


一.At the registration挂号

1. What can I do for you?

2. What is wrong with you?

3. Do you want to see a dentist?

4. Which speciality do you want to register with? 您要挂哪个科的号?

5. Do you want to have your tooth pulled ( tooth filled )? 您要拔牙补牙吗?

6. For a filling? A denture? Or a cleaning? 补牙?镶牙?还是洁牙?

7. Is this your first visit to this dental clinic?

8. May I have your address, telephone number, age and occupation, please? 请告诉我您的地址,电话号码,年龄,职业。

9. Please write your name and date of birth on this card.

10. Please fill out this record card. 请填写这张记录卡。

11. Do you have a registration card? 您有挂号证吗?

12. When did you come last?

13. Do you have an appointment? 您有预约吗?

14. We are fully booked today. 今天已经约满了。

15. Please show this card at the registration desk every time you come. 每次来挂号,请出示这张卡

16. Please pay for the registration. 请交挂号费。

17. Here is your receipt and change. 这是收据和找回的零钱。

18. This is your registration card. Please don’t lose it and bring it here whenever you come.这是您的挂号证,请不要遗失,每次来时带着它。

19. Please wait in the waiting room. 请在候诊室等。

20. The doctor will see you soon.

21. The doctor now is with a patient.

22. Your turn is next.

23. There are two more patients before you.

24. The patient before you is a rather complicated case, I’m sorry you will have to wait at least half an hour. 前面那个病人比较复杂,您至少还得等半小时。

25. Please come into the treatment room, will you? 请进治疗室。

二.Directions for the position, manner and action 椅位,方式和行为的指导

1. Please sit down in this chair.

2. I will lean the chair back. 我把牙椅向后倾斜点。

3. I will bring the chair up.我将抬高牙椅。

4. Please slide up/down the chair.

5. Are you comfortable in this position?

6. I will place an apron on you. 我给您系上胸巾。

7. Please lift your head.

8. Please turn your head to the right/left.

9. Please tuck your chin. 请收下颌。

10. Please open your mouth a litter wider.

11. Please keep your mouth open.

12. Bite down, please. 请咬合。

13. Tap your back teeth together. 请咬后牙。

14. Move your jaw to the right and left. 请左右错颌。

15. Slide your lower jaw forward. 向前伸下颌。

16. Please keep the teeth together. 请保持咬合状态。

17. Relax and make yourself comfortable. 放松自己,使自己感觉舒服。

18. Please relax your tongue/jaw/shoulders. 放松舌头/下巴/肩膀。

19. Please raise your left hand if you feel pain. 如果疼痛,请举起您的左手。

20. Rinse your mouth, please. 请漱口。

三.Questions about medical history 既往史的询问

1. First, I will ask you about your general health and allergies. 首先,我需要了解您的全身健康状况和过敏史。

2. How are your health conditions now? ( Excellent, Average, Poor) 您现在的身体状况如何?

3. Do you have any chronic disease? 您有什么慢性病吗?

4. Have you ever had a serious illness? 您有重大疾病史吗?

5. Have you had any operations in the past? 您有手术史吗?

6. Have you had any serious accidents or injuries? 您有外伤史?

7. Have you ever had a blood transfusion? 您有输过血。

8. Do you have or have you ever had the disease of heart, liver or kidney? 您有心脏病,肝病和肾病。

9. Are you suffering from hypertension? 您有高血压病史吗?

10. Have you had any diabetes? 您有糖尿病史吗?

11. Do you have a fever? 您有发烧吗?

12. How is your appetite? 您的食欲怎样?

13. Do you have any trouble in swallowing food? 您有吞咽困难的现象吗?

14. Do you take any medication regularly? 您目前有长期用药吗?

15. Are you pregnant? 您有怀孕吗?

16. Is your menstrual cycle regular? 您的月经规律吗?

17. When did your last period begin? 您末次月经是什么时候?

18. Do you have any allergy? 您有过敏史吗?

22. Have you ever had an injection for anesthesia? 您以前用过麻醉药吗

23. Have you ever had abnormal bleeding from an injury of a tooth extratction? 您有过伤口或拔牙创口出血不止的经历吗?

24. Have you ever had complications from dental treatment? 您有过与治牙相关的并发症吗

四.Questions about general symptoms 一般症状的询问

1. What is your trouble?

2. Tell me what symptoms you have? 能描述一下您的症状吗?

3. When did you first notice such conditions? 您第一次发现这种情况是什么时候?

4. Have you already attended another hospital with your problems? 您有在其他医院看过吗?

5. Please tell me the name of the hospital, the period and the type of treatment you received. 请告诉我医院的名字,治疗方法和时间。

6. When were you under the care of the doctor recently, tell me the symptoms you had. 您什么时候接受的治疗,告诉我你的症状。

7. When did you become swollen up like this? 您什么时候肿成这样的。

8. How long did it bleed? 出血多长时间?

9. When did the tooth last have dental treatment? 最后一次治牙是什么时候?

五.Questions about pain 疼痛的询问

1. When did the tooth start to hurt? 这牙什么时候开始痛?

2. What kind of pain did you feel? 是那种类型的痛?

3. Can you describe the pain? Is it a dull pain/a sharp pain/a throbbing pain? 您能描述一下您的


4. Does it come and go or come suddenly? 是间断痛还是突发痛?

5. Does it spread anywhere else? 疼痛想其他地方放射吗?

6. Was it sensitive to sweet food/cold water? 对甜食/冷水刺激敏感吗

7. Did it hurt after eating and drinking? 吃饭和喝水时痛吗?

8. Did the pain interfere with sleep? 夜间疼痛加重吗?

9. Did pressure make it hurt? 您有咀嚼痛吗?

10. Do you feel pain when I tap on this tooth? 当我叩您的牙时有疼痛吗?

六.Questions about periodontal disease 牙周病的询问?

1. Did you have any bleeding from your gums? 您的牙龈有出过血吗?

2. Did your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? 您刷牙时有出血吗?

3. Did your gums bleed when you eat hard food, like an apple? 咬硬物时,比如苹果有出血吗牙龈?

4. Have you noticed any bleeding spots on your skin? 您皮肤上有出血点吗?

5. Did the gums bleed for no apparent reason at all? 您的牙龈是不明原因的出血吗?

6. Did food get caught between your teeth? 您塞牙吗?

7. Do you feel any of your teeth loose? 您感觉哪个牙有松动吗?

8. Do you notice that you breathe through your mouth? 您注意到您有口呼吸吗?9. Do you snore? 您有打呼噜吗?

10. Do you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night? 您有夜间磨牙的吗?

11. Do you have a habit of clenching your teeth? 您有紧咬牙的习惯吗?

12. Do you have anyone in your family who had serious gum disease? 您的家人有患牙龈病的吗?

13. Has a dentist ever told you that you have gingivitis or periodontitis? 有医生告诉过您,您有牙龈炎或者牙周炎吗?

七.Questions about temporomandibular joint dysfunction 关节功能紊乱的询问

1. Do you have any of the following symptoms: noise in the joints ,headache, a stiff shoulder, or sleepless at night? 您有一下什么症状吗:关节弹响、头痛、肩膀僵直或者失眠?

2. Do you feel that it is difficult to open your mouth now? 开口困难吗?

3. Do your joint sound strange when you open your mouth? 开口时关节有弹响吗?

4. Do you feel sore here when I press this place? 我按压的部位有痛吗?

5. On which side of your mouth do you chew most often when you eat food? 您通常用哪侧咀嚼?

八.Local anesthesia局部麻醉

1. Are you feeling a pain when I use the drill? Then I will use an injection for anesthesia? 当我钻牙时有感觉痛吗?如果有,我将给您打针麻药。

2. The decay is very deep, so I will use a local anesthetic before drilling. 龋洞很深,在钻牙前我将给您打一针麻药。

3. Have you ever had any adverse reactions to a local anesthetic? 您以前对局麻药有不良反应吗?

4. Do you have allergies? 您有过敏史吗?

5. Please breathe deeply and slowly. 请深呼吸。

6. I will apply a topical anesthetic to numb the surface of the gum. It will lessen the discomfort of the injection. 我将用表麻药来麻醉您的牙龈。

7. You may feel a little sting when I give the injection. 当我注射麻药时,您可能会感觉到有点针刺感。

8. Are your lips and tongue numb? 您的嘴唇和舌头麻了吗?

9. The anesthetic will take effect in about four minutes. 四分钟左右麻药会起效。

10. The anesthetic will wear off in about two or three hours. 两三小时后麻醉效果会消失。

11. The numb feeling will continur for two or three hours. While eating, please be careful not to bite on your lips or tongue. 麻木的感觉会持续两三个小时。

九.tooth brushing instruction 刷牙指导

1. Please hold this hand mirror and look in your mouth, can you see the redness in your gums? 拿着镜子看看自己的口腔,看见您的牙龈很红了吗?

2. Now, I will show you how to brush your teeth using this dental model. Place the toothbrush at the junction of the gums and the teeth like this. Place the bristles of the brush ninety degrees to the gumline. 现在我将在模型上演示如何刷牙,将牙刷放在牙龈和牙齿的联合部位。刷毛和牙龈缘呈90度。

3. Move the tooth brush back and forth with short, vibrating stokes. 用短距离,振动的力量前后移动牙刷。

4. Please move the brush downwards on the upper teeth and upwards on the lower teeth. 刷上颌时牙刷应向下移动,刷下颌时牙刷应向上移动。

5. Move it in a circular motion about ten times at the same place.每部位刷十次。

6. You should change your brush when the bristles get frayed. 当牙刷毛变弯曲时您应该更换牙刷。

7. Your brush should be replaced about once every mouth. 每月换一次牙刷。

8. Dental floss is used to clean between your teeth. 牙线可用来清洁牙间隙。

9. First take about forty centimeters of floss. 首先准备40CM长的牙线。

10. Wrap the floss around your middle fingers like this. 象这样将牙线饶在中指上。11. Control the floss by pinching it with index fingers and thumbs like this. 通过示指和拇指的牵拉来控制牙线。

12. Put one finger in the mouth, and the other outside. 一个手指在口内,另一个在口外。

13. Use an up-and-down scrapping motion on the sides of each tooth. 在每个牙的各个面上下摩擦。

14. If your interdental space is large, you had better use interdental brush to clean between the teeth. 如果您的间隙太大最好用间隙刷。

十.Instructions after treatments 各种治疗后的主义事项(filling) 补牙

1. Don’t eat anything for one hour. 一个小时内不要吃任何东西。

2. Don’t chew on the right side of your mouth for at lease two hours. 2小时内不要用您的右侧吃东西。

3. The tooth may be sensitive to cold food for a while.以后一段时间,您的牙齿可能对冷食物敏感。

4. There is a possibility that the nerve will die in the future。以后有神经坏死的可能。

5. It might be a little uncomfortable after the treatment. 治疗后牙齿可能有点不舒服。

Prothetic treatment修复治疗后。

1. You will soon get accustomed to the dentures. 您很快会适应义齿的。

2. Please take your denture out when you go to bed. 睡前请拿下义齿。

3. When you are not wearing your denture, be sure to keep them in a glass of water, so that will not become too dry. 当您不带时请把它放在水里,防止义齿变干。

4. If they are dry for a long time, they may bend and lose their good fit. 如果义齿干燥时间很长,他们可能变形失去很好的适应性。

After teeth extraction 拔牙后

1. Pressure is one of the best treatments for bleeding. 压迫是最好的办法。

2. Please bite firmly on a piece of gauze for twenty minutes until it has stopped bleeding. Then place the used gauze in a plastic bag and tie tightly before disposing it in the rubbish. 请紧咬棉球20分钟知道止血。然后把棉球吐到塑料袋中系紧再丢入垃圾袋。

3. It might bleed a little bit for the rest of the day. 拔牙后几天唾液中可能会带有少量血液。

4. If bleeding continues, place a piece of gauze over the extraction site and bite in firmly. 如果继续出血,请另外咬紧一个棉球。

5. It is normal for there to have a little bleeding mixed with saliva until the next day. 直到明天口腔里有少量血液都是正常的。

6. If you have any problems of bleeding and serious pain, please contact us immeditately. 如果继续出血和严重的疼痛,请立即和我们联系。

医学英语会话 医生必备:询问病情

医学英语会话医生必备:询问病情 Are you feeling all right?您是感觉好吗? Are you feeling nausea?您是感觉恶心吗? Are your bowels acting properly?您的肠能适当地行动吗? Are your bowels regular?您的肠的运动是规则吗? Did you have pains here before?您这里有以前痛吗? Do you cough?你咳嗽吗? Do you feel short of breath sometimes?您有时感觉呼吸急促吗? Do you feel short-winded?你有时感觉短促的喘气吗? Do you feel tired?您感到疲乏吗? Do you have any appetite? Do you have difficulty breathing?您有胃口吗? 您有呼吸困难吗? Does it hurt?心脏感到痛吗? Have you ever had this experience before?您以前以前有这经验吗? Have you got any chronic diseases in the past?您从前得过慢性疾病吗? Have you got any feeling of nausea?您有恶心的感觉吗? Have you lost weight recently?您的体重最近减轻了吗? Have you taken anything for it?您为它采取了各种方式了吗? How about your appetite?您的胃口怎么样?


医务人员常用英语1 医务人员常用英语 1.What can do for you?你有什么事? 2.May I help you?我能帮你什么忙? 3.Please take a seat!/please sit down!请坐下. 4.Wait a moment,please.请等一等. 5.Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起让你久等了. 6.It is not serious.病情不严重. 7.Don't worry./There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。 8.You need a thorough examination.你需要做一个全面检查. 9.You will have to stay in hospital for sevral days. 你需要在医院里住几夭. We think that you had better be hospitalized. 我们认为你最好住进医院来。10.You should stay in bed for a few days. 你需要卧床几天. 11.You can keep on working. You can carry on with your work. 可以继续工作。 12.You should be very careful for a week or two. 这一两周内,你需要很注意。13. Try to relax and keep calm.尽量放松保持镇静。 14.You'll soon be all right.你很快就会好起来的. 15.1'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal.这药对你肯定会很有效的.16.Feeling well again is a rather slow process,I'm afraid. 恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程.17.You will have to wait for twenty minutes.你需要等20分钟.18.Complete recovery will take a rather long time.彻底恢复需要一段很长的时间。19.You will have to come here for periodical check-ups.你需要定期来门诊检查. 20.If you feel worse,please come back to the clinic right away. 要是你觉着病加重了,就请马上来门诊。 21.If you feel worried, don't hesitate to go to the clinic anytime, day or night. 你要觉着难受,无论白天黑夜都赶紧上医院看去. 22.I'll come right away. 我马上就来. 23.I'm going to make arrangements for your admission.我去给你安排住院.24.Please come with your interpreter next time.下次请带翻译来。 25.Do you understand what I'm saying?你明白我的话吗? 26.Is there anything else you would like me to explain to you?你看在哪些方面还需要解释呢? 27. Shall I explain it again? 需等我还解释一遍吗? 28.If the trouble persists come back again.要是情况还不见好,就请你再来门诊吧。29.There doesn't seem to be anything serious,but we'11 take an x-ray just to be certain.不象有什么严重情况,但还是要拍张x线片肯定一下。 30.Please wait until we get the result of the x-ray (blood test). 请等一下,我们需要看一下X线片(验血)的结果。 31.It's difficult to say just now exactly what's wrong. 现在还不好说是什么问题。 32. This is quite common among people of your age.在您这样岁数人当中,这可太寻常了.This often happens to people of your age. 这种情况经常发生在你这样岁数的人.This often occurs at your age.这就经常出在你这种岁数上。 33. This kind of illness usually occurs among people whose work requires a lot of concentration


表达各种心情得常用英语口语 好心情坏心情不知道如何表达?瞧瞧表达各种心情得常用口语,让您喜怒哀乐,张口就来。 高兴时 I'm so happy、我高兴极了。 Yahoo! 呀嗬! Oh, boy! 哇!/太棒了!/好家伙! *表示高兴、惊喜得同时,也表示稍觉为难得心情。注意,没有Oh, girl!得说法。 Wow! 哇!/呀!/棒极了! Yeah! 哇!/棒极了! *表示同意、赞成,比Yes要随便、粗鲁 Whoopee! 哈哈!/太棒了!

*孩子用来表示幸福得词,如果大人使用,听上去含有讽刺得意味。 I'm glad that、、、谢天谢地…… I feel like a million dollars、感觉好极了。 I've never been this happy、 我从没有这么高兴过。 That's good news、真就是个好消息。 What fun! 那太棒了!/太好了! I feel great! 感觉好极了! I'm in a good mood today、 我今天得心情很好。 I'm looking forward to this summer、 我期待着今年得夏天。

You look happy today、 今天您瞧上去很高兴啊! I'm walking on air、我简直太高兴了。 I jumped for joy、我高兴得跳了起来。 This is too good to be true、 这简直不敢让人相信。 Nothing could be more wonderful、 没有比这更让人高兴得了。 You made me happy、您使我感觉到了幸福。 I made it! 成功了! You did it! 您做到了! Lucky! 真走运!


【医学英语】医生常用英语口语1、What can do for you? 你有什么事? 2、May I help you? 我能帮你什么忙? 3、Please take a seat! Please sit down! 请坐。 4、Wait a moment, please. 请等一等。 5、Sorry to have kept youwaiting. 对不起让你久等了。 6、It is not serious. 病情不严重。 7、Don't worry. There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。 8、You need a thoroughexamination. 你需要做一个全面检查。 9、You will have to stay inhospital for sevral days. 你需要在医院里住几夭。 We think that you hadbetter be hospitalized. 我们认为你最好住进医院来。 10、You should stay in bed for afew days. 你需要卧床几天。 11、You can keep on working.

You can carry on with your work. 可以继续工作。 12、You should be very carefulfor a week or two. 这一两周内,你需要很注意。 13、Try to relax and keep calm. 尽量放松保持镇静。 14、You'll soon be all right. 你很快就会好起来的。 15、1'm sure this medicine willhelp you a great deal. 这药对你肯定会很有效的。 16、Feeling well again is arather slow process, I'm afraid. 恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程。 17、You will have to wait fortwenty minutes. 你需要等20分钟。 18、Complete recovery will takea rather long time. 彻底恢复需要一段很长的时间。 19、You will have to come herefor periodical check-ups. 你需要定期来门诊检查。 20、If you feel worse, pleasecome back to the clinic right away. 要是你觉着病加重了,就请马上来门诊。 21、If you feel worried, don't hesitate to go to the clinic anytime, day or night. 你要觉着难受,无论白天黑夜都赶紧上医院看去。 22、I'll come right away. 我马上就来。 23、I'm going to make arrangements for your admission. 我去给你安排住院。 24、Please come with your interpreter next time.


医学英语:看医生常用英语词汇及情景对话 角色分配: A:病人 B:医生 情景对话: 1、Tell me what's wrong. 告诉我怎么了? A:Tell me what's wrong. 告诉我怎么了? B:I've been coughing. 我一直咳嗽. 2、I need to ask you some questions before the doctor sees you. 医生看诊前我得先问你一些问题. A:I need to ask you some questions before the doctor sees you. 医生看诊前我得先问你一些问题. B:Ok, no problem! 好的! 3、Do you drink? 平常有喝酒吗? A:Do you drink? 平常有喝酒吗? B:No,I don't drink at all. 我不喝酒的。 4、Do you smoke? 平常有抽烟吗? A:Do you smoke? 平常有抽烟吗? B:Yes ,one pack per day. 有,一天一包. 5、Are you currently on any medication? 目前有服用任何药物吗? A:Are you currently on any medication?

目前有服用任何药物吗? B:No.I'm not. 没有. 6、Is there a history of heart disease in your family? 家族中有没有心脏方面的疾病史? A:Is there a history of heart disease in your family? 家族中有没有心脏方面的疾病史? B:Yes,my father had a heart attack once. 有的,我父亲曾经心脏突发过一次. 7、Are you allergic to anything? 有没有任何过敏呢? A:Are you allergic to anything? 有没有任何过敏呢? B:Yes, I am allergic to aspirin. 有的,我对阿司匹林过敏. 8、Do you have any allergies? 有没有任何过敏呢? A:Do you have any allergies? 有没有任何过敏呢? B:Yes.I can't eat certain kinds of seafood. 有的,我对一些海鲜过敏. 9、The doctor will see you shortly. 医生马上就来为你看诊. A:Please Wait a moment.The doctor will see you shortly. 请等一下.医生马上就来为你看诊了. B:All right. 好的。 10、Please lie down on your back. 请仰躺下来。 A:Please lie down on your back. 请仰躺下来。 B:like this? 像这样吗?


Asking a patient about his illness: Any vomiting ? 有没有呕吐? Are you feeling nausea ? 你觉得恶心吗? Are your bowels regular ? 你大便正常吗? Did you have pains here before ? 你这儿以前痛吗? Do you cough ? 有没有咳嗽? Do you feel short of breath sometimes ? 你有时觉得气急吗? Do you feel tired ? 你觉得疲劳吗? Do you have any appetite ? 吃东西有胃口吗? Does it hurt ? 痛不痛? Have you ever had this experience(trouble) before ? 以前有过这样吗? Have you lost weight recently ? 你近来体重减少了吗?Have you taken anything for it ? 你吃过什么药了吗? How bad is it ? 厉害到什么程度? How far pregnant are you ? 你怀孕多久了? How long has it been this way ? 这样有多久了? How long have you had this trouble ? 你得这病多久了? How are you feeling now ? 你现在感觉怎么样? How is your sleep ? 你睡眠怎么样? What did you eat yesterday ? 你昨天吃了什么东西?What hurts you ? 你有什么不舒服? What seems to be the problem ? 大概什么毛病? What sort of pain do you get there ? 你觉得这儿是什么样的疼痛?What’s matter with you ? 你有什么不舒服? What’s the trouble ? 什么不舒服? What’s wrong with your ear ? 你的耳朵怎么了? When did the pain start ? 什么时候开始痛的?Which tooth is troubling you ? 你那个牙齿不好? Your case record, please . 请把病例卡给我。


医务人员常用语 1.What can do for you?你有什么事? 2.May I help you?我能帮你什么忙? 3.Please take a seat!please sit down!请坐下. 4.Wait a moment,please.请等一等. 5.Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起让你久等了. 6.It is not serious.病情不严重. 7.Don't worry.There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。 8.You need a thorough examination.你需要做一个全面检查. 9.You will have to stay in hospital for several days. 你需要在医院里住几天.We think that you had better be hospitalized. 我们认为你最好住进医院来。 10. You should stay in bed for a few days. 你需要卧床几天. 11. You can keep on working.You can carry on with your work. 可以继续工作。 12. You should be very careful for a week or two. 这一两周内,你需要很注意。 13. Try to relax and keep calm.尽量放松保持镇静。 14. You'll soon be all right.你很快就会好起来的. 15. I'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal.这药对你肯定会很有效的. 16. Feeling well again is a rather slow process,I'm afraid. 恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程. 17. You will have to wait for twenty minutes.你需要等20分钟. 18. Complete recovery will take a rather long time.彻底恢复需要一段很长的时间。 19. You will have to come here for periodical check-ups.你需要定期来门诊检查. 20. If you feel worse,please come back to the clinic right away. 要是你觉着病加重了,就请马上来门诊。 21. If you feel worried, don't hesitate to go to the clinic anytime, day or night. 你要觉着难受,无论白天黑夜都赶紧上医院看去. 22. I'll come right away. 我马上就来. 23. I'm going to make arrangements for your admission.我去给你安排住院. 24. Please come with your interpreter next time.下次请带翻译来。 25. Do you understand what I'm saying?你明白我的话吗? 26. Is there anything else you would like me to explain to you? 你看在哪些方面还需要解释呢? 27. Shall I explain it again? 需等我海解释一遍吗? 28.If the trouble persists come back again. 要是情况还不见好,就请你再来门诊吧。 29.There doesn't seem to be anything serious,but we'11 take an x-ray just to be certain.不象有什么严重情况,但还是要拍张x线片肯定一下。 30.Please wait until we get the result of the x-ray (blood test). 请等一下,我们需要看一下X线片(验血)的结果。 31.It's difficult to say just now exactly what's wrong. 现在还不好说是什么问题。 32.This is quite common among people of your age. 在您这样岁数人当中,这可太寻常了. This often happens to people of your age.


英语口语句子——拒绝 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不 应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10. I don’t want to see your face!我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost.滚开! 18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。 24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。 27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 英语口语句子——赞美 1. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】



【医务人员常用语】 1.What can do for you? 你有什么事? 2.May I help you? 我能帮你什么忙? 8.Please take a seat! please sit down! 请坐下. 4.Wait a moment,please. 请等一等. 5.Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起让你久等了. 6.It is not serious. 病情不严重. 7.Don't worry. There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。 8.You need a thorough examination. 你需要做一个全面检查. 9.You will have to stay in hospital for sevral days.

你需要在医院里住几夭. We think that you had better be hospitalized 我们认为你最好住进医院来。 10.You should stay in bed for a few days. 你需要卧床几天. 11.You can keep on working. You can carry on with your work. 可以继续工作。 12.You should be very careful for a week or two 这一两周内,你需要很注意。 13. Try to relax and keep calm. 尽量放松保持镇静。 14.You'll soon be all right. 你很快就会好起来的. 15.1'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal. 这药对你肯定会很有效的. 16.Feeling well again is a rather slow process,I'm afraid. 恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程. 17.You will have to wait for twenty minutes.


常用医学词汇及行医英文对话 mental hospital精神病医院clinic诊所 physician/internist内科医生oculist/eye doctor眼科医生surgon外科医生dentist牙医 vet兽医shrink心理医生 symptom症状have/catch a cold感冒 have a sore throat嗓子痛have a stomachache胃痛have a fever发烧pneumonia肺炎 flu流感have a cough咳嗽 have a headache头痛have a toothache牙痛 liver trouble肝炎allergy过敏症 twisted/sprained扭伤的feel dizzy头晕 feel chilly觉得发冷asthma哮喘 diabetics糖尿病患者cramps抽筋 vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐diarrhea腹泻 vomitive/pukey恶心的luggies/phlegm痰 have a stuffed nose鼻子不通cholera霍乱 stiff neck脖子发僵abscess脓肿 yellow fever黄热病hay fever枯草热 pills药丸mixture合剂 eyedrops眼药水syrup糖浆 pad药棉块vitamin维他命 tablet药片penicillin盘尼西林

antibiotic抗生素ointment药膏 medication药物aspirin阿司匹林 bandage绷带syringe注射器 stethoscope听诊器injection注射 preventive injection预防针gauze纱布 cold cure感冒药sweating medicine发汗药 febrifuge退烧药capsule胶囊 case history病历extract拔牙 take one''s temperature量体温see a doctor看病 send for a doctor请医生feel one''s pulse量脉搏 take one''s blood pressure量血压give a prescription开药方 have an operation 动手术make an appointment预约About a week now. About five days running already. I can't lift my right arm. I cough a great deal at night . I don't feel like eating anything. I feel a bit off color. I feel a pain in my left leg. I feel absolutely rotten. I feel chilly. I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite. I feel feverish. I feel hot and cold. I feel like I'm burning up. I feel like vomiting. I feel poorly. I feel rather unwell. I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat. I feel sick. I feel so ill. I feel very bad. I feel a dull pain in the stomach. I have a headache.


out-patient department门诊部 In-patient department住院部Nursing department护理部Admission office住院处 Discharge office 出院处Registration office挂号处Reception room, waiting room侯诊室Consultation room诊察室 Isolation room隔离室 Labour room待产室 Delivery room分娩室 Emergency room急诊室 Ward病房室 Pharmacy dispensary药房 Nutrition department营养部 Diet- preparation department配膳室Therapeutic department治疗室Operating room手术室 Blood-bank血站 Supply-room供应室 Disinfection-room消毒室 Dressing room 换药室

Mortuary太平间 Record room病案室 Department of internal medicine内科Department of surgery外科 Department of pediatrics儿科 Department of obstetrics and gynecology妇科Department of neurology神经科Department of ophtalmology眼科 E.N.T.department耳鼻喉科 Department of stomatology口腔科Department of urology泌尿科 Department of orthopedic骨科 Department of traumatology创伤科Department of endocrinology内分泌科Department of anesthesiology麻醉科Department of dermatology皮肤科Department of infectious diseases传染病科Department of pathology病理科Department of psychiatry精神科Department of orthopacdic surgery矫形外科Department of cardiac surgery心脏外科Department of cerebral surgery脑外科


【篇一】表示赞美常用的英语口语用法 1. It's cool! 很好,很棒! 只要是好事, 你都可以说cool! 例如: -I am going to college this year. -Cool! -I just bought a brand new car. -Cool! 此外,如果别人问你做了某件事了没, 你说做了, 别人就会说cool,例如: -Did you make one copy for me? -Yes. -Cool. -Did you go to watch the football game yesterday? -Yes. -Cool! 总之,cool 这个词是无所不在的, 听到什么好事,,就说cool准没错。 2. It is neat! 太酷了! 我们可以这样说,neat是cool的比较级,比cool还再cool一点的就是neat,例如别人说他学钢琴学了十年,像这种事你光用cool形容是不够的,不如就说neat! 人家说,"I've been to Europe several times." 听到这种几乎不可能发生在一般人身上的事, 你也可以说neat! 另外,neat 和cool也有“新奇”的意思,常和stuff这个字连用, 表示一些很新奇又很棒的事物。例如你为了吸引别人的注意就可以说, "Check out those neat stuff!" (看看这些很棒的东西。) 或"I've just bought some cool stuff." (我刚买了一些很棒的东西。) 3. It is righteous! 酷毙了! 这是cool的级了,如果一件事让你无法用neat形容,那就只好用这个词了,有人说他刚环游世界一周回来,你就可以跟他说,"It's righteous!" 4. It's good. 很好。 Good和cool很像,都是听到什么好事时就可以脱口而出,"It's good!" 例如:-I just got an A from that course. -It's good.


2020常用医学英语口语对话 针对学生英语口语能力较低,口语发展不平衡等特点,通过在教学中使用探究型教学模式,并将之贯穿课堂与课外两个层面来提高学生英语口语能力的研究和实践。下面就和大家分享医学英语口语,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 睡眠问题 【Situation 场景】 下列会话发生在药房里。医生正在和一个顾客交谈,询问一些疾病方面的情况。 "Good afternoon. Can I help you?"“下午好,我能帮您什么吗?” 这是打开话匣子最简单、实用的方式,适用于任何场合。当然,除此以外,也可以使用类似于如下的句型来询问对方:"How can I help you?".“我能帮您什么吗?” 该句子也能达到Can I help you?的效果。 以下是打开话题的、最常用的方式,记住这些句型,有利于您的口语的提高:

Can……? 能……? What……? 什么? When……? 什么时候? Do……? 一般问话方式 Have……? 一般问话方式 【Dialogue 对话】 Pharmacist: Good afternoon, can I help you? Customer: Yes, lets hope so. Thank God, you speak English. Pharmacist: Well, just a little. What seems to be wrong? Customer: Ive got an upset stomach-its pretty bad. Ive been up all night with it. and now Ive got a bad headache, as well. Pharmacist: I see. When did it first start? Customer: When I went to bed. Pharmacist: Do you think its something you have eaten? Customer: Oh, for sure. Im not used to all this wining and dininng. Pharmacist: No-it can be pretty strong.


四 1.Do you understand Chinese? Is this your first visit to our hospital? 您懂中文吗?您是第一次到我们医院就诊吗? 2.Registration is at the counter over there. 挂号在那个窗口。 3.Admission office is at counter No. 住院处在三号窗口。 4.Which department, do you want to go? 您想看哪一科? 5.I suggest you go for internal medicine. Please stay in the waiting room till you are called. 我建议您看内科,请到候诊室等待叫好。 6.Please point to where you feel pain or discomfort. 请说出您哪里疼痛或不舒服。 7.Do you have health insurance? Please show me your ID. Card.您是否有医 疗保险? 请出示ID卡。 8.The department of ophthalmology is closed today. Please observe the clinical hours. 今天眼科不开诊。请按门诊时间来诊。 9.Please come with me, I will show you the way to the Radiology . I will take you there. 请跟我来,我告诉您如何去放射科。我带您去那儿。 10.How long have you been sick? 您病了多长时间啦? 11.Let me take your temperature, please put this thermometer under your arm. 让我量一下您的体温,请把体温表放到腋下。 12.Let me know if you become sicker while waiting. 候诊时病情加重请向我说一声。 13.Please be seated until your name is called. 没轮到您前请在此静候。 14.Are you allergic to any medicine? 您对什么药物过敏? 15.What did you do your country? 在贵国您干什么工作? 16.When did the cough begin? Do you have chest pain? 何时开始咳嗽的?你胸痛吗? 17.Where do you have pain? 您哪里痛? 18.When did your problem start? 您几时发病的? 19.Do you drink? Do you smoke? How many cigarettes do you take a day ? Do you eat regularly? Do you have regular movement? Do you sleep well? 喝酒吗?吸烟吗?一天抽几支?吃饭是否有规律?大便是否每天排一次?睡眠好不?


[表达决定和个人观点的常用英语口语]常用英语口语900句 1. I’m old enough to make up my own mind. 我已经大了,可以自己做决定了。 2. For one thing, I’ve got to drop by the bank to get some money. 我不得不去银行提些钱。 3. It’ll take almost all my savings to buy the ticket. 买这张票,几乎花费了我所有积蓄。 4. I’ve got a lot of things to do before I can leave. 在我走之前,我有很多事情要做。 5. I’ll see you off at the airport. 我会去机场送你。 6. He’ll always be indebted to you for what youve done. 对你所做的事情,他总是感激不尽。 7. In my opinion,the house isn’t worth the price they’re asking. 依我看,这间房子根本不值他们要的价钱。 8. I didn’t realize the time had passed so quickly. 我没有意识到时间过的这样快。 9. I’ve always tried not to interfere in your affairs. 我总是尽力地不干涉你的工作。 10. In general, my reaction is favorable. 总体来说, 我的反映还是很受欢迎的。 感谢您的阅读!


【医学英语口语】询问病情的常用句子(英文) Are you feeling all right 您是感觉好吗 Are you feeling nausea? 您是感觉恶心吗? Are your bowels acting properly? 您的肠能适当地行动吗 Are your bowels regular? 您的肠的运动是规则吗 Did you have pains here before? 您这里有以前痛吗 Do you cough? 你咳嗽吗? Do you feel short of breath sometimes? 您有时感觉呼吸急促吗 Do you feel short-winded 你有时感觉短促的喘气吗? Do you feel tired 您感到疲乏吗 Do you have any appetite Do you have difficulty breathing? 您有胃口吗您有呼吸困难吗 Does it hurt 心脏感到痛吗?

Have you ever had this experience before? 您以前曾经有这经验吗 Have you got any chronic diseases in the past? 您从前得过慢性疾病吗 Have you got any feeling of nausea? 您有恶心的感觉吗 Have you lost weight recently? 您的体重最近减轻了吗? Have you taken anything for it? 您为它采取了各种方式了吗? How about your appetite? 您的胃口怎么样 How bad is it? 它有多么坏? How far pregnant are you 您怀孕多久了? How long has it been this way 这样多久了? How long has this been going on 继续这样多久了? How long have you been ill 您这样不舒服有多久了? How long have you been like this
