
Paragraphs for Pronunciation Practice

Version A

Hi. My name is Polani Pozzani (Use your own name!). It's the fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Many Americans celebrate this holiday with family dinners such as this one. Let's take a look and see where this tradition came from. In the year 1620, some Europeans came to North America and settled in what is now Massachusetts. They were called the Pilgrims. The Pilgrims didn't know how to grow crops in the New World, so the Native Americans helped them. They taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn and squash, or pumpkin, how to gather cranberries, and how to hunt wild turkeys. The Pilgrims and the Native Americans "gave thanks" by celebrating the good harvest together.

We still eat the same foods on Thanksgiving - roast turkey with stuffing, cranberry sauce, and for dessert, pumpkin pie. And there is no better place to find people getting ready for this holiday than at the grocery store. We talked with some people here about their plans for Thanksgiving. How do you usually celebrate Thanksgiving?

Version B

How do you gauge a country's well-being? The usual approach is to look at economic indicators like GDP or employment figures, or social ones like literacy levels or crime rates. But in Britain politicians are seeking a much more basic measure of the public's well-being: its happiness. From this month, as part of an annual survey,

200,000households in Britain will be asked some rather unusual questions. They are: How happy are you? How happy did you feel yesterday? How anxious did you feel yesterday? To what extent do you feel the things in your life are worthwhile?

The large sample size means that researchers are hoping to minimise the questionnaire's margin of error. Statisticians will try to correlate respondents'answers about happiness to other variables, such as their income or where they live. The Prime Minister David Cameron has signalled that he may allow his policies to be shaped by the responses to these questions. But Sheila Lawlor, from the think tank Politeia, thinks that politicians should fix the economy before probing the national mood, which is less measurable.






英语语音和语调练习 英语语音和语调是学习英语的重要部分,它们对于提高口语表达和 交流能力至关重要。在本文中,我们将介绍一些针对英语语音和语调 的练习方法,帮助你在这方面更进一步。 一、语音练习 1.发音准确性 要想准确地发音,首先需要学习和掌握英语音标。英语音标包括元 音音标和辅音音标两部分,它们代表了不同的发音。你可以通过使用 字典或在线词典来查找单词的音标,并模仿正确的发音。同时,要注 意特殊音标和音节重音的位置,这有助于你在口语交流中展示出准确 的语音。 2.口语节奏 英语有一定的节奏和韵律,这对于口语表达至关重要。通过练习倾 听和模仿英语母语者的口语,你可以逐渐掌握英语的节奏特点。同时,尝试使用不同的语调和强调方式,以使你的语言更具吸引力和自然。 你可以通过跟读英语新闻、听英语广播或是与英语母语者交流来提高 口语节奏。 3.口腔肌肉训练 要改善英语发音,你可以进行一些口腔肌肉训练。例如,练习舌头 的灵活性和喉咙的稳定性。这些练习可以包括舌头的上下运动、左右

运动以及发出不同的音频。此外,你还可以练习咀嚼两侧的舌尖,以帮助你控制舌头的运动。 二、语调练习 1.语调模仿 语调在英语交流中起到了很关键的作用。通过模仿英语母语者的语调,你可以更好地理解并掌握英语的语调变化。你可以尝试模仿对话中的语调、疑问句和陈述句的语调,以及不同情感表达的语调差异。通过与音频或视频材料结合,你可以更准确地模仿语调。 2.对话练习 与他人进行对话练习是提高语调的有效方法。找到一个语言伙伴或参加英语角等活动,以便能够与他人进行真实的对话。在对话中,尝试使用不同的语调来表达不同的意思和情感。逐渐地,你将能够更自然地运用正确的语调和语音。 3.录音回放 通过录音自己的声音,并回放听取,在听取时留意自己的语调和发音。你可以与母语者的录音相比较,找出差异和不足之处。然后,尝试进行改进,并不断练习,逐渐提高语调的准确性和流畅度。 总结: 通过英语语音和语调的练习,你可以提高自己的口语表达能力。记住,练习需要持续地进行,多听多说多模仿是提高英语语音和语调的


英语语音之语调篇 The basic meaning and use of the falling tone 降调的基本意义是肯定、完整、独立,所表达的意思是完整的、语法结构是独立的。 1.陈述句(straightforward statements)用降调,因为说话人对作所说的内容肯定无疑。 (1)They are working very hard. (2)I am very pleased with it. (3) Everything is all right. (4) I need a lot of help. (5) The roads are going to be crowed. (6) Thanks for everything. 2.特殊疑问句(special questions)一般用降调。 (1)What are you reading? (2)When does she usually get up? (3)What does that mean? (4)What’s the matter with you? (5)Who are you waiting for? (6)How do you manage it? (7)Where shall I meet you? 3.强命令(strong commands)用降调,因为听者没有选择的余地,必须服从。 (1)Turn right! (2)Hands up, no harm. (3)Don't waste so much time. (4)Stop talking! (5)Hurry up! (6)Hold this for me! (7)Do what I tell you! (8)Don’t make a noise! 4.选择问句(alternative questions)用降调。 (1)Would you care for a cup of tea or coffee? (2)Is Dr. Price an American or an Englishman? (3)Do you like this one or that one? (4)Will the meeting start at three or at four? (5)Shall I read it to you or will you read it yourself? (6)Are you going home or do you prefer staying here? (7)Shall I write him a letter or will you go and see him yourself? 5.从句前面的主句(main clause preceding the subordinate clause)用降调。 (1)I picked up the receiver and was overjoyed when I recognized the voice of Grant. (2)Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control. 6.非限制性定语从句的先行词(antecedent of nonrestrictive clause)用降调。 The woman handed an expensive mink coat to the assistant, who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible. 7.非限制性同位语前的先行词(antecedent of nonrestrictive apposition)用降调。 We have just seen Dr. Smith, our new president.


英语口语的语音语调 降调(一)陈述句的语调。 1. I understand.↘ 2. It’s difficult.↘ 3. Beijing is the capital of China.↘ 4. There is a book on the desk.↘ 5.They are going to have a picnic.↘ 6. The balloons are flying away.↘ 7.The birds are singing in the trees.↘ 8.Daming is having a birthday party.↘ 降调(二)特殊疑问句的语调。句首的疑问词一般重读。 1.What’s this?↘ 2. What are you doing? ↘ 3.Who is your mother? ↘ 4. Who are they?↘ 5.Where are you going? ↘ 6. Where do you live? ↘ 练习: 1.What do you want to eat? 2.How much is a hamburger? 3.When are we going to eat? 4. Who can help me? 5.Where is Simon’s mum? 6. How does Amy go to school? 7.When and where was Helen Keller born? 降调(三)感叹句的语调 1.感叹句表示强烈感叹时用降调。 例:What a beautiful car!↘What a nice↘day! Oh,dear!↘How nice↘is it? 2.感叹句表示惊奇时用升降调。 例:A: I bought this dress for 500 dollars. B: 500 dollars! ↗ 练习: 1. What a big house! 2. How cool! 3. How heavy the box is ! 4. How tall the man is ! 5. What a beautiful day today! 降调(七)祈使句的语调 1.表示命令,语气强硬的祈使句,句末用降调。 Don’t open the door↘! 不许开门! Don’t make any mistakes↘! 别出差错! 练习: Don’t take any chances! ↘不要心存侥幸! Stand↘up! 站起来! Take off your coat↘! 脱下衣服! Close the window↘! 关上窗户! 例: 1. Is this your book? ↗ 2.Are you from America?↗


英语听力训练语音语调音节重要性把握好节奏听懂英语 你知道英语的语音语调的重要性吗?英语是一门强调重音和语调的语言,把握好句子的重音,会让你的听力水平提升一个台阶哦。 Say this sentence aloud and count how many seconds it takes. 大声的朗读这个句子,看看你花了多长时间: The beautiful Mountain appeared transfixed in the distance. Time required? Probably about 5 seconds. Now, try speaking this sentence aloud. 多久?5秒钟?现在试着大声朗读这个句子: He can come on Sundays as long as he doesn't have to do any homework in the evening. Time required? Probably about 5 seconds. 多少时间?大约5秒钟. 可是第一个句子比第二个句子短哦。 This simple exercise makes a very important point about how we speak and use English. Namely, English is considered a stressed language while many other languages are considered syllabic. What does that mean? It means that, in English, we give stress to certain words while other words are quickly spoken (some students say eaten!). In other languages, such as French or Italian, each syllable receives equal importance (there is stress, but each syllable has its own length). 这个简单的例子说明了我们是怎样说和使用英语的。在英语中,一些词读的很快,一些词会重读。在法语和意大利语中,每一个音节都同样重要,没有轻重之分,但是每个音节长度不同。 Many speakers of syllabic languages don't understand why we quickly speak, or swallow, a number of words in a sentence. In syllabic languages each syllable has equal importance, and therefore equal time is needed. English however, spends more time on specific stressed words while quickly gliding over the other, less important, words. 讲这些语言的人就不明白一个句子中的一些词为什么需要快读,或者慢下来。对这类语言来说,每个音节都同样重要,所以需要同样的时间。但是,英语在一些特别的需要重读的词上花的时间多些,一些不重要的词就快速略过。 Let's look at a simple example: the modal verb "can". When we use the positive form of "can" we quickly glide over the can and it is hardly pronounced. On the other hand, when we use the negative form "can't" we tend to stress the fact that it is the negative form by also stressing "can't".


美式英语口语练习:吞音及语音语调练习Reductions 省略法,吞音练习: Going to try (gunna try) I’m gunna try to finish this book. Want to eat (wanna eat) Do you wanna eat at seven o’clock? Have to start(hafta start) I hafta start a diet tomorrow. Has to try (hasta try) He hasta try harder. Got to leave (gotta leave) I gotta leave in fifteen minutes. Ought to believe (oughta believe) She oughta believe what he is saying. Out of bed (outa bed) I got outa bed when I heard the alarm clock. Did you go (Didja go) Didja go to the store? Would he help (Woody help) Woody help me move the furniture?

Won’t you play (Woncha play) Woncha play one more song on the piano? Didn’t you know (Didincha know) Didincha know that she was coming home tomorrow? Is he (Izzy) Izzy the one that called? What do you want (Whadaya_want) Give it to me (GividaMe) Gividame right away. ----------------------------------------------------- Intonation Practice 语音语调练习: Have you ever tried one of Diane’s Donuts? They are so delicious. I have eaten many different kinds of donuts, from all over the country; however, I have never tasted anything, quite like Donuts made by Diane. I have been told that she uses the finest and freshest ingredients that money can buy. The best flour, the best eggs and the best milk. I am sure, that once you taste these incredible donuts, you will run and tell all of your friends. Syllable Stress 单词的音节: Generally, two-syllable words have stress on the first syllable. Two-Syllable Words stress 1st syllable


青少英语:巧练语音语调英语绕口令 汉语中的绕口令是将声、韵、调极易混淆的字交叉重叠,编成句子,说快了容易发生错误。美国人也说绕口令。由于英语中只有重音,不像汉语那么复杂,因此,英语中的绕口令远不如汉语中的那么多,其繁复的程度也不如汉语中那么有趣。总之,显得“薄”了一点,当然还是可以有助于练习英语语音。绕口令是多少代人创作、提炼、升华而成的,可以说是群众集体智慧的结晶。因此,美国人所说的绕口令,也不乏有看了或读来令人忍俊不禁的佳句。让我们来看下面的例句: 1. Sixty-six sick chicks 2. The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick. 例句1可以说是美国人说的最简单的绕口令了,比较容易理解;例句2还被列入《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》。这里还要说明的是,把美国人说的绕口令译成汉语,同时又能让中国人听了捧腹大笑,这几乎是不可能的。就拿被《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》收入的例句2来说,翻译成中文只能是:第六位生病的酋长的第六只羊病了。把这句话说给不懂英语的人听,是不会觉得有趣,不会发笑的。但对于懂英语的人来说,学说英语绕口令,无论从练习口齿的伶俐性还是了解英语语言的特点来说,都是一个极好的素材。 下面再提几个常见的绕口令,相信在你耐心地读,细心地品味后,最终会发出会心的笑声,感叹美国人的睿智的。 3. She sells seashells by the seashore. 4. Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with barest wrists and stoutest boasts, he thrust his fist against the posts, and insists he sees the ghosts. 5. Betty Botter bought a bit of butter,"But,"she said,"this butter is bitter,if I put it in my batter,it will make my batter bitter, but a bit of better butter will make my


英语听说训练语音知识一语调(学生版) 语调(一〕 运用时间:2021.09.11 语调〔intonation〕,即说话的声调,就是一句话里声调上下抑扬轻重的配制和变化。英语的基本语调包括升调〔↗〕和降调〔↘〕,它们还可以组分解降升调、升降谐和升降升调。用不同的语调读句子就会有不同的意思。 一、降调 一〕陈说句 陈说句是陈说一件事或许说话者表示自己的看法,它分为一定句和否认句,普通状况下,都运用降调。例如: 1.Beijing is the capital of China.↘ 2.There is a book on the desk.↘ 3.She didn’t come to the party.↘ 但是陈说句在某些特殊状况也可以用升调,这时,往往表示说话者对所说事情的疑心,这种陈说句也被称为是陈说疑问句。例如: She lent him her car.↘她把车借给了他。〔用以陈说理想〕 She lent him her car?↗她把车借给了他?〔表示惊讶、疑心,含有〝Did she really lend her car to him?她真的把车借给了他?之意〞〕 二)特殊疑问句 特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词扫尾,对句中某一成分提问的句子,常用的疑问词有:what、who、whose、which、when、where、how、why等。句首的疑问词普通重读。例如: 1.What do you want to eat? ↘ 2.How much is a hamburger?↘ 3.How does Amy go to school?↘ 但是,有一种特殊状况,当一方提出一个效果,而另一方用问句作为回答,这时,这个问句不表示疑问,也就是说这个问句其实不需求回答的,实践上相当于陈说句,但另有含义。例如: A:Are you going to watch TV again? 你还要再看电视?



1.For English phonemes, how many consonants are there And how many vowels What are pure vowels Speech sounds are generally divided into vowels and consonants.There are twenty-one letters of consonants and twenty-four consonant phonemes.Meanwhile,There are five letters of vowels and twenty vowels phonemes A monophthong is a pure vowel sound, one whose articulation at both beginning and end is relatively fixed, and which does not glide up or down towards a new position of articulation. 2.How can people articulate sounds like //, //, /t/, /d/ Is there any difference among them What about /k/, /g/, and // Both / / and / / are fricatives.Fricatives are consonants produced by forcing air through a narrow channel made by placing two articulators close together.So they are sounds very short.But / T/ and / D/ belong to affricates.It means it is produced by first stopping the airflow entirely, then allowing air flow through a constricted channel at the place of articulation, causing turbulence. /n/’s manner of articulation is occlusive, which means it is produced by obstructing airflow in the vocal tract. Because the


Paragraphs for Pronunciation Practice Version A Hi. My name is Polani Pozzani (Use your own name!). It's the fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Many Americans celebrate this holiday with family dinners such as this one. Let's take a look and see where this tradition came from. In the year 1620, some Europeans came to North America and settled in what is now Massachusetts. They were called the Pilgrims. The Pilgrims didn't know how to grow crops in the New World, so the Native Americans helped them. They taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn and squash, or pumpkin, how to gather cranberries, and how to hunt wild turkeys. The Pilgrims and the Native Americans "gave thanks" by celebrating the good harvest together. We still eat the same foods on Thanksgiving - roast turkey with stuffing, cranberry sauce, and for dessert, pumpkin pie. And there is no better place to find people getting ready for this holiday than at the grocery store. We talked with some people here about their plans for Thanksgiving. How do you usually celebrate Thanksgiving? Version B How do you gauge a country's well-being? The usual approach is to look at economic indicators like GDP or employment figures, or social ones like literacy levels or crime rates. But in Britain politicians are seeking a much more basic measure of the public's well-being: its happiness. From this month, as part of an annual survey, 200,000households in Britain will be asked some rather unusual questions. They are: How happy are you? How happy did you feel yesterday? How anxious did you feel yesterday? To what extent do you feel the things in your life are worthwhile? The large sample size means that researchers are hoping to minimise the questionnaire's margin of error. Statisticians will try to correlate respondents'answers about happiness to other variables, such as their income or where they live. The Prime Minister David Cameron has signalled that he may allow his policies to be shaped by the responses to these questions. But Sheila Lawlor, from the think tank Politeia, thinks that politicians should fix the economy before probing the national mood, which is less measurable.


English diphthongs 1.I’m afraid you’ve made the same mistake. 2.He saved his mate by pulling him to the safe place. 3.You might buy a bike for your wife. 4.Mr.White tried and tried but he couldn’t climb higher. 5.He has found a mouse in the corner of the house. 6.No doubt he heard the loud shouts of the crowd. 7.Follow the lower road and go slowly home. 8.The clothes are old. There is a hole in the coat and both shoulders are broken open. 9.The spoiled boy destroyed the toys. 10.He has a noisy voice and spoils our enjoyment. 11.The boy was scared because there were a pair of bears over there. 12.Mary’s the girl with the fair hair. 13.Where will you have the chairs repaired? A tongue twister Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper Where is the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked? Reading material for practice Speak Out! Expressing opinions is one example of culture difference between east and west. Westerners express their opinions freel y. They feel it is natural for people to have different ideas, and don’t mind hearing views that differ from their own. You may express frankly what you think or feel. Of course, you shouldn’t be rude in your manner or speech. Statements such as “You’re wrong,” “You’re mistaken,” “You don’t know,” etc. aren’t exactly bad, but it is preferable to soften the tone. You might say, “I don’t think you’re right,” “I’m afraid you’re mistaken,” or “You don’t seem to understand.” Table Manners There are many differences in table manners in different cultures. It is really worth your time to learn about how to behave while eating in other countries. Knowledge of table manners will show your international qualifications. Don’t make noises with your mouth. Close your mo uth when eating. People make mouth noises because they eat without closing their mouths. When you drink your soup, don’t sip it, but swallow it all in one mouthful. Don’t talk with your mouth full. If someone talks to you, wait until your mouth is empty be fore answering. Beijing Makes Final Presentation Ladies and gentlemen, many people in the world have a dream, that one day they could come to China and visit Beijing. My countrymen have a very strong desire to stage an excellent Olympic Games in Beijing which is a great contribution to the Olympic movement and its history. I therefore hope from the bottom of my heart, that you distinguished IOC members, will help them realize their long-cherished aspirations. The Chinese sage Confucius says, “Isn’t it a delight after all to have friends come from afar?” Indeed, it is our delight to welcome all guests with open arms in Beijing in the year 2008. I’m sure you will have a great games in Beijing! Thank you!


五年级英语语音语调练习题 Five years old is a critical stage for children to learn English pronunciation. It is vital for them to develop correct English phonics and intonation at this early age. In this article, we will provide a set of exercises to help fifth-grade students practice English phonics and intonation. These exercises aim to improve their pronunciation, word stress, and intonation patterns. Exercise 1: Phonics Practice In this exercise, we will focus on practicing English phonics. Read the following words aloud, paying attention to the correct pronunciation of each sound. 1. Cat 2. Dog 3. Fish 4. Ship 5. Ball 6. Book 7. Tree 8. Chair 9. Car 10. Sun

Exercise 2: Word Stress Practice Word stress refers to the emphasis placed on a particular syllable within a word. Correct word stress is crucial for clear communication. Read the following words aloud and emphasize the stressed syllables. 1. Interesting 2. Elephant 3. Beautiful 4. Chocolate 5. Different 6. Basketball 7. Computer 8. Remember 9. Yesterday 10. Hospital Exercise 3: Intonation Practice Intonation refers to the rise and fall of the voice when speaking. It adds meaning and emotion to our speech. Practice the intonation patterns of the following sentences by reading them aloud. 1. Do you like ice cream? (Rising intonation for a yes/no question) 2. I saw a movie yesterday. (Falling intonation for a statement)


英语语音与语调训练 引言: 在英语学习中,语音与语调是非常重要的一部分,它们直接影响着我们的口语 表达能力和交流效果。因此,对于学习者来说,进行英语语音与语调训练是非常必要的。本教案将介绍一些有效的方法和技巧,帮助学习者提高英语语音与语调水平。 一、语音训练 1. 声母与韵母的发音练习 - 声母的正确发音:通过对比中文和英文的声母发音差异,学习者可以更好 地掌握英语声母的发音规律。 - 韵母的正确发音:学习者可以通过模仿母语人士的发音,重复练习各种韵 母的发音,逐渐提高自己的发音准确度。 2. 音标的学习与应用 - 学习音标表:学习者需要掌握国际音标表,并能够准确地辨认和发音各种 音标。 - 音标的应用:学习者可以通过听力练习、朗读练习等方式,将音标与实际 的词汇和句子联系起来,提高对音标的掌握和运用能力。 3. 语音连读与浊化 - 连读的规律:学习者需要了解英语中的连读规律,例如,辅音与元音的连读、元音与元音的连读等。 - 浊化的运用:学习者可以通过大量的听力练习,掌握浊化的运用场景和规律,提高自己的听力理解和口语表达能力。

二、语调训练 1. 基本语调模式的学习 - 陈述句的语调模式:学习者需要了解陈述句的基本语调模式,例如,降调、升调、降升调等。 - 疑问句的语调模式:学习者需要了解疑问句的基本语调模式,例如,升调、降升调等。 2. 语调的应用与表达 - 情感表达的语调:学习者可以通过模仿母语人士的语调,学习如何通过语 调来表达不同的情感,例如,高兴、生气、惊讶等。 - 句子重读的语调:学习者需要掌握句子中的重读规律,通过语调的变化来 突出句子中的重点信息。 3. 录音与听力训练 - 录音练习:学习者可以通过录制自己的声音,反复听取并与母语人士的发 音进行对比,找出自己的发音问题,并加以改进。 - 听力训练:学习者可以通过大量的听力材料,如英语电影、英语歌曲等, 提高自己对英语语音与语调的听辨能力。 总结: 通过本教案的学习,学习者可以系统地掌握英语语音与语调的训练方法和技巧,提高自己的口语表达能力和交流效果。同时,学习者还需要坚持不懈地进行练习,通过不断的反思和改进,逐步提升自己的英语语音与语调水平。


英语口语的语音语调训练 随着全球化的发展,英语已经成为了国际交流的重要工具。要想在与国际友人 或商业合作伙伴的对话中能够更流利地表达自己的意思,良好的口语能力是必不可少的。其中,语音和语调的训练对于提升英语口语能力至关重要。本文将介绍如何进行英语口语的语音语调训练。 首先,正确发音是英语口语训练的基础。准确地发音可以使你的表达更加清晰,避免产生歧义。要想正确发音,首先需要了解英语中的音标。音标能够帮助我们准确地表示每个音素的发音方式。通过学习音标,可以逐渐培养对于英语单词的正确发音的敏感度。 其次,要注重语音的语调。语调指的是说话时声音的高低起伏。不同的语调会 传递出不同的情感和意思,因此掌握正确的语调对于交流至关重要。英语中的语调较为平稳,重音一般较弱。学习英语的语音语调时,应注意把握重音的位置和音调的变化。可以通过模仿英语原生说话者的语音语调来提升自己的口语表达能力。 此外,要进行大量的听力训练。英语口语的语音语调训练需要与大量的听力训 练相结合。通过倾听英语原生说话者的对话,我们可以模仿他们的语音语调,进一步培养自己的口语表达能力。可以选择听英语新闻、英语电影、英语歌曲等来进行听力训练。在听的同时,也要注意理解对话中的语音语调的变化,以及词汇的连读和重音的位置等。 另外,不断的实践和练习也是提升口语语音语调的重要方法。与其他学习者进 行口语练习,互相纠正发音错误是很有益的。可以加入英语角或者找一个语伴进行口语练习。通过不断的练习,我们能够更加自信地运用语音语调,提高自己的表达能力。 最后,要不断地培养自己的听觉敏感度。通过训练听觉,我们能够更好地掌握 英语的语音语调。可以尝试一些听觉训练的活动,如辨认不同的语音、模仿英语原


英语语音语调 I英语语音要点: 1.依照音标发好每个词的音〔单词重音〕: 2.不可以把不完满爆破发成完满爆破: 〔1〕blac(k)board goo(d) time si(t ) down a(c)tor publi〔c〕 duty (2 ) absent eighth picture a big change help them? 3.注意词的弱读式: a an and are as because can for from have has had of or that than to was 4.注意词与词间的连读: 〔 1〕 an American writer China is in Asia. 〔 2〕 far away There are about eight American novels. 〔 3〕 my only daughter her English teacher 5. 注意语句重音: 〔 1〕 n.v.adj.adv.num..demo.pron.inter. 〔 2〕 art.Prep.conj.link-v.aux.v.pron. 6.注意语调: (1〕降调—陈述句、祈使句、感想句、特别问句〔必定、完满的意义〕 〔 2〕升调—一般疑问句、呼语、问候语、辞别语、对不起语〔不完满、宛转等〕 (3〕降升调—警告、反驳、宽慰、激励、祝愿等 II 英语语句重音: ㈠重读的词: 1.名词:An elephant is an animal. 2.形容词:Her skirt is blue and white. 3. 数词:John is nine.My second brother is a doctor. 4.实义动词: She sings well. 5.副词:He speaks English slowly and carefully. 6.某些代词: 〔 1〕指示代词:this that these those (2〕反身代词: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves (3〕不定代词: some, every, all, both, none, other, many, few, etc. Everybody was late. We are many; they are few. Some are red; some are blue. (4〕疑问代词: who, whom, whose, what, which, etc. 7.叹词: Oh, it ’s snowing./Dear me! ㈡不重读的词: 1.冠词: This is a computer./The computer is my sister ’s. 2.没有语义重音的代词: (1〕人称代词: They are my friends. (2〕物主代词: Their parents love them very much. (3〕关系代词: The book that he is reading is mine. Do you remember the girl whom you met in the party?
