








BEC商务英语中级学生用书答案 第一单元 P7 READING (5) 1,open your mind 2 plan for disaster 3 get organized 4 set your limits 5 put pen to paper 6 don’t feel guilty 7 two become one P9 GRAMMAR (5) 1 need 2 communicate 3 have escaped 4 have been working 5 have been 6 am working 7 answer P9 (SPEAKING)Writing 第六题work in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。 P10 READING (4) AACCBABCAC 第二单元 P16 READING (4) →BACBC P18 GAMMAR (4) 1 began 2.trademarked 3.became 4.has been 5.has been working 6.has been 7.took part P19 GAMMAR (5) 1.have been working 2.joined 3.have had 4.have been considering 5.has expanded https://www.360docs.net/doc/b32154220.html,pleted 7.have been studying 8.has agreed P23 WRITING A MEMO 第三单元 P27 READING (3) https://www.360docs.net/doc/b32154220.html,unch 2.charge 3.fee 4.growth 5.concept 6.branch out P27 Writing(6.work in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。) P29 GRAMMAR (6) 1.’ll call 2.won’t rise 3.’re running 4.’m going to have 5.’leaves 6.will be opening 7.will have started 8.going to leave 9.’ll be receiving 第六单元 P57 SPEAKING 6问答题(答案没有找到,自主发挥) P58 GRAMMAR (1)1. ’s employed 2.must have been asked 3.is hoped 4 are being made 5to be looked at6 were taken on7 ’ll be fired GRAMMAR(3)1.will be given 2.is being reviewed 3.have been offered 4.was set up 5.will be given 6.to be look 7.is hoped 8.have been delayed P59 GRAMMAR (5) 1.to assess 2.was unfairly dismissed 3.was followed 4.has been found 5.had failed 6.is reported 7.gave 8.was dismissed 9.appears 10.is recommended 11.should be carried 12.will help P61 READING (2) →BFDAEC P62 1 翻译(可能从着5篇短文中出) 第七单元 P66 READING (3) BCBD P69 GRAMMAR (6) 1.bad 2.most 3.most enjoyable 4.more 5.than 6.better 7.as 8.better P70 READING (2)→BADCD BCABA BDBCC Memo例文 To: All Staff From: (name of student) Date:4,july


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模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题! 剑桥商务英语初级考试试题及答案解析(二十) 一、READING (PART ONE )(本大题5小题.每题1.0分,共5.0分。 ● Look at the questions 1--5. ● In each question, which sentence is correct? ● For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. ) 第1题 Our highly trained unemployment insurance specialists are available 9:00-20:00 Monday to Friday & 10:00-18:00 Saturday. Online quotes available 24/7. A. The information about prices can be found on the Internet anytime. B. You could consult the professionals of the company on Sundays. C. You will be offered some training by the company if you are out of work. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 “可以在网上随时找到关于价格的信息。” 从原文第一句可知,星期日是不接受咨询的,所以B 项应排除。C 项文中未提及,虽然“train”一词出现了,但“You will be offered some training…”(将给你提供培训……)中的training 与在“Our highly trained unemployment insurance specialists…”(我们训练有素的失业保险专员……)中的trained 意思完全不同,后者是“受过训练的”。从原文第二句“Online quotes available 24/7.”(7天,每天24小时都可以在网上找到报价。)可知A 项正确。 第2题 MRK Consulting Ltd has been operating in the global market since 1988. We have successfully placed hundreds of IT & Banking professionals in leading companies in the Finance, Banking and IT industries. A. MRK is a leading company in Finance and IT Industries. B. There are many IT and Banking talents working with MRK. C. MRK has helped many people found good jobs. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 “MRK 已经帮助很多人找到了好工作。” 从公司的名称“MRK Consulting Ltd”(MRK 咨询公司)可以排除选项A 。从文中第二句中的“…placed hundreds of IT & Banking professionals in leading companies”可知MRK


剑桥商务英语考试介绍 商务英语是一种在工作环境中使用的、世界通用的语言,适用于政府机关、事业单位、企业、商社等各种机构的日常公务和商贸活动。 商务英语证书(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE)是教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于1993年起举办的考试。该系列考试是一项语言水平考试,根据公务或商务工作的实际需要,对考生在一般工作环境下和商务活动中使用英语的能力从听、说、读、写四个方面进行全面考查,对成绩及格者提供由英国剑桥大学考试委员会颁发的标准统一的成绩证书。该证书由于其颁发机构的权威性,在英国、英联邦各国及欧洲大多数国家的商业企业部门获得认可,作为确认证书持有者英语能力证明的首选证书。也是在所有举办该项考试的国家和地区求职的“通行证” 在一些国家,许多大学要求获得BEC高级证书者才能获得工商管理硕士(MBA)学位。在英国,已有69所大学认可BEC高级证书为参加学位课程学习的语言能力证明。 目前,BEC考试已经从中国推广到亚洲、欧洲、南美洲、澳洲等六十几个国家。 考试机构与分工 英国剑桥大学是一所世界闻名的高等学府,剑桥大学考试委员会为其下属机构,该委员会所提供的英语作为外国语(EFL)的系列考试获得世界各国的承认,被用于入学、就业等各种用途。目前该委员会在世界一百多个国家设有考点,每年参加该系列考试的有一百多万人。 中国教育部考试中心是我国国家级教育考试主管部门,负责承担各项国家级教育考试并受教育部委托代办海外机构在我国举办的各类教育考试。 商务英语证书考试(BEC)由中英双方合办。英国剑桥大学考试委员会负责命题, 阅卷,颁发证书。中国教育部考试中心负责报名、印制试卷和组织考试。 考试等级 BEC共分三个等级:BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.),BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.),BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)。考生可根据自己的英语水平自由选择相应级别报考。 BEC各级别的水平与剑桥大学考试委员会另外两个系列考试五级水平考试(MSE)、国际英语语言测试体系(IELTS)的水平对应。


Unit 5b Part I Grammar Task 1 Complete the dialogue with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Kate: Hello. Kate Hawthorn speaking. Jason: Hi Kate, it’s Jason. I (1 just / come back) ______________________ from holiday and I was wondering about the quarterly sales figures… Kate: Oh right. Hang on. We (2 get) _____________________ them a couple of weeks ago. Jason: So, how we (3 we / do) ____________________ last quarter? Kate: Right, here they are. Well, it’s difficult to say, really. And I’m afraid some of the offices (4 still / not send) ______________________ their figures in yet. Jason: So who (5 send) _______________________ their results so far? Kate: Germany. They (6 do) ___________________ quite well last quarter. They (7 beat) ___________________ their sales target by 12%. Jason: How they (8 they / manage) _______________________ that? Their sales (9 be) _________________________ down when I (10 be) ________________________ there in August. Kate: I know, but they (11 win) _________________________ a big contract in September. Jason: So what about Spain? Kate: We (12 not / hear) ___________________________ from them yet, I’m afraid…Answers: 1. ‘ve just come back 2. got 3. did we do 4. still haven’t sent 5. has sent 6. did 7.beat 8. did they manage 9. were 10. was 11. won 12. haven’t heard Task 2 Complete the e-mail with the correct form of the past simple or present perfect.


第三部分模拟试题 剑桥商务英语证书考试(初级)模拟试题及详解(一) READING AND WRITING1hour30minutes PART ONE Questions1-5 ●Look at questions1-5. ●In each question,which sentence is correct? ●For each question,mark one letter(A,B or C)on your Answer Sheet. Example:0 All speakers must submit summaries of the sessions they gave to HR office. The speakers should hand in A.what is in their sessions in full details. B.a brief report about their session. C.a proposal for their session. The correct answer is B,so mark your Answer Sheet like this: 1.Payment on the above order is overdue.

A.The order is not paid. B.The order is not placed. C.The order is delayed. 【答案】A 【解析】题意:上述订单的付款到期未付。overdue未兑的;延误的。因此选项A“这张订单还没有付款”符合题意。 2. To:Production manager Cc: Subject: There are complaints from customers that goods are arriving damaged. Pleased check the packaging is satisfactory. The Production Manager must find out A.who is packing the goods. B.which goods are damaged. C.how the goods are packed. 【答案】C 【解析】文段中提到check the packaging is satisfactory“确认包装没问题”。因此选项C“生产主管必须弄清楚产品包装得怎么样”符合题意。 3.

剑桥商务英语中级第二辑真题阅读精讲 TEST 2

TEST2 PART 1 这篇文章讲的是倾听(listening)的重要性。一个好的管理者必然是一个好的倾听者,所以要讲究倾听的艺术。 第一题,有时坚持进一步的解释是很有必要的。答案是B段的这么一句:It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification - it is always better to ask than to continue regardless and get things wrong它可能意味着为了进一步的信息和说明去询问说话的人——问总比不顾情况的继续并且把事情办错的好。这里的additional information对应于further explanation. 第二题,不能在别人还在说的时候就开始关注自己的回应。答案是C段的第一句:The most common bad habit we have is to start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished。我们最常见的坏习惯就是在讲话者远还没结束的时候就开始思考我们将对这个话题说些什么。这里的before the other speaker has finished就是others are still speaking,focus on your response 就是start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject。 第三题,人们不愿意承认自己没有听好。答案是A段的第一句:Too often we accuse others of not listening, pretending that we ourselves are faultless, yet in our hearts we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven't listened carefully enough。我们经常指责别人没有好好听,假装我们自己是无可指责的,其实在我们心里知道,很多我们所犯的错误都是由于听的不够仔细。这句的意思就是说我们心里知道什么原因,但是口头上喜欢指责别人。也就是第三题题干说的不愿意承认。 第四题,从说话者的视角去考虑问题是有好处的。答案是D段的这么一句:Equally importantly you should put yourself in the other person's place, both intellectually and emotionally。同样重要的是你必须把自己置于别人的位置上,既是智力上的也是情感上的。这里的put yourself in other person’s plac e就是seeing things from the speaker’s perspective。


BEC 剑桥商务英语中级考试真题 为了让大家更好的学习商务英语BEC 考试,小编给大家整理了BEC 商务英语中级考 试真题 ,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 真题一 When to Recruit? 0 In a small business, deciding when to take on new staff is a delicate calculation. On 00 the one hand, if you are increase your workforce, you might find it difficult to cover 34 for the increased costs straight away. On the other hand, extra staff could 35 enable you to spend more time on activities such as marketing, which in the 36 end should meanthe increased profits. A useful way of deciding when to increase 37 your workforce is to ask yourself if you can make enough of extra sales to meet 38 the cost of taking on with an extra employee. But even if you are not able to 39 increase your sales immediately you may still be able to employ someone. 40 In this such case, however, you must keep your business going until you have built 41 your sales up to the new level you need. If in the end you are clever enough to 42 get your timing so right, you will not want to throw away your advantage by 43 employing the wrong type person. The whole process of advertising and 44 interviewing can take around many months, so finding you made a mistake and 45 need to recruit again it can have a very serious impact on the future of your business. 《When to recruit? 》,何时招人 ?文章是讲的小公司招人的一些注意事项,应该如何 判断招人的时机。 34 题, cover 是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,不需要用for 。cover 在此处的含义是“ to be enough money to pay for something 。” 35 题,正确的。 36 题,这句的意思是说招人可以反过来增加收益。mean (the) increased profits ,意 味着增加的收益。并不是特别指代,不需要使用定冠词the 。 37 题, make 是及物动词,直接后面接名词, make enough extra sales ,不需要 of 。


《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》 (第三版) 教案 教材:《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》(第三版) Rolf Cook and Mara Pedretti with Helen Stephenson编著, 经济科学出版社, 2008年10月



第一次课设计梗概(2课时) (1)告知学生本课程的总体安排、教材的处理,上课的方式、明确学习目标。 两个目标:通过听、说、读、写及分组讨论,案例表演和课堂演示,培养学生在商务情景下的工作习惯和交流意识;尽量通过BEC初级考试。 两个要求:为了提高学生的积极性并使他们了解在平时的学习中应提高哪些能力,告诉学生现在用人单位对员工的要求,第一要有一定的专业素质,二是情商要高,即懂得如何交流,如何为人处事。 教学方式:在教学中,主要采取活动教学,通过各种各样的活动,提高学生的自信心和交流能力。将学生分为六组,每组四人,一个组即为一个公司,每个组员都有一个职位,第一周确定每个组员的职位。第三、四周确定公司的名称、职能和业务范畴,并在全班演示。(2)考核方式 平时表现:两个方面,一是整组的表现,即各个公司在各种课堂活动上的表现;二是个人的主动表现和提问表现.只要平时刻苦努力,积极主动。 期末卷面:一整套BEC初级的模拟题。 口试:口试的形式仿照BEC初级口试形式并加上案例表演。 (3)进入正题 本次课的项目主要是介绍公司的职务分类,职能范畴,撰写个人简介及设计名片。 ●Reading: Read and get to know the format of BEC preliminary exam. ●Reading and Discussion: Read the materials about Training and Workshops in order to know the job title and responsibilities.


2019年剑桥商务英语中级阅读模拟试题及答案 Read the article below about the changing role of human resources departments. The best person for the job Employees can make a business succeed or fail, so the people who choose them have a vital role to play. Employees are a company’s new ideas, its public face and its main asset. Hiring the right people is therefore a significant factor in a company’s success.(0) G If the human resources department makes mistakes with hiring, keeping and dismissing staff, a business can disappear overnight. Many companies now realise that recruiting the best recruiters is the key to success. Sarah Choi, Head of HR at Enco pic, believes that thinking commercially is a key quality in HR. Every decision an HR manager makes needs to be relevant to advancing the business. (8) ...C.....That’s no longer the case. HR managers have to think more strategically these days. They continually need to think about the impact of their decisions on the bottom line. (9).....F... For example,a chief executive will expect the HR department to advise on everything from the headcount to whether to proceed with an acquisition. Why do people go into HR in the first place? Choi has a ready answer. I think most people in the profession are attracted by a long-term goal.(10)....D......Nothing happens in the company which isn’t affected by or doesn’t impact on

新编剑桥商务英语(BEC 中级 第三版)Module 2(DOC)

Module 2 第二单元 2.1 Business Topic Company Benefits 商务话题篇公司福利三、 Vocabulary: Benefits and incentives benefits n. 福利 incentive n. 奖励 job title 职衔,职位,头衔 training and staff development 培训和员工发展 good salary 可观的收入 pension n. 养老金 flexible working hours 弹性工作时间,灵活的工作时间opportunities to travel 旅游机会 opportunities for promotion 升职提拔机会 days off 几天短假 company car 公司配(给的汽)车 too good to be true 好得令人难以置信 client service executive 客户服务主管 take… with a pinch/grain of salt 对…将信将疑,对…不完全相信 old and established 历史悠久 resources director(human resources director的简称)人力资源部经理qualification n. 资格 temp n.(temporary/temporary worker的缩略语)临时员工incumbent programme 在职员工培训课程,岗位培训课程 human resources 人力资源 promote from within 提拔内部员工 take on 接受,招聘 intake n. 从外部吸纳招收的员工 project manager项目经理 grow and maintain customer relationship发展和维持客户关系 canteen n. 食堂,餐厅 head office n. 总部,总公司 brainstorming n. 自由讨论,头脑风暴,集思广益 breakout n. 突破 encompass vt. 包括,包含 sales and marketing 销售和市场营销 research and development and manufacturing 研发和生产 perk n. 好处,额外津贴,外快 final salary pension scheme 按最终薪水给付的养老金计划 budget n. 预算 non-cash reward 非现金形式的奖赏 once-in-a-lifetime adj. 千载难逢的,令人难忘的 career goal 职业目标 senior management 高层管理人员


2020年商务英语BEC初级练习试题及答案 Look at the sentences below and at the five managers’ comments on leadership on the opposite page Which new item (A, B, C ,D or E) dose each statement 1 –8 refer to ? For each statement 1– 8 , make one letter(A, B, C ,D or E) on your Answer Sheet . You will need to use some of these letters more than once . 1、Successful leadership involves making sure that employees accept new ideas. 2、A good leader can bring success to a company in difficulties 3、Leaders should be assessed on the basis of their achievements 4、The personalities of good leaders are generally different from those of other managers 5、Patience is a valuable quality in a successful leader 6、Leaders consider potential changes in what their company does for others 7、Good leaders will encourage their staff if their organization is in difficulties 8、Leaders need to adapt their behaviour to suit different circumstances


【关键字】BEC 英语基础差,想考BEC该从何学起?(BEC考生必看) 你英语基础差,你大学英语没过四级,或者你已经放弃英语了,但是现在你想学习商务英语,该如何学起呢?你迷茫吗?现在就有的王老师就BEC考生关心的问题做一个解答,供大家参考: 1. BEC究竟适合哪些人群考试? BEC是一种考查考生在商业环境下使用英语能力的考试,在工作中将需要提高英语能力,到外企工作的白领和准白领;想毕业以后能更好证明自己英语能力的大学生,还有希望保持并提高英语能力的英语爱好者都可以报考。但由于BEC分三个等级(详情请参见BEC 介绍栏目),大家在选择考试级别的时候需要仔细斟酌。 不过根据重庆良师益友BEC培训班老师的经验,就大部分学生适合的BEC中级来说,报考中级需要至少CET-4 470分以上的水平,而报考高级则需要CET-6 570以上的水平。当然这里需要指出的是,CET考试和BEC考试时两个不同性质的考试,在考试难度,方法上有很大的差别,而且即使都达到某一个CET分数的学习方法,但每个人的学习能力和即将花费的时间不尽相同,因此以上标准仅作为一般性参考。 2. BEC考试所需教材和参考资料有哪些? 英国剑桥考试中心有多种推荐教材,在这里我们深圳商务英语培训BEC班的老师以BEC 中级为例仅就市面上几种较为流行的教材和参考资料进行推荐和点评: 1)主教材 剑桥商新编务英语(中级)学生用书(第三版)()经济科学出版社推荐指数5星;该教材在近年来BEC考试中非常火爆的,除了本身是剑桥考试中心推荐的书籍外,更重要的是它对BEC考试非常有针对性。其课文的编排都是按照考试的题型来做的,学生在完成教材的学习以后对考试的特点和要求有一个比较充分的把握。深圳商务英语培训从开办起一直沿用该教材学生反映非常好。 剑桥商务英语中级学生用书BENCHMARK:Student"s Book(含盘)推荐指数5星 《剑桥标准商务英语教程》(Cambridge Business Benchmark)共由三个级别构成,分别对应BEC考试的三个级别:初级(Preliminary)、中级(Vantage)、高级(Higher)。每一级别又包含学生用书(四色印刷,书中附有录音光盘)、教师用书、自学手册。 本套教程内容真实丰富,贴近当今的商业社会。就语音素材而言,其中的受访者全部是现实生活中的商业人士。Brook-Hart教授从最初长达12小时的采访样带中精选出含TESCO, Tea UK, Espresso, Disney Channel, MediaCom等国际知名企业普通员工或高管访谈的片段,奉献给读者。就文字素材而言,来自the Economist等著名财经媒体的文章更是比比皆是。该教材为剑桥大学出版社出版,中文版限国内发行,资料内容非常丰富,案例典型,纸张超好,可惜价格偏高一点点。推荐作为泛读资料。带光盘,给大家带来不少方便。 剑桥国际商务英语:学生用书(第三版)华夏出版社推荐指数:4星 该教材在BEC考试初期比较风行,但在经科的教材后来居上执BEC考试教材之牛耳后,难有起色。但其文章内容编排精彩,案例丰富,听力材料地道。可作为BEC备考的辅选教材或作为商务英语泛读泛听的教材。 新剑桥商务英语(中级)学生用书人民邮电出版社推荐指数:4星 该教材和以上几本教材一样,都是英国原版教材的引进版,在课文和听力材料的选取上独具匠心,具有典型的商业氛围。但由于形式和考试内容有一定差距,难度也偏简单。随书的VCD光盘与教材毫无关系,只能作为课外视听的材料。可作为BEC备考的辅选教材或作为商务英语泛读泛听的教材。


10.1 Management Reading:How Madonna managed success 2(P96) (1) E (2) D (3) B (4) C (5) A 3(P96) -Managers shouldn't ask staff to do things they aren't prepared to do themselves. -Managers need to be open to new ideas and ways of doing things. Vocabulary:Verd+noun combinations 4(P97) (other possibilities are given in brackets) succeed in business achieve success(a great deal,targets) set targets miss opportunities(targets) recognise weaknesses(success) learn a great deal develop an understanding(a strategy) 5(P97) (1) succeeded in (2) missing (3) learned (4) developed (5) recognised (6) plan 6(P97) Madonna has succeeded in business because she reinvents herself. She has always planned a strategy for each stage of her career. She has achieved success through hard work and determination. It 's been important for her to set personal targets. When she has missed opportunities,sh'se learnt from it. She also recognises her weakness and brings in other people to help. Madonna has learnt a great deal from others . She realised early on that i'ts important to develop an understanding of the music industry. Grammar:Conditionals 1(P98) (1) C/No,the action didn't happen.


剑桥商务英语 Business English Certificate 剑桥商务英语 剑桥商务英语根本目的不在考试,而是对非英语国家国际型公司对员工的英语能力评定,而根据成绩的偏向(听说读写四个方面)来考察员工是否合适即将参与的工作岗位。但由于近几年许多外企在国内的设立,对应聘员工的要求也越来越专业,因此BEC证书也就成了外企认证的唯一标准。但是企业更看重的是英语的应用能力,许多拿有BEC证书的应聘者被拒之门外,原因也就是成绩很高却不会临场应用。 英国剑桥大学是一所世界闻名的高等学府,剑桥大学考试委员会为其下属机构,该委员会所提供的英语作为外国语(EFL)的系列考试获得世界各国的承认,被用于入学、就业等各种用途。目前该委员会在世界一百多个国家设有考点,每年参加该系列考试的有一百多万人。 中国教育部考试中心是我国国家级教育考试主管部门,负责承担各项国家级教育考试并受教育部委托代办海外机构在我国举办的各类教育考试。 商务英语证书考试(BEC)由中英双方合办。英国剑桥大学考试委员会负责命题、阅卷、颁发证书。中国教育部考试中心负责报名、印制试卷和组织考试。 分级 编辑 BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.), 剑桥商务英语 BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.), BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)。 考生可根据自己的英语水平自由选择相应级别报考。 考试分两个阶段进行。 第一阶段为笔试,包括阅读、写作和听力,

第二阶段为口试。 考试时间分别为: BEC初级阅读、写作90分钟,听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间),口试12分钟; BEC中级阅读60分钟、写作45分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试14分钟; BEC高级阅读60分钟、写作70分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试16分钟。 报名 编辑 时间 报名无开始时间,即任何时间都可以报名。报名截止时间:上半年报名截止时间为三月十日;下半年报名截止时间为九月十五日。报名截止时间每年会有几日的变化,以考点公布的为准。欲了解各考点的具体报名事宜,可与各考点联系。 条件 报名不受年龄、性别、职业、地区、学历等限制,任何人(包括学生、待业人员等)均可持本人身份证件到当地考点报名。在华工作的外籍人员和现役军人亦可持本人有效身份证件报名参加考试。报名每次收取考试费(含口试费)BEC初级:360元人民币;BEC中级:480元人民币;BEC高级:600元人民币。教育部考试中心新推出BEC中级机考时间为2013年9月27日和11月2日,报名时间为9月3日至9月9日,考试的阅读、写作和听力部分为机考形式,口语仍将采用考官与考生面对面的形式。要求参加机考的考生具备英文打字能力。机考的时间长度、题型、试题数量与纸笔考试完全一致。上午机试,下午口试。今年机考仅开考中级,每次人数限定25人,报名费为460元/人,机考合格者获取的证书与纸笔考试相同。 考生在报名后可得到一本内容包括考试范围、考试题型的《考生手册》,供考生参照复习。 每年五月的第三周六(BEC高级),第四周六(BEC初级),六月第一周六(BEC中级);每年十一月第四周六(BEC高级),十二月第一周六(BEC初级),第 剑桥商务英语 二周六(BEC中级)。上午笔试,下午口试,口试进度慢的,延至第二日上午。如考试时间有变化,以考点当年公布的为准。考试地点即报名地点,具体考场由各考点张榜公布。 考试答题卡由教育部考试中心海外考试处汇集后寄英国剑桥大学考试委员会评卷。评出成绩后(BEC初级分M、P、A2、F四等(M、P表示通过,A2、F表示未通过);BEC中级分A、B、C、D、E五等(A、B、C表示通过,D、E表示未通过);BEC高级分A、B、
