


报告项目进度Reporting Project Progress


Here is an update on the progress on our marketing project.


As of this week, we have completed our internal audit.


We have upcoming focus group studies to begin next week.


So far, everything is going according to schedule.


Work is slower than anticipated because we are short-handed.


We have experienced unanticipated problems.


We expect to be able to meet our deadline.


We will keep you informed of progress.



Dear Daniel,

I wanted to give you an update about the progress of our marketing project. As of this week, we have completed marketing surveys for our target group. We have upcoming focus group studies to begin next week. So far, eve叭hing is going according to schedule.

We have not had any unanticipated problems and expect our project to meet its completion deadline of January 28th.

Best Regards,

Han Wenbo




Dear Mr.

This is to inform you regarding the progress of our financial audit. We are entering the third week of our audit and have been able to complete review of all company expenditures from the first quarter. Work is going slower than

anticipated, as we are short-handed. We still believe we can complete the entire company audit before our December 31st deadline. We will continue to keep you informed on our progress in this matter.


Wilson Hu





BEC商务英语中级写作 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理写作指导,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 拒绝信 Dear Mr. Johnson, We are terribly sorry that the repair of your cassette player is really beyond our reach. There are several reasons why we left your equipment unrepaired. Firstly, our technician in charge of the cassette player had been several days off for serious flu, the delayed the handling of the equipment Secondly, there is no parts found in the present market to replace the volume control which really needs repairing.

We have the ability to replace the on/off switch, however, the cost is too high to worth it, because you can use the amount of money to buy a new one. Accoring to our survey, this type of equipment is manufactured in 1985 and the manufacturer has gone out of business, so it is impossible for you to talk with them. We are really sorry for our helplessness Sincerely, Mason Manager BEC商务英语中级写作范文2 可行性报告 Report on installation of a new word processing On several occations, we have discussed the desiability of installing a new word processing system to replace the six-year-old stand-alone word processing system we currently use.


项目进展情况汇报 导语:对于项目进展情况要及时做好汇报,保证项目进行的可靠性,下面XX为你整理的项目进展情况汇报范文,希望对你有所帮助! 一)基坑支护及土方工程 1、工程进展:截止4月10日,旋挖支护桩总计120支,目前现场已完工114支,剩余6支,预计2天完工,旋挖设备退场;止水帷幕旋喷桩总计310支,目前已完工140支;西边现状支护桩加固部分,完成一排锚索及约一半护壁喷浆。按照合同基坑支护及土方工程工期90天,依据施工方报送的施工方案,其中支护工期约30天,土方工期60天。目前,时间过半,基坑支护才完工约一半工程量,超过预计工期一倍,严重滞后计划工期。旋喷桩预计于4月25日左右完成,然后进入出土准备阶段,需①办理渣土证②池塘抽水③冠梁施工,预计于5月1日左右达到出土条件。 2、滞后原因: 造成工期滞后的原因既有客观方面的原因也有主观方面的原因。 客观原因主要有 ①、施工现场狭窄,机械设备多,交叉作业相互影响,工序不能正常衔接。现场有旋挖机2套、旋喷机2套、跟管钻机1套、电焊机14台、混凝土泵车1台、汽车吊2台、

引孔机械2台、空压机1台、水压机、注浆机等设备,还要有钢筋加工场地,浆液池、加压设备棚子。吊放钢筋笼时必须退出旋挖设备,浇筑混凝土时必须退出吊车,这样,致使成桩作业时间拖长,旋挖支护桩平均每天完成支,严重落后于预计5到6支一天。 ②、受天气影响,支护工程施工正直雨季,开工至今50天,其中阴雨天有30天。因为下雨,在各大型设备碾压下,现场变成泥浆池,又反过来影响施工作业效率;同时,因为表层土在雨水侵泡下变得松软,使得旋挖成孔塌孔频繁,现场有二十几根支护桩有塌孔发生,塌孔时为保证安全,要求施工方及时回填采取注浆等措施后再次开钻,返工作业影响旋挖成孔进度。 ③、由于工地地处闹市,周边环境复杂,离南北居民宿舍楼较近,晚间施工作业,噪声扰民严重,致使居民不停投诉,为此,城管、交警、建委执法队等多次被迫执法,最近一月,光住建委行政执法局执法队来我项目就有七八次,下达整改通知及停工令有4份。要求尽快完善质安监先期介入手续。 主观原因主要为施工方管理: 首先,项目基坑支护工程施工方属于层层分包,而总包施工方管理不到位,项目管理人员配置达不到现场管理要求,真正属于项目现场一线管理人员只有4人,不能满足现场管


商务英语邮件写作范文 商务英语是以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面。接下来为大家整理了商务英语邮件写作范文,希望对你有帮助哦! 商务英语邮件写作范文:商品缺货通知 范文一: Dear subscribers, Because of expanding sales, we feel very sorry for having to inform you that Alice in Wonderland has all been sold out. However, we are replenishing our stock. Please contact us to confirm whether you d like it to be delivered by mail or express if you still want to place an order with us. I m always looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Yours, Taobao 尊敬的订购客户: 因为销售量剧增,我们很抱歉地通知您,您订购的《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》已经脱销了。 不过我们正在抓紧进货。如果您还想要订购,那么请告知我们发货方式,是平邮还是快递? 期待您尽快回复。 淘宝网谨上 范文二:

Dear , I feel sorry to hear that Alice in Wonderland has all been sold out, since it has always been one of my favorite works. I still want to place an order with you. Would you mind informing me the moment your new stock has come? Thank you in advance! I m looking forward to your earliest reply. Yours, Leo 亲爱的: 我很遗憾地听说《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》已经售完,这本书一直是我最喜欢的作品之一。我依然愿意从你处订购。请您在有了新的存货时通知我,好吗?提前表示感谢。 期待您的早日回复。 利奥 范文三: 谨上 Dear , I am so sorry to be told that my favorite Alice in Wonderland has been sold out. But I can wait for your replenished stock. Please mail one once new books arrive. Thank you in advance! Yours, Leo 亲爱的: 听说我最喜欢《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》已经卖完,我很遗憾。但是,我想我能够等到你们重新补充库存。新书到货请为我寄送


BEC商务英语中级写作范文2020 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理写作指导,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 BEC商务英语中级写作范文(1) Dear Customer, When someone in the family experiences hearing loss, he is not the only one to experience frustration Have you noticed a loved one: Missing parts of conversations? Asking people to repeat themselves? Having special trouble with certain letters or sounds? Turning up the volume on the TV? If so, you can help them and yourself—by encouraging them to find out about a hearing aid. More than six million Americans enjoy improved hearing and better lives-with hearing aids. And the power source they rely on most is Rayovac. “Rayovac batteries really do make a difference.” One of our customers said so.


{项目名称} 进度管理

目录 §1项目情况介绍 ............................................... 1.1 基本情况............................................... 1.2项目计划 ............................................... 1.2.1项目阶段 ......................................... 1.2.2项目人员 ......................................... 1.2.3项目进度 ......................................... §2项目进度管理 ............................................... 2.1项目进展情况记录表 ..................................... 2.2项目进度报告明细 .......................................

§1项目情况介绍 1.1 基本情况 1.2项目计划 1.2.1项目阶段 {定义项目各个阶段的情况,如:名称,目标,起止时间等等} 1.2.2项目人员 {记录项目参与人员的情况,如:姓名,单位,角色,职责等等}

1.2.3项目进度 {定义项目进度计划的里程碑,如:起止时间,目标等等,可以按项目阶段分,也可以按功能模块分} §2项目进度管理 2.1项目进展情况记录表 {记录项目进展的各个事件,eg:程序更新后的测试以及出现的问题等等}


Begin at the same level~~~~ 下降到最低点: 波折变化: fluctuate around fluctuation of 幅度:slightly sharply significantly dramatically a is in direct proportion to b merely roughly 一、BEC高级(Higher)Part Ⅰ——图表作文 图表作文的文章结构 1)引言部分 2)主体段落 3)结论部分 4)例文分析: The bar chart below shows the number of complaints made by consumers about different products and services in the years 1994 and 1997.

Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph. You should write at least 140 words. The bar chart displays the changes in the number of complaints made by consumers about five kinds of products and services between 1994 and 1997. According to the diagram, there was an increase in the complaints about most of the products and services. The number of complaints about package holidays abroad and financial services increased over the period. The complaints made about the package holidays abroad rose by 12.7% from 15,000 in 1994 to about 18,000 in 1997. And there were about 52,000 complaints about the financial services in 1997, 5.2% up on 1994. There were also more complaints about electric goods and second-hand cars in 1997 than in 1994. The complaints about the two products rose by 9.2% and 6.7% respectively. The former increased from 66,000 in 1994 to about 70,000 in 1997 and the latter went up from 80,000 to 86,000. And clothing is the only sector where the number of complaints dropped over the period. In 1994, there were around 45,000 complaints while the figure decreased by 4% to around 43,000 in 1997. In conclusion we can see there were more complaints about the products and services in 1997 than in 1994 with the only exception of clothing. ●图表作文常用的语言手段 1)作文的开头——表示“出处”的句子结构。 2)描述“数据变化”的常用表达方式 3)表示变化的副词和形容词 4)描述“数据”的表达方式 5)“大约”的表达方式 ●真题写作范例: 例一(课堂15分钟快速练习): The graph below shows development in the ownership of mobile telephones as a percentage of telephones owned. Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the changes in telephone ownership. You should write at least 150 words.


珠山区1-5月重点项目进展情况汇报 今年以来,市委、市政府的正确领导下,全区上下坚持以科学发展观为统领,坚定不移地实施项目带动战略,多措并举抓开工,全力以赴促进度,前5个月全区重点项目建设整体上推进力度大、开工形势良好,投资进度有所加快。 一、重点项目建设进展情况 全区列入项目库项目26个,在15个重点在建项目中新建再就业一条街工程、梨树园小学、区地税大楼、沿江东岸棚户区建设、老城区陶瓷文化旅游街区和精品里弄工程等5个项目列入全市126个新型城镇化和城市建设的重点项目。目前各项目已取得阶段性成效。(一)梨树园小学工程。主体工程建设已基本完工,正在进行1-4层内装饰,预计6月份竣工验收。(二)区地税大楼。“三通一平”已完成,预计10月下旬前土建工程完工。(三)新建再就业一条街工程。已完成主体部分工程,正在进行墙外装饰,预计6月中旬完成全部装饰。(四)沿江东岸建设工程。已完成前期调查摸底,制订了初步设计方案并上报市政府待批。(五)老城区陶瓷文化旅游街区和精品里弄工程。已完成住房情况调查摸底,聘请专业设计公司完成了设计规划方案,并上报市政府待批。(六)昌江街道社区卫生服务中心。已请设计部门完成了设计草案报市规划局审批,待审批定稿后进行评估开展公

开招标。(七)二十二小学校校舍安全工程。已完成桩基工程,待市检测中心检测后进行后续工程。(八)景华工业园一期工程。1号和2号厂房已完工,并已有部门原景华电子企业入驻,3号和5号厂房已完成土基施工近期即将开始安装。(九)浙江路中华南路口改造工程。已完成前期调查摸底工作,提出了初步设计方案上报市规划部门审批。(十)区计生服务站。已购置办公用房开始装修,预计7月份完工。(十一)区公安分局刑侦中队建设工程。主体已完工,正进行室内、外装修。(十二)区球类健身馆。工程主体已完工,正进行装饰工程及地面新材料铺设。(十三)太白园街道社区卫生服务中心。第一阶段标段装修已完成,正督促完善招投标手续备查。(十四)区检察院技侦用房工程。工程已基本完工,等待周边市政设施配套到位。另有11个项目列入今年全区重点争取项目:1、周路口街道社区卫生服务中心。 2、景华工业园。 3、景德镇物流中心。 4、石狮埠街道社区卫生服务中心。 5、景华棚户区改造工程。 6、区和谐平安大楼。 7、环境监察监测建设工程。 8、区教育培训中心。 9、陶瓷文化创意产业园。10、区疾控中心。11、区社区服务三级网络中心。部分项目已提出初步设计方案已报上级部门审批。 二、存在的问题 (一)征地拆迁难度大。由于土地征迁、居民安置等工


在学习BEC商务英语写作时,常会感觉语法欠缺、不知道用什么句子来继续写下去有没有?请看本文为你整理的商务英语BEC初级写作中常用到的一些句子,多积累一些这样的语句,会让你的商务英语写作变得得心应手。 31. This view is now being questioned by more and more people. 这一观点正受到越来越多人的质疑。 32. Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who use bicycle are decreasing and bicycle is bound to die out. The information I've collected over the recent years leads me to believe that bicycle will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society. 尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用自行车的人数会减少,自行车可能会消亡,然而,这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信自行车仍然会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要的作用。 33. Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet. 环境学家指出:持续增加的污染不仅会导致像全球变暖这样严重的问题,而且还将威胁到人类在这个星球的生存。 34. In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like bicycle are more important than any time before. 考虑到这些严重的状况,我们比以往任何时候更需要像自行车这样的环保型交通工具。 35. Using bicycle contributes greatly to people's physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams. 使用自行车有助于人们的身体健康,并极大地缓解了交通阻塞。 36. Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle, it is not without its problem. 尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,但是它也存在它的问题。 37. Bicycle can't be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort. 在速度和舒适度方面,自行车是无法和汽车、火车这样的交通工具相比的。 38. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society.


英语写作技巧:商务英语邮件 1.先陈述结论。 现在人们没有时间去斟酌你的思考过程。他们需要你在前两句话 中直接点明邮件的主旨。 Wrong: In this white paper, we will investigate the potential impact of remedial sales training in our buyer/seller relationships. First, let us discuss the initial conditions which precipitated our inquiry. 错误示例:在这本白皮书中,我们将调查补救销售培训对顾客和 销售员关系的潜在影响。首先,在开始调查之前,让我们讨论一下初 始条件。 Right: If we don't fund the ABC sales training program, our sales will plummet. 准确示例:如果我们不投资ABC销售培训项目,我们的销售额会 大幅降低。 2.使用第一人称而不用无人称句子。 有力的商务写作能巩固关系。但是如何和陌生人或是满口术语行 话的人建立关系呢? Wrong: "The operational goals of this organization include an increase in morale as well as overall job satisfaction." 错误示例:这个组织的运作目标包括鼓舞士气和提升工作满意度。 Right: "I want to enjoy working here. I'll bet you do, too."


使用日常讲话的方式来写作 Pedantic学究式的Readable日常可用的ascertain find out (发现) aforementioned these (这些) is a result of because (因为) at this point in time now (现在) before long soon (不久) cease stop (停止) commence start, begin (开始) compensate pay (报酬) correspondence letter (信函) demonstrate show (表现) desire want (需要) due to the fact because (因为) during the time that while (当……的时候) elect choose (选择) facilitate ease, help (方便) for the purpose of to (为了) give consideration to consider (考虑) implement do (完成) in close proximity near (靠近) in the future soon (不久) in the event that if (如果) indebtedness debt (欠债) indicate show (表现) in the view of the fact that since (由于) locate find (发现) numerous many (许多) on condition that provided (如果) prior to before (在……之前) purchase buy (购买) rapid fast (快速) reason is because reason is (因为) residence address (住址) subsequent to after (在……之后) subsequently later (之后) sufficient enough (足量)


外贸商务英语邮件写作:更好地向客户报价 报价Giving a Quotation Thank you for your interest in our products.感谢您对我们的产品感兴趣。 Thank you for your inquiry about our services.感谢您就我们的服务询价。 The products you mentioned range in price from $100-$500.您提到的产品的价格从100美元到500美元不等。 Please see the attached price listing for more details.请参看附件中有关价格的详细介绍。 I have attached a copy of our company brochure for your review.我附加了一份公司的宣传资料供您参考。 Please let me know if you would like to receive complimentary samples of any of our products.如果您有兴趣收到任何一款我们的免费样品,请告诉我。 The product you inquired about is currently on sale for 430 RMB.您要的那款产品目前的销售价是430元人民币。 报价邮件1: Dear Ms. Hendricks, Thank you for your interest in our line of fine jewelry. Our ladies watches range in price from $100 to $400,depending on the style. I've attached a copy of our catalog,which


商务英语邮件写作范文3篇 商务英语邮件写作范文3篇 在国际商务业务中,一封得体的信函如同商务中得体的着装,从外可以看到内,规范、优美的书信语言能够有效增进客户。下面是我 为你带来的商务英语邮件写作范文,欢迎参阅。 商务英语邮件写作范文1 复函与报价 RepliesandQuotations 20xx-08-26 Maer S.A 24th November 20## Foshan Seethome Installations Ltd. 2 Xiue Street Foshan, Guangdong China Dear sirs, In repl to our letter of 21st Novermber, We have pleasure in enlosing a detailed ation for bathroom shoers. Besides those advertised in the Builers Joural , our illustrated atalogue also enolsed shos various tpes of bathroom fittings and the sizes available. Most tpes an be supplied from stok. 45-60 das should be alloed for deliver of those marked ith an asterisk.

Building ontrators in Hong Kong and Taian have found our equipment eas to install and attrative in apperane. Naturall all parts are replXXble. and our ation inludes pries of spare parts. We an allo a 2% disount on all orders of US$6,000 in value and overf, and a 3%on orders exeeding US$20,000. An orders ou plae ith us ill be proessed promptl. ours faithfull. Franeso Marani Sales Manager Enl.2 Via S.Lorenzo, 24a Castellon Spain Tel: 560001 Fax 560002 商务英语邮件写作范文2 询价Inquiries atha Business Mahines Import Export Corporation 201X Centur Boulevard Pudong, Shanghai 201X06, China Tel: 59000001 September 5, 20** Universal Softare, In. 2468 Oak Street San Franiso CA94105

BEC商务英语写作 (1)

便函写作Memo (Memorandum) 一、什么是便函 简单地说,便函就是指在同一家机构内从一个人或一个部门传递到另一个人或部门的书面信息,内容是要在当天或近期内所要办理的事情。 二、便函写作的格式 便函通常包含以下几个部分: 1.公司名称; 2.公司的电话号码或传真号码; 3.收函人姓名(和职位)To: 4.留言人姓名(和职位)From: 5.留言日期Date: 6.便函主题Subject(Re): 7.正文

商务便条Note 便条一般有四个组成部分:日期、称呼、正文、签名。一些公司有印好的便条笺。 让秘书通知推迟约会

You are Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary. Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary. telling her who you are going to see and when asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence. 题目分析 Overall effect: The secretary would know where the Head of Research was going and when, and would understand she was required to book flights and accommodation, and what work she should do tomorrow. To: Alice Hu, Personal Secretary From: David Guan, Head of Research Date: 1 May 2001 Subject: Urgent trip to subsidiary company I have to make an urgent trip tomorrow, 2nd May 2001, to visit Pierre Blanco. Please book flight tickets and accommodation. In my absence, I would like you to handle all matters that do not need my personal decisions. Please inform all relevant colleagues. To: Alice Hu, Personal Secretary From: David Guan, Head of Research Date: 1 May 2001 Subject: Urgent trip to French subsidiary I’ll visit Pierre Blanco in Paris on 2 May 2001 in the afternoon. Please book me return flight tickets and accommodation at Hilton Hotel for my three-day visit. In my absence, you should schedule and then fax me the arrangements for next week.


外贸商务英语邮件写作:推销产品 推销商品, Recommending Products 常用到的句子: I've just discovered the most amazing products.我刚发现这么棒的产品。 This product is not only reliable, but also economical.这个产品不仅值得信赖而且经济实惠。 I thought you might like to try this new product.我想您会愿意尝试这个新产品。 I was told that you are currently in the market for…我被告知您目前在寻找……的市场。 I would like to recommend…我想推荐这一产品。 Have you considered purchasing...您是否考虑购买…… I recommend this product with no reservations.我想毫无保留地向您推荐…… I think you'll be very satisfied with…我想您会对……非常满意的。 范例 Hi Joanne, I've just discovered the most amazing hair care products. Aren't you always complaining about how you can't get your curly hair to be straight? Well I want to tell you about this


软件项目进度报告 ——iBeyond Team开发团队 2011年9月5日

目录 一、报告时间及所处开发阶段 (3) 二、给出进度 (3) 三、所用时工 (3) 四、所有机时 (4) 五、工作遇到的问题及采取的措施 (4) 六、本周完成的结果 (5) 七、下周的工作计划 (5) 八、特殊问题 (5)

一、报告时间及所处开发阶段 本项目开发进度报告编写于项目开发的项目测试的后期阶段和文档编写阶段,具体的任务及人员分配如下表所示: 整理美化11天 8月26日--9月5日 丁方强、张利广周帮飞、赵易奇 整理完成文档7天 8月26日---9月1日 张利广 提交、验收5天 9月2日--9月5日 丁方强、张利广、周帮飞、赵易奇 二、给出进度 1.本周的主要活动 整理完成文档7天 8月26日---9月1日 张利广 提交、验收5天 9月2日--9月5日 丁方强、张利广、周帮飞、赵易奇 2.实际进展与计划比较 实际进度基本与计划相符! 三、所用时工 本项目所用时间如下: 项目工作表 具体任务预算时间人员分配 前期准备两周 7月13日-7月26日丁方强、赵易奇、周帮飞、 张利广 项目筹划分工3天 7月22-7月24 丁方强、赵易奇、周帮飞、 张利广 工程的建立及草图建立2天 7月25日-7月26日丁方强、赵易奇、周帮飞、 张利广 整体框架的搭建一周 7月27日-8月2日 丁方强 公交模块一周 7月27日-8月2日 张利广

火车出行模块一周 7月27日-8月2日 周帮飞 航班出行模块一周 7月27日-8月2日 赵易奇 地铁出行模块一周 7月27日-8月2日 丁方强 金融理财模块一周 7月27日-8月2日 赵易奇 旅行查询模块一周 7月27日-8月2日 赵易奇 日常生活查询一周 7月27日-8月2日 周帮飞 娱乐模块一周 8月2日-8月16日 赵易奇、周帮飞 历史记录模块一周 8月2日-8月16日 丁方强、张利广 软件介绍模块一周 8月2日-8月16日丁方强、张利广、赵易奇、 周帮飞 模块整理合并1天 8月17日丁方强、张利广、赵易奇、 周帮飞 各个模块优化3天 8月18日-8月20日丁方强、张利广、赵易奇、 周帮飞 美化界面产生第一个雏形软 件 5天 8月21日-8月28日 丁方强、张利广、赵易奇、 周帮飞、安鹏 软件整体代码优化两周 8月29日-9月11日丁方强、张利广、赵易奇、 周帮飞 软件测试两周 8月29日-9月11日 丁方强 文档整理两周 8月29日-9月11日 张利广 四、所有机时 与工事基本相同 五、工作遇到的问题及采取的措施 在整个测试阶段和文档编辑阶段,没有遇到技术上或者形式上的问题,唯一遇到的问题就是无法进行真机测试,在手机模拟器中运行完全正常的情况下是否会在真机测试时出问题目前不能保证。未来几天希望这个问题可以解决。


商务英语电子邮件写作格式及范文 BEC商务英语电子邮件写作格式 To:即这个e-mail发给谁,通常是接受者的电子邮件信箱。 From:即这个e-mail是谁发的,通常是发送者的电子邮件信箱。 CC: carbon copy 的缩写,愿意是用复写纸预写副本,在e-mail 中为抄送之意,即可同事把此邮件发给其他的人,有时也可写成copy to:。 Subject:即主题,也就是这封e-mail的主要内容是什么。 BEC商务英语电子邮件写作格式例子 例1 To:Mikezhang@abc. From:Lilylin@abc. CC: Suject:Pricing policy meeting Hi Mike! Well meet at 2pm tomorrow afternoon to discuss the pricing policy for our new product. Could you e and join us please let me know ASAP. 例2 To:Jamegreen@abc. From:Maryzhang@abc.

CC: Suject:Arranagement for a new employee A new employee will join our pany recently.please prepare a desk and a chair for him. Thanks! 例3 To:Green@microhard. From:Phillips@microhard. CC: Suject:Hotel Reservation Hi Green! Please make suitbale hotel reservation for Mr. and Mrs.Smith from evening of July 18 through morning of July 23. reservation [rezve()n] n. 预约,预订;保留 例4 To:Davidgreen@abc. From:Johnilu@sohu. CC: Subject:Letter for Application Dear Mr. Green I have seen your advertisement in the China Daily today and I would lik to apply for the post of sales manager.


https://www.360docs.net/doc/ca6874161.html, https://www.360docs.net/doc/ca6874161.html,/Handbook/BusinessLetter.html https://www.360docs.net/doc/ca6874161.html,/cs/onthejobenglish/a/a_basbletter.htm 电子商务,英语函电格式 Communication is a very integral part of living creatures,animals and https://www.360docs.net/doc/ca6874161.html,munication may be verbal or written.Written communication however is only applicable to human beings.Can you even imagine a world without communication?Verbal communication can be through telephones,webcams or in person.Written communication is through letters,emails and mobile phone messages. In today’s world of great inventions and technology,letters have somehow become redundant.It is the time for text messages or chats.But they still can communicate a lot more than all other modes of https://www.360docs.net/doc/ca6874161.html,anizations and various government departments still bank on letters as a strong medium of communication.There is no comparison in costs of sending letters as compared to costs of mobile phone messages though–letters are far cheaper.Letters now commonly known as“hard copy documents”are considered more relevant and important than email copies of text messages as proof or evidence of some sort. Letters speak volumes about a person or an organization that writes it.So one must take utmost care ensuring that the language used in any letter is appropriate for the occasion for which it is being written.Since a letter is also a written proof or document,if there are certain things that should not form a part of it,then that too should be carefully handled. Writing a good letter is an art.But if for some reason someone is unable to write that perfect letter,these different types of letters provide a base for you to build on.Sample letters have been given for everyone to understand what all information needs to form a part of the letter type and then it can be customized. Basic necessities while writing a letter: Good command over the language Tact Proper paragraph placement Correct letter type for an occasion Knowledge of basic content to be included in the letter Sample letters for all occasions,if possible There are letters for every occasion and an occasion for every https://www.360docs.net/doc/ca6874161.html, the occasion and you will find a letter for that. Do not know what to write for an occasion,click on the occasion for which the letter needs to be written and you will find it by referring to this website. Want to write a letter?Don’t worry,welcome to a plethora of letters! Guide to Basic Business Letters The basics of good business letter writing are easy to learn.The following guide provides the phrases that are usually found in any standard business letter.This basic of business letters are important because certain formulas are recognized and handled accordingly. Think of a basic business letter in three steps: 一.Introduction-The reason for writing The introduction helps the reader understand in which context the letter should be considered.Possibilities include job interview inquires,business opportunity requests,complaints,and more.Of course,Each type of business letter has its own standard phrases.
