美剧笔记小整理 2

老友记 Season 5,EP 21:

1.pull off(Vt.):赢得,努力实现(见下方绝望主妇中的同义:land);pull over(Vi.):停车,开到路边


3.hold in:约束 抑制 保密 ;eg:I can't hold the secret in any more.

4.[口]Good for you!Way to go! 不错啊!祝贺你!~

way to go: good job;congratulations

5.handle(Vt.):对待 处理 面对

6.jinx:使倒霉;n.不详物 eg:I don't want to jinx it.

7.straight: 连续的 eg:2 straight hours

8.[口]The way I see it is that...

9.trip sb up:使犯错;使扳倒

10.have the last laugh

11.[俚]flip out:发疯 精神错乱

12.[口]good for nothing:毫无价值

13.verge:边缘 eg:on the verge of tears

14.[俚]be stuck with:被...缠住无法摆脱



17.make one's flesh creep:令人毛骨悚然

18.[俚]pump up:活力十足,精神百倍

19.[俚]suck it up;1.to cope with sth unpleasant without complaining - usually because you have no choice. 2.Quit whining,suck it up and drive on. eg:Wise up,suck it up,and head up.放聪明点,别管其他的,去就是了。

20.[俚]gut check:a test of will power,courage,fortitude,etc.

21.[俚]look alive:an excalmatory phrase used to urge one to go about whatever task they are working on at a higher speed,to work faster.

Desperate Housewives Season 2 EP 11:

22.push the boundaries:推动边界-->挑衅

23.put one's foot down:坚决反对;下定决心(反对什么)

24.band geek: 乐队沉迷者 geek:怪人,沉迷的人

25.get your licks in:used to say you manage to get your arguments into the discussion

26.secret crush:暗恋(对象)

27.rip my heart out:撕碎我的心,比break my heart更加生动,rip out:撕开,扯掉

28.Those scars healed(Vi.) a long time ago.

29.[美口]bug(Vt.):扰乱,使人心烦 eg:It kind of bugged me.

30.I don't want to make a big deal out of it.

31.Betty never R.S.V.P'd. R.S.V.P.:法语,要求回复,答复邀请

32.I sense a little tension.我觉得有点火药味。

33.make a pass at sb:勾引,讨好某人 = flirt with sb

34.wet kiss:湿吻,热吻 plant a big,wet kiss

35.hilarious:extremely funny

36.dawn on:理解,醒悟 Bree:Yeah,but to be fair to Lynette,you are an ex-model.And surely it must have dawned on you that some women might prefer it if you didn't kiss their husbands.

37.work up:引发,激发-->get worked up:兴奋的,激动的 upset or excited about

38.[口]on the bright side,....:往好的方面来说,来想


40.do a report:写报告;reading list:参考书目

41.There are people in this neighborhood who aren't thrilled that we're back. -- to make sb feel excited an happy


43.[口]not exactly:不太确定

44.On second thought,...:经过重新考虑,如何如何

45.Oh,and you didn't turn into a pillar of salt.Good for you. 源自圣经故事,变成一颗盐柱



48:ship sb off (to sp)

49.property appraisal:财产评估

50.[口]This is my turf. 这是我的地盘

51.[口]You don't want to mess with me.不要惹我。(口语里往往有这种用对话者做主语否定,表示命令的说话方式。我记得还有如 You have no idea. 你肯定想不到。)

52.[口]I'm part of the reason (that) things get so screwed up.

53.[口]Don't get me wrong. 不要误会我,不要误解。

54.cut the (mother's) apron strings.变得独立;摆脱对母亲的依赖

55.throw up:呕吐

56。immediate family:直系亲属

57.[口]A surprise seeing you here.= What bring you here? 见到你真让我吃惊,什么风把你给吹来了

58.[口]I'll let you even the score.我让你扯平。

59.Dangling the affair over my head.老是提那件外遇的事情。

60.knock oneself out:1.把自己弄的精疲力竭;2.尽最大努力

61.flame:情人;call girl:应召女郎


63.drool over:垂涎于

64.[口]Is the coast clear?矛盾解决了吗?

65.be off base:完全错误,大错特错(couldn't be more wrong)


67.Patch up:修补,平息

68.cheesed[英俚]:恼怒的,厌烦的 eg:be cheesed off with



71.The act itself never varies.But each kiss carries with it a meaning all its own.It can convey a husband's eternal devotion.Or a wife's enormous regret.It can symbolize a mother's growing concern.Or a lover's growing passion.But whatever its meaning,each kiss reflects a basic human need.The need to connect to another human being.This desire is so strong.It's always amazing when some people don't understand it.
