

The Differences of Education between China and U.S

Based on checking the extensive literature and summing up the evidence, it is clear that study about differences of higher education between China and US has carried out a lot which mainly explaines the differences from different aspects of higher edcation between China and the United States. Such aspects mainly includes the social environment and cultural tradition, higher education system and reform measures. In the Integration of these differences, advantages and evils of both educational systems have been evaluated respectively, and corresponding improvement measures were also put forwords. By summary, the detailed conclusions are listed as follows:

US is a open society. The society's openness urges the American college to abandon old educational thoughts which European traditional universities stick to, adopt the open policy to absorb all advatanges from other countries and establishe a diverse and open education control system which emphasizes on the actual effect. US is the biggest imigrant country which has very strong containing nature in the culture. American economy ephiseizes on the practical value, matter rewards as well as individual value realization with fast development, rich material life, strong material idea and etc[2].

Us’s higher education was considered as the best education in the world. Comparing the elementary education between American and China, people's universal view will be: China's elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought; while US's education aims to bulid such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought. Now Chinese students are generally regarded as intalents with few intelligence and high scores. What causes for such a view? Because the Chinese students study more, actually pay little attention to the practice, and cannot study for the purpose of application. Therefore, it is very important for Chinese higher education to cultivate the idea of unifying the study and prctice.

US's education pays more attention to raise student's

self-confidence,independence,spirit of supporting oneself, but China's education emphases on training the students to be strict,rigorous spiritual.Obviously, Chinese education may fruitfully develop and ultilize the function of cerebrum, but US’s higher education could expand the function of cerebrum by ultilizing and synthesizing the information outside.

Each national higher education as economic system’s reflection s erves for the economy; US education aims to adapt for society demand, they explicitly stipulate three big functions including education’s service for the economic development, scientific research and teaching. The manifest of service in the establishment of specialty curriculum is to meet the social need, set up special curriculum and specialty which the society needs; In China's universities, during quite long period of time, the establishment of specialty curriculum lacks the change and couldnot follow social demand.

In order to adapt the society, the American universities has established many specialties and curriculum of choice for students; The students choose or transformate specialties and schools according to own interest and hobby. The American higher education system is extremely diverse and flexible, which is solo in the world higher education; In China, the student may choose the specialty according to own interest and hobby, but change of specialty in the school is not easy, and transformation of school is more difficult.

When American school inspects the result of student, they emphasize more on the ability to analyze and solve the question but not the ability of memory or description. The American students donot need the mechanical memorizing, but display creative thought as far as possible; This can cultivate student's study interest, raise the ability of doing it byself and make the study be one kind of creative action.Many teachers still adopted old teaching ways in the Chinese universities, thus take a test which needs mechanical memorizing.

Due to the development of science and technology, connections between higher education and national politics, economy, science,culture, military relation is day by day closer. The higher education is vigorous and upward, and it not only simply performances for the growth of quantity, but especially has had the huge change in the nature[1]. The advanced level of higher education has become a thesymbol of national strength.

We should clarify the difference of higher education between China and American, at the same time absorb the advantges to profit from the American higher education so as to faster the reform andthe development of our higher education.

teacher-student relationship: In China, due to the role of teachers and students because of the relationship between teachers and students also

compared alienation. For example, I read in Chinese high school, students in school, no teacher's name am having unless it is privately very good friends, or teachers have only just graduated from university near young people, but not in public places such "unbridled." But in the United States, many teachers think students am having their names, for granted. But still respected by the students, the majority of students not only as their mentor as a guide, and even more to them as their friends, so the United States is the relationship between teachers and students is not a mere formality for comparison.

The United States is not a state religion more religious country, religion is very common. Religious people accounted for about 60% of the total, the Christian in most, the Roman Catholic or 24% of the total, is the second religion, Judaism is the third largest religion, there are about 6 million christians, in addition

to orthodox, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism, etc. In addition, the United States and all kinds of strange denominations, such as

the devil pie, Jesus sent and people s3. The United States education culture of religious factors

In all U.S. sect of Christianity in the whole unification, American religious factions, and many of their sect of creation of the week the worship ceremony of each different, because this also Christian moral each are not identical. "Original sin" is the core

of the Christian doctrine, the thought that, Adam and eve as the first man is out of the garden of Eden, god because they ignore the god's teachings and stealing food wisdom of the fruit, so, the life and the guilty. The world to be god's chosen people, must save your souls, reduce their iniquity, to pious to god confession, sincerely to convert to god, and carry forward the human's dedication. So, the sectarian claim that "god favor is evidence of a man's generosity", proclaiming "love god and love your neighbor as yourself." Christian "love" doctrine.

The United States is advocating individualism country, advocate personal dignity, personal values, and where personal heroism, its own struggle, free competition, and at the same time, extremely open country, but its rejection, blood lineage, this is, level by the immigration many, and the characteristics of the brief history of the decision. Education is as the starting point of the competition, be regarded as to realize their life values and to move toward a society to the key to success.

The mainstream American society culture is protestant

anglian-Saxon white as a representative of the total cohesion stimulated the whole society, therefore, high attention education education for the optimization of the modern civilization development has laid a solid foundation. The U.S. has a certain number of church school, the school also accelerate the establishment and development of the American education popularization to people in the United States, the process of the history of the world. The church school education policy in the power of god to restrict the behavior of the teachers and students in each, training teachers and students be the model of christians and, at the same time, for the American society of

law-abiding sent the professional good citizens.

Four, the religious influence of American culture internal reasons for analysis

Religion itself is a social organization, it is by a group of common faith of the believers. Religion also has many fixed and with symbolic ritual and church organization religious activities, so can make religious believers of establishing a stable relationship between each other, this is the religious believers to

each other, form their own ideological relay culture provides conditions.

The United States is very extensive religious mass base. Relevant data show that since 1967, American religious believers in a proportion of the total population has no less than 65%. So, having such extensive mass base, the American religion for the formation of the social culture atmosphere caused huge influence. On the other hand, by external environment analysis, the American political system and cultural features of open for religious intervention provided the opportunity. The United States of separation of system makes religious groups can through the different channel involved in political activity, the cultural characteristics of free and open to religious groups involved in culture to form provides free. In addition, the American political system will appoint officials to the effective power citizens, not a political party, the religious influence political culture possible.

In the United States, religion can influence the culture and an internal reasons, that is in the United States, not just to provide a church devotees a religious ceremony, the place also hold many community oriented services offered by the church, these institutions and other secular institution, like to accept the government's management and social evaluation. Therefore, the government set by the relevant laws and regulations for the church at various agencies have great influence on the church, in order to maintain their own interests and actively involved in political culture. In addition, the federal tax law also provides that the church can have conditions on tax, part of the church

activities will also drive the economy, so of social economy culture of religious produce certain effect.

In a certain way, no religion is no American culture. Religious belief is the birthplace of American culture, it to the American people on the spirit of bring impulsion, and at the same time, bring cohesion, and at the same time the motivation and cohesion, in turn, promote the development of the society, although material from materialist point of view, the religious factors only American culture is a kind of metaphysics or idealism, but by emphasizing the spirit, mind it the importance of material and subordinate, the way to the American people and even plays a special role of society. Therefore, in the future for quite a long time, religion is still important influence factors of American culture.

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美国南北战争爆发的原因分析 一、教学背景 《美国南北战争》一课的教学内容很简单,主题明确:美国南北战争。在备课过程中,我发现了一个重要的问题很难解决,就是本课的难点如何突破。《美国南北战争》一课的难点在于分析南北战争的起因。依照传统教学模式,教师可能会向学生介绍一大堆的历史背景资料,再让学生总结出一二三四几点原因,但这种较理性的分析不适合初中生的认知水平。教者认为考虑到初中学生的素质水平和知识基础,要实现难点的突破,还在于课堂教学环节的安排与教学活动的设计。只有在让他们感性地、设身处地地去体验,才能有更深刻的认识。为此教者在教学过程中设计了一个历史情境再现的活动,想以此帮助学生来分析南北战争爆发的原因。 二、案例描述: (一)、案例设计 A、情境提供:19世纪中期,英国工业革命基本完成,成为世界第一的工业强国,其中以棉纺织业发展最快,棉花需求量很大。隔着一个大西洋的美国,这时第一次工业革命也正迅速开展,但主要集中在东北部地区。独立后的美国南北保留了两种不同的经济制度,北方是资本主义经济,南方是种植园经济。 B、角色扮演:请南面三组同学代表南方,设定他们的身份是经营棉花种植园的奴隶主。再请北面三组同学代表北方,他们的身份是经营棉纺织厂的资本家。(中间这组可以参与任何一方的讨论,他们的身份是历史发展的观察者。)请两组开动脑筋,充分讨论,在当时的历史背景下,以他们的身份会如何经营手中的产业,从中赚更多的钱。 C、学生讨论然后分组阐述观点(奴隶主代表与资本家代表分别阐述自己的观点) D、教师提问学生点评:作为历史发展的观察者,你认为北方的资本家和南方的奴隶主之间的关系怎么样?他们之间有哪些矛盾?你认为这些矛盾中什么比较难解决? E、教师点评:北方资产阶级为了发展生产,需要大批的劳动力,但南部奴隶制的存在,占用了大量的劳动力。北方资本家的发展出路在哪里?教者设计这个活动环节的目的在于通过学生的角色扮演,将当时南北的主要矛盾淋漓尽致地表现了出来,这与传统教学一味灌输相比,比较真实而没有太多做作之感。将课堂交给学生之后就会出现很多以外的情况,很多问题提出后衍生出了很多小问题,这也正反映了学生丰富的想象力与较强的思维能力,也比较考验教师的临场应变能力。活动课堂的灵活性与不稳定性是对教师的挑战,教者抓着这次公开课的机会,设计并实践了这个活动教学案例,有成功之处也有诸多的不足与遗憾,记录成文,为以后的教学提供借鉴。 (二)、案例实施 活动实施过程中,情境的提供是通过一张幻灯片来展现的,两幅图片:一张是奴隶主种植园内奴隶摘采棉花,一张是资本家的棉纺织工厂内工人在机器旁织


关于美国南北战争的英语演讲稿 篇一:美国内战中英文介绍 1.Civil War The American Civil War (1861–1865), often referred to simply as The Civil War in the United States, was a civil war fought in the United States of America. In response to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, 11 southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America ("the Confederacy"); the other 25 states supported the federal government ("the Union"). After four years of warfare, mostly within the Southern states, the Confederacy surrendered and slavery was outlawed everywhere in the nation. Issues that led to war were partially resolved in the Reconstruction Era that followed, though others remained uesolved. In the presidential election of 1860, the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against expanding slavery beyond the states in which it already existed. The Republicans strongly advocated nationalism, and in their 1860 platform they


美国南北战争的起因 历史学0701 俞晓丽3070401099 【内容摘要】: 美国南北战争是美国历史上的一个重要的转折点。战争结束后很多学者对此进行了研究。而关于南北战争的起因也是众说纷纭,大致就南方谋反说、北方侵略说、可避免说、内战必要说、侧重宗教信仰说几类,本文还简要讨论下战争的诱因问题,并就以上每种观点提出自己的一点见解。 【关键字】: 南北战争,诱因,起因 【正文】: 没人会想到,1864年4月12日清晨南军向桑姆特堡的炮轰,是揭开美国历史上一场最血腥的战争的序幕。也没有人意料到这场战争在美国引起的震动的程度。南北战争结束后,关于这场战争的研究从未停止。美国学者,甚至是世界各国的史学家们,就这场战争的起因、战争性质、黑人奴隶制度、战争结果以及战役等各个方面都作了细致的研究。本文从美国内战的起因上着手,试看美国学者们对战争起因的不同看法,并提出自己的一点观点。 美国学者对于美国南北战争的起因各持己见,大致可以分为这么几类:早期的南方谋反说和北方侵略说,可避免说,内战必要说,侧重宗教信仰说。除此之外,还有关于美国南北战争的诱因的研究,包括1878年《宪法》的遗留问题,内战前的党争以及1857年的斯科特案。 一战争的诱因研究 (一)1787年《宪法》的遗留问题 在经过了1775—1783年的独立战争之后,北美的13个殖民地终于摆脱了英国的统治,获得了独立。在美国宪法中确立了联邦制、三权分立、共和制等基本的政治制度,但是由于蓄奴制具有鲜明的地域性,所以在宪法的制定过程对其的存留问题进行了激烈的讨论。另一方面,在联邦权力至上还是州权至上方面,宪法虽然采取了列举的方法,但是还是没有说明哪个权力至上。最后在宪法的三处提到了蓄奴制:在众议院名额及直接税税款的人口数分配中,每个奴隶按3/5人口折算(第一条第二项);国会不得在1808年前通过禁止奴隶输入的法令(第一条第九项);逃亡到自由州的奴隶必须归还原主(第四条第二项)。1关于联邦制,在美国各州展开了一次全民性质的大辩论之后,在附加的10条宪法修正案中作出了这样的规定:“本宪法未授亏合众国或未禁止各州行使之权力,均由各州或人民保留之。”2南北双方虽然握手言欢,但只是表面的联合,双方都心存芥蒂。而蓄奴制的保留以及联邦权力至上问题的未决,为之后南北的冲突提供了法律依据。 从联邦建立开始,双方因为经济利益而冲突不断。在关税问题以及美国西部开发的问题 1艾克文《从宪法角度看美国内战的爆发》,《武汉教育学报》第16卷第2期,1997年2月。 2艾克文《从宪法角度看美国内战的爆发》,《武汉教育学报》第16卷第2期,1997年2月。


美国奴隶体系与南北战争的爆发 美国的创始者在著名的《独立宣言》中声明:“人人生而平等,造物 主赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权力,其中包括生存权、自由权和追求幸福的权力。”然而黑暗的奴隶制度却持续了整整两百年,才被废除。 奴隶制度是美国南北战争的冲突核心。奴隶体系的根源在一个世纪前的 美国殖民时期。在此期间,一些公司为了捞取利益,从非洲抓获黑人贩卖到 北美作为奴隶,其数量多得可怕-在独立战争前有五个州的黑奴甚至超过了白 人的人数。 尽管在建国时,南北两方都有奴隶,但奴隶体系在北方逐渐衰弱甚至消失,而在南方则愈加繁盛。其中最重要的原因就是南北两地的生产方式不同- 北方主要依赖工商业,他们不需要奴隶作为劳动力,在道德良心的基础上, 很多北方的州逐渐废除了奴隶体系;而南方的气候比较温暖,主要依赖种植业,有许多大地主、大种植园;因此南方人就需要大量的奴隶在田里劳作; 奴隶是他们的经济支柱,他们坚决反对废除奴隶体系。这样,北方不要奴隶,南方要奴隶,便产生了利益的冲突。 众所周知,在美国,每个州都有自己独立的法律,但国会有权力决定哪 些地区允许奴隶,哪些地区不允许奴隶。 于是在1820年,当密苏里州申请加入联邦时,众议院和参议院经过激 烈的争论后,终于采纳了密苏里妥协案,规定在东北的缅因州为自由州,密 苏里州为奴隶州,同时在北纬36°30′以北的路易斯安那州永远为自由州。 随着支持奴隶体系的民主党的崛起,1854年,国会通过了堪萨斯-内布 拉斯加法案,宣布密苏里妥协案和1850年妥协案作废;奴隶制的实施不应 受任何地域限制;一个地方是否允许奴隶,由当地的居民自行决定,即所谓“平民主权原则”,这个法案导致堪萨斯内战全面爆发。 1859年,极端废奴主义者约翰.布朗率领其余18人袭击弗吉尼亚州的 哈珀斯费里。他们在附近村子逮捕种植园主,宣布解放他找到的一切奴隶。

American Civil War 美国南北战争

P25 Warming up No.1 Talk something about Martin Luther King with the help of the following key words: Martin Luther King was born in 1929.After he graduated in 1955,he worked in a church and he organized his first actions in the same year.Two years later,he formed an organization for black leaders to work together.In 1963,he gave the famous speech “I have a dream”.Because of his success in his work,he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.Unfortunately he was murdered in 1968 I think Martin Luther King,Jr. is great president.He worked for the freedom of all the blacks. Martin Luther King is a great man. People will never forget him for what he did for the black people in America. Nelson Mandela was the first black president in South Africa from 1994 to 1999.He was born in 1918.He worked for the equal rights for the blacks of South Africa for many years.As early as in 1940,while he was still at university,he took his first actions.In 1944,he helped to found the ANC Youth League.During the 1950s,he led many peaceful actions.He was hated by his enemies and he had been kept a prisoner from 1962 to 1989.But he never gave up the struggle for the freedom of all the blacks,so he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.After he left his office,he has done much for the poor,especially the children.He also works for the equal rights of all the people and he wants a world without hunger and war. As freedom fighters, Martin Luther King was murdered and Nelson Mandela was put in prison for about 30 years. No.2 Who can explain in which way struggle was an important part in the lives of them? S:struggle for the equal rights of all the blacks was an important part in the lives of them.They both achieved their goals by peaceful revolution. No.3 Who knows how the situations are in their countries now?Has the situation been improved? S:Things are different now.In the USA,the blacks and the whites have equal rights.They can both be elected leaders of their country. The same is in South Africa.After Mandela,there is a second black president. Mbeki is the second black president in South Africa after Mandela .No matter who breaks the law of the country,he will be punished or put into prison. Appreciation Without doubt, from what we learnt today we know that the freedom fighters had made great contributions to the society and history will not forget these.In fact people created a song for John Brown. Let’s listen and sing along if you could. American Civil War 美国南北战争The American Civil War was a war lasting from 1861 to 1865 between the Northern states and the Southern states of the United States of America. The main issue ['isju:] 出版,发行,(报刊等)期、号,论点,问题,结果,(水,血等的)流出contributing to the outbreak n.爆发,暴动of war was states' fights: whether or not individual state governments had the right to make their own decisions about their own matters. The South feared that the U.S. government would take too much control over state governments, listening to the more powerful Northern states and then forcing changes that would be harmful to the Southern states' economies and freedoms. They were afraid of this control because it reminded them of the British king's rule,


美国南北战争爆发的根本原因 南北战争即美国内战,是美国史上唯一一次内战,是工业革命后的第一次大规模战争。你知道美国内战的根本原因是什么吗?下面就是本人给大家整理的美国南北战争爆发的根本原因介绍,希望对你有用! 美国南北战争爆发的根本原因介绍 美国内战的根本原因是奴隶制的存废影响了南北方经济的发展。北方工业资产阶级需要劳动力扩张并发展,所以需要解放劳动力;南方种植园奴隶主需要黑奴,因而不想废除奴隶制,所以就导致北方工业资产阶级和南方种植园奴隶主之间的矛盾是美国内战爆发的主要原因。具体原因可以分为以下几点: 1.北方为了发展本国工业,抵制外国商品输入,主张保护关税;南方为输入廉价工业品,反对保护关税; 2.北方需要大批便宜的“自由”劳动者和工业原料,主张解放奴隶;南方奴隶制种植园却占用了大批劳动力; 3.南方奴隶主还要把奴隶制扩展到美国西部,北方资产阶级坚决反对。 总之,南北战争是美国两种经济制度的矛盾不可调和的产物。 美国内战的概况 中文名称:美国内战 参战部队:美利坚合众国(北军)、美利坚联盟国(南军) 战争结果:美利坚合众国获胜、废除奴隶制 时间:1861年4月12日 - 1865年4月9日

地点:遍布全美、大部份位于美利坚南部州份 人物:尤里西斯·格兰特罗伯特·李林肯 美国内战的详情 战争初期北方实力大大超过南方,北方有2234万人口,南方只有910万,而且其中有380多万是黑奴。北方有发达的工业,四通八达的铁路网和丰富的粮食,而南方几乎没有工业,铁路也很少。但南方有充分的军事准备,拥有装备及训练都较精良的军队。而且,内战前夕J.布坎南总统(奴隶主的 代理人)曾设法把大量武器和金钱输送到南方去。在内战第一 阶段,北方在军事上连遭失败。 林肯政府在内战初期进行战争的目的是恢复南北的统一,担心触动奴隶制度会把一些边境奴隶州推向南方叛乱者一方,从而失掉边境诸州这个重要的战略地区。由于北方政府不肯宣布解放奴隶。因此,在内战第一阶段,北方在军事上连遭失败。在1861年7月马纳萨斯和1862年夏的半岛战役中,北军损失惨重。北军虽然在西线取得一系列辉煌战果,从南军手中夺取了几个重要战略据点,但是这些战果都被东线的惨败所抵消。在北方军事上屡次失败的情况下,共和党内部的激进派及社会上的废权主义者提出解放奴隶和武装黑人的主张。林肯也意识到解放奴隶的必要性。 1862年,北军发动进攻,西线由格兰特指挥,进展 顺利,2月攻克亨利堡和多纳尔森堡,1862年4月在夏洛战役中击败南军,1862年5月攻克科林斯和孟菲斯,解放了肯塔 基和田那西。东线北军则进展迟缓,1862年7月被罗伯特.李 指挥的南军击溃,李乘胜北进,1862年8月在布尔河再次击 败北军,兵临华盛顿,1862年9月两军进行安提塔姆会战, 李被击退。12月北军在弗雷德里斯克堡战役中再次被李击败。

专题5欧洲宗教改革 试卷 (7)

专题5欧洲宗教改革试卷 (本栏目内容在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!) 一、选择题 1.在“九十五条论纲”中有这样的一句话:“教皇的财富今日远超过最富有者的财富,他为了建筑一个圣彼得堂,为何不用自己的钱,而要用贫穷信徒的钱呢?”这句话反映了() A.教皇聚敛财富,实力雄厚 B.天主教徒忠实于自己的信仰 C.欧洲教会热衷于建造教堂 D.路德反对教会的腐朽贪婪和对德意志的经济掠夺 解析:“九十五条论纲”出现的直接原因是教皇到德国兜售赎罪劵,而路德反对他对德国的经济搜刮。由题中材料可知路德反对富有的教皇用贫穷信徒的钱去修建圣彼得堂,应该用教皇自己的钱。 答案:D 2.德国电视台曾举办过“最杰出的德国人”的评选活动。宗教改革先驱马丁·路德名列第二。下列给出的理由不正确的是() A.他于1517年贴出“九十五条论纲”,拉开了宗教改革的序幕 B.他主张人人有权阅读《圣经》 C.他主张灵魂能否得救在于心中的信仰 D.主张神职人员要洁身自好,不能结婚 解析:马丁·路德允许神职人员结婚。A、B、C三项都是马丁·路德的宗教改革活动与思想。 答案:D 3.卡尔文的学说在西欧比较发达的国家和地区广泛传播,主要是由于他学说中的() A.“因信称义”B.“因行称义” C.“先定论”D.“进化论” 解析:卡尔文所宣传的“先定论”,要靠每个人在自己所从事的事业的成败中去体会,适应了“当时资产阶级中最勇敢人的需要”。

答案:C 4.卡尔文宗教改革和英国宗教改革的相同点是() ①从原因上看,都深受文艺复兴运动和路德宗教改革的影响②都反对罗马教皇权威③都主张《圣经》是信仰的根据④改革的领导者都是国王(或君主)A.①②③④B.①②③ C.②③④D.①③④ 解析:本题考查学生比较分析问题的能力。瑞士卡尔文宗教改革的领导者不是国王,英国宗教改革的领导者是国王亨利八世,所以排除④。 答案:B 5.英国宗教改革中的“清教徒运动”中的“清教徒”们要求() ①主张纯洁教会,清除旧教影响②提倡勤劳俭朴的生活 ③遵奉严格的道德准则④改革国教保留的旧教残余 A.①②③④B.①②③ C.②③④D.①③④ 解析:本题意在考查学生综合归类、组合复合选择的能力。依据教材辨析可知①②③④都符合题意。 答案:A 6.天主教实行的内部改革的实质是() A.放松对教徒的管理B.加强天主教会的专制 C.缓和阶级矛盾D.顺应时代潮流 解析:从天主教继续强化异端裁判所和网罗狂热分子看其实质一目了然。 答案:B 7.“无论什么人,不管他是教皇、主教、传教士,或是修士、修女,世俗权力都有权来管他。”材料集中体现了马丁·路德的哪一主张()A.教权高于王权B.教士是由教徒选举出来的公仆C.世俗统治者的权力应当高于教权D.国家权力为神所授 解析:本题考查学生分析能力。由材料中的“世纪权力都有权来管他”可知C项更为贴切。A项与此相反;B、D两项与题意无关。 答案:C 8.马丁·路德、卡尔文和亨利八世宗教改革的共同影响包括() ①解放了人们的思想②建立了以国王为首脑的教会


第十八课《美国南北战争》教学设计 1.教学内容分析 本教案是采用人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书世界历史九年级上册第六单元第十八课 本课以“美国南北战争”为主题,从两个方面进行了介绍:先是战争的爆发,概括了南北战争的起因和战争初期北方处于劣势的情况;后以北方的胜利为线索,着重叙述了林肯政府的作用、战争的结局、战争的性质和作用。 美国南北战争是美国历史上第二次资产阶级革命,是继美国独立战争后美国历史上又一件影响深远的大事。是美国这个年轻的国家在其发展中的一个重要阶段。它解决了美国独立战争后就已经存在,之后又不断发展的南北两种经济形式的矛盾。在美国历史上具有承上启下,继往开来的作用,这次战争维护了美国的统一,巩固了资产阶级的统治,促进了美国的进一步发展,对美国成为下一世纪世界强国奠定了基础,同时也为我国解决台湾问题提供了可行方案,在教材中占有重要地位。 2.学生学习情况分析 通过前面对《美国的诞生》一课的学习,学生对美利坚合众国的形成及发展已经有了一定的认识,通过教学交流,发现学生对反应美国战争的影片、小故事、具有影响力的宣言、精彩的演说等有浓厚的兴趣。一些美国影片如《爱国者》等进入中国市场,课余学生们经常讨论、模仿提倡个人英雄主义的美国式的骑士精神。怎样通过学生的爱好兴趣,来加深对本课内容的了解和学习,引导学生树立正确的人生观,是我对学习美国南北战争一课设计思路的一个思考。 对于对九年级的学生来说关于战争的起因、意义等内容比较生疏,不好理解。对法令、制度及带来的影响等等更是如此,但是,学生们思维活跃,个性飞扬,喜欢辩论,对新事物有探究的热情,自主能力较强。可以通过讨论、辩论的形式来展开学生的思维,从而避免枯燥,解决难题。 3.设计思想 当今的社会是信息技术迅猛发展的时代,随着网络技术的发展普及,中学生上网已是一个不容忽视的问题,怎样引导学生健康的使用网络,学会从网络中提


美国南北战争爆发的政治原因分析 王亮 05357005 摘要:南北战争是美国历史上的重要事件。这场内战一方面在美国历史上废除了黑人奴隶制,另一方面也使战后的美国成为一个中央权力更为集中的联邦制国家。关于对这场战争的各方面研究也一直是学术界尤其是美国学者们关心的话题。传统的观点尤其是国内对这场战争爆发的原因一直认为其根源来于奴隶制的非正义性及其对资本主义经济发展的阻碍。而本文则试图从另一个角度——美国的联邦制度去对这场战争的成因及其性质作一番分析。 关键词:美国内战南北战争联邦制州权主义奴隶制 正文: 在美国历史上,恐怕没有一场战争能比内战对美国社会产生如此深远的影响,描述这一战争的图书比写美国历史上任何其它事件的图书要多,从而几乎占据了美国历史舞台的中心并一直吸引着美国学者及大众对它的注意;从当时国际上看,美国内战也是当时自1815年至1914年期间西方世界发生的规模最大、破坏最严重的一次战争。在四年的血腥杀戮中,战争双方共付出62万士兵牺牲的代价——几乎相当于美国在其它历次战争中的死亡人数的总和。战争最终以代表联邦的北方军队的获胜而结束。战争不仅维护了美国国家的统一,同时也在这片标榜“人人生而平等”的土地上废除了奴隶制。内战还创建了当代美国的国家体制,使美国从真正意义上成为一个中央政府拥有最高权力的统一的国家;联邦政府在美国社会政治中扮演着更为重要的角色。 关于这场战争爆发的原因,传统上一般认为有两条:一是奴隶制的非正义性与美国建国时所宣扬的“人人生而平等”宗旨不符;二是奴隶制束缚了劳动力,不利于美国资本主义经济的进一步发展。诚然,奴隶制的确一直是南北双方争论的焦点,是战争的导火线,对此的争论一直贯穿于整场战争之中并影响着战争进程。然而,正如克劳塞维茨在《战争论》中所说:“战争无非是政治通过另一种手段的继续。”也就是说战争只是手段,而政治意图才是目的。社会冲突、经济冲突只有上升为政治层面的冲突,才有可能爆发像南北战争这样一场大规模的全面性战争。美国虽然从宪法上是一个主权国家,但其实行的联邦制下的各州却是高度自治的。各州有自己的宪法,有自己相对独立的立法司法行政系统,各州在很大程度上依然是自身的主宰者。这种制度一方面保障了各州人民自治与自由权,另一方面却为日后的争端埋下了火种。南北战争表面上看是为了废除奴隶制,所有的争端似乎都是围绕奴隶制而展开的;但是从战争冲突双方来看,一方是代表联邦的北方军队,一方是代表南方11个蓄奴州的南方“邦联”军①,而不是黑人与白人两个种族集团间的直接较量(内战战场上也是无论北方还是南方参战士兵绝大部分是白人)。如果说奴隶制的存在必然导致战争的话,那么我们可以与跟美国有着千丝万缕联系的大洋彼岸的英国作比较;早在1833年,英国议会就 ①美国当时有15个蓄奴州,却只有11个参加了叛乱,东部边境州马里兰和特拉华,西部边境州林肯总统的故乡肯塔基州和密苏里州,还包括内战爆发后新成立的西弗吉尼亚均留在了联邦之中,未参加叛乱——编者注


地理大发现(1.进程.2.影响哥伦布大交换商业革命的内容,价格革命疾病)全球史观的评价 文艺复兴:代表人物;代表作;主要的学术观点;核心思潮科学革命:代表人物。培根 宗教改革;三个中心。不同派别。代表人物。代表观点欧洲君主专制;概念。特征 一些重要人物;胡哥诺战争;圈地运动;俄国的特辖制改革。 英国革命:过程;特点;典型事件;代表人物;结果; 光荣革命;权利法案的内容及评价√ 法国革命:过程;政府演变情况;主要人物;主要派别统治结果的评价;期间通过的法律文件; 对拿破仑的评价;拿破仑战败后维也纳的 会议;维也纳体系;内容评价。 美国革命:革命前的类型特征[[;期间之后通过的重要法律文件;怎样评价联邦制 德国;三十年战争;威斯特法利亚体系 俄国;代表人物:叶卡捷琳娜二世之前;彼得一世 启蒙运动:启蒙思想家;代表作;政治理想;影响。 √ 17世纪东方国家衰落的共性? 工业革命:为什么在英国?发明创造;各个国家工业革命的特点表现(P50~53)√ 英国的议会制改革:时间;内容;影响 德国的统一:重要任务;战役;统一的历史意义 俄国1861年改革:农奴制,亚历山大二世;克里米亚战争;以人的现代化探讨大改革的意义。美国内战:原因;意义;战后的重建;战前南方社会的发展状况;奴隶制问题怎样导致战争发 生 明治维新:内容;得失后果;探讨后现代国家发展道路问题;中日改革之比较 拉美:独立运动中的发展状况(政治经济);与北美殖民地的比较;这些差异对后世的影响; 改革在世界历史中的作用(外延型;内生型{原有的修正和完善}) 奥斯曼的实现国家的富强 第二次工业革命:标志和表现;垄断组织(各主要资本主义国家的发展状况)√;自由主义的 衰落;国家垄断的兴盛;近代史上国际关 系格局的演变:威斯特法利亚体系——维 也纳体系——两大军事集团(三国同盟和 三国协约P403~404) 中英文对照: 地理大发现-great geograp hical discoveries Columbus da cama magellan 文艺复兴-renaissance人文主义-humanism Michelangelo-米开朗琪罗 Machiavelli-马基雅维利dante-但丁 Petrach-彼得拉克Boccaccio-薄伽丘 Leonardo da Vinci 达芬奇 Raphael 拉斐尔 Tomasso Campanella 康帕内拉 The reformation 宗教改革 Calvin 加尔文 Holly Roman Empire 神圣罗马帝国 费尔南多二世Fernando II1479年~1516年在位加强西班牙王权 英国专制制度的形成 玫瑰战争Wars of the Roses(1455-1485) 胡格诺战争Huguenots War (1562-1594 ) 太阳王Louis XIV十四XV十五XVI十六 弗朗西斯·培根Francis bacon 1561-1626 知识就是力量归纳法 笛卡儿Descartes依靠实验怀疑精神 重商主义mercantilism Enclosure movement圈地运动 清教puritanism The Stuart Monarchs斯图亚特王朝 charies查理 the English civil war英国革命内战(1642-1653)Oliver Cromwell克伦威尔1599—1658 辉格党Whigs Party托利党(Tory party)。 The Bill Of Rights权利法案 开明专制enlightened despotism Romannov罗曼诺夫 The Enlightenment启蒙运动 John Locke 1632-1704 洛克 伏尔泰Voltaire1694—1778 孟德斯鸠Montesquieu1689—1755 卢梭Rousseau(1712—1778 ) 网球场宣言tennis court oath 国民议会assemblee nationale 制宪议会assemblee nationale constituante 立法议会legislative assembly 国民公会convention nationale 拿破仑法典code napoleno 雾月政变napoleon’s brumaire coup 教务专约treaty of concordat Termidoreans 热月党人 Battle of austerlitz 奥斯特里茨之战 Peninsular war 半岛战争 Waterloo battle 滑铁卢 Ottoman empire 奥斯曼帝国 马萨诸塞(Massachusetts) 1607年英国第1个殖民据点 ——詹姆斯城(Jamestown) Mayflower 五月花号 The Great Wagon Road 大马车路沟通北美殖民地


英国宗教改革及其影响15世纪末至16世纪是西欧各国经历巨大变化的时期。在封建社会开始出现 瓦解的同时, 资本主义已经萌发并逐渐发展起来, 文艺复兴带来了思想解放和科学艺术的繁荣, 对现世幸福的追求让人们逐渐冲破了中世纪神学的迷雾;新航路的开辟和美洲大陆的发现, 使国际贸易急剧增加, 欧洲的商业中心从地中海沿岸转移到了大西洋沿岸, 世界开始真正成为一个整体;宗教改革运动正在席卷西欧, 封建神权统治的中心—罗马天主教会的地位已岌岌可危。就在这个历史转折的时刻, 一个旨在强化专制王权,顺应资产阶级和新贵族扩大“圈地”的要求, 自上而下推行的英国宗教改革发生了。亨利八世宗教改革的目的从其后来的行动看主要归于以下几个方面, 一是建立遵从国家政权的本国教会, 二是摆脱教皇对英格兰教会及国家事务的控制, 三是没收修道院的财产和土地。改革的结果,从国王个人角度来说, 满足了他离婚再娶的意愿;而从国家和民族角度来看, 与罗马教廷决裂则意味着摆脱一个外来权威, 并且是一个中世纪以来一直存在的强大的外来权威的干涉。此前教皇仅每年从英国拿走大量献金、税款, 更重要的是教皇在英国具有超越国家范围的独特的司法特权和任免教职人员的权利, 虽然英国历代君主都曾试图反抗这种外来的干涉, 但是在开除教籍、废黜王位的威胁下, 这种反抗都以屈服告终。然而在宗教改革之后, 通过议会立法程序, 教皇的特权被废除, 其中很多权力转移到了王室的手中, 这大大加强了国王的权力。此外这也意味着英国与仍奉天主教为国教的西班牙和法国一刀两断。而没收的修道院的土地和财产则为国王发动战争提供了财源, 同时王室大量出售的土地也进一步加速了圈地运动, 加快了英国资本主义发展的进程。因此, 不难看出, 英国宗教改革的实质是用“王权至尊”取代教皇的“神权至尊”, 实现本国独立发展。历史证明, 亨利八世的宗教改革取得了巨大的成功, 它顺应了英国社会发展的历史潮流。宗教改革是英国历史发展过程中的具有重大作用的事件。 (一)宗教改革前的状况 基督教约在公元6世纪末传人英国。当时的不列颠岛正遭受盎格鲁—撒克逊人的人侵, 人民饱受战争蹂躏, 生活在水深火热之中。基督教应许不幸的人们在来世会得到善报, 死后能升入“天堂”。人们终于找到了一条精神上的出路。而统治阶级也想利用宗教的精神鸦片麻醉人民, 巩固自己的统治。于是盎格鲁—撒克逊诸王国很快成为基督教国家在封建割据、王权微弱的西欧, 基督教的罗马天主教会处于主宰一切的地位。罗马天主教会建立了从教皇、大主教、主教、修道院长直到神甫的一整套严格的教阶制度和严密的组织系统。在英国, 除了少数犹太人之外, 几乎人人都是基督教徒。天主教会向劳动群众灌输放弃物质享受, 克制情欲, 忍受人世间一切痛苦, 服服帖帖地服从封建地主阶级统治的思想。同时又制定非常繁杂的宗教仪式:婴儿要受洗礼;成人要每周去教堂祈祷, 参加弥撒仪式;婚礼要在教堂举行;有了过错要单独向神甫“告解”, 坦白自己的罪过, 表示忏悔;教徒临终之时还要接受“终敷礼”, 由神甫给其敷“圣油”, 赦免一生的罪孽。教会从思想、行动和组织上严密控制群众, 成为封建制度的忠诚卫士和精神警察。 封建统治阶级也给教会种种特权, 允许修道院占有大量土地, 并免除一切税收;允许教会向教徒征收“什一税”;允许教会设立宗教法庭, 同时吸收高级神职人员广泛参与国家的政治生活。在英国, 高级教士是国会上院的重要成员, 而且

The Gettysburg Address精校版 中英对照及背景介绍

The Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln 1863. Nov. 19th Fourscore(文)八十年and seven years ago our fathers brought forth produce on this continent a new nation, conceived孕育[k?n?si:v]in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition主张that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate奉献sp. a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate奉献[?k?nsikreit], we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract降低减损[di?tr?kt]. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to the cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion, that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom,-and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 主讲:亚伯拉罕·林肯 时间:1863年11月19日 地点:美国,宾夕法尼亚,葛底斯堡 八十七年前,我们先辈在这个大陆上创立了一个新国家,它孕育于自由之中,奉行一切人生来平等的原则。 我们正从事一场伟大的内战,以考验这个国家,或者任何一个孕育于自由和奉行上述原则的国家是否能够长久存在下去。我们在这场战争中的一个伟大战场上集会。烈士们为使这个国家能够生存下去而献出了自己的生命,我们来到这里,是要把这个战场的一部分奉献给他们作为最后安息之所。我们这样做是完全应该而且非常恰当的。 但是,从更广泛的意义上说,这块土地我们不能够奉献,不能够圣化,不能够神化。那些曾在这里战斗过的勇士们,活着的和去世的,已经把这块土地圣化了,这远不是我们微薄的力量所能增减的。我们今天在这里所说的话,全世界不大会注意,也不会长久地记住,但勇士们在这里所做过的事,全世界却永远不会


飘中英文简介(简明扼 要)

精品文档 学号:20130903048 姓名:杨慧文专业:国际贸易学 一创作背景: 美国南北战争摧毁了佐治亚乃至整个南方的经济,黑奴重新获得自由,昔日奴隶主养尊处优的好时光随风而逝。为表现这个主题,米切尔还向读者描述了美国南方的许多迷人之处,生动再现了美国佐治亚州内战时期、重建时期的生活。表现了一个传统社会的崩溃瓦解,人们又如何应付这场社会巨变的艰辛过程。小说《飘》虚写战争,实写战争对人类心灵的影响的。 二故事介绍: 《飘》是美国著名女作家玛格丽特·米歇尔创作的一部具有浪漫主义色彩、反映南北战争题材的小说。主人公斯佳丽身上表现出来的叛逆精神和艰苦创业、自强不息的精神,一直令读者为之倾心。 三作品影响: 《飘》称得上有史以来最经典的爱情巨著之一。小说以美国南北战争为背景,主线是好强、任性的庄园主小姐斯佳丽纠缠在几个男人之间的爱恨情仇,与之相伴的还有社会、历史的重大变迁,旧日熟悉的一切都一去不返。这部作品既是一首人类爱情的绝唱,又是一幅反映社会政治、经济、道德诸多方面巨大而深刻变化的宏大历史画卷。 I The background of creation The American civil war destroyed Georgia and even the whole economy of the south, and the slave regain got freedom. Former slave r’s good times had gone with the wind. As the expression of the theme, Mitchell also describes many of the American southern scene, showing reproduction of the American Civil War vividly and Georgia’s reconstruction of life. The traditional society collapsed, and people wanted 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除
