



卷I (共三部分,满分70分)




1. Where wi1l they go this Sunday?

A. B. C.

2.What is the man going to buy?

A. B. C.

3. What wil1 the man buy for Tim's birthday?

A. B. C.

4.What is Susan's hobby?

A. B. C.

5.A. B. C.



6.A.Good idea. B. Thank you. c.You are right.

7. A.That's all. B.You are welcome. c. It doesn't matter.

8. A.No,it isn't. B.Certainly. C. I'm afraid not.

9. A.Science fiction B. Musical programs. C. Pop music.

10. A.Five o'clock. B. Spring C.Monday




11. When will the movie start on Sunday evening?

A. Seven o'clock.

B. Half past seven.

C.Eight o’clock

12. What will the two speakers do before entering the cinema?

A. Have a drink.

B. Go for a walk.

C. Go shopping.

13. Where is the woman going now?

A. Bookstore.

B. School.

C. Home.


14. Where did the conversation probably happen?

A. A museum.

B. A bookstore.

C. A shop.

15. How much did the man pay for the trousers?

A. 120 yuan.

B. 80 yuan.

C. 60 yuan.



16. Where was Tom going?

A. To London.

B. To Paris.

C. To New York

17. When would the bus leave?

A. Five to twelve.

B. Five to eleven.

C. Five to ten.

18. What was the teacher trying to do?

A. Keep the students in line.

B. Buy tickets for the students.

C. Stand in the corner alone.

19. What did Tom do when he found there was no place for him to sit?

A.Stood up there.

B.Entered a cafe.

C. Walked into a restaurant.

20. Who's Mike?

A.Tom's classmate.

B. Tom’s brother

C. Tom’s workmate.





I have been 21 London for two weeks. I don’t 22 English well at all. I have a hard time in understanding people. In fact I don’t catch what they say. I find their pronunciation is 23 strange for me to understand and they speak so fast that I can’t keep up with them.

When I am on a bus, I ask the conductor(检票员)something. He answers, but I don’t understand. So he says it slowly in a higher voice. 24 I still don’t understand it. Then he gets angry and goes away.

But I haven’t lost heart. I still enjo y 25 English. I must keep on working hard at it. I believe I’ll speak English well one day.

()21. A. to B. at C. in D. for

()22. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk

()23. A. very B. so C. enough D. too

()24. A. But B. And C. Or D. So

()25. A. learn B. to learn C.learning D. learnt


Do you know something 26 the holiday camps in Hong Kong? The students in Hong Kong took part in an English holiday camp in their holidays before.And their parents weren’t with them 27 they were very young .

Now they still enjoy 28 part in many kinds of holiday camps. 29 their parents, those holiday camps can help them learn some practical knowledge in their life, and 30 learn some knowledge about living skills ,science ,reading and writing…31 thing for the children is to learn to look after 32 .

Holiday camps in Hong Kong are not so expensive .Most of families are 33 to send their children there for further study ,for making their bodies strong ...And the government 34 charges ( 收费) for them .

It is said that students in Hong Kong have 35 knowledge about many things .Perhaps it has something to do with the kinds of holiday camps .

( )26 A about B of C with D.from

( )27 A but B because C even though D.so

( )28 A take B taking C.to take D. takes


广安市2019年初中学业水平考试参考答案 英语 卷I (满分70分) 第一部分听力(共两节; 每小题1分, 满分20分) 1-5 BBCAC 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 CACBA 16-20 BACBC 第二部分基础知识运用(每小题1分, 满分15分) 21-25 BADCB 26-30 ACBDB 31-35 CABAD 第三部分阅读理解和口语运用(共两节; 满分35分) 第一节阅读理解(共20小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分30分) 36-40 DBABC41-45 ACBDC 46-50 BCACD BDDCA 第二节口语运用(共5小题, 每小题1分, 满分5分) 56-60 BEADC 卷Ⅱ (满分50分) 第一部分单词拼写(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分) 61.baseball 62.heard 63.tenth 64.path 65.thick 66.sounds 67.early 68.angry 69.thanks 70.wake 71.wrong 72.at 73.shines 74.air 75.too 76.without 77.fly 78.away 79.What 80.in 第二部分短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分) 81.getting 82.their 83.were 84.went 85.gloves 86.something 87.a 88.on 89.really 90.and 第三部分任务型阅读(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分) 91. Yes, he was. / Yes. 92. Math and science. 93. In 1965. 94.A Brief History of Time. 95. China. 第四部分书面表达(满分10分) Girls and boys, With the development of the Internet, many students have smart phones. The students often spend so much time in playing games with them that they feel very tired. Someone doesn’t finish their homework on time. Someone even sleeps in class. Besides, smart phones do harm to our health. Some students’ eyesight is becoming poorer and poorer. To avoid these disadvantages, I think we should make some changes. First, we should keep away from smart phones and work hard. Second, stay with our family or friends if we are free and talk with them about our daily life, feelings and so on. Third, take an active part in all kinds of activities, such as playing basketball, singing songs. That’s all, thank you!


2012年四川省高考各市上线人数汇总 绵阳:6月22日,四川省考试院正式发布了2012年高考成绩。中国教育在线从绵阳市教育体育局获悉,今年绵阳高考参考42169人,全市本科硬上线25756人(三台县高考:大学本科文考硬上线人数达4773人,上线率达59.8%,上线人数、上线率均创历史新高。江油普通高考人数5565人参考,本科上线3642人,上线率65.4%,万人上线比达41.86,上重点本科线685人,上线率12.3%,均居绵阳市各县市区第一),本科上线比去年净增2423人,增长率达10.38%,本科硬上线率达61.08%,同比增加2.59个百分点。 据了解,今年绵阳上重点本科线人数7097人,上重本率16.83%,上重本人数较去年增加561人,增长率8.58%;文、理科600分以上特优生458人。二本上线人数20672人,较去年增加2591人,增长率达14.33%;二本以上上线人数占全市本科上线人数的比率高达80.26%。 今年绵阳学科竞赛类已保送录取人数达93人,占全省竞赛类保送录取总数的50%以上,其中保送录取到北京大学、清华大学的学生高达27人,较去年增加13人。 德阳:6月22日,2012年高考成绩揭晓,全市本科上线7890人,本科上线率43.86%,同比增加383人,增长5.1%。全市专科上线17662人,同比增加1104人,占实际参考人数的98%。德阳外国语学校马蕴瑶以611分列全市文科第一名,德阳中学代文韬以648分列全市理科第一名。 今年我市不但高考所有上线数据都再创历史新高,而且两个特点非常突出:一是上线学生中高分段人数稳步增加。本科一段(重点本科)上线人数为1495人,同比增加20人。尤其是文科优生突出,全省文科前100名学生中,德阳有9人。二是上线学生中应届生优势较大。本科上线考生中,应届生达到5511人,占上线人数的70%。全市文理科成绩前10名学生全是应届考生。 自贡:本报讯昨(11)日,记者从市教育局获悉,我市2012年高考成绩创历史新高。今年我市本科上线15053人(不含保送生),比去年增加855人。 据了解,今年我市本科上线人数创新高,本科上线率也创新高。全市本科上线率达30.3%,在全省本科上线率比去年下降1.1%的情况下,我市比去年增长近1个百分点;全省二本上线率比去年增长0.7个百分点,我市比去年增长2个百分点;我市一本上线率比去年增长0.1个百分点。 一本上线人数创新高。今年我市一本上线2340人,比去年增加120人。优生率创新高全省理科前100名我市占10人,占全省特优生的10%。 泸州:2012年全省高考分数线于6月22日晚划定。据统计,我市高考本科上线5872人,其中北大清华预测上线9人,继续在川南地区保持领先地位。 广元:“全市文考本科上线总数达5974人。是我市高中教育稳住发展阵脚的体现。”张毅表示,这是在面临教育发达地区巨大压力、高中生源频繁流动、学校重建任务艰巨的背景下取得的。其中,苍溪中学文考本科上线1349人,较去年1311人增加38人;广元中学文考本科上线1341人,较去年1280人增加61人 6月26日,记者从市教育局获悉,2012年攀枝花普通高考本科上线率39.63%,比去年增加2.09个百分点,上线率高于全省平均水平3.29个百分点。 西昌:西昌市2012年高考成绩已下发,全市文理本科共上线2282人,比2011年增加214人,上线率33.9%,比上一年增加了1.7个百分点,本科上线人数创历史新高。 文科本科一批31人,本科二批221人,本科三批174人,共计426人,比2011年增加了24人; 理科本科一批315人,本科二批1062人,本科三批479人,共计1856人,比2011年增加了190人。 攀枝花:2012年,我市重本上线557人,比2011年增加99人,上线增长率为21.6%,全省重本上线32230人,比2011年减少970,上线率下降2.9%,我市重本上线增长率超省平均24.5个百分点。我市本二以上上线1961人,比2011年增加259人,上线增长率为15.2%;全省本二以上上线133826人,比2011年增加9087人,上线增长率为7.3%,我市本二以上上线增长率超省平均7.9个百分点。我市本三以上上线2736人,比2011年增加322人,上线增长率为13.3%; 眉山:2012年,东坡区共有6723人报名参加高考。经过全区广大教育工作者和考生的共同努力,高考再创辉煌:本科硬上线2942人(不含艺术、体育等),比去年2877人增加65人,重点本科硬上线523人。本科硬上线2942人,占全市本科硬上线8140人的36.14%(其中文科813人,占全市2418人的32.62%;理科2129人,占全市5722人的37.2%)。 遂宁:统计数据显示,全市2012年高考取得的进步和突破主要表现在五个方面:一是上线总数实现新的增长,全市参加高考学生25758人,文考上三本线9294人,较去年增加106人。二是上线率继续保持领先优势,文科、理科高考上线率分别高出全省平均上线率1.45个百分点和0.79个百分点,均高于我市周边地区。三是升学层次不断提高,全市二本上线学生数较去年增加400人。四是应届文理科拔尖生在全省排位明显提升,我市文科第一名位列全省前12位,理科第一名位列全省前39位,全市600分以上考生达到42人。五是特优生参加国家组织的国(境)外院校自主招生考试创近年最好成绩,其中已有1名学生顺利通过香港中文大学招生文考和面试,7名学生被新加坡南洋理工大学和新加坡国立大学录取。


一、单项填空(共20分,每小题1分) 从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. I’m going to give _______ interview on Starsearch. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Jack was ______ angry when he heard the words. A. a bit of B. a little of C. a few D. a bit 3. I’m learning English, but I still can’t speak it ________. A.really B. properly C. nearly D. hardly 4. With the ________ of color TV set down by 50%, the company had a very hard time. A. prices B. prizes C. report D. results 5 The teacher told us to finish our homework ______. A. on ourselves B. by us C. lonely D. on our own 6. Bill is my best friend. He does a lot of sports every day to keep ________. A. famous B. confident C. lonely D. healthy 7.---I’m afraid that the plane might crash. ---____________ A. Don’t be silly B. Have a safe trip C. there it is D. that’s ok 8. --Shall we call a taxi ? ---OK , let me ____ the phone number in Yellow Pages . A look at B look for C look up D look after 9. It was ______ difficult work ______ nobody can do it well.

2019-2020学年四川省广安市友谊中学九年级(上)第一次月考化学试卷 (含答案解析)

2019-2020学年四川省广安市友谊中学九年级(上)第一次月考化学 试卷 一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共30.0分) 1.下列关于“化学”的认识,不正确的是() A. 化学能创造自然界不存在的新型材料 B. 化学能为人们战胜疾病,合成新的药 C. 化学在环境保护中起着重要的作用 D. 化学的发展必然带来人类生存环境的恶化 2.《原子论》和《分子学说》的提出奠定了近代化学的基础,其中提出《原子论》的科学家是 () A. 阿伏加德罗 B. 道尔顿 C. 门捷列夫 D. 拉瓦锡 3.体育课掷铅球活动后,同学们对“铅球”的制作材料进行了讨论,有同学认为“铅球”是铁制 的,并从实验室借来磁铁吸一下。“吸一下”这一过程属于科学探究中的() A. 提出问题 B. 做出猜想 C. 进行实验 D. 得出结论 4.中华传统文化博大精深,下列成语或典故中蕴含化学变化的是() A. 沙里淘金 B. 火烧赤壁 C. 刻舟求剑 D. 花香四溢 5.加热某种固体产生了气体,对于这一变化的分析正确的是() A. 属于化学变化 B. 属于物理变化 C. 如果是化学变化就不可能是物理变化 D. 可能是化学变化也可能是物理变化 6.胆矾是一种蓝色晶体,胆矾受热时易失去结晶水,成为白色固体硫酸铜,在工业上精炼铜、镀 铜等都应用胆矾。上述对胆矾的描述中,没有涉及的是()

A. 制法 B. 物理性质 C. 化学性质 D. 用途 7.下列实验操作正确的是() A. 取用固体药品,未说明用量时,一般只需盖满试管底部 B. 向酒精灯里添加酒精时,不能超过酒精灯容积的1 3 C. 取用液体药品,未说明用量时,一般取用5mL D. 给试管内液体加热时,液体体积不超过试管容积的2 3 8.实验是科学探究的重要手段,实验结束后,如图中仪器的处理方式正确的是() A. B. C. D. 9.小强同学用100mL量筒量取液体,量筒放平稳,且面对刻度线,初次平视液面读数为80mL, 倾倒出一部分液体后,又俯视液面读数为20mL,则他实际倒出的液体的体积为:() A. 大于60mL B. 小于60mL C. 等于60mL D. 无法判断 10.下列实验不能达到实验目的是() A. 甲图:证明CO2密度比空气的大 B. 乙图:比较合金和纯金属的硬度 C. 丙图:验证质量守恒定律 D. 丁图:探究分子的运动 11.下列属于纯净物的是() A. 食盐水 B. 大理石 C. 冰水混合物 D. 清洁的空气 12.空气是人类生产活动的重要资源。下列关于空气的说法正确的是() A. 洁净的空气是纯净物 B. 空气中可分离出氧气用于医疗急救 C. 空气中含量最多的气体是二氧化碳 D. 空气中氮气的化学性质比氧气活泼


广安市2015年高中阶段教育学校招生考试英语试题 注意事项: 1、全卷共10页,满分120分,由卷I (80分),卷II (40分)组成,答题 时间为120分钟。 2、请将卷I 和卷II 的答案填到答题卡相应的位置。 卷I (共三部分, 满分80分) 第一部分 听力(20分) 第一节 听对话,选答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 听下面10段对话,作1~10小题。每段对话后有一个小题,从题后所给的A 、 B 、 C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将所选答案的番号填涂到答题卡上相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间答题。每段对话读两遍。 1. What’s Lily doing now? A B C 2. How was the weather yesterday? A B C 3. What is the matter with Tom? C 4. How would Lucy go to London city? A A B C 5. Where does the man want to go?

A B C 6. Where is the pencil box? A. On the man’s desk. B. In his schoolbag. C. Beside the computer. 7. When was Jim born? A. In 1992. B. In 1988. C. In 1989. 8. When will they meet? A. 9:15. B. 7:45. C. 8:15. 9. How much is the blue coat? A. 102 yuan. B. 89 yuan. C. 80 yuan. 10. Which season does the man like best? A. Winter. B. Spring. C. Winter and spring. 第二节:听对话或独白,选答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)听下面几段对话或独白,完成11~20小题。选出与你所听对话或独白内容相符的答案,并将所选答案的番号填涂到机读卡上相应的位置。听完对话或独白后你有15秒钟的时间作答。对话或独白念三遍。 听第1段对话,回答第11—12小题 11. Wh en did Bob’s mother buy the coat for him? A. The day before yesterday. B. Yesterday. C. A week ago. 12. Who does Grace want to buy a coat for? A. Her brother. B. Her father. C. Her cousin. 听第2段对话,回答第13—14小题 13. When did the girl start to collect the stamps? A. At the age of 7. B. At the age of 8. C. At the age of 9. 14. What’s the boy’s hobby? A. Drawing. B. Travelling. C. Singing. 听第3段对话,回答第15—16小题 15. What is Bob doing? A. Playing soccer. B. Playing basketball. C. Playing volleyball. 16. How is his mother going to the hospital? A. By taxi. B. On foot. C. By bus. 听下面一段独白,回答第17—20小题 17. How long has Lucy’s mother been away? A. 7 days. B. 10 days. C. 11 days. 18. What does Lucy do every evening? A. She plays the piano. B. She does her homework. C. She draws pictures. 19. Where did Lucy and her father go last week? A. They went to the park. B. They went to the zoo. C. They went to the museum. 20. Where is Lucy’s mother now?

人教版新课标 八年级英语上期末考试试卷含答案

八年级英语上期末考试试卷 (满分:120分) I.选出划线部分的英文注释(5%) ( ) 1. ------When did your mother return? ---------Last night. A. leave B. come back C. give back D. turn ( ) 2. Are you good at your schoolwork? A. Are you good for B. Do you like C. Did you do well in D. Are you good with ( ) 3. He flew to Shanghai yesterday.? A. went to Shanghai by plane B. moved to Shanghai C. lived in Shanghai D. went to Shanghai ( ) 4. Would you like to take part in our club? A. join with B. join C. come to D. work for ( ) 5. I have to stay at home and baby-sit my sister. A. have a baby B. take care C. look after D. watch II.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10%) 1. You should eat________(many) vegetables and eat less junk food. 2. How many _________(sandwich) would you like? 3. He was ________(bear)in 1983. 4. He is ________(practice) his guitar. 5. Are you ________(interest) in reading books? 6. Do you get _________(he) autograph? 7. When did you finish _________(surf) the internet last night? 8. We had a lot of fun ________(dance) on the beach yesterday. 9. John is a ________(talent) player. 10.This shirt is _________(difference) from that one. III.单项选择。(10%) ( )1.I have two good friends. One is Jack, _______ is Mike. A. the other B. another C. others ( )2.----Do you think he can come to my party? ---- _____________. A. I think he don’t come. B. I don’t think he can come. C. I think he can’t come. ( )3. _______was your brother _______ he started going to school? A. What time, when B. When, how old C. How old, when ( )4.Would you like something _______ to drink?


初二下册英语期末试题及答案精选 Ⅰ. 词汇 根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词 1. There is one child left a______in the room. 2. When the t______lights are red, you must stop and wait. 3. Look! It’s raining outside. You’d better put on your raincoat or take an u______ . 4. —It’s fine t oday. —I think so. At l______it’s warm. 5. There were so many nice things here,so I couldn’t decide which one to c ______ as a birthday gift for my mom. 6. N______Li Lei nor Liu Mei is in the classroom now. 7. The old man q______likes collecting coins. 8. When did you r______from Australia? 9. Did you r______her letter the day before yesterday? 10. We must keep our classroom c______every day. B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空? 1. We all know that France is a______(Europe) country. 2. There are different food cultures between China and______(west) countries. 3. Several______(Russia) came to our school last week. 4. “Excuse me, can I take this seat?” he said to the young woman______ (polite). 5. At______(one) I didn’t like him, but now I do. 6. I want to make______(friend) with you. 7. What are those______(child) doing over there? 8. Let’s listen to his______(suggest). 9. There are a lot of______(mouse) in the old house. 10. The young man fell______(sleep) as soon as he lay down. C) 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空? take away, run out of, be interested in, in order to, more than, wait in line, at last, take care, put out, get annoyed 1. Mr Johnson______Beijing Opera very much. 2. You must______ when you go shopping. 3. When did the firemen______ the fire? 4. There are______ two hundred people present at the meeting. 5. We can’t buy that doll because we have______ money.


伏龙初中 2019 中考英语阅读理解编习题
【能力选练】 A (2019 中考选练)
Are you a good receiver? It might sound like a funny question but it is an important one that each of us should ask ourselves.
Strangely, most of us are better givers than receivers. We give to our family, our friends and even charities, and opposite to what we might think, most of us are actually very good at giving. But receiving is another matter. We often feel a little uneasy when receiving, although it is not very noticeable. Even praise gets deflected(转向)when it comes our way. When someone praises us for helping him move or clean up the house, we will possibly say, “Ah, it was nothing.” When someone praises the coat we are wearing, we may mention how we bought it at a discount instead of simply enjoying the praise. Actually, the praise is a gift to us, and when we don’t receive it properly, we are dishonoring the giver.
Giving is easy, as there is much pleasure in giving, but receiving is an art that takes practice. To be a good receiver requires a sense of close relationship with the giver. It is always a pleasure for a giver to see the gift received in a pleasant way. And this is also the best way for a receiver to honor the giver and give him something back.
Many relationships are not so good not because people are not giving to each other, but because they are not receiving from each other well. We should receive the love, respect the praise, and give thanks every time giving happens. We should practice receiving all the pleasures that happen to us every day, instead of taking them for granted. Think of how many simple everyday gifts we are being given all the time: the beauty of nature, art and inspiring(激励人的)conversations. But are we truly receiving them when they happen to us, or are we busy with other matters, not noticing? We should master the art of receiving: accept the gifts life offers us and show our appreciation for them.
We are taught that it is better to give than to receive. But this suggests that there is something wrong with receiving. There is nothing wrong with receiving. It is better to give and receive. Let life shower us with gifts, pleasures, joys, surprises, both large and small, and let us take notice of all these things and accept them happily and thankfully. The more we can receive, the more we can give back, but giving more does not necessarily mean receiving more. We must remember it is harder to receive than to give, and try to practice receiving. This practice will benefit us greatly, making us become good receivers as well as good givers. 1. According to Paragraph 2, what do we possibly do when we are praised?
A. Honor the giver publicly. B. Show our pleasure clearly.


玄武区2014~2015学年度第一学期期末调研试卷 八年级英语 第Ⅰ卷选择题(50分) 一、听力部分(15分) I.听对话选择图片(每小题1分, 共5分) 本部分共有5道小题,每道小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目,听完后你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。( ) 1. What kind of animal are they talking about? A. B. C. ( A. B. C. ( ) 3. Where will the man go the coming holiday? A. C. ( ) 4. What will the weather be like tomorrow? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What are the children doing? A. B. C. —1 —

II. 听对话或短文回答问题(每小题1分, 共10分) 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答6-7小题。 ( )6. Where are the speakers? A. By the lake. B. On the road. C. In the lake. ( )7.What will the man do in the end? A. Jump into the lake. B. Call the nearest hospital. C. Find someone for help. ( )11. Who did Betty go to the farm with? A. Her father. B. Her mother. C. Her cousin. ( )12. What fruit did betty like picking? A. Strawberries. B. Apples. C. Pears. ( )13. What was the weather like? A. Cold. B. Warm. C. Hot. ( )14. When did betty get home? A. At about 9:00 a.m. B. At about 11:00 a.m. C. At about 1:00 p.m. ( )15. Why didn’t Betty feel hungry? A. Because she was very tired in the afternoon. B. Because she ate a lot and had some cold drinks on the farm. C. Because she was happy to tell her father about their work. 二、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) ( )16. ---What a heavy rain it was last night! ---Yes, but I love ______ air after the rain. It smells so fresh. A. a B. the C. an D. / ( )17. Every year, _________ visitors go to the wetland park to watch the birds. A. thousand of B. thousands of C. two thousands D. two thousands of ( )18. It’s foggy now. You should drive the car as_________ as possible. A. careful B. more careful C. carefully D. more carefully ( )19. You had better ask the children ________ with water in the garden. —2 —


绝密★启用前 2013年四川广安初中物理毕业升学考试试卷(带解析) 考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 1. 答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2. 请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 分卷I 分卷I 注释 一、单选题(注释) 1、你认为下列数据中符合实际的是( ) A .课桌的高度约为180cm B .普通教室内的空气质量约为200kg C .中学生正常步行速度大约是12m/s D .考场内的温度约为60℃ 2、下列现象中,由于光沿直线传播形成的是( ) A .斜插在水中的筷子好像在水面处折断了 B .雨后看见彩虹 C .阳光下我们在操场上的影子 D .用放大镜看书上的字 3、端午节是我国的传统节日,赛龙舟、吃粽子也成为人们过节的重要习俗.小彤看见妈妈在家煮粽子时,锅中水沸腾后改用“小火”继续煮.针对这种做法,下列说法正确的是( ) A .改用“小火”可以提高水的沸点,能更快的将粽子煮熟 B .用“大火”可使水沸腾更剧烈,沸点升高,不应该改用“小火” C .水沸腾后,改用“小火”水温升高较慢,锅中水不易被烧干 D .水沸腾后,用“大火”或“小火”煮,水温都不变,用“小火”煮可节能 4、如图,电路中,下列操作中能使两盏灯都有电流通过的是( )

A .只闭合开关S 1 B .只闭合开关S 2和S 3 C .只闭合开关S 2 D .开关S 1、S 2、S 3都闭合 5、关于力和运动的关系,下列说法正确的是( ) A .物体在平衡力的作用下,一定处于匀速直线运动状态 B .没有力的作用,运动的物体会慢慢停下来 C .物体受到了力的作用,运动状态一定改变 D .物体运动方向的改变,一定受到力的作用 6、关于内能、热量和温度,下列说法正确的是( ) A .物体吸收热量,温度一定会升高 B .汽油机在做功冲程中把机械能转化为内能 C .汽车发动机用水做冷却物质,是因为水的比热容较大 D .早晨煮好的牛奶冷却一会后,虽然温度降低但是内能并没有改变 7、听到广播传出“请考生做好考前准备”信号后,小红同学将填涂机读卡的2B 铅笔放在水平桌面上静止不动时,下列叙述中属于二力平衡的是( ) A .铅笔所受重力和桌面对铅笔的支持力 B .铅笔所受重力和铅笔对桌面的压力 C .铅笔所受重力和桌面所受重力 D .铅笔对桌面的压力桌面对铅笔的支持力 8、如图,在实验装置中,当开关闭合时,能观察到导体棒ab 沿金属导轨运动,利用这一现象所揭示的原理可制成的设备是( ) A .发电机 B .电磁继电器 C .电热器 D .电动机 9、如图,水平桌面上放着底面积相同、质量相同的甲乙两容器分别装有质量相同的不同液体.下列说法中正确的是( ) A .甲图中液体对杯底的压强大于乙图中液体对杯底的压强 B .甲图中液体对杯底的压强等于乙图中液体对杯底的压强 C .甲图中容器对桌面的压强等于乙图中容器对桌面的压强 D .甲图中容器对桌面的压强小于乙图中容器对桌面的压强 10、小明在实验室设计如图所示的电路测量电阻R 的阻值.已知R =20Ω,S 、S 都闭合


八年级英语下册期末考试题及答案(人教版) 一、单项选择: ( ) 1. Mo Yan is one of most popular writers in the world. He was honest boy when he was child. A. a; a B. a; an C. the; a D. the; an ( ) 2.I’m a teenager and I don’t play with soft toys any longer. A. no longer; / B. no; longer C. / ; no longer D. no; any longer ( ) 3. ---How long your uncle this personal computer ? --- Since ten years ago. He wants to buy a new one. A. have; had B. has; bought C. have ; bought D. has; had ( ) 4. Hurry up! The piano concert for five minutes. A. had begun B. has been on C. has begun D. began ( ) 5. --- Long time no see your father! Where has he ? --- He has Beijing for a month. He’ll be back next week. A. been; been in B. gone; been C. been; been to D. gone; gone to ( ) 6. My mother used to the song “Where’s time going?” . Now she is used to it. A. hating; listen B. hated; listened to C. hate; listening to D. hating; listening ( ) 7. The cleaner in Zhengzhou said, “ things we do, environment we’ll have” . A. More; better B. The more; the better C. Fewer ; The less D. The fewer; better ( ) 8. Yu Gong didn’t need to move the mountains, He could think of ways to solve his problem . A. other B. another C. others D. else ( ) 9. Mr Green isn’t here, He with his family home in England . A. have been B.has been C.has gone back D.have gone ( ) 10. Kate was ill last week . But she is to go to school today. A. good enough B.enough well C.well enough D.enough good
