














英语演讲稿5分钟左右 英语演讲是提高其英语综合运用能力的一个重要的手段,而英语演讲稿的撰写对于英语演讲的成败起着至关重要的作用。下面WTT小雅整理了5分钟左右英语演讲稿,供你参考。 honorable judges, fellow students: good afternoon! recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country? the cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. but the cynics are wrong. the college students i see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. we help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.


英语演讲语言技巧 英语演讲语言技巧 准备好演讲材料。 首先,对于一次英语演讲,一定要提前准备好演讲材料,可以收集大量的文献资料,完成演讲材料,一定要把自己想要表达的通过演讲材料很好地表现出来,一篇出色的演讲稿是完成出色演讲的关键。 勤奋的英语口语练习。 对于拟定好的英语演讲稿子,一定要在正式演讲之前,勤奋的练习稿子内容,熟悉每一个英语句子、每一个单词,把这些都要做好,对于英语稿子的整体发音要做到准确无误。 保持良好的状态。 在进行英语演讲的时候,一定要保持良好的状态,做到不紧张,轻松的对待整场的演讲,状态好了,整个演讲就会水到渠成,自然而然的发挥到淋漓尽致,这是完成一场出色的英语演讲的关键。 快速进入英语演讲状态。 在上台演讲时,利用好刚上台的几分钟,让自己的心情尽快的平静下来,脑海中的思路连贯起来,这样有利于自己快速的进入到演讲状态,必须全神贯注的进入到英语的演讲世界,那么舞台就是属于你的。 克服内心的压力。

相信每一个上台演讲的人内心或多或少都是有点压力的,一定要试着克服内心的压力,这样在演讲过程中就会少出差错,可以想象成自己一个人,其他人不存在,那么心情就会轻松很多啦。 必要的互动,情景交融。 英语演讲过程中,一定要适时的与听众进行互动,这是必要的,演讲过程中,面部表情以及手势都要做的合情合理,与演讲内容相符合,并能够辅助演讲内容,为演讲添精彩。 快速掌握英语演讲的窍门 1.Talk about what you know. 讲你所知。 如果可以的话,选择一个你熟悉和喜欢的话题,这样的话,你对这个话题的热情就会感染底下的观众,同时对于观众抛出的问题你也不会那么紧张。 2.Practice. 勤练习。 即便是出色的演讲者都会事先练习他们的演讲。用录音机或是摄像机将整个练习的过程记录下来,这样你就可以了解自己的表现从而发现哪些地方可以改进。如果你够勇敢的话,你也可以在朋友或是家人的面前练习,并向他们征求意见。 3.Visit the room. 事先熟悉演讲地点。 如果你可以提前进入你做演讲的地方,那就预先熟悉一


英语演讲与辩论教程 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:英语演讲与辩论 Online games impact on youngsters Recent years, many youngsters including lots of college students are addicted to computer games. They ignore that their main task is studying. Some youngsters even play computer games day and night. They don’t have any other hobbies except computer games. Their GPA is so low that they are facing the danger of expelled from school. For the students themselves who play online games all the day, they feel it excited when playing games. The world of the computer games is so beautiful and colorful that they even can’t distinguish what is the virtual world and

what is the real world. Games seemed like everything of their life. They can give up studying, give up having a meal, give up sleeping, give up making friends with others, give up staying with family, but what they can’t give up is playing games. However, their teachers and parents are worried about this. Teachers don’t want to see the scene that their students are thinking about how to play games in the class. Usually, just a part of students come to class, the other are playing games instead of having classes. Parents told their children that they shall study hard at school when their children leave home. But what upsets the parents is that the children are just playing online games at school. Online game sometimes can alleviate fatigue, but youngsters can’t be addicted to it which will damage their study and their health, even their future. So


英语辩论赛常用语集锦大全 英语辩论赛越来越受师生们的喜欢,辩手们想要赢得比赛学会掌握一些常用语是很必要的。下面是小编搜集整理的英语辩论赛常用语荟萃集锦,欢迎阅读。更多资讯请继续关注辩论赛栏目。 英语辩论赛常用语荟萃集锦 inmyopinion…我的意见是…… personallyIthink……我个人认为…… Ibelievethat……我相信…… Ithinkthat……我觉得…… thepointisthat……关键是……,要点是..... ifyouaskme……如果你问我…… I’dliketosaythis:……我会这样说…… I’dliketopointoutthat我想指出的是…… speakingformyself站在自己的立场上说…… inmyexperience…根据我的经验…… challenginganopinion质疑某种观点 thatcan’tbetrue那不可能是真的。 butwhatabout…?但关于……方面呢? clarifyingapoint阐述观点 whatIsaidwas…我刚才说的是…… whatImeantosaywas…我的意思是说…… letmerepeatwhatIsaid.让我重复我刚才所说的。

letmerephrasewhatIsaid.让我重申刚才所说的。 agreeingwithanopinion同意观点 ofcourse当然。 right.是的。 exactly.对。 that’strue.是那样。 sodoI.(neitherdoI.)我也这样认为。(不这样认为。) Iagreecompletely.我完全赞同。 Iagreewithyouentirely.我完全同意你所说的。 you’reabsolutelyright.显然你是对的。 that’sagoodpoint.这个看法不错。 Icouldn’tagreewithyoumore.我绝对赞成你。 Ifeelthesameway.我也持同样的想法。 disagreeingwithanopinion反对意见。 however,…然而…… Idon’tthinkso.我不那样认为d.Idon’tthink…我认为……不是那样的。 ontheotherhand…另一方面…… onthecontrary.相反的。 that’snot(entirely)true.那不(完全)正确。 Ican’tpossiblyagreewithyou.我不可能同意你。 Ihatetodisagreewithyou,but…我不喜欢反对你,但…… allright,butdon’tyouthink…?好吧,但难道你不觉得……


英语演讲稿:学历与能力 EducationalBackgroundshouldneverlosetheability Goodmoning,ladiesandgentlemen.mytopictodayis EducationalBackgroundshouldneverlosetheability . Talkingabouttheeducatinalbackgroundandability,there isonepeoplewe can'thelpthinkingup,thatisTangjun,whohasbeenregarde dasthe “kingofchineseemployees”,buthelosthisdreambecause joyesaidhiseducationalbackgroundisfake.Atthismoment ,sbsaidTangisnobodybecauseheiswithoutanyeducatinalb ackground,HoweverothersstillsaidTangissbbecauseheis https://www.360docs.net/doc/d08350665.html,diesandgentleman,whatdoyouthink?Beforeanswerit,Iwanttoaskanotherques tions"why areyousittingheretoday?whyamistandingheretoday?Forw hat?Educatinalbackground?Ability?ithinkbothofthem,everydayweworkhardforpursuinghighereducatinalbackgr

英语演讲稿 经典英语短篇演讲三篇

经典英语短篇演讲三篇 英语在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,联合国秘书长的当选条件之一,今天给大家分享一些经典英语短篇演讲,希望对大家有所帮助。 经典英语短篇演讲一 I work extremely hard every day, but I'm very tired. I need to work smarter, not harder. I must find better ways to do my job. I must find more time to enjoy life. I know hard work is a part of everybody's life. But I work too hard. My hard work is ruining my health. My hard work is killing me. Other people have time for fun, going to bars and going to parties. All I do is get in my car and go to work every day. This life is too hard. I need to make a fresh start. 经典英语短篇演讲二 Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening. Today I'd like to talk about the importance of smiling and kindness. Life is like a mirror. When you smile, people will smile back. When you treat other people kindly, they will treat you kindly in return. Try to spend one day smiling and being kind


我方坚持认为” 应该是脱口而出We firmly insist that,“开头的观点the beginning viewpoint”,“最后的陈词the final statement” Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... Ways to open a debate ?To set the framework for our opinion, we believe it is necessary to state… ?We would like to introduce our stand by giving the following definitions. … ?In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propose…. ? A number of key issues arise which deserve closer examination. ?We will elaborate one of the most striki ng features of this problem, namely… ?In the first place we would like to make clear that….The main argument focuses on…. 1. Giving Reasons and offering explanations: ?To start with…, The reason why..., That's why..., For this reason..., That's the reason why..., ?Many people think...., Considering..., Allowing for the fact that..., When you consider that..., 2. Asking for an opinion from the other party ?I would be glad to hear your opinio n of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。 ?Are you of the same opinion as me? 你与我的看法一致吗? ?I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对……问题怎么看。 ?well…what do you think (about ?Do you agree? (don't you agree?)你同意吗?(你是不是同意?) ?What's your view on the matter? how do you see it?你怎么看它? ?let‘s have your opinion.让我们听听你的意见! ?do you think that…?你认为…吗 3. Stating an opinion陈述观点 ?I think..., In my opinion..., I believe… I'd like to point out that我想指出的是… ?Speaking for myself站在自己的立场上说…In my experience…根据我的经验… ?I'd like to say this:…我会这样说… I'd rather..., I'd prefer..., ?The way I see it..., As far as I'm concerned...,就我而言,… ?If it were up to me..., I suspect that..., ?I'm pretty sure that..., It is fairly certain that..., ?I'm convinced that..., I honestly feel that…, ?I strongly believe that..., Without a doubt...


outline:leap over the great fire wall nicky specific purpose: to make a simple explanation of the leap over the great fire wall and indicate the great fire wall affecting students study and peoples daily life in some extent, then demonstrate some personal solutions for the problems which caused by the great fire wall. central idea: the great fire wall has both sides effects on our life so that we should focus on the bad effects and figure out how to solve these problems. introduction ⅰ. what does leap over the great fire wall exactly mean by now in china? 1.explanation:we still cannot find any accurate definition on it; however, we could give a simple explanation: we think chinese government considers that the internet should be blocked in some ways because it will multiply eroticism and violence without supervision; therefore, netizens named this phenomenon of searching the limited websites as leap over the great fire wall, in chinese, fanqiang. body ⅰ.according to this phenomenon, people generated a heating debate. 1. the pros: a).the great fire wall can help us stop spreading the negative information b).provides a healthy and green network environment. 2. the cons: a).it is on the pretext of spreading the negative information but for some politic profits: avoid spreading the information which is against the party. b).it is a good way for us to know how foreign friends look at our china ⅱ.the great fire wall creates some bad impact on the university students 1.it is easy for students to lose their sense of right and wrong. 2.it obstructed students critical thinking and the objective worldview. 4.it also obstructs the academic sources that students can be obtained, especially the external information. ⅲ.we have figured out some solutions based on the analysis and discussion. 1.the government should publish a law that blocking the bad information,while allowing the academic information for students; 2.we should appeal more and more netizens using their real names on the internet for protecting the teenagers affected by the bad information, while, it also can provide more privacy for the adults to search the internet freely at the same time; 5.the designer of the great fire wall should be more confident about our netizen because we can distinguish most of the fake vedio which is bad for our country. conclusion i. in a conclusion, we could have a deep understanding on the great fire wall from this problem-solving public speech. ii. moreover, we also found some bad influences of the great fire wall. iii. nevertheless, we have figured out some personal solutions for it by intense discussions.


英语演讲经典开头 英语是世界上最广泛的第二语言,也是欧盟的,最多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅少于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。今天小编给大家分享一些英语演讲经典开头,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语演讲经典开头一 1.goodmorningeverybody!It'smyhonortospeakhere,andIa mverygladtosharemytopicwithyou.ThentodayI'dliketota lksomethingabout..... 2.goodevening,ladiesandgentlemen,andwelcometotheeng lishspeakingcompetitionforgrade20XX.(掌声 ~~~)Firstofall,pleaseallowmetointroducemyself,yourh

ostfortoday.Imsammyfromclass6,grade20XX. Therearealltogether26contestantstocompeteintodaysen glishspeakingcompetition,allfromgrade20XX.Andthisco mpetitionwillbemediatedbyapaneloffivejudges.Alsoont hepanelare“questionmasters” whowillberesponsibleforraisingquestionsoftodaysco ntestants.now,Ihavethegreatprivilegeofpresentingtod aysjudges. 3.goodmorning,mydearteachersandmyfriends. itismygreatpleasuretostandheretointroducemyambition. thankyouforyourlistening. goodafternoon,teachersandmyfollewstudents. Todayiamgoingtotalkabout"mydream"


Unit 1 Motions Types of Motions: 1.Motions of value: they are motions of moral or philosophical rights or wrongs. E.g. ?Liberty should be valued more than equality. ?Capital punishment is inherently unjust. ? A benevolent dictatorship is the best form of government. ?It is moral to actively take one innocent life to save then others. 2.Motions of policy: they are plans for solving an extant problem. ?This House would abandon the civilian use of nuclear power. ?This House would prohibit speeches which incite hatred. ?This House believes that European Governments should pay parents to have children. 3. A closed motion has a limited scope for interpretation, a semi-closed motion has a larger scope and an open motion enjoys comparatively free interpretation. ? A closed motion : e.g. This House would abolish International Women’s Day.(FLTRP 2006) P14 While their counterparts are celebrating IWD happily in the urban areas, the women in the rural areas might be worried about food for their children, not to say for themselves. We have to remember that more than 30 million people in China are living under the poverty line, of which more than half are women. Ladies and gentlemen, having this in mind, do you still want to celebrate IWD? ? A semi-closed motion: the key terms in the motion should be delineated and the scope of the motion should be narrowed down to avoid the debate running in all directions. E.g.This House would intervene in Syria. P15 Intervention: economic, diplomatic, military Firstly, my might focus on diplomatic intervention and interpret the motion as follows: we are here to debate the motion. It is evident that this resolution is referring to the ongoing controversy in Syria. That is the basis for today’s debate. Our model is simple: requesting countries like Russia to issue pressures on the Assad Administration to negotiate with the protesters. Secondly, we might interpret the motion with regard to economic sanctions. Ladies and gentlemen, thousands of civilians in Syria are being killed or arrested simply because they have different opinions with the Assad Administration. We cannot act as onlookers any more. We are here to call for economic sanctions on the Assad Administration to force them to stop the cruel treatment to people’s proper appeals. Thirdly, we might interpret the motion in terms of military intervention. In 1982, at the climax of a six-year Islamic insurgency throughout Syria, President Hafez al-Assad ordered a scorched earth policy against the town of Hama to quell an uprising. In 1982, the world did nothing, and those with power that stood by are complicit in the deaths of those people. Thirty years later, the people of Syria once again need our help, and if we stand by and do nothing, their blood will on our hands. ?An open motion: a linkable motion, which allows a wide variety of definitions. E.g. This house believes that the glass is half full. (WUDC 1998) The motion is based on a famous allusion as to whether the glass is half full or half empty, and can be interpreted as “Most Chinese people are satisfied with their living standard.” Or “Women play an active role in the society.”


英语辩论常用语(外语083的同学们看过来!)2009-12-16 22:19 | (分类:Rebe is learning!) 一辩:FIRST DEBA TER 二辩:SECOND DEBATER 对方辩友,my fellow debaters 开始的陈词,Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... 如果想要驳斥对方的逻辑,进行假设:according to your logic 反对object to 观点opinion 总结summary 辩论常用短语荟萃 1. stating an opinion 陈述观点 a. in my opinion…我的意见是…… b. personally I think……我个人认为…… c. I believe that……我相信…… d. I think that……我觉得…… e. the point is that……关键是……, 要点是..... f. if you ask me……如果你问我…… g. I’d like to say this:……我会这样说…… h. I’d like to point out that 我想指出的是…… i. speaking for myself 站在自己的立场上说…… j. as far as I’m concerned,…就我而言,…… k. in my experience…根据我的经验……

l.Another point is that …另一点是…… m.Another way of looking at it is …看这个问题的另一个看法是……n.I forgot to say / tell you that…我忘记要讲…... 2. challenging an opinion 质疑某种观点 a. that can’t be true 那不可能是真的。 b. but what about…?但关于……方面呢? 3. clarifying a point 阐述观点 a. what I said was…我刚才说的是…… b. what I mean to say was…我的意思是说…… c. let me repeat what I sai d. 让我重复我刚才所说的。 d. let me rephrase what I said. 让我重申刚才所说的。 4. agreeing with an opinion 同意观点 a. of course 当然。 b. right. 是的。 c. exactly. 对。 d. that’s tru e. 是那样。 e. so do I. (neither do I.)我也这样认为。(不这样认为。) f. I agree completely. 我完全赞同。 g. I agree with you entirely. 我完全同意你所说的。 h. you’re absolutely right. 显然你是对的。 i. that’s a good point. 这个看法不错。


英语演讲稿3分钟范文 目前所出现的普遍问题是学生的英语演讲能力不高,在英语的灵活运用和演讲的技巧上有所欠缺。小编为你分享了英语演讲稿3分钟范文,希望能够帮到你。 英语演讲稿3分钟范文篇1 When George was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. He soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of tricks. George had a friend. His name was Mark. One day George offered to take Mark up in his plane. Mark thought, "I've travelled in a big plane several times, but I've never been in a small one, so I'll go." They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air. When they came down again, Mark was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking voice, "Well, George, thank you very much for those two trips in your plane." George was very surprised and said, "Two trips?" "Yes, my first and my last," answered Mark. 英语演讲稿3分钟范文篇2 Dear friends:I am a rich girl, because I have a lot of treasure. Friends are my treasures. Whenever I am sad and down, I know


TED英语演讲:你的语言习惯暴露了什么 深入了解语言学习,探索语言是通过什么样的排序方式来表达的,甚至有些词语比想象中用的地方更广泛。只要在学习过程中学会善于归纳总结。下面是WTT为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:你的语言习惯暴露了什么,欢迎借鉴参考。 演说题目:What our language habits reveal 演说者:Steven Pinker 照片里的人是Maurice Druon L'Academie francaise的荣誉终身秘书长-- 也就是法兰西学院穿着价值六万八千美元的豪华制服对法兰西学院来说倒很适合因为它规范着法语的正确用法使这门语言永世长存法兰西学院有两个主要任务它编纂官方的法语词典-- 他们目前在编第九部从1930年就开始了,现在编到了P字头。他们还规范正确的用法比如,电子邮件(email)在法语里的正确说法应该是“courriel” 他们告诉法国人,万维网(WorldWide Web) 应该被叫做“la toile d'araignee modiale”--“环球蜘蛛网” 诸如此类法国人民欣然忽略的建议。 这是语言产生的众多模型之一:也就是说,由一个学院来进行规范但任何懂得语言的人都意识到这是愚蠢的自负语言产生于人类心灵间的互动而在语言的不停变化中,这是显而易见的事实上,当法兰西学院完成他们的词典时它早已经过时了。

我们看到俗语和术语不断产生历史上语言在变化方言在分支新的语言在形成所以语言并不只是创造、塑造人性之物同样是反映人性的窗口我正在写的一本书中我希望能阐明人性的一些方面包括认知机能人们靠这个把世界概念化还有掌管人类互动的各类关系。今天早上,我将对它们逐一简要介绍。 让我从一个语言中的技术性问题开始我研究这个问题已经有一段时间了希望你们能包涵一下,包涵我对动词,和它们用法的热情问题在于,哪个动词用于哪个构式?动词是句子的基座,其他部分都安在这个基座上。 让我提醒你们一下这是你们早已忘记的东西。不及物动词,比如“用餐”(dine) 不能带有直接的宾语你得说:“山姆用餐了(Sam dined)“,而不是“山姆用餐了比萨饼(Sam dined the pizza.” 一个及物动词要求必须有宾语:“山姆吞吃比萨饼(Sam devoured the pizza)”。你不能只是说“山姆吞吃(Sam de voured)”。有许许多多这类的动词每个都塑造着句子。所以在解释孩子们如何学习语言时候,有一个问题同样也是教成人学外语语法时的一个问题以及给电脑编使用语言的程序时-- 在哪个构式里该用哪个动词? 比如,英语中的与格构式-- 可以说“Givea muffin to a mouse”,前置词与格,或者“Give a mouse a muffin”,双宾语与格,“Promise anything to her“,”Promise heranything“,等等。上百的动词可以两用。对于孩子,很容易


英语辩论赛常用语 A征求他人观点或意见的用语 I would be glad to hear your opinion of …我很乐意听听你对……的意见。 Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗? I was wondering where you stood on the question of …我想知道你对……问题怎么看。 B引入自己的新观点或看法的用语 Another point is that …另一点是…… Another way of looking at it is …看这个问题的另一个看法是…… I forgot to say / tell you that…我忘记要讲…... C就自己阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 That’s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。 Do you agree? I’m sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。 D就对方阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 As you said…像你所说的那样…… But didn’t you say that…?但是,难道你没说过……吗?、 If I understood you correctly, you said that…要是我理解正确的话,你说过…….

E如何礼貌地反对对方某一观点 I’m not sure really. Do you think so? Well, it depends. I’m not so certain. Well, I’m not so sure about that. I’m inclined to disagree with that. No, I don’t think so really. F如何强烈反对对方某一观点 I disagree. I disagree with you entirely. I’m afraid I don’t agree. I’m afraid you are wrong there. I wouldn’t accept that for one minute. You can't really mean that. You can’t be serious. 我觉得我们可以从以下方面去说: 国庆节的活动应有主题地开展,给每年的国庆节确定一个主题,围绕主题开展节日活动,以便让更多的人能通过这个特别的日子或产生对先辈们的敬意,或珍惜今天的幸福生活,或感
