摩登家庭 -第2季第1集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

摩登家庭  -第2季第1集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语
摩登家庭  -第2季第1集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

Honey, do you need me to move the car? 亲爱的要我把车开出去吗No, it's nothing. I'm alright 不不用我能行

Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down 不铁十字给我力量它要栽了

Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down [铁十字纳粹德军勋章]

Oh god! Phil... 当心菲尔

- You okay? - Yes. I am. -你没事吧 -没事

I am okay. 我没事

Honey, why do we keep this car? 亲爱的我们为什么要留着这辆车

It's a classic! 这车老经典了

No, it just sits here. 不它只是空占地方

And the seatbelts don't work. 安全带也坏了

The doors stick. It leaks fluids. 门也卡还漏油

We haven't put fluids in it in 10 years. 我们也十年没给它加过油了Well, I'm gonna fix all that anyway. 我会把这些毛病都修好

And then, uh, it's gonna be Haley's car. 然后送给海莉

Oh, we're not giving this car to Haley. 我才不要给海莉

It's way too easy to fit a mattress in the back. 车后座都宽得可以放床垫了Remember? 当年这车可是我们的洞房啊

Oh, no. We're selling it. 要命了这车必须卖

What?! 什么

Unless you don't think you can. 除非你觉得你卖不出

- Really? - Yeah. -此话当真 -是的

- Seriously? - You can't. -确定当真 -绝对当真

You honestly think that's gonna work? 你确定我卖不掉

You can't sell it. 就是卖不掉

You know what? 话说

You can insult a lot of things about me... 你怎么羞辱我都可以

My hair, my voice, my balance-board exercises... 发型啊声音啊平衡板游戏啥的

But don't insult my selling. 就是不要羞辱我强大的销售能力

That crosses a line. 过分了哈

What line? Oh, you don't see it? 过在哪里你瞧不见?

That's 'cause I just sold it. 因为我以光速给它卖了

That's 'cause I just sold it. 《摩登家庭》第二季第一集

While the spray-tanned starlet claims 当这个美黑小星星声称

to be six weeks sober, sources down under say: 自己有六个星期没嗑药时知情者爆料道She has been bar-hopping 她就像一个嗑药过量的袋鼠一样

like a coked-up kangaroo." 蹦啊跳啊混迹于酒吧

Ah, what's daddy reading to you? 爹地给你读什么呢

If I have to read "the very hungry caterpillar" 如果还要我再读一次

One more time, I will snap. 《饥肠辘辘的毛毛虫》我会抓狂的

- oh, it's not that bad. - I will snap! -哪有那么差劲啊 -别逼人家

So, um, I laid the toolbox outside, 那啥我把工具箱拿到外面了

And all the supplies are ready, 所有的材料也都准备好了

And I think we are good to go! 可以开工了

Terrific. 好极了

Aren't you gonna change into a working man's outfit? 你不打算换身工人套装吗

No, I'm good, 不用了

And I don't think workmen really call them "outfits." 况且我不觉得工人管它叫"套装" We are building a princess castle for Lily. 我们要给莉莉建一座公主城堡

Uh, it's something every father wants to be able to do for his daughter.


You know, and I fancy myself 并且我把自己幻想成

as a bit of a castle designer. 这个城堡的设计师

I have done a few sketches. 我画了一些草图

Which we have archived so we can use the kit. 那些以备后用这样我们就能用组装套件

- Mm, yeah. - The kit. -对 -套件

Uh, the kit. Which, uh, we're gonna do together. 套件我们夫妇一条心一起做

I am petrified to do this with Mitchell. 要跟米奇尔一起做这个还不如杀了我

He built a couple of theater sets in college or something,


And now he thinks he knows everything about building. 就以为自己是建筑帝了

Well, he doesn't. 但他根本不搭边

Every home-improvement project that we've undertaken. 每次我们家要做改造

Has been a near-death experience. 都让人好想死好想死

Make the appetizers. And then we'll be... 做开胃菜然后...

If an accident does happen, I hope he kills me... 如果真出了啥意外我希望他一下解决了我Because I don't think I would be a very inspiring disabled person.


Honey, relax. 亲爱滴放亲松

She's not here yet. 她还没来

You might want to play it a little cooler. 你最好蛋定一下别猴急猴急的

You don't want to scare off your girlfriend. 要不会把你女朋友吓跑的

She's not my girlfriend! 她才不是我女朋友

She's just coming over to study the life cycle of silkworms.


Oh. She's here. 嗷她到了

She's here! okay, how's my hair? 她到了那啥我头发不乱吧

I thought it was just a friend. 是谁说只是朋友来着

I heard that. 我可听到了

I wasn't whispering. 我故意的

Manny, open the door. Make her feel welcome. 曼尼去开门让她感受什么叫宾至如归

Kelly! Good morning. 凯莉早上好

Uh, I'm glad you're here. 欢迎你来我家

Um, this is my Mom. 这是我妈

Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你哦

In my culture, 在我们的文化里

mothers are very clingy to their sons. 母亲都灰常粘儿子

In fact, the leading cause of death among Colombian women 其实呢


is when their sons get married. 就是她们的儿子要结婚

But I'm not like that. 但是我不会这样

I just want my Manny to be happy. 我只要曼尼高兴就好哩

Manny, why don't you give your friend Kelly an empanada? 曼尼叫你的朋友凯莉吃肉卷馅饼Oh, no, thank you. 不了谢谢

I try to stay away from trans fats. 我尽量避免摄入反式脂肪

Oh, I'm sure one won't make a difference. 哎呀呀就吃一个没啥滴啦

They're Manny's favorite! 这是曼尼的最爱哟

I... think I'm going to stop eating trans fats, too. 我我也不要吃反式脂肪了

Mom? When was this from? 妈这是在哪拍的

Oh... That's the year your dad and I went to the rose bowl.


Oh... That's the year your dad and I went to the rose bowl. [玫瑰杯于加州举行的美式足球赛] - Incredible game. - Yeah. -那场老精彩了 -是啊

Mom, you look really pretty. 妈你看起来真美

Thank you, sweetheart. 谢谢你宝贝儿

So, what happened? 那后来怎么回事

Well, Lukey, everyone gets older. 小卢克人人都会变老嘛

Just 'cause parts of your mom aren't what they used to be, 即便你妈的风采不再

it doesn't meam... 也不代表...

I mean, what happened in the game? 我是想问比赛后来怎么样了

We got our butts kicked by Penn state. 我们输给了宾州队

The parade was awesome, though. 但是游行非常棒

Angela Lansbury was the grand marshal. 是安吉拉·兰斯伯里担任司仪Angela Lansbury was the grand marshal. [著名女演员]

"Good time," she wrote. "美好的记忆" 她写道

Okay, come on, guys. Let's get back to it. 行了继续收拾

No one's gonna buy this heap looking this way. 堆着这么多东西没人会买的Hey, mom, which one is the garbage can? 恶妈妈垃圾丢哪边

Um, it... 丢...

Honey, you can't throw that away. 乖乖这个不能丢

It's blankety. 这是小毯毯

It's disgusting. 可它有够恶心

No, sweetie, you loved blankety. 怎么会亲爱的你以前可喜欢它了

You wouldn't go anywhere without him. 你上哪儿都要带着它

Yeah, until Luke threw up on it. 哈直到卢克吐在上面

Yeah. 哈哈

I used to throw up all the time. 我年轻的时候老吐

Remember buckety? 还记得呕吐桶桶吗

Oh, look at this. 看这个

What is that? 这是什么

We went to the beach one day, 那天咱们去海边

and Luke had such a good time. 卢克玩得很开心

That he wanted to being home a jar of sunshine. 所以他要带一罐阳光回家So he could always remember it. 这样他就能永远记着了

Do you remember, honey? 还记得吗亲爱的

Oh, no... no, no, don't... don't open it. 不不不别别打开

You really think you trapped sunshine in there? 你真以为你把阳光收进罐子里了

I'm just letting you know now, 我现在通知你们

I'm not taking care of him when you guys die. 你们死了之后我绝对不会管他的

Stop. It's sweet. 别说了这样做很可爱的

Still feels hot. 还热热的好吧

Hey! It's that guy who came by earlier. 刚看车那家伙来电话了

He was really interested. 貌似很想买

What was his name? Shoot! 他叫啥来着快告诉我

Well, you can't be in sales and not remember people's names. 做销售千万不能忘记客户姓名That's why I like to use what they call "minimonic" devices. 所以我用"迷你联想"来帮助记忆They're little tricks to help you remember. 这是帮助记忆的小诀窍

Um, like the other day, I met this guy named Carl. 就像那天我认识了个家伙叫卡尔Now, I might forget that name, 现在我或许忘了他的名字

But he was wearing a Grateful Dead T-shirt. 但我记得她穿着一件Grateful Dead的汗衫

But he was wearing a Grateful Dead T-shirt. [Grateful Dead 美国摇滚乐队]

What's a band like the Grateful Dead? 有什么乐队像Grateful Dead

Phish. Where do fish live? Phish 鱼生活在哪里

[跟"鱼"读音相近] Phish[同为美国摇滚乐队]

The ocean. 海洋

What else lives in the ocean? 什么东西生长在海洋

Coral. 珊瑚

Hello, "Coral". 你好卡罗

[他本想卖弄却记错了] [Coral 意译珊瑚音译卡罗与卡尔音似]

I think it's "mnemonic". 我记得这是"助记口诀"

I... I think I'd remember. 啊… 我觉得我没记错

Okay. 行吧

You can do it, dad. 老爸你一定行的

Okay. 好吧

He looked like the drummer from foreigner. 他看起来像是个外国鼓手

Now, foreigner's from France. 这个外国人来自法国

France rhymes with "ants." 法国和蚂蚁押韵[英文单词读音]

Ants ruin a picnic. 蚂蚁破坏了野餐

What's up, Nick? 哈啰 Nick[和野餐后缀音同]

Really? 是吗

Really? 真的吗

Well, that's great. 那太好了

Yeah, no, swing by anytime. We're here all day. 随时欢迎我们一整天都在Thanks. 谢谢

Guess what? 你猜怎么着

You said I couldn't sell this? 谁说哥卖不出去

Well, you're gonna be eating a humble pie. 你自打嘴巴了吧

Stuffed with crow and a big side of sorry, 高兴不起来了吧真对不住了嘿

'cause I just did. 我给它卖了

In your face, girl with the negative tattoo! 当你的面卖出去了叫你老否定咱爷们Honey... 亲爱的

Wait. 等等

No! 不

Whoa. Someone doesn't like to lose. 有人输不起了

Honey. 宝贝

Honey! 宝贝儿

I'm sorry. 对不起

I'm sorry. 对不起

When I woke up this morning, I hated that car, 今早一睁眼我还很烦那辆车

and even thinking about it made me mad. 就连想起它都让我抓狂

But then when we were going through it, 但是我们一起经历了这么多

and blankety... 还有那个可爱的小毯毯…

all that stuff... I just... 所有这一切我只是

The thought of that whole part of our life driving away...


We can keep blankety. 我们可以留着小毯毯嘛

I don't want... 但我不想...

Look at them. 看看他们

Come on. A minute ago, they were babies. 好像昨天他们还都只是小宝宝

And now they're driving. 今天呢连车都会开了

And soon we'll all be dead. 然后我们也不久于人世了

Whoa! You're leaving out a few great minutes there. 打住你咋能忽略掉死前的美好时光呢Retirement, old age... 退休啊颐养天年啊

Cool chair that goes up the stairs. 超级酷的爬楼梯自动椅子啊

Yeah. I'm sorry. 是啊对不起

I'm... being ridiculous. 我不该胡思乱想

Don't apologize. I love you when you're human. 不用道歉我就喜欢你充满着人情味Listen. 听着

Hey! listen! 听我说

We don't have to sell the car. 车不卖了

Oh, sweetie, of course we do. 亲爱的当然要卖

It doesn't make any sense to keep it. 没理由要留着它

Well, what can I do to make you feel better? 那我该怎么做才能让你感觉好点

Nothing. 什么也不用做

Unless you can build me a time machine. 除非你给我造一台时光机

Honey... 亲爱的

Until someone can figure out how to keep a wormhole 除非有人能想办法

Until someone can figure out how to keep a wormhole [虫洞宇宙时间和空间壁上的洞] from collapsing in on itself. 阻止虫洞的倒塌

That's just a pipe dream. 否则就是痴人说梦

Sure. 是啊

Phil! come on back, phil. 菲尔想都别想菲尔

Well, I found the... 我找到了...

I found the nail gun. 我找到了射钉枪

Oh. Yay. 噢太好了

The weirdest thing... it was wrapped in an old towel 奇怪的是它给裹在一条旧毛巾里stuffed in a box on the top shelf of the closet. 塞在盒子里在壁橱最顶上

Well, just set it down on the counter. 赶紧把它放在柜台上

Heads up! 小心

Oh, dad, what are you doing here? 老爸你来这干嘛

I'm, uh, just, uh, returning that crockpot that Gloria borrowed. 我只是来还歌洛莉亚借的电锅Oh, yeah, I forgot you had that crockpot, Jay. 我都忘了这码事了杰

Well, we're just getting ready to build Lily a princess castle


if you... 如果你...

- Want to help? - Yeah, sure. -想帮忙 -当然没问题

Oh. Well, if it's okay with you, Mitchell. 只要你不介意的话米奇尔

Oh, yeah! oh, no, dad. 好啊我没问题老爸

Oh, remember how much fun we had 还记得当初我们一起做书架的时候吗

when we built that bookshelf together? 多美好的回忆呀

That was my vietnam. 那简直就像打了场越战

And I was in vietnam. 我确实参加过越战

Oh! Look at us! 看看我们哦

Three construction dudes! 我们就是工匠三兄弟

Dad, I'm gonna get you some workman gloves. 老爸我去给你拿几副专用手套I have a blue and camel. 我有蓝色的和驼色的

What's your preference? 你喜欢哪个颜色的

Surprise me. 你懂的

Wouldn't it be easier 如果我们把东西都整理到同一个笔记本上

if we had all our stuff in the same notebook? 那不就轻松多了

You think? 你这么觉得

I mean, we're always going back and forth. 这样我们就省的总是来回翻了

I'll just put my things in your notebook. 我把我的笔记夹到你的本子上okay. 好的

Who wants chocolate milk? 谁想喝巧克力奶呀

Sure, mom. 我要妈妈

- So how is it going? - Great! -进度如何呀 -好极了

Kelly's moving her stuff 凯莉在把她的笔记

into my notebook. 都搬到我的本子上

This is sudden. 速度还真快啊

It just felt right. 应该的

Oh, you know what you should do? 你应该这样

Put a pinch of salt in the chocolate milk. 在巧克力奶里放一撮盐

It really brings out the flavor. 提味得多

Salt is for the popcorn. 吃爆米花才用盐呢

That sounds good. 听起来对味

You wouldn't like it. 你不会喜欢的

Maybe we should let Manny decide. 也许我们该让曼尼自己决定

Okay. 好滴

Here's the salt. 给你盐

We'll see what he likes. 我们看他选哪个

Wow! 天啊

That's really good! 好喝翻了

Try it, mom! 妈妈你试试

I don't care for it. 老娘对这无爱

It was delicious. 其实很好喝

I finally got Lily down for a nap. 终于把莉莉哄睡了

Where is Mitchell? 米奇尔在哪里

He's not supposed to be unsupervised! 怎么能没人看着他呢

Don't worry. 没事

I got him in the garage putting flags on the spires. 我让他去车库给塔顶插旗子

Okay, perfect. 哦那就好

It's better that way. Nobody gets hurt. 这样最好省的有人受伤了

We don't have to put flags on the spires. 插旗子这事儿也省了

Yeah. 是啊

All right, let's get this roof on. 好了我们来盖上屋顶

It's supposed to snap right into place. 应该咔嚓就扣上了

Hey! 嘿

Whatcha got going on over there, Jigsaw? 你干的怎么样了电锯哥[电锯惊魂里的杀人狂] Well, I thought that I would get started 我觉得我得从吊桥开工

on the, uh, drawbridge while you guys worked on the roof, so... 屋顶就归你们了所以... You all done with the flags?! 你的旗子都插好了吗

Yeah! 当然

Yeah, it took me like 15 minutes. 十五分钟就搞定了

It was a lot easier than you made it out to be. 哪里像你说的那么麻烦

Do something, Jay. 杰怎么办

Uh, Mitch?! 米奇

Yeah. 干嘛

How about you make us some sandwiches? 你去弄点三明治吧

No. No, we're in the middle of this. 不成不成我们还没完工呢

No, I think what Jay's saying is, 不是杰的意思是说

why don't you go sort some bolts? 你为什么不挑点螺栓来

No, I sorted the bolts. 不用我已经挑好了

- All of 'em? - There were six. -全部吗 -一共就六个

W... what's going on with you two? 你们俩不对劲啊

Are you... are you trying to get rid of me? 难道是想把我甩开不成

Uh..., Mitch. 呃米奇

Oh, my god. You are. 天你们真是闲我碍事

You're... you're, like, in cahoots. 你们居然狼狈为奸

Mitchell, I get scared, when you're around tools, 米奇尔你一碰工具我就害怕Honey, it's dangerous... 亲爱的这太危险了

For me, for you, 对你对我

for... our roses. 对我们的花花都是威胁

Works better this way, kid. 孩子他说得对

I mean, castle goes right up, 我是指顺利建好城堡

Nobody gets sliced in half. 没人给一切两半

Do you know how insulting this is? I was... 你们也太小看人了吧我可是…

I was an intern at the songbird summer playhouse. 我可是在歌鸟夏季剧院实习过的

Do you think that the town of Brigadoon 你们以为南海仙境那出戏

just magically appeared? 就嗖一下变出来了吗

Well, in the play, it did, but...the set... 当然戏里看着是这么回事但是那个布景the set was built with these two hands! 那个布景是我用这双手搭的

Mitchell. Mitchell... 米奇尔米奇尔

The Von Trapp mansion, Evita's balcony... 还有范特普庄园艾维塔的阳台Okay. Okay. 算了算了

Oh, where are you going? 你这是要去哪

I'm going on a walk, 我要暴走了

and, oh, yeah, I can still do that by myself. 哈没错我还能自己走

Watch. Oh, I hope I don't get hurt. 看着嘿哦好害怕会摔倒哦

Oh, god, who put that doorjamb there? 哦妈呀谁这么缺德放个门柱在这儿

I didn't see it. 害我没看见

I ran right into it. 直接撞上去了

Oh, no, I tripped! Walking is so hard! 哎呀糟糕绊着了走路好难的说

That one didn't look like it was on purpose. 刚才那下可不像是故意的

It was! 就是故意的

Just a few more steps. 还有几步路

Oh, sorry! 对不起!

Step! Step! Sorry! 有台阶有台阶对不起

- Phil?! - Sorry, sorry. -菲尔 -对不起对不起

It's gonna be worth it. 这一跤绝对值

No, it's not. 绝对不值

Don't listen to her. 别听她瞎说

And... 开...

- Ow. Ow. Ow! - Sorry. Don't struggle. -嗷嗷嗷 -对不起不要乱动

Stop struggling. 不要乱动

Great. It's our car. 好惊喜啊我们的车

Not a car. Kids? 不只是车哦孩子们

"ti... " what? "时" 什么

Tonight, Claire Dunphy, we are turning back the clock 今天晚上克莱尔·邓菲我们把时钟拨回

to a simpler time... 那纯真年代...

when families piled into their station wagons, 当年那个咱一家挤在旅行车里picked up some burgers, 捎上一些汉堡

and went on a picnic up to granger point. 去郊外野餐的日子

Honey, we don't have to do this. 亲爱的没必要吧

Listen to her. 她说得对

No, it's gonna be great. I talked to... 不啊会很好玩的我跟那个

France, ants, picnic... 法国蚂蚁野餐%¥%@&*...

Nick, and he's not picking up the car till tomorrow. 尼克说了他明天才来取车We have one more night of family fun! 我们还能来一次家庭大聚会

What's gonna be fun about it? 能有啥意思

Listen to him 谁说不是

- Only everything. - Only nothing. -啥都有意思 -啥也没意思

Okay, kids, you know what? 好了小朋友们

Your father is trying to do something nice, 你们老爹要做好人好事

so I would appreciate it if you would stop your whining 你们少抱怨点儿多好and just get in the car. 赶紧上车

Still does it! 屡试不爽

Oh, my! 啊哈

Come on, get in, get in! 快点快点进去

I'm just saying, the kid's gotta learn to let things go. 我不得不说他得学会释怀

Well, this is a touchy subject for Mitchell. 这对米奇尔是个敏感话题

He wants to feel like a regular joe, like you and I. 他就想体现男子汉的一面就像咱俩Oh, pardonnez-moi. 哦不好意思

I prefer the champagne Dijon to the standard yellow. 比起普通香槟我更倾向于第戎香槟You know, there are a few areas that define us as men, 要证明自己是纯爷们方法很多


like sports and construction. 比如运动健身还有木工啥的

Mitchell just wants to feel like he's... 米奇尔只是想证明自个是

part of the man club. 爷们俱乐部中的一员

Isn't that where you guys met? 你俩不就那地儿认识的

I know you're making a joke because you're uncomfortable,


so I'll let it slide. 我当没听见

and we met at an orgy. 我们在性派对上认识的

Come on. 淡定

I just think it's crazy, that's all. 我就觉得那啥太疯狂了仅此而已

So what if he can't swing a hammer? 他拿不稳锤子又怎么着

Look at all he has done. 要看他好的一面啊

Law school, great career, providing for his family. 法律学校出身事业蒸蒸日上


That's manly, too, isn't it? 未必还不够爷们

I mean, the classical sense. 传统意义上很不错了

Well, yes, I mean, I think it also takes a big man 对是同样我觉得

to quit his career as a music teacher 辞去音乐老师的工作回家养孩子

and raise a child. 也是爷们所为

You're a man, too, Cam. 你也很爷们小卡

Thank you, Jay. 谢谢杰

Wait. Garnish. We're men... 等等忘了装饰再爷们

not cavemen. 也要讲究啦

My great-great-grandfather 我爷爷的爷爷的爷爷

helped build the Brooklyn bridge. 参与过建造布鲁克林大桥

And I heard that, until the day he died, 我听说在他有生之年里

every time he passed it, he was filled with such pride. 每每经过大桥一股自豪感便油然而生He'd say, "there's a little bit of me in that bridge." 他会说这桥有我一份功劳

I know that I'm not the handiest guy, 我知道自己不手巧

but I'm still a man, 但我是男人嘛

and I want to be able to look out into my yard and say... 我只希望能望向自家后院深情道出…"there's a little bit of me in that princess castle." 这公主城堡有我一份功劳

Oh, no. No. No, no, no. No. 哦不不要啊

No. Oh, no. 不要啊

Hey, mom. 嘿妈妈

Kelly's parents are on their way. 凯莉的父母马上就要来了

She invited me to go out to dinner and a movie with them. 她邀请我和他们一起吃饭看电影Is that okay? 你批准吗

Oh, but... 哦可是...

I thought that you and I were going to the movies tonight. 不是说好咱俩去看电影吗

You know, to see that one with Shia Labeouf. 就是希亚·拉博夫演的那个呀

You know, to see that one with Shia Labeouf. [《变形金刚》男主角]

Well, maybe we can go to the movie another night. 我们可以改天晚上去看呀

W... what's wrong? 怎么了

Oh, nothing. 没事啦

Just my heart. 小心脏好难受

Okay, sue me. 好呀告我去呀

I am a Colombian mother. 我就是一个哥伦比亚妈妈

I'm not gonna let him make a mistake 我才不会让他犯错误

that is gonna affect him for the rest of my life! 影响我滴一生

His life! 他滴一生

Manny, 曼尼

I think we should talk about this Kelly girl. 我觉得是时候谈谈凯莉的问题了

Isn't she great? 她是不是巨好

I think she really likes me. 我觉得她对我有意思

Why wouldn't she like you, baby? Of course. 她怎么可能会对你没意思呢当然啦Go. Have fun. 去吧玩开心呀

I'm gonna wear my burgundy dinner jacket. 我决定穿那件酒红色西装

Of course you are. 穿去吧

I say we apologize 我觉得应该先道歉

and just finish the castle together like he wanted. 然后按照他的意思一起把城堡修好- Did you hide the nail gun? - Absolutely. -你有把射钉枪藏好吧 -必须的

'cause, I mean, you said that before. 问题是上回你也这么说来着

No, I... 不是我...

Oh, my gosh. It's finished. 哦天啊已经盖好了

What the hell? Mitchell did that? 什么情况米奇尔干的吗

Yes. Yes, Mitchell did it. 对啊对啊就是米奇尔干的

Who's the bitch now, bitches? 傻眼了吧贱人们

Honey, it looks beautiful! 亲爱的真漂亮

Well, yeah, because when you two were inside 当然啦你们两个在里面

enjoying your little tea party, I was out here... 搞家家酒的时候我一人在这里

out here getting stuff done. 辛苦干活

I'm sorry. 我错了

We shouldn't have underestimated you. 我们不该小看你

You know he's stuck in there, right? 看出来他被困在里面了吧

Oh, yeah. 太明显了

Uh, hey, kid, Cam and I are gonna go crack a couple cold ones. 嘿儿子


You want to join us? 你要不要一起啊

No, no, you know what? 不用了

I'm just gonna stay here and get some stuff done, 我就留下把剩下的活做完

but you... you two ladies enjoy your light beers. 你们两位小姐进去喝点淡啤吧

How do you know we're having light beers? 你怎么知道我们要喝淡啤

We only have light beers. 家里只有淡啤

So, well, listen. 听着

- Here is a hammer. - I don't need it. I don't need it, though. -锤子在这里 -放这儿干嘛我又不用

- And this is a screwdriver. - But I'm not gonna use it. -这个是螺丝刀 -我又用不着And you just come on in whenever you want to. 你想喝酒就进来

I'll be in at... yeah. 马上就… 来

You sure we shouldn't get him out of there? 你确定不用把他弄出来

No. He would never forgive us. 不用否则他永远不会原谅我们的

He's a very proud man, your son. 你儿子自尊心强着呢

Bird! Bird! 鸟鸟

Bird! ah, oh, my god! oh, my god! 有鸟天啊啊啊

Yeah, I'm pretty proud of myself right now. 我现在可自豪的很啊

Ohh! oh, my god! 我的妈呀

Calm down. 淡定

Luke, honey, slow down. 卢克宝贝慢点吃

No one's gonna take your food away. 没人跟你抢

Wow, this place has really changed. 这地方变化可真大啊

Time marches on, huh? 光阴荏苒啊

See that Starbucks down there? 看到下面那家星巴克了吗

You know what that used to be? 你们知道那儿原来是什么吗

An orange grove? 橘子园吗

No, a Burger King. 不对是汉堡王

You can still see some of the architecture. 还能看到当时的建筑风格Thank you... for this. 谢谢你做这些

I really do feel better already. 我真的感觉好多了

You can go home again, Claire. 克莱尔美丽的日子一直都在

Oh, sweetie. 亲爱的

My stomach hurts. 我胃疼

Luke, honey, I told you not to eat so fast. 卢克宝贝叫你别吃那么快Just sit back, relax. You're gonna be fine. 坐回去休息一下就没事的

- Ew! Spider! - Haley! -有蜘蛛 -海莉

-Haley! - Haley, honey, -海莉 -海莉宝贝

you're standing on the back of daddy's seatbelt! 你踩住你爸的安全带了Oh, soft cheeses, I can breathe again. 偶滴神啊又能呼吸了

Wait. Where'd the spider go? 等等蜘蛛到哪儿去了

I really need some air. 我得透透气

Okay, Alex, lower your window. 好吧艾丽克斯把车窗摇下来

I can't. It's stuck. 我摇不动它卡住了

I forgot about that. 我把这事给忘了

Don't you throw up on me. 不准吐我身上

Ohh. Don't point him at me! 别把他推给我

Here, I'll turn on the... Haley!! 在这儿我把这个打开… 海莉

Oh! Oh, honey, I think that's the heat. 亲爱的我想这应该是暖气

It's in my mouth. 喷我嘴里了

It's happening! 我要吐了

okay, grab a bag! 好吧拿个袋子

Oh, gosh, it smells like onions! 晕这袋子一股洋葱味

My seatbelt's stuck! 我的安全带卡住了

I'll help you. 我来帮你

oh, my god! 天啊

Spider! 蜘蛛

Haley!! 海莉

Oh, god, he's gonna blow, mom! 天啊他要吐了妈

I need buckety! 我要小桶桶

Okay, everybody get out of the car! 好吧所有人都下车

Our doors don't open! 我们这边的门打不开

We got ya. 交给我们

Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast! 慢则稳稳则快

Get out, get out. 出来出来

Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast, Dunphys! 邓菲家的慢则稳稳则快Nice and easy! 轻且慢

Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. 慢则稳稳则快

Don't look at him! 别看他

He's just gonna make you feel sick! 小心恶心到

Oh, I looked, I looked, I looked. 我看到了我看到了我看到了

Oh, god. 天啊

Guys, the car! 你们看车!

- I got it! - Oh, my god. -交给我 -天啊

Oh, my god... no! 我的天啊不要


看美剧学口语的心得 我本科的专业英语,没事就学英语,毕业后我从事的工作是英语教学,英语学习也没间断。个人感觉英语口语学习从看美剧中得益颇多,因此给我的学生推荐看美剧练口语。 看美剧学口语的优点在于时间自由、地点自由,只要有电脑即可。并且兼有提高口语听力和放松的双重功能。我工作之余养成了每天睡前看美剧的习惯,既有娱乐效果又有学习效果。很多美剧看了不下5遍,来来回回看,对剧情了如指掌,对语言非常熟悉。绝对能够学到比较生活化的口语,比大学期间英语语言文学课堂中学习到的语言要实用的多。不至于出现自个儿说的英语别人听不懂,别人的英语自个儿也听不懂的情况。 我大爱的几部美剧推荐(都是老片,属于怀旧型滴人) 《Friends》。我觉得比较经典的看法是中文字幕一遍,不放字幕看一遍,英文字幕一遍,最后再不放字幕看。friends的优点是语言生活化而且形象。关键是其中的友谊还是相当感人的,吸引我不停地看下去。(顺便祝福依然单身但依然美丽可爱的JEN,如同刚刚走入现实生活的RACHEL那样幸运,即将和一个真正关心和爱她的男人牵手一生。) 《Desperate housewives》这个剧的内容就是生活优裕家庭中的事儿,所以相对的语言要文雅很多.带着不舍和留恋重温讲述亲情友情的剧情,每每总是让人很感动,感觉这部片子满满的都是爱。最喜欢率性的拥有让人羡慕的模特容貌与身材的加布以及神经大条的苏珊;布里在完美的表象下亦隐藏着不为人知的痛苦;勒奈特则是家中的女强人,在这样一群闺蜜身上,每天都发生着或搞笑或苦涩的生活事件,是你我人生中会碰到的。尽管有点香艳,又不乏轻佻,但又有点沉重和小暧昧,正符合这部剧集的风格:既荒诞又写实,最终混合成一声自嘲。《sex & city》这个也是个人偏好,估计男生不一定喜欢.但是这个剧的情节很经典啦, 如果是女生的话看这个应该会增添很多fashion和relationship方面的词汇量和表达方式,另外,虽然四个人貌似总是谈性不断,但毕竟本剧的主角是纽约中年白领女..所以表达方式要比friends 高阶一点,个人意见。 如果是练习听力的话,《lost》该剧绝对是不错的材料..因为不同的口音实在是太多了!据说有美国东部口音,印度口音,韩国口音,黑人口音,英音,据说还有苏格兰音..偶第一次感觉自己听力有提高就是不带字幕的看完了两季lost之后。 比较有些专业性的只看过《Apprentice》。本剧对于商务和职场英语的提高还是很有帮助的,里面有很多teamwork的词汇,包括和别人合作时如何讨论, 作为group leader时如何主持会议组织讨论等等。 关于字幕俺觉得没必要特意看字幕或者不看字幕.一开始肯定是要看中文字幕的,但是慢慢就可以放弃了.我当时是因为喜欢看的越来越多, 有些根本来不及或找不到字幕,所以也就硬着头皮看下去, 最初看不大懂,但是慢慢就会长进很多.如果能做到的话早点放弃中文字幕最好.但是如果找到英文字幕可以跟着英文字幕多看几遍.个人意见,不用字幕更容易练听力,看英文字幕则对口语更有好处.


看美剧学英语:跟《摩登家庭》学地道口语 同性婚姻合法化问题一直备受美国社会各界关注,此争论在美国已持续数十年。在支持者与反对者的争论中,美国官方在这一问题上的态度逐渐从反对转为认同。6月26日,美国成为世界上第21个在全国范围内允许同性伴侣结婚的国家。 看过《摩登家庭》的同学们一定对Cam和Mitch这对儿lovable couple印象深刻,今天让我们跟随着剧情,图文结合来看看为什么Cam和Mitch是最棒的情侣!有共鸣的话就点赞转发吧! 1.They have a cute"How we met"story.他们有个萌萌的初次相遇。

2.They"hate"each other,and they fight a lot over silly little things whch is soooo adorable.他们“讨厌”对方,经常因可笑的小事吵架。 3.They give full support to each other.他们全力支持彼此。

4.They are always super romantic.他们总是特别浪漫。 5.They know who they are and they dare to be themselves.他们清楚自己的特性并勇敢地做自己。

6.They are insanely hilarious,dramas just follow them everywhere.他们特别搞笑,生活如戏剧般狗血。 7.They are fantastic parents.他们是非常优秀的家长。

8.They love their families.And they get well along with each other's friends and families.他们热爱家人,与对方的朋友和家人相处融洽。


NO.1 Friends 1、central perk (1)、central park(中央公园)的戏称 (2)、本身就是一个单词,有“更加振奋”之意,与咖啡馆的主题不谋而合2、perk up 来劲儿了精神头上来了 Mr.Zhang,you perk up every time your girlfriend shows up. 张先生,每次你女朋友一来,你就来劲了 3、There's nothing (for sb.)to + do sth. 没什么可 (1)可以为自己辩解开脱 (2)可以安慰别人,给他们打气 4、some:不确定的某个 通常形式是:some + 单数的可数名词 Are you kidding?There must be some mistake. 开什么玩笑,肯定有什么地方搞错了吧 He must be in some kind of trouble. 他铁定是遇到什么麻烦事了 5、colleague = co-worker 同事 my co-worker in the legal department(我法务部的同事) 6、come on (1)通常用来加油鼓劲 Come on! Don't be so shy. (2)得了吧,少来了 Come on,we all know that?s not true. 少来这一套,谁不知道那是假的 7、go out with someone = have a date with someone与某人约会 8、gotta(美国俚语)=got to必须 9、something wrong 不对劲,有问题 There's something wrong with my damn computer. 我那该死的电脑出问题了 10、there’s gotta be肯定是有 There?s gotta be a reason. 肯定是有原因的 There…s gotta be a catch. 肯定有诈

摩登家庭 -第5季第22集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Oh, New Yorker, you've done it again. 《纽约客》你又来了 Jay, check out this cartoon. 杰快来看这个漫画 Does it have a talking dog? 有会说话的狗吗 - No, it's a commentary on... - I'm out. -没是在评价... -我不看了 Here you go, 给你 one of my best efforts. 我最用心做的一个 Have at it. 吃吧 Mm, I can't eat that. 我不能吃 - Why not? - The pickle's touching it. -为什么不能吃 -碰到酸黄瓜了 There. 好了 The juice got on the bread and, ew, what's that stuff? 面包还是沾到汁了好恶那是什么Spices. 香料 They look like sea monkeys. 跟海猴子似的 Have you ever really examine a jar of pickles, Jay? 你真的认真观察过酸黄瓜吗杰 It's like a swamp there. I'll pass. 黏糊糊的一团我不吃了 What happened? 出什么事了 I made him a beautiful sandwich and he won't eat it. 我给他做了个美味的三明治他却不吃Yeah, 'cause it had pickles on it. 对啊因为上面有腌黄瓜 Joe is taking a nap. 乔在睡午觉 I'm gonna go to the dry cleaners. 我要去干洗店 Well, if you're passing a sushi restaurant -- 如果你路过寿司店 She's not. 她不会路过的 I've never heard of anyone not liking pickles. 我从没听过谁不爱酸黄瓜的 Aw, big day for you, then. 那今天就是历史性的一天啦 I'm just gonna make myself a grilled cheese. 我自己做个烤奶酪三明治好了 I think I saw some Gruye in there. 我应该是看到有格鲁耶尔奶酪了


适合英语口语学习的美剧 初级篇 Felicity-温馨的大学校园剧, 格调清新, 语速慢, 用词贴近生活, 是最合适初学者的美剧. Parenthood-温馨的家庭生活剧, 情节感人, 语速适中, 剧情和对 白都极其生活化, 真实地道. Desperate Housewives-大名鼎鼎的生活剧, 肥皂剧, 语速适中, 用词上被称为美国中产阶级口语的典范. 中级篇 Friends-经典的情景喜剧, 轻松活泼, 语速适中, Modern Family-情景喜剧新秀, 风趣而温馨, 语速适中, 的优势 是伪纪录片的形式让对白更加真实口语化. Raising Hope-描述工薪阶层生活的喜剧, 格调温暖, 语速适中, 的优势在于对白中上绝对少有很难的单词. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia-语速超快的情景喜剧, 情 节多荒诞和恶搞, 非常贴近美国年轻人说话风格 Brothers and Sisters-温馨感人的家庭剧, 生活剧, 语速适中, 对白精彩. 高级篇 Everwood-感人至极的家庭剧, 语速稍快, 用词极有品味, 难度颇大. Will and Grace-语速超快的情景喜剧, 对语言的把玩可谓极致, 难度很大.

我觉得美剧和其他学习资源相比有以下6点优势 1. 地道真实-美剧是native speaker写给native speaker看的对白. 而且和电影,音乐等相比, 美剧用词更生活化口语化, 不会那么文艺. 2. 丰富-题材丰富,难度档次丰富, 能够满足绝大多口语练习者的需要. 3. 有画面有连贯情节-比起那些每篇课文就是一段独立的对话, 没有情节没有画面的教学材料相比优势明显. 画面和情节让我们记忆更深刻 4. 有趣-练口语最难的是坚持, 要想坚持最有协助的就是学习有趣的, 自己感兴趣的材料. 5 有中英文字幕-有趣的英文视频很多, 但是没有中英文字幕不利于练习. 6 难度稳定-如果你用电影或演讲稿来练习, 你会发现一部电影跟另一部电影难度可能差别很大. 而你选定一部美剧的话, 它的难度是比较稳定的, 这个点非常重要. 以下是我推荐上边10部美剧的择剧标准 1. 语速&口音-口音太重的不利于学习. 语速太快对初学者太难, 但对听力不错的人则能逐渐适合更高语速. 一般的美剧语速为2500words/20min, 即125wpm, 即使像大爆炸这样很难的剧, 语速也在125wpm左右. 语速很快的美剧比如It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia能够达到175wpm. 2. 场景完整性-场景完整对记忆很有协助, 玄幻,惊悚以故事情节跌宕见长的drama不适合. 情景喜剧和描写日常生活的剧则比较符合.


看电影学英语心得体会 电影这种题材来讲,我觉得有它的优势和它的局限性,它的局限性在于,任何一部原版的电影,它都不是用来教学语言的,所以它的语言有很大的随意性,规范不规范,还有各种语音都掺杂其中,如果不加分析,一概拿来,势必会搅乱方向,而且就一部电影而言,它的场景,人物都有一定的限制。这方面一些经典的语言教材有它的优越性,它们涵盖了几乎全部的英语场景,但是覆盖面太广,造成它的语言比较简单和单一。 电影的优点就是他本身是要说故事,尤其是其中的人物矛盾冲突,所以它的语言丰富多彩,能真正反映人物的心里的语言,我觉得这一部分才是语言的精华。因为语言本身就是那来应用,交流的。所以我觉得电影和那些教材是相互补充的,还有一点好的是电影的题材非常丰富,我认为除了在一些反映现代的影片中学习实用的东东,还可以在一些名著改编的电影中欣赏语言,如(哈姆雷特) 这个学期,我选择了看电影学英语这个选修课程。在这其中我收获了许多,例如:句型和词汇方面,先将词汇我把他们分为两个大面,即书面中和口语中的,也可是fml和infml,而电影中多是口语上的,这其中有可分为场景专用词和口语的惯用词,在市面的书中场景词和惯用词通常和起来讲,我觉得那些场景的专用词靠记忆就可以攻破,而一些

惯用词需要灵活掌握的词,这些也是经常在对话中卡壳的词,电影中出现平率非常高的就是这些词,我在毕业生中找了一些,如ever,or something,happen,deal等,应该将它们的用法和搭配掌握熟练。关键在讲透。再说说句子,拿市面上一些教场景的教材来说,譬如一个场景,一个问候列了很多句子供你选,这方面有人是强调背大量的句子,我觉得要光是背实际上就是量的积累,其中应有质的突破,弄清句子的使用环境,然后比较它们,再自己造句,这方面去看看电影里各种人物对话,由于人物所处的背景和心情不同,句子和词选取就更生活化。确实在英语学习中的积累是必不可少的,而且大量更有好处,我认为同时重点突出,我认为能提高效率,节约时间,与其死背了百部电影,不如研究透一部电影的句词。 对了,在学习过程还要注意几点。 一、选择电影还是电视剧。 我个人比较偏好通过美剧来操练听力,通过电影来校验听力。原因很简单:电视剧里面的语音对白绝大多数来自常规演员,看过两集之后,就会对美剧里面常规角色的发音了然于胸,有利于更好地吸收和贮备语音语汇。而电影相对而言,每一部的更换都是新一轮的挑战,挑战导致的神经紧绷偶然会现一两次用于自我评测,会让人精神亢奋,如果成绩显著会让人有成就感。但是如果长时间持续,就会使得其反,

摩登家庭 -第2季第8集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Good afternoon. Thanks for coming. It's so nice to spend my birthday surrounded by so many smiling faces. I was almost too depressed to come today. I realized I let my childhood slip away. I realized I let my childhood slip away. Come on, everybody! We're gonna be late for Manny's birthday! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! I'm ready, mom. - You sure, honey? - Yep. Then take a quick peek at your feet. Oh! Come on, Luke! Are you gonna walk faster, or should I get Lily's stroller out of the car and push you? Would you relax? The restaurant's like five minutes away from here Ohh, free lotion. Stop Stopping to smell the roses. Manny's present. Ohh, you are such a Pritchett. What's that supposed to mean? Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! I'm looking for the keys! Of course you are. I like being on time. It's easy 'cause I'm organized.


1.If a guy is thirty and single, he has standards. If a woman is thirty and single, she has issues. 2.I mean all women in their thirties have issues, single or not. 3.This is like the opposite of funny. (这一点儿也不好笑) 4.Good things can happen in really massive way sometimes. 5.No one wants to be rejected. You gotta know you are not the only one who doesn?t feel wanted. (你要知道你不是唯一一个觉得没人要的) 6.The clothes make the man. (人靠衣装) 7.Some nightmares don?t end once we open our eyes. 8.It has to do with whatever?s going on between you and Blair. 9.Whatever he did, I think you can find a suitable punishment. 10.You are Blair Waldorf, Punishment is your middle name. 11.There?s no such thing as “too awful”between friends. We don?t judge. We can forgive everything. 12.Blair Waldorf headed for a comeback. (重出江湖) 13.I don?t have any dirt on her right now. (我现在没有她什么把柄。) 14.Are you really lecturing me about lying to a parent? (你是在教育我关于向家长 说谎的事吗?) 15.By some cruel twist of fate, I go to N.Y.U. (阴错阳差,我进了纽约大学。) 16.Jenny,save your breath. (省口气吧。) 17.Going behind my back to do sth… 18.N.Y.U is so beneath you. (NYU配不上你。) 19.They third person me. (他们无视我。) 20.Please stop acting like you and I have any kind of relationship. 21.I have a lot to make up for. 22.Going through all that without a father made me realize that I don?t need one. 23.Borrowing without asking is stealing. 24.I can?t believe that you are willing to destroy my relationship with my father because you?re too scared that yours won?t love you for who you really are. 25.Look at her ass. You can crack an egg on it. 26.No matter how far you run, you can never truly escape. 27.You reap what you sow. 28.People don?t kiss because they are upset. People kiss because they have feelings for each other. 29.I?m done crying. (我哭够了。) 30.I take my hat off to you. (我对你感到由衷敬佩。) 31.I?ll take your secret to my grave, but laughter is an uncontrollable bodily response. 32.Spying implies a lock of trust. 33.Things have a way of working out when you least expect it. 34.A man with nothing to live for is capable of anything. 35.The ability to have thoughts and not act on them is what separates man from beast. 36.I gotta limber up for all this bootlicking. (我要去准备拍马屁了。) 37.Everything I do or have ever done is for my children. 38.I can?t wait to see you bleeding on the rack.


智慧树2018《看美剧学口语》章节测试答案 对应章节第一章 1【单选题】(1分) 表示接电话的短语是____up。 A.get B.take C.pick D.make 正确答案: C 2【单选题】(1分) QR code指的是() A.质量保证 B.问题代码 C.二维码 D.档案密码 正确答案: C 3【单选题】(1分) Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思() A.碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。 B.有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成阴。 C.云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 D.芳树无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼

4【单选题】(1分) 表示挂电话的短语是____up。 A.hang B.hold C.pick D.make 正确答案: A 5【单选题】(1分) on cloud nine这个短语的意思是_____。 A.飞得很高 B.将要下雨 C.心情舒畅 D.阴雨密布 正确答案: C 对应章节第二章 1【单选题】(1分) Espresso是指() A.意式浓缩咖啡 B.美式咖啡 C.曼巴咖啡 D.哥伦比亚咖啡

2【单选题】(1分) 下图是什么样的奶() A.全脂奶 B.脱脂奶 C.酸奶 D.纯牛奶 正确答案: B 3【单选题】(1分) 在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈性酒下面哪一种不是六大基酒? A.Gin B.Rum C.Whiskey D.Liqueur 正确答案: D 4【单选题】(1分) 图中的运动对应下面的_____。 A.sit-up B.push-up C.squat D.stretch 正确答案: B

摩登家庭 -第4季第12集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

So we're going to Santa Barbara to pick up the bassinet. 我们要去圣巴巴拉拿摇篮车 Or we can save five hours 或者我们省下5个小时 and go around the corner to baby town. 直接去拐角处的婴儿市场 What are you doing all day? 你今天要干嘛 - Jay! - It's fine, mom. -杰 -没关系的妈妈 No, it's not fine. Today's Manny's birthday. 怎么没关系今天是曼尼的生日 Aw, jeez. I'm sorry, kid. 呀孩子真是抱歉 Don't worry. Reuben's family's taking me for a birthday lunch. 别担心 罗本一家要带我去吃生日午餐 You see? Even the Reubens remembered. 你看连罗本一家都记得 We'll be back at 6:00, 我们会在6点回来 and we're taking you to a special birthday dinner. Okay? 然后带你去吃特别生日晚餐好不好- We are? - Jay! -真要吗 -杰 I'm sorry, kid. 抱歉孩子 I wasn't sorry. It was a setup. 我并不抱歉那只是障眼法 We're throwing him a big surprise birthday party. 我们要给他办一个大型惊喜生日派对 And he totally fell for it, the little jerk. 他竟然完全信了那个小兔崽子 I mean, that's the whole point of a surprise party. 那正是惊喜派对的意义所在嘛 You take someone who you really love 你把自己真心爱的一个人 and you play 'em like a fool. 当傻子一样耍 That's not the whole point of all this. 那才不是我们这样做的全部意义 Manny has been feeling a little bit neglected, 曼尼感觉自己有点被忽略了 and I wanted to give him the most special day. 所以我想给他一个最特别的日子 This is the last birthday 我们三个人单独庆生 that it's only going to be the three of us. 也就这最后一次了 I can't wait to see the little dope's face. 我迫不及待想看到小宝贝了 ...And then that smug Carol Chu was all, 然后那个自以为是的卡萝·曲就开始咆哮


智慧树“看美剧-学口语”网络章节测试答案 (2017/12/7) 第一章 1. 表示接电话的短语是 pick up 2. QR code 指的是: 二维码 3. Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思: 有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫 4. 表示挂电话的短语是 hang up 5. on cloud nine 这个短语的意思是: 心情舒畅 弹幕题—— ①短语 slip my mind 的意思是: 忘了 ②表示接电话的短语是 pick up ③和 You would have a ball 表达相近意思的句子是: You will have a great time ④在句子I’m your rock 中,rock 的意思是: 坚实的支持 第二章 1. Espresso 是指: 意式浓缩咖啡 2. 下图是什么样的奶: 脱脂奶 3. 在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈酒,下面哪一种不是六大基酒( D ) A. Gin B. Rum

C. Whiskey D. Liqueur 4. 图中的运动对应下面的: Push-up 5. 图中的付款方式可以用下面哪个来表达: Credit Card 弹幕题—— ①有的咖啡在上面会有一层全脂奶打出来的泡沫,奶泡对应的英语单词是: Foam ②百加得朗姆酒瓶身的图案是哪一种动物: 蝙蝠 ③图中的运动对应下面的: Barbell ④图中表示的意思是: 打75折 ⑤图中的 DFS 指的是: 免税店 第三章 1. 图中的红烧肉可以用下面哪个来表达: Braised Pork in Brown Sauce 2. 这款甜点对应的英语是: Waffle 3. 3~4熟的牛排对应的英语是: Medium rare 4. 意大利面分为红酱面、青酱面、白酱面和黑酱面,其中白酱面指的是: 奶油面 5. 吃西餐时如图摆放刀叉,代表的意思是: 用餐完毕 弹幕题—— ①麻婆豆腐是哪一菜系的代表: 川菜 ②提拉米苏(Tiramisu)在意大利语的意思是: 带我走


英语学习的心得体会范文 英语是大家十分重视的一门学科。下面是X为大家整理的,供你参考! 篇1 在中学阶段打下一个好的英语基础是我们的共同心愿。怎样才能学好英语呢?我们老师常说:“要埋头拉车,还要抬头看路。”以下算是我在老师同学的帮助下摸出的一些路吧,写出来供大家参考。 1、心理素质影响学习效果古人说:“两军相逢勇者胜。”强调了良好的心理素质对效果产生的重大影响,与现代心理学的看法不谋而合。你会发现,大家都在同一间教室里上课,受同一位老师教诲,甚至智商也接近,学习效果却很悬殊。这个“落差”往往是心理素质的差异造成的。 怎样调整自己的心理状态呢? 首先,要对外语保持长时间稳定而积极的态度。这可以归结为“恒心”两个字。有了它,才能像蚕吃桑叶一样,一口又一口,坚持不懈地去啃,直到预定目标顺利攻克。其次,还需要一定的自律能力。该复习时不复习,遗忘规律就会无情地吞噬着你的一部分记忆成果;该补漏时不补漏,漏洞就会不断积累扩大。所以,需要有自律能力,约束自己按科学原则去运转。

2、看写读听背——多管齐下效率高 一般来说,大家学英语都有各自的一套办法:有的只爱大声读个不停,有的只爱闷头看个不休,有的不写就记不住,有的不听心里就没底。这些方法,虽然都有一定的作用,但记忆科学通过大量实验,无可辩驳地证明:眼口手舌脑的综合运用,才能更快更深地在大脑皮层上留下不易磨灭的印象。 学外语尤其需要多种感官的综合运用。否则,搞不好学成“残疾外语”——眼能看口不能说的“哑巴外语”,或一听就发慌两耳一抹黑的“聋子外语”。 3、“活”单词与“死”单词 经常听说某某发下宏愿:要一口气背下一本几千甚至几万词的字典,以为这样可以一劳永逸地解决单词量问题。不幸的是,这样做的人,大部分都失败了。背了若干遍的单词,仍很难在脑子里生根,不是很快忘掉,就是搅成一团乱麻。 因为他们背的都是脱离了句子和课文的“死”单词,大脑对这类东西格外难以留下印象。著名的心理学家艾宾浩斯曾拿自己做过对比试验,结果,记住13个有意义的音节,只需要9遍,而记住18个无意义的音节,却用掉了80遍。不仅如此,孤立地背“死”单词,还难以掌握它在句子中的灵活用法。因此,即使记住了一部分“死”词,它们也多属“残障人士”罢了。

摩登家庭 -第2季第1集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语

Honey, do you need me to move the car? No, it's nothing. I'm alright Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down Oh god! Phil... - You okay? - Yes. I am. I am okay. Honey, why do we keep this car? It's a classic! No, it just sits here. And the seatbelts don't work. The doors stick. It leaks fluids. We haven't put fluids in it in 10 years. Well, I'm gonna fix all that anyway. And then, uh, it's gonna be Haley's car. Oh, we're not giving this car to Haley. It's way too easy to fit a mattress in the back. Remember? Oh, no. We're selling it. What?! Unless you don't think you can. - Really? - Yeah. - Seriously? - You can't. You honestly think that's gonna work? You can't sell it. You know what?

摩登家庭 -第2季第21集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Okay, okay.Here she comes! Happy mother's day...oh! What are you wearing? You don't remember this shirt? You made it for me for mother's day in kindergarten. - It's adorable. - It's perverted. It looks like you were felt up - By that creepy guy around the coner. - Ew! Why him? 'cause he's got, like, freakishly tiny hands. Thank you! I cannot believe you kept that shirt. Of course I kept it. I'm your mother. I keep everything you make me. Please take that off. Oh, when I'm dead. Today is my special day, And I am gonna enjoy me some coffee. - You know that's a pencil holder, right? - Oh, I do now. Go first. - No, you can go first. - Manny, go first! No, Jay, you go first. Ah, somebody give me a present! Oh, Jay, a diamond necklace! Thank you! You deserve it. Go ahead, kid.


第一章测试题 1 【单选题】 (1分) 表示接电话的短语是__D__up A.pick B.get C.take D.Make 2 【单选题】 (1分) QR code指的是(A) A.二维码 B.质量保证 C.问题代码 D.档案密码 3 【单选题】 (1分) Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思(B) A.芳树无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼 B.有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成阴。 C.云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 D.碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。 4 【单选题】 (1分) 表示挂电话的短语是__A__up。 A.make B.pick C.hang

D.hold 5 【单选题】 (1分) on cloud nine这个短语的意思是__C___。 A.将要下雨 B.阴雨密布 C.心情舒畅 D.飞得很高 第二章测试题 1 【单选题】 (1分) Espresso是指(D) A.美式咖啡 B.曼巴咖啡 C.哥伦比亚咖啡 D.意式浓缩咖啡 2 【单选题】 (1分) 下图是什么样的奶(C) A.纯牛奶 B.酸奶 C.脱脂奶 D.全脂奶 3

在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈性酒下面哪一种不是六大基酒?(D) A.Rum B.Gin C.Whiskey D.Liqueur 4 【单选题】 (1分) 图中的运动对应下面的____B_。 A.sit-up B.push-up C.squat D.stretch 5 【单选题】 (1分) 图中的付款方式可以用下面哪个来表达__A___。 A.credit card B.WeChat transfer C.cash D.WeChat red envelop 第三章测试题 1

摩登家庭 -第4季第21集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

- I didn't say anything. - Stop talking. -我什么都没说 -别说话了 That's talking. 是你在说话 You think she's asleep yet? 你觉得她睡着了吗 I'm on the same side of the door as you are. 我和你一样都在门外啊 . -别说话了 -小卡 Lily lost her first tooth today. 莉莉今天掉了第一颗牙 And she's very excited about the visit from the tooth fairy. 她现在非常期待牙仙子的到访When I have my first loose tooth, 我第一次有牙齿松动时 my mom tied one end of the string to it, 我妈将绳子一端系在那颗牙上 , 另一端系在奶牛的尾巴上 fired off a 12-gauge shotgun, 用12号猎枪开了一枪 and the cow went running out of the room. 奶牛跑出了房间 That never happened. 那是不可能的 Tell that to the cow-shaped hole in my bedroom wall. 你去看看我卧室里的奶牛型墙洞再说Gotcha! 抓住了 what are you doing here? 你们在这儿干嘛 You're not the tooth fairy. 你们又不是牙仙子 N-no. But we just wanted to see if she'd come yet. 不我们就是想来看看她来了没 No. She sure is taking her sweet time. 没呢看来她真的一点都不着急 - Maybe you should just go back to sleep, sweetie. - Yeah. -也许你该继续睡觉亲爱的 -对'cause it could take a while. 因为可能还要再等一会儿 I've got nowhere to be. 我时间多的是 Mom, I can't be late today. 妈我今天不能迟到 Sanjay Patel and I are dissecting a pig. 桑杰·帕特尔和我要解剖一头猪 So sad what passes for a date in your life. 你这辈子所谓的约会真可悲啊 - Haley. - He keeps asking me to hand him all of the instruments. -海莉 - 他老是让我拿工具给他

摩登家庭 -第4季第9集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Haley,hurry up! You are gonna be late. Alex, what are you doing? I need to document Haley's first standard chain gang. It's not a chain gang. It's community service. And leave her a lone. She feels bad enough as it is. Okay, I'm torn. On one hand, I'm like, "Ugh, I have to pick up garbage all day." And on the other hand, I'm like, "Look at me in orange." Aw, that's cute. Send that to me. Haley had a little run-in with the law in college. She was arrested for assaulting a police officer. Accidentally. I fell on him. While evading arrest for underage drinking. That was on purpose. They were very lenient with her. She only has to do community service. Because I do not have any priors. Taking a little too much pride in that, sweetheart. Things can get pretty rough out there. I couldn't get my hands on any cigarettes. But I did make you a shiv out of an old knife. You don't make a shiv out of a knife. Yeah, you make a shiv out of a rusty spoon or a shard of glass. Or a human femur.
