


















































他喊道,“谁想上电视?”Angela马上举起了手。导演立刻请她上了台。一个化妆师很快在她脸上涂粉,给她梳头。“十秒,”导演喊道,“微笑,大家。”观众开始鼓掌。一个声音响起,“旅游智力竞赛,欢迎主持人,Lester Li!”LesterLi跑上了舞台。智力竞猜秀开始了。尽管anela没有准备,她的表现非常出色。她很轻松地答出了问题,很快就领先其他两个参赛选手了.二十五分钟之后,Angela


















































第一单元:阿基米德和金皇冠 Archimedes and the golden crowm One day in ancient Greece, King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown. At first, he was very happy with it. 古希腊的一天,海尔罗国王请一位皇冠工匠给他制作一顶金皇冠。起初,他对皇冠感到非常高兴。 “It’s a nice crown, isn’t it?”he asked his men. Later, however, he began to doubt that it was a real golden crown. “Is it made completely of gold?”he wondered. He sent it to Archimedes and asked him to find out the truth. “This problem seems difficult to solve. What should I do?”thought Archimedes. “ 这是一个很漂亮的皇冠,不是吗?”他问仆人。然而后来他开始怀疑皇冠是否是一顶真的金皇冠。“这真是纯金的吗?”他纳闷着。他把皇冠送到了阿基米德那里,叫他搞清楚真相。 “这个问题似乎很难解决。我该怎么办?”阿基米德想。 Archimedes was still thinking about this problem as he filled his bath with water. When he got into the bath, some water ran over. “That’s it!”shouted Archimedes. “I know how to solve the king’s problem!” Archimedes went straight to the palace to see the king. First, he weighed the crown and asked the king for some gold of the same weight. Next, he put two pots into two big bowls and filled both pots with water. He put the gold into one pot and some water ran into the bowl. Then he put the crown into the other pot. This time, even more water ran into the bowl. 当阿基米德往浴池里倒水的时候他仍然思考着这个难题。当他进入浴池时,一些水溢了出来。 “就是如此”阿基米德喊道,“我知道如何解决国外的难题了!” 阿基米德直接去到了宫殿觐见国王。首先,他称了皇冠,然后像国王要了同等重量的金子。 接着,他放了两个罐子到两个大碗里,然后把罐子注满了水。他把金子放入


★教材原文 A. Talk time A. 对话时间 Asking for and giving advice 询问并给建议 I have a problem. My parents control every part of my life. What should I do? 我有个问题,我的父母控制我生活的每一个部分,我该怎么办? Perhaps you should tell your parents how you feel. 也许你应该告诉你父母你的感受。 Read the conversation below and practice it in pairs. Pay attention to the words in blue. 阅读下面的对话并结伴练习,注意蓝色的字词。 Ann: You look unhappy, Sam. Do you have a problem? Ann:Sam,你看起来不开心,你有什么问题吗? Sam: Yes. My mum says I need braces to keep my teeth straight, bu t I don't want to wear them because my friends will laugh at me. What should I do? Sam:是啊,我妈妈说我需要戴牙套来使我的牙齿保持整齐,但我不想戴,因为我的朋友会笑我的。我该怎么办? Ann: Your mum just cares about you. Why don't you tell her how you feel? I'm sure she'll understand. Ann:你的妈妈只是关心你。你为什么不告诉她你的感受?我相信她会理解的。 Sam: You're right, Ann. Thank you for your advice. Sam:你说得对,Ann,谢谢您的建议。 ★巩固提升 一、单项选择 ( ) 1You should tell your parents _____________. A.how do you feel B. how you feel C. what do you feel D. What you feel ( ) 2 Tom looks _______, what’s wrong with him? A.happy B. happily C. unhappy D. unhappily ( ) 3 I need braces ______my teeth straight. A.to keep B. keeping C. keep D. will keep ( ) 4 My parents control every part _____my life. A.in B. at C. about D. of ( ) 5Lily failed her Maths test ________some careless mistakes. A.because of B. because C. since D. as ( ) 6Please keep your room ________. A clean and tidy B. cleaned and tidy C. clean and tidily D. cleaned and tidily ( ) 7His friends told him ______with others. A.doesn’t fight B. not to fight C. to not fight D. not fight ( ) 8 He gave us ___on how to learn English. A.some advices B. many advices C. some advice D. an advice ( ) 9Thank you for ______me to the party. A.having invited B. invite C. inviting D. invited


★教材原文 Einstein and the little girl 爱因斯坦和小女孩 One afternoon, Einstein was walking home from work. 一天下午,爱因斯坦下班步行回家。 At the same time, a 12-year-old girl was walking home from school. 与此同时,一个12 岁的女孩从学校放学回家。 They were soon walking side by side. 他们很快就并排走了。 The girl looked at him curiously from time to time. 女孩时不时地好奇地打量他。 “Pardon me,” the girl said, “but you look just like Albert Einstein.” “对不起,”姑娘说:“你看起来好像爱因斯坦。” “That's because I am Albert Einstein!” Einstein said. “那是因为我就是爱因斯坦!”爱因斯坦说。 “I don't believe you,” the girl said. “Everyone knows that Einstein is a genius. “我不相信,”姑娘说:“谁都知道爱因斯坦是个天才。 - But you're wearing your sweater back wards, so you can't be very clever.” - 但是你连毛衣都穿反了,所以你不可能很聪明。” Einstein began to laugh. “You're the first person to be so honest with me, “he said to the girl. 爱因斯坦开始笑。“你是第一个对我这么诚实的人,”他对女孩说。 “it's a pleasure to hear someone tell me the truth about my look.” “听到有人告诉我我真正的模样,真是件快乐的事。” After that day, the girl often went to visit Einstein's house after school. 那天之后,女孩经常在放学以后,到爱因斯坦的家里去参观。 One afternoon, the girl's mother went to visit Einstein. 一天下午,女孩的母亲来拜访爱因斯坦。 She asked him why he spent so much time with her daughter. 她问他为什么肯花这么多时间带她的女儿。 “Our friendship is easy to explain,” Einstein said. “我们的友谊很容易解释,”爱因斯坦说。 “Your daughter tells me the truth about my look and brings me cookies. “你的女儿告诉我关于我样子的*,并给我带来了饼干。 In return, I help her with her Maths homework.” 作为回报,我辅导她数学作业。” ★巩固提升 Einstein and the little girl One afternoon, Einstein was walking home from work. At the same time, a 12-year-old girl was walking home from school. They were soon walking side by side. The girl looked at him curiously from time to time. “Pardon me,” the girl said,“but you look just like Albert Einstein.”

初中英语 牛津深圳版九年级上册Unit1-4课文翻译

Unit 1 Reading 课文翻译 Archimedes and the golden crown 阿基米德和金冠 One day in ancient Greece,King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown.At first,he was very happy with it. 古希腊的一天,海尔罗国王请一位制作皇冠的人给他制作一顶金皇冠.起初,他对皇冠感到非常高兴. “It’s a nice crown,isn’t it?”he asked his https://www.360docs.net/doc/3319255405.html,ter,however,he began to doubt that it was a real golden crown.“Is it made completely of gold?”he wondered.He sent it to Archimedes and asked him to find out the truth. “这是一个很漂亮的皇冠,不是吗?”他问仆人.然而后来他开始怀疑皇冠是否是一顶真的金皇冠.“这真是纯金的吗?”他纳闷着.他把皇冠送到了阿基米德那里,叫他搞清楚真相. “This problem seems difficult to solve.What should I do?”thought Archimedes. “这个问题似乎很难解决.我该怎么办?”阿基米德想. Archimedes was still thinking about this problem as he filled his bath with water.When he got into the bath,some water ran over. 当阿基米德往浴池里倒水的时候他仍然思考着这个难题.当他进入浴池时,一些水溢了出来. “That’s it!”shouted Archimedes.“I know how to solve the king’s problem!” “就是如此”阿基米德喊道,“我知道如何解决国外的难题了!” Archimedes went straight to the palace to see the king.First,he weighed the crown and


9A Unit 1 Wise men in history Reading 备课资源 ★教材原文 Archimedes and the golden crown 阿基米德与金皇冠 One day in ancient Greece, King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown. 古希腊的一天,希罗王请一位皇冠工匠的人给他打造了一顶金皇冠。 At first, he was very happy with it. 一开始,他(还是)对皇冠感到很满意的。 “It's a nice crown, isn't it?” he asked his men. “这是一项很漂亮的皇冠,不是吗?”他问他的仆人。 Later, however, he began to doubt that it was a real golden crown. 可是后来,他开始怀疑皇冠是否确实是一顶纯金皇冠。 “Is it made completely of gold?” he wondered. “这确定是纯金的吗?”他纳闷着。 He sent it to Archimedes a nd asked him to find out the truth. 他把皇冠送到了阿基米德那里,叫他搞清楚*。 “This problem seems difficult to solve. What should I do?” thought Archimedes. “这个问题似乎很棘手哩,我该怎么办呢?”阿基米德想。 Archimedes was still thinking about this problem as he filled his bath wit h water. 当阿基米德往浴池里注水的时候他还在思考着这个难题。 When he got into the bath, some water ran over. 当他进入浴池时,一些水溢了出来。 “That's it!” shouted Archimedes. “I know how to solve the king's problem!” “就是这样!”阿基米德叫道,“我知道如何解决国王的难题了!” Archimedes went straight to the palace to see the king. 阿基米德直接去了宫殿觐见国王。 First, he weighed the crown and asked the king for some gold of the same weight. 首先,他称了称皇冠,然后向国王要了同等重量的金子。 Next, he put two pots into two big bowls and filled both pots with water. 接着,他在两个大碗里放了两个(相同的)罐子,然后把罐子注满了水。 He put the gold into one pot and some water ran into the bowl. Then he put the crown into the other pot. 他把金子放入其中一个罐子,一些水溢到了碗里。然后他把皇冠放入另一个罐子。 This time, even more water ran into the bowl. 这一次,更多的水溢到了碗里。 “Look at this,” said Archimedes to King Hiero. “快看。”阿基米德对希罗王说道。 “A crown made completely of gold displaces less water than a crown made of gold and another metal. “一个完全由金子制作的皇冠比一个由金子和其他金属制作的皇冠排开的水要更少些。 - This crown displaced more water than gold of the same weight, so I'm certain that it's not completely made of gold.”

深圳牛津九年级chapter 2 课文翻译与词组

A new hairdressing salon has opened near your home.Read this leaflet from the salon. 一个新的发廊在你的家附近开业了。读一下来自发廊的传单。Connie’s 康妮的发廊 191 Fanhua Road 繁华路191号 Open 9 a.m to 10 p.m daily 每天上午9点到晚上10点开门 For a wonderful hairstyle,come to Connie’s! You will be excited by our exciting hairstyles.We promise our hairstyles will make you feel on top of the world.Choose the one that is right for you.Get free advice from our experts. 为了一个精彩的发型,来康妮的店吧!你将被我们令人激动的发型而激动的。我们保证我们的发型会使你感觉最时尚的。选择一个适合你的发型。我们的专家免费给你建议。 What sort of hairstyle is best for me? 什么样的发型最适合我? Is your face round,square,long or heart-shaped? Short hairstyles usually suit round faces.They make the face look longer.Longer hairstyles suit square faces.They hide the angles of the face.Your hairstyle depends on your lifestyle,too.If you are a busy person,it is easier for you to look after a short hairstyle. 你的脸形是圆的、方形的、长的或是心形的?短发型通常适合圆脸。它们使脸看上去更长些。长一些的发型适合方脸,它们使脸的棱角藏了起来。你的发型也取决于你的生活格调。如果你是一个很忙的人,对你来说,照顾好短发式更容易的。 How can I keep my hair healthy? 我怎么样能使头发保持健康?First of all,keep yourself healthy.Have a good diet and get plenty of exercise.You will shine and so will your hair.Also,look after your hair at home.City air is dirty,so it would be wise of you to wash your hair often.Here are some of the things you need for proper hair care at home. 首先,保持你自己健康。有好的饮食和大量的运动。你将会闪亮,你的头发也会。在家也要照顾好你的头发。城市中的空气很脏,所以对你来说经常洗头发是很明智的。这儿有一些你所需要在家有效护理头发的东西。Hairbrushes and combs 发刷和梳子 These should be soft enough not to damage your hair.Before washing,brush your hair carefully to loosen any dirt. 这些应该足够柔软而不易伤害你的头发。在洗头发之前,把头发认真地刷一下使脏的东西变松。 Towels and hairdryers 毛巾和吹风机 Dry your hair gently with a towel before using the hairdryer.Always set it at a low temperature.Hold it at least 10 cm from your hair.Do not use your hairdryer too much---that will dry out your hair. 在用吹风机之前,用手巾把头发温柔地擦干。总是设置于一种较低温度,与 你的头发保持在至少10厘米的距离,不要用吹风机太多,那会干透你的头发。


第一单元:阿基米德和金皇冠 古希腊的一天,海尔罗国王请一位皇冠工匠给他制作一顶金皇冠。起初,他对皇冠感到非常高兴。 “这是一个很漂亮的皇冠,不是吗?”他问仆人。然而后来他开始怀疑皇冠是否是一顶真的金皇冠。“这真是纯金的吗?”他纳闷着。他把皇冠送到了阿基米德那里,叫他搞清楚真相。 “这个问题似乎很难解决。我该怎么办?”阿基米德想。 当阿基米德往浴池里倒水的时候他仍然思考着这个难题。当他进入浴池时,一些水溢了出来。 “就是如此”阿基米德喊道,“我知道如何解决国外的难题了!” 阿基米德直接去到了宫殿觐见国王。首先,他称了皇冠,然后像国王要了同等重量的金子。 接着,他放了两个罐子到两个大碗里,然后把罐子注满了水。他把金子放入其中一个罐,一些水跑到了碗里。然后他把皇冠放入另一个罐。这一次,更多的水跑到了碗里。 “快看”阿基米德对国王说道。“一个完全由金子制作的皇冠比一个由金子和其他金属制作的皇冠要取代更少的水。这顶皇冠比同等质量的金子取代更多的水,所以我确定这不是纯金的。 “金匠骗了我,对不对?这个大坏人!”海尔罗国王喊道。然后他把金匠投入了监狱。 第二单元:两位天才 许多人认为阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(1879-1955)是一位天才。关于他的这个故事表明他也很有幽默。 爱因斯坦经常收到邀请,去不同的大学阐述他的学说。在这些旅途中。他的司机汉斯经常对他说:“爱因斯坦博士,给一位像你这样的天才开车真是一件令人高兴的事情。”有一天晚上,在他们去一所大学的路上,爱因斯坦说:“我很疲劳。汉斯,我多么希望今天晚上不做演讲,但我又不想令我的听众失望。” “我知道怎么办。”汉斯说,“我可以替你演讲。你可以相信我,我听过你这么多次演讲,英语短文我已经背过了。在这所大学没有人认识你,所以他们不会知

牛津深圳版九年级上册英语 Unit 1-4 课文翻译

牛津深圳版九年级上册英语Unit 1-4 课文翻译 Unit 1 Reading 课文翻译 Archimedes and the golden crown 阿基米德和金冠 One day in ancient Greece,King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown.At first,he was very happy with it. 古希腊的一天,海尔罗国王请一位制作皇冠的人给他制作一顶金皇冠.起初,他对皇冠感到非常高兴. “It’s a nice crown,isn’t it?”he asked his https://www.360docs.net/doc/3319255405.html,ter,however,he began to doubt that it was a real golden crown.“Is it made completely of gold?”he wondered.He sent it to Archimedes and asked him to find out the truth. “这是一个很漂亮的皇冠,不是吗?”他问仆人.然而后来他开始怀疑皇冠是否是一顶真的金皇冠.“这真是纯金的吗?”他纳闷着.他把皇冠送到了阿基米德那里,叫他搞清楚真相. “This problem seems difficult to solve.What should I do?”thought Archimedes. “这个问题似乎很难解决.我该怎么办?”阿基米德想. Archimedes was still thinking about this problem as he filled his bath with water.When he got into the bath,some water ran over.


9A Unit 5 Wise men in history Reading 备课资源 ★教材原文 Surprises at the studio 演播室里的意外惊喜 "Five minutes to go," shouted the director. "Is everyone ready?" “还剩五分钟,”导演喊道:“大家准备好了吗?” "I'm glad that I'm not one of the contestants!" “我很庆幸我不是参赛者,” Denise said. "I'm not that brave." Denise 说:“我没有那么勇敢。” "Oh, I'd love to be a contestant," said Angela. “哦,我倒很愿意成为一名参赛者。”Angela说。 The three contestants were sitting at their desks on the sta ge and waiting. 三名参赛者坐在舞台的一边等候着, The hot lights were shining down upon them. 炙热的灯光照射在他们身上。 Suddenly one of them passed out and fell across her desk. 突然其中的一名参赛者从桌子上昏倒了下来。 A cameraman helped the woman off the stage. 一位摄影师帮助这名妇女离开了舞台。 The director hurried down from the control room above. 导演急忙从楼上的控制室下来。 "We need another contestant," he shouted. "Who among you wants to be on TV?" “我们另外需要一名参赛者,”他喊道:“你们当中有谁想上电视?” Angela raised her hand. "You're on!" the director shouted. Angela 举起了手。“你上!”导演喊道。 He led her the stage, and a make-up artist rushed forward. 他带她上了舞台,一位化妆师冲上前。 She quickly put make-up on Angela's face and brushed her hair. 她迅速地给Angela 脸上化了妆并给她梳理了头发。 "Ten seconds," shouted the director. “十秒,”导演喊道。 "It's time for Travel Quiz, and here's your host, Lester Li!" said a loud voice. “到了《旅行知识竞赛》的节目时间了,这是节目主持人——Lester Li!”一个哄亮的声音响起。 Lester Li ran out onto the stage. The quiz show began. Lester Li 跑上舞台,知识竞赛节目开始了。 Although Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did really well. 尽管Angela 没有准备,但她好像很轻松,并发挥得非常出色。 She answered the questions with no problems and was soon ahead the other two contestants. 她准确无误地回答问题并很快领先于其他两位参赛者。

深圳牛津英语初中九年级全一册chapter 4课文和翻译

What should I do? 我该怎么办? At Debbie?s school, students can write to Ms Robbins,the school counselor about their problems. Here are extracts from there she received recently. 在戴比的学校,学生可以写信给罗宾斯,学校辅导员自身的问题。这是她最近收到的提取物。 I had not seen my friends Amy for a long time ,so last Sunday I went to visit her new high-rise flat. While I was there,she knocked a flower pot from her window by accident. It broke on the ground below and narrowly missed some children at play. No one was hurt, so we said noting and left for the cinema. 我没有看到我的朋友艾米很久了,所以上星期日我去拜访了她的新公寓。我在那里的时候,她把一个花盆从她的窗口的事故。它发生在地面以下,险些错过一些孩子在玩。没有人受伤,所以我们说什么,离开了电影院。 When we got home, We learnt that the police had just been to the flats and questioned everyone about the pot. 当我们回到家中,我们了解到,警方已经对单位和询问所有的锅。 Amy was too afraid to talk to the police. Now I feel guilty and don?t know what to do… 艾米非常害怕和警察交谈。现在我感到内疚和不知道做什么… 2. 2。 By nine o?clock yesterday evening, I had finished my piano lesson and was taking the underground home. Three strong boys got on my almost empty carriage. They sat down beside a young boy who was travelling alone. 昨天晚上九点,我完成了我的钢琴课,以地下的家。三强的男孩让我几乎空车厢。他们坐在一个年轻的男孩谁是独自旅行。 They began to bully him. The boy was so frightened that he moved to another seat. However ,the bigger boys just followed him and continued their bullying. 他们开始欺负他。这个男孩很害怕,他搬到另一个座位。然而,更大的男孩就跟随他,继续他们的欺负。 Then the train stopped at my station . I got off the train and walked home. I felt very sorry for the boy, but I did not know how to help him. I ?m not strong enough and I hate violent behaviour. What could I do?... 然后火车停在火车站。我下车回家。我觉得很对不起这个男孩,但我不知道如何帮助他。我没有足够强大和我恨的暴力行为。我该怎么办呢?… 3.


★教材原文 Good evening, listeners. Welcome to “History for a minute”! This evening, I’m going to play a game with you. It’s called “What’s the sport?”. You’ll listen to me talk about sports in the ancient Olympics and decide which sport I’m talking about. Are you ready? Let’s begin! Number one: You do this sport on your own. All you have to do is run as fast as you can. Do you know what it is? Number two: You need two men to play this sport. The men try to throw each other to the ground. What sport is it? Numbe r three: Both men and horses take part in this sport. The men try to get their horses to run as quickly as they can. Do you know what it is? Number four: This sport needs two men too. The men have to hit each other. What sport is it? That’s the end of the game. I hope you had a good time. For more fun, join me next week at the same time. Goodbye! ★巩固提升 一、选词填空 quickly horses other end called own play which Good evening, listeners. Welcome to “History for a minute”! This evening, I’m going to 1________ a game with you. It’s 2_______ “What’s the sport?”. You’ll listen t o me talk about sports in the an cient Olympics and decide 3______ sport I’m talking about. Are you ready? Let’s begin! Number One: You do this sport on your 4_______ . All you have to do is run as fast as you can. Do you know what it is? Number Two: You need two men to play this sport. The men try to throw each 5 ______to the ground. What sport is it? Number Three: Both men and 6_______ take part in this sport. The men try to get their horses to run as 7________ as they can. Do you know what it is? Number Four: This sport needs two men too. The men have to hit each other. What sport is it? That’s the 8_________ of the game. I hope you had a good time. For more fun, join me next week at the same time. Goodbye! Key: play called which own other horses quickly end


九年级英语上册:U1--U6全册课文句子翻译(牛津版,无答 案) 牛津英语9A课本句子翻译练习 Unit 1 1.今天我有很多吃的和喝地。I will have lots to eat and drink today. 2.那么你就不会为不吃早饭而担心了。 Well, you shouldn’t worry about not having breakfast then 3.Millie已经对的12生肖很熟悉了。 Millie is already familiar with the 12 animal signs of the Chinese horoscope. 4.他刚刚获知,西方的人也有12星座。 She has just discovered that people in the West have 12 star signs. 5.他想弄清更多的情况,因为他想更多的了解西方的文化。 She wants to find out more about them because she wants to learn more about Western culture. 6.一年被分为12个不同的星座。A year is divided into 12 star signs. 7.你出生的时间决定了你的星座。The time of your birthday decides your star sign. 8.一些人认为,出生与同一星座的人拥有相似的性格。Some people believe that people born under the same star signshare similar characteristics. 9.一些人认为你有的时候很自私。Some people think that you are selfish at times. 10.你很有耐心,不容易放弃。You are a patient and do not give up easily. 11.你喜欢朋友买一些漂亮的礼物。You like to buy your


9A Unit 3 Family life Reading 备课资源 ★教材原文 Family life in cities 城市里的家庭生活 Paula interviewed two teenagers for a programme on family life. She asked them some questions. Here are their answers. Paula 采访了两位少年对家庭生活的计划。她问他们一些问题,以下是他们的答案:Emily (aged 15) Emily(15 岁) 1 Well, there are just three of us: my mum, my dad and me. 1. 嗯,目前我家只有三个人:我妈妈,我爸爸和我。 2 Have I got many possessions? Yes, I've got a lot of things: a big TV, a new computer and a mobile phone. 2. 我有多少个人物品?是的,我有很多东西:一个大电视,一台新电脑和移动电话。 3 No, I'm not expected to do the housework. 3. 不,我从不想做家务。 4 We go out for dinner together sometimes, but my dad is often abroad on business, and my mum works too. We usually just do our own personal things. 4. 我们有时一起出去吃晚饭,但是我爸是经常在国外出差,我妈妈也要上班,我们经常是各忙各的。 5 No, they don't usually set rules for me and since I'm a good daughter they never punish me. 5. 他们通常不会为我设置规则,因为我是个乖女儿,他们从来没有惩罚过我。 6 Well, I like our new flat. It's much bigger than our last one. But I feel lonely when my parents are away from home. 6. 嗯,我喜欢我们的新公寓,它比我们上一个大多了。但是当我爸爸妈妈都不在家时,我会觉得孤独。 Jerry (aged 14) Jerry(14 岁) 1 My mum, dad, grandma and my sister Rosie. Although it sometimes feels crowded in our little flat we don't mind. 1. 我的妈妈,爸爸,奶奶和妹妹Rosie。虽然有时感觉我们的小公寓很拥挤,但我们不介意。 2 No, I haven't got many possessions. I have no interest in things like fashionable clothe. New fashions soon go out of date, don't they? That's what my grandma says. 2. 不,我没有多少个人物品。我对如时髦衣服之类的东西没有兴趣,新款式很快就会过时的,不是吗?这是我奶奶说的。 3 Yes, I help with the housework. I wash the dishes and even iron my own shirts. My grandma says young people should learn to look after themselves. 3. 是的,我帮忙做家务。我洗碗碟,甚至熨烫我自己的衬衫。我的奶奶认为,年轻人应该学会照顾自己。 4 Yes, we like doing things together. We eat meals together every day, and my family always come to school events.
