

Lesson 33

Out of the darkness


课文详注Further notes on the text

1.Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. 几乎过了一个星期,那姑娘才能讲述自己的遭遇。



It will be months before he can come back.


He ran off before his mother could stop him.


2.One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. 一天下午,她乘小船从海岸出发,遇上了风暴。

(1)我们已经学过set out表示“出发”:

Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock.


set out from表示“从……出发”。

(2)be caught in表示某人“(突然)遇到/上(风暴等)”:

He was caught in a heavy rain on the way home.


3.Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. 她在海里游了整整一夜才游到岸边。

介词after的宾语是动名词spending及这个动名词的宾语、状语,这个结构在意义上等于after she had spent the whole nightin the water。

4.During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. 在那段时间里,她游了8英里。

(1)that time指上句话中提到的the whole night。


The bird covered the distance in three minutes.


(3)表示具体的距离可以用“a distance of+ 具体长度”这个结构。

5.high up on the cliffs,在高高的峭壁上。


6.On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towardsthe light she had seen.


(1)“on+ 动名词”相当于as soon as或when 引导的时间状语从句:

On reaching the airport, he was arrested by the police.


(2)she had seen为the light的定语从句,关系代词that/which省略了。

(3)up 在此处为介词,表示“沿着……往上”。

7.That was all she remembered. 她所记得的就是这些。

that指前面(从第2句话开始)描述的内容。she remembered为all 的定语从句,关系代词that(不能用which)被省略了。

语法Grammar in use


(1)表示“上”、“下” 的两对小品词是on和off,up和down:Jim's standing on the roof.

I hope he won't fall off.吉姆正站在房顶上。我希望他不会掉下来。

Tom's climbing up the tree. I hope he won't fall down.汤姆正在爬树。我希望他不要摔下来。

(2)表示“来”、“去” 的一对小品词是from和to;towards的意义与to相近,表示“朝”、“向”、“接近”等;for在有些动词后面也表示“往”、“向”的意思:

He came from Moscow. He's going to New York.


The plane flies from Moscow to New York.


He went towards the shop quickly.


He went for home.


He left/ set out for New York yesterday.


(3)表示“进去”、“出来” 这两种方向的介词为into和out of;表示“在某个地方”或“在……里面/外面”可用at,in,out of等;表示目的地或位置往往用at:When did you come into the restaurant?


You weren't in the restaurant when I come in.


We ran out of the house.


We arrived in the country on Sunday.


We arrived at the station in the evening.


(4)表示“穿过”、“越过”、“绕过” 等动作时,往往用through,across,under,over,round等介词:

词汇学习Word study



You passed me without even noticing me!


Your sister passed me in her new car, driving at great speed.


I've passed/ past my French test.


A month has passed/ past since I left home.


(2)past可以作形容词、介词、名词等。作形容词时表示“以前的”、“过去的”等:Many things happened in the post week.


Frank is proud of his past experiences.



He has just walked past me.


His words are past my understanding.



Can you tell me something about your past?


In the past, we used to gather under the Town Hall clock to welcome the New Year. 我们过去常聚集在市政厅的大钟下面迎新年。


next表示时间顺序上“紧接的”、“下一个”。如果以现在为基准,则next前一般不加the;如果以过去或将来的某一时间为基准,则next前面要加the或其他修饰词:See you next Friday.


Mary phoned the next day to tell us that she couldn't come to the party.


the other day指时间时可以有a few days ago的意思:

Mary phoned the other day to tell us that she had arrived in London.



A 1 The girl set out from the coast.

2 She jumped into the sea.

3 She swam to the shore.

B 1 to 2 from/out of 3 (up) to 4 for/ from

5 from…to/ to…from

6 at

7 to

8 from

C ( sample answers)

1 A bird flew into the room.

2 The parachutist jumped from the aeroplane.


新概念英语第二册课堂笔记:第33课Lesson 33 darkness n 黑暗 explain v 解释,叙述 coast n 海岸 storm n 暴风雨 towards prep 向,朝,接近 rock n 岩石,礁石 shore n 海岸 light n 灯光 ahead adv 在前面 cliff n 悬崖,峭壁 struggle v 挣扎 hospital v 医院 in the darkness 在黑暗中 explanation n 解释 Could you give me an explanation能给我一个解释吗? interpret n 解释,(强调翻译)语言之间的解释 interpretor 翻译 bank 河岸,(两边比水面高) coast 地理意义上的海岸,地平线等,感觉旁边是岩石,很陡峭

seashore 海岸,(跟游玩相关系) seaside 旁边是沙滩,能够实行日光浴的感觉 snowstorm 暴风雪 thunderstorm 雷雨 rain heavily 表示雨吓得很大 pour倾倒 the rain is pouring。倾盆大雨 It's raining cats and dogs。滂沱大雨 towards 强调nearer and nearer rock 表示huge stone asleep,awake,alive,ahead a开头的往往是表语形容词,不管是作表语形容词 还是副词,都放在名词的后面,一般形容词放在名词的前面 pretty flowers light ahead 1、放在被修饰词的后面作定语 2、ahead of在什么前面 he went ahead of me 3、go ahead朝前走,请随便 Would you mind my using your phone?


Lesson 33 Out of the darkness 冲出黑暗 课文详注Further notes on the text 1.Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. 几乎过了一个星期,那姑娘才能讲述自己的遭遇。 (1)这句话有两个从句。before一直到结尾是句子的时间状语从句。在这个从句中,explain又有自己的宾语从句,what为这个从句的主语。 (2)before在引导时间状语从句时,有时不一定译为“在……之前”,虽然表达的是这个意思,如文中的这句话。类似的情况有: It will be months before he can come back. 要过好几个月他才能回来。 He ran off before his mother could stop him. 他母亲还没来得及阻止他,他就跑掉了。 2.One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. 一天下午,她乘小船从海岸出发,遇上了风暴。 (1)我们已经学过set out表示“出发”: Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock.

艾利森船长将于8点钟启航。 set out from表示“从……出发”。 (2)be caught in表示某人“(突然)遇到/上(风暴等)”: He was caught in a heavy rain on the way home. 他在回家途中遇到了大雨。 3.Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. 她在海里游了整整一夜才游到岸边。 介词after的宾语是动名词spending及这个动名词的宾语、状语,这个结构在意义上等于after she had spent the whole nightin the water。 4.During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. 在那段时间里,她游了8英里。 (1)that time指上句话中提到的the whole night。 (2)cover可以笼统地表示“行过(一段路程)”,根据上下文可具体译为“走过”、“飞过”、“游过”等: The bird covered the distance in three minutes. 这只鸟用3分钟飞完了全程。 (3)表示具体的距离可以用“a distance of+ 具体长度”这个结构。 5.high up on the cliffs,在高高的峭壁上。 up为形容词,表示“在上面的”、“高高的”、“在较高处的”,high为副词,修饰up。


Lesson 33 A day to remember 难忘的一天 New words and expression 生词和短语 prelude['prelju?d]n. 序幕,前奏 prelude与介词to搭配表示“……的前奏”key/ way/ answer的所有格用to a prelude to serious trouble 麻烦事的前奏 omen ['??m?n] n. 预兆;征兆什么的征兆the omen of 用的是of introduction n. 导言,绪论(连to)introduction to the book preface [?pref.?s] n. 序,前言(连to)foreword n. 序(连to) preface 指作者或编者为说明全书的目的、范围、编辑方法等在序言之前写的一段简短的序文。introduction 普通用词,指任何作品开头对读者或听众说明或介绍该作品,起引导作用的结论部分,和全书内容是一致的。 Unforeseen [?nf??'si?n] a. 意料之外的 foresee v. 预见,预知(主语是人) foresee = see before hand / in advance I foresee a bright future for you. foreseeable a. 可预见的unforeseeable 不可预见的 expected 意料之中的(生活中常用) foretell v. (普通用词)预言(主语可用人和物) predict v. 预言,预示(1、语气比foretell强2、主语是人) He predicts that it would happen in ten years. forecast v. 预测,预报Timely snow foretells bumper harvest. 瑞雪兆丰年。 Fore前缀表示1、前部的(空间),前面的(时间)2、预先 1、forehead forearm前臂forefinger食指foreword前言(写在〔书〕前面的话→前言) Forerunner 先驱,先兆forefather祖先foresight 远见 2、foresee forecast foretell forestall阻止(预先制止) series ['s??ri?z; -r?z] n. 系列 series 单复数同型常见搭配a serie s of We’ve got a series of good harvest. 我们取得了一连串的大丰收。 chain n. 连串连锁 a chain of 一系列 a chain of reaction a series of reaction chain store 连锁店chain reaction 连锁反应 succession [s?k'se?(?)n] 一连串,一系列侧重指时间的顺序,强调时间的连续没有间隔开 a succession of failures 一系列的失败We’ve got a succession of successes. Sequence 一系列; 一连串 series 指按照性质类似或基本相同的关系而安排的一系列事物。 Chain指像链条一样连接在一起的一连串事物,有时彼此间含因果关系。 succession 侧重一些类似的东西或事件一个接一个连续不断。 sequence 多指时间、空间或事件等有规律、合乎逻辑的连续(衔接的次序)。可以是发生的先后顺序,也可以是逻辑顺序。 string (本意是细绳、串)连续不断相似的事件(类似chain) a string of cars 一连串的汽车 catastrophe [k?'t?str?f?] n.. 大祸,灾难 这个词强调严重,波及范围广的灾难


Lesson 33 A fine day!教学设计 一、教学目标 1、知识与技能 (1)认读新单词:day、cloud、sky、sun、shine、with、family、walk、over bridge、boat、river、ship、airplane、fly 重点句型: There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. There are some boats on the river. They are walking over the bridge. Sally is looking at a big ship. The airplane is flying over the river. (2)熟练运用现在进行时造句; (3)能够借助课文中的照片和图片,进行看图说话; (4)根据所给的图片写一篇短文; 2、过程与方法 (1)通过读单词和句子,了解有现在进行时态以及其句子结构和动词的特点;(2)通过听和读,了解文章大意; (3)通过课文学习,逐步达到仿写句子和短文的目的; 3、情感态度与价值观 (1)激发和保持学生英语学习的动机,实现“趣能”两得; (2)通过学习这篇文章,教育学生要热爱家人,热爱生活,对生活充满热情; 二、教学重难点 1、学习新单词、短语及重点句型; 2、了解并正确运用有现在进行时造句; 3、复述课文。 三、教学用具 MP3播放器 四、教学过程 Step1. Warming up and preparation: 1) Greetings. T: Goodmorning, boys and girls!


Lesson 33 0ut of darkness 冲出黑暗 Why was the girl in hospital? Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. Early next morning, she saw a light ahead. She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. That was all she remembered. When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital. 参考译文 几乎过了一个星期,那姑娘才能讲述自己的遭遇。一天下午,她乘小船从海岸出发,遇上了风暴。天将黑时,小船撞在了一块礁石上,姑娘跳进了海里。她在海里游了整整一夜才游到岸边。在那段时间里,她游了8英里。第二天凌晨,她看到前方有灯光,知道自己已经接近岸边了,因为那灯光是在高高的峭壁上。到达岸边后,姑娘朝着她看到的灯光方向挣扎着往峭壁上爬去。她所记得的就是这些。第二天她醒来时,发现自己躺在医院里。 【New words and expressions】(12) darkness n.[u]黑暗,漆黑 反义词brightness光明 eg. The house was complete darkness.这个房子一片漆黑。 dark [da:k] 1) adj.黑暗的,漆黑的(light) a dark street 黑暗的街道 a dark night 黑漆漆的晚上 2)深色的,暗色的 dark suit 深色的西服 dark hair 深色的头发 3)阴暗的,忧郁的 dark expression忧郁的表情 4)不吉利的 a dark sheep in his family 害群之马 a dark horse 黑马(竞赛中实力不明但被认为可能获胜的人) adj.+ness(名词后缀)n. dark-darkness careful--- carefulness

新概念英语第一册第33-34课A fine day

新概念英语第一册第33-34课:A fine day Lesson 33 A fine day晴天 听录音,然后回答问题。琼斯一家人在哪里? It’s a fine day today. 今天天气好。 There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. 天空中飘着几朵云,但阳光灿烂。 Mr Jones’s with his family. 琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。 They are walking over the bridge. 他们正在过桥。 There are some boats on the river. 河上有几艘船。 Mr Jones and his wife are looking at them. 琼斯先生和他的妻子正在看这些船。 Sally is looking at a big ship. 莎莉正在观看一艘大船。 The ship is going under the bridge. 那船正从桥下驶过。 Tim is looking at an airplane. 蒂姆正望着一架飞机。 The airplane is flying over the river. 飞机正从河上飞过。

New Word and expressions 生词和短语day n. 日子 cloud n. 云 sky n. 天空 sun n. 太阳 shine v. 照耀 with prep. 和……在一起 family n. 家庭(成员) walk v. 走路, 步行 over prep.跨越,在……之上 bridge n. 桥 boat n. 船


新概念英语第二册课文注释Lesson31 1.Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. 在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理,但他小时侯却在一家小铺里做工。 (1)head在此处的意思不是人或动物的“头部”,而是“首领”、“头目”,一般出现在“the head of +名词”结构中: John is the head of the family. 约翰是一家之主。 Frank is the head of that firm. 弗兰克是那家公司的总裁。 (2) as在这里为介词,表不“当……时”,as a boy相当于 as he was a boy。 2.It was his job to repair bicycles…他那时的工作是修理自行车…… it为“先行主语”,句子的真正主语为to repair bicycles。 3.He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. 他靠多年积蓄,于1958年买下了自己的一个小铺子。 (1)for years表示“许多年”。 (2)of one's own为固定短语,表示“自己的”、“属于自己的”,own为代词: He wanted a room of his own. 他想要一个自己的房间。 Do you have a house of your own? 你有自己的房子吗? 4.in one's twenties,(在某人)二十多岁的时候。 one's twenties/thirties/forties…,二十多岁/三十多岁/四十多岁……10的倍数的复数形式可用于表达近似的、非确定的数量,与所有格形容词(my等)连用时表示大约的年龄:


Lesson 33 Out of the darkness 1. 2.Johnny _______________ to keep up with his father, but he was always one step behind. 3. A snowball ________________ him on the back of the head. 4.Kate ________________ for the house on the other side of the bay. 5.I’ll ________ you ________when it’s time to leave. 6.How many hours will it take to ________________ 750 km if a car is traveling at 100km per hour? 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 闲逛了半天之后,他发现自己又回到了酒店。 After wandering around for half a day, he found himself ________________. 2. 汤姆和玛丽1985年结婚,两年后他们离婚了。 Tom and Mary got married in 1985. ________________, they were divorced. 3. 三个人从窗户跳下去逃生了。 Three people saved themselves by ________________. 4. 他朝车站走去。 He headed________________. 从[A]、[B]、[C]、[D]四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. I was just going to cut my rose bushes but someone ______it. Was it you? (2010, 福建高考卷) [A] has done [B] had done [C] would do [D] will do 2. Scientists say it may be five or six years it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.(2004, 福建高考卷) [A] since [B] after [C] before [D] when 3. —Could you do me a favour? —It depends on _______ it is. (2006, 北京高考卷) [A] which [B] whichever [C] what [D] whatever 4. John thinks it won’t be long ______ h e is ready for his new job. (10陕西高考卷) [A] when [B] after [C] before [D] since 用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 1.Two years ________ (pass) before they met each other again at the party. 2.Let me explain what ________ (happen) to her last week. 3.—George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding? —No, I ________(not invite). Did they have a big wedding? 4.They went to the seaside after ________ (finish) their homework. 5.The old lady broke down on ________ (hear) her son’s dea th. 6.That was all I ________ (can) think of at the moment. 1


新概念英语单词第一册第33课:晴天 day [de] 日子 cloud[klad] 云 【单词例句】 A: Look. there are thick black clouds in the sky. A:看,天空中乌云密布的。 B: Yes, it looks as if a thunder storm is cormng in.B:是啊。看起来,一场雷雨即将来临。 sky [ska] ?天空 【派生词】skyscraper摩天大厦 【单词搭配】in the sky在空中 【单词例句】 A: What's that in the sky? A:天空中那是什么? B:It seems to be a kite. B:好像是个风筝。 sun [sn] ?太阳 【派生词】sunshine阳光 sunbath目光浴 sunflower向日葵【搭】in the sun在阳光下 【单词例句】

A:I think you enjoy the beach here. A:我想你喜欢这儿的海滩。 B:Yes, the sun is warm, but it doesn’t bum. B:是的。这儿阳光灿烂,但不晒。 shine [an] ?v照耀 【单词扩充】shiny发光的 【单词搭配】rain or shine无论发生什么事情 【单词例句】 A: How nice the weather is! A:天气真不错! B: It certainly is.The sun is shining but there'S a pleasant breeze. B:的确不错。阳光明媚,和风宜人。 with [we] prep.和……在一起 【单词例句】 A: We' re having a picnic tomorrow. Why don't you come with us? A:我们明天去野餐。何不和我们一起去呢? B: I'd like to, but I think it is going to rarn. B:我很想,但我认为会下雨。 family['fml; -m()l-] 家庭(成员) 【单词搭配】familylife家庭生活 family tree家谱


一、用复数形式改写以下句子 01. This is my friend. 02. She is a good student. 03. That is her hat. 04. I am a new student. 二、用所给的词语组成句子 01.is, a, refrigerator, the, in, kitchen, there 02.picture, are, he, on, wall, the 03.boy, is, the, sitting, the, tree, under 04.his, mother, is, making, the, bed 三、翻译 我正在看书:______________________________________________________________ 桌子上有一本书:__________________________________________________________ 这是你的钢笔吗?_________________________________________________________ 四、句型转换(变一般疑问句) This is a new pen. ________________________________________________ There is a pen on the desk.________________________________________________ 五.阅读理解,判断正误,正确的打上(T),错误的打上(F). There is a picture of my bedroom. It is a nice room. It is big and bright(亮).The desk is near the window. You can see books and pens on it. An orange ball is under the chair in the corner. It is my brothers ball. My bed is brown. It is beside the chair. You can see the new shirts on my bed. They are in the bag. They are Mums presents. They are for me. I like my room very much. ( ) 1. This is a picture of my classroom. ( )2. The ball in the corner is orange. ( ) 3. My bed is near the window. ( ) 4. The presents are from my mum. ( ) 5. My bedroom is not good.

新概念2 33课文本

★darkness n. 黑暗 in the darkness 在黑暗中(在没有光线的情况下) ★explain v. 解释, 叙述 explanation n. 解释 Could you give me an explanation? 能给我一个解释吗? interpret v. 解释, (强调翻译)语言之间的解释 interpreter n. 解释程序,解释者,口译人员,翻译员,讲解员 interpretation n. 解释, 阐明, 口译, 通译 interpretress n. 女翻译员 ★coast n. 海岸(地理意义上的海岸, 海岸线等, 感觉旁边是岩石, 很陡峭seashore n. 海岸(跟游玩有关系, 为了游玩的) seaside n. 海边 seashore/ seaside 给人的感觉是旁边是沙滩, 可以进行日光浴的感觉 bank n. 河岸,坝,堤(两边比水面高) ★storm n. 暴风雨 (只解释为“风暴”) snowstorm n. 暴风雪 thunderstorm n. [气]雷暴,雷雨 rain heavily 表示雨下得很大 pour v. 灌注, 倾泻, 涌入, 流, 倾盆大雨 The rain is pouring. 倾盆大雨 It's raining cats and dogs. 滂沱大雨 ★towards prep. 向, 朝, 接近 towards 强调nearer and nearer(强调越来越近) ★rock n. 岩石, 礁石 rock 表示huge stone (huge adj 巨大的, 极大的, 无限的) ★ahead adv. 在前面 a开头的词(asleep,awake,alive,ahead,alight…)往往是表语形容词。不管是作表语形容词,还是副词,都放在名词的后面,一般形容词放在名词的前面 ahead 的用法: ①放在被修饰词的后面作定语, 定语后置 light ahead 前方的灯光 ② ahead of…在……前面 He went ahead of me. 他走在我前面 ③ go ahead 朝前走;请随便(回答请求时用) --Would you mind my using your telephone? --Ok, go ahead. --Can I smoke here? --Go ahead. /Sorry +一个原因(可能是事实, 可能是个借口) ★hospital v. 医院 hospital前面是否加the,和它的功能有关系,一旦+the, 只表示地点 go to hospital 看病; go to the hospital 去医院(看望病人) in hospital 住院; in the hospital 在医院 ★darkness n. 黑暗 in the darkness 在黑暗中(在没有光线的情况下)

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第三十三课 课文讲解.

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记第三十三课课文讲解 老猴子咬菜根学习交流 Lesson 33 Out of the darkness Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. Early next morning, she saw a light ahead. She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. That was all she remembered. When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital. 参考翻译: 几乎过了一个星期,那姑娘才能讲述自己的遭遇。一天下午,她乘小船从海岸出发,遇上了风暴。天将黑时,小船撞在了一块礁石上,姑娘跳进了海里。她在海里游了整整一夜才游到岸边。在那段时间里,她游了8英里。第二天凌晨,她看到前方有灯光,知道自己已经接近岸边了,因为那灯光是在高高的峭壁上。到达岸边后,姑娘朝着她看到的灯光方向挣扎着往峭壁上爬去。她所记得的就是这些。第二天她醒来时,发现自己躺在医院里。 1、Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. passed pass v. 经过 eg. He passed my house this morning. 今天早上他经过我家。 pass the exam 考试及格


新概念英语第一册课文详解及英语语法33-34 1.It is a fine day today.今天天气好。 句中的it是指天气。又如:Is it cold today? 今天冷吗?No, it isn't. 不,不冷。 2.some clouds,几朵云。 some既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。如:some tables一些椅子(可数名词),some milk一些牛奶(不可数名词)。 3.There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining.天空中飘着几朵云,但阳光灿烂。 这句是并列句,由两个分句构成,连词but表明分句之间存在着对比及转折关系。两分句之间大多要用逗号,有时可不用逗号。 4.Mr. Jones is with his family.琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。 句中with是介词,表示“和……一起”。family是指“家里的人”或“家庭成员”。 5.They are walking over the bridge.他们正在过桥。 句中的over有“穿过”的意思。又如:The aeroplane is flying over the river. 飞机正在河上飞过。 The birds are flying over the house. 鸟儿在屋上飞过。 over还可表不“在……上方”(不接触表面),如:The sky is over our heads. 天空在我们头顶上。 6.There are some boats on the river. 河上有几艘船。 句中on意为“在……上面”(接触表面)。又如:There is a book on the table. 桌上有一本书。 7.The ship is going under the bridge. 那船正从桥下驶过。 句中under意为“在……下面(或下方)”。如:There is a dog under the tree. 树下有只豿。 ship一般指海洋中行驶的大船。boat一词指河中行驶的小船。另外:aeroplane(英国英语),airplane(美国英语),飞机(正式用语);plane,飞机(非正式用语)。


二、按要求改写句子 1、The boy is playing basketball. 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定回答否定回答 对划线部分的提问 2、造句 1)she, the window, open, now. (用现在进行时连词成句) _____________________ 2)is,who,the window,cleaning?(连词成句)__________________________________ 3)She is closing the door now.(改成否定句)_________________________________ 4)You are doing your homework.(用I作主语改写句子)_______________________ 5)they,the tree,sing,now,under.(用现在进行时连词成句)_______________________ 6)The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句)_____________ Open the window. 同义句:否定句:

Don’t air the room. 同义句: You must dust the dressing table. 同义句: 一般疑问句: You mustn’t put on your coat. 同义句: Shut the door. Do not ________ the door. Put on your blouse. Do not ______ ____ your blouse. Don’t turn on the stereo. ________ ________the stereo. ________(take ) off your shirt. She __________(turn) on the light now. Don’t ________(read) the newspapers. You mustn’t ________(walk) across the grass. Look! You _______________(cross) the road. They__________(put) on the watch now. _______________(put) off your shirt.


Less on 33 Out of the dark ness 用所给单词或短语的正确形式填空。 1. We ________________ i n a rainstorm on the way here. 2. Johnny ______________ to keep up with his father, but he was always one step behi nd. 3. A snowball ______________ him on the back of the head. 4. Kate________________ for the house on the other side of the bay. 5. I ' ll ________ you ________ when it ' s time to leave. 6. How many hours will it take to _______________ 750 km if a car is traveling at 100km per hour? 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 闲逛了半天之后,他发现自己又回到了酒店。 After wan deri ng around for half a day, he found himself ______________ . 2. 汤姆和玛丽1985年结婚,两年后他们离婚了。 Tom and Mary got married in 1985. ________________ , they were divorced. 3. 三个人从窗户跳下去逃生了。 Three people saved themselves by ________________ . 4. 他朝车站走去。 He headed ______________ . 从[A]、[B]、[C]、[D]四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. I was just going to cut my rose bushes but some one _____ it. Was it you? (2010, 福建咼考卷) [A] has done [B] had done [C] would do [D] will do 2. Scientists say it may be five or six years __________ it is possible to test this medici ne on huma n patie nts.(2004,福建高考卷) [A] since [B] after [C] before [D] whe n 3. — Could you do me a favour? —It depends on _______ it is. (2006,北京高考卷) [A] which [B] whichever [C] what [D] whatever 4. John thinks it won ' t be long e is ready for his new job. (10陕西高考卷) [A] whe n [B] after [C] before [D] since 用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 1. Two years _______ (pass) before they met each other again at the party. 2. Let me explain what _______ (happen) to her last week. 3. — George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedd ing? —No, I ________ (not in vite). Did they have a big weddi ng? cover a/the wake up

新概念一 Lesson 33课文

NCE1 Lesson 33 It’s a fine day today There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. Mr Jones’s with his family. They are walking over the bridge. There are some boats on the river. Mr Jones and his wife are looking at them. Sally is looking at a big ship. The ship is going under the bridge. Tim is looking at an airplane. The airplane is flying over the river. New Word and expressions 生词与短语 day n. 日子cloud n. 云sun n. 太阳 shine v. 照耀with prep. 和……在一起family n. 家庭(成员)walk v. 走路, 步行over prep.跨越,在……之上bridge n. 桥 boat n. 船river n. 河ship n. 轮船 airplane n. 飞机fly v. 飞sky n. 天空 词组拓展: look over ________ look after ________ look around ________ look at ________ look back ________ look down ________ look like ________ look down upon/on________ look out ________ 本文参考译文 今天天气好。 天空中飘着几朵云,但阳光灿烂。 琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。 他们正在过桥。 河上有几艘船。 琼斯先生和他的妻子正在看这些船。 莎莉正在观看一艘大船。 那船正从桥下驶过。 蒂姆正望着一架飞机。 飞机正从河上飞过。
