摩登家庭 -第3季第19集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

摩登家庭 -第3季第19集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版
摩登家庭 -第3季第19集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Councilwoman Dunphy, how do you respond 邓菲女议员请问你如何回应

to allegations that you look super sexy in your new suit?


Uh, I haven't been elected yet. 我还没当选呢

Come on, kids! We gotta vote! 快点孩子们我们得去投票了

- Honey, come on. Please stop filming. - I'm just excited! -亲爱的拜托你别拍了 -


After today, you are going to be a councilwoman, 从今以后你就要当上女议员了and I am going to be a first husband. 而我则会成为第一丈夫

And if you don't stop filming, 你要是再不停拍

you're going to be my first husband. 你就将成为我的前一任丈夫了

All right, everybody, come on! 好了大伙儿都赶紧的

Do you know what you're doing, kids? 你们记住自己的职责了吗孩子们

You guys are manning the phone banks. 你们几个负责电话银行[电话联络选民拉票] Alex, you're in charge of that. 艾丽克斯你是他们的头儿

Wh-why is she in charge? And what's--what's a phone bank? 凭什么该她当头儿啊


That's why. 这就是原因

- Phil. - I got it. -菲尔 -我知道

I will be driving 50 of our finest senior citizens to the polls,


assuming, of course, that they remember that I'm coming for them. 当然前提是


- Where you at? - High-five. -"你这是在哪儿呀" -说得好

Old people occasionally forget things. 老年人就爱忘事

Okay. All right, everybody, let's go. Let's go. 好了各位我们出发吧出发吧Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Real quick! 等等等等等等马上就好

Sorry. Everybody get in there. Jump in there. 抱歉大家都围过来快点

I just want to say how proud of you we all are. 我要说的是我们为你倍感骄傲

You're an inspiration. 你就是鼓舞人心的榜样

Who would have thought that 20 years ago 谁能想到20年前

when you were still in the bloom of your youth-- 当你正值青春大好年华时

Okay, I'm gonna go start the car. 够了我要去开车了

Claire likes to win. 克莱尔喜欢争强好胜

When she was 8, a little girl scout friend of hers 她8岁时一个参加女童子军的朋友bragged she could sell the most cookies. 吹嘘自己能卖出最多的饼干

Damn if Claire didn't walk the neighborhood 结果克莱尔挨家挨户推销

till she got blisters on her feet and won by ten boxes. 走到脚板起泡比她多卖了10盒饼干Best part is 最精彩之处是

Claire wasn't even a girl scout. 克莱尔甚至都不是女童子军

The choice is Claire! 克莱尔您的用心之选

Vote Claire Dunphy for town council. 镇议员选举请投克莱尔·邓菲一票

Aw, I love it! 爱死这个了

- What do you think, huh? - I love it. -怎么样 -我太喜欢了

We got it on Craigslist. 我们从克莱格分类广告网站上买的

Came off a taco truck. 原本是小贩吆喝玉米饼的

- It did. - I love that you're doing this for me. -真的 -我很感激你们为我做的一切

- Thank you! - You're welcome. -多谢了 -没事

I know how important winning is to Claire. 我知道克莱尔把输赢看得有多重要

And I love to festoon things. 而我又喜欢装饰打扮

We're her dream team. 我们就是她的梦之队

So we cleared the whole day, dropped Lily off at school, 所以我们专门腾出今天


and voted first thing. 马上就去投票了

Although, uh, one of us had a bit of a dimpled chad situation. 尽管某人"基"情爆发难以自控

Can you tell me how this machine works again, Chad? 能请你再演示一次如何使用这机器吗基德

Oh, sure. No problem. 当然没问题

Just wanna look in here. Just-- 我就看一眼就看一眼

Thank you. Thank you. 谢了谢了

- Bye! Bye!- Thank you, guys! -再见再见 -有劳了各位

I can see Clairely now that Duane is gone. 我"克"以肯定杜恩输定了

Bye! Thank you! Oh, my gosh. 再见谢了我的妈呀

Okay, everybody, get in the car. Let's go. Let's go. 行了大伙儿快上车出发出发

Good luck today, Claire. 祝你好运克莱尔

Oh, Laurie, thank you. 劳莉谢谢你

Hey, by the way, we have some really good news. 随带一提我们家有天大的好消息

- What's that? - Becky got into the University of Oregon. -怎么了 -


Oh, congratulations! 恭喜了

Any news, Haley? 你有什么消息吗海莉

Uh, uh, no, not-- not yet, 暂暂时还还没有

but, you know, super psyched! 不过真为你感到开心呢

This whole waiting-to-hear thing has been a nightmare 等待录取的过程就如同一场噩梦since the very first letter. 从收到第一封回信开始就缠绕着我

I'm too nervous. I can't do it. 我太紧张了我不敢看

"Dear miss Dunphy, 亲爱的邓菲小姐

we regret to inform you..." 我们抱歉地通知你

What?! Don't leave me hanging! 然后呢别吊我胃口啊

After that, I decided to only tell my parents good news. 从那以后我决定只把好消息带回家I have one school left, 就只剩一所学校没回信了

and the only good news I've gotten 而我唯一收到的好消息

is that my annoying neighbor Becky 就是我那烦死人的邻居贝琦

is moving back east to Oregon. 要搬去俄勒冈了

- Manny, write this down. - I didn't bring a pen. -曼尼拿笔记下来 -我身上没带笔Election day is America at its finest. 选举日就是美国最辉煌的时刻

The people speak, and the government listens. 人民当家做主政府俯首听命

I don't know what they do in Colombia. 我不知道你们哥伦比亚是怎么运作的

No one does, and don't ask. 鬼才晓得别问了

I mean, we know that voting's a privilege, 虽说投票本身就是一项特权

but for my daughter to have her name on that ballot, 可当选票上出现我女儿的名字时

it just means so much more-- 意义就特别重大了

You know what? I think I'm gonna vote later. 算了我还是晚点再投票吧

What? Where are you going? 为什么你要去哪里啊

Ah, the line is too long. 队伍排太长了

It's only three people! And nobody has a gun! 就3个人而已而且又没人带枪

It's only three people! And nobody has a gun! [改编自同志口号]

We're here, we're Claire, 我们在这里我叫克莱尔

get used to it! 接受这个事实吧

You know, I'm not sure if that's tracking. 我不确定那口号能让人记得住

Here, let me try one. 来让我试一试

You don't have to be Clairevoyant to know who to vote for. 无需千里眼


Vote Dunphy for town council. 镇议员选举请投邓菲一票

Uh, uh, uh, Claire Dunphy. 是克莱尔·邓菲

Uh, C-Caire's her first name. 她名叫克莱尔

I'm sorry if that wasn't Claire. 抱歉我说得不太清"克"[楚]

Oh, my God. Look at that. There's a trash can right there, 我的天你看明明眼前就是垃圾桶and that guy just threw his paper on the sidewalk. 那男的还随手乱丢废纸

Hey! You in the yellow jacket. 喂穿黄夹克的那个

Pick it up and put it in the trash. 捡起来丢进垃圾桶里

- Oh, my God. He did it. - Yes, he did. -我的妈呀他还真照做了 -是的

Ooh, here. Let me try one.I'll try... 来让我试一下

Hey, dragon tattoo, no jaywalking! 喂龙纹身的女孩不要随意乱穿马路

oh, my gosh. 亲娘啊

This is an instrument of power. 小喇叭真有威力

How could they not sell tacos? 用来卖玉米饼怎么就不畅销呢

You know what we could do with this thing? 你知道我们可以怎样利用这玩意吗

Cam, we could really make a difference. 小卡我们绝对可以造福社会啊

We could be the voice of change. 我们可以化身为"改变之声"

Ooh, I got it! 我懂了

Let's go yell at the dry cleaner that lost my shirt. 立刻去那家弄丢我衬衫的干洗店吼吼看Come on, gang. 快过来伙伴

Today is the Dunphys at their best. 今天邓菲一家要全力出击

I'm from the "Weekly Saver." Mind if I ask you 我是《每周救星》报的记者介意我

- a couple questions about the big election? - Not at all. -问几个有关选举的问题吗 -随便问Fire away. 向我开炮吧

Who are you voting for today? 你今天会投谁一票呢

Claire Dunphy. 克莱尔·邓菲

Finally. I've been waiting for someone to say that name. 总算听到有人提这名字了

Why? 为什么

Uh... Because I am Claire Dunphy. 因为在下就是克莱尔·邓菲

Oh, sorry. They moved me over from ad sales. 抱歉我是从广告营销部调过来的

We take turns reporting. 我们轮流报道新闻

How do you feel about your chances today? 你对于今天的胜算有多大把握

Not as good as I did a few minutes ago. 比我几分钟之前预想的要差了很多

No, she feels great. 不她信心满满

Um, her spirits are high. The whole family's high. 志在必得全家人都志在必得

- There's your headline. - Phil, no. -拿去编头条新闻吧 -菲尔别

Uh, how about a photo of all of you? 来张全家福怎么样

- Yeah. Sure. Yes. - Mom, mom, mom. Tag. -当然没问题 -妈妈标签

- Tag's still on. - Oh, my Goodness. -衣服标签还在呢 -我的天

Thank you. 谢了

That would have been a really awkward picture. Okay. 不然拍照可就尴尬了好

No! 天啊

What is that? 那是什么啊

Is that a tooth? 是牙齿吗

- Ew! - Awesome! -好恶 -太强悍了

How old are you? No! 你都多大了

- Do it again! - How does that even happen? -再来一次 -怎么会这样啊

It's a-a fake tooth from an old ice-skating injury. 以前溜冰时摔的就装了颗假牙

- It just fell out. - Oh, my gosh. Why today?! -现在松脱了 -天呐干嘛非得是今天啊- What about the... - Let's not overreact. -怎么办啊 -别大惊小怪

- Let's--let me see it. - Okay. All right. -让我看看 -好吧好

Got it. Thanks. 拍好了谢谢

What happened back there? 你刚刚怎么了

Line was too long. I couldn't wait. 太多人排队我懒得等

I've seen you wait 45 minutes in line for sherbet! 你买冰沙还等过45分钟呢

Well, I happen to like sherbet, okay? 那是因为我喜欢吃冰沙行吗

That place I take you 我带你去的那地方

has the greatest sherbet on the west coast. 有全西海岸最好吃的冰沙

They got lime sherbet, they got coconut sherbet. 他们有柠檬冰沙椰子冰沙

Why are we talking about sherbet? 怎么聊到冰沙去了

He's clearly changing the subject. 他明显是在转移话题

Why aren't you in school? 你怎么没上学啊

He's doing it again. 他又转移话题了

Manny's right. You're being very ardilla. 曼尼说得对你就像只"阿迪亚"

- "Ardilla"? - Yeah, you know, the-- -"阿迪亚" -没错就是那种

The one that--that-- 就是那什么

- Rabbit? I was being rabbit-y? - No, another one -兔子吗我像兔子吗 -不不是

- With the cheeks and the tail and... - Chipmunk? -是大脸蛋大尾巴的 -花栗鼠吗

- Possum? -Okay, obviously she means squirrel. -负鼠吗 -她说的明显是松鼠

You were being squirrely then, 你之前"古怪如松鼠"

- You're being squirrely now. - Better than being a rat. -现在也是"古怪如松鼠" -总比像老鼠好Manny, give us a minute. 曼尼让我和他谈谈

Oh, sure. I served him up on a silver platter. 当然好我毫不费力就戳穿了他

What? 怎么了

All right, it's no big deal. 好吧没什么大不了的

There was a woman working there. 有个女人在那儿工作

I didn't want her to see me. 我不想让她见到我

- Who is she? - Her name is Dottie. -她是谁 -她叫多蒂

She's the first woman I dated after my divorce. 她是我离婚后的第一任女友

You dated a Dottie after Dede? 你跟迪迪离婚后勾搭上了多蒂

Y-you're focusing on the wrong thing here. 你搞错重点了

The--the point is it ended badly. 重点是我和她不是好聚好散的

I tried to let her down easy, but, uh, 我试图和平分手可是

she didn't take it too well. 她没能坦然接受

Actually, I don't know how she took it, 其实我也不知道她是怎么接受的

'cause I wasn't there. 因为我没看见

We dated a few weeks, then after we... You know, 我们谈了几周恋爱然后就你懂的

I slipped out of her house before she woke up 我趁她没醒从她家偷偷溜了

and never called her again. 再也没联系过她

Put my pants on in her yard, put the car in neutral, 我把裤子扔在她家院子把汽车挂的空挡let it roll down the driveway, lights off. 使之缓缓驶出车道车灯都没敢打开

Hey, I can't talk about this anymore. 哎呀可耻历史我说不下去了

So because of this woman, 所以就因为那个女人

you didn't vote for your daughter? 你没给你女儿投票

It's Claire! We need her to win! 那是克莱尔啊我们要让她赢

I don't want to be around when something that tight comes unraveled.


I'll figure out something. 我会想办法的

Maybe those poll workers take shifts. 也许工作人员是轮班的

Stop hiding in your little cave like a-- 别胆小地躲在自己的窝里

Like, you know. Like the-- the--the-- 像那啥一样那什么...

- I really don't wanna do this again. - No, the-- -别再让我猜了 -不是

No. No. The big one, like, uh, the monster furry one. 不不不那种大家伙浑身长毛的Ay, why can't I remember any animal names? 唉我怎么老是记不住动物名字

Climb aboard the Dunphy Express. 欢迎乘坐邓菲快车

Next stop--democracy. 下一站——民主

- Well--no, no... - Please don't go. -别别 -请留步

I won't do that anymore. I promise. 我保证不再开玩笑了

Oh. Uh, we need to make a quick stop. 对了我们半路停一下

I gotta pick up my new glasses. 我要取我的新眼镜

No can do. I, uh... 不行啊我...

I got a lot of people waitin', so... 还有很多人等着我呢

It'll just take two minutes. 就两分钟而已

I can't even see the ballot without my glasses. 没有眼镜我连选票都看不清

I mark the wrong box, 我要是投错了票

next thing you know I'll be married to a guy. 新一届议会就会叫我和男人结婚了

Yeah, I-- I don't think it's mandatory, Walt. 允许同性婚姻不代表强制同性结婚沃特

I'm a good dancer. They'll come for me. 我跳舞风度翩翩基佬们不会放过我的

Oh, yeah. 必须的

They will break all your buttons... 他们会把你的衣服扣子弄坏

and say you brought it in that way. 然后说你们送来时就是这样

Okay, go, go, go! 好快跑快跑

Turns out we had a lot of axes to grind. 世间不平事太多正好趁机泄私愤

And a hybrid, so there was virtually no stopping us. 而且装备齐全所以我俩就玩个不停了Do not see that movie! 别看那电影

You will neither laugh nor cry! 那电影会让你哭笑不得

"Best pizza in the city"? "全市最棒披萨"

Not even the best pizza on this street. 其实连"全街最棒"都算不上

They do not do the hair of the people on those pictures!


"Totally free checking"? "完全免费检查"

Don't bank on it! 别做梦了

Okay, that was really fun, 好了刚刚很好玩

But now we gotta go back to campaigning for Claire. 但我们得回去帮克莱尔拉票了

We've been saying that for two hours. 这话我们说了两小时了

Yes, but now I-I really mean it. 没错但现在我是说真的

- Oh, my god, there's Sandy! - Sandra Bullock? -天呐那是桑迪 -桑德拉·布洛克吗[名演员] Yeah, Sandra Bullock. 是啊桑德拉·布洛克

We're such good friends, I call her "Sandy," So... 我和她是好朋友所以我叫她桑迪

No, Sandy who works at Lily's preschool. 逗你的是莉莉幼儿园的桑迪啦

- Right there. - Oh, yeah. -她在那儿 -哦对

- You know, she got engaged. - No! -你知道吗她订婚了 -不是吧

- To the gay boyfriend? - Totally. -跟她那基佬男友吗 -是啊

Oh, how does she not see it? 不是吧她怎么没看出来啊

If I was with somebody that gorgeous, 要是我男朋友也那么帅

I'd overlook a few quirks, too. 我也不会在乎他的"口味"了

First of all, thank you. 首先谢谢夸奖

Second of all... 其次

point well taken. 说得太有道理了

I don't know. Poor Sandy. I feel so bad for her. 唉可怜的桑迪啊真替她伤心

- Well, it's better than being alone. - Is it? -还不如单身一人呢 -是吗

She's looking over here. 她看过来了

- Oh, my god. - Mitchell, you're sitting on the button. -我的天呐 -米奇尔你坐到按钮了What? No--no, I'm not. No, I'm not! 什么我没有没坐到

The--it's stuck! 它卡住了

And you're the one that had it last 最后一次是你用的

- when you were talking to the cheese shop! - Because you know what? -你用它向奶酪店喊话-因为啊

If you advertise truffle cheese, 如果你要推销松露奶酪

- there are certain expectations... - Hi, Sandy. -就要抓住顾客的期望 -你好啊桑迪

Yeah, I'm calling on behalf of Claire Dunphy. 我代表克莱尔·邓菲致电给您

- What a beautiful name. - She used to be a citizen. -多美的名字啊 -她曾是普通百姓

I'm calling on behalf of Claire Dunphy for town council.


All right. How about this? 好要不这样吧

if you vote for Claire Dunphy... 如果你投票给克莱尔·邓菲

You won't have to pay taxes for the rest of your life. 你这辈子都不用交税了

Vote for Claire! 投克莱尔一票

Luke! What are you doing? 卢克你这是干嘛

You can't say that! 你不能这么说

Oh, like she'd be the first politician 政客都是这样的

to make a promise she can't keep. 竞选承诺向来不用兑现

Well, maybe I don't want to talk to you, either. 是吗也许我也不想跟你说话

Maybe you are the one that is bothering me! 也许是你在烦我

How do you like that? Eh? 你觉得好受不

Gloria, I'm gonna have to ask you again 歌洛莉亚我得再次提醒你

to please stick to your script. 请照着稿子读

But everybody's saying no to me! 可是每个人都拒绝我

I don't get it. 我搞不懂

Usually when I ask someone to do something, 平时我叫别人干嘛

they just do it! 别人就干嘛

Maybe it's because these people can't see you. 也许是因为那些人通过电话无法看到你的美貌I don't like it. 我不喜欢

Can't you just hook me up to some sort of camera? 你不能给我弄个视频电话吗

Well, thank you, Maggie, for the vote. 谢谢你麦琪谢谢支持

Okay. Bye-bye. 好的再见

Here's your seat. 请坐在这儿

Thank you. Um, you'll have to excuse me. 谢谢请原谅

I'm a little nervous. I've never been on the radio before. 我有点儿紧张我从没上过电台

Don't worry about it. 别担心

- Just think of it as a conversation. - Okay. -就当是聊天好了 -好的

Here are your headphones. Volume control. 这是耳机音量控制

- Don't get too far from the mike. - Okay. -别离麦克风太远 -好的

Make sure your cell phone's off. 请确认手机关闭

Oh. Cell phone. Right. Um... 哦关掉手机对...

And you're not chewing gum, are you? 确认下你没在嚼口香糖对吧

No, I'm not. I just had some temporary 没我没在只是刚做了些临时性的

dental work done. 牙科类小手术

The last thing I need-- 最后我只需要...

And welcome back to "A matter of record." 欢迎回到《时事记录》

I'm Cecil Van Gundy. 我是希瑟·范·甘迪

Joining us now in studio is district 43 今天来到演播室的是来自43区的

town council candidate Claire Dunphy. 镇议会候选人克莱尔·邓菲

Thank you, Cecil. 谢谢希瑟

It's a pleasure to be here. 很高兴能参加这个节目

So... You're a first-time candidate. 那么...你本次是首次参选

Tell us what got you involved. 跟大家说说你是怎么有这个念头的

It all started with a, um... 一切都始于一个...

With a stop sign. 一个停车标志

I was concerned about safety in our neighbourhood 我忧心于我家周围的街道安全

and I was not getting any satisfaction from city hall. 并且我没有从市政厅得到满意的答复What's wrong with mom? 老妈是抽什么风了

Oh, this isn't good. 哦这下可不妙

She sounds drunk! 她听起来跟醉了一样

That's not her drunk voice. 你是没听过她喝醉后的声音

Tell us about some of the other issues facing our town. 再说说咱们镇上存在的其他问题吧Where do you stand on the city's 你对本市针对污水和可持续发展的

sewage and sustainability initiative, 倡议提案持什么样的观点

the so-called S.S.I.? 就是所谓的"污持案"

One cannot really talk about 如果我们要讨论

s-s-sewage and sustainability "淤"...淤水和可持续发展的问题

without first discussing... recycling. 就不得不先探讨...循环利用的问题

This city can do more... 政府方面可以做得更多...

- What the hell's wrong with her? - with the recycling program... -她是想闹哪样 -


She sounds drunk! 跟喝醉了一样

- ...currently... - It's a tooth thing. -当前... -都是牙给闹的

What's wrong? 怎么了

Oh, I'm almost out of air. Oh, boy. 氧气快吸完了天啊

Is that serious? 那很要紧吗

Is oxygen serious? 你觉得氧气要紧吗

You know what? I lost a ton of time getting your glasses. 说实话


I'm just gonna drop you at home. 我还是把你丢家里吧

You can get your air. I can drive other people. 你能好好吸氧我也好去接其他人

I don't have any more tanks at home. 我家里没有多余的氧气瓶了

Why? That seems like bad planning. 怎么会你要学会未雨绸缪啊

Well, I forgot to order them. 我忘记再多订点了

My pills make me forget things. 服的药总让我很健忘

Oh, shoot! I gotta take my pill! 哦靠我该吃药了

Please tell me you have it with you. 你别告诉我你药也忘带了

Of course I do, but I have to take 'em with food. 当然带着了但我必须和食物一起服下- Don't I? - Are you asking me? -是的吧? -你问我我问谁去

Uh, yes! I do take them with food! 对的我就是和食物一起服下的

Ooh. I don't feel so well. 哦我感觉不大好

Okay, I'll get you whatever you want! 好的你要什么我都给你弄来

I'll get you the air, I'll get you the food. 给你去搞氧气给你去搞食物

Then I'll vote for your drunk wife. 然后我去给你的醉媳妇儿投上一票

That is not her drunk voice! 那可不是她酒醉的声音

Thank you so much for voting. 非常感谢你参与投票

We appreciate it. 非常感激

Hi. I'm terribly sorry. Excuse me. Jay Pritchett. 嗨非常抱歉打扰下我是杰·普里契特Uh, can I get in-- in and out really quick? 能不能让我速战速决

Thank you. This is all I needed. 谢谢给张选票就成

Thank you very much. Thank you very much. 非常感谢非常感谢

All right. Claire, Claire, Claire. 好的克莱尔克莱尔克莱尔

Claire, Claire-- ahh, ahh. Here. 克莱尔克莱尔在这里

I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! 抱歉抱歉抱歉

Hello, Dottie! 好啊多蒂

Jay! It's so nice to see you! 杰见到你可真开心

- Is it? - Oh, why wouldn't it be? -是吗 -哦为什么不开心

That was a long time ago. Water under the bridge. 都是陈年旧事过眼云烟了

- We're good. - Oh, that's great. -没关系的 -哦那就好

Thank you so much for voting. 非常感谢你参加投票

You remember my daughter Claire. She's-- 还记得我女儿克莱尔吗她现在...

She's running for town council. 正在参选镇议会议员

- Oh, isn't that neat? - Yeah, I'm so proud. -哦真是不错啊 -我真为她骄傲

So you're gonna put it in there, huh? 你该把选票放进去吧

Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah. Definitely. 是啊当然当然要放进去

cause every vote counts, you know. 每一票都很重要是吧

Thank you so much for voting. 非常感谢你能参与投票

- You know... - Yeah. -我说... -是啊

Boy, I'd sure like to see the sweet sight 天啊我要亲眼看到我这宝贵的

of my vote... counting. 一票...计算在内

Why would I say I'd do something and not do it? 我为什么要许诺某事却不履行呢That would make me a liar... 我这不就成了个骗子了嘛

instead of a trusting widow 我只是个容易轻信别人的寡妇

Who fell asleep in the warm embrace 曾经睡倒在一个男人温暖的怀抱中

of a man who promised to make breakfast. 他可答应我要给我做早餐呢Okay, here it is. 很好该来的躲不掉

Look, I am so sorry. 听着我十分抱歉

You were the first woman I'd been with besides my ex--


35 years. 35年的婚姻

I panicked. 我慌了手脚

An-and it wasn't 'cause y-you weren't pretty naked 我倒不是说你脱光了就不漂亮or anything like that. 或者类似的什么原因

I'd have run from Angie Dickinson. 我要躲着安琪·迪金森啊

- Oh, lucky her. - Dottie-- -哦她可真幸运 -多蒂

- Good-bye, Jay! - Dottie, Dottie, please. -回见杰 -多蒂多蒂拜托

I'm just trying to get my ballot in the box. 我就是想把我的票塞进"洞"

oh, yeah, that sounds familiar. 果然还是老样子

Yeah, but you don't have to do anything. 恩都不用麻烦你做什么

Just let me put it in! 让我自己把它"插进去"

Uhh. Shouldn't have said that. 我这话听起来真别扭

We are so sorry. 我们实在太对不起了

We did not mean for you to hear any of that. 我们不是故意让你听到那些话的

Yes, and you know what? 对其实

We shouldn't have been gossiping in the first place. 我们一开始就不该八卦你的

But what if you're right? 万一你们是对的呢

What if Gregory is gay? 格雷戈里就是个同性恋怎么办

When my mom said it, I didn't believe her. 我妈跟我说过我没敢信她

She lives in Iowa. 毕竟她住在爱荷华[允许同性婚姻]

But coming from you two! 不过要是你们也这么认为

- Means nothing. - No. -完全证明不了什么 -对

We barely know your fiance. 我们对你的未婚夫一无所知

- If he says he's straight, he's straight. - Mm. Straight. -他说自己是直男他就是 -直男We're getting married in a month. 我们下个月就要结婚了

People are flying in. 人们都往这儿赶来了

He signed us up for dance classes. 他为我俩报了舞蹈课

Oh, my god! 哦天啊

No. No, no, no. Hey. 别不要这样嘿

- This is what gays do. - Yeah. -基佬就爱这样 -对

- We gossip. - We gossip a lot. -喜欢聊八卦 -大聊特聊

He gossips! 他也爱八卦

No. No. You're missing the point, okay? 不是的你没理解我的意思

We see a great-looking guy like Gregory, 每当我们看到像格雷戈里那样的美男子

and we say he's gay because we want him to be gay! 就会说他是基佬因为我们希望他是- Really? Really? Are you sure? - Yes. Yes. -是吗你们确定吗 -是这样的Absolutely. Look at what we do with movie stars. 就是这样见过我们怎么对待影星吗Okay. 对

You know? Hugh Jackman-- he sings, he dances, 知道吗休·杰克曼他又会唱又会跳He's dreamy! 真是梦中情人

So obviously we would want him on our team! 很明显我们特想他与我们站在"同"一战线- Yeah. - But he's straight. -对 -但他就是个直男

Trust me, I know. 相信我我很清楚的

I said hello to him once in a restaurant, 有一次我在餐厅里跟他打招呼

and there was absolutely no chemistry. 那一刻我嗅不到丝毫的基情

Well, if that isn't proof... 是啊说到这份儿上你要还不信...

Three weeks later, Sandy and Gregory got married, 三个星期后桑迪和格雷戈里结了婚and everyone said the wedding was beautiful. 每个人都说那婚礼美极了

Gregory did the flowers.... 那些花可都是格雷戈里布置的

Which is perfectly normal for a straight guy. 对于一个直男来说其实一点都"不奇怪" The Greeks do one thing right, and it's lamb! 希腊人就一件事做得靠谱就这羊肉

All right. Let's go vote. 好了咱赶紧去投票吧

Why the hell does your wife want to be a politician, anyway?


You heard her. She wanted to put up 她不刚说过她就想在布里斯托路和

a stop sign at Bristol and Greenleaf, 绿叶路那放块停车标志

But then she ran into-- 然后她遇到...

Wait, wait, wait! 等等慢着

That's near where I live! 我住的地方就离那不远

Yeah. We're neighbors. Let's go! 对啊我们是邻居呢走吧

No way I'm voting for that! 我才不会给这事投票呢

Too much government already. 政府已经管得太宽了

I didn't fight a war so some politician 我为国上战场可不是为了让政客来告诉我

could tell me where I have to stop my car. 我该在哪个地方停车

You don't even drive! 你根本就不开车

That's 'cause that Barack Obama took my license away.


I don't think he was involved in the decision! 我可不觉得那事跟他有关

I left the house today to get 50 votes for my wife. 我今天出门是要给我老婆拉到50票的

I'm not going home with zero. 我才不要一票都没有就回家

The least you can do is walk right in there 你至少能帮帮忙走进去

and punch a hole for the woman 替我家媳妇投上一票

who drags your garbage can up your driveway every Tuesday!


I don't like it! Goes against everything I believe in. 我不喜欢那跟我的全部信仰都背道而驰Really? A stop sign?! 是吗就一个停车标志

But I'll do it, 'cause you're a good kid. 不过我会去的因为你是个好孩子

And I had a nice day... 我今天原本过得也还不错

till you started yelling at me. 直到你冲我吼了起来

So sorry. Thank you. 十分抱歉谢谢你了

Here you go. 走吧

You know, my wife was an alcoholic, too. 告诉你我老婆以前也是个酒鬼

Okay. Let's just go vote. 好吧投个票而已

That's veteran political reporter 那是老兵政治记者

Walter Shapiro. 沃特·夏皮洛

Hi, everyone! 大家好啊

- Any news? - Not yet, not yet, -有什么新闻吗 -还没还没

But even if I lose, at least now I know 不过即使我输了至少我知道

I have a future in radio. 我在播音界还是有点前途的

I couldn't. People need to see me. 我就不行人得要看见我的脸才行

Before we get the results, I just want to thank you all 在拿到结果之前我想要感谢你们大家for everything you've done for me. 感谢你们为我做的所有事

Mitch and Cam, for campaigning for me all day 米奇和小卡谢谢你们一整天

in your little Claire-mobile. 开着你们的"克莱尔号"为我竞选

- It's the least we could do. - Yeah. -那是我们至少可以做到的 -对

Literally. 是真的"少"

We probably did more for Hugh Jackman's career 我们为休·杰克曼的电影做的宣传

than we did for Claire's. 可能都比为克莱尔做的多

And, Manny and Gloria, 还有曼尼和歌洛莉亚

thank you for making all those phone calls. 谢谢你们打了那么多电话

And, dad... 还有爸爸

for all your support. 谢谢你的支持

I don't think I convinced anyone to vote for Claire. 我觉得我没有说服一个人为克莱尔投票I don't think I even voted. 我自己好像都没投上票

And my husband... 还有我老公

who drove around 四处开车

I don't know how many senior citizens today to the polls. 送了不知道多少位老人去投票One. 一位

And my beautiful children, 还有我可爱的孩子们

whose faith has given me the confidence 是你们的信念让我有信心

to believe that I can do this. 相信我可以做到

I can--oh. 我可以

- Somebody else answer it. I lost. - Mom. Mom. -谁来接我输了 -妈妈妈妈

- I can feel it. I-- - Mom. -我可以感觉得到 -妈妈

You can do it. Mom. Answer the phone. 你可以的妈妈接电话吧

Hello? 你好

This is she. 我就是

Thanks so much for calling. 谢谢你打电话通知我

Bye-bye. 再见

I have some bad news. 有个坏消息

Because someone's gonna be busy now that she's a councilwoman?


No, no, I wasn't doing that fake thing. 不我没有在跟你们开玩笑

- I really lost. I lost. - Ay, no. -我真输了我输了 -不是吧

I'm so sorry. But you know what? 真遗憾不过你知道吗

We are still just so proud of you. 我们都还是非常为你骄傲

[哀悼克莱尔] [恭喜克莱尔]

Yeah! I-- I don't know about you, 我不知道你们怎么想的

But, um... I could use a glass of wine. 反正我要喝一杯酒

Ohh. Now you're gonna hear her drunk voice. 现在你们能听到她喝醉的嗓音了

Mom? 妈妈

You okay? 你还好吧

Yes. Fine. I'm good. 是的好着呢

I'm fine. I'm not fine. I wanted to win, 我很好我不好我是想赢的

And... and I'm so embarrassed. 然后我现在很尴尬

I mean, everybody out here worked so hard for me, 外边所有人都为我而努力

and they believed in me, 都信任我

and I let 'em down. 而我让他们失望了

Oh, honey. 亲爱的

Oh, sweetheart. 乖女儿

Well, don't cry. I'm gonna be fine, sweetie. 别哭啊我会没事的

Really, I am. 真的我会没事的

Just knowing you care so much makes me feel better. 知道你这么在乎我就已经好多了No, I got four rejection letters 不是我收到4封拒信

I never told you guys about. 一直没告诉你们

What? 什么

I got rejected from U.C.S.B., Oregon, Wisconsin... 加州圣巴巴拉分校俄勒冈威斯康辛


看美剧学口语的心得 我本科的专业英语,没事就学英语,毕业后我从事的工作是英语教学,英语学习也没间断。个人感觉英语口语学习从看美剧中得益颇多,因此给我的学生推荐看美剧练口语。 看美剧学口语的优点在于时间自由、地点自由,只要有电脑即可。并且兼有提高口语听力和放松的双重功能。我工作之余养成了每天睡前看美剧的习惯,既有娱乐效果又有学习效果。很多美剧看了不下5遍,来来回回看,对剧情了如指掌,对语言非常熟悉。绝对能够学到比较生活化的口语,比大学期间英语语言文学课堂中学习到的语言要实用的多。不至于出现自个儿说的英语别人听不懂,别人的英语自个儿也听不懂的情况。 我大爱的几部美剧推荐(都是老片,属于怀旧型滴人) 《Friends》。我觉得比较经典的看法是中文字幕一遍,不放字幕看一遍,英文字幕一遍,最后再不放字幕看。friends的优点是语言生活化而且形象。关键是其中的友谊还是相当感人的,吸引我不停地看下去。(顺便祝福依然单身但依然美丽可爱的JEN,如同刚刚走入现实生活的RACHEL那样幸运,即将和一个真正关心和爱她的男人牵手一生。) 《Desperate housewives》这个剧的内容就是生活优裕家庭中的事儿,所以相对的语言要文雅很多.带着不舍和留恋重温讲述亲情友情的剧情,每每总是让人很感动,感觉这部片子满满的都是爱。最喜欢率性的拥有让人羡慕的模特容貌与身材的加布以及神经大条的苏珊;布里在完美的表象下亦隐藏着不为人知的痛苦;勒奈特则是家中的女强人,在这样一群闺蜜身上,每天都发生着或搞笑或苦涩的生活事件,是你我人生中会碰到的。尽管有点香艳,又不乏轻佻,但又有点沉重和小暧昧,正符合这部剧集的风格:既荒诞又写实,最终混合成一声自嘲。《sex & city》这个也是个人偏好,估计男生不一定喜欢.但是这个剧的情节很经典啦, 如果是女生的话看这个应该会增添很多fashion和relationship方面的词汇量和表达方式,另外,虽然四个人貌似总是谈性不断,但毕竟本剧的主角是纽约中年白领女..所以表达方式要比friends 高阶一点,个人意见。 如果是练习听力的话,《lost》该剧绝对是不错的材料..因为不同的口音实在是太多了!据说有美国东部口音,印度口音,韩国口音,黑人口音,英音,据说还有苏格兰音..偶第一次感觉自己听力有提高就是不带字幕的看完了两季lost之后。 比较有些专业性的只看过《Apprentice》。本剧对于商务和职场英语的提高还是很有帮助的,里面有很多teamwork的词汇,包括和别人合作时如何讨论, 作为group leader时如何主持会议组织讨论等等。 关于字幕俺觉得没必要特意看字幕或者不看字幕.一开始肯定是要看中文字幕的,但是慢慢就可以放弃了.我当时是因为喜欢看的越来越多, 有些根本来不及或找不到字幕,所以也就硬着头皮看下去, 最初看不大懂,但是慢慢就会长进很多.如果能做到的话早点放弃中文字幕最好.但是如果找到英文字幕可以跟着英文字幕多看几遍.个人意见,不用字幕更容易练听力,看英文字幕则对口语更有好处.


看美剧学英语:跟《摩登家庭》学地道口语 同性婚姻合法化问题一直备受美国社会各界关注,此争论在美国已持续数十年。在支持者与反对者的争论中,美国官方在这一问题上的态度逐渐从反对转为认同。6月26日,美国成为世界上第21个在全国范围内允许同性伴侣结婚的国家。 看过《摩登家庭》的同学们一定对Cam和Mitch这对儿lovable couple印象深刻,今天让我们跟随着剧情,图文结合来看看为什么Cam和Mitch是最棒的情侣!有共鸣的话就点赞转发吧! 1.They have a cute"How we met"story.他们有个萌萌的初次相遇。

2.They"hate"each other,and they fight a lot over silly little things whch is soooo adorable.他们“讨厌”对方,经常因可笑的小事吵架。 3.They give full support to each other.他们全力支持彼此。

4.They are always super romantic.他们总是特别浪漫。 5.They know who they are and they dare to be themselves.他们清楚自己的特性并勇敢地做自己。

6.They are insanely hilarious,dramas just follow them everywhere.他们特别搞笑,生活如戏剧般狗血。 7.They are fantastic parents.他们是非常优秀的家长。

8.They love their families.And they get well along with each other's friends and families.他们热爱家人,与对方的朋友和家人相处融洽。


NO.1 Friends 1、central perk (1)、central park(中央公园)的戏称 (2)、本身就是一个单词,有“更加振奋”之意,与咖啡馆的主题不谋而合2、perk up 来劲儿了精神头上来了 Mr.Zhang,you perk up every time your girlfriend shows up. 张先生,每次你女朋友一来,你就来劲了 3、There's nothing (for sb.)to + do sth. 没什么可 (1)可以为自己辩解开脱 (2)可以安慰别人,给他们打气 4、some:不确定的某个 通常形式是:some + 单数的可数名词 Are you kidding?There must be some mistake. 开什么玩笑,肯定有什么地方搞错了吧 He must be in some kind of trouble. 他铁定是遇到什么麻烦事了 5、colleague = co-worker 同事 my co-worker in the legal department(我法务部的同事) 6、come on (1)通常用来加油鼓劲 Come on! Don't be so shy. (2)得了吧,少来了 Come on,we all know that?s not true. 少来这一套,谁不知道那是假的 7、go out with someone = have a date with someone与某人约会 8、gotta(美国俚语)=got to必须 9、something wrong 不对劲,有问题 There's something wrong with my damn computer. 我那该死的电脑出问题了 10、there’s gotta be肯定是有 There?s gotta be a reason. 肯定是有原因的 There…s gotta be a catch. 肯定有诈


美国硕士预科:如何边看美剧边学英语 一、不是所有的美剧都适合学英语 如果喜欢看《24小时》这样的动作片,那你基本会讲一口流利的“呯……轰……啊”之类的开枪爆炸声英语。如果你喜欢看《豪斯医生》这种专业性很强的片子,那你基本会讲一些如MRI,CT,Tumor之类的连自己都不明白的江湖郎中英语。如果看的是《越狱》,基本不用举手,别人就知道你是黑手党的了。不是所有剧集都适合模仿的,用来学习的是要有一定对话量、生活化的、平民化的片子。 二、开着字幕看是没有前途的 很多人喜欢开着字幕看,觉得会有参照更有帮助,其实这是在拖你的后腿。中文是母语,对我们的眼球来说有无比强大的吸引力,只要在那里,你一定会看,就像放个美女在眼前,男人一定会看。一般人永远会不自觉地通过中文字幕理解英语,而不是通过听懂-理解-记忆-重复,这样的过程学到英语。 三、看一遍是不够的 看一遍根本不能叫学英语,充其量只能叫娱乐。如果是抱着学习的目的,必须反复看,精听,理解句子词语的意思,为我所用才行。如果看一遍,基本你就被情节彻底打败了,或哭或笑,反复思考自己该拥有HEROES里的哪种超能力,担心下集可以下载前的日子该怎么过,哪还有心思管学英语这码事,哪怕讲的是柬埔寨语都无所谓。所以先看个几遍,基本达到对剧情已经免疫的程度,如看《老友记》看到已经笑不出来的时候,差不多可以洗干净耳朵仔细听了。 四、给大家推荐几部适合用来正常学英语的美剧 1.初级:Friends Friends也就是《老友记》,是经典中的经典,对于英语初级水平的朋友来说,是突破发音和对话交流最好的美剧。整个剧都是人物间谈话,而且都很简短,没有长句,词汇非常简单,基本是plain english的典范。我发觉自己的英文有明显的提升,就是在看这部剧多达十遍后。 2.中级:Desperate Housewives 这部剧讲述的是美国中产阶级的故事,所以用词和语言非常标准,相对于Friends有更多的长句和表达,非常适合中级水平的朋友学习。 3.高级:The West Wing

摩登家庭 -第5季第22集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Oh, New Yorker, you've done it again. 《纽约客》你又来了 Jay, check out this cartoon. 杰快来看这个漫画 Does it have a talking dog? 有会说话的狗吗 - No, it's a commentary on... - I'm out. -没是在评价... -我不看了 Here you go, 给你 one of my best efforts. 我最用心做的一个 Have at it. 吃吧 Mm, I can't eat that. 我不能吃 - Why not? - The pickle's touching it. -为什么不能吃 -碰到酸黄瓜了 There. 好了 The juice got on the bread and, ew, what's that stuff? 面包还是沾到汁了好恶那是什么Spices. 香料 They look like sea monkeys. 跟海猴子似的 Have you ever really examine a jar of pickles, Jay? 你真的认真观察过酸黄瓜吗杰 It's like a swamp there. I'll pass. 黏糊糊的一团我不吃了 What happened? 出什么事了 I made him a beautiful sandwich and he won't eat it. 我给他做了个美味的三明治他却不吃Yeah, 'cause it had pickles on it. 对啊因为上面有腌黄瓜 Joe is taking a nap. 乔在睡午觉 I'm gonna go to the dry cleaners. 我要去干洗店 Well, if you're passing a sushi restaurant -- 如果你路过寿司店 She's not. 她不会路过的 I've never heard of anyone not liking pickles. 我从没听过谁不爱酸黄瓜的 Aw, big day for you, then. 那今天就是历史性的一天啦 I'm just gonna make myself a grilled cheese. 我自己做个烤奶酪三明治好了 I think I saw some Gruye in there. 我应该是看到有格鲁耶尔奶酪了


适合英语口语学习的美剧 初级篇 Felicity-温馨的大学校园剧, 格调清新, 语速慢, 用词贴近生活, 是最合适初学者的美剧. Parenthood-温馨的家庭生活剧, 情节感人, 语速适中, 剧情和对 白都极其生活化, 真实地道. Desperate Housewives-大名鼎鼎的生活剧, 肥皂剧, 语速适中, 用词上被称为美国中产阶级口语的典范. 中级篇 Friends-经典的情景喜剧, 轻松活泼, 语速适中, Modern Family-情景喜剧新秀, 风趣而温馨, 语速适中, 的优势 是伪纪录片的形式让对白更加真实口语化. Raising Hope-描述工薪阶层生活的喜剧, 格调温暖, 语速适中, 的优势在于对白中上绝对少有很难的单词. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia-语速超快的情景喜剧, 情 节多荒诞和恶搞, 非常贴近美国年轻人说话风格 Brothers and Sisters-温馨感人的家庭剧, 生活剧, 语速适中, 对白精彩. 高级篇 Everwood-感人至极的家庭剧, 语速稍快, 用词极有品味, 难度颇大. Will and Grace-语速超快的情景喜剧, 对语言的把玩可谓极致, 难度很大.

我觉得美剧和其他学习资源相比有以下6点优势 1. 地道真实-美剧是native speaker写给native speaker看的对白. 而且和电影,音乐等相比, 美剧用词更生活化口语化, 不会那么文艺. 2. 丰富-题材丰富,难度档次丰富, 能够满足绝大多口语练习者的需要. 3. 有画面有连贯情节-比起那些每篇课文就是一段独立的对话, 没有情节没有画面的教学材料相比优势明显. 画面和情节让我们记忆更深刻 4. 有趣-练口语最难的是坚持, 要想坚持最有协助的就是学习有趣的, 自己感兴趣的材料. 5 有中英文字幕-有趣的英文视频很多, 但是没有中英文字幕不利于练习. 6 难度稳定-如果你用电影或演讲稿来练习, 你会发现一部电影跟另一部电影难度可能差别很大. 而你选定一部美剧的话, 它的难度是比较稳定的, 这个点非常重要. 以下是我推荐上边10部美剧的择剧标准 1. 语速&口音-口音太重的不利于学习. 语速太快对初学者太难, 但对听力不错的人则能逐渐适合更高语速. 一般的美剧语速为2500words/20min, 即125wpm, 即使像大爆炸这样很难的剧, 语速也在125wpm左右. 语速很快的美剧比如It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia能够达到175wpm. 2. 场景完整性-场景完整对记忆很有协助, 玄幻,惊悚以故事情节跌宕见长的drama不适合. 情景喜剧和描写日常生活的剧则比较符合.


看电影学英语心得体会 电影这种题材来讲,我觉得有它的优势和它的局限性,它的局限性在于,任何一部原版的电影,它都不是用来教学语言的,所以它的语言有很大的随意性,规范不规范,还有各种语音都掺杂其中,如果不加分析,一概拿来,势必会搅乱方向,而且就一部电影而言,它的场景,人物都有一定的限制。这方面一些经典的语言教材有它的优越性,它们涵盖了几乎全部的英语场景,但是覆盖面太广,造成它的语言比较简单和单一。 电影的优点就是他本身是要说故事,尤其是其中的人物矛盾冲突,所以它的语言丰富多彩,能真正反映人物的心里的语言,我觉得这一部分才是语言的精华。因为语言本身就是那来应用,交流的。所以我觉得电影和那些教材是相互补充的,还有一点好的是电影的题材非常丰富,我认为除了在一些反映现代的影片中学习实用的东东,还可以在一些名著改编的电影中欣赏语言,如(哈姆雷特) 这个学期,我选择了看电影学英语这个选修课程。在这其中我收获了许多,例如:句型和词汇方面,先将词汇我把他们分为两个大面,即书面中和口语中的,也可是fml和infml,而电影中多是口语上的,这其中有可分为场景专用词和口语的惯用词,在市面的书中场景词和惯用词通常和起来讲,我觉得那些场景的专用词靠记忆就可以攻破,而一些

惯用词需要灵活掌握的词,这些也是经常在对话中卡壳的词,电影中出现平率非常高的就是这些词,我在毕业生中找了一些,如ever,or something,happen,deal等,应该将它们的用法和搭配掌握熟练。关键在讲透。再说说句子,拿市面上一些教场景的教材来说,譬如一个场景,一个问候列了很多句子供你选,这方面有人是强调背大量的句子,我觉得要光是背实际上就是量的积累,其中应有质的突破,弄清句子的使用环境,然后比较它们,再自己造句,这方面去看看电影里各种人物对话,由于人物所处的背景和心情不同,句子和词选取就更生活化。确实在英语学习中的积累是必不可少的,而且大量更有好处,我认为同时重点突出,我认为能提高效率,节约时间,与其死背了百部电影,不如研究透一部电影的句词。 对了,在学习过程还要注意几点。 一、选择电影还是电视剧。 我个人比较偏好通过美剧来操练听力,通过电影来校验听力。原因很简单:电视剧里面的语音对白绝大多数来自常规演员,看过两集之后,就会对美剧里面常规角色的发音了然于胸,有利于更好地吸收和贮备语音语汇。而电影相对而言,每一部的更换都是新一轮的挑战,挑战导致的神经紧绷偶然会现一两次用于自我评测,会让人精神亢奋,如果成绩显著会让人有成就感。但是如果长时间持续,就会使得其反,

摩登家庭 -第2季第8集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Good afternoon. Thanks for coming. It's so nice to spend my birthday surrounded by so many smiling faces. I was almost too depressed to come today. I realized I let my childhood slip away. I realized I let my childhood slip away. Come on, everybody! We're gonna be late for Manny's birthday! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! I'm ready, mom. - You sure, honey? - Yep. Then take a quick peek at your feet. Oh! Come on, Luke! Are you gonna walk faster, or should I get Lily's stroller out of the car and push you? Would you relax? The restaurant's like five minutes away from here Ohh, free lotion. Stop Stopping to smell the roses. Manny's present. Ohh, you are such a Pritchett. What's that supposed to mean? Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! I'm looking for the keys! Of course you are. I like being on time. It's easy 'cause I'm organized.


1.If a guy is thirty and single, he has standards. If a woman is thirty and single, she has issues. 2.I mean all women in their thirties have issues, single or not. 3.This is like the opposite of funny. (这一点儿也不好笑) 4.Good things can happen in really massive way sometimes. 5.No one wants to be rejected. You gotta know you are not the only one who doesn?t feel wanted. (你要知道你不是唯一一个觉得没人要的) 6.The clothes make the man. (人靠衣装) 7.Some nightmares don?t end once we open our eyes. 8.It has to do with whatever?s going on between you and Blair. 9.Whatever he did, I think you can find a suitable punishment. 10.You are Blair Waldorf, Punishment is your middle name. 11.There?s no such thing as “too awful”between friends. We don?t judge. We can forgive everything. 12.Blair Waldorf headed for a comeback. (重出江湖) 13.I don?t have any dirt on her right now. (我现在没有她什么把柄。) 14.Are you really lecturing me about lying to a parent? (你是在教育我关于向家长 说谎的事吗?) 15.By some cruel twist of fate, I go to N.Y.U. (阴错阳差,我进了纽约大学。) 16.Jenny,save your breath. (省口气吧。) 17.Going behind my back to do sth… 18.N.Y.U is so beneath you. (NYU配不上你。) 19.They third person me. (他们无视我。) 20.Please stop acting like you and I have any kind of relationship. 21.I have a lot to make up for. 22.Going through all that without a father made me realize that I don?t need one. 23.Borrowing without asking is stealing. 24.I can?t believe that you are willing to destroy my relationship with my father because you?re too scared that yours won?t love you for who you really are. 25.Look at her ass. You can crack an egg on it. 26.No matter how far you run, you can never truly escape. 27.You reap what you sow. 28.People don?t kiss because they are upset. People kiss because they have feelings for each other. 29.I?m done crying. (我哭够了。) 30.I take my hat off to you. (我对你感到由衷敬佩。) 31.I?ll take your secret to my grave, but laughter is an uncontrollable bodily response. 32.Spying implies a lock of trust. 33.Things have a way of working out when you least expect it. 34.A man with nothing to live for is capable of anything. 35.The ability to have thoughts and not act on them is what separates man from beast. 36.I gotta limber up for all this bootlicking. (我要去准备拍马屁了。) 37.Everything I do or have ever done is for my children. 38.I can?t wait to see you bleeding on the rack.


智慧树2018《看美剧学口语》章节测试答案 对应章节第一章 1【单选题】(1分) 表示接电话的短语是____up。 A.get B.take C.pick D.make 正确答案: C 2【单选题】(1分) QR code指的是() A.质量保证 B.问题代码 C.二维码 D.档案密码 正确答案: C 3【单选题】(1分) Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思() A.碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。 B.有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成阴。 C.云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 D.芳树无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼

4【单选题】(1分) 表示挂电话的短语是____up。 A.hang B.hold C.pick D.make 正确答案: A 5【单选题】(1分) on cloud nine这个短语的意思是_____。 A.飞得很高 B.将要下雨 C.心情舒畅 D.阴雨密布 正确答案: C 对应章节第二章 1【单选题】(1分) Espresso是指() A.意式浓缩咖啡 B.美式咖啡 C.曼巴咖啡 D.哥伦比亚咖啡

2【单选题】(1分) 下图是什么样的奶() A.全脂奶 B.脱脂奶 C.酸奶 D.纯牛奶 正确答案: B 3【单选题】(1分) 在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈性酒下面哪一种不是六大基酒? A.Gin B.Rum C.Whiskey D.Liqueur 正确答案: D 4【单选题】(1分) 图中的运动对应下面的_____。 A.sit-up B.push-up C.squat D.stretch 正确答案: B

摩登家庭 -第4季第12集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

So we're going to Santa Barbara to pick up the bassinet. 我们要去圣巴巴拉拿摇篮车 Or we can save five hours 或者我们省下5个小时 and go around the corner to baby town. 直接去拐角处的婴儿市场 What are you doing all day? 你今天要干嘛 - Jay! - It's fine, mom. -杰 -没关系的妈妈 No, it's not fine. Today's Manny's birthday. 怎么没关系今天是曼尼的生日 Aw, jeez. I'm sorry, kid. 呀孩子真是抱歉 Don't worry. Reuben's family's taking me for a birthday lunch. 别担心 罗本一家要带我去吃生日午餐 You see? Even the Reubens remembered. 你看连罗本一家都记得 We'll be back at 6:00, 我们会在6点回来 and we're taking you to a special birthday dinner. Okay? 然后带你去吃特别生日晚餐好不好- We are? - Jay! -真要吗 -杰 I'm sorry, kid. 抱歉孩子 I wasn't sorry. It was a setup. 我并不抱歉那只是障眼法 We're throwing him a big surprise birthday party. 我们要给他办一个大型惊喜生日派对 And he totally fell for it, the little jerk. 他竟然完全信了那个小兔崽子 I mean, that's the whole point of a surprise party. 那正是惊喜派对的意义所在嘛 You take someone who you really love 你把自己真心爱的一个人 and you play 'em like a fool. 当傻子一样耍 That's not the whole point of all this. 那才不是我们这样做的全部意义 Manny has been feeling a little bit neglected, 曼尼感觉自己有点被忽略了 and I wanted to give him the most special day. 所以我想给他一个最特别的日子 This is the last birthday 我们三个人单独庆生 that it's only going to be the three of us. 也就这最后一次了 I can't wait to see the little dope's face. 我迫不及待想看到小宝贝了 ...And then that smug Carol Chu was all, 然后那个自以为是的卡萝·曲就开始咆哮


智慧树“看美剧-学口语”网络章节测试答案 (2017/12/7) 第一章 1. 表示接电话的短语是 pick up 2. QR code 指的是: 二维码 3. Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思: 有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫 4. 表示挂电话的短语是 hang up 5. on cloud nine 这个短语的意思是: 心情舒畅 弹幕题—— ①短语 slip my mind 的意思是: 忘了 ②表示接电话的短语是 pick up ③和 You would have a ball 表达相近意思的句子是: You will have a great time ④在句子I’m your rock 中,rock 的意思是: 坚实的支持 第二章 1. Espresso 是指: 意式浓缩咖啡 2. 下图是什么样的奶: 脱脂奶 3. 在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈酒,下面哪一种不是六大基酒( D ) A. Gin B. Rum

C. Whiskey D. Liqueur 4. 图中的运动对应下面的: Push-up 5. 图中的付款方式可以用下面哪个来表达: Credit Card 弹幕题—— ①有的咖啡在上面会有一层全脂奶打出来的泡沫,奶泡对应的英语单词是: Foam ②百加得朗姆酒瓶身的图案是哪一种动物: 蝙蝠 ③图中的运动对应下面的: Barbell ④图中表示的意思是: 打75折 ⑤图中的 DFS 指的是: 免税店 第三章 1. 图中的红烧肉可以用下面哪个来表达: Braised Pork in Brown Sauce 2. 这款甜点对应的英语是: Waffle 3. 3~4熟的牛排对应的英语是: Medium rare 4. 意大利面分为红酱面、青酱面、白酱面和黑酱面,其中白酱面指的是: 奶油面 5. 吃西餐时如图摆放刀叉,代表的意思是: 用餐完毕 弹幕题—— ①麻婆豆腐是哪一菜系的代表: 川菜 ②提拉米苏(Tiramisu)在意大利语的意思是: 带我走


英语学习的心得体会范文 英语是大家十分重视的一门学科。下面是X为大家整理的,供你参考! 篇1 在中学阶段打下一个好的英语基础是我们的共同心愿。怎样才能学好英语呢?我们老师常说:“要埋头拉车,还要抬头看路。”以下算是我在老师同学的帮助下摸出的一些路吧,写出来供大家参考。 1、心理素质影响学习效果古人说:“两军相逢勇者胜。”强调了良好的心理素质对效果产生的重大影响,与现代心理学的看法不谋而合。你会发现,大家都在同一间教室里上课,受同一位老师教诲,甚至智商也接近,学习效果却很悬殊。这个“落差”往往是心理素质的差异造成的。 怎样调整自己的心理状态呢? 首先,要对外语保持长时间稳定而积极的态度。这可以归结为“恒心”两个字。有了它,才能像蚕吃桑叶一样,一口又一口,坚持不懈地去啃,直到预定目标顺利攻克。其次,还需要一定的自律能力。该复习时不复习,遗忘规律就会无情地吞噬着你的一部分记忆成果;该补漏时不补漏,漏洞就会不断积累扩大。所以,需要有自律能力,约束自己按科学原则去运转。

2、看写读听背——多管齐下效率高 一般来说,大家学英语都有各自的一套办法:有的只爱大声读个不停,有的只爱闷头看个不休,有的不写就记不住,有的不听心里就没底。这些方法,虽然都有一定的作用,但记忆科学通过大量实验,无可辩驳地证明:眼口手舌脑的综合运用,才能更快更深地在大脑皮层上留下不易磨灭的印象。 学外语尤其需要多种感官的综合运用。否则,搞不好学成“残疾外语”——眼能看口不能说的“哑巴外语”,或一听就发慌两耳一抹黑的“聋子外语”。 3、“活”单词与“死”单词 经常听说某某发下宏愿:要一口气背下一本几千甚至几万词的字典,以为这样可以一劳永逸地解决单词量问题。不幸的是,这样做的人,大部分都失败了。背了若干遍的单词,仍很难在脑子里生根,不是很快忘掉,就是搅成一团乱麻。 因为他们背的都是脱离了句子和课文的“死”单词,大脑对这类东西格外难以留下印象。著名的心理学家艾宾浩斯曾拿自己做过对比试验,结果,记住13个有意义的音节,只需要9遍,而记住18个无意义的音节,却用掉了80遍。不仅如此,孤立地背“死”单词,还难以掌握它在句子中的灵活用法。因此,即使记住了一部分“死”词,它们也多属“残障人士”罢了。

摩登家庭 -第2季第1集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语

Honey, do you need me to move the car? No, it's nothing. I'm alright Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down Oh god! Phil... - You okay? - Yes. I am. I am okay. Honey, why do we keep this car? It's a classic! No, it just sits here. And the seatbelts don't work. The doors stick. It leaks fluids. We haven't put fluids in it in 10 years. Well, I'm gonna fix all that anyway. And then, uh, it's gonna be Haley's car. Oh, we're not giving this car to Haley. It's way too easy to fit a mattress in the back. Remember? Oh, no. We're selling it. What?! Unless you don't think you can. - Really? - Yeah. - Seriously? - You can't. You honestly think that's gonna work? You can't sell it. You know what?


强推:十部适合英语学习的美剧 学习英语的材料的问题是太多了而不是相反,more is less. 个人觉得美剧在作为学习的效用上超过了欧美电影,因为其持续的时间长,可以对一个范围主题内的英语内容进行长时间的反复学习,需要一直重复某些内容。有利于英语输出能力的培养,例如写作和口语。另外由于趣味性,和生活化的内容,学习的适应性也大于各大欧美媒体的有声新闻。 和美剧有相类似作用的是欧美的课程,当然如果你喜爱的话。因为两者的内容很大部分是不重叠的,课程的学习更有利于英文某个领域内内容的熟悉,而且也更加的学术化,可以互为补充。当然你能找到活的洋人除外,再写就跑题了。一家之言:开宗明义,个人认为最好的材料是老友记Friends 和绝望主妇Desperate Housewives,只是从英语学习的角度来说,个人其实并不是最喜爱这两部剧集,尤其是后者越来越乏味了。 可能有的人认为这两部比较容易,但是对于口语来说却不是这样。这两部戏的口音比较纯正,考试就到考试大发音清晰,而且语速适中,比较适合模仿,而且内容和词汇量都很适中,没有太大的难度,正是口语学习模仿的好材料。就是听力来说也可以应付一般的日常的听力了,对付较难或者不熟悉的内容也可以很快的适应。 对于以下十部美剧/电视剧的评价: Desperate housewives 时而压抑、时而诙谐、人物性格刻划得鲜明,只是觉得剧情不是那么贴近生活,不过里面的句子还有哲理性,几个主演的英语也是非常标准,是一部学习英语值得推崇的super soup。 丑女贝蒂(Ugly Betty) 也不错,里面能学到很多商务类的英语词汇,而且对个人的性格修为有所帮助,我很喜爱Daniel的处世风格。 Sex and the city 欲望都市是很有内涵的片子,不是一般肥皂剧比得了的。从女性的视角叙述女人的性与情感,中国男人看了估计会受不了。 Friends 老友记是一部很好的帮助我们学习英语口语及常用短语、日常用品的单词的连续剧,就我个人而言,我会在第一遍不看字幕过一遍,第二遍借助字幕理解第一遍不清楚的地方,第三便把印象深的短语句子写下来,反复读记,第四遍在过一遍。比如我就会想起:snow-in-a-can 雪花罐 working on commission 赚佣金look no further!不要再找了 take you forever to find .。。(要花费很长时间找到某件物品) 是一部很好的帮助我们学习英语来源:考试大口语及常用短语、日常用品的单词的连续剧,就我个人而言,我会在第一遍不看字幕过一遍,第二遍借助字幕理解第一遍不清楚的地方,第三便把印象深的短语句子写下来,反复读记,第四遍在过一遍。比如我就会想起:snow-in-a-can 雪花罐 working on commission 赚佣金look no further!不要再找了 take you forever to find .。。(要花费很长时间找到某件物品) Boston Legal 有趣的电视剧,可以熟悉法律方面的词汇内容,但是还是有好多涉及专业方面的词听不懂,发音清楚,有些人讲话略快。法庭辩论精彩。

摩登家庭 -第2季第21集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Okay, okay.Here she comes! Happy mother's day...oh! What are you wearing? You don't remember this shirt? You made it for me for mother's day in kindergarten. - It's adorable. - It's perverted. It looks like you were felt up - By that creepy guy around the coner. - Ew! Why him? 'cause he's got, like, freakishly tiny hands. Thank you! I cannot believe you kept that shirt. Of course I kept it. I'm your mother. I keep everything you make me. Please take that off. Oh, when I'm dead. Today is my special day, And I am gonna enjoy me some coffee. - You know that's a pencil holder, right? - Oh, I do now. Go first. - No, you can go first. - Manny, go first! No, Jay, you go first. Ah, somebody give me a present! Oh, Jay, a diamond necklace! Thank you! You deserve it. Go ahead, kid.


第一章测试题 1 【单选题】 (1分) 表示接电话的短语是__D__up A.pick B.get C.take D.Make 2 【单选题】 (1分) QR code指的是(A) A.二维码 B.质量保证 C.问题代码 D.档案密码 3 【单选题】 (1分) Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思(B) A.芳树无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼 B.有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成阴。 C.云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 D.碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。 4 【单选题】 (1分) 表示挂电话的短语是__A__up。 A.make B.pick C.hang

D.hold 5 【单选题】 (1分) on cloud nine这个短语的意思是__C___。 A.将要下雨 B.阴雨密布 C.心情舒畅 D.飞得很高 第二章测试题 1 【单选题】 (1分) Espresso是指(D) A.美式咖啡 B.曼巴咖啡 C.哥伦比亚咖啡 D.意式浓缩咖啡 2 【单选题】 (1分) 下图是什么样的奶(C) A.纯牛奶 B.酸奶 C.脱脂奶 D.全脂奶 3

在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈性酒下面哪一种不是六大基酒?(D) A.Rum B.Gin C.Whiskey D.Liqueur 4 【单选题】 (1分) 图中的运动对应下面的____B_。 A.sit-up B.push-up C.squat D.stretch 5 【单选题】 (1分) 图中的付款方式可以用下面哪个来表达__A___。 A.credit card B.WeChat transfer C.cash D.WeChat red envelop 第三章测试题 1


看完这10部美剧,英文提高3个level! 如果说有英语学习的全能方法,既能锻炼听力、学习口语,还能了解国外的国情知识,那么看美剧一定是最好的选择。 语言的学习本就是一个潜移默化的过程,很多孩子在学习过程中可能觉得枯燥就想放弃,美剧的趣味性正好可以弥补这一点。美剧剧情波折起伏,人物对话幽默,表演也十分到位,不管动画还是影视都十分吸引人,这世界还有什么比一边娱乐一边学习更开心的事?今天美小君就给各位家长整理了 10部最经典的美剧,下班回家给孩子最好的陪伴,换一种方式也可以。 1《欢乐合唱团》Glee 这是一部以音乐为主题的快节奏幽默喜剧,剧中人物积极向上,书写着不一样的青春热血。 McKinley高中合唱团曾有一个辉煌的过去,他们是这个领域中的佼佼者。岁月流逝,合唱团却绯闻不断,丑闻缠身,很多富有才华的年轻人都悄然离开了。生性乐观的Will接受了校长交办的这项艰巨任务:重塑McKingley合唱团的形象,创造另一次辉煌。中间虽麻烦不断,但是McKinley却从不轻言放弃,这一点值得所有孩子学习。2《摩登家庭》Modern Family

全职家庭主妇克莱尔和丈夫菲尔养育着两个青春期的女儿 和一个十岁大的儿子。克莱尔年过六旬的老父杰伊新娶了年轻美貌的妻子格洛里亚,加上格洛里亚和前夫所生的十岁儿子组成了一个新三口之家。克莱尔的弟弟米切尔和他的同性爱人卡梅隆则刚从越南领养了一名女婴,兴致勃勃地想要当一对好爸爸。 这三个家庭各有各的烦恼需要面对和解决,彼此之间的频繁往来也产生了一些不愉快。当难题不断摆在他们面前的时候,他们如何化解矛盾、维持家庭的和睦与欢乐气氛呢?3《破 产姐妹》Broke Girls 黑发泼辣的Max在纽约布鲁克林区一家低档餐馆打工,餐馆同事包括小个子亚裔老板Han Lee、爱讲荤段子的厨子Oleg 和高龄收银员Earl。餐馆新来的女招待Caroline,金发高挑,名媛范十足,与餐馆档次格格不入。Max对Caroline的身份产生了质疑,无意间得知Caroline曾是曼哈顿区真正的千金小姐,父亲破产后为生存沦落到店里打工。嘴利心软的Max 收留了无家可归的Caroline,虽然身份背景不同,同样身无分文的境地还是令两个女孩成为了好朋友。 Caroline虽然落难,却仍时刻惦记着运用自己的商业头脑干出一番事业。她偶然发现Max有制作纸杯蛋糕的才能,便鼓励Max与自己合伙开间蛋糕店。二人岁虽然面对不少困难,但为了实现创业理想,却从未放弃。4 《急诊室的故事》ER
