


1.Robert Bruce was a famous Scottish general. In the

early 14th century he tried to drive the English out of

Scotland, but he was not successful because the English were

too strong. Finally, Bruce had to run away and hide in a cave.

One day, he lay in his cave thinking of the sad state of Scotland. A spider began to make a web above his head.

Simply to pass the time, Bruce broke the web. Immediately the

spider began to make a new one. Six times Bruce broke the web

and six times the spider immediately made a new one. Bruce was surprised at this. He told himself that he would break the web

a 7th time. If the spider made a new one, it would be a good

lesson to him, for like the spider, he had been defeated six

times. Bruce then broke the web. Again the spider made a new


From this simple fact, Bruce became encouraged. He again got an army together. This time he was successful and

drove the English out of Scotland.

1. Who was Robert Bruce?

A. He was an English general.

B. He was a Scottish


C. He was a spider researcher

D. He was a biologist from


2. Why did Bruce hide in a cave?

A. Because he was defeated by the English.

B. Because he was afraid of the English army.

C. Because he was looking for spiders

D. Because he was badly injured in the battle.

3. In the beginning he broke the spider web just


A. he hated spiders

B. he wanted to know more about the spider web

C. he wanted to pass the time

D. he was trying to catch the spider

4. How many times did he break the web altogether?

A. Not mentioned

B. Six times

C. Seven times

D. Twice

5. The way the spider kept making its web encouraged Bruce to _____.

A. continue his effort to fight against the English

B. continue to hide in the cave

C. continue his research on the spiders

D. become a successful biologist

1. 1. Who was Robert Bruce?

A.He was an English general.

B.He was a Scottish general.

C.He was a spider researcher

D.He was a biologist from Scotland.

2. 2. Why did Bruce hide in a cave?

A.Because he was defeated by the English.

B.Because he was afraid of the English army.

C.Because he was looking for spiders

D.Because he was badly injured in the battle.

3. 3. In the beginning he broke the spider web just


A.he hated spiders

B.he wanted to know more about the spider web

C.he wanted to pass the time

D.he was trying to catch the spider

4. 4. How many times did he break the web altogether?

A.Not mentioned

B.Six times

C.Seven times


5. 5. The way the spider kept making its web encouraged

Bruce to _____.

A.continue his effort to fight against the English

B.continue to hide in the cave

C.continue his research on the spiders

D.become a successful biologist


得分:[10, 10, 10, 10, 10]

提示:1. 细节题。本题问“Robert Bruce是谁?”答案在第一段的第一句,该句告诉我们Robert Bruce是一名苏格兰将军。据此可知答案是B。

2. 细节题。本题问“为何Bruce要躲藏在


“Robert Bruce是一名苏格兰将军。在14






3. 细节题。本题问“在开始的时候他弄




4. 细节题。本题问“他一共弄破了几次











5. 细节题。本题问“蜘蛛不断织网的方








1.Just ________ your time and tell me clearly what

happened at the meeting





D. spare


点: Choice1

学生答案: [C;] 标准答案: C

得分: [5] 试题分值:

5.0 提示: 解析:该题选C ,题目大意是“别着急,详细地


take one’s time:不急,慢慢干;不慌不

1. Take your

time packing, for we still have one and a half hour.慢慢整理行李, 我们还有一个


2. They didn′t

realize that there was any hurry, so

they took their time. 他们不了解事情紧急,


2. The sudden snowstorm during the night _________ my

decision not to leave.

A. discovered

B. inquired

C. charged

D. confirmed


Choice1 学生答案:

[D;] 标准答案: D 得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0

提示: 解析:该题选D ,题目大意是“夜间突如其来的暴


confirm :证实,肯定,确认,坚定(

信念等 )

1. This confirms

what I suspected all along.这证实了我一


2. X-rays have

confirmed that he has not broken any


3. These new

statistics confirm our worst fears

about the depth of the recession.这些新的统



3.He tried in vain to _________ the students __________ their





D.turn back






[A;] 标准答案: A 得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0

提示: 解析:该题选A,题目大意是“他企图



turn against sb.:(cause to) become hostile to 转而反对;使…反对;attack 转而袭击

1. What do you

think has turned Mary against her parents?你认为什么使得玛丽反对起父母来了。

2. Will you turn

against your professor if he is too hard on you?如果教授对你过于严厉,你会转而反对他吗?

4.If our neighbor continues to refuse to keep his dog

under control, we have to take

him to ___________.










[D;] 标准答案: D

得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0

提示: 解析:该题选D,题目大意是“如果我们的邻居仍然拒绝看管好他的狗,我们就不得不法庭上见了”。

take sb. to


1. If you don′t

pay up, I′ll take you to court. 如果你不还清欠款, 我就到法院告你.

2. He is taken

to court for the brush with the police.他因为与警察发生小冲突而被带上法庭。

3. You can take me to court if you want to. There is

nothing in writing. 如果愿意你

可以起诉我, 但是没有任何书面文件.


___________, he can finish the work in a couple of weeks.

A.Giving good health

B.If give good health

C.Given good health

D.If he is good given health






[A;] 标准答案: C 得分: [0] 试题分值: 5.0

提示: 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“倘若身体好,他


given 引导方式状语,意为“倘若,假设,考虑到”。如:

1. Given their

inexperience, they’ve done a good job.考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们的工作已经做得不错了。

2. Given some

more time, I would do the job better.假如时间再多些,我能把工作做得更好。

3. Given good

health, the old lady can look after her grand-daughter for her son.假如身体好的话,这位老太太能帮她儿子照看孙女。

6.I prefer to work in an ________ environment where there are

good libraries and cultural facilities.










[A;] 标准答案: A


[5] 试题分值: 5.0

提示: 解析:该题选A,题目大意是“我喜欢在都市环境下工作,那里有一流的图书馆和文化设施”。

urban:of a town or city 城市的,都市


1. Many people

move to urban areas to have the

excitement of city life.许多人搬入城区,去



employment are very important urban



3.In the past

ten years or so, China’s urban

population has been increasing very




8.I’m _________ that he is innocent in the whole affair.





知识点: Choice2



[D;] 标准答案: D 得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0

提示: 解析:该题选D,题目大意是“我确信他在整件事中是清白的”。

be convinced:服气;确信;信服

1. You will soon

be convinced that she is innocent.你不久就会确信她是无罪


2. His first

requirement is that we be convinced.他第一个要求是,我们信服。

3. Ask yourself,

what else do I need to be convinced?想想自己,我需要什么服气?

9.Many young girls like to __________ for recording their

private thoughts

and feelings.

A.keep a diary

B.keep a secret

C.keep a promise

D.take notes






[A;] 标准答案: A

得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0

提示: 解析:该题选A,题目大意是“许多女孩喜欢记日记,以此记录下她们的个人想法和情感”。

keep a diary和keep diary的区别:

keep diary:


keep a diary:习惯地记日记(表示状态)


1. So, I start keep diary again.就这样,我又开始写日记了

2. It′s a good habit for you to keep a diary.写日记对你来说是一个好习惯。

10.She wrote articles and __________ to the Evening Paper.

A.sent for them

B.sent them off

C.sent them out

D.sent off them






[B;] 标准答案: B 得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0

提示: 解析:该题选B,题目大意是“她写了一些文章,并寄给了晚报”。

send off:寄出,寄走(信或包裹)

1. I’d like to

send the parcel off by the early post.我想将这个包裹通过早班邮件寄出。

2. He sent off

copies to various people for them to read and make comments.他将稿件寄给不同的人,让他们看后提出意见。

11.He __________ late writing his term paper.

A.stayed out

B.stayed away

C.stayed behind

D.stayed up






[D;] 标准答案: D 得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0

提示: 解析:该题选D,题目大意是“他晚上熬夜赶他的学期论文”。

stay up:not go to bed until after the usual time 不睡觉,晚睡,熬夜

1. stay up

practising typing熬夜练习打字

2. She stayed up

reading until midnight. 她看书看到半夜才睡。

3. He stays up

reading and writing until midnight.他每天都阅读写作到半夜为止。


北京邮电大学远程、函授教育《市场营销学》期末复习题一、填空:1.市场宏观环境包括人口、_经济_、_自然____、__技术___、政治法律和文化。2.市场微观环境的影响因素包括:供应者、竞争对手、营销中介、顾客、社会公众以及企业内部影响营销管理决策的各个部门。3.根据恩格尔定律:随着家庭收入的__增加___,用于购买食品的支出占总支出的比例应__下降 ___,而用于其他方面的开支(如娱乐、教育、保健等)和储蓄所占的比重将__上升___。鉴于我国城乡之间存在着一定的差距,一般而言,城市居民家庭的恩格尔系数要__低于___较为落后的农村居民家庭的恩格尔系数。4.市场营销学将市场分为组织市场和_消费者市场____,组织市场通常又被分为生产者市场_、中间商市场_和非盈利组织市场_三类。5.企业密集性增长策略包括__市场渗透_、市场开发、产品开发__。6.影响消费者购买行为的因素包括__社会文化、个人_和_心理____。7.市场定位的方式主要有_避强定位、迎头定位、重新定位_。8.产品的整体概念包含三个层次,即核心产品、__形式产品_和_延伸产品。9.产品生命周期一般可分为四个阶段,即投入期、成长期_、成熟期、衰退期。10.企业定价的基本方法有成本导向定价法、竞争导向定价法和需求导向定价法_三类。11.以生产者为中心的传统营销观念包括生产观念、产品观念、推销观念。12.企业进行促销和沟通的工具主要有人员推销、广告、公共关系、销售促进(营业推广)和直接营销。二、名词解释: 1.市场营销:市场营销是指在变化的市场环境中,企业以消费者需求为中心,在满足消费者需求与利益的基础上来实现企业利润的商务活动过程。2.社会购买力::一定时期由社会各方面用于购买产品的货币支付能力。3.市场细分;指根据顾客需求的差异性,将整体市场划分成若干个顾客群,每一个顾客群构成一个细分市场,不


公共英语三级考试试题(三) 一、Section Ⅱ Use of English(共20小题,共20.0分)Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, Cot Don ANSWER SHEET 1. 第1题 Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling or swimming, in winter, or skating or skiing. It may be a game of some kind — football, hockey, golf or tennis. It may be mountaineering. These who have a passion (1) climbing high and difficult mountains are often (2) with astonishment. Why are men and women (3) to suffer cold and hardship, and to (4) on high mountains? This astonishment is caused, probably, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity (5) which men give their leisure. Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man-made roles, as there are for (6) games as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of different kinds which it would be dangerous to (7) ,but it is this freedom from man-made rules (8) makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own (9) . If we (10) mountaineering with other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is (11) mountaineering is not a" team work". We should be mistaken in this. There are, it is true, no "matches" (12) "teams" of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may (13) ,there is obviously teamwork. A mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. He has to fight (14) of nature. His sport requires high mental and (15) qualities. A mountain climber (16) to improve in skill year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions (17) in their early twenties. But it is not (18) for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may take more (19) than younger men, but they probably climb with more skill and less (20) of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment. A physician B physical


一、选择题 1.GSM系统采用的多址方式为() (A)FDMA (B)CDMA (C)TDMA (D)FDMA/TDMA 2.下面哪个是数字移动通信网的优点() (A)频率利用率低(B)不能与ISDN兼容 (C)抗干扰能力强(D)话音质量差 3.GSM系统的开放接口是指() (A)NSS与NMS间的接口(B)BTS与BSC间的接口 (C)MS与BSS的接口(D)BSS与NMS间的接口 4.下列关于数字调制说法错误的是() A数字调制主要用于2G、3G及未来的系统中 B数字调制也包含调幅,调相,调频三类 C频率调制用非线性方法产生,其信号包络一般是恒定的,因此称为恒包络调制或非线性调制 D幅度/相位调制也称为线性调制,因为非线性处理会导致频谱扩展,因此线性调制一般比非线性调制有更好的频谱特性 5.为了提高容量,增强抗干扰能力,在GSM系统中引入的扩频技术() (A)跳频(B)跳时(C)直接序列(D)脉冲线性调频 6.位置更新过程是由下列谁发起的() (A)移动交换中心(MSC)(B)拜访寄存器(VLR) (C)移动台(MS)(D)基站收发信台(BTS) 7.MSISDN的结构为() (A)MCC+NDC+SN (B)CC+NDC+MSIN (C)CC+NDC+SN (D)MCC+MNC+SN 8.LA是() (A)一个BSC所控制的区域(B)一个BTS所覆盖的区域 (C)等于一个小区(D)由网络规划所划定的区域 9.GSM系统的开放接口是指() (B)NSS与NMS间的接口(B)BTS与BSC间的接口 (C)MS与BSS的接口(D)BSS与NMS间的接口 10.如果小区半径r=15km,同频复用距离D=60km,用面状服务区组网时,可用的单位无线区群的小区最少个数为。() (A) N=4 (B) N=7 (C)N=9 (D) N=12 11.已知接收机灵敏度为0.5μv,这时接收机的输入电压电平A为。() (A) -3dBμv (B) -6dBμv (C) 0dBμv (D) 3dBμv 12.下列关于数字调制说法错误的是(B) A数字调制主要用于2G、3G及未来的系统中 B数字调制也包含调幅,调相,调频三类


一、单项选择题(共10道小题,共100.0分) 1. 在下列关于关系的述中,错误的是_____。 A. 表中任意两行的值不能相同 B. 表中任意两列的值不能相同 C. 行在表中的顺序无关紧要 D. 列在表中的顺序无关紧要 知识点: 关系Relation 学生答案: [B;] 标准答 案: B; 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0 2. 已知关系R如下图所示,可以作为关系R主键的属性组是_____。 A. ACD B. ABC C. ABD D. BCD 知识点: 码Key 学生答案: [C;] 标准答 案: C; 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0 3. 关系数据库中,实现实体之间的联系是通过表与表之间的______。 A. 公共索引 B. 公共存储

C. 公共元组 D. 公共属性 4. 定义外键实现的是______。 A. 实体完整性 B. 参照完整性 C. 用户定义的完整性 D. 实体完整性、参照完整性和用户定义的完整性 5. 有一个关系:学生(学号,,系别),规定学号的值域是8个数字组成的字符串,这一规则属于 _____。 A. 实体完整性规则 B. 引用完整性约束 C. 用户自定义完整性规则 D. 关键字完整性约束 6. 若两个实体之间的联系是1:m,则实现1:m联系的方法是______。 A. 在"m"端实体转换的关系中加入"1"端实体转换关系的码 B. 将"m"端实体转换关系的码加入到"1"端的关系中 C. 在两个实体转换的关系中,分别加入另一个关系的码 D. 将两个实体转换成一个关系

7. ER图是一种直观表示_______的工具。 A. 结构数据模型 B. 关系数据模型 C. 逻辑数据模型 D. 层次和网状模型 8. 数据库三级模式体系结构的划分,有利于保持数据库的______。 A. 数据独立性 B. 数据安全性 C. 结构规化 D. 操作可行性 9. 数据库系统的体系结构分为三个层次,即______。 A. 模式、模型、视图 B. 外模型、概念模型 C. 外模式、逻辑模式、模式 D. 关系模型、网状模型、层次模型


2014年9月公共英语三级考试真题及答案SECTION I Listening Comprehension (略) SECTION Ⅱ Use of English ( 15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C, or D on your ANSWER SHEET. Folk toys are those whose designs have passed down through the generations, made by hand and not in factories. 26 manufactured toys, they are not protected by copyrights or patents, 27 have they been standardized by machine production. Early folk toys were made of natural materials 28 wood, cloth, metal, earth, and 29 found materials. Wood was often used 30 it was available, easily worked, and required no painting. Toys were considered unimportant, so 31 was written about them. A parent made toys for a child, or children themselves made toys. The toys often were 32 made and used action movements. Traditionally, fathers and boys have been most interested in 33 toys, while mothers and girls have 34 dolls and needlework. Folk toys include action toys, models, games, puzzles, and dolls. This basic 35 can be enlarged to include skill toys, balance toys, flying toys, shooting toys, _ 36 incorporating music or noise, and animated toys. The 37 name is lost in history, and the descriptive names given to the toys 38 . Typical names include Bullroarer, Jacob' s Ladder, and Limber Jack. Early settlers of the Appalachian region mostly came from Germany, England, Scotland, andIreland, 39 knowledge of folk toys from their home countries. The designs often were 40 in the process of handing them 41 , so now there are many variations. The making of homemade toys decreased in 42 of prosperity, when people could 43 manufactured toys. Recently there is a new 44 for the mountain folk toy heritage, 45 And handcrafted toys are sometimes bought in preference to manufactured toys. 26. [ A ] Without [ B ] Unlike [ C ] Despite [ D ] Besides 27. [A] so [B] or [C] nor [D] as


一、完形填空(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1.Once, three fishes lived in a pond. One evening, some ___1___ passed by the pond and saw the fishes. “This pond is full of fish”, they told each other __2___. “We have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our ___3___ and catch these fish!” So saying, the fishermen left. When the eldest of the three fishes ___4___ this, he was troubled. He called the other fishes together and said, “Did you hear ___5___ the fishermen said? We must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all!” The second of the three fishes agreed. “You are right”, he said. “We must leave the pond.” But the ____6___ fish laughed. “You are worrying without reason”, he said. “We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going ___7____ - my luck will keep me safe.” The eldest of the fishes left the pond that ___8____ evening with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen ____9___ in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then. The fishermen ____10___and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish's luck did not help him - he too was caught and killed. (232字) a. A.fishersman B.fisherman C.fishermans D.fishermen 学生答案: D; 标准答 案: D b. A.excitedly B.excited C.excite


一、单项选择题(共20道小题,共100.0分) 1. 在光纤通信系统中,的作用是实现信号的放大和波形整形的功能。 A.分叉复用器 B.光中继器 C.数字交叉连接器 D.光放大器 知识点: 第4章 学生答案: [B;] 标准答案: B 得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0 提示: 2. 在满足误码率(或信噪比)指标要求下,所允许输入接收机的光功率越低,则表示这个接收 机。 A.灵敏度越高 B.动态范围越大 C.灵敏度越低 D.动态范围越小 知识点: 第4章 学生答案: [A;] 标准答案: A 得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0 提示: 3. 光发射机的消光比,一般要求小于或等于。 A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20% 知识点: 第4章 学生答案: [B;] 标准答案: B 得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0 提示: 4.(错误)

在光发射端机中功能框是实现信号的衰减补偿和均衡处理功能的。 A.均衡放大 B.解复用 C.码型变换 D.均衡器 知识点: 第4章 学生答案: [D;] 标准答案: A 得分: [0] 试题分值: 5.0 提示: 5. 在光接收端机中与光电检测器直接相连的是。 A.均衡器 B.前置放大器 C.判决器 D.时钟发生器 知识点: 第4章 学生答案: [B;] 标准答案: B 得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0 提示: 6. 前置放大器是指与紧紧相连接的器件。 A.光谐振腔 B.激光器 C.光放大器 D.光电检测器 知识点: 第4章 学生答案: [D;] 标准答案: D 得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0 提示: 7. 温度的变化,会导致LD输出功率的变化,因此在发射机中使用技术来稳定光源的输出 功率。 A.自动功率控制 B.码型变换 C.调制


公共英语三级阅读理解专项试题(一) 一、Reading Comprehension(共60小题,共120.0分)Read the following three texts.Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. 第1题 I. Q. stands for "Intelligence Quotient" which is measure of a person's intelligence found by means of an intelligence test. Before marks gained in such a test can be useful as information about a person, they must be compared with some standard, or norm. It is not enough simply to know that a boy of thirteen has scored, say, ninety marks m a particular test. To know whether he is clever, average, or dull, his marks must be compared with the average achieved by boys of thirteen in that test. In 1906 the psychologist, Alfred Binet, devised the standard in relation to which intelligence has since been assessed. Binet was asked to find a method of selecting all children in the schools of Paris who should be taken out of ordinary classes and put in special classes for defectives. The problem brought home to him the need for a standard of intelligence, and he hit upon the very simple concept of" mental age". First, he invented a variety of tests and put large numbers of children of different ages through them. He then found at what age each test was passed by the average child. Binet arranged the various tests in order of difficulty, and used them as a scale by which he could measure every individual. If, for example, a boy aged twelve could only do tests that were passed by the average boy of nine, Binet held that he was three years below average, and that he had a mental age of nine. The concept of mental age provided Binet, and through him, other psychologists with the required standard. It enabled him to state scores in intelligence tests m terms of norm. At first, it was usual to express the result of a test by the difference between the" mental" and the" chronological" age. Then the boy in the example given would be" three years retarded". Soon, however, the" mental ratio" was introduced; that is to say, the ratio of the mental age to the chronological age. Thus a boy of twelve with mental age of nine has a mental ratio of 0.75. The mental age was replaced by the intelligence quotient or" I. Q". Clearly, since the mental age of the average child is equal to the chronological age, the average I. Q. is 100. To judge a child's standard, his marks in a test must be compared with marks gained by ______. A others of the same age


、单项选择题(共10道小题,共100.0分) 1.――May I see your tickets, please? ――_____________. A.Sure. B.No, you can't. C.No, they are mine. D.Yes, you can. 知识点: 交际英语 学生答案: [A;] 标准答 案: A; 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0 提示: 2.―― Thank you for inviting me. ―― ________________. A.I really had a happy time. B.Oh, it's too late. C.Thank you for coming. D.Oh, so slowly? 知识点: 交际英语 学生答案: [C;] 标准答 案: C; 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0 提示: 3.(错误) ――Could I borrow your car for a few days? ―― _______________. A.Yes, you may borrow. B.Yes, go on. C.Sure, here your are. Enjoy your journey.

D.It doesn't matter.知识点: 交际英语 学生答案: [B;] 标准答 案: C; 得分: [0] 试题分 值: 10.0 提示: 4.――Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? ――_____________ A.Speaking, please. B.Oh, how are you? C.I'm listening. D.I'm Don. 知识点: 交际英语 学生答案: [A;] 标准答 案: A; 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0 提示: 5.――Could you help me with my physics, please? ――___________. A.No, no way. B.No, I couldn't. C.No, I can't. D.Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now. 知识点: 交际英语 学生答案: [D;] 标准答 案: D; 得分: [10] 试题分 值: 10.0 提示:


2014年9月PETS全国公共英语等级考试二级听力试题 (即:2014年9月贵州省高考英语听力考试真题) 贵州省凯里一中刘治豪编辑整理 20160101 版权所有,盗用必究 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the woman going to do? A. Leave early. B. Make a speech. C. Join the discussion. 2. Which color shirt will the man buy? A. Red. B. Green. C. White. 3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Strangers. B. Neighbors. C. Co-workers. 4. What do you know about the man? A. He’s going to Mexico. B. He’s worried about the food. C. He’s been to the hotel before. 5. What will the woman probably do for the man? A. Clean the house. B. Carry the boxes. C. Cook the dishes. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。 6. What does Harris probably want to do with Olivia? A. Have lunch. B. Watch a movie. C. Go to her office. 7. When will Harris and Olivia meet? A. At 6:50. B. At 7:10. C. At 10:00. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10题。 8. What does the woman like about the armchair? A. Its size. B. Its color. C. Its design. 9. What do we know about the speakers’ armchair at home? A. It is badly broken. B. It is heavy looking. C. It is brown in color. 10. What will the speakers probably do about the armchair? A. Wait for a sale. B. Buy it right away.


一、阅读理解(共1道小题,共25.0分) 1. A pretty, well―dressed young lady stopped a taxi in a big square, and a said to the driver, "Do you see that young man at the other side of the square?" "Yes," said the taxi driver. The young man was standing outside a restaurant and looking impatiently (不耐烦地) at his watch every few seconds. "Take me over there," said the young lady. There were a lot of cars and buses in the square, so the taxi driver asked, "Are you afraid to cross the street?" "Oh, no!" said the young lady. "But I promised that I would meet the young man for lunch at one o' clock, and it is now a quarter to two. If I arrive in a taxi, it will at least seem as if I had tried not to be late." 1.How did the young woman get to the square? A.She arrived in a taxi. B.She drove there in a car. C.She got there by bus. D.The story doesn't tell us. 2.Why did the lady stop the taxi? A.Because she didn't want to be late for her appointment (约会). B.Because she wanted to get out of the taxi. C.Because she wanted to go to the restaurant in it. D.Because she was afraid of walking across the street. 3.The young man at the other side of the square_______. A.had probably been waiting for a long time B.had some problem with his watch C.was probably a waiter of the restaurant D.was someone the young lady didn't want to see 4.The young lady was_______. A.clever at making excuse B.not late at all C.45 minutes earlier D.15 minutes late 5.Had she tried not to be late? A.Yes, she had tried her best. B.No, she was just pretending that she had tried. C.Yes, she had tried but she was still late.


公共英语三级考试试题(二十二) 一、Section Ⅱ Use of English(共20小题,共20.0分)Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, Cot Don ANSWER SHEET 1. 第1题 Smoking is considered dangerous to the health: Our tobacco-seller Mr. Johnson, therefore, always asks his customers, if they are very young , whom the cigarettes are bought (1) . One day, a little girl whom he had never seen before walked (2) into his shop and demanded twenty cigarettes. She had the (3) amount of money in her hand and seemed very (4) of herself. Mr. Johnson was so (5) by her confident manner that he (6) to ask his usual question. (7) , he asked her what kind of cigarettes she wanted. The girl replied (8) and hand with the money. While he was giving her the (9) , Mr. Johnson said laughingly that (10) she was so young she should (11) the packet in her pocket in (12) a policeman saw it. (13) the little girl did not seem to find this very funny. Without (14) smiling she took the (15) and walked towards the door. Suddenly she stopped, turned (16) , and looked steadily at Mr. Johnson. There was a moment of silence and the tobacco-seller (17) what she was going to say. (18) at once, in a clear, (19) voice, the girl declared, "My dad is a police-man", and with (20) she walked quickly out of the shop. A ashamed B fond C sure D glad 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [注释]:seem/be sure of oneself 对自己有把握,确信。 第2题


一、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1.Robert Bruce was a famous Scottish general. In the early 14th century he tried to drive the English out of Scotland, but he was not successful because the English were too strong. Finally, Bruce had to run away and hide in a cave. One day, he lay in his cave thinking of the sad state of Scotland. A spider began to make a web above his head. Simply to pass the time, Bruce broke the web. Immediately the spider began to make a new one. Six times Bruce broke the web and six times the spider immediately made a new one. Bruce was surprised at this. He told himself that he would break the web a 7th time. If the spider made a new one, it would be a good lesson to him, for like the spider, he had been defeated six times. Bruce then broke the web. Again the spider made a new one. From this simple fact, Bruce became encouraged. He again got an army together. This time he was successful and drove the English out of Scotland. 1. Who was Robert Bruce? A. He was an English general. B. He was a Scottish general. C. He was a spider researcher D. He was a biologist from Scotland. 2. Why did Bruce hide in a cave? A. Because he was defeated by the English. B. Because he was afraid of the English army. C. Because he was looking for spiders D. Because he was badly injured in the battle. 3. In the beginning he broke the spider web just because______.


北邮大学英语3第二次阶段作业 一、完形填空(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1.Many years ago there was a poor man. He had an orange tree 1 his garden. On the tree there were many fine oranges. 2 he found one 3 his oranges was much bigger 4 the others. It was as 5 as a football. Nobody had ever seen 6 orange. The poor man took the orange to the king. The king was so happy ___7 __he gave the man a lot of money for it. When a rich man heard of it, he said to hi mself, “It's only an orange. Why has the king given so much money 8__ it? I'II take my gold cup to the king. He'll give me 9 money.” The next day when the king received the gold cup, he said to the rich man, 'What a beautiful cup! I'll show you __10__ , please take this great orange." a. A.on B.in C.over D.with 学生答案: B; 标准答 案: B b. A.One day B.Yesterday C.When D.This morning 学生答案: A; 标准答 案: A c. A.for B.in
