西南政法大学 外语学院 学年论文

西南政法大学 外语学院 学年论文
西南政法大学 外语学院 学年论文



题目:On the Usage of the Mode l Verbs “shall” and “should” in Legal English







20 年月日


摘要 (1)

A bstract (1)

1.Introduction........................................................ . (3)

2.The Meaning of the Model Verbs of “shall” and “should” (3)

3.Examples and Analyses of the Model Verbs “shall” and “should” in Legal English (5)

3.1Examples an d Analyses of the usage of the “shall” (5)

3.2Examples and Analyses of the usage of the “should” (7)

4.Methods and Skills of Solving the Confusion of “shall” and “should” in Legal

English (8)

5.Conclusion (11)





The usage of the model verbs is ubiquitous in legal English, especially “shall” and “should”. “Shall” and “should” vary in concrete context. Complicated and confusing meanings in different situation are impeding our legal progress among nations, the more severe of which can cause incalcuable damage. As for the research of “shall” and “should”, numerous endeavors have been done whether concrete meanings or actual usage specification of them. In order to enhance accuracy of legal English and protect our international image of legal process, this paper will continue to explore the meanings of the two words deeply through the analyses of abuse and misuses of them, with putting forward homologous solutions and ways.


Key words: shall; should; model verbs; legal English

On the Usage of the Model Verbs “shall” and

“should” in Legal English

Liu Jing

School of Foreign Languages 401120


With the acceleration of economic globalization and the rapid development of information technology, Legal English Translation plays a nearly indispensable role in being geared to international conventions. In the Legal English Translation, the usage of the model verbs “shall” and “should” stirs the widespread public consciousness. There are plenty of confusion of the usage of “shall” and “should” in Legal English due to the characteristic of ambiguities. Misusing and o verusing of “shall” and “should” are common problems existing in Legal English. Hence legal disputes are appearing continuously. Chinese scholars’ current academic research on the usage of the model verbs “shall” and “should” is mainly focused on the analysis of correct and false usage. For instance, Chen Zhongcheng(1992)、Li Kexing(2007)、Xu Guoxing and Sun Shengmao(2003). They observe that “must” or“be required t o ” in English is equal to “必须” in Chinese and “shall” in English is equal to “须” 、“应” or “应当” i n Chinese in Legal English Translation. This viewpoint puts the model verbs “should” in a bad position, because the model verbs “should” can also be translated into“应” or “应当” in Chinese. The translation of Law English is more than a simple equivalence. Certain of experts of Plain Legal English, like Bryan Garner and Michelle Asprey , indicate that we are supposed to discard the usage of “shall” in Legal English. It is not a way to throw away the apple because of the core. And what we need is an effective method for research. As such, this paper will explore the profound meaning of the model verbs “shall” and “should” and address the issue of its confusion usage in order to promote accuracy in Legal English Translation.

2. The Meaning of the Model Verbs of “shall” and “should”

The cultures and systems with dissimilar backgrounds, and the lexical polysemy will affect the interpretation of the words. Similarly, in legal English translation, the meanings of "shall" and "should" vary according to different contexts. In case translators do not lay great emphasis on contexts and meanings, the legal disputes will be triggered off by their mistranslations.

In accordance with the definition of Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 7th Edition, the distinctions between “shall” and “will” tend to disappear nearly and there are almost invisible about the usages of “shall”. However, the usages of “shall” are everywhere with complicated and confusing meanings. Black's Law Dictionary, published by West, lauded as the Holy Scrip ture in the field of law, has five definitions for “shall”[4 -5].

1.Has a duty to; more broadly,is required to.

2.Should ( as often interpreted by courts) .


4. Will ( as a future -tense verb) .

5.Is entitled to.

“Shall” may refer to mandatory obligation. It can also mean permission a nd allowance. In specific legal English, it is a disturbing matter for translators to decide whether it is mandatory obligation or a rhetoric.

“Should” also has five definitions in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

1 ― used in auxiliary function to ex press condition

2 ― used in auxiliary function to express obligation, propriety, or expediency <'tis commanded I should do so ― Shakespeare>

3 ― used in auxiliary function to express futurity from a point of view in the past

4 ― used in auxiliary f unction to express what is probable or expected

5 ― used in auxiliary function to express a request in a polite manner or to soften direct

statement “Should” can be defined as “if” to express subjunctive condition in the legal English translation for economic and trade. It can also refer to express a request in a polite manner or to soften direct statement. As for this definition, it is considerable for definers to ponder when and how to distinguish from the meaning of mandatory obligation of “shall”.

The crossing meanings on wor ds of “shall” and “should” are obligations and responsibilities. The two words both entail the meanings of non-mandatory hortatory and ethics expectation. Therefore, the usage of the model verbs “shall” and “should” in Legal English is entangled with concrete context. Human beings acquire definitions from dictionaries but cannot accept blindly neglecting to consider the particular context.

3. Examples and Analyses of the Model Verbs “shall” and “should” in Legal English

3.1 Examples and Analyses of the usage of the “shall”

The model verb “shall” has various meanings, such as “dutie s and responsibilities”, “will( a s a future -tense verb)”, “should” and “Is entitled to”. It is a perplexed matter what meaning that translators will choose.

(1) At any general meeting a resolution put to the vote at the meeting shall be decided by

a show of hands unless a secret ballot is demanded before or immediately after the declaration of the result of the show of hands by the chair. (Constitution of the Australian Library and Information Association Limited)

(2) If any partner shall become bankrupt, the other partners may terminate the partnership.(Butt, 2001)

(3) The defendant shall be given a written copy of any requirements imposed pursuant to this section, stated with sufficient specificity to enable the defendant to comply with the conditions accordingly.(706-624 Conditions of probation - House Bill)

In example 1, “shall” has zero involvement in the meanings of duties, responsibilities or will( as a future -tense verb). It just means that a resolution can be decided by a show of hands. In or under the circumstances, human beings can absolutely express this meaning with

the simple present. Therefore, the “shall” in example 1 is misused.

In example 2, what does the “shall” mean on earth? If any partner becomes bankrupt when they are signing the contract, can the other partners terminate the partnership? Legal language experts tend to have different views. One is that the other partners cannot terminate the partnership. Because only when one partner becomes bankrupt after they are signing the contract, can the other partners terminate the partnership. The other is that there is no necessary association between the termination “bankrupt” and the time of termination. So in a word, there is some confusion about the meanings.

In example 3, it is a fascinating question whether the defendant can be given a written copy of any requirements. In case of expressing “shall” as a mandatory duty, the meaning of the sentenc e is that “interested party must give a written copy of any requirements to the defendant”. On the contrary, in case of understanding “shall” as a directory dut y, the meaning of the sentenc e is that “interested party may give a written copy of any requirements to the defendant”. Hence, there are two different comprehensions.

General Principles of the Civil Law of the Peopl e’s Republic of China has 156 Articles. The most commonly picked Model Verb is “shall” that is used 310 times in the English version. In general, “shall” is used to indicate responsibilities and obligations that citizens must perform. Nonetheless, “shall” is used to describe objective facts and enjoy rights in large quantities in General Principles of the Civil Law.


The English translation is “A citizen aged 18 or over shall be an adult.”

The original meaning of this Article is just to describe objectively what age a person need to reach when being an adult. In Chinese, it is a statement sentence. However, in the legal English translation, it uses “shall be” to express “a citizen aged 18 or over” has a duty to be an adult. General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China has two other versions translated by Australia and the United States experts. As for the Article 11, their versions are “A citizen attains majority at the age of eighteen” and “Citizens 18 years old and above are adults.”These two sentences are translated by the simple present tense (Chen

Zhongcheng 2008:12-13). Henc e, it is more succinct and standard to take “shall” out and use the base form.

3.2 Examples and Analyses of the usage of the “should”

In most cases, the model v erb “should” is equal to“应” or “应当”(used in auxiliary function to express obligation, propriety, or expediency)in Chinese in Legal English Translation. But there are some other circumstances. So in specific examples, translators are supposed to be careful in order to improve the standardization in legal English.

(5)A party who relies on a breach of contract must take such measures as are reasonable in the circumstances to mitigate the loss, including loss of profit, resulting from the breach. If he fails to take such measures, the party in breach may claim a reduction in the damages in the amount by which the loss should have been mitigated.(UCP600)

(6)The terms and conditions of the original credit (or a credit incorporating previously accepted amendments) will remain in force for the beneficiary until the beneficiary communicates its acceptance of the amendment to the bank that advised such amendment. The beneficiary should give notification of acceptance or rejection of an amendment.(UCP600)

In Example 5, it is used in auxiliary function to express futurity from a point of view in the past. It means that if a party takes reasonable measures, he can claim a reduction in the damages in the amount by which the loss should have been mitigated. On the contrary, he can not claim a reduction. Therefore, in this Example, the usage of “should” is correct.

In Example 6, it is used in auxiliary function to express obligation, propriety, or expediency. It means that the beneficiary has a duty to give notification of acceptance or rejection of an amendment. In this example, it is asserted that the beneficiary has an obligation rather than expressing a request in a polite manner or softening direct statement or some else.

“Must” or “be required to ” in English is equal to “必须”(be commanded or requested to)in Chinese and “shall” in English is equal to “须” 、“应” or “应当”(used to express a command or exhortation)in Chinese in Legal English Translation. In Amendment (IX) to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, we can find some more examples to prove

that “shall” is overused.


The English translation is “2. Paragraph 1 of Article 50 of the Criminal Law is amended to read: “Where a convict is sentenced to death with a reprieve, i f he or she does not commit any intentional crime during the period of reprieve, the sentence shall be commuted to life imprisonment upon expiration of the two-year period; if he or she has any major meritorious performance, the sentence shall be commuted to imprisonment of 25 years upon expiration of the two-year period; if the criminal has committed an intentional crime with execrable circumstances, the death penalty shall be executed with the approval of the Supreme People's Court. If the crime is committed intentionally but the death penalty is not executed, the period of death penalty with a reprieve shall be recalculated and be reported to the Supreme People's Court for recordation.”

Persons cannot help but thinking why there are so numerous usages of “shall”. In this example, there are not the meaning of “shall” in the original text. However, in the English versions, translators force this meaning into the sentence. What is worse, readers do not know what is the real meaning. In this example, it may b e better to use “must” or the simple present tense.

People are not only confused about the misuse of “shall” but also about the meaning of “obligations and responsibilities”.

Both “shall” and “should”have a meaning of “legal binding effect”. They can ind icate the obligations and responsibilities. Should = (denotes a directory provision): use shall exclusively to mean “have a duty to”. Avoid it when it does not impose a duty on the subject of the clause. But “should” can also be used in auxiliary function to express a request in a polite manner or to soften direct statement. If there is a model verb “should”, it is a interesting question about how to interpret it. In legal English, human being may be confronted with


4.Methods and Skills of Solving the Confusion of “shall” and “should” in Legal English

In recent years, the development of plain English movement exerts considerable influence on the writing style of legal document. The premise behind the plain English movement is that legal documents ought to be plainer--and more comprehensible--to the average person. In order to comply with the trend of plain English, a number of relevant laws and regulations have been enacted in numerous English-speaking countries. At the same time, certain plain English experts commence to adapt the traditional legal documents with the authorization of the government department concerned. The practice of their rewrite indicates that plain English, also called "common sense in common language", would become fashionable gradually, rather than really render them more perplexed and incomprehensible, not only to common readers, but to lawyers themselves.

The plain English removes the comprehension obstacles in traditional laws to the greatest extent, in order to convey legal documents information more accurately. Because plain English embody the reader-centered service through words you are familiar with and concise information organizing mode. In consideration of triggering controversy due to the various meanings of “shall”, human beings can substitute the words “may” or “must” for “shall”. Below is a or iginal section of Federal Rules of Evidence and its rewrite:

(8) If a writing is not produced or delivered pursuant to order under this rule,the court shall make any order justice requires, except that in criminal cases when the prosecution elects not to comply, the order shall be one striking the testimony or, if the court in its discretion determines that the interests of justice so require, declaring a mistrial.(The original Federal Rules of Evidence)

If a writing is not produced or is not delivered as ordered, the court may issue any appropriate order. But if the prosecution does not comply in a criminal case, the court must strike the witness’s testimony or —if justice so requires —declare a mistrial. (The Restyled Federal Rules of Evidence)

To begin with, the two words of “shall” in the original section have different meanings. It is perplexed and incomprehensible for readers who are unfamiliar with Federal Rules of Evidence to comprehend. The rewrite substitutes the words “may” or “must” for “shall” in order to avoid inconsistent comprehension.


The English translation is “The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have jurisdiction over all cases in the Region, except that the restrictions on their jurisdiction imposed by the legal system and principles previously in force in Hong Kong shall be maintained. The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have no jurisdiction over acts of state such as defense and foreign affairs. The courts of the Region shall obtain a certificate from the Chief Executive on questions of fact concerning acts of state such as defense and foreign affairs whenever such questions arise in the adjudication of cases. This certificate shall be binding on the courts. Before issuing such a certificate, the Chief Executive shall obtain a certifying document from the Central People's Government.”

In Example 9, there are 6 times to use the word “shall”. The first four are typical of abuse. In the author’s view, the two sentences are supposed to use the simple present tense because they state the facts with no obligation or something else. The fifth “shall”corresponds to the Chinese word “应” . “应” is to express a request in a polite manner or to soften direct statement. But “shall”here is to express what is mandatory. It triggers ambiguities. Maybe, it can use the word “should”. The last “shall” corresponds to the Chinese word “须”. “须” is to express what is mandatory. It can use the word “must”.

Both “shall” and “should”have a meaning of “legal binding effect”. They can indicate the obligations and responsibilities. “Shall” is used to express obligat ions and regulations. However, it is sometimes replaced by “Should” for the Chinese counterpart “应当”. The

“Should” in English and “应当” only express a good morally wish instead of an imperative mood demanding someone to act. In this case, the priority is given to the discretion of parties, which also reveals the legislative purpose (illocutionary act) of the statement someone observe a promise conscientiously. The two words have the same meaning of a good morally wish.

In the sentence like “Any person bring ing a malpractice claim shall,within 15 days after the date of filing the action,file a request for mediation.”, a great number of courts in Britain and America observe that “shall” plays a role in a good morally wish rather than an imperative mood demanding someone to act. Therefore, the concrete meaning of “shall” and “should” varies with the specific context. The determination of meanings of “shall” and “should” not only need authoritative English dictionaries and professional legal English dictionaries, but also the purpose of specific legal document. The author believes that persons are supposed to regulate and fix the mean ings “shall” and “should” in legal documents. What is more, people can substitute the words “may” or “must” for “shall”, trying their best to promote accuracy in Legal English.


The meanings of "shall" and "should" vary according to different contexts, especially the word “shall”. On the one hand, with the development of the plain English movement, it is wise to discard the usage of “shall” due to various perplexed and incomprehensible meanings of “shall”. On the other hand, there are numerous misuses and abuses of the Chinese-English legal documents, influencing heavily the accuracy of legal English and the international communication. Therefore, people are supposed to comply with the plain English movement, substituting the words “may” or “must” for “shall” and distinguishing the meanings of “shall” and “should”. One must seek useful methods to enhance accuracy of legal English and protect our international image of legal process.


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陈小全、刘劲松. 法律文本中shall的问题及解决途径[J]. 中国翻译,2011 李克兴.英语法律文本中主要情态动词的作用及其翻译[J].中国翻译,2007



西南政法大学期刊分类办法 (校第八届学术委员会第7次全体会议审议通过,2015年5月13日校长办公会议批准)第一章总则 第一条为充分发挥科研在建设研究型高水平大学中的引导作用,为全校科研评价和考核提供依据,鼓励我校教师严谨治学,努力产出创新性的科研成果,特制定本办法。 第二条本分类办法以CSSCI、CSCD、《中文核心期刊要目总览》等来源期刊为基础,结合学校科学研究、学科建设现状以及学校中长期发展目标编制而成。若CSSCI、CSCD、《中文核心期刊要目总览》等更新,以其更新版本为标准,各索引新增收录的期刊,将自动列为相应类别,被各索引调整出的期刊,将自动从相应类别中退出。 具体论文类别的认定,以论文发表时各索引收录期刊目录为准,国外论文以检索数据库收录的时间为准。 第二章期刊认定与分类 第三条根据学术期刊的办刊质量和影响因子,学校将学术期刊分为A、B、C、D1、D2五个等级。其中,A、B类为校定权威期刊,C类为校定重要期刊,D1、D2类为校定核心期刊。第四条A类期刊 《中国社会科学》(含英文版)、《中国科学》(任一专业版)。 第五条B类期刊 (一)《法学研究》、《中国法学》(不含英文版)、《马克思主义研究》、《哲学研究》、《历史研究》、《文学评论》、《新闻与传播研究》、《经济研究》、《政治学研究》、《社会学研究》、《民族研究》、《教育研究》、《体育科学》、《管理世界》、《中国图书馆学报》、《外语教学与研究》、《求是》、《心理学报》、《世界宗教研究》、《中华医学杂志》、《计算机科学》、《中国农业科学》、《中国环境科学》、《世界经济与政治》、《中国史研究》。 (二)《新华文摘》、《中国社会科学文摘》(不含会议综述、论点摘要或摘编、学术卡片)。第六条C类期刊 (一)综合性期刊:《国外社会科学》、《学术月刊》、《天津社会科学》、《浙江社会科学》、《江海学刊》、《南京社会科学》、《社会科学》、《开放时代》、《江苏社会科学》、《思想战线》、《学术研究》、《社会科学战线》、《社会科学研究》、《学术界》、《东南学术》、《读书》。 (二)高校综合性学报:《中国人民大学学报》、《北京大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)、《北京师范大学学报》(社会科学版)、《复旦学报》(社会科学版)、《南京大学学报》(哲学·人文科学·社会科学)、《南开学报》(哲学社会科学版)、《吉林大学社会科学学报》、《中山大学学报》(社会科学版)、《厦门大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)、《清华大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)、《武汉大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)、《华中师范大学学报》(人文社会科学版)、《求是学刊》、《四川大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)、《东北师范大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)、《陕西师范大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)。 (三)法学期刊:《现代法学》、《中外法学》、《政法论坛》、《法学》、《法商研究》、《法律科学》、《法学评论》、《法学家》、《法制与社会发展》、《环球法律评论》、《比较法研究》、《知识产权》、《清华法学》。 (四)政治学期刊:《欧洲研究》、《美国研究》、《现代国际关系》、《国际问题研究》、《国家行政学院学报》、《当代亚太》、《青年研究》、《求实》、《国际论坛》、《中共中央党校学报》。(五)新闻学与传播学期刊:《国际新闻界》、《现代传播》(中国传媒大学学报)、《编辑之友》、《中国广播电视学刊》、《出版发行研究》、《当代传播》、《编辑学报》。 (六)教育学期刊:《高等教育研究》、《学位与研究生教育》、《北京大学教育评论》、《电化教育研究》、《华东师范大学学报(教科版)》、《比较教育研究》、《清华大学教育研究》、《教师教育研究》、《教育与经济》、《教育发展研究》、《中国高等教育》。



39 鲁东大学 A 78 黑龙江大学 A B+等(175个):西南林学院、浙江万里学院、石家庄学院、韩山师范学院、国际关系学院、浙江海洋学院、云南大学、大庆师范学院、湖南科技大学、西安交通大学、广东工业大学、怀化学院、北华大学、同济大学、湖南人文科技学院、华北电力大学、江南大学、北京科技大学、内江师范学院、广西大学、商丘师范学院、南京航空航天大学、扬州大学、长江大学、广西师范学院、阜阳师范学院、渭南师范学院、海南大学、温州大学、赣南师范学院、台州学院、东北林业大学、湛江师范学院、中国农业大学、沈阳师范大学、中南民族大学、上海电力学院、淮北煤炭师范学院、黑河学院、佳木斯大学、河北建筑工程学院、青岛大学、泉州师范学院、湖南理工学院、青海师范大学、湖北工业大学、江西财经大学、海南师范大学、玉林师范学院、河南农业大学、电子科技大学、安阳师范学院、安徽财经大学、西藏民族学院、长春师范学院、广东商学院、宜宾学院、哈尔滨学院、韶关学院、南通大学、中国地质大学、沈阳大学、天水师范学院、杭州师范大学、华中农业大学、北京交通大学、乐山师范学院、黔南民族师范学院、河南工业大学、北京联合大学、长江师范学院、嘉应学院、济南大学、重庆文理学院、临沂师范学院、山东农业大学、北京邮电大学、浙江财经学院、川北医学院、内蒙古大学、华东交通大学、福建工程学院、邵阳学院、广东金融学院、遵义师范学院、肇庆学院、曲靖师范学院、盐城师范学院、河北科技师范学院、衡阳师范学院、青岛农业大学、河北科技大学、长沙学院、河北经贸大学、长治学院、绥化学院、白城师范学院、巢湖学院、西北第二民族学院、攀枝花学院、浙江理工大学、大理学院、江苏大学、对外经济贸易大学、成都信息工程学院、安徽科技学院、广西民族大学、郑州航空工业管理学院、四川理工学院、中国民航大学、咸宁学院、许昌学院、哈尔滨工业大学、重庆交通大学、湖南农业大学、孝感学院、陕西理工学院、东华大学、黄冈师范学院、湖北民族学院、浙江中医药大学、湘南学院、茂名学院、咸阳师范学院、江苏工业学院、武汉理工大学、安徽农业大学、苏州科技学院、宝鸡文理学院、内蒙古工业大学、中国计量学院、南华大学、哈尔滨商业大学、内蒙古民族大学、山东财政学院、泰山学院、湖北师范学院、河池学院、西华师范大学、河西学院、佛山科学技术学院、广东海洋大学、上海财经大学、云南农业大学、西安科技大学、江西科技师范学院、南京工业大学、华南热带农业大学、晋中学院、西华大学、桂林电子科技大学、吉林化工学院、红河学院、洛阳师范学院、延边大学、陇东学院、福建农林大学、河北工业大学、大连工业大学、邢台学院、江汉大学、山东理工大学、西南民族大学、贵州民族学院、武汉科技大学、山西师范大学、首都经济贸易大学、华东政法大学、东华理工大学、山东经济学院、潍坊学院、山东体育学院、安徽工程科技学院、成都理工大学、仲恺农业技术学院 B等(175个):淮南师范学院、南阳师范学院、吉首大学、西昌学院、河南财经学院、唐山师范学院、运城学院、黑龙江科技学院、山西财经大学、山东工商学院、喀什师范学院、集美大学、烟台大学、天津大学、天津科技大学、郑州轻工业学院、河北理工大学、长春工业大学、安徽工业大学、襄樊学院、呼伦贝尔学院、大连民族学院、安徽理工大学、河南中医学院、宜春学院、沈阳理工大学、唐山学院、龙岩学院、湖南商学院、贵州师范大学、昆明理工大学、成都学院、齐齐哈尔大学、楚雄师范学院、北京物资学院、中南林业科技大学、大连海事大学、长春理工大学、贵阳医学院、云南民族大学、铜陵学院、廊坊师范学院、西南政法大学、山东建筑大学、江西理工大学、淮阴工学院、榆林学院、大连大学、湖州师范学院、重庆邮电大学、长春大学、广东技术师范学院、西安文理学院、黄山学院、辽宁工业大学、太原理工大学、中北大学、湖南文理学院、成都体育学院、长沙理工大学、伊犁师范学院、云南财经大学、天津工程师范学院、五邑大学、华北煤炭医学院、河南科技学院、汕头大学、淮海工学院、河南科技大学、华北水利水电学院、西安财经学院、山东科技大学、三明学院、衡水学院、周口师范学院、南京中医药大学、邯郸学院、中央民族大学、武汉科技学院、桂林工学院、西南财经大学、南阳理工学院、重庆工学院、上海海事大学、大连交通大学、黄淮学院、西北民族大学、北京林业大学、中国药科大学、西南石油大学、河南理工大学、丽水学院、皖西学院、德州学院、南京信息工程大学、江西农业大学、常州工学院、北京体育大学、滨州医学院、天津工业大学、南京晓庄学院、大连水产学院、北京机械工业学院、西安石油大学、东北电力大学、浙江林学院、忻州师范学院、长春税务学院、北京印刷学院、江苏技术师范学院、广东医学院、西北农林科技大学、甘肃政法学院、南京财经大学、贵阳学院、合肥学院、滨州学院、嘉兴学院、闽江学院、中国政法大学、石河子大学、中华女子学院、沈阳工业大学、厦


外语学院毕业论文开题报告模板 最近发表了一篇名为《外语学院毕业论文开题报告模板》的范文,好的范文应该跟大家分享,这里给大家转摘到。 开题报告是指开题者对科研课题的一种文字说明材料,以下是搜集的外语学院毕业论文开题报告模板,供大家阅读参考。 论文(设计)题目:Fall and Nature — On Kundera's Female Images 一、引言(选题原因)(宋体,小四,加粗) 第一、兴趣使然。最先接触到的是昆德拉的《不能承受的生命之轻》,作品中复杂的思想内涵与独特的表达方式深深吸引着我,虽然已经读了好多遍,但此后,无论再翻开他其中的任何一面,我都能读下去,而且还生怕遗漏了任何一个字。但这种情况对于我来说,还真的是第一次。于是,我开始寻找关于昆德拉的作品,并开始希望理解我理解中的昆德拉。 第二、对的关注使然。在读昆德拉的作品时,其中的女性在某种程度上可以说是现代社会中部分人的真实写照。我和同学在探讨这个问题时,大家都有种不知女性形象究竟该如何定位,女性又该如

何活出真实的自己的无言的困惑。我也有这种困惑,但还是想尝试着探讨一下女性问题。 第三、基于上述现状,在传统与现代相碰撞,在女性寻找自身形象的定位处于迷茫之际,我借分析昆德拉笔下的女性形象,来探讨一下现代社会道德标准下沉沦或本真究竟何为的问题。(宋体,小四,单倍行距,下同) 二、研究现状(文献综述) 自昆德拉的作品在80年代中期被译到中国以来,中国知识界已经掀起了几次“昆德拉热”。特别是昆德拉的作品《不能承受的生命之轻》被改编为电影《布拉格之恋》之后,昆德拉的名字更是家喻户晓。 近年来,对昆德拉的研究表现为对其小说作品内容及理论观念的剖析。就内容来看,大部分评论集中于其作品中浓郁的存在、媚俗、遗忘、灵与肉等存在主义思想范围内;就形式来看,则主要集中于作品中表现出来的复调、等小说艺术范围内。当然,也有很多比较性的解读,如昆德拉与美洲的马尔克斯,与中国的余华、王蒙、鲁迅、王朔等进行的比较,以及对名著被改编为电影后的比较。

西南政法大学外语学院研究生2008年基础英语真题 (1)

西南政法大学 2008年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 学科专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 考试科目:605 基础英语(150分) 共7页 考生注意:请在答题纸上答题,在试题上答题不给分。试题和答题纸同时交回,否则成绩无效。 I. Paraphrase the following underlined sentences and tell their implications. (35 points, 5 for each) 1. “Those are my lucky birds. Each day that I escape death, each day of suffering that helps me earthly cares, I make a new little paper bird, and add it to the others. This way I look at them and congratulate myself on the good fortune that my illness has brought me. Because, thanks to it, I have the opportunity to improve my character.” 2. The eventual solution to the arms race will be found, not in a new deployment by one side or the other of some ultimate weapon or in a decision by either side to disarm unilaterally, but rather in new understandings and in a mutual transformation of the relationship itself. This transformation will involve changes in the technology of weaponry and the denial of nuclear technology to rogue states. But the key change will be in the way we think about the institution of warfare and about the relationship between states. 3. This is no time to moralize on the follies of countries and governments which have allowed themselves to be stricken down one by one, when by united action they could have saved themselves and saved the world from this catastrophe. 4. Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. The moralizing of his earlier writing had been well padded with humor. Now the gloves came off with biting satire. 5. “Today it is the teachers,” he continued, “and tomorrow the magazines, the books, the newspapers. After a while, it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted fagots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind.” 6. But there is one thought which every white man (and in this connection it doesn't matter twopence if he calls himself a socialist) thinks when he sees a black army marching past. “How long can we go on kidding these people? How long before they turn their guns in the other direction?”



西藏大学关于加强本科生毕业论文(设计)指导与管理的意见毕业论文(设计)是实现培养目标的重要环节,是教育与生产劳动及社会实践相结合的重要体现,是培养大学生的创新能力、实践能力和创业精神的重要途径。毕业论文(设计)的质量也是衡量教学水平,学生毕业与学位资格论证的重要依据。毕业论文(设计)在培养学生探求真理、强化社会意识、进行科学研究基本训练、提高综合实践能力与素质等方面都具有重要意义。为了保证西藏大学本科生毕业论文(设计)的教学质量,根据教育部办公厅《关于加强普通高等学校毕业设计(论文)工作的通知》(教高厅[2004]14号)精神,特提出加强本科学生毕业论文(设计)撰写规范、指导工作及管理的意见。 一、毕业论文(设计)工作的组织管理 全校的本科生毕业论文(设计)在主管校长统一领导下进行,实行分级管理,层层负责的办法。 1.教务处负责协调有关问题,检查毕业论文(设计)执行情况;汇总各学院(部)毕业论文(设计)选题和指导教师情况;收集和保管各学院(部)毕业论文(设计)工作总结及毕业论文(设计)分析报告;收集各学院(部)本科生毕业论文(设计)成绩等。 2.各学院(部)负责布置本学院(部)毕业论文(设计)工作任务,制定具体的工作安排并填写《西藏大学学院(部)200 届本科生毕业论文(设计)工作日程安排表》(见附件4),审查毕业论文(设计)题目和任务书;安排指导教师,进行毕业论文(设计)工作动员;定期检查毕业论文(设计)工作进展情况;协调处理毕业论文(设计)中的有关问题,考核指导教师的工作;对学生毕业论文(设计)进行审查,组织毕业论文(设计)答辩、成绩考核与评定工作,复查成绩评定情况。对优秀和不及格的毕业论文 (设计)进行审核评价;推荐优秀毕业论文(设计);进行毕业论文(设计)工作总结;收集并妥善保存学生毕业论文(设计)原件及评审情况相关资料。 二、毕业论文(设计)的基本教学要求 1.培养学生调查研究、文献检索与阅读、资料收集、归纳整理、综合分析及创新能力; 2.培养学生综合运用所学专业理论知识,独立发现、分析和解决实际问题的能力; 3.培养学生研究和正确撰写论文(设计)的能力。 三、毕业论文(设计)工作流程 本科生毕业论文(设计)工作由选题及定题、论文(设计)指导、中期检查、定稿、论文(设计)评阅、答辩与评定成绩、论文(设计)抽检、优秀论文(设计)推荐、工作总结等九个环节组成。其工作流程见附件23。 四、毕业论文(设计)选题工作及要求 1.毕业论文(设计)应由各系(教研室)组织教师拟定若干方面的题目,于第7学期开学初交学院院长(部长)审查,之后由分管教学的院长(部主任)以任务形式下达给各系(教研室),系(教研室)主任最后将任务分配给本系(教研室)的教师。 2.第7学期的第5周,由学院(部)将审定后的毕业论文(设计)题目以毕业论文(设计)选题指南的形式向本单位毕业学生公布和介绍。论文(设计)题目的确定按照“双向选择”的原则进行,学生填写选题志愿,由学院(部)根据学生志愿和教师的意见,最后由学生在指导教师的指导下确定毕业论文(设计)选题。 3.毕业论文(设计)的选题要求: ①选题内容覆盖面要宽,利于拓展学生的思维与眼界。 ②专业学科特点鲜明,符合专业培养目标。选题应与社会、生产、科研和实验室建设等实际情况相结合。 ③理论与实践联系紧密,其中具有理论和实际意义的选题应在80%以上,培养学生实际应用知识的能力。 ④能够跟踪学科发展新趋势,选题关注专业学科的热点、焦点等问题。

英语师范生毕业论文 文献综述

The Revelation of the Western Maritime Literature’ Vicissitude 姓名:叶牡丹学号:2010520070 班级:1013 Literature Review The Western Maritime Literature In the western countries, from the 17th to the 19th century, there are producing a large number of literary works, which relate to sea or take sea as a description object. From a special angle, presenting the relationship between human and sea ,human and nature ,and various understanding of human’ own po wer at that time , all of these providing a kind of special literary reading. However ,after entering the 21st century ,when human conquer ocean and nature rapidly ,we lost the wonderful imagination of ocean ,and no longer take ocean as a medium to express human’s good qualities .We divert the attention to the damages done by human to the sea . The Western Maritime Literature shift from passionate to cool style .This change is worth literary studying and the common concern of the social studies. Due to the kinship with the ocean, man has always taken the ocean as the aesthetic object and included it into the reflections upon history. The sea, one of the important regions of the Western, has become the common subject and theme in the Western literature. Sea literature as an important type of Western literature makes the ocean as a background or the narrative object, of reflects the relationship among ocean and human by describing shipping and island life. Western sea literature consisting of numerous outstanding works, distinctive artistic characteristics, a wide range of literary influence, such as The Old Man and the Sea ,Moby Dick, Robinson Crusoe and Leagues Under the Sea and so on,has a long historical tradition and profound cultural significance. Western sea novel occupies a prominent place in Western literature; to some extent, it represents the highest level of the Western sea literature. Sea literature is an important component in Western literature as well as an indispensable part of the literary canon. No matter as a geographical area for production, living, transportation and colonization, or a cultural symbol of mystery, fortune, power, conquering, and promise, the sea plays a constructive part in sustaining and enriching Western literature. The large number of sea literature not only enriches narrative aesthetics, but also contributes to the molding of national character and culture. However, t here is not a clear definition of “sea literature” or “maritime literature” in


外国语学院本科毕业论文开题报告 最近发表了一篇名为《外国语学院本科毕业论文开题报告》的范文,好的范文应该跟大家分享,重新了一下发到。 开题报告是训练毕业生科研能力与学术作品撰写能力的有效的实践活动,下面是搜集的外国语学院本科毕业论文开题报告,欢迎阅读参考。 论文(设计/翻译)题目:The Symbolism in The Great Gatsby 1.的目的和意义: Francis Scott Fitzgerald was a famous American writer of short stories.In the beginning,the Americans he stood for had illusions about the world after World War One,but they disappointed later,and fell into pessimistic and confusion.It showed the vanish of American Dream of the people did not experience the war.His work The Great Gatsby truly and vividly described the view of America at that time.It bined with the writer’s real experiences to reveal the plot of American Dream in his heart and his feeling to the vanish of American Dream.And he found out the real


2012年西南政法大学外语学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解 I. Reading Comprehension (Total 20 points, 1 point for each) Directions:There are 4 passages followed by some questions or unfinished statements, you should answer the questions or decide on the best choice on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Although it is mankind’s inevitable fate to continually progress on the path of technology, there will always be the obstacle of resistance to overcome. Be it in the form of a protester who deplores implementation of the latest gadget or a dissenting scientist who disagrees with his colleagues’ methods of rese arch, it is an unavoidable fact that every step toward the future must be a hard-fought one. The latest battleground is one that has to do with the essence of nature itself: the bioengineering of certain plant species for human consumption. By learning about, isolating and finally manipulating the individual genes and strings of DNA that compose a plant species, geneticists are able to create new breeds of plants in the laboratory. These plants are able to live longer in harsher environments, provide better nutrition, and sustain themselves with a minimum of human care. By changing the composition of the plants at a cellular level and chemically combining elements of different plants that don’t normally cross-pollinate in nature, science is ushering in a wave of new food items that earth


毕业论文管理规定 (2008) 安徽建筑工业学院法律与政治系 目录 1、法律与政治系本科毕业论文管理办法(2008)-------------------------------1 附件: (1)法律与政治系毕业论文文本规范----------------------------------------------8 (2)法律与政治系本科毕业论文工作进程----------------------------------------13 (3)法律与政治系本科毕业论文答辩程序----------------------------------------16 附表: (3)法律与政治系本科毕业论文任务书-------------------------------------------19 (4)法律与政治系本科毕业论文开题报告----------------------------------------21 (5)法律与政治系本科毕业论文承诺书-------------------------------------------25 (6)法律与政治系本科毕业论文成绩考核表-------------------------------------26 (7)法律与政治系本科毕业论文评分表-------------------------------------------28 (8)法律与政治系本科毕业答辩成绩评定表-------------------------------------31(9)法律与政治系本科毕业答辩成绩汇总表-------------------------------------32(10)法律与政治系本科毕业论文答辩会议记录--------------------------------33 (11)法律与政治系本科毕业论文指导教师变更申请表----------------------35



2013届外语学院英语专业毕业论文安排一、时间安排 序号事项时间备注 1 完成论文初稿2013年3月5日 2 完成论文第二稿2013年5月15前 3 完成论文第三稿2013年5月31日前 4 答辩2013年6月1日—6月5日 全部学生必须于2013年5月30日前将论文终稿交给指导老师。 二、学生毕业论文选题的要求 1、论文选题应在“英美文学”、“英语语言学”、“英汉互译”和“中外文化比较” 四个范围之中; 2、所有选题评论作品必须是2000年后出版的; 3、论文选用的参考文献15篇必须是2006年出版的期刊论文,学生选用的教科 书、著作、论文期刊(1996以前出版)不包括在15篇以内,可以自行添加。 4、其他要求 (1)论文开题报告与任务书(电子文档和纸质文档)须在12月5日-12月30日内完成; (2)网上选题登陆,学生确认,学部主任审核通过,须在2013年1月5日前完成; (3)毕业生必须在相关论文工作完成后,经由指导老师同意后才能离校;(4)论文指导老师同时也是毕业实习指导老师,毕业生离校后的行踪、实习单位等信息须告知论文指导老师。 三、论文指导老师的工作内容 指导老师需完成学生毕业论文指导、论文相应表格的填写及接受江城学院教务处论文检查工作等三项工作。具体有以下几点: 1、网上选题(指导老师负责录入学生的论文题目) 2、任务书和开题报告的撰写与规范工作 3、配合教务处第一稿(初稿)检查 4、配合教务处第二稿检查 5、配合教务处毕业论文答辩工作的检查 注:在教务处论文检查工作中,遇到检查毕业生论文相关资料(如任务书和开题报告、定稿等)等情况,望各位指导老师自行将各自指导的学生论文资料收集好,再统一发邮件传给教学秘书赵萍!


英语专业研究生院校排名 1、北外 2、上外 3、北大 4、南京大学 5、复旦大学 6 、厦门大学 7、南开大学 8、对外经贸大学 9、广东外语外贸大学 10、华东师范大学 11、中山大学 12、上海交通大学 13、湖南师范大学 14 、山东大学 15、洛阳外国语大学 16、清华大学 17、北京师范大学 18 、武汉大学 19、南京师范大学

050201 英语语言文学国家重点学科/博士点/硕士点 标注Z者为一级学科国家重点学科/博士点/硕士点覆盖的二级学科国家重点学科/博士点/硕士点 二级国家重点学科 北京大学 北京外国语大学 湖南师范大学 解放军外国语学院 南京大学 上海外国语大学 中山大学 博士点 北京大学Z 北京师范大学 北京外国语大学Z 北京语言大学 东北师范大学 福建师范大学 复旦大学 广东外语外贸大学Z 河南大学

华东师范大学 华中师范大学 解放军国际关系学院 解放军外国语学院Z 南京大学Z 南京师范大学 南开大学 清华大学 山东大学 上海外国语大学Z 四川大学 苏州大学 西南大学 厦门大学 浙江大学 中国社会科学院研究生院中南大学 中山大学 硕士点 安徽大学 安徽师范大学

北京第二外国语学院Z 北京航空航天大学Z 北京交通大学 北京科技大学Z 北京理工大学 北京林业大学 北京师范大学 北京外国语大学Z 北京邮电大学 北京语言大学Z 长沙理工大学 大连海事大学 大连理工大学 大连外国语学院Z 电子科技大学 东北大学Z 东北林业大学 东北农业大学 东北师范大学 东南大学 对外经济贸易大学Z

福州大学 复旦大学 赣南师范学院 广东法商大学 广东外语外贸大学Z 广西大学 广西师范大学 广西师范学院 广州大学 贵州大学 贵州师范大学 国防科学技术大学 国际关系学院 哈尔滨工程大学 哈尔滨工业大学 哈尔滨理工大学 哈尔滨师范大学 海南大学 杭州电子科技大学 合肥工业大学 河北大学

西南政法大学:风雨五十年 南方周末 2003-11-27 154553

西南政法大学:风雨五十年 南方周末2003-11-27 15:45:53 1950年代校门 编者按:伴随《法官法》、《检察官法》、《律师法》的修 订以及国家统一司法考试制度的出台,中国法律职业化程度步步加深,未接受系统法学训练的非科班生愈来愈难走入法律职业领域。今天法学院校里的莘莘学子,将是明天打造法治国家的栋梁。可以说,法学教育对中国法治进程的影响从未有今天这么强烈、直接。 偏居西南一隅的西南政法大学,曾被称作中国法学的“黄埔军校”,也有人评价它是中国法学教育最成功的典范。解读“西南现象”是法学界的共同兴趣。但今天,这所传统名校因为远离中国的政治或经济中心,她在教育资源和教育政策上被一步步边缘化。 但西政遇到的问题也是几乎所有中西部高校面临的难题。值此西政50周年校庆之际,我们解读她的兴衰浮沉,或许能为中国法学教育格局提供一个观察的模本,也能为中国20多年来高等教育改革的得失提供一面镜鉴。 □本报驻京记者赵凌 2003年9月20日,一场平静的秋雨落在山城重庆。 著名的歌乐山下,西南政法大学正在庆祝自己50岁的生日。风雨苍黄五十年。这场绵绵不绝的雨平添一种喧闹中的清冷。 西政的50年比任何一个政法院校都值得记忆。这个被歌乐山裹挟的小地方走出了中国法学界的“半壁江山”,他们的名字在今天光芒夺目———20位大法官、大检察官,多位最高政法机关的管理者,数十位影响中国法学的学者。 西政创造了法学界传奇的“西南现象”。 西南现象的造就者,一位见证了西政风雨历程的古稀老人,在校庆这天却忧伤地说:“我没有一点心情参加这个聚会。对学校我现在只有凄凉,有什么值得庆祝呢?” 曾经的宠儿 西南政法大学前身为西南政法学院。1953年9月20日在全国院系调整中,西政合并5所大学法律系而成立。 重庆沙坪坝区钟灵毓秀的歌乐山下,庄严肃穆的烈士墓旁,400亩荒坡上,西政就此诞生。这里曾是“中美特种技术合作所”旧址,是美蒋特务囚禁、屠杀革命者的地方。校史记载,选址这里“正好以先烈们的革命精神教育青年、培养政法干部”。 在这之后的20多年里,学校经受了历次政治运动的冲击,发展步伐逐渐缓慢。和所有遭遇“运动之苦”的中国高等学府一样,在“砸烂公检法”、“停办政法院校”的恶浪中,西政被


本科生毕业论文(设计)撰写基本规范 毕业论文(设计)全文包括:封面、学士学位论文原创性申明、中英文摘要(中文摘要300字左右,外文摘要250个实词左右)、目录、正文、结论、参考文献、附录(可选)、致谢(可选)等); 毕业论文(设计)字数:理工科5000字以上;文科6000字以上,其中外语专业4000单词以上,艺术类专业3000字以上(含图表、程序和计算数字等)。 一、毕业论文(设计)撰写的内容要求 (一)目录 目录按三级标题编写(即:1……、1.1 ……、1.1.1 ……),要求标题层次清晰。目录中标题应与正文中标题一致。 (二)标题 标题应简短、明确、有概括性。标题字数要适当,不超过20字。 (三)摘要 毕业论文(设计)摘要或总说明书要概括研究课题的内容、方法和观点以及取得的成果和结论,应反映整个内容的精华,字数在300字左右。 (四)前言部分 前言部分要说明本课题的意义、目的、研究范围及要求达到的技术参数;简述本课题应解决的主要问题。 (五)正文部分 正文部分是作者对研究工作的详细表述,其内容包括:问题的提出,研究工作的基本前提、假设和条件,基本概念和理论基础,模型的建立,实验方案的拟定,基本概念和理论基础,设计计算的方法和内容,实验方法、内容及其分析,理论论证,理论在课题中的应用,课题得出的结果及结果的讨论等。 撰写设计(设计)正文部分的具体要求是: 1.理论分析部分应写明所作的假设及其合理性,应以简练的文字概略地表达。所用的分析方法、计算方法、实验方法等,要写明哪些为人所用,哪些为己所改进,哪些为己所创造,以便指导教师审查和纠正。 2.对于用实验方法研究的课题,应具体说明实验用的装置、仪器的性能,并对所用装置、仪器做出检验和标定;对实验的过程和操作方法,力求叙述简明扼要;对于由理论推导达到研究目的的课题,内容要精心组织,做到概念准确,判断推理符合客观事物的发展规律。 3.结果与讨论是全文的心脏,对必要而充分的数据、现象、认识等要作为分析的依据进行具体撰写。在对结果作定性和定量分析时,应说明数据的处理方法以及误差分析,说明现象出现的条件及其可证性,交代理论推导中认识的由来和发展;对结果进行分析后得出的结论,应说明其适用的条件与范围。 此外,作为结果与分析的图、表,应精心制作、整洁美观。 (六)结论 结论包括对整个研究工作进行归纳和综合而得出的总结,所得结果与已有结果的比较和本课题尚存在的问题,以及进一步开展研究的见解与建议。 结论集中反映作者的研究成果,表达作者对所研究的课题的见解,结论要概括、简短。 结论撰写时应注意以下几点:


英语专业(师范类)人才培养方案 1 一、专业代码及专业名称、学制、授予学位 050201 英语四年文学学士 二、专业培养目标及要求 培养目标:本专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展,具备英语语言的基础知识、基本理论和基本技能,具有较熟练的英语语言运用能力,能够在中等学校进行英语教学和教学研究的教师及其他教育工作者,并为研究生教育输送优质生源。 培养要求:本专业学生主要学习英语语言基础知识,受到英语听、说、读、写、译等方面的语言基本技能训练,能够较熟练的使用计算机进行英语及汉语语言文字处理,通过教育理论课程和教育实习环节形成良好的教师素养,获得从事英语教学和英语教育研究的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1.掌握英语语音、词汇、语法等基础知识,具备听、说、读、写、译等基本技能; 2.具有较好的汉英表达能力和英汉互译能力; 3.初步了解主要英语国家的历史和现状,对主要英语国家社会和文化有概括的了解; 4.了解英语语言文学学科的新发展,具有基本的科学文化素质和艺术素养, 并具有一定的创新精神和实践能力; 5.熟悉教育法规,能够初步运用教育学、心理学及英语教学基本理论解决实 际问题,具备良好的教师职业素质和从事英语教学的基本能力; 6.掌握文献检索、资料查询及运用现代信息技术获得相应信息的基本方法, 具有一定的科研能力; 三、主要课程 综合英语、高级英语、英语泛读、英语听力、英语口语、英语写作、英译汉、汉译英、英语语音、英语语法、英美概况、英语语言学、英国文学、美国文学、日语、教育学、心理学、现代教育技术、英语教学论。

四、主要实践性教学环节 教育实习、毕业论文等。 五、学位及学分要求 本专业学生在校学习期间必须修满教学计划规定的169学分方能毕业。符合《中华人民共和国学位授予条例》和《南阳师范学院学士学位授予办法》规定者,授予文学学士学位。


外国语学院英语专业本科生 毕业论文写作指南 1. 选题及开题(第七学期前两周完成) 学生在经过论文写作初步指导之后,自行选题,选题时请考虑以下因素:1)选题的难度适中,对内容熟悉或有兴趣,范围恰当,切忌太大或太泛; 2)题目力求新颖,忌老生常谈或重复他人研究结论; 3)题目要具有可行性,要有充足的资料;论文应达到规定篇幅在规定时间内完成,并有足够的时间和导师商讨; 4)学生应该在教师指导下完成开题报告(于第七学期开学第三周前上交指导教师)。 2. 论文撰写要求 1)论文应与本专业相关; 2)独立完成; 3)用英文撰写; 4)字数3000-5000; 5)学生务必在规定时间内提交正式论文定稿,过期不予受理(初稿在第八学期开学第二周前上交指导教师,第二稿于第十周上交,第三稿即论文定稿于第十二周上交); 6)所有毕业论文一律用计算机打印(格式要求详见附件1); 7)严禁任何抄袭或复制他人论文的不道德行为,违者按不及格处理; 8)所有学生在提交打印定稿的同时必须提交一份word格式电子文档(文件名为:学号/姓名.doc),由指导教师统一交给学院教学秘书。 3. 装订顺序要求 根据湖北民族学院本科生毕业论文工作相关管理规定并结合本专业特点,外国语学院毕业生论文装订依次包括: 1) 封面(此项单列一页)(由湖北民族学院外国语学院统一制定) 2) 英文封面(此项单列一页):由论文英文题目、解释、作者、指导老 师姓名和职称和时间组成。具体见附件2。 3) 英文致谢(此项单列一页) 4) 中文摘要、中文关键词(3 至6个)(此项单列一页):中文摘要在 内容上与英文摘要基本一致,但不必每字每句的对应。 5) 英文论文摘要、英文关键词(此项单列一页):主要概述论题的背景 介绍、目的,以及研究所要解决的主要问题、可能产生的主要结果、结论和建议等。 6) 目录(此项单列) 7) 正文:包括引言(Introduction)、主体(Body)、结论(Conclusion)。 引言主要说明研究工作的目的、涉及范围、相关领域的前人研究成果和知识空白、研究设想、研究方法等方面的概述、理论意义和实用价值等。主体要
