2021年高二上学期英语周练试卷(零班1.10) 含答案


2021年高二上学期英语周练试卷(零班1.10) 含答案

倪黎新倪黎新 2016-01-10





1.What's the time now?

A. 8:30.

B. 7:55.

C. 8:35.

2.Why does the woman look sad?

A. She did badly in the exams.

B. She worries about her ing tests.

C. She is ill.

3.What do we learn about the taxi driver?

A. He drove too fast and crashed into a truck.

B. He turned suddenly and ran into a tree.

C. He was hit by a falling box from a truck.

4.What is the man doing?

A. He is asking about his letter.

B. He is buying plane tickets to Europe.

C. He is sending some postcard.

5.Where does the conversation mostly take place?

A. In a restaurant.

B. In the woman's house.

C. In the market.第二节:听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.When is the jazz festival going to be held?

A. This Thursday.

B. Next Saturday.

C. Next Thursday.

7.Who is the man’s favorite singer?

A. Carlon Carpenter.

B. Michael Jackon.

C. Madonna.


8.What material would the man like for spring?

A. Leather.

B. Cotton.

C. Wool.

9.What color does the woman like?

A. Pink.

B. White. C Red.


10.What class has the woman already taken?

A. Spanish.

B. Biology.

C. Math.

11.How does the woman feel about the science classes?

A. She is quite interested in them.

B. She regrets to have taken them.

C. She doesn't like them.

12.What kind of job will the man try to get?

A. Driving a taxi.

B. Working in a gas station.

C. Working in a restaurant.


13.Where are the two speakers?

A. At school.

B. In a park.

C. In the countryside.

14.How does the woman feel today?

A. Relaxed.

B. Lonely.

C. Sick.

15.What will the speakers do this weekend?

A. Drive to the countryside.

B. Attend a party.

C. Go back home.

16.What will the woman bring to the barbecue?

A. Her family.

B. Some drinks.

C. Moon cakes.


17.What is the main topic of the talk?

A. Scientific research.

B. Environmental protection.

C. Social development

18.Who is the speaker probably?

A. A university professor.

B. A tourist guide.

C. A government official.

19.How many people were there in Anchorage in 1960?

A. About 75,000.

B. About 180,000.

C. About 40,000.

20.What is the speaker most probably doing next?

A. Showing some slides.

B. Writing a letter to the government

C. Putting forward some suggestions.

第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Dear Jorge,

Are you enjoying your break from school? My family are now in Sacramento, California. We are here paying a visit to visit to my aunt Gloria. We have been to the California State Capital Building, the nature center, and the zoo. I have seen many interesting things, but one stands out above the rest. This morning we drove from my aunt’s home to Calistoga to see Calif ornia’s Old Faithful Geyser(老忠实泉). I had read about it in my book, Sightseeing in California; Where You Should Go. You have probably heard of Old Faithful, the geyser father north in Yellowstone National Park. This California geyser is sometimes called“ Li ttle Old Faithful.”

When we arrived California’s Old Faithful was only a calm pool of water. The geyser didn’t look very deep. “ What’s the big deal?” I wondered. As I turned, I saw some steam rising from the water. Before I knew it, there was hot water shooting up about 60 feet into the air. We

could not believe our eyes! It continued for almost three minutes.

Aunt Gloria told me that the water came from an underground river. She also said that the water temperature was about 95℃. This water can sometimes shoot 170 feet into the air.

My aunt said that other geysers around the world reach hotter temperatures and shoot water even higher than California’s Old Faithful Geyser. I’d love to learn more about this geyser and other geysers in different countries wh en I get home. I’ll see you soon!

Your friend,


21.According to the text, Bennetto ___________.

A. visited his aunt Gloria by himself.

B. had never heard of Old Faithful Geyser.

C. thought nothing of Old Faithful Geyser at first.

D. flew all the way from Sacramento to Calistoga.

22. The water Bennetto saw high in the sky _____________.

A. disappeared at once.

B. was too hot to touch.

C. came from a deep sea.

D. was 170 feet in height.

23. What was expressed in Bennetto's letter?

A. Anger

B. Doubt

C. Courage

D. Excitement

24. Bennetto wrote the letter mainly to_____________.

A. talk about his holiday experiences.

B. ask Jorge to visit Old Faithful Geyser.

C. express his thankfulness to Aunt Gloria.

D. give Yellowstone National Park some advice.


In the last 30 years, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has granted nearly 300,000 wishes worldwide to children battling life-threatening illnesses, throwing light on worlds darkened by diseases and bringing hope to children and their families.

With a foreword(序)by Make-A-Wish cofounder Frank Shankwitz, Once Upon A wish shares the wishes and stories of eight children. These families generously invite us into their worlds, allowing us to bee part of their darkest moments, their unimaginable realities, their greatest hopes, deepest fears, and unbelievable successes.

Experience the story of Katelyn, a little girl, being a medical marvel (奇迹)after lighting all the odds stacked against her and making it her life-long goal to raise $3 million for St. Jude Hospital; read about a wheelchair-bound boy, Garrett, giving the gift of mobility to disabled Cambodian men and women; cheer for a little boy, Dakota, who collects millions of pennies each year to help others fight the disease he once fought. Bee inspired and forever-changed by the generosity, hope, courage, and optimism of these children and their families and experience the power of two words - I wish.

Once Upon A Wish is a celebration of hope, revealing how wishes-e-true can bee motivators and cherished gifts that will last a lifetime.

Price: $9.99

Where to download: Available on the iPhone , iPad , iPod touch, and Mac.

Category: Biographies & Memoirs

Published: Mar 05, xx

Publisher: BenBella Books, Inc.

Seller: The Perseus Books Group, LLC

Print Length: 352 Pages

Language: English

25. We can learn that the Make-A-Wish Foundation____.

A. was set up in the early 1990s.

B. was set up to help poor people all over the world.

C. aims at helping severely sick children fulfill their wishes.

D. mainly offers free treatment to severely sick children.

26. What is Once Upon A Wish mainly about?

A. The history of the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

B. Wishes and stories of eight children.

C. Some children's experiences of helping others.

D. Frank Shankwitz's personal experiences with some children.

27. Dakota spends the money he collects in helping____.

A. to set up St. Jude Hospital .

B. people infected with AIDS.

C. disabled Cambodians move around .

D. those who are fighting the same disease as he once had.


Queen Victoria was born on 24 May, 1819. She was the granddaughter of George III. and her father, Edward was fourth in line to the throne.

Edward married Princess Victoria from Germany and the couple had just

one child, Alexandrina Victoria, who was born at Kensington Palace in 1819.When she was a young girl, Victoria’s father died, followed 6 days

later by King George III. The throne then passed to King William IV, but

he also died early. This left Victoria to be crowned at the age of 18, in

June 1837. Queen Victoria was to reign until her death on January 22nd, 1901.

The Victorian period also witnessed great advances in science and technology. It became known as the steam age, enabling people to easily

travel throughout the UK and the world.

Queen Victoria was a symbol of this period. She was an enthusiastic supporter of the British Empire. She celebrated at Lord Kitchener’s

victory in the Sudan and she supported British involvement in the Boer War.

She was also happy to be in charge of the expansion of the British Empire,

which was to stretch across the globe. In 1877 Queen Victoria was made Empress of India by the imperialist Disraeli Famously, at the end of the Victorian period, people could say “the sun never sets on the British

Empi re”.

28. Who was the grandfather of Queen Victoria?

A. Edward.

B. George III.

C. William IV.

D. Charlie I.

29. When was Victoria made Empress of India?

A. In 1877.

B. In 1837.

C. In 1840.

D. In 1819 .

30. Which of the following is NOT the devotion of Queen Victoria?

A. Supporting the British Empire.

B. Supporting British involvement in the Boer War.

C. Conquering Indonesia.

D. Expanding the British Empire.

31. Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word in paragraph 2?

A. live.

B. expand.

C. quit.

D. govern.


Working overtime has bee routine for white-collar workers, with more than 60 percent of employees in a recent survey saying they have to work extra time on weekdays and 40 percent have to do so on the weekends.

The survey was released by leading portal website NetEase. It was based on data from 800 million users as well as results from more than 38,000 questionnaires. Work outside of the 9 am to 6 pm time frame was defined

as working overtime.

Working such long hours can be harmful to employee’s health.

Zhaopin, working for a Chinese human resource website, said in a report that 56.6 percent of white-collar workers have no time to exercise.

Huang Ruoshan, Zhaopin's senior career consultant, said working overtime is only prevalent(流行的,盛行的) in certain industries such as real estate, the Internet and finance.

"Those industries are developing very rapidly, which demands employees work hard under pressure and work extra time," said Huang. "Take the e-merce industry as an example: It actually demands that employees be available 24 hours a day seven days a week."

An employee of mobile phone pany Oppo in Shenzhen who only wanted to be identified as Shen, said it is normal to work extra time and he is willing to do that.

"I barely have weekends. However, I am satisfied with my job, my colleagues and working environment. This industry is changing so fast, I am proud to say I am creating value in my position," said Shen, 27.

According to a report released by Zhaopin in February, getting out of

Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou has bee more popular, with more job seekers considering moving to smaller cities.

"Employers have figured out how to keep talent under high pressure," said Huang. "Certain panies provide canteens, exercise facilities and other convenient services. Job seekers can't change the workload, but have to make their choices based on the situation." Huang, the career consultant, said.

32. If one works from 9 am to 9 pm, how many extra hours does he work?

A. Three hours.

B. Twelve hours.

C. Two hours.

D. Eleven hours.

33. What is the attitude of Huang Ruoshan toward the overtime working?

A. He is indifferent about it.

B. He thinks working overtime is not very serious.

C. He is very worried about working overtime.

D. He is optimistic about the working overtime.

34. What can we learn from what Shen said?

A. He always has plenty of weekends.

B. He is considering changing his job.

C. His marriage is endangered.

D. He is satisfied with his job.

35. What is the new trend for more job seekers?

A. Big city is their first choice.

B. Big pany is their favorite.

C. Smaller city is not a bad choice as well.

D. Good salary is the most important.

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)


Send a Thank-You Note.

If you’ve recently been helped in your career or personal development by someone, spend a few moments and 36 The respect, kindness, and personal touch will create a lasting positive mark in your favor in the recipient’s(接受者) mind, which can do nothing but help you out in the long run.

Read Something on Topics You Plan.

Don’t waste your time on some fashion magazines; instead, 37 Spending your spare time at work browsing the web can be potentially helpful for your career.

Prepare Some ments in Advance for Your Next Meeting.

If you will get a meeting later, look at it as an opportunity to shine.

38 and prepare some notes and thoughts that you can present. If you’re going to sit through someone’s presentation, find out what it’s going to be about and do some preparation in advance so you can ask some good questions.

Work on Your Public Speaking Skills.

Search for the work of great public speakers on the internet; 39 , and practice speaking as often as possible. You’ll learn a great deal abou t how to pronounce and express words to influence others.


Not only will this create a better impression of you in the eyes of others, you may also e across important materials that you thought were lost. It’s also good to start a document filing syste m when you do this, so you can find materials quickly.

A. Work on your Writing Skills.

B. listen to the speeches that really inspire you.

C. send that person a handwritten note to thank him or her.

D. Clean Your Work Area

E. Look at what the meeting agenda(议题)is

F. find resources that are related to your job and focus on them.

G. don’t forget to call your parents.



That Christmas Eve, the streets of Boston were crowded with tourists and locals in various clothes. It seemed that everyone was acpanied by someone else laughing. 41 , I was alone.

My 42 was in Puerto Rico. My family and friends had gone home during their holiday break. Dusk was falling, and the inevitable (不可避免的)

43 to my empty apartment brought tears to my eyes. I 44 someone would

e out o

f their homes to ask me inside to a 45 room with a Christmas tree decorated with presents.

I stopped at the local market, feeling even more 46 as people filled their baskets with goodies, which 47 me of the gifts we received as children in Puerto Rico on Christmas Day. I 48 my family parties: the dancing. Thinking of this, I wanted to 49 for being alone.

In front of the church down the 50 , a manger (马槽) had been set up, with Mary, Joseph, and the barn (畜棚) animals in expectation of the 51 of baby Jesus in the midnight. I stood with my neighbors watching the

52 . As I walked home, I realized that the 53 of Joseph and Mary wandering from door to door seeking shelter was much like my own history.

54 Puerto Rico was still a wound in my heart as I 55 with what I had bee in 15 years in the United States. I’d regretted the losses, but I 56 for the first time and recognized what I’d gained. I was indep endent, educated, healthy, and adventurous. My life was 57 before me, full of possibility.

Sometimes the best gift is the one you 58 yourself. That Christmas, I gave myself credit for what I’d 59 so far and permission to go forward, unafraid. It is the best 60 I’ve ever received, the one that

I most treasure.

41.A.Once B.However C.Besides D.Therefore

42.A.destination B.dream C.office D.hometown

43.A.return B.adaption C.attraction D.invitation

44.A.lied B.thought C.wished D.believed

45.A.close B.noisy C.splendid D.warm

46.A.pleased B.depressed C.amazed D.moved

47.A.reminded https://www.360docs.net/doc/5c15687388.html,rmed C.told D.excused

https://www.360docs.net/doc/5c15687388.html,anized B.attended C.missed D.enjoyed

49.Aplain B.cry C.hope D.look

50.A.street B.market C.room D.apartment

51.A.recovery B.treatment C.arrival


52.A.program B.growth C.film D.scene

53.A.love B.kindness C.story D.shadow

54.A.Leaving B.Seeing C.Visiting D.Blaming

55.A.lived B.fought C.agreed D.struggled

56.A.desired B.wanted C.gained D.lost

57.A.still B.already C.never D.even

58.A.press B.give C.attract D.imagine

59.A.planned B.valued C.shared D.acplished

60.A.lesson B.thank C.gift D.letter




When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be very difficult to let go

of your anger. But forgiveness is possible --- and it can be surprisingly

61 (benefit) to your physical and mental health. So far, research 62 (show) that people who forgive can have more energy, better appetite and better sleep. “People who forgive show 63 (little) anger and more hopefulness,” says Dr. Frederic Luskin, who wrote the book Forgive for Good. “So it ca n help reduce the tiredness out of the immune system and allow people 64 (feel) more energetic.”

So when someone has hurt you, cool down first. Take a couple of breaths and think of something 65 gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nat ure, or someone you love. Don’t wait for an 66 (apologize). “Many times the person who hurt you may never think of apologizing,” says Dr. Luskin. “They may have wanted to hurt you or they

just don’t see things in 67 same way. So if you wait for people to say sorry, you could be waiting a very long time.”

Next keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean 68 (accept) the action of the person who upsets you. Instead, learn to look

for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Finally, try to see things

69 the other person’s perspective. You may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance. To gain perspective, you may want to write a letter

to 70 (you) from that person’s point of view.









Everyone has a dream. We are on the way to achieve it whether the way

is smooth or tough. As Senior 3 student, I have the same dream as my classmates that I can be admitted to an ideal university. In the past three year, I have done everything I can to equip myself with that I have learnt from my teachers. Not only had I enjoyed the pleasure of study but also

I have got closer to my dream. Anxiety and pressure did discourage from

me at times and with the encouragement of my teachers and classmates, I think I’ll make it.

I’m sure that there has still a lo ng way to go to achieve my dream. No matter what challenging it is, I’ll make it e true. As the proverb said,“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

第三节书面表达 (满分25分)

近些年来,随着网络的普及,越来越多的学生的书写能力明显退步了。为了改变这种局面,保护民族文化 ------ 汉字,我校学生会提出以下倡议:








In recent years, many of us spend a lot of time on the Internet with its popularity.

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________

Students’ Union


1-5 BABCB 6-10 CBBBB

11-15 CAABA 16-20 CBACA

21-24 CBDA 25-27 CBD28. B 29. A 30. C 31. D

32. A 33. B 34. D 35. C 36. C 37. F 38. E 39. B 40. D


61.beneficial 62. has shown 63. less 64. to feel 65.


66.apology 67. the 68. accepting 69. from 70. yourself


71 achieve → achieving

72 Senior前加 a

73 year → years

74 that → what

75 had → have

76 去掉from

77 and→ but

78 has → is

79 what → how 80 said → says


In recent years, many of us spend a lot of time on the Internet with

its popularity. As a re sult, we don’t write as well as we did in the past.
