的转基因粮食规模不大,而消费得却比其它欧洲国家多。 B. 1. Ready or not, the world is entering the age of genetic engineering. Altered environments and human-created life forms will be part of this new age. Plants may be transformed into miniature factories producing plastics, medicines, or perfumes. Animals may be given human genes to make their tissues compatible with humans, allowing animal hearts and other organs to be transplanted into critically ill people. 2. We should also take a sober look at the effects of genetic engineering in the social and political realms. Because the agricultural and medical benefits of genetic engineering are expensive, poor individuals and poor nations will not be able to afford them – at least not for years to come. As a result, the economic gap between rich and poor is likely to widen. In

河北工业大学 2020 年硕士研究生招生考试211翻译硕士英语

河北工业大学2020年硕士研究生招生考试 自命题科目考试大纲 科目代码:211 科目名称:翻译硕士英语 适用专业:英语笔译(专业学位) 一、考试要求 翻译硕士英语适用于河北工业大学外国语学院英语笔译(专业学位)专业研究生招生专业课考试。主要考察考生是否具备进行翻译专业学习所要求的英语水平,考试范围包括考生应具备的词汇量、语法知识、阅读、写作以及其他语言综合运用方面的能力。 本考试要求考生具有良好的英语基本功,认知词汇量在10,000个以上,积极词汇6,000个以上,能够正确运用常用词汇、掌握正确的英语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识,识别并改正翻译和写作中出现的基本词汇、语法、语用等方面的错误。具有较强的阅读理解能力和写作能力。 二、考试形式 试卷采用客观题型和主观题型相结合的形式,单项技能测试与综合技能测试相结合的方法。主要包括选择题、综合阅读题以及写作题等(具体题型参见考试内容一览表)。测试采取闭卷笔试形式,考试时间为3个小时,总分为100分。 三、考试内容 本考试包括以下部分:(一)词汇语法(语言基础),(二)阅读理解(理解选择与回答问题),(三)语言综合运用(语句翻译和译文审校),(四)英语写作等。 (一)词汇语法(考试时间约40分钟,总分20分,占20%) 1、测试形式和内容

本考题测试形式为单项选择题。测试内容包括词汇与短语的语义识别、词汇搭配、近义词辨析等,词汇范围为英语专业四、八级常用核心词汇、托福、雅思中度难度词汇等;语法测试涵盖英语专业本科期间及非英语专业大学英语所学全部英语语法内容以及语体、修辞知识等。 2、题型 (1)词汇语义识别单项选择题。要求从四个选项中选择一个与题干中划线部分词汇语义最接近的选项。每题0.5分,共20个题目。 (2)词汇语法综合运用单项选择题。要求从四个选项中选择一个能够使题干语义完整、形式正确的选项。每题0.5分,共20个题目。 (二)阅读理解(考试时间约50分钟,总分30分,占30%) 1、测试形式和内容 本题测试形式为客观选择题和简答题两种。内容包括常见外刊上的专题报道、历史传记、小说、散文等各种文体的文章,要求既能够理解其主旨和大意,又能分辨出其中的事实和细节,并能理解其中的观点和隐含意义。能根据阅读时间要求调整自己的阅读速度、方法,灵活地完成所有题目。 2、题型 (1)单项选择题。要求阅读完2篇约400至700单词的短文后对信息事实和观点进行评判。共10个选择题,每题2分。 (2)简答题。要求阅读完1篇400至700单词的短文后简要回答问题,重点考察阅读综述能力。共2个问题,每题5分。 (三)语言综合运用(考试时间约40分钟,总分20分,占20%) 1、测试形式和内容 本题考察学生从事与翻译有关的语言基础综合运用能力,具体包括“语篇结构理解”(为短文添加标点)和“修改译文”。 2、题型

研究生英语 翻译+答案

1.Visual cues from audience members can indicate that a speech is dragging , that the speaker is dwelling on a particular point for too long , or that a particular point requires further explanation 听众的眼神足以表明,演说过于拖沓,演讲者在某一点上讲得太多,或者在某一点上还需要做进一步的解释。 2.But art history focuses on much more than this because art reflects not only the political values of a people , but also religious beliefs , emotions , and psychology. 但是艺术史注意的不仅仅是这些,因为艺术不仅反映了一个民族的政治价值,也反应了他们的宗教信仰,感情和心理特点。 3.One widely held belief is that a sharp fright will end a troublesome bout of hiccups , but many people prefer just waiting for them to go away as this “cure” is often worse than the ailment itself . 一个普遍认同的观点是,猛然的惊吓会止住一阵讨厌的打嗝,但是很多人更愿意等待打嗝自然过去,因为这种“止隔得方法”往往比打嗝本身更加的糟糕。 4.That our environment had little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics and behavior is central to this theory. 这种理论的核心是,我们的环境同我们的才能、性格特征和行为即使有什么关系的话,也是微不足道的。 5.And I take heart from the fact that the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy the strategic point in a couple of hours , has not yet been able to take even the outlying regions , because of the stiff resistance that gets in the way. 敌人吹嘘能在几个小时内就占领战略要地,由于受到顽强抵抗,甚至还没有能占领外围地带,这一事实使我增强了信心。 6. A physically mature female deer in good condition who has conceived in November and given birth to two fawns during the end of May or first part of June , must search for food for the necessary energy not only to meet her body’s needs but also to produce milk for her fawns. 一只成熟健壮的母鹿,在十一月怀胎,五月底或六月初生下两只幼鹿,这时,她必须寻找食物以获得必要的能量,这不仅是为了满足自身的需要,而且也是为了给幼鹿生产乳汁。 7.The president said at a press conference dominated by questions on yesterday’s election results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a widespread defeat, which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of long-held superiority in the House. 在主要问及昨天选举结果的记者招待会上,总统说他无法解释为何共和党遭到如此惨痛的失败,这最终会使共和党丧失在众议院长期以来享有的优势。 8.The second aspect is the application by all members of society from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work. 第二个方面是,社会上的一切成员,从政府部门中任公职的官员到普通公民,都应运用科学家们在科研工作中所采用的专门的思维方法和工作方法。 9.The method was largely developed by physicists , chemists and biologists ; it was later adopted by people working in such areas as education, psychology and sociology , where the subjects of research were often people. 这种方法在很大程度上先是由物理学家、化学家和生物学家使用,后来为在教育学、心理学和社会学等领域内工作的研究人员所采纳而发展起来的。

新视角研究生英语 课后翻译

Unit 2 1.尽管已历经无数失败,凯瑟琳仍然相信她能把儿子培养成为世界冠军。 Although she has gone through numerous failures, Katherine still believes that she could make a world champion of her son 2. 这个培训项目其实不算糟糕,但如果它的课程再实用一点就更好了。 This training program is not really a bad experience. But I would have liked it better if the courses had been a bit more practical. 3.你应该没这么笨,竟然会打开一个可疑的附件。 You should have known better than to open a suspicious attachment. 4.他不幸在一次意外的交通事故中丧生,留下尚未做完的实验。 Unfortunately he died from a sudden traffic accident, leaving the experiment half-done. 5.那个街角的食品市场能改建成花园,岂不是更好吗? Wouldn’t it be better if the food market on the street corner could be turned into a garden? 6.尽管我竭力想讨好每一个人,但说话却好像总是不合时宜。 Much as I am eager to please everyone, I seem never be able to speak out the right thing at the right time. 7.这个小玩意儿是送给老年人的好礼物,它能精确地跟踪血压。 This little gadget makes a good present for the elderly,for it can keep accurate track of one’s blood pressure. 8.简总是在为下一项成就而努力,从来没有时间坐下来欣赏自己已经取得的成绩。 Jane is always working so hard to achieve the next thing and she never has time to sit back and pat herself on the back about the things that she has already done. 9.汤姆审时度势,决定缩小企业规模,后来证明这是明智之举。 Tom sized up the situation, and decided to downsize his business, which turned out to be a wise decision. 10.我们学校仅仅维持现状是不够的,它应该加速发展,力争成为中国最好的大学之一。 It is not enough for our university to resign itself to the status quo; it should speed up its development, and make itself one of the best universities in China. Unit 3 1.当一个人处于“经历中的沙漠”——一段感到毫无出路、甚至毫无希望的时期,最重要的是不要让自己陷入荒漠之中无法自拔。 When someone is in “desert of experience”— a period of feeling barren of options, even hope, the most important thing is not to allow himself to be stranded in the desert. 2. 经济来源耗尽,还有一大家人需要供养,吉米起初想逃避,但最终靠着顽强的勇气和乐观的性格挺了过来。 With financial resources exhausted and the pressure of a big family to support, Jimmy wanted to escape at first but finally his courage and good humor saw him through. 3.有人认为在人生的任何阶段开始一种新的生涯都为时不晚。 Someone believes that it is never too late to embark on a new career in any period of life 4.在经历重大打击之后,明智的做法是勇敢面对挑战,而不是逃避。 What makes sense is to face the challenge rather than run away from the troubles after suffering a significant loss. 5.玛丽靠她在餐馆工作的微薄收入,几乎无法维持生活。 With the small income from her restaurant job, Mary could barely make ends meet. 6.人们逐渐明白了失败并不是可怕的东西,而是人生的宝贵经历。


1.I have never cultivated a mustache though I’m sure one would enhance my distinguished looks and cause women to giggle as I passed along the boulevard. 尽管我确信蓄胡子会使我更加气度不凡,走在大街上会使女性发笑,但我从不留胡子。 2.I might be thrown into such a panic that I’d blurt out ... 我可能会惊慌得脱口而出... 3.It is one of the paradoxes of social intercourse that a compliment is harder to respond to than an insult. Here is an area of small talk that most of us act awkwardly. 在社会交往中,应对恭维比对付辱骂要艰难得多,这话听起来有点矛盾,却有一定的道理。闲聊时来句恭维话,往往让我们大多数人不知所措。 5.Someone utters a pleasing, praiseful remark in our direction and we grow inarticulate and our kneecaps begin to vibrate. 有人对我们说上一句动听、赞美的话,我们就慌得说不出话来,膝盖开始瑟瑟发抖。 6.I can’t accept with grace a compliment bestowed upon me for a thing that isn’t real ly mine. 如果别人称赞不是真正属于我自己的东西时,我根本无法欣然接受. 7.The nearest I ever came to downright acceptance of this particular compliment was the time I said, “Well, we like it.” 我在接受这种特定的恭维时,表示最能完全接受的说法就是“嗯,我们喜欢。” 8.... carried away by the vastness of his complimentary remark ... 被他的这种极度夸张的恭维话所吸引的 9.I think we make a mistake when we react to a compliment with denial and derogation. 我认为,对待恭维采取否定和贬低的态度是错误的。 10.The situation here is much the same as the one regarding my view. 这种情景,与我上述提出的观点非常相似。 11.I know a man who has put his mind to this problem and come up with a technique for brushing off praise. 我认识一个潜心研究这种问题的人,他想出了一个办法来避开别人的表扬。 12.He employs a sort of unreasonable realism. 他采取了一种不近情理的现实态度。 13.I don’t think this fellow is on the right track. 我想这个家伙回答的方式有问题。 14.This sort of thing, the witty reply, ought to be placed under government regulation. 这种俏皮机智的应答,应该置于政府的规定之中。 15.That one, I thought, was more than passable. 我想,这个回答相当不错。 16.But for every genuinely clever retort there are a thousand that fall flat. 但是,在千百次的应对中才会有一句真正巧妙的应答。 17.It takes a Dorothy Parker or a George S. Kaufman to handle the quip comeback with skill. 只有像多萝西·帕克或乔治·考夫曼这样的人才能应对自如。 18.… swell out their chests…挺着胸脯 19.I worked like a dog to get it written. 我当时写得好苦啊。 20.... the unwritten code of authorhood ... 著书人的一条不成文的规定. 21.... with immeasurably lovely egg on your face ... 一脸尴尬 22.There is no point in trying to play the game back at them —they’ll top you in the end, no matter what. 要想回敬他们是没有用的——不管说什么,最后他们总会占上风。 23.... at the bottom of all graceful social intercourse lies poise ... 在所有得体的社交场合,最根本的就是保持镇定24.Given the same circumstances I would have quietly asked for a coil of rope. 要是我遇到这种情况,我会感到极为窘迫,恨不得悄悄地找根绳子去上吊。 . 25.If we could all comport ourselves with that kind of dignity, and quit jittering, our social life would be much more enjoyable. 要是我们的行为举止都能保持这种风度,摆脱局促不安,那我们的社交生活就会有趣得多。 26.... the chances he’s just making conversation ...他可能只是想和你说说话。 Unit 2 1. I date a woman for a while—literary type, well-read, lots of books in her place—whom I admired a bit too extravagantly


Unit One 核心员工的特征 大卫·G.詹森1核心员工究竟是什么样子的?几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。我请一位客户——一位正参与研究的人事部经理,给我解释一下。“每家公司都有少数几个这样的员工,在某个专业领域,你可以指望他们把活儿干好。 在我的小组中,有七名化工流程工程师和生物学家,其中有那么两三个人是我赖以生存的,”他说,“他们对我的公司而言不可或缺。当请你们公司替我们招募新人的时候,我们期待你们会去其他公司找这样的人:其他公司经理不想失去的员工。我们只招募核心员工。” 2这是一段充满了鼓动性的谈话,目的是把猎头们派往竞争对手的公司去游说经验丰富的员工们做一次职业变更。他们想从另一家公司招募核心员工。然而,每家公司也从新人中招人。他们要寻找的是完全一样的东西。“我们把他们和公司顶级员工表现出的特质进行对照。假如他们看起来有同样特征的话,我们就在他们身上赌一把。”只是这样有点儿冒险。 3“这是一种有根据的猜测,”我的人事经理客户说。作为未来的一名员工,你的工作是帮助人事部经理降低这种风险,你需要帮助他们认定你有潜力成为一名核心员工。 4特征1:无私的合作者 职业顾问和化学家约翰·费策尔最早提出了这个特征。关于这个特征,人们已经写了大量的文章。它之所以值得被反复谈及,是因为这一特征是学术界和企业间最明显的差别。“这里需要合作,”费策尔说,“企业的环境并不需要单打独斗,争强好胜,所以表现出合作和无私精神的员工就脱颖而出了。在企业环境中,没有这样的思维方式就不可能成功。” 5许多博士后和研究生在进行这种过渡的过程中表现得相当费力。因为生命中有那么长一段时间他们都在扮演一个独立研究者的角色,并且要表现得比其他年轻的优秀人才更出色。你可以藉此提高在公司的吸引力:为追求一个共同的目标和来自其他实验室和学科的科学家们合作——并且为你的个人履历上的内容提供事迹证明。这个方法,加上你在描述业绩时开明地使用代词“我们”,而不是“我”,能使公司对你的看法从“单干户”转变成“合作者”。更为有利的是,要在你实验室内部,以及在和你们实验室合作的人们之间,培养一个良好声誉:一个鼓励并发动合作的人——还要保证让那些会接听调查电话的人们谈及你的这个品质。 6特征2:紧迫感 唐-豪特是一位给aaas.sciencecareers@org网站论坛频繁写稿的撰稿人。他之前是一名科学家。许多年前他转向了企业,并一直做到高级管理的职位。他在3M 公司一个部门负责策略和商业开发工作,这个部门每年上缴的税收高达24亿多美元。他就是一个重视紧迫感的人。 7“一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’。这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。” 8特征3:风险容忍度 企业要求员工能承受风险。“一名求职者需要表现出仅凭不准确、不完整的信息就做出决策的能力。他或她必须能接纳不确定因素并冒着风险做出结论,”一位客户在职业描述中写道。 9豪特赞同这一说法。“商业成功通常有这样一个特质:那就是能接受不确定因素和风险——个人的,组织上的和财务上的。这就让许多科学家感到不适应,因为学术上的成功其实是依靠认真而严谨的研究。更进一步说,伟大的科学常常是由找寻答案的过程和答案本身两者同时来定义的。因此科学家们往往沉迷于过程。在企业里,你需要了解过程,但最终你会迷上答案,然后根据你认为该答案对你的企业所具有的意义来冒风险。像这样敢冒风险是一套技能组合,是所有雇主在他们最好的员工身上所寻找的东西。” 10风险容忍度的另外一个要点是求职者对失败的承受度。失败很重要,因为这表示你不怕冒险。所以各家公司总会寻找有可能犯错误并敢于承认错误的求职者。大家都知道如何谈论成功——或者当他们在寻找工作的时候应该知道。但很少有人乐意谈论失败,更少有人知道如何从失败的边缘吸取教训和获得经验。“对我的企业来说,求职者需要坦然地谈论他或她的失败,而且他或她需要有真正的失败经历,而不是特意为面试而杜撰的东西。如果做不到的话,那么这个人冒的风险还不够,”豪特说。 11特征4:善于处理人际关系 瑞克·李奇在迪科德遗传工程公司从事业务拓展。李奇最近才转行到企业,做业务方面的工作。我向他咨询这个重要特征,是因为在他的新业务角色中,人际沟通能力在成功和失败之间发挥着很大的作用。“科学家毕生都在积累知识,培养技术上的敏锐感,”他说,“但为企业工作需要完全不同的东西——人际交往的能力。想转行到企业界的科学家们必须优先考虑他们的社会关系资源而不是技术资源。对一个以前一直根据专业知识水平被评价的人来说,突然之间要根据他的人际交往能力来评价他,真是十分令人恐惧。” 1


Unit 11 Philosophy of Life 课后习题: 1.幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。 译:Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, but in the joy of achievements and the thrill of creative efforts. 2.从1994年开始,大学学费已经从1000涨到了3500,以至于许多学生,尤其是那些来自贫困区的学生选 择从事兼职工作来筹集他们昂贵的支出。 译:Starting from September 1994, the college tuition and fees has soared from 1000 to 3500 so that many students, especially those from poverty-stricken areas, choose to do part-time jobs to cope with their expensive expenditure. 3.总统所作的决定,经常是他的判断,他对僚属的信任以及对他们的情绪的关怀的混合体。 译:A presidential decision is always an amalgam of judgement, confidence in his associates, and concern about their morale. 4.风格优雅华丽,曲调流畅委婉,反映出江南人勤劳朴实、细致含蓄的性格特色。 译:The style is refined smooth and indirect, expressing the hard-working meticulous and Spartan character of the people who live south of the Yangtze. 5.保险业最近受到几项不利的经济因素所困而前景黯淡。 译:The insurance industry is cursed with a set of dismal economic characteristics that make for a poor long-term outlook. 6.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 译:Although good medicine cures sickness, it is often unpalatable; likewise, sincere advice given for one’s well-being, is often resented. 7.由于不断加重的失业焦虑、有史以来最多地取消房屋抵押赎回权、不断攀升的能源价格,美国人对经济 的信心跌倒了新低。 译:Americans’ confidence in the economy fell to a new low, dragged down by worries about mounting job losses, record-high home foreclosures and zooming energy prices. 8.有趣的是,我发现媒体的规模与声誉和报导的真实性一点相关都没有。 译:Interestingly, there has been no correlation between the size and prestige of the publication and the accuracy of the report. 9.Near-term inflation expectations measured by the survey jumped to the highest since the turmoil following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in late 1990, which caused oil prices to soar sharply. 译:调查表明近期通胀预期已达最高,这是自1990年底伊拉克入侵科威特导致石油价格猛涨至今最高水平。 10.The slowdown coul d dovetail with Beijing’s own aims to moderate the contentious trade surplus and, at the same time, recalibrate growth away from heavy industry in favour of consumption and services. 译:经济减速能与北京缓和有争议的贸易顺差这一目标相吻合,与此同时,将重工业的增长调整为消费和服务业的增长。 11.But China also n eed to scrutinize all her action exposed to others because it’s the year 2008 and all people are watching this country’s all moves waiting for a chance to sting. 译:但是,中国也要仔细审查她的行动,因为这是2008年,所有的人都在观看这个国家的一切举动,想找机会挑刺。 12.Both developing countries and developed countries have realized the importance of technologies in building more energy-efficient and low-emission industries, however on transferring such technologies, developed nations underline the role of markets, while developing nations urge the combination of roles of markets and government.
