



Where did novel coronavirus come from?

AS COVID-19 spreads throughout China and the rest of the world, an important question has yet to be answered: where did the virus come from?

The latest study indicated that pangolins (穿山甲) may be an intermediate host of the virus, according to Xinhua. However, bats are suspected to be the original cause.

We don’t know the source yet, but there’s pretty strong evidence that this is a bat origin coronavirus,” said Peter Dazsak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, an environmental nonprofit, according to The New York Times. “When you look at the genetic sequence (基因序列) of the virus, and you match it up with every known coronavirus, the closest relatives are from bats,” Dazsak also told CNN.

So why are bats the source of so many deadly kinds of viruses but they don’t suffer from any symptoms? As the only flying mammal (哺乳动物) with long lifespan, bats’ body temperature is high, similar to a fever. It’s this fact that may contribute to bats’ unique immune system (免疫系统) in protecting them from the ill effects of viruses.

But are bats truly to blame for the virus or should we be blaming ourselves? Whether we destroy the forests where bats live or they end up on our plate, it’s the fault of humans for decreasing the distance between us and virus-carrying bats. Bats are an important animal in our ecosystem when it comes to pollinating (授粉) many fruits such as mangoes and bananas. We need to allow them to continue pollination and keep them away from our markets and mouths.

1. What can we learn about the origin of COVID-19?

A. Bats have been confirmed to be its original cause.

B. Pangolins are now considered the most likely source.

C. It’s identified by comparing sources of various viruses.

D. The virus was found to be genetically similar to those seen in bats.

2. Why don’t bats suffer from the coronavirus?

A. Bats have a unique immune system.

B. Their low body temperature protects them.

C. Bats are the only flying mammal to live in groups.

D. Living in caves helps bats fight against viruses.

3. What is the main point the author makes in the last paragraph?

A. Virus-carrying bats should be killed.

B. Humans should stay away from bats.

C. Bats benefit but also harm our ecosystem.

D. Bats could spread viruses during pollination.


Where is it possible to drive from Rome to Moscow, Madrid, Paris, Vienna, and Stockholm without going to Europe? The answer is in the state of Maine!

Throughout the United States there are many towns and cities that have been named after not only European cities but other countries as well, such as China, Poland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Just how many New World place names are recycled from the Old World names has never been tallied, but one researcher found forty-one Londons, fifty-six Berlins, twenty-four

Dublins, thirty-two Athenses, and twenty-seven Moscows, among others!

Reasons for European place names differ. Some were in memory of settlers’ former homes, others in honor of historic events. Founded in 1818 by John Coffee, Robert Beaty, John D. Carroll, and John Read, Athens is one of the oldest incorporated cities in the State of Alabama. The town was first called Athenson, and the name was then shortened to Athens, after the ancient city in Greece. More interestingly, some names were given by mistake. For instance, the people of Moscow, Kansas, wanted their city to follow the name of the explorer Moscoso. They shortened his name to Mosco, and an official in Washington, thinking the Kansans couldn’t spell, added a ‘w’.

1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. In the state of Maine there are many different European cities.

B. You can drive to many European cities from the state of Maine.

C. All the settlers in the state of Maine came from Europe.

D. The state of Maine has many cities named after European cities.

2. The underlined word “tallied” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “________”.

A. built

B. believed

C. added

D. visited

3. What might have made the official in Washington change Mosco into Moscow?

A. Moscow is a world-famous city name.

B. He thought Moscoso would prefer Moscow.

C. He believed Moscow was a far better name.

D. He couldn’t spell very well and made a mistake.

4. The best title for the passage is ________.

A. The Story of Moscow, Kansas

B. American Cities and Their Names

C. Interesting Names

D. Old World Place Names in America


Most of us long for relationships in which we are loved and accepted. Our hearts’ desire is to give and receive love in relationships that make us feel that even if others disagree with what we do or say, they still love us, accept us, and appreciate what we give to the world. While it would be wonderful to have these types of relationships with all people, we know that’s hard to do. However, we can have such relationships with some others, but only when we first have them with ourselves — and, strangely, this is often the hardest relationship of all.

Do you love yourself? You may think you do, but do you really? There’s only one way to find out — by taking a close look at what you think, say, and do. You may not like some of what you find, but if you are serious about really loving yourself, you can use this insight to do some positive inner work. Here are three ways for gaining greater personal insight for deeper love: Listen Closely to Your Thoughts

Your thoughts will determine your actions. One thing helping you to listen to your thoughts is keeping a journal. It is not necessary for you to write in it every day, but it helps to record various insights you gain as you go about your life. Instead of using a big notebook, you might use a small notepad that you can keep in your pocket for easy access to record your thoughts as they occur to you. Whichever method you choose, what’s most important is that you write your thoughts down. It will help you know what’s in your heart.

Be Honest with Yourself

To do this, you should pay attention to your actions. Actions speak louder than words, and they always tell the truth. If you say you love your job, but your actions say otherwise, which do you think is more reliable? On the other hand, if you say you’re not good at a certain job, but your actions say otherwise, that’s also important. What do you do with this insight?You can use it to make more positive choices in your life. By being honest with yourself, you will act according to truth instead of just what you tell yourself.

Take Quiet Time to Listen to Your Inner Voice

This is similar to the first point, but it takes a step further — beyond the natural mind to the heart that cannot be seen. You may want to use your quiet time to think deeply. However you use this time, the key is to shut out all of the noise around you by focusing deep within yourself. Breathing deeply during quiet time will also help you focus. I know it’s hard to find quiet time during a particularly busy day, but it’s so important — even if it’s just 10 minutes a day and you have to hide somewhere to get it. Quiet time can really make a difference in your life.

Despite what your mind may be telling you, you can have love with no limits. The key is to unconditionally love yourself first.

1. By looking deep into what we think, say, and do, we can _____.

A. know whether we really love ourselves

B. appreciate what we give to the world

C. realize what type of relationship we long for

D. know whether we are loved and accepted by others

2. An important way for gaining personal insight is to _____.

A. do some positive inner work

B. keep a journal wherever you go

C. look closely at what others say about us

D. pay attention to our thoughts

3. The insight we gain from our actions can help us _____.

A. focus our attention on our jobs

B. make more positive choices in our life

C. act according to the truth

D. tell the differences between our words and our actions

4. It can be learned from the passage that if we want to have love without limits, we must first of all _____.

A. be honest with ourselves anytime

B. give our love to others generously

C. love ourselves unconditionally

D. take quiet time and think deeply


What is the virus causing illness in Wuhan?

It is a member of the coronavirus family that has never been encountered before. Like other coronaviruses, it has come from animals. Many of those initially infected either worked or frequently shopped in the Hubei seafood wholesale market in the centre of the Chinese city, which also sold live and newly killed animals.

Have there been other coronaviruses?

New and troubling viruses usually originate in animal hosts. Ebola and flu are other examples. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) are both caused by coronaviruses that came from animals. In 2002, SARS spread virtually quickly to 37 countries, causing global panic, infecting more than 8,000 people and killing more than 750. MERS appears to be less easily passed from human to human, but has greater lethality (致命性), killing 35% of about 2,500 people who have been infected.

What are the symptoms caused by the Wuhan coronavirus?

The virus causes pneumonia (肺炎). Those who have fallen ill are reported to suffer coughs, fever and breathing difficulties. In severe cases there can be organ failure. As this is viral pneumonia, antibiotics(抗生素)are of no use. The antiviral drugs we have against flu will not work. If people are admitted to hospital, they may get support for their lungs and other organs as well as fluids. Recovery will depend on the strength of their immune system. Many of those who have died were already in poor health.

Is the virus being transmitted from one person to another?

Human to human transmission has been confirmed by China’s national health commission, and there have been human-to-human transmissions in the US and in Germany. As of 5 February, the death toll has climbed to 490 in mainland China. There are 24,505 confirmed cases around the world, with 24,292 being in mainland China. The mortality rate stands at 2.1%.

1.What is the virus causing illness in Wuhan?

A. Bacteria that come from animals.

B. Viruses that we have well known before.

C. Viruses that come from animals.

D. Bacteria that we have never met before.

2. Which of the following statements is true?

A . SARS is easier to spread than MERS.

B. Death caused by SARS is more than MERS.

C. Ebola is caused by the coronavirus.

D. SARS caused 750 people to die.

3. Which one of the statements is wrong?

A. The symptoms caused by the Wuhan coronavirus are coughs, fever and breathing difficulties.

B. The coronavirus can cause organ failure.

C. There are no effective drugs to fight against the coronavirus.

D. The people who are suffering the coronavirus will die.

4. What do we know about the coronavirus according to the passage?

A. They are viruses that are likely to transmit from person to person.

B. They have caused more people to die than SARS.

C. They mainly happened in mainland China.

D. Being infected by the coronavirus means death.


Looking through a magazine in a waiting room recently, I came across an article with the title “My top five most precious possessions”. It was just a few lines of text with pictures, but it caught my imagination.

It’s interesting how inanimate (无生命的) objects can take on such significance and become woven (编织) into a person’s, and sometimes a whole family’s, life history.

Anyway, the article had me considering what my most precious possessions are. It was

difficult to choose only five, but here are mine:

An old cardboard box filled with my children’s baby photos.

A yellow pocket-sized birthday book of special things (poems, pictures of flowers and trees, etc) given to me by my dad when I was probably about seven or eight years old.

A 21st birthday card from my mum. In it she’s written her congratulations, her love, and her hopes for my future. She died not long after, when I was in my early twenties.

A few ancient but very beautiful botany books that were once my great grandmother’s. She was a botanist in a time when it was relatively unusual for women to be qualified in this field and I think she was probably a remarkable and very interesting woman. I’d like to have known her.

A brooch (胸针) left to me by my much-loved grandmother. It was given to my great grandmother by my great grandfather on his return from World War Ⅰ. It is not worth anything in terms of money. However, it not only stands for a link between four generations of women, but it is also a reminder of one young man’s return from World War Ⅰ.

How about you? I’d love to hear what you feel are your most precious possessions.

1.What made the writer have the idea of writing the passage?

A. Her love for her relatives.

B. Her rich imagination about the objects.

C. An article in a magazine.

D. Some pictures in an article.

2. According to the passage, the writer _______.

A. lost her mother at the age of 26

B. was a mother of several children

C. got the yellow birthday book at 8

D. studied botany well when she was young

3. The writer considered her grandmother remarkable and interesting because she_______.

A. wrote a large number of botany books

B. left the writer some ancient but beautiful botany books

C. was unusually famous for her achievements

D. could become a botanist in the special time

4. In the writer’s opinion, something that is thought to be the most precious should be able to ________.

A. change a person’s and even the whole family’s life history

B. have a great effect on one person’s life

C. remind somebody of his or her close relatives

D. show a person’s love and respect for his or her relatives


School meals are junk and don’t provide the nutrition a body needs to grow, says Jamie Oliver, and he decides to do something about it. Schoolchildren in France who eat school dinners are likely to have a well-balanced, four-course meal with fresh ingredients(成分)costing up to £1.10 to make. But British schoolchildren are fed mainly cheap-processed meat, frozen pizzas and potato smiley faces, costing on average just 37 pence per meal.

In fact the money spent on school dinners is so small that schools can afford only what some people describe as junk food rather than fresh natural ingredients. This means that their meals don’t provide the nutrients and goodness children’s bodies need to develop properly. No wonder there’s growing concern about the health of the nation’s schoolchildren.

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver was so concerned about school dinners that he decided to try to improve them by teaming up with the kitchen staff at Kidbrooke School in Greenwich. He took a lot of time to learn how to get the kids to stop eating the junk and move to healthy food. This is not easy! But it is possible with some hard work and determination! After a lot of hard work from both Jamie and the school’s cooks, Kidbrooke is now serving some of the best school food in Britain. The menu includes fresh butcher’s sausages with creamy mash and onion gravy, chilli corn with basmati rice and fresh fruit salad. Incredibly, Jamie and the staff managed to create this healthier menu with the same 37 pence budget. But the school chefs admit cooking healthy food isn’t as easy as simply putting burgers and chips in the oven.

Then came the good news! The government has promised to spend £280 million to improve

school dinners across the country. Well done Jamie! This means that the national average cost will rise from 37p to 50p in primary schools and from 37p to 60p in secondary schools.

1.What does the author try to tell us in the first paragraph?

A. School meals in France are the most expensive in the world.

B. British schools don’t provide the students with healthy food.

C. School meals in Britain are cheaper than those in France.

D. British school meals include many kinds of healthy food.

2. British schools provide students with such meals because________.

A. most of the schoolchildren are too fat

B. people show little concern about the health of schoolchildren

C. schools don’t have enough money

D. schools don’t want to spend much money

3. From the passage we can see that________.

A. the British government ignores schoolchildren’s health

B. Jamie creates a healthy menu with the help of the government

C. schoolchildren in Britain will have the best meals

D. cooking healthy food is not an easy job

4. The good news for the British is that________.

A. schoolchildren will have the best food in Britain

B. the menu Jamie Oliver created is the best

C. parents have begun to pay attention to children’s food at school

D. the government has begun to do something about the fact


A 1-3 DAB

B 1-4 DCAD

C 1-4 ADBC

D 1-4 CADC

E 1-4 CBDA

F 1-4 BCDD


最新中考英语阅读理解专题(含答案)经典 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.根据短文内容理解选择正确答案。 C What is your favorite color? Ask famous persons like Cate Blanchett, Scarlett Johnson, and Bono (singer for the band U2), and maybe they will say “green.” That’s not because these artists like the color green best. Instead, they are interested in green fashion. Green fashion is about making (and wearing) clothes that are good for humans, animals, and the Earth. In the past, green fashion made people think of ugly clothes. But today, green fashion is different. It is about looking good and caring about the Earth and other people. You can have interesting clothes and be green. Around the world, green fashion is becoming popular. For example, the U.K. company People Tree sells me n’s and women’s clothing and accessories(配搭物). They are made from natural fabrics(织物)like cotton and wool. Workers who make the clothes are from countries like Kenya(肯尼亚), and Bangladesh(孟加拉国). People Tree pays the men and women good money for the clothes they make. Singer Bono and his wife also started a clothing company called EDUN. When the clothes are sold, EDUN uses most of the money to help people around the world. (1)From this passage, we know that “green fashion” means________. A. putting green color on your face B. making clothes from green trees C. wearing the color green all the time D. wearing clothes that are good for the Earth (2)Today, green fashion is ___________. A. the same as it was in the past B. making people work harder C. more popular and interesting D. mostly popular with famous persons (3)Which sentence about green clothing companies is true? A. They are all in Africa. B. They do not pay their workers well. C. They make clothes only for women. D. They use natural fabrics to make clothes. (4)What does EDUN do? A. It teaches people to make clothes. B. It makes interesting clothes for teenagers. C. It sells clothes and uses the money to help people. D. It pays people good money for the clothes they make. 【答案】(1)D (2)C


2019-2020学年山东省潍坊一中高三(下)月考生物试卷(3月 份) 一、选择题 1. 下列有关细胞内物质合成的叙述,正确的是() A.生长激素、甲状腺激素、胰岛素的合成都发生在附着于内质网的核糖体上 B.真核细胞的rRNA是在细胞核内通过转录形成的,与核仁有关 C.抗体、淋巴因子、溶菌酶等免疫活性物质只能在免疫细胞中合成 D.在幼嫩的芽、叶和发育中的种子等部位,丙氨酸经过一系列反应转变为生长素 【答案】 B 【考点】 遗传信息的转录和翻译 动物激素的调节 免疫系统的组成和功能 生长素的产生、分布和运输情况 【解析】 1、核糖体是蛋白质的合成场所。 2、核仁与某种RNA的合成以及核糖体的形成有关。 3、色氨酸是合成生长素的前体物质,在在幼嫩的芽、叶和发育中的种子等部位,色氨酸经过一系列反应转变为生长素。 【解答】 A、附着于内质网的核糖体上合成的是分泌蛋白,甲状腺激素是氨基酸衍生物,不是蛋白质,不是在核糖体上合成的,A错误; B、rRNA是核糖体的组成成分之一,核仁与核糖体的合成有关,真核细胞的rRNA是在细胞核内通过转录形成的,与核仁有关,B正确; C、溶菌酶在泪腺、唾液腺等非免疫细胞中也能合成,C错误; D、在幼嫩的芽、叶和发育中的种子等部位,色氨酸经过一系列反应转变为生长素,D 错误。 2. 地衣由真菌菌丝包裹着绿藻或蓝藻细胞构成,藻细胞进行光合作用为地衣制造有机养分,而菌丝则吸收水分和无机盐,为藻细胞进行光合作用提供原料,并使藻细胞保持一定的湿度。下列说法正确的是() A.共生藻的叶绿体中合成的有机物是真菌唯一的有机物来源 B.真菌菌丝可以为藻细胞提供钾、钙、磷等微量元素 C.在沙漠或裸岩上从地衣开始的演替属于初生演替 D.组成地衣的细胞在光镜下都可以观察到细胞质和细胞核 【答案】 C 【考点】 组成细胞的元素与化合物 群落的演替 原核细胞和真核细胞的形态和结构的异同 【解析】 1.组成生物体的化学元素根据其含量不同分为大量元素和微量元素两大类。


1. 设集合{}1|(),|12x M y y N y y ??===≥??? ?,则集合M ,N 的关系为 A.M N = B.M N ? C.N M ≠? D.N M ≠? 2.下列各式中错误的是 A . 330.80.7> B . 0..50..5log 0.4log 0.6> C .< D . lg1.6lg1.4> 3.已知向量=(1,2)-,=(,2)x ,若⊥,则||b = A B . C .5 D .20 4.若点),4(a 在21 x y =的图像上,则π6 tan a 的值为 A. 0 B. 3 3 C. 1 D. 3 5."6"πα=是"212cos "=α的 .A 充分不必要条件 .B 必要不充分条件 .C 充分必要条件 .D 既不充分也不必要条件 6.函数()x x x f 2log 12-=定义域为 A. ()+∞,0 B. ()+∞,1 C. ()1,0 D. ()()+∞,11,0 7. 在△ABC 中,a b c 、、分别是三内角A B C 、、的对边, ?=?=45,75C A ,2b =,则此三角形的最小边长为( ) A .46 B .322 C .362 D . 4 2 8. 命题“∈?x R ,0123=+-x x ”的否定是 A .,x R ?∈0123≠+-x x B .不存在,x R ∈0123≠+-x x C .,x R ?∈ 0123=+-x x D .,x R ?∈ 0123≠+-x x

9.要得到函数的图像,只需将函数的图像 A.向左平移 个单位 B.向右平移个单位 C.向左平移 个单位 D.向右平移个单位 10. 函数的一个零点落在下列哪个区;间 A. (0,1) B. (1,2) C. (2,3) D. (3,4) 11. 等差数列{}n a 中,已知112a =-,130S =,使得0n a >的最小正整数n 为 A .7 B .8 C .9 D .10 12.函数?? ? ??-??? ??+=x x y 4cos 4sin 2ππ图象的一条对称轴是 A .8π=x B. 4π=x C. 2π =x D. π=x 13. 已知{}n a 等比数列,2512,,4a a ==则12231n n a a a a a a ++++= A .()1614n -- B . ()1612n -- C . ()32143n -- D .()32123 n -- 14.若实数,a b 满足2,a b +=则33a b +的最小值是 A. 18 B.6 C.15. 在数列{}n a 中,13a =, 11ln(1)n n a a n +=++,则n a = A .3ln n + B .3(1)ln n n +- C .3ln n n + D .1ln n n ++

山东省济南第一中学2019 2020高一物理上学期期中试题

山东省济南第一中学2019-2020学年高一物理上学期期中试题(无答案) (时间:60 分钟满分:100 分) 题为单项选择题,~8 分。一、选择题(本题共 12 小题,每小题 5 分,共 60 1 不答的 3 分,有选错或9~12 题为多项选择题,全部选对的得 5 分,选对但不全的得 0 分)得 2022 年冬奥会。如图所示为部分冬奥会项目,下列关于这些冬奥会1.北京已成功申办 ( ) 项目的研究中,可以将运动员看作质点的是 )

( 2.关于小汽车的运动,下列说法哪些是不可能的..小汽 BA.小汽车在某一时刻速度很大,而加速度为零.小汽车在 C车在某一时刻速度为零,而加速度不为零.小汽车 D某一段时间,速度变化量很大而加速度较小加速度很大,而速度变化很慢,根据地图上的相,车上里程表的示数增加了 400 km3.某人驾车从济南到青岛用时 4 h ,则整个过程中汽车的位移大小和平均关数据得到出发地到目的地的直线距离为 312km) 速度的大小分别为( 100 km/h .312 km .312 km 78km/h BA100 km/h 400 km C.400 km 78 km/h D.t v)(-图像,以下判断正确的是 4.如图所示是一个质点在水平面上运动的 1 s 的时间内,质点在做匀加速直线运动在 0~A. 3 s 的时间内,质点的加速度方向发生了变化0B.在~ 6 s C.第末,质点的加速度为零 4 m/s 6 s 第D. 内质点速度变化量为-1 2ttx,则当物体速度为5.某物体做匀变速直线运动,其位移与时间的关系为)=0.5+(m 3 m/s 时,物体已运动的时间为() D.6 s A.1.25 s B.2.5 s C.3 s A、B 悬于水平天花板6.如图所示,一个金属小球静止在光滑斜面上,球上有两根细绳 )


【英语】高考英语阅读理解专题训练答案 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Google's new camera, called Clips, is a smart device. It comes with a case that has a clip (夹子), but it's not designed to be worn on your clothing. Most interestingly, it uses artificial intelligence to take photography out of your hands and captures moments entirely on its own! What sets this roughly 2-inch by 2-inch camera, with a three-hour battery life and Gorilla Glass for toughness apart is that it is specially intended for candid moments, like when a child does something cute that may happen too quickly for you to pull out your smartphone. The Clips device, it uses machine learning algorithms (计算程序) to help capture scenes. Those algorithms include face recognition. "Once it learns that there's a face you see frequently, it'll try to get nice photos of those faces," said Juston Payne, the device's product manager. And they also want it to recognize facial expressions, which involved "training it to know what happiness looks like". The Google team also trained it to recognize what not to shoot—like when a child's hand is over the lens, or if it is tossed in a dark purse. The only way to see the images is by connecting the camera with your phone, as it has no screen for viewing or editing. Concerned it could seem strange? Yes, Payne admitted, but he said they addressed that by making it obvious what it is. A green light on the front signals that it is on. Besides, unlike a camera meant to monitor your home, it is not connected to the Internet. "This product is only possible because of the way that silicon(硅) has advanced," Payne said that now they could squeeze the technology down into a device this size. Going forward, we're likely to get more assistance from the artificial intelligence packed into our apps and gadgets.(1)What is the most outstanding feature of Clips? A.It enables easy Internet access. B.It is equipped with tough glass. C.It can be worn on your clothing. D.It allows of hands-free photography. (2)What does the underlined word "candid" in Paragraph 2 mean? A.Awkward. B.Brief. C.Touching. D.Unforgettable. (3)What makes Clips a reality according to Juston Payne? A.The advance in technology. B.The popularity of the Internet. C.The screen for viewing and editing. D.The rise of the smartphone industry. (4)What does the text mainly talk about? A.New gadgets in the age of apps.


一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读上面的信息,选择正确答案。 ① Jackie, Are you good at fixing printers? The one in my office doesn't work. Please help! Grace ② You can make a cake in about fifteen minutes. First, heat the oven to 350℉. Then, put the flour (面粉) in a bowl and add the milk, butter, eggs and salt. ③ Found A purple schoolbag. Found at the gate. Call Janet at 457-4611. ④ Telephone Message From: Luke Sanger To: Mr. Miller Message: Call him back at 3: 00 p. m. on June 29 at his office number (234-3688). ⑤Our running club members meet at 7: 00 p.m. every Wednesday. We run in two groups: Beginners (for anyone ) The experienced (for runners who can do 12miles or more ) Join us to keep fit! Call Esteban Lopez at 617-555- 3697. A. office B. mobile phone C. printer D. cake (2)We may read Text ② in a ________. A. cookbook B. music magazine C. weather report D. story book (3)Text ③ should be a ________. A. thank-you note B. letter C. postcard D. notice (4)According to Text④, Luke Sanger should be ________ at 3: 00 p. m. on June 29. A. at home B. in the office C. on the plane D. at the restaurant (5)In Test ⑤, the running club members meet ________. A. once a week B. twice a week C. once a month D. twice a month 【答案】 (1)C (2)A (3)D (4)B (5)A 【解析】【分析】大意:本文介绍感谢信,蛋糕制作流程,失物招领,和电话和俱乐部等的信息。 (1)细节题。根据 Are you good at fixing printers? 可知打印机出了问题,故选C 。 (2)推断题。本则内容主要介绍如何做蛋糕,因此此则信息可能来自烹饪的书籍,故选A 。


一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Most adults find it hard to recall events from their first few years of life and now scientists have found exactly when these childhood memories fade(消失). A new study has found that most three-year-olds can recall a lot of what happened to them over a year earlier, and these memories persist while they are five and six, but by the time they are over seven, these memories decline(衰退) rapidly. Most children by the age of eight or nine can only recall 35% of their experiences from under the age of three, according to the new findings. The scientists behind the research say this is because at around this age the way we form memories begins to change. They say that before the age of seven children do not have a sense of time and place in their memories. In older children, however, the early events they can recall tend to be more adult-like in the way they are formed. Children also have a far faster rate of forgetting than adults. The findings also help to explain why children can often have clear memories of events but then forget them just a couple of years later. The youngsters first visited the laboratory at the age of three and discussed six unique events from their past, such as family outings, trips to the zoo, and the first day of school. The children then returned for a second session between the ages of five and nine to discuss the same events. The researchers found that between the ages of five and seven, the amount of memories the children could recall remained between 63 -72 percent. However, the amount of information eight-to nine-year-old children could recall dropped to 35 and 36 percent. (1)What does the new study tell us? A.Childhood memories decline with years. B.Three-year-old kids are the cleverest. C.Childhood memories can fade easily. D.Some adults cannot recall past events. (2)What does the underlined word "persist" in Paragraph 2 mean? A.Change. B.Remain. C.Appear. D.Return. (3)What can we learn from Paragraph 4? A.Adults cannot have clear memories of past events. B.Children can think like adults when they get older. C.Children under 7 years old have different ways of forming memories. D.Children often forget things because they have no idea of time or place. (4)In the second session, nine-year-old children _________. A.refused to discuss the same events B.remembered all their family outings C.could recall 72 percent of their past events

中考英语 英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案)

中考英语英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案) 一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷 1.阅读理解 Children love to play and laugh throughout their days at school or at home. Finding the time to laugh with your children may be the best thing you can do for the relationship. Encourage your children to develop a good humor by laughing at the jokes they make up on the spot. This will help them grow confident and build their self-esteem. If you do not get the joke, you can ask why they think the joke is funny. Honest feedback will help your children develop funnier jokes. You can take them to your local library and have them pick up a few joke books. Then you can head back home or out to the park and read it together for a good laugh. You can take turns reading jokes to each other from the book or make up a few yourselves. But if they make a joke at the expense of another person, you may want to discuss the difference between making fun of yourself and making fun of others. In turn , try not to make jokes at your children’s expense, you need to set an exampl e that they can follow. Learning to laugh at oneself is a great quality to attain. You can set an example by laughing at your own mistakes. This is a great way to help reduce your own stress as well as your children’s. Laughing may make the situation seem lighter and easier to work through. By doing this, your children will be better prepared to handle any difficulties. Most importantly, laughing will bring you closer together as a family. You can have your family find different ways to laugh. You can play games. You can start a staring contest, arm wrestling contest, thumb wars contest and have a prize for the winners. You can all watch your best funny movies and act out the best parts together after the movies are over. You could hold a contest to see who can make the other members of the family laugh more by doing something funny. Kids will be able to enjoy the good time they had with their parents. The family that laughs together stays together! (1)If you often play and laugh with your children, you can ________. A. develop a good humor B. become proud and confident C. make up some funny jokes D. get along well with each other (2)The underlined word “them” refers to ________. A. funny jokes B. interesting books C. your children D. the family (3)We can infer that when your children make mistakes you should ________. A. teach them to laugh at the mistakes B. blame them seriously C. punish them at once D. tell them to do better in future (4)The author advises in Para.4 that people make their family members laugh by ________. A. having a party B. having some kinds of contests C. doing some housework D. reading joke books (5)What can be the best title for the text? A. The More You laugh, the B etter You’ll Be B. Laughing Every Day Is Simple C. How to Laugh in Everyday Life D. Laughter Is Good for Your Family


山东省十大重点初中排名 山东省实验中学 山东省实验中学建校于1948年,是首批省级重点学校、省级规范化学校。在60多年的办学历程中,学校培养了数以万计的优秀学子,以聪明才智和卓越贡献为母校和泉城增光添彩,教育部领导多次高度评价学校的育人举措和办学成果,很多做法和经验被《中国教育报》、《光明日报》等媒体多次报道,成为全国新课程改革的典型和齐鲁素质教育的领跑者。 近年来,学校一直努力体现“实验性”和“示范性”的办学特色,鲜明地提出“为每个学生创造主动发展的无限空间”的教育理念,以“高远、大气、宽松、求新”的学校文化作根基,以创建促进学生全面而有个性发展的课程体系作保障,努力创办“高境界、高品质,能够影响学生一生发展的教育”。 青岛第二中学 山东省青岛第二中学位于青岛高科园,背依崂山,南临黄海,风景秀丽。校园绿树掩映,芳草如茵,好鸟相鸣,锦鳞游泳,奇石错落相叠,名花应时绽放。晨昏交替,演奏优美旋律,四季更迭,上演动人交响。学校建于1925年,1953年被确定为山东省重点学校,曾获全国教育系统先进集体、全国德育先进校、全国绿色学校、体育传统项目学校、北京2008奥林匹克教育示范学校、山东省规范化学校等称号。发展到今天,学校十易校名,六迁校址,无论是在汇泉湾畔,还是在崂山脚下,二中人萃取了高山的宽厚与仁爱,汲取了大海的灵动与智慧,形成了以深厚的“仁智”文化。 学校始终坚持育人为本,全校师生在继承优良的校风、学风的基础上始终坚持以培养学生素质为核心,着力实施素质教育。确立了“深化素质教育、优化教育资源、凸显办学特色、创建国际名校”的办学目标和“造就终身发展之生命主体”的育人目标,逐步形成了“开放·自主”的办学特色。 山东师范大学附属中学 山东师范大学附属中学位于山东省济南市,她处在蜿蜒奔腾的黄河岸边、碧水盈盈的大明湖畔、巍巍屹立的千佛山下、喷涌不息的趵突泉沿。学校占地5万多平方米,校园环境优美,春季樱花满枝,夏季荷香飘溢,秋季百菊争艳,冬季松柏青翠。假山流水相映成趣,壁雕石栏巧夺天工,是济南市花园式庭院学校的优秀典范。 学校始建于1950年10月,其前身是山东省工农速成中学,之后曾分别改名为山东省第一工农速成中学、山东师范学院附设工农速成中学、山东师范学院附属中学、卫东中学、济南柴油机厂附中、济南三十中、山东师范学院附中等,于1981年改名为山东师范大学附属中学。 沧海桑田一甲子,岁月峥嵘六十年。伴随着共和国蒸蒸日上的矫健步伐,山东师范大学附属中学在文化之乡、礼仪之邦的齐鲁大地上傲然走过了六十余载的漫漫征程。如今,在几代人筚路褴褛以启山林的拼搏之下,山东师大附中已经从一棵幼苗成长为参天大树,从一泓细流汇聚成滔滔江河,发展成为一所省内拔尖、国内一流、世界知名的学府。 烟台第二中学 烟台二中,是一所百年名校、省级重点中学。1959年被山东省政府命名为省级重点中学,1980年被山东省政府确定为首批办好的18所重点中学之一,1993年被山东省教委评为首批规范化学校。2007年光荣入选“中国百年名校”。追溯历史,我校于1866年(清,同治五年),由美国传教士郭显德博士在烟台创建,是烟台1861年开埠后的第一所新式学校,距今已有143年的历史。一个多世纪以来,共有8万多学子走出校门,足迹遍布世界各地,他们为中国和世界经济、科技的发展做出了巨大贡献。


高考英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining global popularity. According to a government white paper, TCM has been introduced in 183 countries and regions around the world. Westerners' understanding of TCM, however, may be limited to acupuncture, cupping and massage(针灸,拔罐和按摩). For instance, the purple, injury-like marks left on U. S. swimmer Michael Phelps,back from cupping for the purpose of relaxing his muscles and reducing pain became the center of attention during the Rio Olympics in 2016. As a matter of fact, Chinese herbs play a more important role in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body in good condition in the TCM treatment system than physical treatment. It is therefore disheartening to know that while 103 World Health Organization member countries have given approval to the practice of acupuncture, not many recognize Chinese herbal medicine. TCM falls far behind Western medicine owing partly to the slow development of Chinese herbs. Herbs are made into pills, powder and soup, and the kind of herbs used, their quality and quantity, and the processing of the ingredients (原材料) jointly determine the effectiveness of the prescription. Compared with Western medicine, which has standardized drug production processes and treatment methods, TCM lacks standardization, with the chemical composition and functions of its medicines being unclear and their effects being unstable. Fortunately, standardization has improved in recent decades, with an increasing number of factories producing patented TCM drugs. Another factor that has prevented the development of TCM prescription drugs is the lack of creativity. While Western medicine-making companies come up with new products every year, TCM drug producers tend to make medicines according to prescriptions handed down from the past. Chinese chemist Tu Youyou's winning the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her research into malaria (疟疾) treatment may drive creativity to some extent in China's TCM industry. However, the current state of affairs cannot be changed within a short time. (1)Why does the author mention the example of Michael Phelps? A. Because he was injured in his swimming. B. Because cupping is a kind of important TCM treatment. C. Because westerners know a little about TCM. D. Because westerners attach great importance to TCM. (2)Why don't some member countries of WHO recognize Chinese herbal medicine? A. Because Chinese herbs can get rid of diseases. B. Because they only approve the practice of acupuncture. C. Because Western medicine is more effective. D. Because medicine made out of Chinese herbs develops slowly. (3)Compared with Western medicine, what is the weak point of TCM in Paragraph 4? A. The methods of planting herbs. B. The effectiveness of prescription. C. Lacking in standardization. D. Its stable functions.
