高三英语晚自习限时训练 (2)




Can't-Miss Romantic Sunset Spots

As the sky fills with pinks and purples, it’s hard to not be fascinated by the beauty of Mother Nature’s sunsets. Enjoying a sunset with a romantic partner can make the occasion more special. The sunset watching spots on this list are perfect for Valentine’s Day — or anytime you want a little extra romance.

Beauty by the Sea

Cartagena Bay


A sunset cruise (航游) on the Bay of Cartagena is the perfect way to end your day when you are exploring the city that had its first residents in 4,000 B.C.This UNESCO World Heritage Site has beautiful beaches and a historic old town ready for arm-in-arm wandering. Anarchipelago, the beautiful Rosario Islands, is a one-hour boat ride from the mainland.

Love and Light

Eiffel Tower


Whether you call it the City of Light or the City of Love, both nicknames for Paris hold true when you’re on top of the Eiffel Tower with your lo ved one at sunset. Watch the city lights come up as the sun goes down, champagne (香槟) in hand. Four restaurants are in this area. Plan to reserve your table weeks before arriving in town.

Sunset in a Sphere (球体)

AI Faisaliah Tower


The 876-foot AI Faisaliah Tower was the first skyscraper built in Saudi Arabia. The viewing platform provides an incredible look at the city, but for a romantic evening, make a reservation at The Globe. This three-story restaurant is housed inside the giant glass sphere at the top of the tower, surrounding you with the impressive view as you enjoy European cuisine with perfect service.

1. If you are a history lover, which place is the best choice?

A.Eiffel Tower.

B.AI Faisaliah Tower.

C.Cartagena Bay.

D.City of Love.

2. What can people do in both Eiffel Tower and AI Faisaliah Tower?

A.Watch city lights.

B.Enjoy food.

C.Explore beautiful beaches.

D.Experience AI service.

3. Where is the text probably taken from?

A.An academic article.

B.An educational website.

C.A geography textbook.

D.A travel brochure.


The recent launch of ChatGPT, a chatbot created by Open AI for public use, has underlined the growing reach of digital technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) in working life. Like most technological revolutions that affect the workplace, chatbots can potentially create winners and losers and will affect both blue-collar and white-collar workers.

ChatGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) tool that allows users to interact with the GPT-3 model using natural language. The model is trained on a great amount of data, which allows it to generate human-like responses to a wide variety of inputs.

This type of AI can greatly benefit the productivity of skilled workers. Chatbots offer the possibility to automate (使自动化) boring and time-consuming tasks, such as writing standardized reports, meeting minutes and emails. Workers could therefore be freed to focus on more important and creative tasks. A chatbot virtual personal assistant could guide skilled workers through different projects or production processes. It can also generate original content and ideas, and potentially help to research and develop new products and services.

But tools such as ChatGPT presents a real risk of skilled and semi-skilled workers losing their jobs. For example, chatbots can be developed to train employees in an organization, resulting in the unemployment of human trainers.

Previous waves of technological change have created both winners and losers. Workers who are quicker to adjust to technological change will win by increasingly taking on tasks complementary (互补的) to AI while giving up automated ones.;

4. This passage centers around the effects of AI like ChatGPT on .

A.life B.entertainment C.sports D.work;

5. Paragraph 2 mainly talks about .

A.what ChatGPT is B.how ChatGPT is used

C.why ChatGPT is created D.who created ChatGPT;

6. In paragraph 3, how many benefits of Chatbots are mentioned?

A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.;

7. According to the text, faced with technological revolutions, workers had

better .

A.continue ahead with their automated jobs and work harder

B.do other things while keeping up with the automated ones

C.adapt to the change by doing other things to form a good combination with AI

D.give up automated jobs and just learn as much AI knowledge as possible


To deal with a big environmental problem, chemists have been thinking small. Really small. Their new tiny robot has one purpose: to help clean up tiny bits of plastic (塑料的) polluting waterways across the world.

Each new microrobot is no bigger than the tip of a sharpened pencil. They are magnetic (磁的) and shaped like stars. When sunlight hits them, they produce chemical reactions (化学反应) that push them through water in a specific direction. When the y find a piece of plastic, they catch it and start to break it down. When the lights go out, they let go and are free to be used again. In a new study, the scientists reported that these robots can either break down a piece of microplastic or hold onto it to be collected later.

Chemist Martin Pumera at the Czech University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague led the project. He studies ways to build microrobots. He says: “Let’s make them do something useful.”

Pumera chose to center on the problem caused b y microplastics. It’s a big problem. These are tiny bits of plastic, usually no wider than the top of a pencil eraser. And they’re everywhere — from the bottom of the ocean to air blowing onto ice at the top of mountains. They’ve turned up in drinking wate r, both bottled and tap water. Some studies found that too many pieces of plastic end up in the world’s waters. Plastic doesn’t easily degrade (分解) or fall apart. That’s always been one of its study points.

Pumera says his final goal is to make cheap and environmentally-friendly robots that can be used anywhere in the world. He thought that at first they might be most useful in plants that treat wastewater. There they can remove plastic before it reaches open water.

In lab experiments, the star-shaped swimmers catch each of four different types of plastic. And after a week exposed (暴露) to light, the robots had reduced the weight of the plastics. It wasn’t much — only by 3 percent. But that was a sign they were breaking the plastic down.

In fact, Pumera says they still have a long way to go. There are many types of plastics. And even these microrobots are unlikely to succeed in degrading them all.

The researchers also have not yet shown how safe this system is for the environment, although Pumera says that’s t heir next goal. The first real-world test will be in a waste water-treatment plant.;

8. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Microrobots. B.Stars.

C.Pencils. D.Microplastics.;

9. Paragraph 4 is mainly about .

A.the experiment carried out by Pumera

B.the functions that the microrobot holds

C.the places where microplastics usually turn up

D.the reason why Pumera invented the microrobot;

10. According to the passage microrobots .

A.can break down plastics in the dark

B.prove to be most useful in open water

C.do no harm to the environment at present

D.need further testing before they are put into use;

11. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To encourage people to find more solutions to pollutions.

B.To present a new way of breaking down microplastics.

C.To stress the importance of protecting the water.

D.To explain a serious environmental problem.


Camping is a fun and exciting experience, but to stay organized and safe, you must carefully prepare for the trip.

12 . If it is just you or your family, things will become easier. However, if you are taking a group of friends, you’d better make sure you get insurance information and health information before you start. If someone is injured on the trip, the insurance information will make a huge difference in the care they receive. 13 . For example, for those who are suffering basic diseases, make sure they have enough medicines available.

Then decide how long you will stay and figure out where you will be camping. If you do not know this, you will go through the trouble of purchasing and packing a tent when you were supposed to sleep in a cabin.

14 . The food should be enough for three meals and an optional snack per day, as well as lots of water. Basically, ensure food safety. Foods like dairy products and meat go bad easily. 15 .

At last, gather all of the other things on the “Things You’ll Need" list and try to pack them in a small, lightweight bag. 16 . Materials to deal with burns, cuts, and bumps should be prepared in it.

A.Health information is also important

B.Stay calm when an accident happens

C.Make sure they are fresh and safe to eat

D.And never forget to pack up a first aid kit

E.Firstly, decide with whom you are camping

F.Taking exercise every day is a good way to keep healthy

G.Of course, you’d better pack an appropriate amount of food


17 most TV stations and video-streaming platforms try to attract viewers by producing star-studded(明星荟萃的)reality shows, Henan TV has gone viral(走红)by promoting traditional culture through Chinese dance.

This year, Henan TV produced seven dance pieces 18 (highlight)traditional culture, such as Rhapsody on the Luo River Goddess(《洛神水赋》), a two-minute underwater dance, and Dragon Boat Festival and Guardian Warriors of Longmen(《龙门金刚》), a dance piece 19 (support)by AR technology against the backdrop of the Longmen Grottoes.

Last month, Yao Wei, director of the TV station’s Innovation Center, was invited

to talk about how the TV station 20 (produce)the hit dance pieces at a three-day forum centering on the research of Chinese dance.

The pieces made an emotional impact on audiences, most of 21 are members of Gen Z(people born between 1995 and 2009), Yao said.

“It 22 (be)over forty years since the country’s reform and opening-up and the younger generations have grown up with a more open mindset. With plenty of resources and opportunities, they embrace Chinese culture and are proud of it,” said Yao. “ 23 we need to do is present Chinese culture and tradition in interesting ways for those young people.”

Yao added that Henan TV has been producing shows highlighting traditional culture, such as traditional operas and kung fu, for nearly 30 years.

“ 24 (appeal)to younger audiences, we are also changing our shows. One of the keys is to produce content with strong visual creativity,” Yao said. “For example, the latest technology and unconventional stage settings, like underwater scenes, have become our new ways of telling stories about traditional Chinese culture, rather than simply narrating history with traditional video content.”

Another key to successfully 25 (reach)younger audiences is using social media platforms to promote their shows.

“Social media 26 (shape)and driven by young people. It’s a powerful form of communication. When they take a quick scroll through their phones, they easily become interested in an eye-catching video,” Yao said.


Mice are at their best at night. But a new analysis suggests researchers often test the nightly creatures during the day, which could alter results and create 27 across various studies, if they record time-of-day information 28 . Scientists assume that waking up lab mice in the daytime may twist research.

Of the 200 papers examined in the new study, more than half cither failed to report the timing of behavioral testing or did so 29 . On the contrary, they found only 20

percent reported 30 testing. The analysis was published in Neuroscience & Bio-behavioral Reviews.

West Virginia University neuro-scientist Randy Nelson, the study's lead author, says this is likely a matter of human 31 . “It is easier to get students and schools to work duri ng the day than at night,” Nelson says. But that advantage 32 .

“Time of day not only impacts the intensity of many 33 , including mice activity, aggressiveness of their behavior, and hormone levels,” but changes in those factors can only be 34 during certain parts of the daytime cycle, says University of Wyoming behavioral neuro-scientist William D.Todd. This means that “failing to report time of day of data collection and tests makes 35 of results extremely difficult,” adds Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center staff scientist Natalia Machado. Neither Todd nor Machado was involved in the new study.

36 , the study researchers say it is critical that scientists report the timing of their work and consider the fact that animals' behavioral and physiological responses can 37 with the hour. As a first step, Nelson says, “obviously, taking time-of-day into consideration seems like 38 fruit in terms of line assing behavioral neuroscience research reliability, reproducibility and rigor (严谨性)

University of Calgary psychologist Michael Antle, who was also not involved in the analysis, says such differences in how studies are run 39 a “reproducibility crisis” in science, with other laboratories unable to 40 study results. “Running a study at the wrong time,” he says, “could lead to us completely 41 a finding altogether.”

27. A.immobility B.originality C.inconsistency D.credibility

28. A.exclusively B.precisely C.generally D.honestly

29. A.directly B.personally C.reliably D.unclearly

30. A.everyday B.quality C.physical D.nighttime

31. A.security B.convenience C.intelligence D.privacy

32. A.comes at a cost B.comes to the point C.comes into being D.comes to an end

33. A.operations B.effects C.subjects D.variables

34. A.indicated B.required C.recorded D.proposed

35. A.interpretation B.expectation C.suspicion D.distribution

36. A.Vice versa B.In comparison C.For example D.Therefore

37. A.occur B.diversify C.improve D.vary

38. A.low-hanging B.high-demanding C.bitter-tasting D.long-standing

39. A.belong to B.contribute to C.result from D.go through

40. A.recreate B.modify C.stimulate D.predict

41. A.presenting B.examining C.missing D.confirming


42. I met the Man of the Trees in summer ten years ago, when I was visiting Uncle Jita.

Those were difficult times. People were cutting down our forest, and there was often flooding. Sometimes our water supply was dirty. When our pump(水泵)did have clean water, we had to wait in line for ages. When the pump wasn’t working, we had to walk five kilometres to the closest stream.

But I was happy. I was going to see my favorite uncle. When the day finally arrived, Dad drove me to Uncle Jita’s house and left. Once he saw me, Uncle Jita announced, “Tomorrow we’re going to explore a magical place. Here is my camera, Amy. You can take photos of what you see.”

The following day, we woke up and left early on a boat. The trip was exciting. But when we got off, there was ... nothing in front of us. “I don’t want to t ake pictures of this,” I complained.

Uncle laughed,“Start walking, Amy. I promise you’ll be surprised.” After some time, I could see the outline of a forest in the distance. A little closer, there was a man waving to us.

“That’s Kabir. The forest you see is his. He planted every single tree.” As we walked towards Kabir, Uncle explained that thirty years ago, the whole area was a wasteland. But one day Kabir decided to change all that and started planting trees. Thanks to him, part of the wasteland is now a paradise(天堂).

Uncle introduced me to Kabir, who had gray hair and a determined face. “Jita told me you like animals. Are you ready to see some?” he asked. “Of course!” I replied. We continued walking and soon were under the trees. I turned my head and was amazed at the difference between the two places. All because of the efforts of one man.

Like Uncle said, Kabir’s forest was magical. We saw deer, rhinos, and even tigers. During lunchtime, Kabir explained how, by planting trees, it was possible to stop the land from eroding(侵蚀).




Hearing this, I turned to my uncle, “I think we can plant trees too ”

In the years that followed, people in our village worked hard to carry out our plan.


1. C

2. B

3. D

4. D

5. A

6. B

7. C

8. A 9. D 10. D 11. B

12. E 13. A 14. G 15. C 16. D

17. While 18. highlighting 19. supported 20. had produced

21. whom 22. has been 23. What 24. To appeal 25. reaching 26. is being shaped

27. C 28. A 29. D 30. D 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. A

36. D 37. D 38. A 39. B 40. A 41. C

42. Hearing this, I turned to my uncle, “I think we can plant trees too.” Grabbing the camera in my hand, I added with excitement. “I’ve got a plan! I’ll show them the photos of Kabir’s magical forest! ” Seeing Uncle and Kabir’s encouraging smile, I immediately set down to my work, busily pressing my shutter and capturing the amazing scenes in the forest. When Uncle and I went back to the village several days later and showed these wonderful pictures to my neighbour, they were stunned by the beauty o f the forest. “It was the trees that turned the place into a paradise! ” We then explained our tree-planting plan to the villagers, which was quickly accepted by all of them.

In the years that followed, people in our village worked hard to carry out our pl an. Instead of cutting down our forest, we started to plant trees, which has eventually helped protect the soil and stopped the land from eroding. Thanks to the trees, the water has been purified and we finally have clean and stable water supply. With our joint efforts, our village is now surrounded by small thriving forests with blooming flowers, lively animals and crystal-clear streams running through. Witnessing the gradual change of our village, we came to realize that only when we live in harmony with nature can we have a brighter future.


2023届高三英语晚自习限时训练 一、阅读理解 (一) The Huaqing Palace Heritage Site Star Pool It was built in 644 A.D.for Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It is said that at first there was no cover for the pool so that he could enjoy the shining stars of the night while taking a bath. Tang Well It has a long history of over 1,300 years and measures 1.9 meters long, 1.26 meters wide and 8.3meters deep. It was used just by Yang Yuhuan for drinking water. Huaqing Hot Springs They were named “The Fi Hot Springs in the World” in the Tang Dynasty by Emperor Xuanzong. The water temperature stays at 43℃ all year round. It was first used as an imperial pool during the Zhou Dynasty (1036B.C.-256 B.C.). Imperial Concubine Pool (贵妃池) It was built in 747A.D.for the famous beauty Yang Yuhuan. It takes the shape of a Chinese crabapple (海棠) flower, and is where Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Yuhuan took baths together every winter. Address: At the foot of Lishan Mountain in Lintong, 30 kilometers east of Xi’an. Opening hours: From March to November: 7:00-18:00; From December to February: 7:30-18:30. Bus routes: 914, 915, U5, and 306. 1. Which of the following has the longest history? A.Star Pool. B.Tang Well. C.Huaqing Hot Springs. D.Imperial Concubine Pool. 2. What is special about Imperial Concubine Pool? A.It is half-divided. B.It is flower-shaped. C.It is for drinking. D.It has no cover. 3. Where is this text most likely from? A.A diary. B.A guidebook. C.A news report. D.A story book. (二) During the COP27 climate conference (会议) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, an important deal on “loss and damage” was reached. This was a big step forward because at COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland, there were no talks on loss and damage at all. The plan is that richer countries will pay money into a special fund that will be used to help poor countries. Loss and damage means the damaging impact of climate change on developing countries. For nearly 30 years, poorer countries have been asking richer countries for

高三英语晚自习限时训练 (2)

高三英语晚自习限时训练 一、阅读理解 A Can't-Miss Romantic Sunset Spots As the sky fills with pinks and purples, it’s hard to not be fascinated by the beauty of Mother Nature’s sunsets. Enjoying a sunset with a romantic partner can make the occasion more special. The sunset watching spots on this list are perfect for Valentine’s Day — or anytime you want a little extra romance. Beauty by the Sea Cartagena Bay CARTAGENA, COLOMBIA A sunset cruise (航游) on the Bay of Cartagena is the perfect way to end your day when you are exploring the city that had its first residents in 4,000 B.C.This UNESCO World Heritage Site has beautiful beaches and a historic old town ready for arm-in-arm wandering. Anarchipelago, the beautiful Rosario Islands, is a one-hour boat ride from the mainland. Love and Light Eiffel Tower PARIS Whether you call it the City of Light or the City of Love, both nicknames for Paris hold true when you’re on top of the Eiffel Tower with your lo ved one at sunset. Watch the city lights come up as the sun goes down, champagne (香槟) in hand. Four restaurants are in this area. Plan to reserve your table weeks before arriving in town. Sunset in a Sphere (球体) AI Faisaliah Tower RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA The 876-foot AI Faisaliah Tower was the first skyscraper built in Saudi Arabia. The viewing platform provides an incredible look at the city, but for a romantic evening, make a reservation at The Globe. This three-story restaurant is housed inside the giant glass sphere at the top of the tower, surrounding you with the impressive view as you enjoy European cuisine with perfect service. 1. If you are a history lover, which place is the best choice? A.Eiffel Tower. B.AI Faisaliah Tower. C.Cartagena Bay. D.City of Love. 2. What can people do in both Eiffel Tower and AI Faisaliah Tower? A.Watch city lights. B.Enjoy food.


高三英语限时训练二 一、单项填空 1. —I don’t know what I _______ without the suitcase you lent me. —Glad to have been of some help to you. A. would have done B would do C. should have done D should do 2. After the heavy mudslide happened in Sichuan, hundreds of newspaper reporters were sent to ______ the natural disaster. A. describe B. cover C. witness D. experience 3. However _______, it’s worth it and I’ll get it. A. the watch costs B. much the watch costs C. the watch will cost D. much does the watch cost 4. The needle treatment ______ the ancient times in China is gradually accepted by experts in medicine in other countries. A. which dated from B. dated from C. dating from D. which was dated back to 5. Five hundred troops were sent in, more as a ______ gesture than as a real threat. A. real B. ideal C. facial D. symbolic 6. When the old woman died, it______ that she was actually very rich. A. came to an end B. went to light C. came to life D. came to light 7. —Who knocked at the door? —I’ve no idea. I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didn’t ask who ______ was. A. he B. that C. she D. it 8. So amused _______ that I couldn’t help laughing when I saw the children dressed up as Santa Clauses on Christmas Day. A. did I feel B. had I felt C. was I felt D.I felt 9. The child should be punished. You shouldn’t let him ______ telling lies. A. keep away from B. keep away with C. get away from D. get away with 10. The way you thought of _______ the math problem is greatly creative. A. solving B. settling C. to solve D to handle 11. The magician picked several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance. A. by accident B. on occasion C. at random D. on average 12. Bush, 59, looked fresh and ______ as he ______ of the sunny weather to enjoy one of his favorite pastimes. A. energetic; took advantage B. cautious; took charge C. trustworthy; took control D. outspoken; took notice 13. We knew that he had failed the exam from his ______ look. A. disappointing B. disappoints C. disappointed D. disappoint 14. His finger was cut off when he caught it in a machine, but the surgeon was able to ___ it back on. A. sew B. cure C. treat D. operate 15. He survived the accident, but his car was damaged beyond repair, so he had to ______ it. A. accelerate B. accumulate C. abolish D. abandon 二、完形填空 Angelina Jolie says she has a really wonderful time with her partner Brad Pitt, who is an American actor and film producer — and that's why they're still together! Jolie __16__ six children with the actor. She was __17__ by America's Parade magazine if their children are the __18__ she and Brad stay together.


高三英语晚自习限时训练 【阅读理解+七选五+语法填空+应用文写作+读后续写】 一、阅读理解 A Chester is one of the best cities in the UK. As soon as you arrive in Chester you will appreciate the city’s unique atmosphere and sense of history. Founded by the Romans over 2,000 years ago, much of the Roman influence remains and Chester’s city walls ar e the most complete in Britain. Combined with history and heritage(遗产), Chester is a dynamic city full of bars, pubs, clubs, hotels and restaurants for you to discover, tempting you to visit again and again. Travelling to Chester? Chester is easily accessible by many means of transport — whether you are travelling by rail, car, bus or plane. Please check our route planner below to help you plan your journey to Chester. Once you arrive in the city there are numerous car parks; however, during rush hours the easiest way to travel in Chester city centre is via park and ride facilities, which are parking lots with public transportation. Hotels? From bed & breakfasts to the luxury of Chester’s only five star hotel, Chester has all covered. Whether your trip is for business or pleasure your room is just a click away! Sightseeing and Tours? One of the best ways to see Chester is by a guided tour and you have a variety to choose from. Whether you choose the traditional guided walk, to be guid ed around Chester’s historical landmarks by bus or to take a boat down the River Dee, you will sure enjoy the delights of Chester. 1. What can we know about Chester from the first paragraph? A.It is a newly built city. B.It is the best city in the UK. C.It is rich in the deep culture and modern touch. D.Many of its city walls were completed by British people. 2. What is the most convenient way to get around Chester city centre during rush hours? A.By bus. B.By bicycle. C.By rail. D.By taxi. 3. What had you better do to have a better understanding of Chester? A.Choose a bus tour. B.Join a guided tour. C.Take a traditional walk. D.Swim down the river. B Walk into any waiting area and you will see people of all ages on the phone. It is rare to see people sitting and simply thinking while waiting for the next part of the day or night. We have also observed people playing with their mobile phones while having dinner with others or in the presence of their families. It seems that everyone is experiencing FOMO (fear of missing out) or a strong addiction to electronic devices. Why do adults, middle school students, and even young children turn to electronics while waiting? A recent study by Hatano et al. (2022) found that in different cultures people underestimate how enjoyable and attractive simply thinking might be. In a series of studies on university students in both Japan and the United Kingdom, the participants rated their level of expected enjoyment and engagement in simply thinking and then rated their actual level of enjoyment and participation in thinking after the waiting period. During the waiting period, the participants only had the option to think. They were not allowed to take electronics into the waiting area. The participants were not necessarily happy about thinking. Instead, they underestimated the benefits related to thinking and thought that thinking was aversive before the waiting period, which only allowed thinking without electronic products. After this waiting period, they admitted that thinking was more interesting and easier than expected. Thinking can include problem-solving, goal-setting, and a variety of other creative tasks. These outcomes can be extremely productive and satisfying. Perhaps it is time for parents and educators to teach chil dren about the importance of paying attention to one’s thoughts. We need to be better role models and put down our own phones when there is an opportunity to simply wait and think. We need to provide these opportunities for both ourselves and our children.; 4. What’s the purpose of the author describing the scene about people’s using electronics? A.To introduce the importance of electronics. B.To tell what bad influences electronics have. C.To voice his views on thinking while waiting. D.To explain why we should have better ways of communication.; 5. What does the underlined word “aversive” in paragraph 2 mean? A.Satisfactory. B.Boring. C.Worried. D.Meaningful.; 6. What should parents and educators do according to the text? A.Provide opportunities for children. B.Pick up the phones while waiting. C.Underestimate the benefits of thinking. D.Tell children about the significance of thinking.; 7. Which can be a suitable title for the text? A.Why should we put our phones down? B.How can electronic products affect us? C.How do we think freely by using phones? D.Why does thinking while waiting make people smart? C In the past 30 years, the non-profit organization Friends of Trees planted trees along the streets of Portland, Oregon. Now, a new study shows that each tree planted was connected with significant reductions in non-accidental and cardiovascular (心血管的) mortality (死亡率). Evidence pointing to a connection between exposure to nature and lower mortality is obvious. Between 1990 and 2019, Friends of Trees planted 49,246 street trees. The research team looked at the number of trees planted in a given area in the past 5, 10 or 15 years. They connected this information with mortality due to cardiovascular, respiratory (呼吸的) or non-accidental causes in that same area, using data from the Oregon Health Authority. The results showed that in neighborhoods in which more trees had been planted, mortality rates were lower. This connection was significant for cardiovascular and non-accidental mortality, particularly for males and people over the age of 65.


高三英语60分钟限时训练(2) 一、单项选择 1.John is as good as his word. he makes a promise, he will keep it.A. Before B. While C.Although D.Once 2.Theater fans love New York, _ offers a variety of Broadway plays.A.which B.where C.that D.who 3.From our window we have a good view of the open fields, into the distance.A.to reach B.having reached C.reaching D.reached 4.Sorry about the mess.The house at the moment. A.has painted B.had painted C.is being painted D.will be painted 5.Egg prices usually in the spring when they are most plentiful.A.are dropping B.drop C.have dropped D.will drop 6.I walked past your house last night.There was an awful lot of noise.What you ? A.did; do B.would; do C.had; done D.were; doing 7.—George, good luck with your English exam ! —Gosh, I wish I for it last night! A.have studied B.studied C.had studied D.would study 8.— Did you like Mr. Green's lecture? —Yes, any description.I will come again with my classmates. A.over B.in C.beyond D.for 9.All the books by the students are reported to have been sent to the children in the countryside the other day. A.having offered B.to be offered C.offering D.offered 10.—I for more than 30 years ! I'm going to retire soon. —Really? You don’t look a day over 40. A.worked B.have been working C.had worked D.am working 11.—Bill, be careful! —Don't worry. I _ break it. A.can't B.won't C.shouldn't D.needn't 12.I am sure that if it came to that point, he would do is expected of him.A.what B.when C.which D.as 13.I'm working on my fitness and I will be ready in a couple of weeks, not sooner. A.if B.unless C.as D.until 14.Look! How active the guys are ! Never before my students so enthusiastic.A.I see B.I have seen C.do I see D.have I seen 15.A discovery is said to be accident meeting prepared mind.A.the; a B.an; a C.the; the D.an; the 二、完形填空 I was at the post office early that morning, hoping to be in and out in a short while.Yet, I ___16___myself standing in a queue that went all the way into the hallway.I had never seen so many people there on a weekday.It seemed someone might


高三英语晚自习限时训练 【3月31日晚限制:不超过65-70分钟】 【六选四阅读+语法填空+选词填空+阅读理解+小作文+读后续写】 姓名:__________ 班级:___________ 一、六选四阅读 1.Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. A. The animals, to some extent, become tools to us. B. Although violence against zoo animals is often reported, the issue of animal welfare has aroused little attention recently. C. By taking a selfie, you show that you're part of that experience. D. The comparison between caged animals and wild ones are appealing to people. E. Similar incidents are a regular occurrence in natural settings. F. The common factor is that some people are not respecting animal. of a Jaguar (美洲虎) enclosure at Wildlife World Zoo, Arizona. The jaguar ripped into her arm. Bystanders pulled her away before the animal could injure her further. She's fine-so is the jaguar. This isn't the first time a story of a person acting rudely to get close to a wild animal made headlines. Last year, a man jumped into a lion enclosure at a zoo for a close-up photo. Multiple tourists in Yellowstone National Park have been attacked by bison (野牛) when they've gotten too close for a photo. It's common sense not to get close to wild animals that can hurt you. It's why zoos have barriers -sometimes multiple walls-to keep people separated from animals. Signs posted everywhere state the obvious warning. Keep your hands off the cage. "Yet animals have become less real to us," says an environmentalist. We see exotic animals most frequently in managed settings like zoos. People are trying to take advantage of their rarity to show off on social media and ignore their fierceness. Media often normalize interaction with dangerous animals. Seeing a man like "Lion Whisperer" Kevin Richardson regularly play-fight with lions on TV, may send the message that these animals aren't so dangerous after all. Social media are also perfectly positioned to contribute to the rise of animal selfies.


北京市2023届高三年级晚自习英语限时小训练(二)一、阅读理解 A Here are some libraries in British. Have a look and visit them in your spare time. Duke Humfrey's Library Duke Humfrey's Library, well known for its long history and luxurious collections, is one of the top 10 libraries in British. The library holds 6.12 million volumes. It has 44 service stations, with an average daily reception of 5,000 visitors. It also exchanges documents and literature works with Japan, the United States and Austria at irregular intervals (不定期地). Opening Hours: 8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m., closed every Monday afternoon (except for festival holidays) Liverpool Central Library Liverpool Central Library is a cultural landmark in British. It is an intelligent and modem library with 100 staff and 1.23 million volumes. It consists of a total of 32 halls and rooms, as well as newly-developed lecture halls, exhibition centers and electronic reading rooms, with more than 1,900 seats. The library remains open every day. Opening Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m Maughan Library Maughan Library was founded in 1956 and rebuilt in 1993. It has 56,000 books, more than 1.000 bound volumes of newspaper, 5,000 bound volumes of journals, 120 English books from the old time and more than one TB of digital books. The library has three service stations, receiving more than 92,000 visitors every year. Opening Hours: From Monday to Sunday 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.; 2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

2023高三晚自习英语限时 基础练习卷(含答案)

2023高三晚自习限时(基础练习卷) 一、基础巩固与翻译练习 1. 在那一刻她似乎在嘲笑我,但随后我又从她的微笑中感受到悲伤。(汉译英) 2. 毕业在即,我既高兴又自豪,也认识到唯有不断学习、努力奋斗才会未来可期。(approach)(汉译英) 3. 纵观人类历史,如果一个民族无法适应时代变迁,它就很难在激烈的全球竞争中 存活。(survive) (汉译英) 4. 春节期间的所见所闻让我们深刻地感受到:千千万万普通人最伟大,幸福都是奋 斗出来的。(happiness) 5. 直到经历了令人精疲力竭的15天的征程,全体船员才意识到这个征程未结束。 (It was not until..) (汉译英) 6. 通过志愿者服务与奉献,年轻人们在成长中能有所作为,也得到了机会去珍视生 活中真正重要的东西。(difference) (汉译英) 二、3篇阅读理解题 A

7. According to the text, which animal can help you relax? A.A snake. B.A dog. C.A honeyguide bird. D.A miniature horse. 8. Miniature horses could serve . A.blind people who dislike dogs B.blind people who can live longer C.animal lovers who search for honey D.animal lovers who suffer from cancer 9. The text is about animals’ . A.special training B.great potentials C.unique jobs D.high intelligence B After being attacked by Hurricane Ida’s 150 mph winds and torrential rains, hundreds of thousands of Gulf Coast residents were left without power and fresh water this week as a 100-degree heat wave settled over the region. Ida smashed into Louisiana as a Category 4 hurricane, ripping off roofs, knocking out transmission lines, flooding roads, and reducing some brick buildings in downtown New Orleans to rubble. At least eight people died in the storm and the toll is expected to rise as emergency workers search wrecked homes and businesses. One of the most powerful hurricanes to ever hit the U.S. mainland, Ida brought a 5 to 12-foot storm surge that covered low-lying communities in southeastern Louisiana. Grand Isle is now “uninhabitable,” said Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng, with 3 feet of sand covering the entire barrier island and 40 percent of the buildings completely destroyed. The storm caused a citywide blackout in New Orleans, but a Hurricane Katrina-level disaster was avoided there, thanks in part to the $ 14.5 billion spent on new levees, seawalls, and pumps after the 2005 storm. Experts are warning that Ida could worsen the Covid crisis in the Gulf Coast, as residents crowd together in homes and emergency shelters without immediate access to testing or medical care. ICUs in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama hospitals were already near capacity be- fore the storm hit. Nearly 1 million people are still without power across Louisiana, and authorities waned it could be weeks before electricity is restored. “If you have already evacuated,” said Gov. John Bel Edwands, “do not return here.”; 10. Which of the following best describes Hurricane Ida? A.Mild. B.Destructive. C.Uncontrollable. D.Impressive.; 11. What does the underlined words “the toll” mean in Paragraph 1? A.The death number. B.The heat wave.
