专题四 谓语动词(习题)





1.(2019届内蒙古赤峰二中二次月考,50)I’m sure once you try it,you(agree).

答案will agree

2.(2019届河南驻马店经济开发区高级中学一次月考,65)The most popular event(be)water-splashing on the second day.People splash water on each other,hoping to take away sickness and disasters.


3.(2018河北百校联盟联考,68)Over the years,table tennis(develop)into a worldwide sport.

答案has developed/has been developed

4.(2018广东五校协作体一次联考,67)The museum(become)a hit since it opened at the end of October. 答案has become

5.(2018湖北襄阳调研,70)In Sweden,and Quebec City in Canada,there(be)no great difference in the number of obese children since the government banned food ads in children’s television.

答案has been

6.(2018湖南株洲质量检测Ⅰ,70)China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope

(remain)the global leader for the next10to20years.

答案will remain

7.(2018山西省实验中学质量监测,65)Tea,a popular drink in China and many other countries,

(be)carefully prepared according to local customs.


8.(2018东北三省三校一模,62)Especially famous is the wall built in220—206BC.Little of that wall (remain).


9.(2018黑龙江哈三中一模,70)According to the letter,the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative(help)to promote “equality for all children in the next generation”.

答案will help

10.(2018黑龙江齐齐哈尔一模,67)The humble man(refuse)an interview invitation after becoming an Internet star and said that he just did what he felt he should.



11.(2019届四川眉山一中办学共同体10月月考)They preferred the keyboard to the pen now,for the former is fast,convenient and clear.


12.(2019届广西桂林十八中二次月考)But a few minutes later,I refresh myself.So,I began to talk to them and adapted to that atmosphere gradually.


13.(2018福建龙岩2月质检)The goal of the concerts have always been about young people helping other young people to spread love and kindness.


14.(2018福建莆田3月质检)Bathed in the sunshine,we jumped and cheer with joy.


15.(2018辽宁沈阳郊联体一模)On this website there is varieties of English materials available,such as English papers,articles about foreign cultures and so on.


16.(2017河南豫南九校质量考评Ⅴ)Every one of you are encouraged to visit it.




1.(2019届河南孟津二中9月月考,63)The survey,in which almost5,000men and women in12countries (ask)last month,shows that both men and women think the same.

答案were asked

2.(2019届山东枣庄八中东校区9月月考,64)The cupboards in her kitchen(fill)with things that she didn’t need at all.

答案were filled

3.(2018湖北宜昌葛洲坝中学月考,63)Up to now,Aesop’s fables(translate)into many languages and are known all over the world.

答案have been translated

4.(2018广东五校协作体一次联考,63)A museum has managed to draw in lots of visitors to learn about a century-old duck recipe.It(build)for the public to understand the brand’s culture.

答案was built

5.(2018河南天一大联考Ⅲ,65)Today,he is so good at woodcarving that his home city allows him to work his magic on old tree stumps and so far about40works of art(create)in the local parks.

答案have been created


6.(2018黑龙江哈三中一模)The voluntary activity was offered us an opportunity to contribute to our



7.(2018甘肃兰州二模)When we arrived,we were warmly welcome by them.


8.(2018甘肃天水一中一模)Since last winter,the smog has been occurred a lot of times.


9.(2018西藏拉萨中学第七次月考)On one newly built estate(庄园),people are providing with tablets that show their real-time energy usage.


10.(2018安徽巢湖一中等十校联盟摸底)But when Lisa offered the full-time position,she told the manager that he should offer it to me first.





1.(2018北京,1)—Hi,I’m Peter.Are you new here?I haven’t seen you around.

—Hello,Peter.I’m Bob.I just(start)on Monday.


2.(2018北京,4)Susan had quit her well-paid job and(work)as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year.

答案was working

3.(2018北京,7)China’s high-speed railways(grow)from9,000to25,000kilometers in the past few years. 答案have grown

4.(2018江苏,31)Hopefully in2025we will no longer be e-mailing each other,for we(develop)more convenient electronic communication tools by then.

答案will have developed

5.(2017北京,24)—(do)you call that company to see how they think of our product yesterday? —Yes.They are happy with it.


6.(2017北京,33)People(have)better access to health care than they used to,and they’re living longer as

a result.


7.(2017天津,8)I(drive)down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.

答案was driving

8.(2017江苏,24)The publication of Great Expectations,which(be)both widely reviewed and highly praised,strengthened Dickens’status as a leading novelist.


9.(2017江苏,31)He’s been informed that he(do)not qualify for the scholarship because of his academic background.


10.(2016北京,21)Jack(work)in the lab when the power cut occurred.

答案was working

11.(2016北京,23)—Excuse me,which movie are you waiting for?

—The new Star Wars.We(wait)here for more than two hours.

答案have been waiting

12.(2016北京,25)I(read)half of the English novel,and I’ll try to finish it at the weekend.

答案have read

13.(2016江苏,29)Dashan,who(learn)crosstalk,the Chinese comedic tradition,for decades,wants to mix it up with the Western stand-up tradition.

答案has been learning

14.(2016浙江,9)Silk(become)one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about100BC.

答案had become

15.(2015北京,26)In the last few years,China(make)great achievements in environmental protection.

答案has made

16.(2015北京,27)—Did you have difficulty finding Ann’s house?

—Not really.She(give)us clear directions and we were able to find it easily.

答案had given

17.(2015北京,30)—Dr.Jackson is not in his office at the moment.

—All right.I(call)him later.

答案will call

18.(2015江苏,30)The real reason why prices(be),and still are,too high is complex,and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem.


19.(2015安徽,24)Just as I got to the school gate,I realized I(leave)my book in the cafe.

答案had left

20.(2015福建,30)—Where is Peter?I can’t find him anywhere.

—He went to the library after breakfast and(write)his essay there ever since.

答案has been writing

21.(2015湖南,22)As you go through this book,you(find)that each of the millions of people who lived through World WarⅡhad a different experience.

答案will find

22.(2015湖南,25)I wasn’t able to hide my eagerness when I(ask),“What do you wish me to do now?”


23.(2015湖南,28)He must have sensed that I(look)at him.He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly,“Why are you staring at me like that?”

答案was looking

24.(2015陕西,22)Marty(work)really hard on his book and he thinks he’ll have finished it by Friday.

答案has been working/is working

25.(2015重庆,1)—Is Peter coming?

—No,he(change)his mind after a phone call at the last minute.


26.(2015湖南,27)It is important to remember that success(be)a sum of small efforts made each day and often(take)years to achieve.


27.(2014北京,31)—What time is it?

—I have no idea.But just a minute,I(check)it for you.

答案will check

28.(2014北京,32)I found the lecture hard to follow because it(start)when I arrived.

答案had started

29.(2014重庆,8)James has just arrived,but I didn’t know he(come)until yesterday.

答案was coming/would come

30.(2014福建,23)—Haven’t seen you for ages!Where have you been?

—I went to Ningxia and(stay)there for one year,teaching as a volunteer.


31.(2014安徽,23)The twins,who(finish)their homework,were allowed to play badminton on the playground.

答案had finished

32.(2014陕西,22)During his stay in Xi’an,Jerry tried almost all the local foods his friends(recommend). 答案had recommended

33.(2014湖南,28)Since the time humankind started gardening,we(try)to make our environment more beautiful.

答案have been trying

34.(2014四川,9)She(phone)someone,so I nodded to her and went away.

答案was phoning

35.(2014江西,24)—Tony,why are your eyes red?

—I(cut)up peppers for the last five minutes.

答案have been cutting

36.(2014湖南,32)All we need(be)a small piece of land where we can plant various kinds of fruit trees throughout the growing seasons of the year.



1.(2018北京,9)A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who(trap)in the mountains for two days.

答案had been trapped

2.(2018天津,13)My washing machine(repair)this week,so I have to wash my clothes by hand.

答案is being repaired

3.(2018江苏,30)I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan(carry)out in the past two years.

答案had been carried

4.(2017北京,29)In the1950s in the USA,most families had just one phone at home,and wireless phones (invent)yet.

答案hadn’t been invented

5.(2017天津,6)Nowadays,cycling,along with jogging and swimming,(regard)as one of the best

all-round forms of exercise.

答案is regarded

6.(2017江苏,27)He hurried home,never once looking back to see if he(follow).

答案was being followed

7.(2016北京,30)The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts(reward)with success in the end.

答案will be rewarded

8.(2016江苏,22)More efforts,as reported,(make)in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform.

答案will be made

9.(2015天津,9)Despite the previous rounds of talks,no agreement(reach)so far by the two sides.

答案has been reached

10.(2015北京,22)—Did you enjoy the party?

—Yes.We(treat)well by our hosts.

答案were treated

11.(2015安徽,29)It is reported that a space station(build)on the moon in years to come.

答案will be built

12.(2015福建,26)To my delight,I(choose)from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony. 答案was chosen

13.(2015四川,4)More expressways(build)in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy.

答案will be built

14.(2014大纲全国,22)Unless some extra money(find),the theatre will close.

答案is found





1.(2019届四川成都经济技术开发区实验中学9月月考,67)A study last year(show)that about8 million tons of plastic enters the oceans every year.


2.(2019届四川棠湖中学一次月考,64)A girl on a bike(catch)my attention.She was riding beside the bus and waving her arm.


3.(2019届江西红色七校第一次联考,64)In the time of Song dynasty,Zhou Dunyi(write)Theory of the Tai Chi Pictures.


4.(2019届四川成都外国语学校开学考试,63)Leaving the less important things until tomorrow(be) often acceptable.


5.(2019届甘肃武威二中二次月考,64)English(change)and developed when cultures met and communicated with each other over the past centuries.

答案has changed

6.(2019届四川乐山沫若中学入学考试,65)That Saturday,the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper,and listed what everyone else(say)about that person.

答案had said

7.(2018浙江温州普通高中高考适应性测试,63)After ten days,all the work(pay)off.It made a big difference to Stevens’life.


8.(2018湖南永州一模,61)How exciting it is to visit China!China can offer what(appeal)to every visitor, but due to the population,the crowds can be an issue.


9.(2018河南中原名校二次质量考评,61)The Chinese(know)about the benefits of green tea since ancient times.

答案have known

10.(2018河南郑州外国语学校二次调研,65)Dolva,one of the scientists who(be)concentrating on developing the robot,explains how the robot AV1works.


11.(2018四川雅安中学一次月考,67)The notebook told of specific things Rose(do)or said.

答案had done

12.(2017河南豫南九校质量考评Ⅴ,68)She said she(notice)a big change in me and wondered why.

答案had noticed

13.(2017江西九江十校二次联考,65)However,thanks to the international agreement,there(be)much less illegal hunting since1990.

答案has been

14.(2017山西晋商四校联考,66)They had to wait and(hope)that someone would come and help them. 答案hoped


1.(2019届云南玉溪一中二次调研,62)In the old days,Nushu(teach)by elderly women to girls at home because female children weren’t allowed to attend formal school.

答案was taught

2.(2019届江西红色七校一次联考,65)The inventors of Tai Chi(inspire)by this book.

答案were inspired

3.(2019届海南儋州一中统测,69)Every year about80,000die and over450,000(send)to hospital due to smoking.

答案are sent

4.(2019届陕西西安一中一次月考,4)The Hospital de Jesús Nazareno in Mexico City(found)in1524 and is still providing inpatient care.

答案was founded

5.(2019届宁夏六盘山高级中学一次月考,64)Even Marco Polo(inspire)by the making of the Shanxi noodles,which led him to take the recipes back to Italy and Europe.

答案was inspired

6.(2019届江西新余四中9月月考,62)The phrase(create)for the first time in2014in Japan to describe young men.

答案was created

7.(2018吉林百校联盟上学期联考,65)Once your brain(disturb)by some other activities,you may actually get sleepy again.

答案is disturbed

8.(2018江西红色七校一联,67)As the construction goes on,more roads(build)and the Metro system will be expanded,which can reduce traffic jams.

答案will be built

9.(2018湖南师大附中一次月考,68)Advice which(give)without being asked for is called‘unsolicited advice’ in English,namely‘not requested advice’.

答案is given

10.(2017山西重点中学协作体一模,67)On one occasion,he(trap)by a snowstorm in a vast mountainous area.

答案was trapped


1.(2019届福建永安一中一次月考)I held it firmly up in my arms,took it home and feed some milk to



2.(2019届福建永安一中一次月考)Finally,we agreed that it would be deciding by my dad,who didn’t return home from work.


3.(2019届广西桂林龙胜中学9月月考)Each of the classrooms are equipped with a computer.


4.(2019届广西桂林十八中二次月考)After that,I swore I must learnt English well,especially spoken English, and never made that embarrassing thing happen again.


5.(2019届甘肃静宁一中一次模拟)There is too many people and too much pollution on the



6.(2019届黑龙江哈尔滨二十六中9月考试)One of my favorite hobbies are backcountry hiking.


7.(2018河南豫南九校二次联考)Getting rid of the bad habit of procrastination(拖延)is now my goal in life.My first step was to set small targets which can be reached realistically.


8.(2018吉林百校联盟联考)They realized they were wrong and make up finally.


9.(2018山西长治二中等五校摸底)When we get there,we saw three people trapped inside.


10.(2018河北名校联盟质监Ⅰ)At home,Walter’s parents take good care of me,treating me as if I am their own child.


11.(2018河南中原名校五次联考)In my opinion,it is time we throw away our mobile phones and raised our heads.


12.(2018河南天一大联考Ⅲ)In order to help me with my English,we spoke as much English as we can when we were together.


13.(2017黑龙江大庆二模)She also suggested that I can introduce my culture to my classmates.


14.(2017宁夏银川一中一模)If only I can be successful like you.




My best friend Kaiya is like me. She1(remind) me of myself. In the past, I2(be) never confident because of my appearance. People always laughed at my weight, my height, my hairstyle, etc. At that time, I was the shortest student in my class. I started getting depressed. However, someone told me something that I will always remember.

It was in March. Surrounded by a group of girls who3(point) at me and laughed at me, I couldn’t help crying. The tears rolled down my face like a rushing river. To my surprise, someone lifted my head up and wiped the tears from my eyes.

I then knew it was our English teacher, Miss Li. She said, “You4(be) perfect the way you are. You should never change or hate yourself. People5(accept) you for who you6(be).But if you cannot accept yourself, then how will other people accept you?” I7(inspire) by her words. Over the past few months, I8 (learn) that no one is perfect and that we all have flaws. Now I have wonderful friends who9(love) me for who I am.

Now,seeing Kaiya cry, I decide to tell her the same thing Miss Li10(tell) me.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.






5.will accept


7.was inspired

8.have learned/learnt




It was getting dark when I1(get) home. It was cold and I2(wear) a coat. I walked up to the door and put my hand into my pocket to take out my key but I3(can) not find it. I suddenly remembered that I4 (leave) it on my desk in the office. It really didn’t make any difference. I knew my wife5(be) at home and the children must have come back from school by now, so I6(knock) at the door.

There was no answer, so I knocked again. I continued knocking at the door for some time. I was getting angry. Then I remembered something the office boy7(tell) me at noon. He said that my wife8(phone) saying that she9(go) shopping in the afternoon with the children.

There10(be) only one thing for me to do: I had to climb in through a window.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



2.was wearing


4.had left



7.had told

8.had phoned

9.would go



专题04 短文改错高频考点TOP 4 名词 考点一根据谓语动词判断单复数 名词做主语时,谓语动词单复数可用来考察主语名词是单数还是复数,本项为考试重点考察项目。 考点二名词做宾语时,经常使用单数名词(名词裸奔) 可数名词表示多个且表示泛指时,应该使用相应的复数形式,即属于“名词不裸奔”的一种情况。 1)I think the driver there drive too fast in the street. 【答案】driver改为drivers 【解析】根据从句的时态是一般现在时,谓语动词是复数形式,主语也应是复数。 2)Sometimes we talk to each other very well in class,but after class we become stranger at once. 【答案】stranger改为strangers 【解析】句意:有时我们在课堂上交谈得非常好,但是课后马上就变成了陌生人。这里的stranger表示泛指,故改为复数形式。 3)You can find all kinds of information in just a few minute on the Internet. 【答案】minute改为minutes 【解析】a few修饰可数名词复数 4)But when I saw your wife and children waiting for me with warm smile of welcome on their faces. I immediately knew that everything could be all right. 【答案】smile改为smiles 【解析】句意:但当我看到你的妻子和孩子们脸上带着热情的笑容等着我的时候。Smile表示“微笑,笑容”时,可数。 考点三常见的不可数名词加“s/es” 受汉语语言的制约,学生对名词的数本身不够敏感,在文章中经常出现不可数名词误用作复数的情况而无法识别,此时就要求学生能够识记几个常见的不可数名词。 advice 劝告,忠告;baggage 行李;change 改变,变更;furniture 家具;homework 家庭作业;information 信息,数据;knowledge了解,理解;luggage <英>行李;money 钱;news 新闻;music 音乐;technology 科

专题04 非谓语动词-2021年高考英语语法单句填空精选专题训练(1)

单句填空之非谓语动词专项练习(1) 高考语法填空对非谓语动词的考查主要集中在:非谓语动词作状语、定语、主语、宾语、表语、补语等,非谓语动词的时态和语态变化等。 第一组 1.The company served sweeter coffee options than Australians preferred, meanwhile____________(charge)more than the local cafes. 答案:charging 解析:句意为:这家公司提供的咖啡比澳大利亚人所喜爱的味道更甜一些,同时,售价也比当地的咖啡馆更高一些。本句中谓语动词为served, charge 与其之间无连词连接,因此应用非谓语动词形式;charge 与主语company 之间为逻辑上的主动关系,应用现在分词作伴随状语。故填charging. 2. ____________(take)a pencil and a blank piece of paper from his desk, he started to write. 答案:Taking 解析:句意为:他从桌子上拿起一支铅笔和一张白纸,就开始写起来。此句的谓语动词为started,故设空处填非谓语动词;take和he之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故填Taking. 3.The girl____________(sit)by my side gave me a sheet called "course requirements". 答案:sitting 解析:句意为:坐在我旁边的那个女孩给了我一张叫作“课程要求”的纸。此句谓语动词为gave,故设空处填非谓语动词作定语,修饰girl; girl 和sit之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故填sitting. 4. ____________(act)is to tell a story—someone else's story. But Malek was not just telling someone else's story when he played this role-he was telling his own. 答案:To act 解析:句意为:表演就是讲故事—讲别人的故事。但马利克表演这个角色时不只是在讲别人的故事,他也在讲自己的故事。分析句子成分可知,设空处作主语。后面的表语to tell a story 为不定式,保持前后的一


英语主谓一致专题练习(及答案)含解析 一、主谓一致 1.There ________ a book sale in our school library once a year. A.is B.was C.are D.were 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:我们学校图书馆每年有一次图书销售。 A. is是,单数; B. was是,过去式; C. are是,复数; D. were是,复数,过去式。根据once a year.可知一般现在时态,排除BD;这里是there be句型,主语是a book sale,be动词用is,根据题意,故选A。 2. students in the classroom twenty. The others are in the library. A.The number of; is B.A number of; are C.The number of; are 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:教室里的学生人数是二十,其他的人在图书馆。The number of ……的数量,谓语动词用单数;a number of大量的,谓语动词用复数。The others其他的,表示复数,谓语动词用复数,结合题意故选A。 考点:考查主谓一致。 3.Not only my classmates but also our English teacher Chinese poems, so we often share their favourite ones. A.like B.liked C.likes D.liking 【答案】C 【解析】句意:不仅我的同学们而且我的老师都喜欢古诗,因此我们经常分享他们最喜欢的诗。本题考查动词的时态。A. like动词原形; B. liked 过去式;C. likes 单数第三人称; D. liking现在分词形式。Not only···but also···不仅···而且···用于连接两个对等的成分;若连接两个成分作主语,其后谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致。our English teacher为单数第三人称,故选C 4.In our class _____ of the students _____ girls. A.third fifths; is B.third fifth; are C.three fifth; is D.three fifths; are 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】

专题四 谓语动词(习题)

专题四谓语动词 【考点集训】 考点一动词的时态和主谓一致 Ⅰ.单句填空 1.(2019届内蒙古赤峰二中二次月考,50)I’m sure once you try it,you(agree). 答案will agree 2.(2019届河南驻马店经济开发区高级中学一次月考,65)The most popular event(be)water-splashing on the second day.People splash water on each other,hoping to take away sickness and disasters. 答案is 3.(2018河北百校联盟联考,68)Over the years,table tennis(develop)into a worldwide sport. 答案has developed/has been developed 4.(2018广东五校协作体一次联考,67)The museum(become)a hit since it opened at the end of October. 答案has become 5.(2018湖北襄阳调研,70)In Sweden,and Quebec City in Canada,there(be)no great difference in the number of obese children since the government banned food ads in children’s television. 答案has been 6.(2018湖南株洲质量检测Ⅰ,70)China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (remain)the global leader for the next10to20years. 答案will remain 7.(2018山西省实验中学质量监测,65)Tea,a popular drink in China and many other countries, (be)carefully prepared according to local customs. 答案is 8.(2018东北三省三校一模,62)Especially famous is the wall built in220—206BC.Little of that wall (remain). 答案remains 9.(2018黑龙江哈三中一模,70)According to the letter,the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative(help)to promote “equality for all children in the next generation”. 答案will help 10.(2018黑龙江齐齐哈尔一模,67)The humble man(refuse)an interview invitation after becoming an Internet star and said that he just did what he felt he should. 答案refused Ⅱ.单句改错 11.(2019届四川眉山一中办学共同体10月月考)They preferred the keyboard to the pen now,for the former is fast,convenient and clear. 答案preferred→prefer 12.(2019届广西桂林十八中二次月考)But a few minutes later,I refresh myself.So,I began to talk to them and adapted to that atmosphere gradually. 答案refresh→refreshed 13.(2018福建龙岩2月质检)The goal of the concerts have always been about young people helping other young people to spread love and kindness. 答案have→has 14.(2018福建莆田3月质检)Bathed in the sunshine,we jumped and cheer with joy. 答案cheer→cheered 15.(2018辽宁沈阳郊联体一模)On this website there is varieties of English materials available,such as English papers,articles about foreign cultures and so on. 答案is→are 16.(2017河南豫南九校质量考评Ⅴ)Every one of you are encouraged to visit it. 答案are→is

外研社七年级下册英语专题四:there be 句型

知识图谱 就近一致 知识精讲 有的时候,谓语动词的形式不与整个主语保持一致,而是和比较近的名词保持一致,这种原则叫做就近一致原则,又叫临近原则。这种情况一般出现在多个名词由连词连接,一起作主语的句子中,如: Not only I but also my sister is going to Shanghai. 不但我而且我姐姐也要去上海。 Either Jim or his brothers have to wash the car. 要么吉姆要么他的弟弟们必须洗车。 一、there be, here be句型中的就近一致。 我们比较熟悉的there be句型和here开头的句子其实是倒装句的一种,be动词常与其后面最近的主语保持一致,如: There is a table and four chairs in dining room. 餐厅有一张桌子和四把椅子。 Here are some flowers. 这有一些花儿。 二、并列主语句子中的就近一致。 由并列结构或连词(如either…or, neither…nor, not…but,not only…but also, or等)连接的并列主语,谓语动词与较为靠近的那个名词或代词保持一致,如:

三点剖析 一、重点:there be句型的就近一致;并列连词并列主语的就近一致。 遵循就近一致原则的情况总结如下表: 二、易错点:就近一致原则中的特殊连词。 注意就近一致中并列连词中并没有both…and,我们在讲语法一致已经说过,若both…and 连接主语时,主语为复数,谓语动词用复数形式,如: Both Tom and Jerry are good students. 汤姆和杰瑞都是好学生。 三、补充考点:从句中的主谓一致 在定语从句中,关系代词作主语,其谓语动词应与它所指代的先行词保持一致,如: I know the man who is standing at the gate. 我认识那个站在门口的人。 题模精选 题模一:there be,here be句型 例1.1.1---_________ there any living things on other planets? ---I have no idea. Maybe we can know more about that in the future. A.Is B.Are C.Has D.Have 例1.1.2 —David, there ______a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away. —OK, Mum. I’ll do it right away. A. Is

2021届高考英语二轮复习语法精准练 专题四:动词的时态和语态

2021届高考英语二轮复习语法精准练 专题四:动词的时态和语态 1.The old man found the key that he______ (lose). 2.She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _____ (read) all day long. 3.I can't invite you to dinner this weekend as I ____________(paint) my house at that moment. 4.She burst into tears and then _____ (explode) with anger in front of him. 5.Although he is breathing, I can see he ____________(die). https://www.360docs.net/doc/b619156781.html,dies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane ____________(take) off. 7.My brother ___________(play) football quite well, but he hasn't played it since last year. 8.The government's efforts to help develop Hubei's economy _____________(prove) to be a huge success by now. 9.A rescue worker risked his life to save two tourists who ________________(trap) in the mountains for two days. 10.In 1960, this was the longest bridge that ________________(build) before. 11.As we all know, the 2022 Winter Olympics ______________________(hold) in Beijing, China. 12.The fund ___________(design) to help worthy students. 13.The report advocated that all buildings should __________ (fit) with smoke detectors. 14.His proposal that the system _____ (change) was rejected. 15.You'll feel as if you _______ (be) at home while here. 16.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Qian Xuesen, a gifted rocket scientist ①________led China’s space and rocketry programs, was born in Shanghai in December 1911.He ②________(admit)into Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1929.In1934,he won ③________scholarship and in 1935 he left China to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. One year later, he ④________(go)to the California Institute of Technology to start graduate studies under Theodore yon Kármán, a world-famous professor of aerodynamics(空气动力学).


第3讲并列句和状语从句 Xiao Ming took his cellphone to school and① played cellphone in class,so② his head teacher was very said to Xiao Ming,“Others are studying hard while③ you are playing hard.You either quit school or break the cellphone.④”Xiao Ming didn’t want to break his cellphone but⑤he couldn’t quit school thought to himself,“ Break it,or I will be dismissed.⑥”If he was dismissed,not only would his mother cry but also his father would give him a spanking①. [规则感悟]①and,not only...but (also)...,both...and...,neither...nor...等表并列、顺承或递进关系。②for,so表因果关系。③while作为并列连词,强调两种情况的对比。④or,either...or...,not...but...等表选择关系。⑤but,yet,whereas等表转折关系。⑥and,or 表条件或结果关系,常用于句型“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”中。 上述所有连词在使用时,一定要注意连词所连接的成分都是同样的结构。如果连接单词则两边都是单词,如果连接句子则两边都是句子,如果连接短语则两边都是短语。不能出现一边是连接名词,另一边连接句子或动词短语等其他情况。如: Not only can it help you improve your English,but also can help you find more friends.(×) Not only can it help you improve your English,but also it can help you find more friends.(√) 1.not only...but also...连接的两个并列分句,可使用部分倒装,但只倒装not only 引导的分句。Not only does she treat us with consideration but also she teaches in a humorous way. 她不但对我们体贴,而且还用一种幽默的方式教学。 2.使用“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”结构时,一定要注意连词的使用,不能遗漏。 Walk straight down the road for about 300 meters,and you will see the hotel on the right. 沿着这条路直走大约三百米,你会发现那个旅馆就在你右手边。 3.when构成的句型。 when引导并列句,意为“这时,那时”,表示某件事正在发生或刚要发生或刚刚完成时,突然发生另一件事。 (1)sb be doing sth when... 某人正在做某事,这时…… (2)sb be about to do sth when...=sb be on the point of doing sth when... 某人正要做某事,这时……


专题限时检测(四)时态、语态和主谓一致 (共3组,限时25分钟) [模拟题组一] 1.(2019·泰州模拟)With the application of 5G technology ________ profound changes in almost all fields throughout the world. A.will come B.are coming C.comes D.come 解析:选D该句为倒装句,正常的语序是:profound changes in almost all fields throughout the world come with the application of 5G technology。主语是profound changes。因为该句表达一个客观的事实,所以用一般现在时。 2.(2019·扬州模拟)—I will have two final exams tomorrow. —Me too. So you ________ any sympathy from me here. A.aren't getting B.didn't get C.hadn't got D.haven't got 解析:选A句意:“我明天有两门期末考试。”“我也是,因此你将不会从我这得到任何同情。”此处用现在进行时表将来。 3.(2019·南京、盐城模拟)—I hear you'll cancel all your plans and appointments. Why? —They ________ my life. I just can't stop. A.control B.controlled C.have controlled D.have been controlling 解析:选D句意:“我听说你取消了你所有的计划和预约,为什么呢?”“因为它们一直在掌控我的生活,我控制不了了。”表示从过去到现在一直在发生,没有间断的动作,用现在完成进行时。 4.(2019·南通七市模拟)—Professor Li is wanted on the phone. Where is he? —I saw him coming, but in a minute, he ________. A.will disappear B.has disappeared C.disappears D.disappeared 解析:选D句意:“电话里有人在找李教授,他现在在哪呢?”“我刚刚看见他走来了,但一会儿后他却消失了。”saw对应过去时,消失也是刚刚一个瞬间的事情,用过去时。5.(2019·苏、锡、常、镇模拟)With people paying attention to fitness, self-service mini-gyms, each


专题四非谓语动词 (限时:4分钟满分:8分) 单项填空(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分) 1.The exam is over!Why not to the movies and relax ourselves? (A) A.go B.to go C.going D.went 2.from the top of the hill,the small town looks very beautiful. (B) A.See B.Seen C.Saw D.Seeing 3.The policeman told the children in the river.It’s too dangerous! (B) A.to not swim B.not to swim C.not swim D.not swimming 4.We should do what we can those people who are in trouble. (A) A.to help B.helped C.help D.helping 5.(2022·福建改编)It’s important for us hard in order to have a better life. (B) A.work B.to work C.working D.worked 6.(2022·江苏扬州)the people locked inside,the firemen broke down the door. (B) A.Reach B.To reach C.Reaching D.To reaching 7.(2022·四川雅安)Teenagers often listen to pop music. (B) A.relax B.to relax C.relaxing D.relaxed 8.Bob’s father can’t stand soap operas.Instead,he enjoys sports games. (D) A.watch B.to watch C.watched D.watching 1/ 1


2022届中考非谓语动词专题专练(4)分词——现在分词学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.—Could you please not speak so loudly? There is a baby _____ in the next room. —Sorry. I won't. A. sleep B. sleeping C. slept D. to sleep 2.What bad weather! Kangkang has to stay at home ______ all day. A. to do his homework B. doing his homework C. do his homework D. does his homework 3.—How many members are there in your group? —Six, ______ Lin Tao. But he is in hospital today because of illness. A. include B. including C. includes D. included 4.When I was walking past his room, I heard him _______ piano. A.playing B.to play C.to play the D.playing the 5.I heard Susan ______ when I walked past her room yesterday. A.sing B.singing C.to sing D.sang 6.—Is Jim at home by himself? —No, there is another boy _____ with him. A. playing B. play C. plays D. to play 7.—Mum, the flowers are so beautiful. Let's pick some. —Oh, dear. We shouldn't pick flowers in the park. Just leave them _____. A.grows B.growing C.grow D.grown 二、填空题 8.When the girl saw a spider _____ (crawl) up her leg, she cried and jumped. 9.The girl ______(stand) under the tree is Amy. 10.I heard Tom (sing) an English song when I came into the classroom. 11.I found a girl _______________(cry) in the corner when I went to work. 12.They have kept us__________for a long time. (wait) 13.Look! There’s a dog ________(bark) at him. He is quite afraid. 14.There is an apple (drop) on the ground. 15.I like talking with customers, bat _________ (work) in a fruit store isn't my dream.


【专题四】语法考点归纳4(非谓语动词、状语从句) 非谓语动词考点归纳 1.非谓语动词在句子中,不能作谓语,而是担任其他语法功能,包括动词不定式、动词的-ing形式和过去分词。 2.非谓语动词有时态和语态的变化,如下表: 3.区别动词不定式、动词的-ing形式和过去分词的方法:第一,从动作发生的时间上区别。不定式表示的动作多发生在将来;动词的-ing形式表示的动作正在进行;过去分词表示的动作已完成。第二,从主动和被动上区别。非谓语动词通常都有一个逻辑主语,若非谓语动词所表示的动作和逻辑主语之间构成主谓关系,通常用不定式或动词的-ing形式;若构成动宾关系,则用过去分词。 动词不定式 一, 不定式所作的成分 1. 作主语 不定式短语作主语时, 往往放在谓语之后, 用it作形式主语. 例如: It is right to give up smoking. 戒烟是对的 1.作宾语 动词不定式做宾语时, 如果还带有宾语补足语, 往往把不定式放在宾语补足语之后, 而用it作形式宾语. 例如: I find it interesting to work with him. 我感觉和他一起工作很有趣. 2.作宾语补足语 在see, hear, watch, feel, notice, observe, make, let, have, listen to, look at等词后的补足语中, 不定式不带to. 但是这些句子如果变成被动结构, 就必须带to. 例如: I often hear him sing the song He is often heard to sing the song 我经常听到他唱这首歌. 注意: 动词不定式在介词but, except, besides后面时, 如果这些介词之前有行为动词do的各种形式, 那么, 这些介词后的不定式不带to, 否则要带to. 例如:


(英语)英语动词练习 题20篇 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

(英语)英语动词练习题20篇 一、动词 1.In China, children won't until they get married. A. move away B. move out C. get up D. get out 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】A.move away 离开;B.move out搬出去;C.get up起床;D.get out出去。句意:在中国,小孩子直到结婚了才______。故选B。 【点评】此题考查固定的短语搭配,平时应多归纳总结并记忆。 2.Neither Tom nor I________ interested in playing WeChat. A. am B. is C. are D. be 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:汤姆和我都对玩微信不感兴趣。neither…nor…意思是“……既不,……也不”,当连接两个主语时,遵循“就近原则”,谓语动词在人称和数上和相邻近的主语一致。句子时态是一般现在时。此处与主语I 一致,因此be动词用am。故选A。【点评】此题考查主谓一致。注意neither...nor...连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式要根据就近原则。 3.John the TV and helped his mother with the housework. A. turned off B. heard from C. joined in D. looked after 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:约翰关掉电视然后帮他的妈妈做家务。ed off关掉.heard from得到消息.joined in参加,加入.looked after照顾.根据句意可知选A。 【点评】考查动词短语的辨析。 4.—Would you like to try some pizza? —Yes, please. It lovely and nice. A. sounds; sees B. hears; turns C. looks; smells D. sounds; watches 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:-你要尝尝比萨吗- 是的。它看起来可爱,闻起来好。A. sounds; sees看起来,看见;B. hears; turns听见,变得;C. looks; smells看起来,闻起来;D. sounds; watches看起来,观看。没有品尝之前,只能“看、闻”。故选C。

2020年高考课标版高考英语 专题四 谓语动词

专题四谓语动词 挖命题 【考情探究】 分析解读 1.时态或语态已成为语篇型填空的必考内容。高考课标全国卷语篇型填空以对时态的考查为主,以对语态的考查为辅。对于时态的考查主要集中在一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时 .................等常见时态。此外在考查时态的同时还会考查主谓一致问题。主谓一致主要考查主语为第三人称单数,在一般现在时中,实义动词应加“-s”,be动词应用is;一般过去时中,be动词用was或were。 2.短文改错主要考查:①.时态、语态的错用 ........;② ...... ..一般现在时中 ......,.主语为单数第 ..过去分词与过去式的混用 ...........;③ 三人称时谓语动词需加 .... ..........“.-.s.”.的用法。

3.对于情态动词和虚拟语气的考查主要体现在短文改错中 ...........................。主要考查情态动词最基本的用法,如:情态动 词后需加动词原形而非过去式 ..... ...........”.的动词后面.............;.对于虚拟语气的考查主要集中在表示 ................“.命令、建议、请求、要求 宾语从句谓语动词要用 ....。 ......可以省略 ..........“.should+ .......动词原形 ....”.,.且.should 4.未来高考课标全国卷仍然会以最基本的时态(一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时)为主;仍然会采 用考查时态为主 .......。 ......,.语态为辅的原则 破考点 【考点集训】 考点一动词的时态和主谓一致 Ⅰ.单句填空 1.(2019届内蒙古赤峰二中二次月考,50)I’m sure once you try it, you (agree). 答案will agree 2.(2019届河南驻马店经济开发区高级中学一次月考,65)The most popular event (be) water-splashing on the second day. People splash water on each other, hoping to take away sickness and disasters. 答案is 3.(2018河北百校联盟联考,68)Over the years, table tennis (develop)into a worldwide sport. 答案has developed/has been developed 4.(2018广东五校协作体一次联考,67)The museum (become)a hit since it opened at the end of October. 答案has become 5.(2018湖北襄阳调研,70)In Sweden, and Quebec City in Canada, there (be)no great difference in the number of obese children since the government banned food ads in children’s television. 答案has been 6.(2018湖南株洲质量检测Ⅰ,70)China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (remain)the global leader for the next 10 to 20 years. 答案will remain 7.(2018山西省实验中学质量监测,65)Tea, a popular drink in China and many other countries, (be)carefully prepared according to local customs. 答案is 8.(2018东北三省三校一模,62)Especially famous is the wall built in 220—206 BC. Little of that wall (remain). 答案remains 9.(2018黑龙江哈三中一模,70)According to the letter, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (help) to promote “equality for all children in the next generation”. 答案will help 10.(2018黑龙江齐齐哈尔一模,67)The humble man (refuse) an interview invitation after becoming an Internet star and said that he just did what he felt he should. 答案refused Ⅱ.单句改错 11. (2019届四川眉山一中办学共同体10月月考)They preferred the keyboard to the pen now, for the former is fast, convenient and clear. 答案preferred→prefer 12.(2019届广西桂林十八中二次月考)But a few minutes later, I refresh myself. So, I began to talk to them and adapted to that atmosphere gradually. 答案refresh→refreshed 13.(2018福建龙岩2月质检)The goal of the concerts have always been about young people helping other young people to spread love and kindness. 答案have→has 14.(2018福建莆田3月质检)Bathed in the sunshine, we jumped and cheer with joy.

技能强化练专题四 语法填空-2022届高考英语二轮复习(全国卷通用)

(4)语法填空—【新课标全国卷】2022届高考英语二轮复习技 能强化练 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 In recent years, the combination of pets and catering has become incredibly popular in many cities. While many cafés ①_____ (start) out only offering the company of cats and dogs, they are expanding their ranges. Some cafés include animals like squirrels (松鼠) and even capybaras (水脉). In ②_____ (review), Internet users have commented that one reason for visiting these places is to interact ③_____ (close) with some animals. "The customers love animals. They are curious about these pets and want to raise one at home, ④_____ they can't," said pet cafe owner Tian Xuhui. Liu Wan, a Beijing resident, loves pigs, but her parents would not approve of her ⑤_____ (get) one as a pet. She had to admire the animals through videos and images. But now, she can have close contact with a pig every weekend. Also, these pet cafés serve as a heaven for those ⑥_____ find comfort in being around animals. "Here, you can get close to the cute little ⑦_____ in a very comfortable way without having to worry about safety and hygiene (卫生)----overall, it is an extremely ⑧_____ (comfort) experience," said Xiao Ou, a pet café visitor. Animal lovers also expect the pet cafés to change people's attitudes toward animals. Animals, like ducks and sheep, ⑨_____ (serve) to people as food for many years. People hardly see them as pets. But the pet cafés help shift their attitude from seeing animals as playthings to regarding them as family members or close friends. "Whether at home or in stores, these little animals are there for companionship and they bring ⑩_____ (warm) to our hearts," Xiao said. 2. Birds of San Francisco started singing differently in the quiet of the coronavirus lockdown, said a study in Science. Before, urban white-crowned sparrow's breeding territories were almost three ①__________(time) as loud as rural territories, the study found. But during the pandemic, researchers noted that noise levels in urban areas were drastically ②__________ (low). In fact, they were consistent ③__________ traffic flow in the mid-1950s.
