


Project portfolio management –There’s more to it than

what management enacts


Although companies manage project portfolios concordantly with project portfolio theory, they may experience problems in the form of delayed projects, resource struggles, stress, and a lack of overview. Based on a research project compromised of 128 in-depth interviews in 30 companies, we propose that a key reason why companies do not do well in relation to project portfolio management (PPM) is that PPM often only covers a subset of on-going projects, while projects that are not subject to PPM tie up resources that initially were dedicated to PPM projects. We address and discuss the dilemma of wanting to include all projects in PPM, and aiming at keeping the resource and cognitive burden of doing PPM at a reasonable level.


Managing programmes,Managing projects,Organisation resources,Strategy


At any given point in time, most companies engage in many projects. Some of these projects may relate to product development and marketing, others relate to changes in work processes and production flows, while yet others relate to competency development, strategic turns, the implementation of new IT systems, environmental issues etc.

A key managerial task is to dedicate resources across all of these projects (as well as do daily work) and consequently,management across projects (project portfolio management (PPM)) is critical to company performance.This paper is based on a large-scale qualitative study,which shows that many project-oriented companies do not perform well when it comes to PPM. This relates to the inability to accomplish projects that are initiated. In particular, we identify the following problems:

(1) Projects are not completed according to plan (or they even peter out during their project life cycle);

(2) Management and employees feel they lack a broad overview of on-going projects (especially when the number of on-going projects increases as more and more projects are not completed

according to plan);

(3)People experience stress as resources are continuously reallocated across projects in order to make ends meet.

These observations are especially interesting because the companies were included in the research project because they were supposed to be especially,experienced in PPM, and because they actually engage in PPM according to the extant body of literature on PPM. For example, part of the companies‘ PPM included an effort to pick the best projects on the basis of explicit or implicit criteria, and an effort to allocate sufficient resources to these projects.

However, despite efforts,to practice ?good‘ PPM, these companies experience severe problems in relation to PPM – especially in letting enough resources go into the ?right‘ pr ojects. The purpose of this paper is to confront PPM as advocated by normative theories with actual PPM practices. Hence, the purpose is to confront PPM theories with PPM as perceived by managers and other employees for whom PPM is part of, or affects, their work conditions.

However, in this paper, we are more interested in PPM as enacted by companies than in universally true perceptions. Hence, we adhere to Weick‘s [1–3] notion of enactment as the preconceptions that are used to set aside a portion of the field of experience for further attention. In regard to PPM, enacted projects are thus the ones management sets aside for further attention (i.e. PPM). As such, we focus especially on ways actors define or enact projects [4] and make sense of how to manage the sum of the projects. Drawing on this perspective, we account for findings that suggest why companies that do engage in PPM still experience problems.

2. Project portfolio theory

This paper draws on Archer and Ghasemzadeh‘s [5, p.208] definition of p roject portfolios as ??a group of projects that are carried out under the sponsorship and/or management of a particular organization‘‘. Henceforth, we define PPM as the managerial activities that relate to

(1) the initial screening, selection and prioritisation of project proposals,

(2) the concurrent reprioritisation of projects in the portfolio,

(3) the allocation and reallocation of resources to projects according to priority.

For quite some time researchers have suggested that low completion rates for new product development (NPD) projects and new product failure relate to resource deficiencies in key areas [6,7]. Furthermore, while a host of researchers [8–10] have focused on the dimension of PPM that concerns

processes relating to selection of projects to be included in the portfolio, research e.g. [11] also increasingly focuses on the day-today management of the project portfolio.

3. Methodology

Over a period of two years, we did empirical research on how companies manage their entire range of projects, e.g. renewal projects, strategic projects, IT projects, departmentally specific projects, and production based projects. In relation to the selection of companies to be included in the empirical study, a key criterion was that the study should cover a wide variety of industries. As a result, the empirical study covers 30 companies from industries as diverse as, e.g. mobile telephone communications, finances, energy, pharmaceuticals, toys, software, and foods.

However, due to the fact that we were looking for companies, where the amount of on-going projects suggested they were engaged in PPM, the study is biased towards larger companies as well as companies that define at least a substantial part of their activities as projects. The degree to which the companies participated in the study varies. Hence, half of the companies are labelled ?inner circle‘ companies due to the fact that we drew extensively on these 15 companies. For example, in these companies more interviews were conducted at various points in time and at various organizational levels. Hence, a longitudinal perspective characterizes the involvement of these companies.

The remaining half of the companies are labelled ?outer circle‘ companies because their participation in the study has included fewer top-management interviews, the purpose of which was to gain insight into ways in which (top) management defines the content of their project portfolios and manages them.

4. Managerial implications

A key finding is that the gap between required and available resources is very much attributable to the existence of a host of smaller projects that never become part of enacted project portfolios. Thus, at an aggregated level, the empirical study suggests smaller, un-enacted projects qualify as resources crunchers in so far they are not considered to be a part of enacted project portfolios. In order to overcome this crunch in resources, two solutions seem obvious:

(1) Enacting more, i.e. having PPM embrace all projects.

(2) Allocating more resources to a pool of loosely-controlled resources for the un-enacted projects to draw on.

5. Research implications

The empirical study elaborates on the ??significant shortage of resources devoted to NPD‘‘ that Cooper and Edgett argue is the fundamental problem ??that p lagues most firms‘ product development efforts‘‘.

Our work especially suggests that the shortage of resources devoted to enacted projects is not a problem that primarily arises in relation to top management‘s PPM. On the contrary, in-good-faith top management dedicates resources to enacted projects on the basis of sound PPM. However, what top managers do not do is take into account the host of smaller projects that individuals initiate and – more importantly – top managers ignore (or at least heavily under-estimate) the amount of resources that these smaller projects tie up. Hence, we argue that especially the crunch in resources may be attributable to the un-enacted competition for resources that smaller projects subject enacted projects to.

Consequently, the key contribution of our empirical work to research is that it emphasises that if we wish to study PPM (and especially if we wish to relate PPM to project performance), we might be better off taking into account the entire range of projects that actual (not enacted) portfolios are comprised of. Thus, if we as researchers only enact the projects that are neatly listed by top management, then our research will neglect the host of projects that are not subject to PPM, projects that nonetheless take up valuable, and scarce, resources.

The fact that the empirical study includes interviews with managers, i.e. those who do PPM, and interviews with personnel at lower organisational levels, i.e. those whose work is subject to PPM, is the reason why we were able to identify un-enacted projects. Thus, researchers interested in PPM should be careful not to rely too heavily on a management perspective.

6. Conclusion and limitations

The main conclusion is that as long as some projects are un-enacted, companies may experience a drain on resources that reduces the time and resources actually devoted to projects subject to PPM. Hence, each individual company should decide whether or not all projects should be part of PPM and if the end result of such a decision is not to make comprehensive project lists (i.e. lists that include all minor projects), then management should decide how many resources should be set aside for the plethora of small projects that do not appear on the project list.

One way in which the crunch in resources can be reduced is by ensuring that smaller projects do not take up a critical portion of the resources that are – officially – set aside for the completion of

projects subject to PPM. However, due to the exploratory nature of the study accounted for in this paper, our findings relate far more to what companies actually do (positive theory in Hunt‘s terms), rather than to what they ought to do (normative theory in Hunt‘s terms). Although generating positive theory is indeed a crucial first step – especially in relation to the future of PPM theory –positive theory cannot, and should not, stand alone. Hence, the key challenges for PPM theory in the future are to produce normative theory that offers sound suggestions as to how companies can improve their PPM.

Another limitation of our study is that the empirical part was carried out in a Danish context as the 30 companies involved are located in Denmark, which may not be sufficiently representative for companies worldwide because Denmark has, to a larger extent, a bottom-up culture. Therefore, the portion of smaller un-enacted projects may be bigger here than in companies in other countries. We hope that our study will inspire other researchers to carry our similar studies in other countries.


[1] Aboloafia MY, Killduff D. Enacting market crisis: the social construction of a speculative bubble.

Admin Sci Quart 1988;33(1): 177–93.

[2] Archer NP, Ghasemzadeh F. An integrated framework for project portfolio selection.

Int J Project Manage 1999;17(4):207–16.

[3] Cooper RG. Benchmarking new product performance: results of the best practices study.

Eur Manage J 1998;16(1):1–7.

[4] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ. Overcoming the crunch in resources for new product development.

Res Technol Manage 2003;46:48–58.

[5] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. Best practices for managing

R&D portfolios. Res Technol Manage 1998;41:20–33.

[6] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. New product portfolio management: practices and performance.

J Prod Innovat Manage

[7] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. New problems, new solutions: making portfolio management more effective. Res Technol Manage 2000;43:18–33. 1999;16(3):333–51.

[8] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. Portfolio management for new products.

Cambridge MA: Perseus Publishing; 2001.

[9] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. Portfolio management in new product development: lessons from the leaders – I. Res Technol Manage 1997;40:16–28.

[10] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. Portfolio management in new product development: lessons from the leaders – II. Res Technol Manage 1997;40:43–52.

[11] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. Portfolio management for new product development: results of an industry practices study. R&D Manage 2001;31(4):361–80.




尽管公司一向致力于处理项目股份单与项目股份单理论,他们也许会经历在工程延迟,资源短缺,压力,缺乏整体概要的形式上遇到问题。基于本次研究对于30个公司的128次的详细采访,我们对于公司为什么关于项目组合管理(PPM)不能做的提出了建议。因为PPM经常只报道持续的项目的一个子集,而不是对PPM所支配的原始资源项目。我们演示并且谈论了想要在PPM 包括所有项目的困境,旨在保留资源,为了在一个合理的水平做到PPM而感知问题。







(2)管理阶层和员工感觉他们对正在进行的项目缺乏一个整体的概要(特别是当越来越多的进行的项目不能按计划完成的时候); 并且





然而,在本文,我们对PPM更感兴趣,由于他们是由公司制定出来的而不是普遍性的感知。因此,我们遵守制定的Weick‘s [1–3]概念作为预想,用于留出经验的领域的部分引起注意。关于PPM而制定的项目受到近一步关注。同样地,我们特别集中于演示方式或者制定工程,并且使如何管理工程总数变得有意义。从这个角度来讲,我们想找到并提议为什么有些公司致力于PPM仍然会遇到问题。


本文引用Archer 和Ghasemzadeh的关于项目组合的定义―一组在赞助和或者由一个特殊组织进行管理的项目‖由此,我们把PPM 作为管理活动而定义为和以下方面相关:(1)最初的筛选,挑选,项目小结报告的优先权,








4. 管理涵义





5. 研究涵义



因此,我们实证研究的主要贡献是,它强调,如果我们想研究PPM(尤其是我们想将PPM 和项目执行结合起来),我们可能会更好地考虑到实际(不通过)组成的投资组合项目的整个范围。因此,如果作为研究者的我们只是制定由高层主管列的清单,我们的研究就会忽略众多不属于PPM的项目,尽管这些项目如此占用宝贵的稀缺的资源。




可以降低资源摩擦的一种方式是保证小项目不会过多的占用为完成项目组合管理而实施的项目的资源。然而,在本篇论文中,由于研究的探索性质,我们的研究结果更多地关注于公司实际上做了什么(Hunt的正面理论第23期),而非他们应该做什么(Hunt 的基准理论23期),




[1] Aboloafia MY, Killduff D. Enacting market crisis: the social construction of a speculative bubble.

Admin Sci Quart 1988;33(1): 177–93.

[2] Archer NP, Ghasemzadeh F. An integrated framework for project portfolio selection.

Int J Project Manage 1999;17(4):207–16.

[3] Cooper RG. Benchmarking new product performance: results of the best practices study.

Eur Manage J 1998;16(1):1–7.

[4] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ. Overcoming the crunch in resources for new product development.

Res Technol Manage 2003;46:48–58.

[5] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. Best practices for managing

R&D portfolios. Res Technol Manage 1998;41:20–33.

[6] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. New product portfolio management: practices and performance.

J Prod Innovat Manage

[7] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. New problems, new solutions: making portfolio management more effective. Res Technol Manage 2000;43:18–33. 1999;16(3):333–51.

[8] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. Portfolio management for new products.

Cambridge MA: Perseus Publishing; 2001.

[9] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. Portfolio management in new product development: lessons from the leaders – I. Res Technol Manage 1997;40:16–28.

[10] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. Portfolio management in new product development: lessons from the leaders – II. Res Technol Manage 1997;40:43–52.

[11] Cooper RG, Edgett SJ, Kleinschmidt EJ. Portfolio management for new product development: results of an industry practices study. R&D Manage 2001;31(4):361–80.


Study on Project Cost Control of Construction Enterprises By: R. Max Wideman Abstract With the increasing maturity of construction market, the competition between construction enterprises is becoming fierce. The project profit is gradually decreasing. It demands that all construction enterprises enhance their cost control, lower costs, improve management efficiency and gain maximal profits. This paper analyses the existing problems on project cost control of Chinese construction enterprises, and proposes some suggestions to improve project cost control system. Key Words :Construction enterprises, Project management, Cost control After joining the WTO, with Chinese construction market becoming integrated, the competition among architectural enterprises is turning more intense. Construction enterprises must continually enhance the overall competitiveness if they want to develop further at home and abroad construction market. Construction Enterprises basically adopt the "project management-centered" model, therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen project cost control. 1.The Current Domestic Project Cost Classification and Control Methods Cost refers to the consumption from producing and selling of certain products, with the performance of various monetary standing for materialized labor and labor-consuming. Direct and indirect costs constitute the total cost, also known as production cost or manufacturing cost. Enterprise product cost is the comprehensive indicator to measure enterprise quality of all aspects. It is not only the fund compensation scale, but also the basis to examine the implementation of cost plan. Besides, it can provide reference for product pricing According to the above-mentioned definition and current domestic cost classification, construction project cost can be divided into direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs include material cost, personnel cost, construction machinery cost, material transportation cost, temporarily facility cost, engineering cost and other direct cost. Indirect costs mainly result from project management and company's cost-sharing, covering project operating costs (covering the commission of foreign projects), project's management costs (including exchange losses of


本科毕业论文 外文文献及译文 文献、资料题目:BIM Beyond Boundaries 文献、资料来源:Design Intelligence 文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2012.12.10院(部):管理工程学院 专业:工程管理 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期:2015.2.10

外文文献: BIM Beyond Boundaries September 10, 2012 · by Randy Deutsch Abstract: Opting for depth over breadth of expertise is a false choice that will lead individuals, organizations, the profession, and industry in the wrong direction. Keywords: BIM, expertise, anti-learning, master builder Several forces are converging to create an unprecedented and timely opportunity for organizations that have embraced building information modeling (BIM). These forces —including the rise of the expert, the growing complexity and speed of projects, and BIM’s increasing recognition as an enabler, catalyst, and facilitator of team collaboration — also present significant challenges that can be overcome with the right approach and mindset. At one time, being an expert meant knowi ng more than one’s competitors in a particular field. Firms that reinforced their expert culture hoarded information, which resulted in silos of expertise. Today, many firms are looking to hire people perceived as building and software technology experts, shortsightedly addressing today’s needs at the expense of tomorrow’s. While architects have always been trees with many branches, our current economic climate has discouraged them from being anything but palm trees: all trunk, no branches. And yet things change so quickly that those who went to bed experts are unlikely to wake up experts in the morning. Due to the speed and complexity of projects, we do not have time to acquire knowledge the old way — slowly, over time, through traditional means. Even when we supplement our book learning with conferences, webinars, and continuing education, it is impossible to keep up with the flow of new information in our industry. Expertise today is a much more social, fluid, and iterative process than it used to be. Being an expert is no longer about telling people what you know so much as understanding what questions to ask, who to ask, and applying knowledge flexibly and contextually to the specific situation at hand. Expertise has often been associated with teaching and mentoring. Today it’s more concerned with learning than knowing: less to do with continuing education and more with practicing and engaging in continuous education. Social media presents the would-be expert with both opportunities and challenges. Working


报关和国际货运专业人才需求调查问卷(企业用卷) 尊敬的企业领导: 您好!为了深入了解当前企业对报关和国际货运专业人才需求情况及能力和素质要求,为我们的专业设置和教育、教学改革研究提供必要的支持,我们设置了本调查问卷,希望听取您的宝贵意见。本次问卷仅为调查研究所用,没有其他任何商业用途,我们保证有关企业的所有信息均不外流。 感谢您对高等职业教育教学改革以及人才培养提供的支持和帮助! 广东纺织职业技术学院经济管理系 2010.7.10 问卷回寄邮箱地址:shellyshi505@https://www.360docs.net/doc/56770778.html,联系人:史老师 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――一、单位基本情况 单位全称: 地址: 联系人:联系电话: E-mail: 1、贵单位的性质:(注:打“√”) 国有企业( ) 民营企业( ) 合资企业( ) 独资企业( ) 其它:_____ 2、贵单位的业务领域: 国际贸易()国际物流()船务代理()国际货运代理() 进出口报关代理()其它:_____ 3、贵单位目前员工人数: 20人以下( ) 20-50人( ) 50-100人( ) 100人以上( ) 4、贵单位成立时间: 5年以内() 5年~10年() 10年以上() 二、人才需求信息调查(可多选,将字母填写括号内,如果选其他项,请在横线上注明) 5、贵单位目前员工结构: 员工总数()人,其中: A.硕士以上()人 B.本科()人 C. 大专(高职)()人

D. 中专(高中)()人 E.高中以下()人 6、贵单位目前是否有报关及国际货运相关岗位?() A. 是 B.否 7、如果有,贵单位目前报关及货代岗位员工主要来源于:() A. 国际经济与贸易专业 B. 物流专业 C. 商务英语专业 D. 其他专业 8、未来三年内贵单位对报关及国际货运专业人才的需求状况() A. 有需求, 5人以下 B. 有需求, 5-10人 C. 有需求, 10人以上 D. 无需求 E.不确定 9、根据贵单位的实际情况,哪些岗位的人才需求最为迫切?(依次选5个)() A.外贸跟单员 B.外贸业务员 C.货代业务员 D.报关员 E.货代操作员 F.报检员 G.单证员 H.其他 10、贵单位引进人才的方式(依次选三项) ( ) A.到高校招聘应届毕业生 B.人才市场中介 C.引进外地人才 D. 熟人推荐 E. 网络招聘 F. 其它 11、贵单位招聘时,对人才的学历要求:( ) A.中专学历 B.大专学历 C.本科学历 D.研究生学历 12、贵单位招聘时,对人才的相关资格证书要求:( ) A.国际货代从业资格证书 B.报关员资格证书 C.报检员资格证书 D.单证员资格证书 E.其它 13、贵单位对人才的工作经历要求:() A.无要求 B.一年 C.二年 D.三年及以上 E.其它 14、贵单位招聘人才时,最注重哪些方面:(依次选四项)() A.学历 B.技能证书 C.吃苦耐劳精神 D.创新能力及团队合作精神 E.沟通技巧和人际交往能力 F.外语水平 G.计算机水平 15、你觉得应届大学生求职时所面临的主要困难是:(依次选四项)() A.工作经验不足 B.专业基础知识不扎实 C.缺乏吃苦精神 D. 动手操作能力差 E.人际交往能力差 F.书面表达能力差 G.其它 三、课程设置的调查 16、贵单位认为报关与国际货运专业哪些课程在实际工作中用处最大?(依次选8项)() A.国际贸易实务 B.市场营销学 C.经济法 D.国际商法


中英文对照外文翻译文献 中英文对照外文翻译 The Internet is Applicated in Real Estate The Real Estate Industry and the World Wide Web: Changing Technology, Changing Location.The Internet, in its Web based graphics version, has captured the imagination of both consumers and businesses. Its convenience, speed, low cost and versatility are being exploited on a daily basis in ever-changing ways. Together with its capacity to transform existing businesses, promote new businesses and facilitate exchange of information and data, its other striking attribute has been the speed with which this new technology has spread throughout the global economy. Keywords:The internet;Real Estate;Applicated The number of computer hosts grew by more than ten-fold between 1995 and early 1999. The number of Web sites increased almost 100-fold, to over two million, between 1995 and 1998.By the year 2000, there will be approximately 400-500 million Internet users in the world, and the total number of Web sites will exceed five million. This new technology has the potential for affecting the real estate industry directly and indirectly. Directly, it may become a tool that allows a real estate business to expand its information and sales network. Indirectly, it may change the location equation where and how firms do business which in turn will affect the role of firms involved in real estate development, investment and transactions. Measuring the Spread of the Web


中英文资料对照外文翻译 Design phase of the project cost management Abstract Project cost management is the basic contents to determine reasonable and effective control of the project cost. Described the current stage of the project cost management situation on the strengthening of the various stages of construction cost management of the importance of and raised a number of key initiatives. Keywords:cost of the construction project cost management status investment decision phase of the design phase of the implementation phase of the cost management in a market economy, Even under the WTO and China's accession to the world community, China's construction industry how to effectively control construction cost of the construction and management of an important component part. However, the current budget for the construction projects - estimate, budget, Super budget accounts for the "super three" is still widespread and that eventually led to a serious loss of control of project investment. Project cost management is the basic contents to determine reasonable and effective control of the project cost. As the project cost to the project runs through the entire process, stage by stage can be divided into Investment Decision stage, the design and implementation phases. The so-called Project Cost effective control is the optimization of the construction plans and design programs on the basis of in the building process at all stages, use of certain methods and measures to reduce the cost of the projects have a reasonable control on the scope and cost of the approved limits.


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:研究建设项目的工程造价 文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业:工程管理 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

科技文献翻译 题目:研究建设项目的工程造价 研究建设项目的工程造价 摘要 在工程建设中,中国是拥有世界最大投资金额和具有最多建设项目的国家。它是一 项在建设项目管理上可以为广泛的工程管理人员进行有效的工程造价管理,并合理 确定和保证施工质量和工期的条件控制施工成本的重要课题。 在失去了中国建筑的投资和技术经济工程,分离的控制现状的基础上,通过建设成 本控制的基本理论为指导,探讨控制方法和施工成本的应用,阐述了存在的问题在 施工成本控制和对决心和施工成本的控制这些问题的影响,提出了建设成本控制应 体现在施工前期,整个施工过程中的成本控制,然后介绍了一些程序和应用价值工 程造价的方法在控制建设项目的所有阶段。 关键词:建设成本,成本控制,项目 1.研究的意义 在中国,现有的工程造价管理体系是20世纪50年代制定的,并在1980s.Traditional 施工成本管理方法改进是根据国家统一的配额,从原苏联引进的一种方法。它的特 点是建设成本的计划经济的管理方法,这决定了它无法适应当前市场经济的要求。 在中国传统建筑成本管理方法主要包括两个方面,即建设成本和施工成本控制方法 的测定方法。工程造价的确定传统的主要做法生搬硬套国家或地方统一的配额数量 来确定一个建设项目的成本。虽然这种方法已经历了20多年的改革,到现在为止,计划经济管理模式的影响仍然有已经存在在许多地区。我们传统的工程造价控制的


2010年个人规划和要求 2009年基本上是自己商务工作的一个开端,但是自己已经27岁,各种压力已经压过来,工作定型问题,感情婚姻问题,生活住房问题等等,都随之而来。所以对自己来年提出要求,2010年对我来说应该有一个跳跃,而不只是平地踏步。 首先,对于个人成熟度的问题,要开始有勇气的面对一些事情,担当一些事情,这就要做到以下几点: 1、约束自己平时的一言一行,每说一句话都要经过大脑,每说一句话都要有证据支撑,每做一件事情都要经历考虑,做事一定要做出结果,坚决不能虎头蛇尾。平时不能嘻嘻哈哈了,更不能做出一些与自己年龄不相称的事情,个人各种动作,行动都要注意。不能给别人一种不成熟的感觉。 2、约束自己的生活习惯,不能有依靠别人的思想,无论什么时候,都要做到自己去解决问题。不能指望别人去解决,给别人有一种依靠感。 3、在平时的处事上,对待每一件事情就像一次战斗,尽自己最大努力去观察,思考解决问题的办法,注意发生在自己身边的每一件事情,尽量做到做事能集中精神,要做到每一分钟都在解决问题的同时学习,提高自己的能力。 4、要想有事情尽快处理的习惯,不能拖,再累,只要能想到的事情,尽快去解决,不能等时间。不要让自己的惰性影响任何事情,战胜自己。

5、坚持每天写日志,如果因为工作忙,最少一个礼拜一定要写一次日志,总结这个礼拜的经验,这个事情一定不能马虎,之前本来快坚持下来的,现在都没有坚持下来,如果这都坚持不下来,不可能成功。 6、尽量控制无聊的上网和游戏时间,如果实在不想工作,可以自己出去走走,想想问题,千万不要让自己的时间无聊的发呆或怀念什么(每天无聊上网时间不能超过半个小时) 7、坚持每天学习英语,具体计划如下: 1)每天坚持看半个小时的“英文信函写作”,提高自己的英语阅读和书写能力,这个不管多忙都要坚持下来,如果真的很忙,就用饭前饭后的时间去做,如果还是不行,睡觉前一定要做。 2)坚持多用英语去与监理,或者别人沟通,对于自己无法表达的意思,事后一定要去查清楚,或像别人请教,第一次不会第二次一定要会。 3)有空余时间多研究FIDIC黄皮书,认真学习其中的表达和研究合同中应该注意的问题。 8、注意自己与别人沟通的语气,对待与各种人沟通,一定要注意说话的语气,不能因为语气得罪人。 第二,对自己的工作必须有一个目标,如果自己一直在房建项目任职,在自己思考解决问题的基础上,多学习沈总思考问题办法,做到工作上有自己分专业和天地。 对于2010年的工作,主要从这几方面入手:


工程管理开题报告文献综述范文 宝宝们是不是都在为论文烦恼呢?开题报告、文献综述、外文翻译、抄袭检测软件,都在这啦...快点用起来吧~ 开题报告主要包括以下几个方面: (一)论文名称 论文名称就是课题的名字 第一,名称要准确、规范。准确就是论文的名称要把论文研究的问题是什么,研究的对象是什么交待清楚,论文的名称一定要和研究的内容相一致,不能太大,也不能太小,要准确地把你研究的对象、问题概括出来。 第二,名称要简洁,不能太长。不管是论文或者课题,名称都不能太长,能不要的字就尽量不要,一般不要超过20个字。 (二)论文研究的目的、意义 研究的目的、意义也就是为什么要研究、研究它有什么价值。这一般可以先从现实需要方面去论述,指出现实当中存在这个问题,

需要去研究,去解决,本论文的研究有什么实际作用,然后,再写论文的理论和学术价值。这些都要写得具体一点,有针对性一点,不能漫无边际地空喊口号。主要内容包括: (1)研究的有关背景(课题的提出):即根据什么、受什么启发而搞这项研究。 (2)通过分析本地(校)的教育教学实际,指出为什么要研究该课题,研究的价值,要解决的问题。 (三)本论文国内外研究的历史和现状(文献综述)。 规范些应该有,如果是小课题可以省略。一般包括:掌握其研究的广度、深度、已取得的成果;寻找有待进一步研究的问题,从而确定本课题研究的平台(起点)、研究的特色或突破点。 (四)论文研究的指导思想 指导思想就是在宏观上应坚持什么方向,符合什么要求等,这个方向或要求可以是哲学、政治理论,也可以是政府的教育发展规划,也可以是有关研究问题的指导性意见等。

(五)论文写作的目标 论文写作的目标也就是课题最后要达到的具体目的,要解决哪些具体问题,也就是本论文研究要达到的预定目标:即本论文写作的目标定位,确定目标时要紧扣课题,用词要准确、精练、明了。 常见存在问题是:不写研究目标;目标扣题不紧;目标用词不准确;目标定得过高, 对预定的目标没有进行研究或无法进行研究。 确定论文写作目标时,一方面要考虑课题本身的要求,另一方面要考率实际的工作条件与工作水平。 (六)论文的基本内容 研究内容要更具体、明确。并且一个目标可能要通过几方面的研究内容来实现,他们不一定是一一对应的关系。大家在确定研究内容的时候,往往考虑的不是很具体,写出来的研究内容特别笼统、模糊,把写作的目的、意义当作研究内容。 基本内容一般包括:①对论文名称的界说。应尽可能明确三点:研究的对象、研究的问题、研究的方法。②本论文写作有关的理论、名词、术语、概念的界说。


毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:建筑项目招投标 文献、资料英文题目:Building engineering bidding 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业:工程管理 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

本科毕业设计外文翻译 Building engineering bidding Yang Cao a,*, Shuhua Wang b, Heng Li a aDepartment of Building and Real Estate, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China bState Key Laboratory of Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China Abstract Nowadays in the engineering construction industry, the market which is characteristic for project bidding, has formed. The construction companies,which want to create good benefits, have to control their cost and improve management to enhance the capacity of adapting and competing in this market. This article focuses on how to decrease cost and increase income so as to control the construction cost effectively. bidding documents should be well formulated ,which is the improtment to a successful bidding and direct influence the success or failure of the bidding work.Becasue the success or failure of the bidding for the survival and development of enterprise has a direct impact, so we have a high quality, improve the bid documents of the unit, prevent invalid and successful pass mark appear, become a research topic. [key] : bidding drawbacks of unfair competition countermeasures Bidding is a form of project transactions, project bidding process is to determine the successful bidder and the cost of the process and the price of the project, project bidding work of a very important link, do a good job bidding to determine the price, we can effectively control construction costs, and create a fair and equitable market environment, create orderly competition mechanism. Bidding in construction activities, construction enterprises in order to tender invincible works to be successful, And from the contracted projects profitable, it needs to integrate various subjective and objective conditions, the tender research strategy determine tender. Tender



西安科技大学高新学院毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 学生姓名:贺永琴 院(系):建筑与土木工程学院 专业班级:工程管理1004班 指导教师:李慧 完成日期:2013年12月30日

要求 1.外文翻译是毕业设计(论文)的主要内容之一,学生必须独立完成。 2.外文翻译文内容应与学生的专业或毕业设计(论文)内容相关,不得少于15000印刷字符。 3.外文翻译文用A4纸打印。文章标题用3号宋体,章节标题用4号宋体,正文用小4号宋体;页边距上下左右均为2.5cm,左侧装订,装订线0.5cm。按中文翻译在上,外文原文在下的顺序装订。 4.年月日等的填写,用阿拉伯数字书写,要符合《关于出版物上数字用法的试行规定》,如“2009年2月15日”。 5.所有签名必须手写,不得打印

工程管理专业外文翻译 摘要 本翻译主要针对工程管理本专业的工程项目管理、工程量清单、工程量等专业术语进行阐述,从而使自己对工程管理专业有更深刻的了解和认识。当前,世界经济一体化,我国随后加入了世贸组织,使我国在各行各业都有了新的突破,为了增强国际竞争力,在重视硬件发展的同时,我们不能忽视软件(工程管理)的发展。因此,工程量清单计价规范和无底招标的推行使我国工程管理和工程量清单等实现了与国际社会的全面接轨。 关键词:工程管理,工程量清单,工程量

工程管理是对具有技术成分的活动进行计划、组织、资源分配以及指导和控制的科学和艺术。中国工程院咨询项目《我国工程管理科学发展现状研究》报告中对工程管理有如下界定:工程管理是指为实现预期目标,有效利用资源,对工程所进行的决策、计划、组织、指挥、协调与控制。工程项目管理是工程管理的一个主要组成部分,它采用项目管理方法对工程的建设过程进行管理,通过计划和控制保证工程项目目标的实现,不仅包括工程项目管理,还包括工程的决策、工程估价、工程合同管理、工程经济分析、工程技术管理、工程质量管理、工程的投融资、工程资产管理等。 工程管理的目标是取得工程的成功,是工程达到成功的各项要求,对于一个具体的工程,这些要求就转化为工程的目标。同时,工程管理是对工程全生命期的管理,包括对工程的前期决策的管理、设计和计划的管理、施工的管理、运营维护管理等。除此之外,工程管理是以工程为对象的系统管理方法,通过一个临时性的、专门的柔性组织,对工程建设和运营过程进行高效率的计划、组织、指导和控制,以对工程进行全过程的动态管理,实现工程的目标。因此,目前在工程管理方面应从以下几方面学习: 1、技术领域 工程管理专业培养具备管理学、经济学和土木工程技术的基本知识,学生在校学习期间,要接受工程师和经济师的基本素质训练,打好工程技术、管理、经济、法律、外语及计算机应用方面的坚实基础。管理学院在对工程管理专业人才培养过程中,积极提供相应条件,使学生根据自身能力,能够攻读相关学科专业的双学位和双专业。 有不少人认为工程管理就是一种单纯的管理学科,工程管理需要学习的不仅仅是一种管理的思想,同时还要求有一定的工程背景和数学知识。 2、培养要求 在这门专业的学习中,应明白一个基本的等式就是“工程管理=工程技术+经济管理”,当然决不是简单的相加,而应当掌握几个基本的技能:(1)掌握以土木工程技术为主的理论知识和实践技能; (2)掌握相关的管理理论和方法; (3)掌握相关的经济理论; (4)掌握相关的法律、法规; (5)具有从事工程管理的理论知识和实践能力; (6)具有阅读工程管理专业外语文献的能力; (7)具有运用计算机辅助解决工程管理问题的能力; (8)具有较强的科学研究能力。总的来说,工程管理还是偏重于管理科学,适合那些人际交往能力强,又善于用理性去思考问题的考生报考。


项目成本控制 1施工企业成本控制原则 施工企业的成本控制是以施工项目成本控制为中心,施工项目成本控制原则是企业成本管理的基础和核心,施工企业项目经理部在对项目施工过程进行成本控制时,必须遵循以下基本原则。 1.1成本最低化原则。施工项目成本控制的根本目的,在于通过成本管理的各种手段,促进不断降低施工项目成本,以达到可能实现最低的目标成本的要求。在实行成本最低化原则时,应注意降低成本的可能性和合理的成本最低化。一方面挖掘各种降低成本的能力,使可能性变为现实;另一方面要从实际出发,制定通过主观努力可能达到合理的最低成本水平。 1.2全面成本控制原则。全面成本管理是全企业、全员和全过程的管理,亦称“三全”管理。项目成本的全员控制有一个系统的实质性内容,包括各部门、各单位的责任网络和班组经济核算等等,应防止成本控制人人有责,人人不管。项目成本的全过程控制要求成本控制工作要随着项目施工进展的各个阶段连续进行,既不能疏漏,又不能时紧时松,应使施工项目成本自始至终置于有效的控制之下。 1.3动态控制原则。施工项目是一次性的,成本控制应强调项目的中间控制,即动 态控制。因为施工准备阶段的成本控制只是根据施工组织设计的具体内容确定成本目标、编制成本计划、制订成本控制的方案,为今后的成本控制作好准备。而竣工阶段的成本控制,由于成本盈亏已基本定局,即使发生了偏差,也已来不及纠正。 1.4目标管理原则。目标管理的内容包括:目标的设定和分解,目标的责任到位和执行,检查目标的执行结果,评价目标和修正目标,形成目标管理的计划、实施、检查、处理循环,即 PDCA 循环。 1.5责、权、利相结的原则。在项目施工过程中,项目经理部各部门、各班组在肩负成本控制责任的同时,享有成本控制的权力,同时项目经理要对各部门、各班组在成本控制中的业绩进行定期的检查和考评,实行有奖有罚。只有真正做好责、权、利相结合的成本控制,才能收到预期的效果。


外文翻译 学院能源与建筑工程学院 专业工程管理 导师 学生 2015年4月10 日

THINKING OF COST ENGINEERING PROJECT Abstract:The premise of the project cost management is to meet the project quality, schedule, contract requirements, as for the project costs, as well as achieving the intended target by planning, organization, control and coordination, and as a scientific management activities to reduce the cost As far as possible. It is mainly through technology (such as the selection of the construction plan), economic (such as accounting) and management (such as construction organization management, rules and regulations etc.) activities to achieve the intended target and the purpose of profit. Cost is the sum of all kinds of construction process in the project cost. The content of cost management is very extensive, runs through every procedure and every aspect of project management activities, from the signing of the contract to the construction preparation, until the completion acceptance, every link cannot do without the cost management. As for the complete process of cost management to say, its content includes: cost prediction, cost control, cost accounting, cost analysis and cost assessment, etc.. Here only to analysis through three aspects :project cost forecast, cost control, the effective way reduce the cost to elaborate. 1. Do a good cost forecast, identify the objectives of cost control Cost prediction is the basis of cost plan, which provide the basis for compiling the scientific, reasonable cost control target. Therefore, to improve the scientific cost forecast, cost plan to reduce costs and improve economic efficiency, which plays an important role in engineering management. Strengthening the control of cost, first of all to pay more attention on cost prediction is an essential behavior. The main content of Cost prediction is the use of scientific methods, to forecast according to cost target of the project ,construction conditions, mechanical equipment, and the quality of personnel of the project. 1.1.Prediction of workers, material, cost The first is to analysis the project's artificial cost price, then analysis the wages and the market of the social workers , according to the amount of time and ready for the staff to analysis if the accommodation is covered in the project contract price of labor cost. The material costs accounted for a large proportion of Construction and installation
