



As a saying goes, every bean has its black. It is impossible to make no mistakes all one’s life. My grandpa Nybakken, a carpenter, is no 36 . Several decades ago he made a mistake —a(n) 37 mistake, though.

On a cold Saturday, Mother’s father was building some wooden cases for the clothes his 38 was sending to an orphanage (孤儿院) in China. On his way home, he 39 into his shirt pocket to find his glasses, but they were gone. He remembered putting them there that morning, so he drove back to the church. His search proved 40 .

When he 41 replayed his earlier actions, he realized what happened. The glasses had slipped out of his pocket unnoticed and fallen into one of the cases, which he had nailed shut. His brand new glasses, having 42 him $20 that very morning, were heading for China! He had to drive home 43 .

Several months later, the director of the orphanage came to give a report on Sunday night at my gran dfather’s church, 44 Grandpa and his family also attended.

“But most of all,〞he said, “I must thank you for the45 you sent last year. You see, the bandits(土匪) had just 46through the orphanage, destroying everything, including my glasses. I was desperate.〞

“47 I had the money, there was simply no way of 48 those glasses. 49 not being able to see well, I experienced headaches every day. Then your cases arrived. When my staff 50 the covers, they found a pair of glasses lying on top.〞

Then, still gripped (吸引注意) with the 51 of it all, he continued: “Folks, when I tried52 the glasses, it was as thoughtthey had been custom-made just for me! I want to thank you for being a part of that!〞

The people listened, 53 for the miraculous glasses. But the director surely must have 54 their church with another, they thought. There were no glasses on their 55 of items to be sent overseas.

But sitting quietly in the back, with tears streaming down his face, an ordinary carpenter realized the Master Carpenter had used him in an extraordinary way.

36.A.expectation B.success C.comment D.exception

37.A.perfect B.foolish C.avoidable D.common

38.A.factory B.church C.family D.country

39.A.turned B.reached C.filled D.put

40.A.proper B.reasonable C.fruitless D.unnecessary

41.A.mentally B.physically C.anxiously D.directly

42.A.charged B.spent C.paid D.cost

43.A.disappointed B.pleased C.nonstop D.quick

44.A.which B.what C.where D.when

45.A.cases B.clothes C.glasses D.wishes

46.A.cut B.swept C.pulled D.broken

47.A.Unless B.As long as C.Until D.Even though

48.A.replacing B.finding C.wearing D.changing

49.A.Except B.Along with C.Rather than D.As for

50.A.nailed B.burnt C.removed D.took

51.A.preparation B.pleasure C.satisfaction D.wonder

52.A.out B.over C.for D.on

53.A.pity B.happy C.curious D.eager

54.A.confused B.associated C.combined D.compared

55.A.cases B.order C.list D.Orphanag




We have heard of counterfeiting before. Usually it refers to people making moneyby printing it instead of earning it. But counterfeiting also can involve all sorts of consumer goods and manufactured products. From well-known brand names such as Calvin Klein jeans to auto parts, counterfeiters have found ways to produce goods that look authentic. In some instances, counterfeit products look better than the original!

The demand of brand-name products has helped counterfeiting grow into a very profitable business throughout the world and into a serious problem for legal manufacturers and consumers alike. Faulty counterfeit parts have caused more than two dozen crashes. Most counterfeit auto parts do not meet federal safety standards.

Counterfeiting hurts manufacturers in many ways. Analysts estimate that, in the United States alone, annual revenue loss runs form $ 6 billion to $ 8 billion. Perhaps even worse, consumers blame the innocent manufacturers when they unknowingly buy a counterfeit product and find it doesn’t perform as expected. Sometimes entire economies can suffer. For instance, when farmers in Kenya and Zaire used counterfeit fertilizers, both countries lost most crops.

By copying other firm’s products, counterfeiters avoid research and development costs and most marketing costs. High-tech products such as computers and their software products are especially easy to attack. As long as counterfeiting is profitable, large quantities of products are available to copy, and the laws are difficult to enforce, counterfeiters can be expected to proper for a long time.

56.Th e word “counterfeiting〞most probably means ______.

A.making things of poor quality for profit

B.making things of good quality for profit

C.illegal making of things by copying

D.legal making of things by copying

57.The most appropriate title for the passage would be ______.

A.The Effects of Counterfeiting B.The Problem of Counterfeiting

C.The Cause of Counterfeiting D.The Profit of Counterfeiting

58.It can be inferred from the passage that hand-made products are “______.〞

A.easier to counterfeit than high-tech products

B.more difficult to counterfeit than high-tech products

C.less profitable to counterfeit than high-tech products

D.more profitable to counterfeit than high-tech products

59.The quality of most counterfeit products is ______.

A.not up to the standards of America

B.up to the standards of America

C.so poor that few people want to buy the products

D.so good that most people prefer them to the authentic ones


There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external〔外部的〕result or product that can easily be identified and measured. The worker who gets a promotion, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new language – all these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.

By contrast, the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since by definition it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks (路标) along the way. The process is not the road itself, but rather the attitudes and feelings people have, their caution or courage, as they go through new experiences and unexpected obstacles. In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try new challenges to accept.

In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to be faced with the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may “fail〞at first. How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is essential to our ability to grow. Do we find ourselves as quick and curious? If so, then we tend to take more chances and to be more open to unfamiliar experiences. Do we think we’re shy and indecisive? Then our sense of timidity can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe. So we think we’re slow to adapt to change or that we’re not smart enough to cope with a new challenge? Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all.

These feelings of insecurity and self – doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow. If we do not face and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we cease to grow. We become trapped inside a shell of our own making.

60.A person is generally believed to achieve personal growth when .

A.he has given up his smoking habit

B.he has made great efforts in his work

C.he is interested in making anything new

D.he has tried to determine where he is on his journey

61.In the author’s eyes, one who views personal growth as a process would .

A.succeed in climbing up the social ladder

B.judge his ability to grow from his own achievements

C.face difficulties and take up challenges

D.aim high and reach his goal each time

62.When the author says “a new way of being〞(para. 3), he is referring to .

A.a new approach to experiencing the world

B.a new way of taking risks

C.a new method of finding ourselves

D.a new system of adapting to change

63.For personal growth, the author supports all of the following except .

A.curiosity and more chances

B.being quick in self – adaptation

C.open – minded to new experiences

D.avoidance of internal fears and doubts


In this century the traditional American family is constantly faced with the threat of breakdown. Some sociologists suggest that one little–noticed cause may be the introduction of the TV dinner. Before the appearance of television seats, the American dinner was a big event for the family. In many homes dinner time may be the only time when everyone got together. A typical dinner was usually in three stages. In the preparation stage, the children and Father frequently helped with setting while Mother put the last touches on the roast. In the eating stage, family members shared the day’s experiences and more than food was consume d. In this stage families got to know one another and made joint decisions around the dinner table, and thus the family solidarity was strengthened. In the cleaning – up stage, children or Father again gave their hands, so that their significance to the home community was clear. Unfortunately, all of these have been erased by a product—the television set.

By the beginning of the 1980s, the typical American family dinner was just twenty minutes long. The speed – up of this once – leisurely experiences is clearly connected to the overall pace of modern life

and maybe a model of the modern life is the TV dinners—meals designed to be consumed between the opening and closing of a half – hour program. The once family affair has now become nothing more than the use of a fork and knife.

64.According to the passage, the American family is now threatened by .

A.poverty B.having few children

C.poor living conditions D.separation

65.In the past, Americans tended to .

A.spend more time eating their food at dinner table

B.eat more food than they have today

C.spend more time talking about their day’s experienc e at dinner table

D.talk so much that they forgot to eat

66.The shortening of the dinner time in America is related to .

A.the change of people’s tastesB.the pace of modern life

C.the wide use of household appliances D.the popularity of fast food

67.According to the passage, TV dinners are______.

A.meals consumed while one is watching TV

B.meals one learns to cook on TV

C.meals ordered on TV

D.meals consumed before TV

68.The best title for this passage might be .

A.Talk At Dinner Table B.TV Dinner

C.Pace Of Modern Life D.Problems Caused By TV


Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship. At some point, however, we all begin to question our heroes and our need for them. This leads us to ask: What is a hero?

Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.

A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a story of adventure to tell and a community who will listen. But a hero goes beyond mere fame.

Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves. Like high voltage transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people.

The hero lives a life worthy of imitation. Those who imitate a genuine hero experience life with new depth, enthusiasm, and meaning. A sure test for what would be heroes is what or whom do they serve? What are they willing to live and die for? If the answer or evidence suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes. Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life richer?

Heroes are catalysts(催化剂) for change. They have a vision from the mountain top. They have

the skill and the charm to move the masses. They create new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of the British Empire. Without Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr., we might still have segregated (隔离的) buses, restaurants, and parks. It may be possible for large scale change to occur without leaders with magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the committee meetings endless.

69.Although heroes may come from different cultures, they _____________________. A.generally process certain inspiring characteristics

B.probably share some weaknesses of ordinary people

C.are often influenced by previous generations

D.all unknowingly attract a large number of fans

70.Gandhi and Martin Luther King are typical examples of outstanding leaders who ___________ . A.are good at demonstrating their charming characters

B.can move the masses with their forceful speeches

C.are capable of meeting all challenges and hardships

D.can provide an answer to the problems of their people

71.The author concludes that historical changes would ________ .

A.be delayed without leaders with inspiring personal qualities

B.not happen without heroes making the necessary sacrifices

C.take place if there were heroes to lead the people

D.produce leaders with attractive personalities



高考英语阅读理解 28

高考英语阅读理解28 Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2019·莱芜一中模拟)My daughter was in Grade 10 in high school.Her life had been followed by her dyslexia(阅读障碍). She battled with her schoolwork and her teachers in high school.Her math teacher,seemingly the only teacher who understood and empathized with her dyslexia,unexpectedly offered to read her the questions in a math exam.As a result,she got a previously unheard-of B for math.The act of one thoughtful teacher had,perhaps for the first time in my daughter’s public life,made her heart open to enjoy life to the full,and she could now start to believe in herself and her abilities. I could of course want to contact and thank the math teacher.I phoned the school and when I asked to speak to the math teacher,I received a very guarded “why” from t he receptionist who had long been the gatekeeper,fending off(抵挡) angry parents for teachers.The surprise in her voice was obvious when I replied “I want to thank him”.“Oh...of course,just a moment,”she responded.The teacher came on the line with the same sense of caution,knowing only that a parent was on the line.I said,“I just want to thank you for reading the questions to my daughter for her math exam.Not only did she get a B but you have no idea the positive impact your action has had on my daughter’s s elf-belief and hopes for her future.” My daughter’s struggles with dyslexia continue to this day.However,she is now an experienced fully-qualified worker who believes in herself and has helped many people in Family and Youth Care Organization.Doing something positive to help a person will make you feel good.Of far greater importance,however,it might change the life of the person you helped and,through his/her renewal,impact positively on the lives of hundreds of other people. 【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文。作者的女儿有阅读障碍,数学老师的一次善意举动使她考出了好成绩,并且获得了自信。现在,她开始传递爱心,在工作岗

2020高考人教版英语-限时规范练28(选修6 Unit 3)

限时规范练28(选修6Unit3) 核心素养关键词:培养学生人与社会、健康生活的素养能力意识 一、阅读理解 A Squirrels aren’t natural city dwellers (居民).In 1856 the sight of one in a tree near New York’s city hall so surprised passers-by that a newspaper published a report about the “unusual visitor”. Around that time,the tree-dwelling animals were being set free in America’s urban areas to “create pockets of peace and calm like the countryside,” says University of Pennsylvania historian Etienne Benson,who studied our relationship to squirrels over the course of five years. First they were introduced to Philadelphia,then to New Haven,Boston,and New York City.Park visitors were encouraged to feed them,and security guards ensured their safety.In the 1910s a leader of the Boy Scouts of America (an organization teaching boys practical skills) said that teaching children to feed squirrels could show the rewards of treating a weaker creature with sympathy,says Benson. By the early 20th century,though,America began to regret the friendliness it had shown squirrels.Cities had once been filled with animals — from horses pulling goods to dairy cows.By the 1950s those working animals had been moved to the countryside.Pets and wild animals such as birds and squirrels were all that remained of the urban animal kingdom. Before long,people’s enthusiasm for squirrels wore off,and they started to see them as annoyances (讨厌的东西).By the 1970s many parks banned feeding the creatures.Today,it is rare to find kids with their parents offering food to squirrels under a tree.And,unfortunately,with more and more buildings being constructed in the city,fewer inhabitable areas are left for the little tree-dwelling animals. What would be lost if the last of these city dwellers were forced to leave? “I think there’s something constructive to have other living creatures in the city that are not humans and not pets but share the land with us,” says Benson.“It’s a good thing to live in a landscape where you see other creatures going around making lunch.It’s good for the soul.” 1.Why were squirrels introduced to Philadelphia? A.To entertain park visitors. B.To keep the natural balance. C.To encourage kids to protect animals. D.To make the urban life more peaceful. 2.What was the Boy Scout leader’s attitude towards feeding squirrels? A.Disagreeable. B.Doubtful. C.Supportive. D.Uncaring. 3.What might have happened to squirrels in cities around the 1960s? A.They might have inhabited more homes. B.They might have begun to go out of favor.


2023届高三英语晚自习限时训练 一、阅读理解 (一) The Huaqing Palace Heritage Site Star Pool It was built in 644 A.D.for Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It is said that at first there was no cover for the pool so that he could enjoy the shining stars of the night while taking a bath. Tang Well It has a long history of over 1,300 years and measures 1.9 meters long, 1.26 meters wide and 8.3meters deep. It was used just by Yang Yuhuan for drinking water. Huaqing Hot Springs They were named “The Fi Hot Springs in the World” in the Tang Dynasty by Emperor Xuanzong. The water temperature stays at 43℃ all year round. It was first used as an imperial pool during the Zhou Dynasty (1036B.C.-256 B.C.). Imperial Concubine Pool (贵妃池) It was built in 747A.D.for the famous beauty Yang Yuhuan. It takes the shape of a Chinese crabapple (海棠) flower, and is where Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Yuhuan took baths together every winter. Address: At the foot of Lishan Mountain in Lintong, 30 kilometers east of Xi’an. Opening hours: From March to November: 7:00-18:00; From December to February: 7:30-18:30. Bus routes: 914, 915, U5, and 306. 1. Which of the following has the longest history? A.Star Pool. B.Tang Well. C.Huaqing Hot Springs. D.Imperial Concubine Pool. 2. What is special about Imperial Concubine Pool? A.It is half-divided. B.It is flower-shaped. C.It is for drinking. D.It has no cover. 3. Where is this text most likely from? A.A diary. B.A guidebook. C.A news report. D.A story book. (二) During the COP27 climate conference (会议) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, an important deal on “loss and damage” was reached. This was a big step forward because at COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland, there were no talks on loss and damage at all. The plan is that richer countries will pay money into a special fund that will be used to help poor countries. Loss and damage means the damaging impact of climate change on developing countries. For nearly 30 years, poorer countries have been asking richer countries for


高三英语晚自习限时训练 一、阅读理解 A Icehouse and ice ticket As early as Pre-Qin Dynasty, people used natural ice to keep food fresh and make cold drinks. The Zhou royal court had a specialized department called “ice administration”. They collected natural ice blocks each December to store in the icehouse. During th e Qing Dynasty, “ice tickets” were used and they were available only to officials and the rich. Ice container The most commonly used cooling tool is called “Jian”, which is a big container filled with ice. It was made of clay in early Chinese history, and was later made of copper (铜). The “Jian” can be seen as an ancient refrigerator, which can be used to make cold drinks. Hiding food in the well During the Qin and Han dynasties, for common people, the most common way to cool off is by using their wells. Some families put a pot in the well as a cold closet, or put food in a basket and lowered the basket into the well with a rope. Herbal drinks During the Qing Dynasty, taking Chinese herbal medicine was popular in Beijing. In hot summer, some people preferred to drink ice water, some boiled perilla leaves, and liquorice as summer soup to keep off the heat. Ancient people also loved to make lotus seed soup in summer for the benefit of strengthening the body. 1. What does “Jian” have the same function as? A.Container. B.Refrigerator. C.Clay. D.Copper. 2. Which of the following is unavailable to common people? A.Ice tickets. B.Ice container. C.Hiding food in the well. D.Herbal drinks. 3. What’s the common purpose of the above four ways? A.To strengthen the body. B.To keep food fresh. C.To escape the summer heat. D.To make cold drinks. B World’s First Hydrogen-Powered Train Line Last Wednesday, five hydrogen-powered trains began to make the 100-kilometer trip between Cuxhaven and Buxtehude in Germany. The trains make almost no noise and run without polluting. Germany is planning to replace many of its diesel (柴油) trains with hydrogen trains. Currently, most trains run on diesel power. When diesel fuel is burned, it creates carbon dioxide and other polluting gases. These gases have helped create the climate


高三英语高效限时训练 姓名:___________班级:___________ 一、阅读理解 A Beavers(海狸), like humans, change their surroundings to fit their needs. Known as nature’s engineers, they tear trees down to build homes to live in and dams to raise water levels for protection from enemies. Dams also slow water’s flow while blocking sediment(沉积物)that would otherwise flow downstream. The resulting wetlands often attract wildlife diversity where none had existed. There are challenges, though. Beaver dams sometimes cause flooding, and most people prefer trees alive and upright. Communities face a delicate balancing act, learning to coexist with beavers. Last winter, many people enjoying Winston Path became beaver fans as one furry family transformed Swallow Pond into an oasis for birds, frogs, turtles and deer. Yet such activity caused concern. As beavers worked, they raised water levels about five feet. The increased depth allows beavers to survive underwater if the pond ices over. But county officials were concerned about how higher water would affect the soil bank supporting Winston Path. To find a good balance between protecting the path and the beavers, the county introduced a“ beaver baffle”— a pond leveler.Beavers often rush to fill holes in their dams.Baffles stabilize water levels by creating a hidden exit for high water to escape through the dam, unnoticed by the beavers. People love the beavers but they also love the mature trees. Recently, Catherine Jones,18, organized a tree-caging event — putting wire cloth around large tree trunks to discourage beavers from biting them. It also protects people from injury due to random trees falling.“We cover the trees we don’t want them to eat, while planting periodically oth ers they like,“said Jones.“We need-to learn to give up a little of our wants to share the Earth’s resources.” Swallow Pond’s 2023 project will restore proper water depth and improve wildlife habitat without creating problems for the path. The balancing act continues.; 1. What is the first paragraph mainly about? A.Where beavers’ favorite surroundings are. B.What effects beavers have on their habitat. C.Why beavers are called nature’s engineers. D.How beavers help attract wildlife diversity.; 2. Why did the beaver family’s activity cause concern? A.Swallow Pond would flood often. B.Sediment would flow downstream. C.The popular path might be damaged.


高三英语限时阅读训练 A London-Lazy students can now give up on work altogether as two Oxford University students have made scores of A-grade essays (论文) on the website for students to copy. The essays are on the new website, “revise. it” The website includes an “EssayLab” designed to make cheating (舞弊) as effective and effortless as possible. Its homepage announces to surfers (网上冲浪者): “The revise. it EssayLab is a bank of hundreds of A-Level essays covering popular topics.” “Next time you are asked to write an essay, why not see what we have on the subject-if you are in a lazy state of mind you can even use our guide to writing the essays and then just hand them in.” Nick Rose and Jordan Mayo, both 19 and first from Manchester, spent much of their first year as students at the university setting up the website. There is no charge for downloading the essays. “I have never been very good at essay writing,” Rose admitted. “We don’t see essay bank as a cheating way. It’s a surprising valuable resource. You can learn a lot by reading other people’s work on the subject.” Among other tips, the website suggests inventing important speeches to give essays extra weight: “Popular people to quote (引用) are Douglass Hurd or Disraeli.” Hurd was a foreign secretary in the 1980s and Disraeli was a 19th century prime minister. Teachers are expressing their opinions by e-mail that they are angry about the website that “encourages students to cheat”, but students disagree. According to Rose: “Exams are a fight. It’s us against them.” 1. It can be inferred from this passage that ______. A. students who visit the website “revise. it” are all lazy B. students in Oxford University are all lazy C. websites in Oxford University are all set up by students D. websites can provide people with different kinds of information 2. Nick Rose and Jordan Mayo set up their website for the purpose of ______. A. helping students to cheat in exams B. helping students to improve their writing C. making money to pay for their schooling D. making their teacher free 3. What Rose said at last suggests that in England ______. A .it is difficult for students to pass their exams B. it is difficult for teachers to finish their teaching C. students are not satisfied with the education system D. students are too lazy to learn anything B Fish have ears. Really. They’re quite small and have no opening to the outside world


湖北黄冈市2016高考英语阅读理解二轮精练(28)及(解析)答案 2016高考训练题。阅读理解。 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Imagine this: you get up in the morning and put on a custom printed T-shirt. Then you eat some 3-D printed food and relax on your printed sofa. Perhaps you take a ride in a printed electric car to the hospital to get a printed tooth fitted. Though some of these things may seem impossible, they’re closer to reality than you might think. The world of 3-D printing is coming to a store near you soon. The idea of 3-D printing is to produce complicated shapes in a very personalized way. If you want to make a totally new object, you need to make a virtual design in a CAD(computer aided design)file first. Or you can use a 3-D scanner to make a digital copy of an object. Then, based on the design or copy, the 3-D printer makes paper-thin slices out of liquid, plastic, or metal and puts them together to create the object you want. There are many areas in which 3-D printing can change our lives. One such area is health care. Researchers have developed simple 3-D printed organs, which can be used in life-saving operations. A 17-year-old boy in the US has also recently developed a brain-powered, 3-D printed replacement hand. From heart monitors to fake limbs(四肢), we can soon be living longer thanks to 3-D printed technology. Another area that 3-D technology looks sure to change is food. Can you imagine being able to print your favorite dishes at home at the touch of a button? Even big companies are behind the trend. Hersheys, one of the largest chocolate makers in the world, recently announced that it would start producing chocolate with the help of 3-D printers. NASA, the US space agency, has reportedly spent $125,000 (767,594 yuan)developing a “3-D pizza printer”. It is not yet clear how long it will take until 3-D printers are available to everyone. But one thing is for sure: the possibilities are endless. 1. The purpose of the first paragraph is to ________. A. list some major 3-D printing breakthroughs B. describe the characters of 3-D printing C. picture a future life with 3-D printing


高三限时阅读训练 A Do you want to get home from work knowing you have made a real difference in someone’s life? If yes, don’t care about sex or age! Come and join us, then you’ll make it! Position: Volunteer Social Care Assistant (No Pay with Free Meals) Place: Manchester Hours: Part Time We are now looking for volunteers to support people with learning disabilities to live active lives! Only 4 days left. Don’t miss the chance of lending your warm hands to help others! Role: You will provide people with learning disabilities with all aspects of their daily lives. You will help them to develop new skills. You will help them to protect their rights and their safety. But your primary concern is to let them know they are valued. Skills and Experience Required: You will have the right values and great listening skills. You will be honest and patient. You will have the ability to drive a car and to communicate in fluent written and spoken English si nce you’ll have to help those people with different learning disabilities. Previous care-related experience will be a great advantage for you. 21. The text is meant to ________ A. leave a note B. send an invitation C. present a document D. carry an advertisement 22. What does the underlined part mean? A. You’ll make others’ lives more meaningful with this job. B. You’ll arrive home just in time from this job. C. You’ll earn a good salary from this job. D. You’ll succeed in gettin g this job. 23. The volunteers’ primary responsibility is to help people with learning disabilities ________. A. to get some financial support B. to properly protect themselves C. to learn some new living skills D. to realize their own importance 24. Which of the following can first be chosen as a volunteer? A. The one who can drive a car.


高考时事新闻阅读语法填空二十八高铁一号司机、春运大迁徙、欧洲滑雪挑战—This man led the way in high-speed rail journey 李东晓:“高铁一号”司机 As a pioneer bullet train (动车)driver, Li Dongxiao, 52, is part of the history of China's highspeed railway network. In 2008, he 1(drive) China's first high-speed (rain, reaching 350 kilometers per hour, between Beijing and Tianjin. The number on Li's bullet train driver's license is 0001,2 led the media to give himthe name of China's "first” bullet train driver/'Over 14 years, I have seen the historic ch anges in China's high-speed railway. The 3(long) of the network has grown from zero 4 more than 40,000 kilometers, and more types of Fuxing bullet trains have been developed and adopted. 5, all those achievements came from the ground up. In March 2008, Li, along with some of China's best train drivers, 6(select) to undergo training to operate bullet trains at the manufacturer (制造商),China CNR Corp.During test runs of the Beijing-Tianjin High-speed Railway, he practiced on the train during the day and collected data and analyzed test results at night. He participated in more than 200 test runs and created a guidebook for bullet train drivers which 7(name) after him as the “Dongxiao Manual”. “In 2008, Beijing had just one high-speed railway line, the Beijing-Tianjin High-speed Railway. Now, the city links many places across the country through the high-speed rail network, including Shanghai, Guangzhou and Harbin,“ he said. China's high-speed rail network 8(see) rapid development in the past 20 years. The countrj'- ranks first in the world in the scale of its high-speed rail network, both in terms of operation and facilities 9 construction. Meanwhile, by the end of 2021, (he networkstretched 40,000 km, 10(comprise) more than two-thirds the total length of the world's high-speed railway network. The growing network has offered opportunities to many ordinary people and made their lives extraordinary. in terms of依据;按照 参考答案:I drove 2 which 3 length 4 to 5 However 6 was selected 7 was named 8 has seen 9 under 10 comprising A friend's secret leads to big positive changes二超20亿人次大迁徙说现 January 7th marks the start of the 40-day peak travel period. Transport authorities expect about 2.1 billion trips 1 (make) during the holiday. That will be double during the same period last year, but only 70% of 2 numbers in 2019 before the pandemic. Transportof goods is also expected to rise 3(significant). January 7th is the first day of the Spring Festival travel rush in China, also known 4 Chun Yun. This year, passenger trips 5(expect) to increase by around 99.5% over 2022, 6(reach) around 2.1 billion, according to China's Ministry of Transport. 7(give) China's optimization of the COVID-19 pandemic measures, the demand for cross-province travel is surging. Many people are 8(excite) about getting on the trains and returning to their hometowns 9(visit) their family members and friends. This year's travel rush is from January 7th 10 February I5(h, lasting around 40 days. 译文 为期40天的春运高峰期于今年1月7日开始了。交通部门预计春节期间将有21亿人次出行。这•数字是去年同期的两倍,但仅为疫情前2019年的70%。货物运输量预计也将大幅上升。今年1月7日是中国春运的第•天。中国交通运输部称,今年春运期间客流总量预计达到21亿人次左右,比去年同期增长约99.5%。由于中国优化了疫情防控措施,所以跨省出行需求激增。很多人感到兴奋不一,因为他们将登上火车,I可到家乡看望家人和朋友。2023年春运自1月7日开始到2月15日结束,为期40天。 重点知识积累 significantly adv,显著地,相当数量地 同义表达:dramatically, sharply, markedly, strikingly, noticeably sth be expected to do ”某事有可能” e.g. Where his failure lies is expected to be made clear to us. 他的失败之处有可能被我们弄清楚了。 given可用作介词,后接名词或代词,意思为“考虑到”或“鉴于”。 c.g. Given their inexperience, they've done a good job. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已经干得很不错了。
