
Unit 1

The voyages ______ Zheng He

Zheng He was a famousChinese _______(explore). In 1405, he _______(set) off from China on _______(one) of seven great voyages. This was _______(near) a century_______Christopher Columbus first set sai_______ his journey _______discovery _______America. His travels were _______important that they are _______ studied today.

ZhengHe _______(bear) in Yunnan in 1371. He_______( rise) to become a _______(trust) official______the Yongle Emperor of ______Ming Dynasty. The emperor ordered Zheng He ______(visit) and explore the lands______ China. His task was ______(develop) relations and _____ _____(建立) trade routes ______foreign countries.______ a few years, he built a great fleet ______ ships, the biggest in the world at ______ time. The ships were known ______treasure ships. They were big enough______(carry) 25,000 people as______(good) as very large ______(quantity) of goods.

From 1405 ______1433, Zheng He went on seven ______(trip) and visited South-East Asia, the Middle East and______ the east coast ______ Africa.It seemed ______ nowhere was too far ______him to visit. These voyages ______(allow) China to trade valuable goods ______ gold, silver and silk.______ the end of each voyage, Zheng He returned with many things that ______(see) in China ______ the first time, such ______ a giraffe from Africa.

Besides ______(develop) trade, the voyages also encouraged the exchange of cultures and ______(technology). They helped the ______(develop) of thosecountries and ______(region).

Zheng He ______(die) in 1433 ______ his last voyage. ______, his voyages were ______ a huge ______(achieve) that people still remember him______a pioneer in opening ______ cultural contacts ______ different peoples around the world.

More practice

Marco Polo

______ West Lake, in the city ______Hangzhou, there is a small ______(雕塑) of a traveller. His name was Marco Polo.

Marco Polo ______(grow) up in the city of Venice, in ______(现在的) Italy. In 1271, when he was 17 years old, he set off ______ a journey to Asia ______ his father and uncle, and did ______ return home until 24 years______. His travels took him ______Asia, ______ the Silk Road and______ China. He loved Hangzhou so much______ he described it______ "______(fine) city in the world."

______ Polo finally returned to Venice, there was a war ______he ______(capture). While he was ______ prison, he told the stories ______ his travels to another man there. This man wrote the stories ______in a book ______(call)The Travels of Marco Polo. Because ______the interesting ______(describe) of Asian life in the book, Polo's travels ______ became well known ______ Europe.

The stories ______(give) many Europeans their first look ______ the life and culture______ the people in Asia. Polo told______ many ______(amaze) things that were unknown ______ Europe, such ______paper money. He also wrote about China's ______(develop), ______ its large cities and systems______communication. His book made ______(Europe) more and more interested in the East. It ______ influenced many other explorers, ______(include) Christopher Columbus. Polo died in 1324. His last ______(word) were: "I did not tell half______what I saw."

Unit 2

Culture shock

Brad Li is a ______ ______ ______ student (初中生)in China. He visited the US ______ an international exchange last year, and now he ______(give) a speech about his ______(experience). ______(Live) in another country

My name is Brad Li. I’m here today ______(tell) you about my experience______ an exchange student in the United States last year.

I must ______(承认) that at first America was a big culture shock ______me. Many things were strange ______ me: the language, the food and______ the school.

I ______(stay) with a host family in a small town. My host parents, Mr and Mrs Hurst,______(be)very kind. They organized a lot of ______(activity) for me in my ______(空闲的) time ______ ______I wouldn’t miss home ______ feel lonely.

______, to a certain ______, life in the US was hard ______ get used ______. My main problem was with ______ language. I failed ______(understand) much in the first few weeks ______ everyone spoke so fast. ______I soon managed ______(get)used to it, I still had problems because they used a lot of ______(习语). For example, they often say they are "under ______weather" when they are ill. Their ______(日常的) English is very different______ ______ we learn in China.

______ difference was the food. My host family always had bread, potatoes and salad ______ meals. I really ______(miss) the dumplings, rice and delicious dishes ______ home.

School was a big shock______. They do not ______(要求) students to wear uniforms, so students can wear almost ______ they like. Some students have strange hairstyles as ______. Some students ______ have pink ______ purple hair!

______, I have many great ______(memory) of that year, ______(especiall) playing in the snow in winter, and playing ______(棒球). ______Halloween, I went to a party dressed ______ Harry Potter. At Thanksgiving, we had a big dinner ______ a huge turkey.

It was______ exciting year, and it was a ______(value) education for me. Now I understand more ______American culture. My American friends asked me many questions about life in China, and this made me _______ _____(想起) my ______ culture as well.

More practice

Education ______ the UK

Every child in the UK must receive a______(全日制的) education ______ the age of 16. Parents can choose______send their children ______ to a state school, ______ is free, or to a private school, ______ a fee is required.

The school year is ______(general) divided ______ three terms. Each term ends ______ a holiday. The summer holiday is ______(long) and usually lasts ______ the middle of July to the ______ (begin) of September.

Education has two main ______(stage) - ______(初级) school and ______(中级) school. Primary schools are for students from the age ______ 5 to 11. The main subjects are Maths, English, History, Geography, Science, Art, Music and PE. Secondary schools are for students from the age of 11______16 or 18. The same subjects ______(teach) there, as well ______ other subjects such as foreign languages (usually French, German or Spanish), ______(科技)and Computer Studies.

______the age of 16, students can ______ find a job or continue their studies at a school or

college______ they are 18. Between the ages of 16 ______18, students must choose only three or four subjects to study. At ______end of the two years, they must take some important ______(考试). ______ they do well, they can then go ______ to study at university. There are ______ 100 universities in the UK, and the most famous______(be)the University of Oxford and the University ______ Cambridge.

Unit 3

The world is in ______(dangerous)

Our world is in danger. We must do something _____(protect )the environment. But, what_____(be) the main problems we face?

The greenhouse effect

The atmosphere_____the Earth is necessary_____ all_____things. It is like the glass_____ a greenhouse, _____(let) sunlight in and _____(keep) heat from getting out._____it, the Earth would be _____same as the Moon - cold and_____(life).

When we burn fuels such _____petrol and coal, we produce a gas_____(call) carbon dioxide (CO2). Too much_____this gas pollutes the atmosphere, and causes it______(keep) in too much heat. As a result ______ the greenhouse effect, the Earth's temperature______(increas). This causes sea level ______( rise), and in the future ______(可能) cause cities______(disappear).

Cutting down forests

Every year, we destroy nature______cutting down huge areas ______forests. This makes the greenhouse effect______(bad) because trees take______CO2 and______ ______(产生氧气). Cutting down trees also destroys the homes______the animals______ live in our forests, and causes the surface ______the soil to be ______(easy) destroyed by rain. This can result______floods and ______ more damage ______ the environment.

Bad habits

Many of our habits cause pollution. People often use things ______(one) and then throw them______, or leave them on the ground ______litter. This ______(create) mountains ______ rubbish and pollutes our land and seas.

In order ______protect the environment, we need to ______ ______ ______(采取适当的行动). We should be different from many______(consumer) and become "green consumers". This means that we should ______ buy and use products ______(friend) to the environment. We should also recycle as ______(many) things as we can. We can reuse things ______the same ______(目的)as before, or we can use them for new purposes. If we ______learn to live in new and different ways, we can make a ______(有影响;起作用).

The journey______ a plastic bottle

I am a plastic bottle. A week ______, I was ______ a supermarket shelf. I had a normal life, the same ______ all my brothers and sisters --- other______( bottle)of water. I______( feel) really happy.

______a tall woman picked me up and put me ______ her basket! The woman took me home and put me______ the fridge. It was cold, but I soon made friends ______ the cans and bottles in it. ______, only a few hours later, she took me out ______the fridge and drank the water ______ me. Then she threw me ______ a______(垃圾桶). I have never felt so ______(空空的) and alone in my life.

______ the next morning, ______man took me out of the dustbin. He threw me and the other rubbish into the back______a truck. There were so many ______(糟糕的) smells. Then I was pushed together with the ______ of the rubbish. ______ I was ______(complete) flat. I cannot believe how thin I______( become).

I slept for a______. When I woke up, I found ______(l) in a terrible place. Everything ______ me was ugly and had horrible smells. I felt afraid. I kept ______(hope) that I would be moved somewhere ______. Then huge trucks came and covered us ______ a layer of ______(土).

I asked another bottle what ______(will) happen to us. He said that we would never leave this horrible ______(crowd) place, but would have to stay here______ thousands of years.

"Why can't they ______(重新使用) or recycle us?" I cried.

Unit 4

The great flood

Last week in Geography class, we ______(learn) that______all the ice in the North and South Poles ______(melt), sea level ______ the world would rise, and many cities ____________(flood)and disappear.

It started______(worry) me. What would happen if our city was ______(bad) flooded? Would ______(someone) remain alive?

Last night, I dreamt ______ a great flood:

It was nine o'clock ______the morning. My bedroom floor was a pool ______ water. I l__________________(看向窗外) the window. Water was everywhere. It ______(cover) roads, parks and small houses. Large objects, such as ______(coach)eand boats, passed ______ my window. They______(float) in the water. I could not just stand there! I had to do something!

I tried to call my dad, but the line ______ (die). My computer was ______ working, ______ I sent him an email. I wrote, "Dad, there's a flood! What should we do?" He ______(send) me an email back______ said, "Kevin, my boss ______(give) me some work. It's important ______(stick) with it. I can't afford to sit______ and ______ ______(担心)the flood."

Then I ______(email) my best friend. "What should we do about the flood?" I asked. My friend replied, "I have no time ______(think) about the flood. I'm playing computer games ..."

I shouted, "The WATER! Look at the WATER!"______ my cries______ _____ _______ ______(不被理睬) . In offices and homes, people just sat and ______(stare) at their computer screens. It seemed ______ they did not want to leave. Computers were more important ______ the flood.

Very soon, the water came into ______(people) rooms. It poured ______ their desks and covered their computers. ______surprise, people finally started to notice the flood, but it was too late.

______ I awoke. There was no water. I was safe -______ ______(暂时) .

More practice

The ice storm

It______(be) a dark day in Canada in 1998 when rain began to fall ______ the sky.

______, this was not ______(普通的)rain - it turned to ice ______ it fell ______ the cold air. It rained ______six days, and as ______ as ten ______(centimetre) of ice collected on roads, trees and power______(line).

______ 5th January, the people of Montreal ______(wake) up______(find) they had no

electricity in their homes. It was dark and cold. The roads ______(cover) in ice, ______ it was very dangerous ______walk ______ drive anywhere. Families had to stay inside and burn wood ______(keep) warm. They ______(expect) the power to come back on______any time.

However, the ice kept ______(fall). It caused branches and whole trees______(fall) down. More power lines fell down, and the roads became even ______(dangerous).

______the third day, many families had no food______(eat). It was a difficult time. The army sent over 14,000 ______(soldier) to help.

Finally, ______ six days, the ice storm stopped, but the trouble was not over. The huge amount ______ ice made the whole area very dangerous. ______ the ice started to melt, it fell from the roofs of buildings and trees ______ knives. Most of the power lines were ______ badly damaged that they could not ______(repair).

Some families had no electricity for ______ whole month. Many homes were damaged and many people, ______(especial) farmers, lost their businesses. The people of Canada will never forget ______ terrible nature can be. Everyone hopes ______ there will never be another ice storm like ______one in 1998.

Unit 5

Skiing: An unforgettable experience

by Vanessa

Last year, my parents______(take) me on a very special holiday.

My dream was______(see) some real snow, so ______ the Christmas holiday, we took our passports and______ (fly) over the Pacific to Calgary, Canada. We took a bus to a ski______(圣地) in the Canadian Rockies. ______ the bus climbed through the mountains, we saw the thick snow ______the trees. I _____(die) to get out and play with it! ______ last, we reached the resort and ______(quick) jumped out ______ the bus. This was our first experience ______ snow. We were ______ little children - we made snowballs, and threw them __________________(彼此)! Then we checked in at the hotel. We could see the ski slope ______(对面) the hotel. We could not wait to ______ ______(外出)and ski.

The next day, we ______(put) on our ski suits and gloves, took our skis and went outside______ the snow. ______(Wear) skis for the first time made me feel strange. ______(Sudden) I found myself unable______(walk)! Then we had a skiing lesson ______ a young couple. Our instructor took us to a gentle slope, and showed us some ______ ______(基本技能). ______ ______ ______(实话实说), that first lesson was not a great______ (成功). I kept on falling over, and I had to hold on ______a rope ______(keep) my balance.

______, the next day, I only fell over a few ______(time), and I managed to do a few rapid ______(run). I felt pleased ______ myself, and my instructor told me I was doing much ______(good). ______ it was very cold, I spent most of my holiday ______(ski). I had ______wonderful time.

It was all over too soon. It was a ______(遗憾), but we had to leave. I wish my parents would take me back for______(另一个) wonderful skiing holiday this year.

Faster, Higher, Stronger

The Olympic Games have a long______(历史). They began in Greece and lasted ______over a thousand years, ______ 394 AD. The ancient Olympic Games were very different ______ the

Olympics we have today. In ancient ______(time), only the Greeks took part ______ the Olympics, and women were not allowed to join ______even watch them.

The first modern Olympics ______(hold) in Athens, Greece in 1896. Every four years, athletes ______ all over the world take part in different sports ______ the Olympics. Many of these athletes are women.

A large group ______ athletes at the Olympics takes part in______ and ______events(田赛和竞赛). Track events, such as running, test a person's ______(s速度). Field events, such as the high jump, long jump and shot put, test how ______or ______someone can jump______ throw an object.

One of ______(exciting )events in the Olympics is the 100-metre race. More ______ one hundred years ago, the world record for the men's 100-metre race ______(be)10.6 seconds. However, athletes have run ______(fast) and faster over the years. In 1960, the record was 10 seconds. ______ at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the record ______(set) at 9.69 seconds.

______ Olympic motto "Faster, Higher, Stronger" is ______ the Olympics are all ______.

Unit 6

How to______(过着)a balanced life

Many students suffer______ stress in their ______(say)lives. They are ______stress ______their lives are not balanced. They focus too much ______studying, ______(deal) with peer pressure and ______(worry) about what others think, and not enough ______other things. You may wonder ______ stress is a serious matter. The answer is "Yes". You should be aware______ stress is risk______your health. If you want to live a long ______ healthy life, you need to begin to guard ______ stress ______ a young age.

Here are some ways ______( deal )with stress and bring balance to your life:

Be positive

One way to____________(取消) stress is ______ positive thinking. You should always look on ______bright side of life, and imagine that you will have a happy and ______(success) future. Learn to relax

Force yourself ______ take a break from your studies and worries ______ exams. You can do this______ taking a walk, reading a book, going to a concert ______ seeing a film, or ______ sitting in a private place and being______(silence) for a moment.

______ ______(培养) a hobby

Learn to paint, take up skating, ______ start playing a musical ______(器具). When you are busy ______a hobby, you leave all your worries ______.

Take care ______ your body

Stress is your body’s ______(敌人). ______(Take) regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and ______(get) enough sleep are all the things ______ can help you.


Sometimes ______(laugh) is the best medicine for stress. ______(See) a funny film ______ telling jokes ______friends will often cheer you ______when you are low.

More practice

Growing up

Puberty is the ______(阶段)of life ______young people leave childhood and head ______

adulthood. It is a difficult process______ teenagers ______ it has ______ effect ______ both their minds and bodies. They need ______(understand) what is going ______with their bodies, how to deal______ those changes and how to start taking responsibility ______ themselves.

A young person may begin puberty at 8,______ another may not start puberty ______14 or 15. ______general, girls start puberty two years ______boys do. For both girls and boys, it is usually complete ______ the age of 18.

______these years, the body ______(develop) in many ways. Feelings can also change ______(quick).

Teenage boys ______this stage often begin to take______(necessary) risks. Their focus is on______(have) fun and being accepted ______others. They need to think ______ they act and make good decisions for ______(they).

A girl’s ______(个性)often does not develop in ______ same way as a boy’s. Teenage girls sometimes lose ______(信心) in themselves. They are______ longer certain ______ their own feelings.______they are usually afraid to tell their parents ______ teachers about their problems.______ this reason, teenage girls should ______(encourage) to discuss things with ______(trust) adults.

Parents, schools and communities can do a lot______ care for and help young people. It is ______(everyone) responsibility to ____________(确保)that young people grow ______ healthy adults.

Unit3单词短语默写 2021-2022学年人教版九年级英语全册

九U3 班级: 姓名: 日期: 星期: 单词及拓展 1. n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所 2. n.邮票;印章 3. prep.在…旁边;在…附近 4. n.明信片 5. v.原谅interj.请再说一遍 6. n.浴室;洗手间 7. rush v.&n. ; 8. v.建议;提议 (n.)建议 sth.建议做某事 9. n.葡萄 10. adj.中心的;中央的 →(n.)中心;中央 11. mail v.;发电子邮件n.邮件;信件 12. adj.东部的adv.向东;朝东n.东;东方12. adj.便利的;方便的 →(n.)方便;便利;适宜;省事 (反义词)不便利的;不方便的It's sth. (对某人来说)做某事是便利的 14. corner n. ; 15. n.&v.要求;请求 16. adj.正确的;恰当的 (adv.)正确地;恰当地 17. adj.有礼貌的;客气的 对…有礼貌 18. adv.礼貌地;客气地 19. adj.不礼貌的;粗鲁的 20. direct adj. ; (adv.) ; 21. direction n. ; sense of direction 22. n.讲(某种语言)的人;发言者 23. whom pron. ;什么人 24. n.住址;地址;通讯处

25. underground adj. n. 26. course n. ; 短语与句型 1. 路过;经过 2.start with 3. 在某人去…的路上 4. 寻求帮助 5. 依靠 6. 和…交流 7. 了解;知道 8. 想要 9. thank you for sth.因做某事而感谢你(们) 感谢你们的倾听。 10. pardon me , 11. It is to do sth. 做某事是好的。 帮助别人是好的。 12. It sounds +adj.+to do sth.做某事听起来... 下周末去野餐听起来不错。 13. I’d like t know about...我想要知道关于... 我想要知道关于冬奥会的(知识)。 答案 单词及拓展 1. restroom n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所 2.stamp n.邮票;印章 collect stamps 集邮 3. beside prep.在…旁边;在…附近 4. postcard n.明信片 5.pardon v.原谅interj.请再说一遍 6. bathroom n.浴室;洗手间 7. rush v.& n.仓促;急促 →rushed(过去式/过去分词) rushing(现在分词) rush out 冲出;突然出现

2020年牛津深圳版九年级英语下册Unit1 Great explorations试题(附答案)

Unit1 Great explorations试题 笔试部分(共85分) I. 同义替换。(共15小题,每小题1分) 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。( ) 1. This island is 500 metres away from the continent. A. river B. country C. land ( ) 2. We had some discoveries during this trip. We found some new things. A. ideas B. stories C. findings ( ) 3. The officials are kind to the people here. They help them do many things. A. officers B. farmers C. workers ( ) 4. The president works hard to develop the relationship between countries. A. make...worse B. make...better C. make...bigger ( ) 5. It’s nearly five o’clock. We have to go now, or we will miss the bus. A. hardly B. almost C. seldom ( ) 6. Only a few people know about the international trade. A. situation B. danger C. business ( ) 7. I have three basketballs. Besides, I have two footballs. A. Except for B. In addition C. Compared with


Unit 1 The voyages ______ Zheng He Zheng He was a famousChinese _______(explore). In 1405, he _______(set) off from China on _______(one) of seven great voyages. This was _______(near) a century_______Christopher Columbus first set sai_______ his journey _______discovery _______America. His travels were _______important that they are _______ studied today. ZhengHe _______(bear) in Yunnan in 1371. He_______( rise) to become a _______(trust) official______the Yongle Emperor of ______Ming Dynasty. The emperor ordered Zheng He ______(visit) and explore the lands______ China. His task was ______(develop) relations and _____ _____(建立) trade routes ______foreign countries.______ a few years, he built a great fleet ______ ships, the biggest in the world at ______ time. The ships were known ______treasure ships. They were big enough______(carry) 25,000 people as______(good) as very large ______(quantity) of goods. From 1405 ______1433, Zheng He went on seven ______(trip) and visited South-East Asia, the Middle East and______ the east coast ______ Africa.It seemed ______ nowhere was too far ______him to visit. These voyages ______(allow) China to trade valuable goods ______ gold, silver and silk.______ the end of each voyage, Zheng He returned with many things that ______(see) in China ______ the first time, such ______ a giraffe from Africa. Besides ______(develop) trade, the voyages also encouraged the exchange of cultures and ______(technology). They helped the ______(develop) of thosecountries and ______(region). Zheng He ______(die) in 1433 ______ his last voyage. ______, his voyages were ______ a huge ______(achieve) that people still remember him______a pioneer in opening ______ cultural contacts ______ different peoples around the world. More practice Marco Polo ______ West Lake, in the city ______Hangzhou, there is a small ______(雕塑) of a traveller. His name was Marco Polo. Marco Polo ______(grow) up in the city of Venice, in ______(现在的) Italy. In 1271, when he was 17 years old, he set off ______ a journey to Asia ______ his father and uncle, and did ______ return home until 24 years______. His travels took him ______Asia, ______ the Silk Road and______ China. He loved Hangzhou so much______ he described it______ "______(fine) city in the world." ______ Polo finally returned to Venice, there was a war ______he ______(capture). While he was ______ prison, he told the stories ______ his travels to another man there. This man wrote the stories ______in a book ______(call)The Travels of Marco Polo. Because ______the interesting ______(describe) of Asian life in the book, Polo's travels ______ became well known ______ Europe. The stories ______(give) many Europeans their first look ______ the life and culture______ the people in Asia. Polo told______ many ______(amaze) things that were unknown ______ Europe, such ______paper money. He also wrote about China's ______(develop), ______ its large cities and systems______communication. His book made ______(Europe) more and more interested in the East. It ______ influenced many other explorers, ______(include) Christopher Columbus. Polo died in 1324. His last ______(word) were: "I did not tell half______what I saw."


一.Unit 5单词

4.enter v.报名参加;进来 三、重点短语汇总 1.be dying to do sth. 渴望做…;极想做… 2.can't wait to do sth. 迫不及待… 3.to be honest 说实话 4.build up建立 5.feel pleased with sb.对…感到满意 6.at the second crossing 在第二个路口 7.go to sleep 入睡;睡着 8.【中考总结】表示“许多” a large number of +可数名词复数=large numbers of a large/huge amount of+不可数名词=large amounts ofa lot of+可数名词复数/不可数名词=lots of =plenty of a large quantity of+可数/不可数名词 =large quantities of mountains of+可数名词复数/不可数名词 a good/great many +可数名词复数 many a+可数名词单数 9.【中考总结】制造: be made of由…制造(原材料) be made from由…制成(看不出原材料) be made in+地点 某地制造 be made by+人由谁制造的 10.an unforgettable experience一次难忘的经市 练习 写出单词的适当形式。 1.gentle→ady. 2.honest→ady. →n. 4.shame→adj. 5.enter→D. 6.final→ady.


★教材原文 Pity the farmer 悯农 by Li Shen (772-846) ——李绅(772 - 846) The farmer hoes grain in the noonday sun, 锄禾日当午, With sweat dripping onto the field. 汗滴禾下土。 Who realizes that the food on their plate- 谁知盘中餐, Every grain-comes from bitter suffering? 粒粒皆辛苦。 The rice farmer 米农 by Saoirse McCann ——西尔斯·麦凯恩 The sun is setting low, the red sky a welcoming sight; 太阳已徐徐落下,天空染起红妆; The farmer stands silently in the fading light. 渐失渐柔的光线中,农民矗立眺望。 The fields are watered and planted, the buffaloes are fed; 田已灌溉和播种,老牛也已喂养; The only thing he thinks of now is finding home and bed. 现在唯一想要的,就是家里那张床。 A gentle wind is whispering of hope and dreams of life; 风儿低吟浅唱着,送来希望与梦想; Every grain of rice requires such effort and such strife. 不努力就没收获,每粒米都是这样。 Remember, when you sit and eat with family of friends, 亲朋好友吃饭时,请您勿要忘; All the many hours he works, as his fields he tends. 种米的人还在忙碌着,在那片土地上。 ★巩固提升 一、阅读理解 Pity the farmer by Li Shen (772–846) The farmer hoes grain in the noonday sun, With sweat dripping onto the field. Who realizes that the food on their plate— Every grain—comes from bitter su ffering?

U6 第3课时Grammar同步练习 2022-2023学年牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)九年级英语下册

Unit6 Caring for your health Grammar同步练习 Ⅰ.单项选择 1.(2021年扬州)—Kate, do you know _____? —I’m not sure. Maybe a Bird-watching Society worker. A. where can I watch birds B. what is the man with a camera C. where I can watch birds D. what the man with a camera is 2.(2021年山西)—Some school have used used smart uniforms. I wonder________ . —They can tell parents where their children are. A. who invented them B. what they are used for C . when students wear them 3.(2021年黄冈)—I don’t know____________ during the summer vacation. Do you have any advice? —How about visiting Beijing International Horticultural Expo(北京国际园艺博览会)? A. what should I do B. when should I go C. what I should do D. when I should go 4.(2019年新疆)—Would you please tell me____________? —It’s Mr. Black’s. A. when the robot was bought B. who the robot belongs to C. why the robot was made D. which city the robot was taken to 5.(2021年抚顺)—Hi, Alice. I wonder ___________ . —I often go swimming in the sports center. A. where you skate B. what you do on the weekend C. when you exercise D. whether you enjoy your weekend Ⅱ.语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Margaret always 6 (give) her friends cards on Christmas Day. She thinks it is a great way to tell each other how much she values their 7 (friend). Last week, Margaret went to several different 8 (store) looking for special cards for her friends. Margaret likes all the friends equally. She wanted to find a card for each friend that was personal, and she wanted the cards to also look sort of 9 same. Margaret spent over an hour looking at cards, but she could not find the cards 10 were right. Margaret h ad a great idea. She would make cards for each of her friends. But she wasn’t sure how to

9B Unit1 知识点练习九年级英语牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)下册

★教材原文 Welcome to this lecture, everyone. Today we’re going to talk about the Chinese explorer Zhang Qian and the Silk Road. Zhang Qian was a pioneer in setting up the Silk Road. He was an official in the Han Dynasty. At that time, China knew little about the lands in the far West. The emperor sent Zhang Qian to explore and open routes to the outside world. Zhang Qian travelled to many countries and made useful reports on the people and cultures there. His journeys helped lead to the development of the Silk Road. The Silk Road got its name from the Chinese silk trade. It was started over 2,000 years ago. Although it was called a “road”, the Silk Road was actually many different routes, both on land and by sea. These routs spread from East, South and West Asia to North and North-East Africa as well as Europe. They allowed people to carry goods between countries, and helped spread knowledge and ideas across the world. The Silk Road was important in the development of countries such as China, India and Egypt. ★巩固提升 一、阅读填空 Zhang Qian was an early 1._________(travel). He was probably the 2._______(one) man to bring back good information about the central Asian lands to China. In 138 BC, Han Wudi 3.______(send) Zhang Qian to the Yue-chi people to ask for their help against the Xiongnu.4._________(luckily), on the way to West Regions, he 5._______(catch) by the Xiongnu people. Zhang had to stay with them for about 10 years before he got away. When Zhang at last reached the Y ue-chi in Northern India, he was disappointed 6.________(find) that they didn't want to fight against the Xiongnu people. On 7.________(he) return journey (旅程), Zhang Qian and his men were again caught. It was not until 125 BC that they returned to China. Although Zhang didn't finish his job he learned a lot about the 8._________(place), people, customs and cultures of the 36 kingdoms (王国) of 9.__________(west) Regions. Han Wudi then sent Zhang to the west again. 10.________(Zhang) journey to the west helped with international trade, especially in silk, between China and the West. 参考答案:1.traveler 2.first 3. sent 4. Unluckily 5.was caught 6. to find 7.his 8. places 9.Western 10. Zhang's 二、综合阅读 Welcome to this lecture, everyone. Today we’re going to talk about the Chinese explorer Zhang Qian and the Silk Road. Zhang Qian was a pioneer in setting up the Silk Road. He was (A)________official in the Han Dynasty. At that time, China knew little about the lands in the far West. The emperor sent Zhang Qian to explore and open routes to the outside world. Zhang Qian travelled to many countries and made useful reports on the people and cultures there.(B) His journeys helped lead to the development of the Silk Road. The Silk Road got its name from the Chinese silk trade. (C)它建立于两千年前。Although it

Unit 1 reading基础知识及精选练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版九年级英语下册

译林牛津英语9B Unit 1 reading 1 基础知识梳理: 1.be praised as the “Art Palace of Nature” Praise sb for sth /be praised for / get high praise from... 2.Touists like to take a boat trip along the Lijiang River. 3.It’s pleasant to hire a bicycle and ride around the countryside.please: pleased pleasant pleasure 4.be open to the public as a museum 5.As an old saying goes, “He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. 6.What great fun it is to do sth! How funny it is to do sth!have fun doing sth 7.①lie lied lied lying ②lie lay lain lying ③lay laid laid laying 8.raise one’s voice / raise your hand / raise a sheep 9.rise rose risen / The sun rises in the east. 10.The price of houses has risen in the past few years. The price is high/low / cost much/little.. 11.the biggest city square in the world / in southern China 12.in the north-west of Beijing / in this underground cave 配套练习: 一、词汇运用 1. There will be a high- speed railway _________ (连接) Wuxi to Jiangyin. 2.The car crashed into a tree because of the driver's .(care) 3. After two more_________ (miss), the player scored a goal at last. 4.Is Wu Wei a _____(bear)artist? 5.I am ______(impress)by what he does for me. 6.Tim is very active. It seems t hat he is full of ________(energetic). 7.My brother has ______(win) more prizes than me. 8.The old man gave up _______(smoke) in the end. 二、单项选择 ( )1.It’s very difficult to learn English well, but you can’t________.


2021-2022牛津译林版初三英语下册9BU1Welcome to the unit 课时训练 一、词汇 1. Foreigners can’t use______________(筷子) well when they have meals in China. 2. Chinese _____________(剪纸)is one of the traditional Chinese folk arts. 3. It’s rather ______________(累人的) to work late every day. 4. It’s hard for old people to climb so many ____________(台阶). 5. How much do you know about ____________(亚洲)? 6. It’s______________(传统的) to eat moon cakes in China on the Mid-Autumn Festival.. 7. They’re ___________(计划) to travel around the UK these days. 8. You are so _______________(amaze)to do such a great job. 二、单项选择 1. _________he was tired, he continued working in his office. A Since B Although C As soon as D Because 2.He didn’t get up ___________his mother __________this morning. A. until; woke him up B. until; woke up him C. after; woke him up D. after; woke up him 3. Learning English can make _________ to talk with foreigners. A. you easier B. you more easily C. it easier for you D. it more easily for you 4. _____ fishes are killed by polluted water every year. A. Millions of B. Million of C. Two millions of D. Two millions 5.-- I haven’t heard from Henry for a long time. --What do you think ____to him? A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. had happened 6. Most families in China now have only one child. Parents should teach them ______others when they are young. A. what to play with B. when to get on with C. which to play with D. how to get on with 7. My chest (胸)___________when I take a deep breath, doctor. A. hurts B. wounds C. harms D. is wounded 8.--I’m not going shopping tomorrow. --_______. I have to clean up my bedroom. A. So am I B. Neither am I C. Neither I am D. So I am 9.Everyone was __________ when they heard this __________ news. A. excited; excited B. exciting; exciting C. excited; exciting D. exciting; excited 10. I don’t think ____ possible to master a language without much memory work A. this B. that C. it D. him 11. The population of China is ___________ than any other country in the world. A. larger B. smaller C. more D. less 12.—Bill, please turn down the music, ________Mum ________ Dad are sleeping. —Sorry, I'll do it right away. A. neither; nor B. either; or C. both; and D. Not only; but also 13. He offered ______ valuable advice that ______people disagreed. A such; a few B such; few C so; a few D so; few

Unit1 四会词汇词组背诵默写+练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版九年级英语下册

9BU1四会词汇词组默写 背诵: 使人疲劳的,累人的adj. tiring 台阶;梯级n. step [复]筷子n. chopsticks 中间,中央n. middle 在…中间in the middle of 升高n. raising 旗帜n. flag 奇迹n. wonder 位于vi. lie 形状,外形n. shape 地下的adj. underground 垂下;悬挂vt. & vt. hang 指,指向vi. point 东部的,东方的adj. eastern 东南方n.,adj. & adv. south-east 占据(空间) ;占用(时间) take up 四分之一n. quarter 两者之一det. & pron. either 水平n. level 服务;工作n. service 日本(人) 的adj. Japanese 国家;州n. state 人口n. population 信息技术abbr. IT 技术n. technology 集市;庙会;展览会n. fair 印度(人) 的adj. Indian had better keep moving 最好继续前进 go on to do/ doing sth 继续做某事 wake me up 把我叫醒 Thank you for your suggestions感谢你的建议。 turn into 改成 it is well worth a visit. 非常值得一游。 the biggest city square in the world 世界上最大的城市广场In the north-west of Beijing 在北京的西北部 every few hundred metres 每隔数百米 lie on both sides/位于两岸 because 因为 fill you with surprise 让你充满惊喜 in the south-east of the city 在这个城市的东南部 take up 占据 be all different from 不一样 be well worth visiting/ a visit 值得一游 le ave Beijing for Shanghai 离开北京去上海 It’s said/ reported that … 据说/报道说…… provide a high level of service 提供高水平的服务 take a tour of Tokyo 去东京旅游 be famous for its IT industry 因它的信息技术产业而闻名 默写 使人疲劳的,累人的adj. ________________ 台阶;梯级n. ________________ [复]筷子n. ________________ 中间,中央n. ________________ 在…中间________________ 升高n. ________________ 旗帜n. ________________ 奇迹n. ________________ 位于vi. ________________ 形状,外形n. ________________

寒假能力提升综合训练五 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语九年级下册

2021-2022牛津译林版初三英语下册寒假能力提升综合训练五一、完形填空 She is a beautiful red-haired girl. She has been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. It was __2_ outside. We all stood there under the _1_, just outside the door. Her voice was so sweet that it _3__ the dull (沉闷的) surroundings (环境). “Mom, let’s run through the rain,” she said. “What?” Mom asked. “Let’s run through the rain!” She repeated. “No, honey. We’ll wait __4_ it slows down a bit,” Mom replied. This young child waited about another minute and repeated, “Mom, let’s run through the rain.” “We’ll get wet if we do,” Mom said. “No, we won’t, Mom. That’s not what you said this morning.” the young girl said as she __5_ her Mom’s arm. “This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?” “Don’t you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, ‘If God can get us through this, he can get us through _6_!’” The crowd became _7__. Nothing could be heard but the rain. No one came or left in the next few minutes. Mom thought for a moment about what she would say. “Honey, you are right. Let’s run through the rain. If we get wet, maybe we’ll __8_ need to get a wash.” Mom said. Then off they ran. People all stood watching and smiling as they __9_ past the cars and through the puddles (水坑). They held their shopping bags over their heads. They got wet through. But they were __10_ by a few who laughed like children all the way to their cars. People can take away your money and health. But no one can ever take away your memories. So don’t forget to make time to make memories every day. 1. A. blowing B. pouring C. falling D. snowing 2. A. cover B. tent C. curtain D. window 3. A. filled B. covered C. matched D. broke 4. A. though B. until C. if D. when 5. A. pulled B. raised C. bent D. moved
